HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.08.011_41 Bu::llng ame - August 1, CaIlf o rnla 1960 CALL TO ORDER: A negular meetlng of the Burllng ame Clty Council was held on the aboveglven date. Meetlng ca1led to o:rder at 8:OO P.M., - Ilayon pr.o Tempor.eByrd ln the Chal!. PI;EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chal-r, all 1n the Council Cha.nlc er arose end gave thePledge of Alleglancs to the Plag. ROLL CALL Present - CouncLlmen: Byrd-Johnson-Lor:enzAbsent - Councllmen: Morgan-Rooth Itlayor Morgan and Councilman Rooth, absent becauge of 5.11ness, rJere ex- cused on motlon of Councllman Johnson and second.ed by Councllman lorenz. MINUTES PREV]OUS MAETING The nlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of July 18, 1960, as submltted to memberg of the Councll, were unanlmously approved and adopted on motlonof Councilrnan Lorenz aJrd seconded by Councllman Johnson. COMi,II'I{lCAT] ONS 1. SUBDIVISION PROPOSED "O!. IOTS 7-9, BLOCK JLBUR]LI]IGA{E I,AND tw. Ea c-hanb11-s, Owner) A c onmrunlc ati on from the Plannlng Advlsor, dated July 26t L96O' advlsedthat an appllcatlon submltted by Mr. W. E. Chanbliss, !18 Almer Road, Br:r1lngarne, to resubClvlde pontlons of Lots 7 and 9r Block 9, Bur 1l.ngame Land Subdivislon, for apantment house construction, had been consldered. by the Plannlng Comnlsslon. The Corrnls slon voted to deny the appllcatlon, Lasing lts oplnlon that the proposed plan was not cond.uclve to good' plannlng. The PLannLng Advlson fur.ther advised that 1n complLance wlth the zoning 1aw, a proposed suballvislon, reJected by the Commlsslon, must be referred to the Councll for flnal Judgrnent. A comnunlc at!. on, dated Juty 28, 1960, from Esther M. Dlckle and Fred6r..lck W. Darby, olrners of Lot 9, B1ock9 adJolnlng the property, was read, pro- testing th6 proposed resubdlvlslon, statinB that 1f approved, the plan would rtopen the way for a Jlgsaw nelocatlon of aL1 rear lot llnes utrlch would serlously affect sun and circulation of aLr between pnopertlesT' fhe Chair declared the subJect open for discusslon and. lnvlted proponents to sDeak flrs t. Hugh F. Conno11y, Atbrney, representlng the appllcant, submltted a map indlcating the proposal to move the northerly property 1lne of the easter-Iy portion of Lot 7 ln a southerly dlrection approxlmately thlrty (30) feet; sald map bearing the slgnature of the Clty Englneer. ilr'. Corrnoll-y adtvlsei[ thst thg proposed resubdlvlsion meets all require- monts of the 1aw and the proposed slxteen unlt apartme nt -hous e, together r.r. th a sixteen space undergnound parkLng facillty would enhance a neigh- borhood wher6ln a number of o1d bulldlngs currently exlst. Speakl4g agalnst the proposal, were Mrs. Esther M. Dlckle and I{r. F!ed.- erLck ltl. Darby, o$rners of adJolnlng property. In reply to Mrs. Dlcklers questlon concernlng the r.etention of the rear 1ot lLnes to ralntaln a unlform appearance, Mr. Connolly ad,vlsed that the current rear lot line confllcts wlth the proposed pl-an and to co nform to the regulatlon of the Cltyt " Code, whereby off-s.treet parking must be provided in a new develop- mont, the extra footage 1s roqulred. W. E. Cha"'nbliss, ownen and lptr!:Iicant, spoke briefly on the proposed pro- Ject and. indlcated that tbe thlrty foot rean strJ.p would be attractlvoly lands c ape d. 142 CouncLlman Johnson advl,sed of her personal lnspeetion of the propsr- ty and subsequent approval. Expresslng confusi-on on the reasons for wiri"h the planning Corornlsslon had denled the application, Councllman Johnson questloned the Planning Consultant whether, within hls knorr- Iedge, the members of the Corwnlsslon had vlslted the property, andr -In iurn, the Consultant advlsed of his lnabl1lty to anawer the lnqulry. Councllman Lorenz advlsed of hls appearance at the study anal regular meetlngs of the PlannLng Commlsslon and hls personal visLtatlon to the property, stating tl1at l"n hls opinlon, the S,mprovenent would be an asset to the Clty and would place property that has been ldJ.e for a numbe r of years, on the tax rolls of the Clty and County. There belng no further di.scusslon, Councilman Lorenz moved that the Councll approve the resubdlvisl-on of portlons of Lots 7 and 9, Block 9, Burllngano Land Subalivlsl-on, and that the application for said sub- divlslon be granted. The motlon was seconded by C6un.1lman Johnson and thereafter carrled unanimously 2. PLANNING.ZCNING f\FCRCB{ENT SERVICES. A commr:nlcatlon from the Ctty Manager, dated JuLy 29r 1!50, advlsed recelpt of a legaI opLnion fr.om the Clty Attorney, concernlng the questlon of authorizing enforcement powers and dutles on a contract- ual basls for the addltional services of zonlng admlnlstratlon and vlolation enforcement and a recommendatLon from the City l4anagert s0fflce that (f) additlonal detailed rrenforcementI prcvislons 6e pre- pared for Councilts examlnation, and (e) tnat negotlati.ons for ad- dltional 'tenfoneementrr admlnistratlon and plannlng servlces be made and detalled for conslderatlon on a contractual basis wlthin the budge t . Actlon was wlthheld pending attendance of a fuIl Council at a sub- seqrlent meet lng. 3. DATCE PENETS APPROVED (THE GUTTER AND IIYATT HOUSE) A communLcation deted July 29r 1960, was recei-ved f:rom the Clty l,tan-ager, advlsLng that Ln accordance with City Ordlnances perteinlng toappllcatlons for dance penmits, inspectlons have been made of the 'tGutterrr 1819 E1 Camlno Real and Eyatt House, Bayshore Boulevard, andlt was recommended that llcenses be approvod. There belng no obJectlons, Councll concurred in th6 rec orlmendatlon. }trLLS ESTATE NO. 15 . MILLS ESTATE NO. 1 7 APPROVED. onnm:nlcatlon fron the Clty Manager, dated July 29, a96O, advlsedt lmpr.ovements have been constructed and conpleted within Ml1lsate No. I!, comprls!.ng the southerly half of Furontor.a lJay f::omastLan Drlve to Monteclto Way, and Mil1s Estate No. 1J, c ompr'ls-the westerly sectLon of Riv€ra Drlve and Arguello Dr.lve r and lt was the recomnendation of both the Offlce of the City Englneer enalthe Clty l,lanaSer that the subdivlslon lmprovements be accepted.. RESoLUTION NO. 51-50 rrAcce pting Pub11c Improvements Wlthln l,!L1ls ffigarne, Callforrrla rr was lntroduced for adoptl,on on motlon of Councllman Johnson, seconded by Councllman Lorenz and unanlmously adopted on ro11 cal-1 of menbers. RESOLUTION NO. 52-50 'tAcce ptlng Pub1lc lnprovemonts l'Ilthin Mllls Cal1f crniarf was lntroduced for. adoptlonEstete No. 17r Burll ngarne, on motlon of Councllmen Lorenz, seconded by Councllrnan Johnson and unanlmously car.rLed on r.o11 ce1I of mombers. 5.E!,,IPIOYEES REQIIEST REFERRED TO CI\NI SERV]CE CO}O4ISSION A l-etter d.ated July 29, a96O, from the Clty Manager, advlsed thatthe Brrrll ngame Clvll Servlce Employees I Associatlon, through lts Board of Dlrectors, has requesteal consideratlon in three categorlesof frlnge beneflts: (1) vacatton Tlrre; (e) sfct Leave; snd (3) con- pensetory Tlme-off - Pub1lc Works Department. The C-uncl1 concurred with the recommendation of the Clty Managerthat th€ subJect be referred to the Clvl1 Servlce Corunlssion for evaluatlon l-n lts revlew of the exlsting Rules and Regulations. l+. Ac tha Est Seb 1ng 6. REQU EST FOR NAME CEANGE ''OLD BAYSHORE HIGIIWAYII 143 1f the re purchas e d A cornna.rnLcatl on fnom the Clty Manager, dated July 29, 1960, advlsod that a request has been neceived from J. ?. Slnclal,r, Asslstant State Elghway E:glneer, recomllnndlng that the City consl4er chanSlng the nameof OId Bayihore Highway to rrAirport Boulevardii or rrsouth Alr?ort Boule- vardrr to conform to that portlon of the O1d Bayshore Hlghway thrcugh South jan Franclsco and San Bruno renamed ttAlrport Boulevard.tt In compllance wlth the law pertalnlng to rrstneet Nane Proeedure'r the subJect was referred to the Plarurlng Conl,nis s ion for: recommendatlon and report to the Counc iI. 7.PUHCHASE NE'II CAR FOR FIRE DEPARTIIENT IIELD FOn STIIDY A cornmunlcatlon lras recelvetl from the Clty l,lanage r, datcd July 29, 1960, concernlng the suggested replacement of the 191f9 Pontlac ln the Flre De- partment wlth a sma1I compact car in the interest of economy. At the conc}rsion of hls report, the Ctty Manager advlsed that was no obJection frorn Councl1, rra regulan make Ford car wiLl beas the replacement fon the 1949 Pontlac.rt A brief dlscusslon arose, whereln the Clty Manager, in reply to Conncllinqrriry, advl-sed that rrin the lntorest of power, speed and acceleratlonrra rrrogular makerr car ls better ad.apted ln cases of emergencles. The subject was held for. further conslderatlon and action at the nextregular meeting of Councll. RESOLUT]ONS RESoLUTTON No. 5j-6! 'rA warding Contract for Construction of Dump ,treaLts Construction Co. ) was introd.uced by Councll-Trash fence" (Healy-Tlbb man Johnson who moved its passage, seconded by Councl lman Lorenz and unanLmously carled upon :ro11 caLl of members. RESoLUTToN N0. 5h-60 'rFLxl ng Tax Rate for the Ctty of Burllngame Eor($1.96 per $100 Assessod. Valuationrr was Ln-fEe FIs calTe ar-1 95O- 19 6111 troduced by Corrncllman Johnson who moved its passage, seconded by Coun- cllman Lorenz and unanl-mously adopted upon ro11 call of member:s. oRDINANCES - Conslderatlon of: oRDIxAl'lcE IIo. 719 ItAn Ordhance Amendl ng Sectl on 1708 of the ordinance eods of the Clty of Bur llngame By Revlslng Fees Charged for Water. Ser'-vlce Installationsrr was glven lts seeond readlng and on motlon of Coun- cilman Lonenz, seconded by CounclLman Johnson, sald ordlnanc 6 pass6dLts second readlng srr d was adopted by the followlng roLl call vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-LorenzNoes: Councllmen: NoneAbsent Councllmen: Morgan-Rooth ORDINANCE NO. 720 rtAn Ordlnance AddL ng SectLon f221.11 P:rovldlng for Stop Signs on Anlta Road at the Intersectlon of Bayswater Avenue to the Burlingame Ordiaance Coderr was glven lts second readlng and on rnotlonof Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councllman Lor.enz, sald ordlnance passed its second readlng and was aCopted by the followlng ro11 call voto: Ayes: Counellmen:Noes: CounclLmen: Absent Councilmen! B yr:d-Johns on- Lonenz None Morgan-Rooth UNFTNIS{ ED BUS]NESS APPEAL VARIANCE SERVICE STATION STANDARD OIL CO. OF CAIIFONNIA. An anoeal r:eceived from th€ Standar"d O11 Company of Ca1 lfornla from a declsLon of the Plannlng CommLssion relatlve to a varlance requost for. Service Statlon 57L, El Camino Real and Burllngane Avenue, wag acknow- ledged and a publ Ic hearing scheduled, .{ugust L5, 1960, Councll- Cham- bers, B :00 p.m. L41 NEId BIJSINESS ADJOLlRNI{ENT The neetlng was reguLarly adJourned thereafter at B:55 p.n. Respec tfu11y submLtted HERBERT K. WHITEClty Cler.k APPROVED: A cormmrnLcation f!.om {r". D. Loppang, 1![8 Los iutontes Drlve, the Bur[ngame Sewer ,epartment for servlces performed, was and placed on flle . c omrnendl ng acknowle dge d 6 yor omp oreo