HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.06.201'24 Burllngame, CallfornLa June 20, 1950 A negu1ar meetlng of the Bur.llngame Clty Councll was held on the above glven date. Ileetlng calIed to order at 8:00 P.M., -Mayor Morgan Ln the Chal!. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chalr, all the Pledge of AllegLance to the Councll Chambe n arose F1ag. and gave ROLL CALL Present - Councllmen : Byrd-Johnson-Lorenz-Morgan-Rooth Absent - Councifmen: }{one MINUTES PREVIOUS MERIINGS The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of June 6, 1960, submltted toCouncll, were unanlmous Iy approved and adopted on motlon of Councll- nan Johns on and seconded by Councl.lrnen Rooth. lbe mlnutes of the adJ ourrred meetlng of Juns 14, 1960, subnltted. to Councl1, rrere unanlmously app:roved and adopted on motlon of Councll- man Johnson and seconded by Counc Llman Rooth. HEARlNG APPEAL NE: VARIANCE. E.D VAN SLYKE, 1512 BARROIIJIET AVENUE ln the The Plannlng Consultant, Ln reply to Councll lnqulry, advLsed thatthe property of E. D. Van Slyke, 1!12 Bar::ol1het Avenue, wasorlglnelly two lots, Nos. L3 and 1lg, B3-ock 1, Glenvood Park Sub-dlvlslon; a port5.on of whlch was solal and attached to Lot 12 and aslngle-fa:niIy dwelllng constr:uetod on the remalnder: of the property. I?re bulldlng extends s1lght1y over the 1ot llne and tha gar.age 1slocatod agalnst the present prope:rty Ilne of Lot No. 11. lhe Plannlng Consultant firther edvlsed that the appllcant proposedto create a now property subdlvlsLon to constrarct a second drelllng and the Plannlng Cormlsslon by a naJority vote, denled the varlancefor the followlng reasons: (1) The average wldth of the p::oposod lot ls $1 feet, I€ss than the reqglretl 50 feeti (2) The exlstlngbutldtng would be approxlmately Jf feet, less tharr the slde setback requlnements of 5 foet; and (3) tfre apptlcant was unable to advlse whene a new garage woul,d be constructed. Louls Arata, BrgS.neer', repr.esentlrrg the eppI5,cant, ,.n addr6 s slngthe Councll, advlsed that the present 1ot wlth Lts exlsttng dnelL- 1ng, confoms to the bulldlng code; horevor, the only exceptlon to the proposed second lot uas the rrless than averagetr wldth requLr€-ment. A blackboard d:rarlng by Mr. Ar"ata L11ust:'ated. the proposed subdlvlslon, the posltlon of the exlsting dwe11lng, th6 homo pro- posed and the positJ.on of a two car carport. A ptot plan wae also subnltt ed fon Councll revler. Councilman Rooth expnessed hesltancy Ln approvlng the varLance,stating that ln hls oplnlon, the plan proposed dld not meet plarnlng standar:d.s as nequlred by the ordlnance. Q;uestloned by the Councll, M:r. Van Slyke, orner.-applicant, statedthat a ha:rdshlp would be lmposed upon hlm rd6ro the vanLance denLed. Mr. Charles D. Co1e, 117 occtdental Avenue, speaklng as represonta- tLve of the Bunlingame Pa:rk Improvement Club, advlsed that following a personal revLew of the property by mernlcers of the organlzatlon,lt was ?ecommonded that the varlence be approved. tzs councllnan Loronz stated that the proposed lmprovement would be anasset to the Clty of Bu:rllngarne and the:reafter introduced a motlonthat the var:lance to resubd.lvide Lots 13, and 1[, Block 1, GlenwoodPark SubdivS.slon, be gnanted, seconded. by Councllman Bynd. 0n the questlon and prior to casting h€r. vote, Councilnan Johns onnead excerpts fnom Sectl.on 19!4 (Porer to Gr.ant ) of the Ordlnance code. A ro11 call vote lras thereafter: naconded as follorrs: Ayes: CouncLlnen: By:rd- Johns on-Lorenz -ltlorganNoes: Councllmen: RoothAbsent: Councllmen: [one ].. LYON AND EOAG PARruNG LO4I (Acnoss fron City Ball ) A cormunlcatlon from the Ctty }tanager, dated June 17, 19that F. G. Lyon et al has served notLce that the rental and lloag pa:rklng 1ot w111 be !.ncr:eased from $100.00 to $month, effectlve August 1, 1950i however, the ornens hav w1115.ngness to negotLate trany reesonable proposltionrr pr June 21.r, 1t60. 60, advlsedof the Lyon 387.50 per e lndlcated 1or to In hls conmunlcatLon, tho Clty I,[anager summanl.zed four a].tennatl.ves fon Councll consideratLon: (1) Rellnqulsh Lts tenaacy; (2) as sr:me the hlgher rental p:roposed; (3) lease-purchase the property, and(l+) subml t a counte:r offer. of nental- for a perS.od of slx months pendlng forrnatLon of a parklng d.lstrilct. A firther c orrornl, c at 1on on the subJect, dated June 17, 1960, and, bearing the slgnatu:res of John J. Brodorlck, Chalrznan, Chamben of Commence Parking Cormn!.ttee, Bruce C. Klrkbrlde, Better Burllngame Assoclatlon antt J. Etl. I{cLe1lan, Bu:rllngane Progress AssoclatS.on, subnltteat the follorlng recommendatLons: (t) tnat a forrral r:equest be ftled wlth the owtlor3s for a thlrty-day sxtonslon of thelr pro-posal; (a) tnat the Clty Manager be authorlzed to enton lnto tenta-tlve negotlatlons to lease-punchase the propenty; (l) that upon satlsfactory terrn amangonents, a contract be entered lnto; (4) that the property be lrrnedlately metered to offset fl-nanc1a1 comnitments; (5) tnat sald pnope:rty become a part of the panktngdlstrtct wb.en forrned, and (6) that a concented effort be made to brlng the panklng dlst:rlct lnto a reaIlty. Mayor Morgan, on behalf of the CouncLl autho:rlred the Ctty Managor3 to submlt rn offer to F. G. Lyon et aI of trro-thlrds of the rental requested ($21+3.7 5) for a perlotl of slx mouths to permlt the property owners and norchants a perlod of tlme Ln rhl ch to establlsh a parklng dlstrlct. 2. ASSOCIATION BAY AREA GOVERI{MENTS FORMAIION The Counc I{anager,to the Cl Assoclatl 11 w datetvo ono as notlfled. through a comrnrnlcatlon fnom the City d Jrrne a7, 1960, that an lnvl.tation hes been extendedf Bu:r1lngame to pantlclpate ln the formatlon of anf Bay Anea Governments. Ttre subJect was held fonfutth6t consldenatlon. 3.REPORT ON TRAFETC - BROADUAY, BURI,INGAME, ROLT,INS ROAD A coruuunlcatlon dated June 17, Lt60, ::ecelv6d from the City l{anag6r, nepor.ted on actlon taken by hls offlce on matters partain5.ng totnaffLc on Broadray betreen Ro111ns Road and Callfonnia Drive and the parkLng of trucks on Bunllngame Avenue and on Broadway. I,layor: I,[rcrgan acknowledged the actlvltles of the Dlrecton of TraffLcln allevlatlng trafflc hezards partlcularly at the Ro11lns Road - Broeih.ey lnterseetlon and expr.essed antlcLpatlon that the contLnuedeffort of the Ctty Managor shal1 improve trafflc condltlons. ltre hearlng was declared coneluded. COMMIINICATTONS 126 Councllman Rooth recommended that elLmlnate anglo parkiag of trucks attentlon of the Clty Manager was tlon. a11ey-ways be utl.lized to on Bur1lngane Avenue and the d.lrected to the rec onm6nda- l+.PERI.IIT NECEIVED FROM U. S. ARMY ENGINEERS A conurmnlcatlon dated June 16, 1960, from the Clty Manager, ad- vised that a permlt has b6en granted by the U. S. Corps of Arrny BrgLneers for the enclosure of the Clty Dump anea to pnevent floatlng debrLs firom enterl.ng navlgable waters. llee Ctty Manager advls€d that the lnitla1 p::ocedu:re would be the prepanatLon ofplans and speciflcatlons by the Clty Englne er and thereafte:r authorlzatLon gJ.ven to the Clty ltlanager to advortlse for bld.s. C ounc 1lman By:rd advised that the Clty Englneer has suggested asltght chango ln the placement of the fence along the gouth- uesterly boundary of the creek area in order to reser.ve a sectlonof the 1and for future flIItne. A po11 of the CouncLl lndlcatedno obJectlon to the proposed change. Councllman Byrd moved that th6 Ctty Englneer be dLrected to pre-pele plqns and speclflcatlons for tho enclosure of the dump aroa and that the Clty llanager thereaften plocoed 1n the approprlate mann6r, seconded by Councllrnan Johnsorx and unanlmously ca:nrled. 5. uEMo RE: REvrsm BUDGET to pRolrIDE Sf, wtoa TNCREASE Cotrncllman Rooth, Chalnnan of the Councll Finance Corunlttee, re-portLng fu:rther on U3.e proposed budget, advlsed that thro"ghd::astlc lreductlons ln depantnental budgets, a tentattve 5%incnease ln uages is lndlcated.. fn reply to C ounc lIrran Byndt s statemont concerrlng a 5/[ ,rage lncrease for al-l clty employees, Lncludlng the Cl-ty ldanage:r, Counc ilman Rooth advls€d that $1,000 has been LncLuded ln thobudget to lncrease the annual sala:qr of the Clty lianager. Counc l1man Rooth recoromendod that no actl,on be taken pendl.ag passage of the 1950-1961 bufuet. 6. REMoVAL OF sHAcK AT DUI{P SIIE A memo from the Ctty ilanager, d.at6d Jrure 17, 1p60, re c onmendlngthat actlon on the proposed nemoval of a rtshacktr be nLttrtreld. pendS.ng the lnstaLlatLon of a fence at the dump, was acknowledged end placed on fLle for future :refenence. 7. INFORMATTON ON FIRE EQI']P}GNT IN BOND ISSI'E A memo to CouncLL dated June 17, 1950, frorn the Clty Managor, advlsed that the folJ.owlng monles were allowed for the purchaseof two pumpers ln the Bond Issue for the Flre Department: Tno pumpers, $5orooo; hose and equlpment, $ur50o, total $61,500.The Clty lvtranage:r advl,sed. that lt w111 be necessarTr to detemrlnelf a portlon of the bonds can be solC for the abovementloned purcbas6. Followlng consLderabla dl,scussLon on the advlsablllty of selIlngall the bonds and. placlng the funds in the bonk to d.r.aw lnterest the:refnom, the Clty Attonn6y r.ecornmended that the Councll be guided by the advLse of lts bond atto:nney. Ihe subJect r.ras th6r6after refenred to the Cl.ty Iutanagen and C ouncllman Rooth, Chalrme.rx of the Councll Flnence Cormalttee, for consultatlon with Ernest A. Wllson, the Cityr s bonttLng advlsor,for report at the next regular meetLng of the Clty Councll. The Clty Manager advl-sed 1a a memo to Councl1, d.ated June L7, 1960,that changes are cu.rrc€ntly belng nade to J-nco:l.porate a lS uage Lnc:pease Lnto the nevlsed 1960-61 budget. L2i:- 8. REMovAL oF ElrcALyp?us ?REE oN vANcouyEn A \TENI,IE REQUESTED A communlcatlon f:coEn the Park Conmisslon, dated May 16, 1960,advlsod thet a request from pet!,tloners requestlng the lremovelof beetre haz 9. REQTIEST TO PRESERVE MILLS CA}TON AS WILD LIFS SANCI]IIARY A request from the Ca1lfo:rnta Ganden Clubs, Inc., dated June 12,1960, to proserve the l[111s Caryon property as e WlId Llfe. Sanctuary was aeknorledged and placed on f1le. The Clty Attornoy,ln roply to CouncLl lnqulry, advlsed that as yet, the Clty hasnot recelved a deed to the property in questlon. 10. 1960.1951 CONTRACT WIIE CEAMBER OF' COMMERCE Councllman Johnson, CouncLl Chambe n of Comerce representatlve, advlsed that she has revlewed the 1950-]p61 proposed contractwlth the Chamber of Cornnerce and has noted ttrat no lncrease hag been requested for" the yearly servlce provlded by the Charaber of CorEtrerce. Councllman Rooth lntroduced and moved the passag e of RESOLUTION No. 38-60 rr Authorlzlng the Executlon of a Contract BetwreenJEe Clty of Burllngame, a Corrrerc e for the Fisc seconded by C ounc l1ran Johnson and adopted. by the fol1owlng ro11call voto: a larg6 Ercalyptus tree at the end of Vancouver Avenue had.n lnvestlgated and lt nas thareaft€r recomrentled that thee should be sufflclently trlnmed to alleviate the allegedard. The conrm:nlcation wes refenr:ed to the Clty Menager. Ifunlclpal Corporatlon and the Cha:ub e:r of aJ- Perlod 1950, ln the ?otal Sum of $5,500tr Ayes: Councllmen:Noes: Councllmen: Absent CouncLlmen: Byrd- Johns on-Morgan- Ro oth Lo:reaz l{one RESOLUTTONS None oRDINAUCES - Introductlon of: ORDINAICE NO.1 rrAnendl.ng the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of creaslng the ?r1ma FaRolllne Road f norn 2! Therpto a New Sectlon Numbered 1221-8 In-cle Speed. Llrrlt for Vehicular Traffic on ML1es Per Eour to 35 I.ItIes Per Hourtt was ngam6 v iat::oduced by Counc l1man Johns on and glven lts flrst :eeadlag. I'NFINISEM BUSINESS 1. Selectlon of Clvlc Center Slte Councllmsn Johns on advLsed of the appolntment of the follorlag to serve on a conmlttee to select a clvLc cente:' slte: 2. AcqulsL tlon Cpnyon propenty John J. Broderlck, 1508 Balboa Avenue Vlctor llanginl, 316 Burl. Ave. John CannoD, 1121 DlffenLn Ave. J. Eal. cl,el1an, 1l!6 Be:rna1 Ave. Edraral George, 2115 Boosevelt Ave. Cyrus J. I'trc lt[l11an, 2807 Hlllstde Al1an F. Ilunt, 6O6 AnsEl Rd. Anchle L. Offleld, 110 Peppen Ave. Dan R. Love, Jn., 110I Llncoln Clarence Rusch, t38l+ Htllside Ct:rc1e erld announc e d that an or.ganlzatlonal meetlng has been scheduledfor Frlday, JuIy 1, 1960, I P.M., Councll Chambens, Clty Ha11. Actlon wlthheld pendLng recelpt of deed. I 128 I+.Selectlon of Architects The Clty Manager advlsed that he has conferpred wlth nlchard Zeh'n,archltect, selected folr the new Po1lce Statlon and that a mcetlng has been sched.uled wlth James E. l{ltchel1, architect, selectadfor the new Flne Statloa. The Clty Manager stated that lt tsantlcipated that both archltects w111 be under contract rlthln the month. (Surplus Flre Apparatus Actlng upon a suggestlon made by Councllman Rooth, the Clty Manager was requested to lnvestlgate the possiblllty of convert-lng a plece of surplus flre equlpment into a sprinkler to be used to wash down the cltyrs buslness dlstricts. NSW BUSINESS 1. Fire Inspector re: Fourth of Ju1 y Fireworks Mayor Mongan acknowledged necelpt of a comaunlcatLon from thcFlre Inspector cautlonlng the publlc agalast the use of fLre-crackers on the JuIy [th weekend. CLATMS 3.Extonslon Manco Polo Way Plansto be for the pnoposed extension of Marco Polo Way were r:eported Ln progress. PAYROLL Clalms fon the Month of June, 1!50, llos. 3580-3858, 1n the total amount ot *197,452.66, duly audited, rrere approved for payment on motion of Counc llman Rooth, seconded by Counc llman Jobns on and unanlnous ly carrled. Payroll r.rarrants, Month of May, 1960, Nos. 6575 - 6998, ln thetotal amo-,nt of $78,189.35, were appnoved on notlon of Councllman Rooth, seconded by Counc l}aan Johns oa qn{ unnnl rnsusly earrled. CoI,IUISSIOI'IS T0 BE NOTIFIED To ATTEND COIINCIL MEETINGS The Clty Clerk ras r.equeste<i by the Chafu to lssue a dkeetlve toall Connisslons, nequostlng the attendance of at least one mernb erat all Councll meetlngs and to subnlt coples of thelr respectlve mlnutes. APPRECIATION EXPRESSED IGrla A. La:rson, President, Burllngame presseat appreclation fon the Councllts Contrac t. Charnber of Commence, ex- acceptance of the 1960-1961 ADJOURNMENT Ttre meetlng was regularly adJourned at 9:25 P.M. RespectfirJ.ly submltted, HERBERT K.ITE i. B.Mayor City Clerk I