HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.03.05Burlingame. March 5, Cali fornia L962 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City council was held on the abovegiven ilate. I{eeting called to ord.er at 8:0O p.m., - Mayor Byrd in the Chair- PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE At word from the Cbair, Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CAIT, Present - Counci l-men: Absent - Councilmen: in the counci.l Chadber arose Flag. alI the and gave the Byrd-Lorenz-Martin-Morgan Johnson Councilman ,fohnson, absent due to illness, was excused on motion of Councj-1man Lorenz and second,ed by Councilman l{artin. MIN\JTE S The minutes of the previous meeting of February L9, 1962, submitted to council-, were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of councilman Lorenz and seconded by councilman Martin. COMMTINICAT IONS 1. UNTFORM "LOTS A}ID STREETS " PARKING LIMITATfON A communication from the city Manager, dated I{arch 2, 1962, advisedthat the Health, Safety and ?raffic Comrnission has recommendeil, for purposes of uniformity, that city-owned lots and streets be posted to restrict parkj.ng between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 6:0O P.M., with Sundays and Holidays excepted. fhe City Ir{anager reported that the question of varj-able parking limitations (one-hour, t\,?o-hour. etc.) is currentJ-y under study bythe Commission for report at a later date. Councilman Lorenz stated that the establishment of a uniform parking limj-t was correct procedure and the reconmendation one wherein Council should concur. It was the opinion of Councilman Lorenz that an 8:0O A.!1, , instead of a 9:00 A.!1. startingr time hrould work more to the advantage of the shoppers and would require employees to park el-sewhere than within the downtown business district. Councilman Morgan, citing an instance whereby an employee of a 1ocal business fi"rm \,ras observed placing coins into the meter in front ofthe firm to reserve the convenient parking space and illustratingthe point that remedying a situation in one locality creates asimilar situation in another, stated that there were many complexitiesto the issue. Councilman Martin's inguiry on whether the subject vras referred. tothe Health, Safety and Traffic Commission with instructions that a complete stuily be made, was replied to affirmatively by the City Manager - Questioned further by Councilman Martin on r^,hether it would be ad-visable to chanqe the hours as proposed or to await a complete report,the City Manager advised that a "uniform hour restriction" would becurrently hel-pful; however, he was doubtful $rhether the 8:A.M. to5:00 P.M. parting restrictj.on \^,ou Id be of any benefit to the storeson Burlingame Avenue - 47:D CAIL TO ORDER 416 fhe subject concluded with Councilman Martin's motion that the Council concur with the recommendation of the City llanager andthe Health, Safety and Traffic Commission and that a uniformparking restriction on city-owned lots and appropriate streets be imposed between the hours of 9:O0 A.!1. and 6:00 P.M., Sundays and Holidays excepted. fhe motion was seconded by Councilman Morgan, with the statement that it be expressly understood that the subject be further explored. The vote was thereafter recorded unanimously. Ihe city Manager was requested Traffic Comnission to continueparking study. to i.nstruct the Health, Safety and its "on-street and of f-street'r The City Attorney was requested to prepare the required legislation to establish the recommended "uniform parking enforcement. " A conununication from the city Manager, dated March 2, L962, advised that an investigation has been made of the extent of the street damage on EI Prado Road and conferences have been held withparties concerned. Ihe City Manager advised that a plan to restore the street in asafe and satisfactory condition has been presented to the City Engineer and approval has been obtained from the Richard C.Knights, 2727 EI Prado Road. to permit the Public works Depart- ment to enter their property and to incorporate arork in the creek area to provide an appropriate shoring for the repair of the street. Rdference was made to a copy of a menorandum, dated Itlarch 5, 1962, from the City Engineer to the city Manager, by councilman Martin,(previously appointed by Council to serve on a "damagfe investiga-tion committee") wherein it was noted that "the owner of thisproperty has shown hi-s intention of requesting a resubdivision. " Councilman Ivlartin commented that there were several ways in which to correct the ereek condition; as far as the City is concerned,a dam could be placed in the creek by city forces and other plans recommend.ed would be the responsibility of !lr. Knight; thepossibility of a request for a resubdiviEion, however. introduceda new thought on the subject. Mr. Knight, in attendance, clarified his position, advising that the subiect of a resubdivisi-on was conceived as a measure to share jointly in a financial- venture to adequately reconstructthe property damage and to safeguard the property in the future. Ttre City Attorney, in reply to Council inquiry, concerning the legality of contributing funds to render assistance in this instance, speaking in some detail, indicated that if it is the desire of CounciL to restore the street right of way, the costof the restoration of the street by the City is a proper expend- iture of public funds. Following further discussion, Mr. Knight expreased his consent to permit city crews to enter his property in order to raise the creek bed to support the toe of the fill (ban]< ) as recommended by the City Engineer . Councilman l{organ moved that the Council concur with the recommenda- tion of the city t4anager ard the City Engineer, and proceed as outlined in the proposed "Reconstruction No. I PIan" of the City Engineer, dated uarch 5, 1962 - Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman llartin and unanimously carried. Mrs. Clayton Lake, 1148 o<ford Road, advised Council of a similar erosion problem on her property located on a curve of !4i11s creek whereby the creek is altering its course and undermining tle land causing the loss of a fence and serreral fruit trees. 2. EL PRADO STREET DA.I\IAGE TO BE REPAIRED 4t? ouestioned by the eouncil, the city llanager advised that he had advised Mrs. Lake on a previous occasion that because the property is privately owned and the City does not own an easerent thereon, it was the responsibility of the property owner to prevent further erosion by the construction of a concrete retaining wa11. fn reply to councilman l{organrs inquiry concerning the use of concrete. rather than redwood retaining waIIs, the city Engineer advised that the building code stipulates that concrete retain- ing walls in heights in excess of four and one-haIf feet are required. In further repl,y to councilman ltlorgan's inquiry relative to the 1958 Storm Drainage Bond Issue in relation to rendering assistance to property ovrners experiencing a loss of property through water erosion. the city Engj.neer, further elaborated upon by the city Attorney, advised that the bond propositi-on was submitted for theobject and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing storm drainage facilities (conduits, catch basins, pipelines, etc. )for the improvement of the overall storm drainage system of the City. lrhe City Attorney further explained that this particular instance is a private, rather than a municipal problem; if the issue is a pervasive one wherein others are involved, it is possible to form a private assessment district, to v'rhich the city, depending upon the Act establishing the District, may "make some monetary contribution to the District. " Following further discussion, it hras recommended that It{rs. Lake seek the advice of the City Engineer. Mr. Robert 8. Ryan, 2722 El Prado Road, questioned the an inspection to be made concerning a possible erosionhiLlside area above his property. status ofof the A memorandum to the City Manager and to Council-man llartin (investiga- tion conuni. ttee ) from the city Engineer, dated March 5, 1962, advised that a field inspection had b€en made on the slope above the Ryanproperty. indicating that no erosion was sighted on the natural slope above the cut l:anl<; however, a study is currently in progresE to determine the possibility of intercepting the f 1or^, from the hillside to connect to a storm pipe on Summitt Drive. The report was acknowledged as a progress report on this occasion. 3. IMPRO\ZET4ENT D(TENS ION APPROVED (B. I. BEARfNT) A conuounication from the City l{anager, dated llarch 2, 7952, adwisedthat a conference vrith Dr. B. f. Bearint. scheduled to permit ur. Bearint to stipulate reasons for his request for an extensionof time in which to complete improvements to his property, indicated that litigation proceedings are nearing conclusion andthe development of the property should progress in the near future. Ihe recornmendation of the City Manager, the City Engineer and the City Attorney, that the exteniion be granted under conditions setforth in a letter on file under date of February 27, ].962, was concurred in on a motion introduced by Councilman It{organ, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried. 4. REPORE ON ABBOTP PROPERTY FOR BROADWAY PARKT!{G A couununication from the City Manager, dated llarch 2, L962, reportedin some detail, his conference with Mr. R. L. ebbott on the leasingof lots in the Broadway area for parking facilities, leith an optionto purchase. The City Manager, in hiE analysis, advised that in t,is opinion,the main interest of the City should be the consideration of theacquisition of IJots I and 27 and on that basis, negotiations with !1r. Abbott is desirable. fhe City Manager questioned the expenditure 418 of the $200.00 per month, plus taxes, for the rental and the usage of Lots 1 and 3I, as proposed by Mr. Abbott. Following a brief discussion, Councilman Morgan moved that theCity Itlanager continue his negotiations with Ur. Abbott; obtaininga firm price for Lots 1 and 27 and if possible, a lower rental than the $200.00 per month rental proposed. Itre motion was seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried. 5. DISPOSAL PI,ANT ENG INEERING SERVICES APPROVED A communication from the City Manager. dated lUarch 2, 1962, advisedthat as authorized by Council. a proposal for consultingr engineering servj.ces in connection h,ith the demands of the Regional Water Pollution Control Board, has been received and subsequent to its evaluation, it was the reconmendation of theCity Engineer and his Office that the proposal be accepted andthe engineering study be initiated. Councilman Itlor gan moved that the council concur, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried. 6. WATERFROMT IAND PROPOSED ACQUfSTTION A memo from the City Uanager, dated March 2. 1962, advised that thesubject of the acquisition of waterfront land properties, completewith appropriate data, has been officially submitted to Mr. ,John Lynch, condemnation Attorney. The report was acknowledged as aprogress report. A rlerc from the clty Hanager, dated I{arch 2, 1962, advised that the findings" 6f a,,comittee appolnted by the Recreation Commissionindicate that the complaint received and investigated on the proposed replacement of the Totland structure, is not justified. The report was acknowledged and placed on file. None ORDINANCES A communication from the City Ivlanager, dated February 23, reported on the number of units, occupied and unoccupied frame house owned by the City adjacent to the Library. L962, in the A standard appraisal analysis indicated a net income of $I99.50per month and the City Uanager questi.oned the advisability of mdcing an effort to manage the property with the lcer net income apparent. The city Iuanager further reported that if the building were demolished, the city Engineer has estimated an expenditure of $2,800.00 to provide the improvements for a parking facility. It vJas the city Manager's suggestion that the issue on whetherthe income and problems involved to maintain the structure out-rreights the early and expeditious use of the property forparking is a matter for council to determine. councilman l,lorgan, initiatinq some digcoasion on the issue, stated that in his opinion, little advantage would be realized by retaining the property in its present status and whether it is, or it is not, within the parking district, is not the issue. ft was his recommendation that the building be demolished to provide a mucl,- needed parting faci lity. 7. REPI,ACEMENT TOTI"AND STRUCTURE APPRO\ED RESOLIITIONS None T'NF INISHED BUSINESS 1. REPORT ON C ITY-OI,iINED PROPERTY ADiTACEMP TO LIBRARY 419 councilman Loranz stated that it vras his impression that the revenue from the rental receipts would be applied on the financing of the Library acqulsition. councilman Lorenz objected to providing parking spaces that would be occupied by personnel of the Library. The City Librarian assured the council that his interest in providing parking sPaces was motivated so1ely to relj-eve the iurrent ind immediately foreseen par)<ing congestion in the area. Council-man Martin advised that the lot has been included in the parking district and in his opinion, no action should be taken until it is determined that the Parking District formatj-on is successful and that the 1ot will be used for an off-street Parking facility. Fo1lor^ring further consideration wherein it was Ltldicated that the members of the Council present were divided in their opinion concetning disposition of the property on this occasion, the subject was held for futther study until the next regular meetj.ng, I{arch 19, 1962 . I\TEW BUSINESS 1. SUGGESTION RE: OFF STREET PARKING FORMAT ION Mrs. William P. Brigham, 228 Dwight Road, Burlingame, recommended that medbers of the Council consider granting lr1r. John F. Isadore, Assistant City lvlanager of the City of Mountaj.n Vj,ew, an opportunity to assist the Parking District Committee by presenting his views in connection with the current parking di.strict plan; advising that the city of I'lountain Vie\^r has what is considered a modelparking district. Follovring a brief discussion and at the suggestion of Councilman Uorgan, the City lrlanager was requested to communicste r^,ith Mr. Isadore and to submit a report to the City Council thereafter. Questioned on the current status of the District, Councilman Martin, Council li.aison membcr, reported that at least a sixty percent sign-up of property owners is necessary on or before the first dayin April or the formation of the District may fail to materialize. A communication from the Mayne Tree D<pert company, dated February23, L962, protesting the tree service aetivi.ties engaged in by some members of the Burlingame Fire Department in competitionwith licensed companies, vras referred to the cj-ty Manager. 3. APPOTNTMEMT R. J. EDWARDS TO PLAbINING COMM]SSTOIJ Uayor Byrd proposed the name of J. R. Edwards for appointment asa medber of the Burlingame City Planning Commission to fill the forthcoming vacany of IC. H. Diederichsen, who has announced his intention to resign from the Commission due to Grand Jury commit- fi€nts . Councilman Lorenz moved that by Councilman llorgan. the appointment be conf j-rmed, seconded Some discuss j-on arose on the question. Councilman Martin stated thet he had no objection to the apintee personally, hovrever, he didobject to the proced.ure applied in making appointments to the Commissions and was of the opinion that due consideration should be given to an appointnEnt being made wherein the Mills Estate Subdivision may be represented. Mayor Byrd and Couneilman Morgan each recalled submitting appointees names to Commis*ion posts that the policy inin prior years 2. MAYNE COMPANY PROTEST 420 has remained the prerogative of the Mayor. A vote on the motion was recorded as fol-lows: Ayes: Councilmen: Byrd-Lorenz-MorganNoes: Counci,l-men: Martin Absent Councilmen: Jlohnson OCLAMATTONS llayor Byrd proclaimed the foLlowing: The Tenth Day of March as "Basketball for Handicapped Children Day in the City of Burlingame- " The Week of March 5 through Ivlarch 10, 1962, as "North Penj-nsula Concert Association Week. " CAND IDATES INTRODUCED lhe Chair acknowledged the presence of and j-ntroduced the follftr-ing candidates for the forthcoming April lO, 1962, Irh.rntcipalElection: I,Es. Kay Brigham, !1r. William Crosby, Jr. , Mr. James G. B.l{artini and incumbent Councilman R. David Martin. De Ihe meeting was thereafter regrularly adjourned at 10:3O p.m. Respectfull-y submitted, HERBERT WHITECity Clerk APPROVED: 1f*gs,"r'(,610d/ ANDREW C. BYRD, MAYOR ADJOT'RNMEIi'T