HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.10.1634s Bunllngamc, Callf onnla Octoben 15, 1951 CALL TO ORDER A ncgular mcetlng of tho Bu:r1lngame abovc glven date. Uoetlng called to Bnrd ln the Chalr. Clty Councll was held onder. at 8:05 p.m.,on th6- Mayor PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At rord fr:om the Chaltrr'a11 1n the Councll Chamber ar:ose end gavc tbe Plcdge of Alleglance to thc FIag. ROLL CALL hegent - Councl1nen: Byrd -Jotrns on-Lonenz -Mart ln-Mo:rgenAbsent - Councllncn: l{one !{INUTES PREWOUS I{EETTNGS fD th6 absence of an obJect!.on, thc mlnutes of Octoben 8, 1961, w€re appr:oved as cuhltted. Thc mlnutes of octoben 2, L961, wore appnoved on motlon of Counellnan Johnaon and seconded by Councllman Martln. BIDS . RESI}RFACTNG EDGEHILL DRTI/E Blds for thc resurfeclng of Edgchtll Dnlve and other Socondany Str:cet of thc Clty, opened at 2 p.mor oD thls dat€, as poP lega1 notlce, uene declaned as follorre: Thcnmo Bond Conponatlon Lorn:lc Pav lng CompanyFlsk, Fbenze , McLean, fnc . 011vcn DcSllva, Inc.F. D. Sperry Co. Bragato Pavlng Co. *2t,386.55 2b,85e.58 25,554.t8 25,990.7,1 29,356,23 39,h82.86 Councllnen Morgan novod that thc Tbenmo Co:rporatlon bc awardcd thslor bld ln tbe-total amount of $2L,386.59 aia lntroduccd for passagc EbSoLllIo{ l[o._ <2-6I rA Rcaolutlon of Awand of Contrect Fon Rc- du:rfaclng of Edlgehl11 No. 61-16n secondod by nol1 calI. Dnlvc and Othcr Secondary Clty Stneets - CounclLnan ltantln end uneni.mous Iy edoptc Jobdon scdtof obe In neply to Councllnan Mongenrs lnquhy, th6 Clty Englneer advlthet the cxpendltunc au thonlzed repr6s6nts onc-tht"d of tbe cos the nesr:rfaclng of secondany clty stneetsi the rcmalnlng uork t p:rognamed ln the Sprlng ot L962. COMI.TI'NTCATIOilS 1. ANNEXATToN T0 SAr{ MAfEo COUNTY Mlsqurro EBAIEEETT UTSTRICT A comunlcatlon fnom the City Managen, dated Octobcr 13, 1961, advlsedtbet It. Wllllan Rocse of the San Mateo County Mosquito AbatementDlst"lct hag necormended the lncluslon of centaln lncorrpor:atedterrltory ( skyllne Manor') luto the Mosqulto Abatenent Dlstnlct 1n 6r.der to obteln nosqulto abatetnont torvlog. It .was the r€comrondatlon of tho Clty Manager that (1) tne Clty Englnoer pnepare a meto and bound dcscriptlon of the t6nnltot"y! (2) .a cleanance6f Loundary 1lnes be obtained fron the Boundary Comrlsslon ana (3) tue Ctty Attonney prepene tho necessary leglsletlon to petltlon thc Dlsttllct to lnclude the tenrltory ln lts servlce. Councllman Lorenz moved that the Councll conctr, seconded by Councllnan Johns on and unailmous ly carrlsd . 346 2. PROPOSED ANNEXATIO}I OF 18.3 ACRES FFO.FCNTOF-MILLBRAS A conmunlcatLon fr"om the Clty l{anager, dated Octoben 13r 1951, advlsedthat tbe Clty of llt11bree bag oonsented to the an nexa tl-on of ano:rtherly strlp extcndlng lnto the Ctty of Burllngsm€, wlth e r€qu€st that tb€ Clty, on e ooopgratlvc basig, partlclpate laretalnlng a snrall parklng sn6a on tho pr.opsrty, curnontly ln u.s6 as an off-stneet parklng facl1lty for tnaLn comruterg. lhe Clty Managcn advLsed that lf thcne wer€ no obJoctlons, hlaofflce would so advlse tbo Cl,ty of Mlllbrao. There belng no obJectLon, the nepoltt was eclmowledged and furthcriactloa held pendlng recelpt of documents to lnstltute annexatLon proceedlngs. 3.CIIY.COUNTT DEENSE.DTSASTER ORGANIZATION A communlcatlon fnom the City Managen, dated Octobetr 13, 1961 , advlscdthat a Jolnt Powens Agneement establkhlng a Clty-County Clvl1 Defcnse and Dlsaster 0rganlzatLon, has been forwarded by James V.!'ltzgerald, Supenvlaon and Chalrman, Clvl1 Defens€ Digaster and Plannlng Boar.d. Ihe Clty Menager advlsed that although the agneemant does not olaborate as fully aa rould be desl:red, it wes hls neconncnda tlon tbat tts executLon be authorlzed by dlnectlng the Clty Attonney to plropare appr.opnlate leglsLatlon 1n or"der that a coondlneted Clvl1 Defensc county-xlde progren oay proccod. Councllman Johng on noved that Councll coneur wlth tbs necommendatlonof the Clty ilanager, secondod by Councllnan Loners. Speaktng oa tho questl.on, Counellnan Mantln questloned under rhose Jurlsdlctlon the Pollce and Flre Departmnts nould be naintelnod 1n the ovent of an cdong6ncy, to whlcb lrqutry thc Ctty Manager:gtated thst ID his opLnlon, the Clty rould rctaln complote coatrol. The Ctty Managen achrorledged that John K. Wnlgbt, Burllngane Clvll Defense offlclal concu.nned wlth hls Offlce ln that the agreement 1enot clearly deflned and suggested that lf Counctl so desires, actlon on the pnoposod agreem€nt ney be wlthbold pendlng a clarlflcatlon. Counclluan l,!et ttn stated tbat lt nay be ln the best lnterest of t lreClty to forego actlon unttl the agneement ls deflned mone speclflcal1y. t{ayor Byrd advlsed that accondlng to hls !.nterpr.otatlon of ths eg.roen6nt,the scope of responslblllty would be de termlned by the Dtsacter Councll Plannlng Boar.d, composed of a membel of the Boand ofSupcnvlsors and ttre Hayon (or nepresentatlve ) of eacb Cltyi ln nhlch case, to prop6lr1y functlon aa a Clty-County Clvll Defcns€ coondlnat lngbody, all cittes would be requlned to be tn fu11 agr:eenrnt. In ,tsp1y to the Chalr:rs r.equest fon an oplnlon, tb CIW Attornoy advleed that the document r6c61ved and Iabelled ndneftn lndlcatesthat tbo Couaty contemplated th€re mey be cbanges nade and wlth refenence to the polnt nalsed by CounctLman Mentln, ths agneenent does not clarlfy rho, ln timeg of dlsaster, shal1 lssue dfirectlveeto the Pollce, FI'tre and Ctvll Defense departuents of a clty. TbcClty Attonney suggested that penhaps thls polnt should be brought tothe attcntlon of otber cltles rlthln the County. Counollman Morgan advlsed tbat b€ would abstal,n fnoa votlng on the Lssue unt1l such tlmo a8 unltten epprovel 1g neceived from Capt.G. C. Cu:rrler, Assi.stant Clvll Defense Dhecton ln tho Clty of Burllngame. lilayon Bynd stated that Burllng am6 Clvll Defense offlclalg hsve lndtcat6a theLr ullllngnesn to ncooperatetr but not nintegratert wltb the County of San Mateo Clvll Defonse onganizatlon. Followlng a bnlef dlscusslon, tho Chalrr cal1ed fon a vote on the motLon. The result was announced as follous: Ayes: Nocg : C ounc llmen: Counc 11men: Byr.d-Johns on-Lorenz Ma! tln-litorgan 347 Mayor Byr:d, cestlng an rayen vote, declaned hls approval, 1nprinclple, wlth tbe agreement. The City Attorney ras dltrected to propare tbe necessary leglslatlon and the C!.ty Manager' lnstrdcted to obtaln e mrltten optnion fnonCapt. Geo. C. Currler snd lt. Jobn K. tlnlght, Clvl1 D€fonse offlclals. l+. PURCIIASE OF STUII,IP REMOVER WITEHELD A comrnrnlcatlon fr.om the Clty Manager, dated October 11, 1t51, advlsedthat punchase of a s turrp romoven, authorlzed as a bridgetany ltem,Is aval1abIe thr.ough B. Ilayrnan, fnc., Los-Angeles, the only c ompany nenufactunlng the produce, at a pnlce of $31554.10, plus fi].zl.ztfon two sets of canblde-tlpped t€€th. The Ctty Manager t'ecommendedthat 1n the inte:rest of savlng man-hours of labor, the antlcle be purchased. Councllman Morgan expressed hls obJectlon to acceptlng a bld al legcdto be manufactured by only on6 company ln the Unlted Stetes and, lnhls oplnlon, a f urtber: lnvestlgatlon ls menlted. Quegtloned by the Counc1l, the City Managen edvlsed that the Park Super"lntendent, authonizod by hls Offlce, appnoached at Least flvecltles wlthln the Counf,y to asc€rtaln theln etperlenco 1n connectlonulth th3 purchase of a slmllan pr.oduce and Ln each lnstance wag advised that the abovementloned c ompeny was the excluslve manufacturer. Councllmen Jobnson, acknoltlodging that the equlpment Is bclor the pnlce budgeted and that effor.tE have been experd€d to obtalnaddltlonal blds, moved that the Councll coacur utth the reconnrendat lonof the Clty Manager and that the stump !:omover be punchased at the quoted p"lc€. The motlon wes seconded by Councllman Lorenz and folLowlng e bnlef dLscusslon on tho questlon, the vote was necorded es fo1lol,s,Ayes; Councllmen: Johnson-LonenzNoes: Council.men: Byr.dl -Mart ln-Mo:rgan Mayor Byrd neques ted that the Clty Managen s ubrni.t a funtber ,leportat the n6xt regular neetlng and that the subJect be placed as ltem One on the Councll agenda on that dats. 5.TNCREASE IN SALES TAX ADMINISIBATTON COSTS A communicatlon from the Clty Manager e dated Octoben 1lthat the State Boand of Equallzatlon has glven notlee ofroa l.5O% to 1.60% of sales tax coLlectLon to defray a cos',s, was aclmowledged and plac€d on flIe. Reference ras nade to tro communlcatLons :received from the CltyAttorncy, dated 0ctober 11, 1961 r concer:nlng lltlgatlon of two sepanate actions, rEaston vs. Bur:llngame n and "Ellls vs. Clty of Bu:r11ngame'r and acknorrledged as status repor:ts. ,1fadnl 951e advlslngn lncrease nls tnatlon 6. RAPTD TRANSIT PROPOSAL A communLcatlon fron tbe CLty Manager, dated octoben lJ, 1961, advlsedthat a lengt\y report favorlng the $lthdrawal from the Rapld TnansltDlstrlct bas been r.ecelved by tbe County Boand of Super.vlsor:s fnom the Govarnneatal Reseanch Councll and forua:rded to the Clty Councll by E. R. McDonald, Chal,nman, Boerd of supolrvlsor:s. The Ctty Managers advlsed that speclflc plans prnoposed by the San Frenclsco Bay Area Rapld lbanslt Systen heve not been offlclally submltted to- tbe Bo and of Supenvlsirns end the report, rRevlen of Pnoposed San tr':ran cis co Bay Area Rapld Tnanslt Sys temrr has been rofernod to Councll for" lbs lnfonnatlon end conslderatLon. Followlng a brlef duscusslon and anticipatlnpl that a date fon apubllc h€anlng will be schoduled by th€ County Board of Supenvlsonsat the approprlate tlme, actl-on on the stend to be taken on the lssuo by the Ctty Councll was dofenned on thls occaslon. 7I LTTIGATIoN EASTON vs. BURLINGAME INGAI'M 348 9. INQUILY ACENO{LEDqEQ RE: CIVTL RIGIiTS Mayon Byrd scknowledgod Councllrs recolpt of a copy of a comnunlcatlonfron the Clty Attonney addressed to lfo. Louls Jones, !11 Ver:ano Court, San Mateo, replylng to the lettenrs lnqufury concernlng Clv1l Rlgbtprivlleges ln the Ctty of Br:rllngsne. RESOLUTIONS RESoLUTIoN l{O. 53-61 nondenln g the VacatLon of e Cortain Drpalnage EasenenT Tn and-6 Eots l and 2, Bloek 1, As Shovn on That Cer"taln !{ap Entltled tRey Park, Br:rltngamo, Callforroiarn uas lntnoducedfon passage on motlon of Councl lnran Johns on, s€oondod by Counollnan LorEnz and adopted unanimous ly on no11 ca1l. and &a-f-nage J-aiemont Fnom Reno Davld Falk srd Letltla Jane FaJ.k, Dated Septemben 12, 1951n ras lntnoduced fon passage on motLon oi Councllman Johns on, seconded by Councllman Hantln and adopted unanlmous Iy on rolL ca1l. RESoLUIIoN ll0r 5[{1 ltAcce pting Deed of Dedlcatlon on Publlc Uttllty ru3sor,rrlrroN No. 95-6t rrAcce ptlng Deed of Dedlcatlon of Publlc Utl1lty @ firon Ull1lam Schoenhand and Helen K. S choerrharqal rDated Septemben 11, 1961n wac lntroduced for passago on motlon of Councllman Mongan, seconded by Councllnan Mantln and unanlnowlycarrled on roll caII. RESoLUTTOil l{0. 55-61 rDeclarlng lloxlous and Dangerous Weeds and Rub-5fJE a Nuis an-aerrras Lntrodueed for. palrnago on motlon of Counellman Mo::gan, seconded by Councllman Ma::tln and unanlmously adopted onnoLl caI1. ORDfNANCES - Consldenatlon theneof ! oRDINANCE N0. 7b5 trAn Ordlnance Amendlng the Ondinance Code of thelon 2[00.[5 Pnovldlng For theCIty of Burllngame By Addlng SectIncluslon of Fallout Shelter.s ln Gnoup J: 0ocupancles as DefLned by the Untform Bulldlng Code, 1958 Edttlon and Regulathg llholrl Constr.uctlon, SLze, VontllatloD rrd Llghttng' was given lts second nead!.ng and upon motlon of CounclLman Morgan, seeonded by CounclluanMantln, saLd ordr.nance passed Lts second neadlng and was adopted bythe followlng vote: Ayes: Councllmon:lloes: Councllmsn! Absent Councl.lmen: Byr.d - Johns on-Lorenz -Mar.t la-Mongan IIone lfone U}IFINISHED BUSTNESS 1. CT\TIL SENWCE IN CTTT OF BURLINGAME Mayon Byrd lnltlated dlgcusslon on Clv1l Sor:vlce examLnatlons hold xl thln the Clty and ::efenned speclfically to tuo recent examlnat lons xheneln Lt was hle under.s tandlng that noutsldersn wene pet"nlttod to conpete with clty employces 1n open examlnatlon, for: supe::vlsor.y pos 1 tl ons . Mayon By::d stated that hls stateaents r er€ not ln cnltlclsm of the functlons of the Clv1l Servlce Comrl.gsloni however, ln hls oplnlon, a po1lcy should be adopted by Councll to glve e tenurod omployco r1tb1n the Classlfled Scnvlcc a glven Dunber of polnts 1n reeognit lonof hle pnior: senvlce. In r.eply to tbe ChaLr.rs nequest fot Councll comnonts, councllnau Lor.enz expr:essed hls conctr.nnonca rrlth ths s tatements of tbs Chal:l, addlng that 1n hls oplnlon, clty €mployess should be glven flrst consldenatlon ln depantmentel pnomotlons and that a change s hould occu:r ln the method of selectlon. Counellnan Johnsonrs lngulrlos wene replled to by the Ctty Manager: uho advlssd that the Clvl1 Senvlce Comnlsslon has been emporened I th:rough Ru1es aEd Regulatlons, to schedule exanlnatlons md to deternlne, at lts dlsc::etLon, the type of exanlnation to be conducted - rr.ltton, ora1, ethletlc, on e conblnet lon of the thr6€. 349 Mevor Bvnd nefenned to a necent examLnatlon held for the posltlon of-Serg6ant in the Pol1ee Depa:rtment rhetleln he was lnformed that approxinately one hundned appllcants rene permltted to compete for tLi posttlon, wlth no recognltlon glven to clty employees senlorlty ratlngs. Rsplylng to tbe Chalrrs statement, tho city Cler:k-Se cre tany, Clvl1 SEr:vlce Conunlsslon, advlsed that a wnltten promotlonal examlnatlon for Sergeant waa recently conductedr at vhlch tLme elghteon membors from wlthln the local pollce ranks pa:rtlclpated. Po1.lce Offlcer Brrr.gham, appeanlng some tlme latcr (entened henewlth ln the mlnutes for-punposei of subJect contlnulty) was nequested by the Chak to clarlfy hls reforonce to the necent €xaminatlon for the positlon of Sergeant ln the Po1lce Depantment. Offlcen Brtgham advlsed of hls recent vlsltatlon to the Testlng Buneau, State Personnel Board, Lr Saenamento, and that ln reply tohls lnqulnles he was advlsed that the test gtv€n 1n Bunllngame weg a ner test, ln whlch only flve Broups, rrlth nn avelregs of tilrentypantlclpants, had been glven the test prevl.ously. A detalled aceount of th6 me thod of gradlng tho subJoct test, obtalned f:rom thc State Persorurel Testlag Bureau, rtas glven to the Councll byofflcer Bt l ghen. The Chaln acknowledged hls personal mlsunde::s tand lng concernlng the exemlnatlon and contlnulng tho dl.scusslon, stated that ln his oplnlon a pollcy statomcnt should.be lssued by the Councll to the Clv1l Servlce Comnlsslon, stlpulatlng that lt hold pnomotlonal €xaulnatlonsrlthln the Clty eenvLce and falllng to obtaln quallfled appllcants ft:om thls category, en opcn €remlnetlon be conducted. Thc Clty Attorney nenlnded Cotrncll that pos!.tlons wlthln the Classlfled Scrvlcc have beon Establlshed by ondlnanco and any changes that nay occur w111 requlre an amendment to tbe OrldlDance. Councllman Martin, refeltred to the Water. Offlce Manager: lssue, stetlngthat ln his oplnlon, Clvll Servlce was lneffectual lf an excoptlon uag made ag suggested ln thls lnstence. To lllustnate a polnt concernlngconsldoratlon glven to employees, Councllman Mantln advlsed he had r.ecalvcd lnfonmatlon that wlthln a per"lod of foun yoars, only tro open eompctitlvc e:amlnatlons for s uperv!.sory posltlons had been conductedby the Civ11 Servlce CormnLsglon, p6f6r'r1ng to the Chlef of the Pollce Depantment and thc tlater Depantmen t Offlce M4nager. Some dlscusslon arose on the questlon of the positlon of Water Depanturent Offlce Manag6n, whor€ln the 'understudyn to the membernethlng fnou that posltlon waa not glvon proferancc end $e!r roqult cdto conpete tn an open compe tlt 1ve gramlnatlon. Questlons rere dlnected to the Dir:ecto:r of Publlc Wonksr uho advlsedof the llmlted fteld of quallfled eppllcants for the posltlon,wlthln the Clty sor:vlcc, the procedr:::e eppllod ln nequestlng an examlnatlon to obteln quallfled appllcants and the subsequent establlsbnent of an ellglbtltty 11st whene tn the appllcant enployedby the Ctty falled to pass the wnlttcn test. Questloned by the Chaln, the Cl,ty Attorney advised that rulos undcn whlch the Clvl1 Servlce Coudsston ney functlon, have been adoptcdby thc Councll and r.efenred Councll to the Clvll Scnvlce Rules and Regulatlons r"svlsed and edopted by Councll, Aprl1 1/1 1961. Ehe Clty Attornoy advised further that Lf lt ls the deslne of Counellto glve applicants coDsldenetlon because of thelr t enune wlth theClty, the propor procedure would be to oonmunlceto nlth.th€ Civll Servlce Comlsslon to ascentaln lts positlon on ths 1s6uc. Councllnan Morganrs suggestion that the only J.ega1 pr:ocedune to purs uo at thlg point rould be to abollsh the posltlon of Water Offlce Managcr: uag met rlth the approval of Councllnan torenz, who movedthat tho posLtlon bo abollshed. The motlon fa11ed for the leck of a g ocond . 350 ChevnoLe t Dodge Plymouth Pord Pont lac Oldsnoblle Dlck Bu111c $ZoeZ.rr Dobenty Bnos. 68gl.10Perlat & Son 61fi3.72Doane-Mlnto 68r+?.23 Bur.llngane lbtors 8202.1+8 Rector Motons 8551.81+ $21+oo.rr 2L00.00 L62r.oo L75o.OO 1350.o0 L500.00 fl+5se.oo l+l+33.76 l+6L8.72 5097. 6852. 695r-. 23 h8 6tr Dohe::ty Bnos., San Mateo, acknowledgcd to be the low bldder, was awardsd the btd for: th:ree 1962 Dodge cars to be used as cnulsergln the Burllngame Po1lce Department, at a total net cogt of $l+,1+33.76, on motlon of Councllman MartLn, geconded by Councllnan Johns on and unanLmously carrled. lhe Clty Manager was authorlzcd to so notlfy Dohenty Bros., the succegsful biddet'. ft ras noted that the foregolng equlpment was allocated Ln the l96L-L962 budget. 3.LOT PURCHASE ADJACENI TO LIBRARY Rccelpt of a nepor"t appnalslng the property adJacent to the PubLlc Llbnany on Bellevue Avonuo ln the sum of *411000.00 was aclanorledged by the- Chalr and ,refer.6nce was made to the S500.00 dlfferentlal between the appnalsal and the purchase prlcc of the propenty. Questioned by Councllman Johnson, the Clty Attor.ney advlsed that there ls no lega1 nequhement compclllng tho City to obtaln an apprqlssl; hotcven, the pr:actlee Ls advlsable, and ln thls lnstanoo the $500.00 addltlonal ln the pu:chasc prlce is not obJectlonablc.lha Clty Attorney frrthen advlsed that the Ctty nay acqulrc tltleto the pnopenty and details on the pnocedune to bc applled to re- lmburs e the Clty fnon Llbnany funds w111 pequLr.e !t om€ study. Counellnan Morgan sug,eested thet Corlncl1 glve serlous conslderatlonto the :|emovaI of the presont bulldlng and converlng the area lnto a panklng 1ot to accomodete patrons of the Llbnany, who have con- plalned of the leck of panklng factlltles. Conmentlng on l,layor BSrnd ts lnquky concernlng dlsposltlon of thc pnoposed parking 1ot at such tlme as the Llbnary may need thc prope:rty fon expanslon purposes, Councllman Mongan stated that lt ls antlclpated that the Panking Dlstnlct u111 bo fonnulated ln the lnterlm. Followlng a bnief dlsousslon, Councllman Johnson noved that thc Ctty l{anCger proceed wtth the purchase of the pnopenty adJacent to the- Llbrary on Beflevue Avonue, at a sum not to ercced $411500.00, seconded by Councllman Mantln and unanlmously carrl,ed by a unanlmow vote of the Councl1. Sonc digsusslon a:rose on the establlshment of a polnt eystem toaaslst enployees rlth senlorlty ratlngs to r6ach a passlng g:rade and lts effect on employoes rlth leEsoi: penlods of senvl-ce par-tlclpatlng ln th6 samc examLnatlon. Mayor" Bynd ladlceted hla appr.oval and Councllman Martln lndlceted hls obJectlon. Councllman Mongan ststed that tn hls opLnlon tro facte have been ovErlooked ! the statue of those appllcants who suocessfuJ.ly passed thc w:llttcn examlnatlon and who took tbe examlnatlon ln good faith,the effort to asslst an employec who hag recelvcd a 1ow score lnthe competitlve test and ln the flnal analysls, the fact that Clv1lServicc Bules and Regulatlons ane clee:rly mltton and deflned. Funther dlscusslon wes concluded by a notl.on lntnodueed by Cotr:acllnsn Johnson that the Clty l,lanagar courunlcate Hlth the Clvll Se?vlcc Commlsslon to ascertaln lts oplnlon on th6 nenlt of establlshlng apolnt system for Burllngane Clty Employees. The motlon lras lroooadodby Councllnan Mongan and rmanlmous ly cenr ied. 2. BIDS . POLTCE DEPARTMENT CABS Blds opened aa pe:t lega1 adventlsement f or: thrce new 1962 Fou:r-Doon Pollee Crulsens, weno declared ag followgt Hakc Dralc:r Cost Tnadc-fn llet Cost 351 I.IEW BUSINESS 1. CITY DUMP . ENCLOSI'RE AREA Refenence was made by the Chair to a communLcatlon addressed to thcClty Uanagen fnom tbc Dlnecton of Publle Wonks, dated October !, 1961, a1lfonnLe ln th€ amount oun-lane, !$ rallc dge and the nemoval of Burllngane to pwchase 30,000 cublc yqnds. of ths heavy nelnforced concne te dlscarded materlalat a pnlce of $.50 pen cublc yar:d, fo:r purposes of cons tr.uctlng a ber:E o" dlke ar. ound the Cltyts dunplng anea. A tabulatlon of the estinated cost of the pnoject, complled by theDkecton of Pub1lc Works, wes submltted ag follors: 30,000 cu. yd. matenlal at Soy'. . Rental dennlck, 8 rnos. Labon, 8 mos. .. o..Total pnoJect ( appox ft was the r:ecommerdatlon of the DLnector of Pub1lc Wonks that hlsOfflce be authorlzed to negotlate for the purchase of the raatenlal . Councll concunred and on motlon of Councllrnan Mo:rgan, seconded by Councllnan Mantln and unanlmously canried, an alloeatlon of $151000.00ras authorlzed expended from thls yeanrs budget, the remalning ftnanclng to be budgeted next yean and the subJect ltoferred to the Clty Manager, th6 CIty Englneen and the Ctty Attorney fon the preparatlon and executlon of an appnoprLate for:ma1 agneement. 2. CIIAI{GE ORDER RE: POLICE STATION CONSIRUCTION A change ln the wonk orden to penmlt the lnstallatlon of a spr lnklett system wlthln the basement ar:ea of tlre new Po1lce Statlon, Ln an amount not to exceed $750.00, sas approved on notlon of Councllmaa Mar.tln, second€d by Counellman Morgan and r:nanlnous Iy carrled. Councllman Mantln noted that the cost fo:r th€ constr:uctton of the lre w Pollce statlon now exceeds the Bond fssue b5r the sun of S2O,OOO.OO. STATUS RE3 TREES ON LASSEN WAY AND CORONADO WAY Ihe City Managerrs bnlef nepor"t on the status of trees on LassEn Way and Cononado Way, lnltlated conslderable discusslon. Councllman Mongan, lndlcatlng hls obJectlon to the mannen ln rrhlch Lassen Way nosldents wene polled recently, tbrougb questlonnalres, concor.nlng theln wlshes ln connectlon rith a t:ree replacetmnt progran, statcd that the lssue 1s an admlnlstnatlve matter end 1n hls oplnlon, the burrden of nesponslblllty ls upon the Park Depantment. I'hr. Fnank Clstulll, 16![ Lassen Way, speaking fnom the floor on th6 EubJ6ct, r::rged that a posltlve actlon be lnltlated to nesolve a long-sgrrr6tng pnoblem and that the City Manaqen lssue a dlnectlve to the Pank Supenlntendont to take lmmedlate actlon. The dlscusslon concluded wlth the C1ty Managen dhected to glvc thc subJeet hls 1ruaedlat6 attentlon. PROCLAMATION advlslng thAt I contnact let by the State of Cof $130,000,000.00 for the eonstpuction of a f conene tc tres t1e f on the San Mateo-Eayra:r.d Br:1 an exlstlng stnucture, rllL enable the Ctty of A proclamatlon, suggestod trJr tbe Bay Area Altr Pollutlon ContnolDlstnlct, was lssued by lrtayo!. Byr.d, pnoclaLmlng the Penlod of October. 22-28, 1951, es OLEANER AIR HEEK. $ $\ 15 ,000. o0 12,000 . 00 8.ooo.ooR 0-06;0-0 UNI1ED NATIONS OBSERVANCE Counclluan Johnson requested the Clty Pfanagen to confcr wlth the Cbamber of Conm:rce and the Fhe Departraent to hava thefi: respectlve flags flown on Unlted NatLons Day, Octobetr 2l+, 1961. 3,52 CLAIMSI PAYROLL APPROVED: 1/rt/r+rl A}IDRE}' C. Ir[ayor Clalns, Nos. ^627L-6\25, Hlth tho exceptlon ot 63Q5, ln ths total. amount of $98,900.28, Month of October, 1961r wene appnoved andwarrants ordered drawn on the Clty Treasur.y 1n theln nespectlve amounts on motlon of Councllman Lonenz and seconded by Councllnan Johnson. Paynoll rranantg, lonth of Scptcnaber, 1951, }{os. 377O-42OL, ln tbe amount of $941989.87, rene approved on motloa of Counc llman Lonenz and seconded by C ounc l'Inan Johnson. ADJOURNUENT The neetlng was negulanly adJ menony of Edward (Eddla) J. s ounned st 10340 p.m., ln respect to ttre heehen, a long-tlme nesldent and f althf uI obger:ven et Counc 1.1 aree ti rgs tb:roughout the years , rho necently passcd ln deat*r, on motlon of. OounelLnren Johnson, secondedby Councllman Mar.tln and unanl-mously carrled. Respectfully submltted,rI{ERBERT K.Clty Clenk ITE ,24:: BYRD