HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.07.05A.negula:: mee-t_lng of the Bu:rllngarne Clty Councll was heldglven date. Meetlns_called to 5nae:r at"g:it-;.;.;-: ffi-havtng met as a Boai.-d_ or_EquaiLzaiio"-"" requlred by law,Pno Tempore Byrd in the Chatr:. Bu:r1lngame, July !, C eIlfonnLa r960 72s on the aboveCouncll f1ns twlth Mayor CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF A LI,EGIANCE Present - Councllmen:Absent - Councllmen: At wo::d fr.om the Chatr all lD the CouncilPledge of Alleglance to the Flag. ROLL CALL Chamber arose and gave the Bynd - Johns on-Lorenz -R o o th Mongan The Chaln r.eponted the lllness and hospltalizatlon of May6p Mongan erdon motLon of CouncLlman Johnson, seconded by Corurcilrnan Lorenzr"Mayon Mongan lraa excused. MI}{I]IES PREVTOUS MEETI}IG A conmunlcatlon dated JuIy l, 1950, was r:ead from tlre City Managen, advlslng that the contr.act rLth the PenLnsula Ilumane Soclety explned June 10, 1950 and a new contract, caloulated on a basls of the latest Fedo:ra1 c€nsus , (23ro33 x .30) has been prepaned for Councll appnoval. Councllman Rooth lntnoduced and moved the adoptlon of RESOLIIIION 19-60nAuthonLz lng the Executlon of an Agneement Wtth the Pe nlnEEla-ffianeSocletyr a CorponatLon, To l'laintaln end Enforce A11 Exlstlng Appllcable ordlnances ln the Ctty of Bu:nllngame Appentalnlng to Anlmals Upon Pub1lc Streets and ln Pub11c Places " (fI 179.00) seconded blr Councilman torenz and unanlmously carnled on no11 ca1l. The mlnutes of the prevlous meotlng of June 20, L96O, as submltted to Councll rene unanlrnously approved and adopted on motlon of Councllnan Rooth and seconded by Councllnan.. Jobns on. Councllman torenz nequestedthe r.econd to tndlcaie that hls "nott vot6 on the resolutlon aaoftlngthe ermual Chamber of Conmerce Contract at the last meetlng, ras castfon the reason that he had not had an oppo:tturlty to nead the pnoposed contract. coMMlrNIC.rf IONS 1. RENETIAL MIMANE SOCIEIY CONTRACT 2. SAN FRANCISCO WATER DEPARTMENT trASSURANCE,' CONTRACT A c onuunLcatl,on dated July 1; 1950, was r.ead ltom the Clty r"lanagen, advls lng that the San Pnancisco Water Depar:tment, ln order to lmpr"ovelts system and to provlde for adequate facLlltLes ln the futu::e, has requested lts congurners to slgnify thein lntentlon to contlnue the lrervlce for a penLod of trenty years by completing an appllcatlon form pnovidsd UV tlr1.S an Francigco Water Depar.trnent. The Clty t'lanager: stated that the Clty has no other fegslble sour:ce of supply ind the "assurance of a supply ls fundamental.tr Questl,oned by Councllman Rooth, nbo..stated that ln hls oplnlon, rran incnease ln weten nates 1s foneseen" the Clty ltanagen advlsed that an lncrease ln not antlcipated at thls time; houever, on prevlous occasion,the San lbanclsco Water Departrnent has negotiated nate lncreases Ln afaln and equltable narD€P o 130 Fo1lowlng a brlef dlscusslon, Councllman Lor.enz moved that the Councll concur ln the r:e commenda tlon approvlng the appllcatlon for a Water Contract and that the Clty Attorney be authorlzed to prepare an appropriate resolutlon authorizlng the executlon of sald appllcatlon. The motlon was seconded by C ourrcllman Johnson and unanlnously ca:rnled. 3.RENTAL LYON AND HOAG PARKTNG LOT IERTOD NINETY DAYS A comnunicatlon dated June 10, I!50, was read fnom the Ctty Managen, advls 1nof the ILy that subsequent to a conference wlth one of the oxne t s on and Hoag Iot, across fnom the Clty Ha11, it ues :recommended that a t€mporary tenancy be contlnued for a perlod ofninef,y (90) aays, at the rate of 82t+3.75 per month. The Clty Menagen furthen necormnended that prope::ty owner.s and me:rchante be so lnfo?med and requested to expedite proceedlngs toestabllsh a dlstnlct for: an off-street parklng faclI1ty. Councllman Rooth moved that the Councll concur wlth the r:ecommendatLons, seconded Ey Councilman Johnson and unanLmously carrled. 4.TRA}'EIC SIGN INSTALLATION AT BAYSUAIER-ANITA A cornmunlcatlon dated June 10, 1950, fnom the City r"ranagen, advlsedof the tnefflc hazand exlstent at the lntersectlon of Dayswaten Avenue and Anlta Road and the re conurendatlon, follolrlng e survey conductedby the Trafflc Department, that leglslatlon be dlnected to createa tuo-way stop at sald intensectlon. Councllman Rooth moved that the Councll concur and that the CltyAttor:n6y be lnstnuctld to pr.epar.e the appnopnlate 1egls1at1on, seconded by Councllman Lorenz and unanl.mous 1y car:::led. '. TRUCK LOADING ON BIIRLINGAME AVENIIE REPORT A communicatlon dated July 1, 1960r was nead fnom the Clty I{anagen, nepontlng on a sur.vey conducted by the Tnaffic Department' nelatlveto tnuck loadlng and unJ.oadlng on Burllrgame Avenue. Ihe Ctty i'Ianage valu ble panklnrlthheld pendln fac111t les. Ila8sgt dvised that addtttonal loading zones would ellmlnatepaces and l-t was hLs necommendatlon that actlon be he establlshment of edditlonal off-street parklng Councllman Johnson moved that the Council concur wlth the r€commendatLon, reconded by C ouncllman Lonenz and unanlmously carrled. 5. CONSTRUCTTON INSPECTOR POSTTTON CERTIFIED Ac qdY c1a sa1 omnunLcatlon dated June 10, 1p60, was read from the Clty Manager., lslng that the--Dlrecton of Pub1lc hlor:ks has nequested a nensslflcatlon - nConstructlon fnspectortt - be esf,abllshed ln the any ondLnance. For: the informatlon of the Councll, the Ctty Menager reported that an employee had been engaged on a temporar.y basis some tlme ago to lnspect publlc lmprovements ln new subdlvlslon developnents and compensated therefor by the subdlvlder subsequent to bl11lng by the Clty. It was the necommendatlon of the Clty Managor, ,.n 1leu of the aboye, requestt that a policy be establlshed for the payment of weges andttfrlnge" beneflts for. the posit!.on and the subdl-vldon or developer the:reaften bt11ed for the ser:vlce accordlngly. questloned by the Councll, tlre City Engineen explalned that the reconmendatlon had been proposed for the posltlon ln onder: to establlsh e wag6 stadard and to pr.ovLde e pension, hos pl tallzat lon, vacatlon, ILfe lnsr.ur.ance, holiday and slck leave beneflt equal tc that enJoyed by other. Clty employoes, wlth the developen (or sub-dlvlden) bll]ed to lnclude the enumenated tteras. 1E|3l{ote: page 131-132 SP0IL,ED (See back of book) RESOLUTION NO.0-60 rfEs tabllshln o a Pollcy for. the PaSnnent ofof Constnuctlon Engineerrr was on motlon of Councllman Rooth, unanlmous Iy carrled on ro11 the ompens a ion fon the Positlontheneaften lntroduced for pas s age seconded by Councllman Johnson andcall of membens. 7. APPROVAL BUDGET WITHHELD PE}TDING STODY S ESSTON A communlcatlonthe 1950 - 1961 budget wlthheldJuly B, 1960, C f ncr.eas lng the Pr. tmRolllns Road fr.om 2lts second readlng Councllman Lorenz ,adopted by the fo11 fnon the Cl'ty M6p3g6r, dated July 1, 1960, submlttingbudget uag aeknowledged and appr:ova1 of saldpendlng a Councll s tudy sesslon scheduled }hlday, oucrcll Chambers , B: 00 p.rn. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION N0. 111-60 'tFlxlng Compensatlon of Clty Managen! was lntnoduced for. passage on notlon of Councllman Rooth, seconded byCouncllnan tonenz and unanlraousIy carnled on noI1 calI. RESOLUTION NO. l{2-5O 'tRepealing Resolutlon No. 71-59 and Adoptlng @nlng the cfty Tneasu:rer to ier:iorm the DutleJof Payr"o11 Clenk, Pres crlblng IIls Dutl,es as Such Payr.o1l Clenk andFlxing the Compensatlon for Sucb Dutles " was lntroduced on motlonof Ceuncllnan Rooth, who moved 1ts passage, seconded by Councllman Johnson and gdopted unanlmously on no11 caftl. RESoLUTION NO. h3-50 ItREscindln an llor:nly Pay Scale -f or Casual g Resolutlon No. 66-57; Labon and ServLces" wag on motlon of Councllman Rooth, who moved its passage, Councllrnan Johnson and adopted unanlmous ly on nol1 ca1 RESoLUTION N0. l+l+-60 ItResolutlon Settl ng Aslde Centaln L ands, Maklng Par"k S ys temlhem a Pub].lc Pafk and Incorporatlng Them ln the Pub1lcof the Clty of Bur:llngamerr was lntroduced fon passage on motlon of Councllman Rooth, seeonded by CounclLnan Lonenz and r:nanl.mously camled on rol1. ca1l. ORDINANCES Conslderatlon of: a oRDINANCE N0. 715 rrAn ordlnance Amendlns the 0rdlnance Code of tbeeEiy-ofBunffie By Aaatns Thereto a N'ew Sectlon Numbened l22L-B Es tabllshlng In troduced seconded by 1. acLe Speed Llmlt Fon Vehlculan Tr"afflc onlles Pen Hour to l! Ml1es Pe:: Hour" ras glven on motlon of Counc Llman Johnson, soconded byd o:rdlnance passed lts second readlng and was ng vote: aF 5vi and sal ow1 AYES: Counctlmen: Byrd-Johnson-Lonsnz-Rooth NOES: Councllmen: Non6 ABSENT Councllmen: Mongan ORDfNANCES - Int:roductlon of: qRDINANCE Nq Z16 "An Or.dlnance Repeallng Sect 1on 825 of the ondinance Neu Sectlon 825 of satathE Clty of Br.urllngame and Adoptlng a ce Code, Flxing and Eatabllshlng the Classlflcatlons of Posltlons loyment and the Compensatlon and Salaz'i.es Thenafon (July and was lntr.oduced by Councllman Rooth and nead 1n lts entlnety. Code of Ordlnaa and Emo August) ORDINANCE l{0. 717 nAn Or.dlnance Repeellng Sectlon 825 ot tle ordlnance Eo-aA;?rE-heIEE of Bunl!.ngame and-Adoptlng a New sectlon 825 ot Sald Ondlnance Code, Ftxtng and Establlshlng the Classlfleatfu>ns ofpositrln" ana umprofment aid the compensatl6ns and salanles T\nef ortt (Septemben) was lntroducod by Couacllman Rooth and nead ln 1ts Gntlnety. ORDfNANCE No. 710 IAn or.,illnanee Amendlng Sectlon [12.[ of the ord lnanc e e oaA o?-tEe ctty of Br::r11rg ame F 1x lna the Compensa Clenk fon Hls Servlces as Asslstant Secretany of th misslon wes lntnoduced by Councllman Johnson and ne t'on of the C lty e Planning Com- ad ln tt$ entlrety. None IINFTNIS}IED BUSTNESS 184 NEW BUSINESS 1. PROPOSD OFF STRMT PARKING FACILITY ON BROAD}JAY Councllman Rooth announced that som6 progress has been made nolativeto the panklng pnoblen ulthln the Bnoadray dlstnlct and lnvited Mn. Eduand P. Rocca, 1212 Broadway, to advlse the Councll of anoffen made by Mr. Thomas J. Ca11an, Jn., for: the we of hLs parklng lot on Br.oadway as an off-street parklng faclllty. !1n. Rocca outllned Ln some detal1, the tenns upon rhlch Mr. Callan hea lndlcated hls ul.Ilingness to lease the propenty to the City forparklng pur.poses. Followlng gomo discussion, th€ Clty Agtrspn"y was Lnstnucted to pr€parto an appropr'late documert to be presented to Mr". Cellan fonhls appnoval and to neport to Councll at the next regulan meetlng,July IB, 1950. 2. CTVIC CENTER CO}4MITTEE OFFICENS APPOINTED ACI(NOIdI,EDGMENTS The Chelr acknorledged necel,pt of mLnutes from the Health & Sefety CommlssLon, the Park Commlsslon, the Plarurlng Commlsslon and theLlbrany Board. ROLI, CALL OF COMMISSIONS Mrs. Edtth Cohendet, Chahnen of th6 Llbr"any Boa::d and Mns. IllldredB. Grcas of the Recneatlon Commlsslon answened a r.oll call of Comalsslons. ADJOIIRNMENT There belng no funthen buslness,at 9:40 p.ru. the meetlng uas r.egularly adjourned Respectfully s ubmlt tod, HETRBERT K. WHITEClty Clenk APPROVED ayor:emp Cor.rncllman Johnron neported on the or"ganlzattonal moetlng of the Clvlc Center Selectlon Commlttee, held Fnlday, July 1, 1960, and theselectlon of !1n. J. Ed. McClellan as Chalnman and Geonge J. Mann as Secnetany. ( o