HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.08.15I A rregular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held I glv6n-date. _Meetlng caIled to orden at-B:pO p.m. - Mayonl- Byr.d ln the Chah:. BurlLngame, Callfonnla Augwt l-5, t96o 445 on the above Pno Tempore CALL TO ORDM PI,FJGE OF ALI,EGIANC Present - Councllmen:Absent - C orurc 1Imen: Byr"d - Johns on-Lone nz Mongan-Rooth At wond from the Chalr all ln the Councll Chamber arose and gave the?1edge of Alleglance to the FIag. ROLL CALL Mayon Morgan and Councllman Rooth, absent because of lllness, were excused on motLon of Councllman Lor:enz and seconded by Councilman Johns on. MINUTES PREVIOUS IVIEETTNG The mlnutes of the meetlng of August 1, 1960, aubmltted previously to Councl1, were uranlmously appnoved and adopted on motLon of Councllman Johnson and seconded by Counc llman Lorenz. I{EARI],IG STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALTFORNIA REI APPEALING DECTSlO}I DENY:ING CONSTRUCTION NEW DRTI/EWAY Ihe Chal:: announced that thls was the t ime and the place scheduled to conduct a pub1lc hearlng on an appeal from the decislon of the Planning Cormission ln its deni.al of that portlon of a nequest from the Standar.dOil C ompany of Callfornla to construct a new entnance drive altd exltdrive on 1ts pr.openty at the lntersectLon of Burlingame Avenue and EI Camino Real-. Mr. D. C. Meckfessel, a r:epr:es entat ive of the Standa::d 011 Company ln attendance, lrefer?ed to a communicatlon from that company to the Clty Councl1, dated Augr:s t 1, 1960, advlslng that the Plannlng Commisslonr subsequent to a publlc heaning, had granted a variance penmittlng the :relocation of faclllties beyond the r"equlred twonty foot setback onEl Camlno Real, subJect to the condltion that the proposed northerly dni veway on E1 C amLno ReaI be elimlnated fnom the proposed p1ans. l(r. Meckfessel, by a blackboard dnawlng, indlcated the pnoposed modenn-ization of the service statlon; the r.emoval of the exlstlng pump ls1ands, canopy and sales office to a new locatlon on the propenty and advlsedthat ln or.der: to Justify the planned expendltur.e, lt was essentlal to ereate both an e nt::ance dnlve and an exlt drlve on EI Canlno Real. A comrmrnLcatlon f:rom the Planning Comrission, dated Arrgust 11 , 1960, advlsed of the actlon taken and the denial of the portlon of the nequestto constnuct a new drlveway close to the connen of Bunllngame Avenue, nonth of an existLng lange Eucalyptus tree and between the tree and the t:raff lc control 1-1ght . Some dlscwsion arose on the cneatlon of an additlonal- t::aff lc hazand at said lntensectlon and in r.ep1y to Council sugFestion that the proposed diiveway be located some dlstance south of Burllngame Avenue, ^?.Meekfessel advlsed that the locatlon of the Eucalyptus tnee wouldpr.ohlblt constnuction at that polnt. I 146 The Chair thereaften calIed fon a vote on the lssue. Oouncllman Lorenz moved that the Cor:ncll concur wlth the necomnendatlonof the Pl-annlng Commisslon denying the constructlon of a new dnlveway. Councilman Johnson seconded the motion, upon recelvlng a reply to hen lnqulry from the Planning Consultant, that the Cormlgsion had voted to deny the nequest prirnarlly for the !.eason tbat "it would cneate rather than allevlate a hezand. " A comrnunlcatlon fr:om the C 1ty Manager, dated Augus t 1'2,1960, advLsedthat the FLr-Lean C ompany has nequested an extenslon of nl-nety daysfrom September_.3, 1960, ln rhlch to complete lmp::ovements ln EI Quanlto Acres #2. On notlon of Councllman Lo::enz, seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously ca::r^ied, the extenslon as requested was granted, subJectto approval of the surety bondlng company retaining the bond ofthe l-in-l,ean Compeny. The motlon unanlmously carnied and the Chair declared the heanlng concluded. C OI'{MIINI CATI ONS 1. STUDY RE! SELECTTON POLICE STATTON SITE A comrmrnicatlon, dated Augwt 11, 1960, was nead fnom the Clty Manager., necommendlng that the Planning Cormlsslon and the Cltlzens Clvlc CentenSelectlon Corunittee be sollclted for advice on an approprlate locatlonfor a new poIlce statlon. ft was theneafter r:ecomnended that a llstof proposed locations be submitted to the aforementloned. 2. Trr,,rE EXTENSToN Et QUANITO ACRES FTREMEN CALLBACK POLTCY (Policy ln General ) The Chafu. an:rounced that pendlng fu11 Council attendance at the nextnegular meetlng, actlon woul<i be defenred on the followlng subJects:(a) Recommendatlo'r f:rom the..Fire Depantment on the subject of nFlneman Ca1l-Back and Stand-By Duty" submltted thnough ttre Office of theClty r{stra.r; the (U)- eropirsed pu::chase of a car fon the Ffue Depant- ment; and the (c) Proposed extenslon of Mar.co Polo Way. The ltens we!:e requested to be placed on the Council agenda fon the negulan meetlng, S eptember 6, 1960. A brlef discusslon arose on the estebllshment of a policy to punsuein conn€ctlon n"lth the purchase of capltal expendltu::es. It was suggested that the subJect be resolved at a futu::e meeting of the Council. l+.REPORT ON IUMP FTRE A brief repont on a ffue occu:rlng at the Munlclpal Dump an taken to elLminete the nulsance was submLtted to Councll bClty t'ianager, !.n a memo dated August A2, 1960. fhe report acknowledged and pl.aeed on flIe. @ountof1960, Pnescniblng the Amount , fnterest on Sald B^nds; and Pr"ovldlng for: thev the Pninclpal and"Interest of Said Authonlzed iice Bonds oi 1960" wag lntroduced by Coullcllman dryt wast emed Le s he RESOLUTIONS . BIRS A}ID POLICE BONDS OF' 1960 RESOLUTIoN No. 55-60 [A Resolutlon Pr.ovldlng f or the Ig s uance of Burlingame f'lr.e and Police Bonds of Date, Datos of Matunlty and Nurnbers of Sald Bonds and of the Coupons to be Attached Thereto, FlxLng the Max lmum Rate of Levy of a Tex to Pa fssue - Fire and Po Johns on r seconded by Cormcllman Lonenz and unanLmousl;i ca::rLed. 7,47 WnAReso1ut1onCa111ngfor"BidsonBondsBun11ngameffi of 1950n was lntnodiced fon passaEte on motlonof Counc llman Lonenz, seconded by C ouncllrnan Jsfu1s on and unanlmous Iyadopted on noll call of membens. ORDINANCES The Chah advlsed of 1ega1 actlon pendlng in corunection withtitle on l-and situated on the 01d jjayshone iilghwayr lytng toof the Fr:eeway connectlng the City of Bu::llngame and the CitMll1br"ae and the nequest of the Clty Atrtr6orret that addltlonaservlces be obtained. NONE U}TFINISIIED BUSTNESS None NEW BUSINESS f . OUTSIDE LEGAL ASSISTANCE AMHORIZED PAYROLL proper tythe eas tyof 1 lega1 A motion war theneaften lntnoduced by Councllman Johnson that theClty Attonney be authorlzed to engage the ser:vlces of Sulllvan, Roche, Johnson and !'annaher, Ml11s Tolrer, San I'r.anclsco, to render: such 1ega1 asslstance as may be r'oqulred. The motLon was s€conded by Councllman Lonenz and unanlmous 1y carnled. 2. RESIGNATIO}I E. GEORGE CI\TIC CENTER COMMITTEE: P CROSBY Councllman Johnson ennounced the reslgnatlon of Edward Geor"ge as a member.s of the SelectLon of a Civlc Center Committee end submltted the nane of Wl1llam Cnosby, 111 Occldental Avenue. The reslgnatlon was accepted and the appointment of Mr. Cnosby unanlmously conflnmed. CLAIMS Clalms, Nos. l+013-h155, Month s1 August 1960, 1n the total amount of $183r812.10, were unanlmously appnoved and wannants or:dened drawn on the Clty T:re as u:ry ln theb respective amounts, on motion of Counc llman Johns on and seconded by Councllman Lonenz. Paynoll warrents, Nos. 7.1+37-7871' Month of July, L960, 1n the totel amount of S83rq22.99r wene rypr:oved on rnotlon of Councllman Johnson, seconded by Councllman Lo::enz and unanlmous 1y carrled. ADJOIIRNMENT Ther"e belng no fu::then business, the meetlng was r:egulanly ad Jounned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully subnlttod, APPROVED: MAYOR HERBERT K. W Clty Clenk t, /1