HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.11.06356 Burllngame e Cal lf ornl a overnber 6, a96L A negulan meotlng of t'tre Burllngarae Cit5r Councll was hcld on ttrc abov6 datc. Meeting calIed to onder at 8:05 p.m. - Mayor Blrd ln the Chalr. CAIL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word fnom the Chal::, the P1edge of Alleglance n the Councll Chamber:s anosc and Savehe Flag. all 1tot In thg mlnutes of october. 15, 1951, a typognaphlcal ennor na8 cor- rected changlng Item #1 undel oNew Buslncssr to nead n1... a coD-tnact let by tne State of Callfenla ln the urount of $13rOOOroOO.00..n Thc mlnutes were thereafter approved. Ihe ntnutes of Novemben 1, 1961, rr6ne approved on motlon of Councll- man Mar:tln, seeonded b5r Councllmen Johnson, followlng a connectlon under: nAd J ournmont tr to necor:d trthe motlon to adJounn ln respect to -the memory of -Father. Cor.nellus Eyland ras lntnoduccd by Councllnan Morgan, seconded by Councllnan Joirnson..... BIDS ROLL CALL Present: Counellnen: Byr.d, Johnson, Lorenz, Mantln, Mongan. Abssnt: Councllmen: Nono. MTNUTES PREVIOUS MEETINGS 1.$11 o 000 OO POLICE.FTRE BONDS Mayor Byrd announced that ln accordance with offlclal notlce of sa1e, thls ras the tlme and th€ p1ac6 scheduled for openlng blds onClty of Bunllngame Flre and Po11ce Bonds of 1950, la the prlnclpal amount of $1110,000.00. The blds necetved rene publlc1y opened end declarsd as follows: Pan Value Ye ar BA}{K OF AMERICA San FrancLsoo 20 CaI l fornla ,000.00 ,000.00 ,o00.00 ,000.00 6/t/67 - 6/L/68 Y/ili? -- \lilfr\ 6h/7t+ - 6,h/76 - 6/t/6? 6/t/OA - 6/t/7L5/r/tz - 6/L/76 2.3 l+fi 2.3/,+1t 314 3.LO% Sf, /l+f, 3% WELLS FARGO BANK AMERTCAN TRUST COMPAI{T h6h Callfonnla Stnect San Franclsco 20, Celtf. BLyrH & CoMPANT, rNC. Russ Bu1Id lng San Franclsco, Ca1lf. $eo 30 I+5 l+5 Net Interest Cos tor 3.0850fihemlum Szg.oO $41+,520.5o 5,ooo.oo 60,000.0o 7r, o0o . oo Net Inter.est Cost $l+2r695.0Oor 2.9fo67Lfi Premtum $5.00 FIRST IdESTERN BANK ll18 South Sprlng streottos Angeles, Callfonnla llct Intonest Cost $h?,3o1+.0oon 3.D4 Premh:m $1171.00 L967 l-972 to 1971 lncL.to 1976 lncI.3 3 5fi62 1 95 ,+5 000.00 o00.00 1nc1 lnc 1 t , N6t Interost Costor 2.96097% Pnemlun $fo.Oo $h4,858.75 6/L/67 6/L/7t+ to L97to 197 3 6 )r/ffi Inter.e s t 357 UNTTED CALIFoRNIA BANK 20,000.00 500 South Spr.lng StneEt 75,000.00Los Angcles fl1, Callf. 45,000.00 Net fntenest _Cost $b5rl+77.5Oor 3.1h723LwPrcmium $25.O0 6/L/67 thru 1968 3.31+116/t/69 thnu 19?3 *6/L/7\ thr.u 1976 3.26 fnteres t Certlflcd Chacks eccompanled a1l- of thc f or"egolng blds . At the request of the Councll, the blds wene refer:ned to the CltyAttorney and to Jobn Rooney, nepnesentlng Ennest Wl1son, BondAttorngy, fon erarnlnatlon and necommendatlon pnlor to the adJourn- ment of the me6tlng. HEARING 1. HEED.ABAIEMEIfI PRoGRAM - Lg62 the ChaLr announced that thls ras the tlme and the place scheduled,pursuant to publlc notlce, to conduct a publlc he arlng on thc pno-posal of the Clty of Bur.llngama to nemove weeds and rubblsh and to hean obJectlons, lf any, on the 1962 weed abatement program. Thene appeanlng to be no p:rotests, elthen 1n wrltlng o!: verba1Iy, Councllman Morsan introduced and moved adoptlon of RESOLUTION NO. (?-6I rOr.dertng Destructlon 0f Noxi.ow And Dang6?6EsTE'6?[s And Rubblch A NuLsance fn The Clty 0f Bu!:Ilngene," seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmous ly carrled on noll call of membens. The heanlng wag thereafter dcclaned concludcd. COMMT'NICATTOI{S 1. APPEAL FROM BARRETT CONSTRUCTION CO. RE: VARIANCE APPLTCATION. A communlcatlon from Ber.r.ett Constnuctlon Cornpany, dated November 1, 1951, appeallng the declslon of the Plannlng Conmlsslon ln donylng a requost fon a vanlance, was acknowledged and a publlc hoarlng scheduled befo:re the City Counc!.1, Novemben 20, L96L, at 8:00 p.m. 2. AMENDATORY ORDINANCE REL,ITING TO SAI,ES AND USE TAX. 3.COMMUNICATTON ESUIPI'{ENT NEW POLICE STATION. qEllxA{SE !r!-fh5 nRe pealtng sectlons 11?1.2(e), 1171.h(b)(l+)(11) OT Tlie Ordlnance Code 0f The Ctty 0f Bunllngame, Renr:mber lngsectlons 1171.h(b)(l+)(111) of said Code And Amendlng Sectlons 11.71.1+(a) (L) , Ltzt.5(b) (2) And 1171 .5(b) (3) (!.1) 0r Sald coderrras lntnoduced by Councllman Morgan and glven 1ts flnst readlng. A letter fnon the Clty Managen dated Novemben 3, L961, eonmunlcatlon lnstalla-tf,ons for: the new PolLce Statlon:(1) Telephone Servlcc to be lnsta1Ied by the Telephone cost of $hSo.oo. Councllmen Mongan lntN0. 58-51 rAuthorizl nefenned to Company at a f RESOTUTION f gre ement lth ThcPaclfic TeJ.ephone And Telegr.aph Company For Tha Installatlon And Rental 0f Meehanlcal Equlpment Requked To Pr.ovlde Dial Pnlvetc B:ranch Telephone Ser.vlce To The Poll,ce Depantment Butlding At 1238 Eowerd Avenucrn seconded by Councllnan Johnson and unanlmous 1ycarrled on ro11 call vote. r:oduced and moved adoptlon o ng And Dlnectlng Executlon O Pan Value Ye an A comnunlcatlon f:rom the Glty Attonney, dated November l, 1p61, ad-vlsed thet \r reason of csrteln statutory changes made by the 1961Statc Lcglslatune ln the Bradley-Burns Unlform Local Sales & Use Tax Law, lt ls now lncumbent to r€pee1 or amend cer:taln of the provlslonsof thc Bu:rl1ngame Or.dlnance Code r:elatlng to sales and use tax. The communlcatlon r.ecorunended adoptlon of an anendator:y ordLnancc, p:roposed by the [,e ague of CallfonnLa CltLes and dnafted by offlcersof the State Board of Equallzatlon. 358 recommended that specLal iterns of. comnunlcatlon equipment be nenoved fnom the genenal contnact to affect e savlngs ln costfigunes. Thsy heve submltted th6 followlng: (a) The flnm of Fargo & Company speclflcatlonsof sl,088.4h. to lnstalI centaln speclallzed qulpment toln thelr letter. of Septemben 21, 1951, at a cost(b) Conmunlcetlons Englneenlng C ompaay to lnstaIlthe systen outllned l equipment cost of $11930.22, plus sales tar and a per (2) Speclallzed Commr:nlcat!.on Equlpment: The archltects have A comraunlcatlon from the Clty Managen, dated November 3, 1961, mended that the rork of recodlfylng Clty Ordlnanees pnoceed and 961, at gn dlcm prlccfor lnstal-latlon of antennas. The Clty Manager: neported thqt the flrms have been h1gh1y tiecon- mended alr speclalLsts Ln theLr nespectlve fields and nequested euthonlzation to proceed Ln accondance wlth the archltectsr pnoposals. Councllman Mantln ststed that lt was hls recollectlon fr:om prevlous dl.scusslons that Councll lntended these speclal comnunlcatLon systems to be open to pub1lc btd. IIe stated that he was not 1n favon of lettlng the contnact untll other ftrms were glven tbe. oppontunlty to submlt quotatlons. A motlon was theneupon lntroduced by Counc l1man Martln that bldsfor speclalLzed cornmunlcatlon fecllltles fo:: the new po11ce statlon be adventlsed fon evaluatlon at the negula:: Councll m6etlng to bo beld on Novemben 20, 1951. Motlon soconded by Councllman Mongan and unanlmously canrled. l+.STATUS REPORT INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT NET/ POLICE STATION. A communlcatlon f:rom the Clty Manager dated Noveraben l, 19611 neponted that at the tlme the Ctty acquired the slte of th€ nerpoIlce bulldlng fnom L. C. Howard, there was conveyed also therlghts to an easement fon lng:ness and egress extendLng overp th€ pr:operty occupled by the gasollnc servlc€ s tatlon at Eorard and Lorton Avenues, whlch proper"ty ls owned by Clane Kemp. fuesentIy,the operatons of the statlon ane blocklng ttre easement, to the detnlment of constnuctlon to the po11ce bulldlng, and tlre property ownen refuses to acknorledge the Cltyrs ::1ghts. Ihe communlcati.on stated that the matter: has been refer.::ed to ttreClty Attonney to determlne a course of actlon to be taken by theClty. Thc Chaln recognlzed the Clty Attornoy who advlsed that 1egaIactlon may be necessary to establlsh whethen or not the Clty has The Clty Attorney requested authorlzatlon of such actlon as may be deemed app:ropriet6, etthe Clty Attorney and the Clty Manager, to A motLon r.ras lntr:oduced by Councllman Morgan approvlng the nequestof the Clty Attorney to proceed as necessany to protect the lnterestsof the Clty in the 2O-foot lng?ess and egress €asement to tho llowand Avenue Pollce Statlon slte, as conveyod by deed from L. C. Howardto the Clty of Burllngame. Motlon seconded by Councllnan Lonenz and unanlmous 1y carrled. fn a brlef penlod of dlscusslon whlctr fo1lored, the Clty Attonnoy mentloned that a tenporary nestnainlng onder on a tonporary lnJunc-tlon may be requested to facllltate ttre use of the 6asem€Dt. Councllman Mongan suggested thet th6 Post Offlce authonltles may agree to a tempor.any use of that drlveuay. Councllman Mentln mentlon6d posslble vlolatlons of -the Flre Codc Ln the area adJacent to the pollce site and suggested an lnvestl-gatlon be made at the dlscretlon of tbe Clt5r Manager. (RECODIFICATTON OF CTTY ORDTNANCES. a va1ld oaser,rent. Councll to permlt the discretlon of conclude the raa tte r€ co m- 359 rcquested euthorlzatlon to secure quotatlons flom quallfl€d flnns. A typlcal set of speclflcatlons for such work accompanled the cornmunlcatLon. Mayon Bynd suggested that the flnms ln th6 area who aro lntenested be contacted to examlne the speclflcatlons and lndlcate costs and tlme l-nvolved, and a r:epont made to Councll at e 1ater" date. The Clty Attorney advlsed tbat there aro flrrm whose pnlmar"y lntenestls recodlflcatlon of city or:dlnances. Ee reconunended that thegc peoplc be sollcLted inasmuch as they have the r.equlned backgnound and expenlence. He expr:essed the oplnlon that, tn nost lnstences, Iaw ffums ar"e not quallfled nor equlpped to do the wonk. Councilman Mongan stated that he felt that pnofesslonal peoplc wlthlnthe Clty should be glven the f lrrst oppot tunlty to 6xamln6 the spec-lflcatlons and lntrodueed a motlon to defen publlc adventlsement unt11 the next regulan Councll meettng; ln the lnterlm, the speclfl-catlons to b6 medo ava11ab16 th:rough the City Managenrs office to loca1 f l.rns. I,lotlon seconded by Cormcl1raan Martln and unanl,mous 1y cannied . 6. STRMT TREES. A letter. from the Clty Managen, dated Novemben 3, 1961, neponted that as a result of e meetlng between the Pank Superlntendent and nesl-dents of Co:ronado Way, anrangements rere made to neplace Clty-ownedtrees on that stneet to the satlsfactlon of all concer"ned. The letter neported also that a questlonnsfu'e was rnalled to each ofthe 28 nesLdents on taggen Way requestlng thefu. comments and sug-gestLons on e tn6e r:eplacement prlo6ir.am. 0f four! answells r€celved, thnee lndlcated satlsfactlon wLth the pnesent tnee; one ras dissat-lsfied. The questlonnalre lncluded the statement that no neply would be assumed to lndlcate accoptance of the exlstlng tree. The Clty Managerts letten advlsed that a new stneet tnce ordlnanca has be6n drafted. It was suggested that thls be nefenred to the Pa:rk Commlsslon for study and necommendatlon pr"lon to flnal conslder-atlon by Councll. Mayor Byr"d acknowledged 1517 Cononado Way, dated Clty I s pronpt ettondance stneet tnees. communicatlon from Robert M. 81lnco€, November 6, 1961, 1n appreclatlon of theto thek nequest fon replacenont of the a The Chalr recognlzed the Pank Supenlntendent who stated that he weg unable to pnoceed on Lassen Way untlI mor:e of the resldents made thei.n wlshes known and he advlsed of hls wllllngness to meetpersonally rrltb th6se people at thel-r: convenlence. The Chal-r recognlz€d Mr.. Frank Clstu1I1, 16hl+ Lassen Way, rho pnoceeded to f1Ie a petltlon bearing slgnatur.es of 17 nesldents on Lessen Uay - 16 petltlonlng to nemove the present t::ees, to be replaced wl,th St. Mar.y Magnolla rof an adequate slzer; one pe?sonprotestlng the removsl. In reply to tbe Chafurs nequest for conment, ttre Pank Supenlntendcnt stated that the street tnees or.dlnar:i1y cost fron S3.50 to $5.50 eachilt nay not be posslble to secur:e the type of tr.ee speclfled ln thepetltlon ln thls pr.lcc nange. Follorlng a brlef di.scusslon, members of Councll concurred that the Pank Supenlntendent, thnough the Offico of the Clty Manager, bc lnstnucted to de te:rmlne the wlshos of ttr petltloners and take actlon necessalry to amlcably resolve the tssue. fhe Clty Managcr was ncquested to s ubmlt a pnogness report at the next negulan meetlng. Reference was nede to th6 newly drafted stneet tnee ondlnance. Ther.c belng no obJectlons fnom membens of the Councll, sald or.dlnancs dreft hras rofern€d to the Park Corrnlsslon fon study and subsequcnt recom- mendatlon to the Clty Counctl. 360 Councllman Martln repor:ted recelpt of a trrttton eomplelnt fnomL. A. Coopet, L22 Drrlght Road, concerning a peppcr -trec, whichbecausc of lts slza and r.oot penetratlon, creetes.a nulsancc.The communlcatlon advlsed that on numerous occaslons complalntshave been made to varlous Clty depantments rlth no :re1lci. Counellman MertLn nequested that the complalnant be accordedthe cou:rtesy of funmedlat€ contact by the- Par.k Superlntendent. In furthen c omment, Councllman Mant ln stated thet such mattorrane of an adnlnl.stnatlve nature, to be nesolved at that 1eveI,theneby elLnlnatlng the necesslty of Councll lnterventlon. Councllman Mongan neclted a senLes of complalnts whl ch he hesr:ecelved concennlng the unsatlsfactory condltlon of tnees ln many sectlons of the Clty and neafflnmed hls posltlon that suchmatters are the ::esponslblllty of the edminLs tratlvc offlccs ofthc Clty. A conplalnt was raade by Mr.. James DeMantlnL concennhg trro tiFaesat 15 Hlghland Avcnue, rhich were nequested to be r:emoved and enoffe:r made to r.eplace, at the orrner I g oxpense, whlch request rag denled. The Pa:rk Super:lntendent melntalned that lt ls physlcally due to lack of menpouer, to conply rlth ever:y ncquest fon removal. lnposs 1b1e tnec Councllman Lonenz and Councllman Johns on expnessed completc confldence 1n the capabllltles of ttrc Park Superint€ndent and thc pensonnel of th6 Park Depantment. May o:r BJrnd stated thet some effort should be made to flnd a solutlon to the problems pnesented to the Cotrncll on thls occaslon and suggested that thsse mattens be consldened by the Pank ComnLsslonln connectlon with lts study of the pnoposed stneet tnee or.dlnance. Councllman Morgan expr.essed the oplnlon that a nevlew of ttre or:- dlnance establlshlng the Park Cormlsslon ard the scope of ltcauthorlty would appean to be Ln orden. 7.PIIRCHASE OF STUMP RN,IOVER AUTEORIZED. The Clty Manager, Ln a nemo to Councll, dated November: 3, 1961, advlsed that funthen lnvestlgatlon lnto the puncha se of a stump remoyer fotr tho Pank Depantment confLnns thet there ls Just onc compeny manufac tunLng a sultable pnoduct, B. Eaynan Co., Inc.1 Los Angeles. It was necommended thet the equLpment be purehased. Councllman Lor"enz movod that the Councll concu! ulth the neconnenda-tlon of the Ctty Manager. Motlon seconded by Councllman Johnson. On the questlon, Councllman l,[otrgan mentloned the posslblllty of the equipruent becomlng avatlablc to the Pank Department by lease arl3engcrncnt nather than outrLght punchase. Tbe motlon above stated wag unanlnoultIy cannled. REPORT ON POLICE-FIRE BOND SALE. Park Conmlsslonen Rrxsell Murphy stated that th6 Pank Cormrlsslonls opposed to a pnogr:am of nbnoken plantlngn whlch w111 nesult whenlndlvldual trees ane nemoved and new tnees planted ln a |tunlformly plantedrr nelghbolhood. The negula:r order of buglness was tomponanlly lnternupted to pernlt Irb. Rooney, pnepr€sentr.ng Ernest Wllson, Bond AttorneYr- to submlt e recommendatlon on the sale of bonds ln the amount of $1401000.00, Bunllngame Flne and Pollce Bonds of 1960. Mn. Rooney advlsed that upon rsvlew of the blds, 1t was recomnendedthat the bonds be ondened sold to the We1ls Fango Bank-AmerLcan Trus t Company, es the hlghest nesponsible bldden end all other blds be neturncd to thefu. respectlve assoclatlons. The bld of the Wel1s Fargo Bank-Amen16an Tnus t Company lndlcated a net lnterest cost of $l+2,595.00 ot, an average lntenest :rate of 2.95|467V6. nESO!\trIo$ NO, 59-61 ttA Resolutlon Anandlng Sale Of Bonds - 361 oi t95o - Second Sale motlon of Councllman MantLn, us1y carnled on nolI ceII. @lne and Pollce Bonds S1!0r000.r vas lntroduced fon adoptlon on.seconded by CouncLlman Johnson and unanlmo 8. PRoPOSED RAPrD TRANSIT SYSTEM FOR sAN },n.TEO cOUNTf OPPOSED. A communlcatlon fnom the Ctty Managen dated Novemben l, I!51, advlsedthat the San Mateo County Bo and of Supenvlsors has scheduled a pub- 1lc heanlng on DecembEr 7, 196L, on the proposed Bay Area Rapid Tnansl,t System. A statement of th6 por,ltlon of ttre Ctty of Burllngame lnthls matten has been nequested to be flled with the Board of Supen- vlsors. Acknorledgment was Burllngame Chamber the pnoposed p1an. made of a copy of the Resolutlon adopted by theof Comnenee Boer.d of Dlrectors 1n opposltlon to Councllman Lonenz lntroduced a motlon to lnstnuct the Boand of Super- vlgors of San Mateo County of the Clty CouncLlts posltlon 1n opposltlonto the Rapld Translt Systern, as pnesently pnoposed. MotLon s€condedby Councllnan Martin, who commented that the plan In 1ts pnesent fo::m worke to the dlsadvantage of San Mateo County. On the questlon, Mayo:r Bynd expressed the oplnlon that the pnoposal 11111 place a tremendous burden on the taxpaye:: and sone other plan Ehould be posslble wlthout lnvolvlng such vast sums of monsy. The above-stated motlon was dec1ar.6d cannLed on the folloulng vote:Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd, Johnson, Lor:enz, Mantin. Councilmen Mor:gan abstained. Thene were no negatlve votes. o PROPOSED ZONING ORDTNANCE CHANGES. A communLcatlon from the Clty Managen dated November: l, 1!51, advlsedthat the Plannlng Corunisslon has submltted ondlnances necommendlng changes tn Sectl,on 1903 (Deflnltlons) and Sectlon 1925 (Regulatlons Fon R-1 Dlstrlcts ) of the Zonlng Ondlnance to provlde for: Fallout andProtectlve SheIters. the Clty Attonney that a pub1lc heanlng be 1961, was scheduled by Councll for seld Mayo:r Byrd announced that CouncLl has agreed to hold an adJourned meetlng on Tuegdayr Novemben I4, 1961, at whlch tlnp Item No. 9 under. n Communicat lons n and alL other unflnlshed ltems on the pnesent agenda 1111 be eons ldened. Upon recormendatLon of conducted, November 20, hearlng. SUBJECTS FOR CONSIDERATION AT ADJOURNED MEETING. REPORTS. 1. Panklng Dls trlct The Clty Attorney roported that he met wlth Ennest Wllson, attorneyfot tho Parklng Distnlcte and nepnesentetlves from the Cent:.a1 Par.k- lng Connlttee, concernlng prepanatlon of the petltlon establlshlng an asssssment dlstnlct. ltra Conrnlttee expocts the petltlon to beln form and avallabIe fon Councll study at least e weelc before the next neguLar Councll meetlng. Z Property Adj acent to Llbrary The City Attonney neponted thet the purchase of the property, adJacent to the Library, cen be flnallzed upon authorlzatlon fi:om Councll for executlon of an Ag:reement of Saleo 36e The Ctty Attonney mentloned that the owner:s have r.equested permlsslonto nemaln untLl January 2, J-962, when they cen move tnto an otber honeHhlch they have purchased. They have pnoposed tbet lf they maynemain r.ent fnee, they rll1 pay the utlIlty charges and raanage ths bul1d1ng ln the lntenests of the Clty; all nents fnon the other apant-ments to become the propet:ty of tbe Clty as of the date of completlonof the Agreement. The City Attonney necommended Councll approvql. A notLon Lntnoduced by Councllnan Morgan authonlz lng the Clty Hanagerto 6nten Lnto an Agneement of Sale for the pnopenty st 121+9 B€11erue Avenue, was seconded by Councll-man Lor"enz and unanlmow 1y carnled.Councll concur.r:ed ln the r:ecommendatlon of the Clty Attorney that thep:resent ownerrs r:emaln on the premlses unden the condltions outllned. Oper.aton of City Dump Re quests Cons ldenatlon. The Ctty Manager: neported that the operator of the Clty Durrp has advlsed of fLnanclel dlfficultles and has asked conslderatlon tnthe matten of cer.tain cr.edLts walch he clains ar:e dr:e. A completereport, lncludlng an audltorls statement, w111 be avallable toCouncll at the adJou::ned meetlng to be held on Novemben 1[. NE'!'i BUSINESS 1. APPLICATION FOR AUCTION PERMIT APPRCF./ED. A nequest dated Novemben \, 1961, fnom B. Levy & Sons, Aucti.oneer:s, 9l+5 Harket Str6et, San Fr.anclsco, fon a penral t to conduct a one-day auctlon of the lnventony of the H. R. Park Company, 1210 Broadway, rres app::oved on motlon of Councllman Lonenz, condltlonal upon com-pllance with the nequlnements of all appllcable or.dlnancss i motLon seconded by Councllnan Mar.tln and unanimous Iy carrled. Councllman Martln r.equested that tha applLcant be advLsed of the pnovlslons of the Cityt" Slgn 0rdlnance. COUNCTLMAN JCHNSON COMMENTS 1. Clvlc Centen Comnlttee Counc llman Johnson, as Councll l1ason to the Citlzens I Clvtc Centen Conmlttee, neponted thet there has been good pr.ogness. The pr.oJect has be6n delayed s omelrlrat due to the Chainuanrg actlvities wlth the Centnal Panklng Commlttee. A mone complete repont w111 be msde at a leter dat€. 2. Par.t-Tfuae Eraployees Soclal Secu:rlty. As Councll 1lebon to City Employees, Councllman Johnson repor.tedthat a conplete investlgatlon has been made conc€rnlng Soclal S Secunlty or Stete Retfu:enpnt coverage fon part-tlme employees andlt ls hoped that wlthln a shont tlme a repont w111 be avallable. ADJ0URI'IMEI,II The meetlng rdas !:egu1er1y adJounnod at 10310 p.m., on motlon of Councllman Johnson, seconded by Cor.rncllman Lorenz ln respect to the memory of Glen Smallcomb. Mayon Byr:d, on bohalf of members of the Counclle pald the followlng tr.lbute: trA good and klndly nan, Glen Smallcomb, has been taken from our mldst. We member:s of the Clty Councll knew him and ne w111 always rerprnber hlm as an outstandlng leaden ln eivlc and youth actlvltles, not only ln Bunllngarae but on the Penlnsula. G16a Suppl.led that cheerful and human touch to all of hls endeavors and set an example of good citlzenshlp that enyon€ would do ne1l to fo1Iow. We, the Counclt 1n ad Jortrnlng as a momonlem cen tak€ notlce thet hLs good deeds u111 be 19ng r:emember:6d." Respectfully submltted' -/4.6ur.tz-r:c<4.h- AppRovED: ffi1ht K. wHTTE, ctty crerk dr.Ln "r '€G-vr'/ ANDREU C. BfRD, Meyor