HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.11.01A speclal meetlng of tho Burllngane Clhr Councll was held on the aboveglven date - all members havlng been notlfled prevlously and conscntlng.Ihc ncetlng ras ca1led to order at 8:00 p.m.-lleyor Byrd ln the Chaln. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At wond firon the Chalrl all ln the Councll Chambers arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROIL CALL Pr'6s€nt - Councllnen: Byrd- Johtxr on-Lore nz -Mant ln-MonganAbsent - Councllmen: Nonc PURPOSE OF MEET]NG NOFF-STREET PARKING [tTSTRICT'' Bu:r1lngame, Novemben Cal l forrr 1a 1, 1951 353 to conslder a on the formatlon litayor Byrd advLsed that the meetlng had been scheduledreport fnom the Central ParkLng Conmlttee of Bu:rllnganeof a dorrntorm panklng dlatrlct. A lctter from the Centnal Parking Conunlttee, dated October 17, 1961,ras read, relatLng ln gome detal1, the comrnlttee progress to date andsollcltlng ttre asslstancc of Councll ln the formstlon of a peklngdLstnlct. The conmunlcatLon advlsed ttrat the estlmated cost of the Parklng Dlstnlct n111 approxj.nate $1r50OrOOO.OO, based on culFrent valuatlons; tha locatlonof the lote to be acqulr.ed nemaLns as lndlcated ln the englnee:rlng r:eport subnltted pnevlously, wlttr the followlng exceptlons ! 1. 2. 3. l+. The onlsslon of the 1ot adJolnlng the Llbr:any,fhe addltlon of the o1d Eouard Bulck Company bullding and lot onLorton Avenue ,The lots on Chapln Avenue replaced wlth two lots nearest thcnesterly corner of Chap ln Avenue; andfhe neplacement of the pnoposed 1ot on Lorton Avenue nean Baysraten Avenue ( curr.ently belng constnucted upon) rrlth one aval1able 1n thc lmmedLate area. The report lndlcated tbe lncreased sales tax revenue antieipated fromthe addltlonal 1r000 panklng speces pr:ovlded by the dlstrlct formatlon, thereby creatlng- a- rrpantnershLp of the merchants, business pr.oper:ty own€rs, resldentlal pt oporty ownors end the clty governrrent. 1 2 3 l+ fhe Counlttoe recommonded that ln or.der to assist the Conmlttce 1nthe proposed proJect, the Councll consider the acqulsltlon of thc followlng pleces of property over a per.lod of tlmc: fhc Gray Sl.stens ptioporty on EI Camlno ReaI; Thc Howard Buick Bulldlng and lot on Lorton Avenue, Lots at the westenly end of Chap ln Avenue andGrtfflth 1ot on Donnolly Avcnue and th6 two Whlpple lots adJacent theneto, andfurthen, to conslder the lncluslon lnto the dlstnlctr clty-owned lots on torton Avenue and Donnelly Avenue and. on Park Road. A commr:.nlcat lon fnom the City Manage:r, dated Octobe:r 31, 1951, advLsedthat by compar:lson, the cr::lrent)-y pnoposed pa:rklng dlstrlct lndlcatesthe Cltyrs contrlbutlon to b6 conslderably J.ess than the prlor and now defunc t parklng dls trlct. Ihe Clty Managen advlsed that the Clty has been nequested to participateln the present panklng dlstrict for:matton by contrlbutlng pleces of propenty ovor a perlod of tlme and approxlmately less than one-thhdof the total cost of the pnoposed assessmert pa:rklng dlstrlct. 354 fhe Ctty Mgnager recommended that thc Clty make a e omrnLtment asfollows: trThat the Ctty w111 endeavor to- acqulr"e the fou:r pr:opertles requested on a lease-purchase basls p::ovided thls can be done at ths reasonable market valu€i 1.e., the neasonable manket-tlne punchascprlce; that lf thls cannot be accompllshed, then tbe Ctty r+111 endeavor to obtaln the property by cash punchase on condemnatlon, vhen the noney ls available and appnopnlated to do so; and theacquisltlons to be completed as soon es posslble, but not to exceedflve yeans.n Councl,lman Mantln stressed the lmpontance of determlnlng the extentto whlch the Ctty shaI1 cont:.lbutc ln onder to notify the PankingDlstrlct Commlttee the amount of ndollansrr on pencentagerr lt mayantlcipato from the Clty. Counc llman Morgan concurn€d, statlng that the lssue ls a ttquestlon of bnoad po1lcyl and at his suggestion, Councllman Martln, Councllrsllason Pa:rklng Commlttee member, was rnequested to submlt hls vlews concernLng tb6 oxtcnt of the cltyrs partlclpatlon ln the pnoposed assesgment pa:rklng dls tnlct. Councllman llartln, ln nenderlng hls analysis of tJre lssue, refer.redto flgunes quoted by the Parklng Comnlt tee concetrnlng antlclpatcd lneneage ln sales tax nevonue by the cr:eatlon of addLtlonal prking spacos and hls dlsag:reenent ln that lt does not appear that the Cltyshall beneflt by a pnoportlonate share. Councllman Mantln noted that the dlstnict proposes the elfunlnatlonof several lots cumently orrne d by the Clt5r, pantlcularly referrlngto the Park Road panklng lot. Refernlng also to clty-o!,rn6d lote on Lonton Avenue-Donnelly Avenue, prop6:tty adJacerb to the Llbnany, th:ree lots on Pnlmr:ose Road, Cor.mcllman Mantln obsenved that theClty uould be contrlbutlng appnoxtmetely JB$ ot 39fi to the panklngdlstnlct. In concludlng hls analysis, Councllman Mantln proposed that the Cltycontrlbute appnoxlmately $l+00r000.00 (assessed valuatlon ttmes 5)of rrhlch sun $e55r000.00, rcp::esontlng the pr:rchase of clty-orned.lots acqulr.ed for off-stneet panklng facilltles, sha1l be lncluded and credlted. Councllman Morgan suggested that lt may be advlsable to cneate a Panklng Comnlsslon to asslst ln the openatlon of the curt ently clty-owned pa:rking facllltles and the establlshnent of futurepanklng faclIltles. Concurnlng with Councllman Martln wlth nespect to credlt belng necelved fon etty-provlded panking facllltles, Councllnan Mongan stated hls obJectlon howeven, to the lncluslon of the pr.oposed Eowand Bulck Company bulldlng 1n ttre acqulsitlon of propenty. ConsLdcrable dlscusslon anone on tho pencentage to be contributedto tha Distntct, rrl th Councllman Mongan suggestlng, for CouncLl consideretl-on a Clty partlcl.patlon up to fontSr per:cent. A poIl of the member.s of the CIty staff present and a qaJonit5rof the Counclt lndLcated the p::oposal to contrtbute l+Ol of the costof the dlst::lct ras adequate. The Planning Consultant added that, ln hLs oplnlon, however, pnopenty prrchased by the City adJacent to tbe Llbrary and property curnently houslng the Publlc t{orks Department should not be lncluded ln a parklng dlstnict; t'escrved lns tead for: futun€ Cl ty adnlnls tr.atlon. Questioned tA the ChaLr, the Clty Attonney advlsed that ln essoasmentdlstrlct formatlon, the Clty, at the lnceptlon, should stlpulate the extent of lts contrlbutlon to the dlstnlct, elthen ln terms of dolIar.s, pe:rcentages on the acqulsltlon of lots. Illustratlng hlspolnt, tb€ Ctty Attorney r:eferned to a prevtous occaslon wher:e Ln a petl.tlon was subm!.tted to Councll prlon to lts cll'cuLat lon and tbe sollcltors thereaften ln a posltlon to notlfy the propenty orrners the per.eentage to whlch the City would contnlbute. 35s !'ollorlng funther dlscusslon, Counc tLman Mantln noved that theAttorney fon the assessment dlstr.lct be authonlzed to p:repare epetltlon establlshlng an assessment dlatrlct; sald dlst:rlct tolnclude f our of tbe cr::::rently clty-owned lots ( P:nlranose Road, lncludlng sntal1 lot adJacent to Uel1s Fango-Amer.lean Trwt Bulldlng, Lonton-Donnelly Avcnues, Park Road)i ln addltlon to whlch the Clty sha1I contrlbute up to forty pe"cent of the cost of tbe dlstnlct(estlmated to bs $1r500r000.00) of whlch the clty shall necelve cnadlt fon those lots pr:oposed to be acqulned, based on tbeltr present value and for the 1ot adJolnlng the Llbrary pr:op6rty, based upon ltsacqulsltlon cos t. The motlon was seconded by Councllnan Mor:gan and followlng a br.lef dlscusslon on th6 questlon, the notlon ras unanlmously carrled. Councllnan Morgan stEted that the actlon taken by the Councll ls pr:edlcated upon the fact that the Dlstnlct, pnoposlng $1r500r000.00proceods to a successful concluslon. ADJOIIRNMENT the meeting was r.egular:Iy adJounn€d at 9:30 P.m.r Ln resp€ct to the memory of-Father CornelLus Eyland, Pastor', Ou:r Lady of Angels Chunch, who necently passed ln death, on motlon of Councllman Mo:rgan, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanlnously ca:rried. Respectfull,y subnltted, -{e"'&ug67^^L'AEERBERT K. WEITEClty Clelk dd,r>., z APPROVED: ANDREW C. BYRD Mayor: