HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.06.14120 Burllngame, Callf ornla June 111, 1960 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present - Abscnt An ad Jou::ned neetinS of the Clty Cormcll fnom lts meetlng June 7r 1960, was held on the above glven dete. I'[eetlng ceIl€d to ordcret 6:10 pom.; - Mayor. Mongan ln the Chaln. Councllmen: Byr"d-Johns on-Lorenz ( 6:20 ) Councl,lmen: None Mor:gan-Rooth fhe Chaln announced that the dlscugs the follorlng ltems: d Jouraed meetlng had been scheduled to Ropor.t on Pollce Department Pensonnel Issu€ Flneman CaII Back and Standby Compepsatlon Area of Pank, Duap and Conporatlon rarrit Ar:ea Selectlon Archltect for Pollce and Flne Statlonsr and Proposed 1950 - 1951 Budget. A. RBPORT ON POLTCE PFASONI{EL ISSI'E lhe Ctty Hanagen advlsed that hls offlce had nothlng to neport {urther col}cernlng the Pollce Depantment Lssue, addlng that hls "open doon" po1lcy shall contlnue to be ln effect. Mayon Horgan advlsed that the subJect ls befone the Councll bccaweof the contlnued lnterost in the settlement of the lssue. Ihe May onfu::ther advlsed that the Cbtof of Po11ce has scheduled meetings$tth th6 staff offlcer.s and the men ln the dcpantment ln antlclpatlonthat the matter sha1I be rosolvod. Thene belng no f lather conraents, the dlscussLon was declened concludedat t'hls t lme. B. FIREMAN CALL BACK - STANDBY COMPENSATION Councllman Johnson, Cor:ncl1-Employee r:epres entetlve , advlsed of a meqtlng ln whlch the nequest of the Flrenren fon rrcall-back and stand-by" conpensatLon was dlscussed rlth the Clty Mgngggn, the Flre Chtef and tno nepnesentatlves from the Flne Depantnent. O. Fred Frlcke, Flnemen repnesentatLve, upon lnvltatlon of Councllnen Jobnson, advlsed that an or"lglnal nequest nas submltted fon con- sl.denatlon th::ough the Offlce of the Clty Man,rger ln 1958, and that subsequqntly, 1t ras the reconnendatlon of the CLty Manager that the sum of S2r000 be neserved ln the 1959 budget fon dlstrlbutlon tothe fi.ne personnel as a t'token" payment. -Captaln Fnlcke explalned,ln sone detal1, the hour.s the firemen me required to wonk dunlngregular shlfts md whlle on call-back and stsnd-by duty. The Chlef of the Flne Department supporsted the positlon maintalned by the Firemen, advlsing that a suggestlon that compensetory time-off ba glven, would create a hardshlp, due to the manponer shortege.In addltlonr t tre Flre Chlef s tated that the Clty r:eceLves an exee116nt lnsr.:nence natlng fnom the Board of Flne Undenw:rlters, due to tbe response to fhe ca11s of men both on negular shlft and off-shlft. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Questloned fon his opinlon relative to the s.uggestlon submltted by the members of the Flre Depantment that the "sound of the dlsphone be held untl1 afte:: the a::rlval or the flrst unlt et the call locatlon and sounded lf addltlonal assistance ls requlred" the Flne Ch1ef edvised that h.e was opposed to the,,sugges t lon; that ln hls oplnLon, 1t rrwould be a regneesive s tep. Ihe Ctty Managen, ln neply to lnqulry, advlsed that lf the nequest uer.6 app::oved, ttre Council should be cognlzant that the Clty ls lower.lng lts 1eve1 of f lr.e pnotectlve s ervlce. Consldenable dlscwslon arosre thereaften on the minlmum number of nen on r"egu1an shlft, the hours aecumulated per yeer thnough nesporxreto call whll.e off duty and the necessity of flneraen to nemaln w1th6nthe clty 11mits (unlesg pr"operly excused) nhile off duty, du:rlng whlch discussion, the Councll recognlzed the llmltatlons lmposed and lndicated that conslderatlon irould be glven to the appolntmentof several addltlonal flromen. The abovenentloned ma anea adJacent to the members. D. SEIECTION ARCHITECTS FM POLICE AND FIRE STATIONS LzL lnltlated dlscussLon on the s€lectLon of th€ a:rehltectf and the pr€paratlon of plans and speclfLcatLons for: t1on, stating'that ln his oplnlon, a'trsystem of be employed ln the engagement of archltects, wlthto those elthen nesidlng ln on maintalnlng an offlce RECESS Arecess was d eclar:ed by the Chaln at 7:20 p.rn. CALL TO ORDER The meetlng wes caIled to order at 8:10 p.m., and a regulan order of buslness ras nesumed. C. PARK, DUI,IP, CORPOHATION YARD AREA Councllman Byrd, tn nelatlng hls raeetlngs wlth the City Manager and the Ctty Englneer, advlsed that a map submlttod to Councll, prepaned by the Clty Englneerr and indicatlng drunp anea Lmprovenents r wss so deslgned to netain the gneatest amount of land for. pank development, and in addltlon, to provlde an adequate, safe and sanltery eree that would be acceptable to the U. S. Ar.nry Cor.ps of Englneens. Cormcllman Mongan expnessed hls neLuctaDto to dlstnlbute tte $2rOOO budgeted for the afor.ementloned ser.vlce, glvlng each flremane dlvtdand of only $6.88, and suggesllng as an aIt€nnallve, tha t consldenatlon be glven to a monthly "asslgnment of men" fo:r stand-by and call-back duty. The subJect was agaln nofenred to the Clty i'lsnager., the Fl:re Chlef and Flnemen representatlv€s fon f rrther exploratlon and to devis e a course of ac tlon that rould enable fhemen to be appnopnlateLy eompens at6cl . Councllman Byr:d r.ecomrended and thereafter moved that..the Councl-r approve City- of Burltngame rrDrmp Anea Improvement Mapr' ldentlfled as No. 8-182[, nevised June 91 1960; that the Artny Englneer.s be notlfledof the actlon takon by the Councll ln connectlon wlth the dump slte and that the Clty Attor:ney be lnstrueted to prepare the appropr.latelegislatlon to dedlcate the area as e clty park (w1th the exceptlon ofthat por.tlon of land neserved fon the tneatment plant and the plstol range. ) The motLon was seconded by Councllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled. Pr P1 altened s1lght1y to provlde a parking facllltystol Ranger weg E)proved and tnltlaled by Councll Councllman Rofor the des 1g a new poll-ce rotatilnl sho pneferenee gl 1n the Ctty of Burllngame. othno sta u1d ven Councllman Roothr baslng hj.s r:ecomnrendatLon on quellfl-catlons submlttedt moved that the Councl]. employ Rlchand R. 8ahm, 1299 Bayshor:e Boulevard, fon the constnuctlon of a ner po1lce s tatlon, seconded by Councllman Byrd. 1'22 0rl the questlon, CouncLlman Johns on nefer:ned to the quallflcatlorur andexpenlence Ilsted by other appllcants, obsenvlng that the anchltectp-oposed has been maintalnlng a buslness ln Burllngame for only one ye er. Councllrtan Lorenz concur.red nlth the statements of Councl}uan Johnson,Etetlng that a detenmlnlng factor In the selectlon of an anchLtectshould be hls pars nesldence or hls mtlitenence of an offLce r"l thlnthe Clty. A ro11 call vote ues t hereaften nequested and necorded as follour: Ayes: CouncLlmen: Byr.d-Rooth-Mor.ganNoes: Couacllnen: IonenzAbstalntng " : Johnson llayon Mongan, Counslr i;Jrl.r.Byrd. and., CoUm-l1oan Rooth requested that the necond lndlcete that the successful appli,cant, Rlcha:rd R. Zahrn, ras notkaorn to then pensonally. Councllnan B3a.d moved that James II. Mttchell be aelected as the anchitoctfon the pnoposed new Flre Statlon, seconded by Councllman Rooth ad reoor:ded unanlmously on a ro11 csl1 yote of nembers. Questloned by the Counc11, tbe Ctty Manager advlsed that the lnltlal steps requlred of the archltects would be the selectlon of a slto,the submlsslon of prellnlnary surveys and estlmates prlor to the gub- mlssion of flDa1, detalled plans and speclflcatlons. Courcllnan Lo:renz expr:essed the oplnlon that it was the nesponslbllltyof the Councll and the PJ.annlng Comrlssion to select a slte. Conslderable dlscrxslon ar:ose on the subJect of the "pneUmlnany servlce'r requined of the a:rchitec ts and the prlvllege of Cormcll to reJect on accept pr.el-ln1nary plans and to dlschange the archltect Lf hLs sertLce plroves unsatlfactory. E. L. Nonbeng, A. I. A., speaking as a cltlzen and taxpayer, exp:ressed obJectlon to the type contnact pr.opoged, statLng thst the method ras contrany to ethles of the Anchltectst Associatlonand that enough confidence should be placed ln the archltect selected to contLnue hLg ssnvlce fnom rrstert tb flnlsh.tt Councllman Mor.gan r€plled by stetlng that the CouncLl Ls pr.oceedlag as recommended by the Clty Managen and lf the method app€ars contr:ary to €th1cs, 1t is unlntentlonal. The Ctty Attorney, ln reponse to Councll 1nqulry, advlsed that the Clty Manager: and the ar"chltects selected, ln consultatlon, may f onmulate a program acceptable to sll partles concenned. E. PROPOSED 1960 - 1951 BUDGET A tentatLve 1960-1961 budget ln the suo of Dlrl+48,324.0o ras submlttedto Councll by tbe C1t5r Managen. Courrcllman Rooth, Chalrman of the Couacll Flnance Conmlttee, lnvlted Councll comnents. Mayon Morgan lnltisted dlscusslon, lntroducing the subJect of employee ncquests f or. s a)-a::y adJustments. W111larn Br:lgham, Pollce Offlcer, speaking ln behalf of the Pollce CIub, nequested a $58.00 lncrease per: moath for all p€rsonnel rlthln the Poilee Department. Salary scLedules from the County of San Mateo and the League of Callfor:nle Cltles were prosented to s uppo::t tho lrequest. Follouing funthe:: dlscwslon, CounclLuan Rooth ras autl[onized to confer: xith and to questlon tho Ctty ManaSer on ltems proposed 1n tbe budget. LaS It ras the gerreral consensug that conslderpetlon should be glvento the lncluslon of a flv6 pen cent salary lncr:ease 1n the budgetfor all Clty employees and that the cument tax nate be retalned. the Clty Manager r ln r.eply to lnqul.ny, concernlng addltlonal revenue, advlsed that the Clty !;nglneer has suggested an lncreage ln the cunnentuater retes rlthln the Clty. Tre Clty Managen was nequested to submlt a sch€dule of r.ates. ADJOURNI'iIENT The meetlng uas thereefte:r negularly ad Journed at 10:2! p.rn. Respectftilll rubnltted, TEClty C1er.k APPROlED: L. B. MORGAN, MAYOR t{ l I \t1,t L