HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.10.02335 Bu:rllngame, Callfornla 0ctober 2, 1951 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetLng of the Burllnga.me Clty Councll was held on theabove given date. Meetlng ca116d to o:'der at 8:0O p.m., - Mayor Byrd ln the Chaln. PLEDGE OF'ALLEGIANCE At wond from the Chelr all ln the Councllthe Pledga of Alleglance to the FIag. Charnber arose and gave ROLL CALL Present - CouncLlmen:Absent - Councilmen: Byrd- Jobns on-Lor:enz -Mart 1n-Morgan None I4INUfES The mlnutes of the prevlous reetlng of September 18, 1961, submlttedto Councll wene approved and adopted on motlon of Councllrnan Johnson and seconded by C ounc llrnan Lorenz. BIDS - POLICE STATION CONSTRUCTION Blils for the Constructlon and Installation of the Improvornents fon the Po1lce Statlon Eeadquarters Bulldlng on Iloward Avonue, Ctty of BunlLngarr, Burllngame, Callfonnla, nocelved and opened ln compll- ance lri th 1ega1 notlce, rere acknowledged from the followlng bulld- lng constructlon firms : C'IIARLES J. ?EDERSON Burlingame, Cali.f orT rla Item l tem l tem I tem I tem Item I tem Item I tem I tem I tern I tem Item I tern f ten Item Itera #1 #z #3 #l+ #5 #B #e #t #2 #3 #t+ #5 #6 #7 #8 #e I tem sL,600. 1-,650. t75. 300.1,800. 5, 880. 2,5OO. 1,1+00. #6 #7 , B 1 3 6 0 - Bullding Constructlon - Pavlng - Storage Cablnets, etc. - Tackboard, Chalkboard- Metal Flag Pole - I{etaL Lockens(a) Sp::inkters(b) Spr.tnklens - Gas Tank- Antonna Towor - Bulldtng Constructlon - Pavlng- Storage Cablnets, etc.- Tackboard, Chalkboard - Metal Flag Pole - I4etal Lockers(a) Sprlnkters(b) Sprinklers - Gas Tank - Antenna Tower , 780. 00 830.00 t75.oo 300 .00 , 6l+0. 00 ,850.00 ,385.00 , 760. oo l+9o. 00 $151+,685.00 $15o,8oo. oo 00 o0 o0 00 00 00 00 00 dno bl PEARCE, ],ICALLISTER & THORSELL San Bruno, Callforrrla $l+ 1 5 z- 1 },IORONEY CONSTRUCTION CO. Burllngame, Callfornla I tem Item I tem f tert I tsm Item I tem I ten Iten #t - gullatng construction #2 - ravlng #J - storage Cablnets, etc. l[ - Tackboard., Chalkboard #5 - Metal FIag Pole #5 - Metal Locke:rs #7 (a) Sprlnklers(b) Sprinklers #8 - Gas Tank #9 - Antenna Tower &,00.00 10.00 8o.00 30. 0o o.00 0.00 0. 00 1 6 2 1 7 0 56 ,10o . o0 115. 0o $11+6, 861 . oo 336 STEVENSON PACTFIC, INC. Redwood Clty, Callfornla I tem ftem I tem I tem I tem I tem Item I tem I ten I tem I tem Item I tem Iten I tem #t #2 #3 #l+ #5 #6 #? #B #e #l+ #5 #6 #7 #8 #e - Bulldlng Cons truc tl on - Pavlng - Storage Cablnets, etc. - Tackbosrd, Chalkboard - Metal Flag Pole - Metal Locke:rs ( a) Spnlnk]ers(b) Sprlnklers - Gas Tank - Antenne Tower: $3, Too . oo 7l+0. o0 t75.oo ll+7. oo 1,651.00 5,9t6.oo 2,32O.OO 772.OOll8. 00 $l+,700.00 7Bo. oo 185. oo 380. oo 1 , 7oo. oo 6 , o0o. oo 2,189.0o 1r100.00 l+00. 00 $rl+5, ooo . oo $11+8, ooo. oo $151, ooo. oo $149, 7oo . oo $r5li,7gg. go Item #1Iten #2Itelr. #3 ARTIIUR BROS. San Mateo,C al ifornl a - Bullding Construction - Pavlng- Sto::age Cablnets, etc.- Tackboerd, ChaLkboard - Metal Flag PoIe - I'tetal Lockens ( a ) Sp:rlnkle:rs(b) Sprlnklers - Gas Tenk - Antenna Tower },tORRlS DALEY, INC. Burllngame, Callfornla I ten I tem I tem ftem I tem I ten l tem I tom I tem CORTELYOU AND COLE Palo A1to, Callfornla #1 - Bullding Cons tructlon #2 - PavTnB #3 - stonage Cablnets, etc. #lr - Tackboa:rd, Chalkboard #5 - ,!latd, Flag Pole #5 - l,Ietal lockers #7 (a) Sprinklers(b) Sprtnklers f8 - Gas Tank f! - Antenne Tos6r $3, 389 . oo 782. 0O 178. oo #3 - Storage Cabl.nets, etc. f[ - Tackboerd, Chalkboard. fil - VIetaL flLag Pole #5 - Metal Locke:?s l tem I ten I tem l tem I ten I tem #1 - Bulldtng constr:uctlon f2 - Pavlng 1, 3lr 68 5.00 0. 00 6, 017 . oo 2,575.oo 1 , 300. o0 l+31.0o $5,051+.0o 7r7.00 185. o0 l+35.0o 1,608.00 6,o79.oo 2,1+00 . 0O 1,1183.00 407.00 57o.oo 985. oo 170.00 35o. oo 616. oo 000.00 l+33. oo 200.00 500. oo Iten #7 (a) Spnlnklers(b) Sprlnklers Item #8 - Gas Iank Item #9 - Antenna Towen CECCOTTT AND SON San J6se, Callfo::nla Item #1 - Bullding Constmctlon Itam #2 - Pavtng ltem #3 - Storago Cabinets, etc.Iten #l+ - Tackboard, Chalkboardn#5 -Flag Pol-e Lockers inklersinklers ank $2, il#6-n#7 ( ( n#8 - IteIteIte Tte Metal Me ta1a) Sprb) Spr Ges f , L 6 2I 2Item #9 - Antenna Tower 337 A Flve Hundred Do1lan ($500.00) contractor Allowance for th6plantlng of trees, shrubs and ground covs!? was lncluded ln eachof the foregolng blds. A conmrnLcatlon addressed to the Ctty Manager and menbers of the Councll, dated Octobe? 2, !961, was nead from the Chlef of the Po1lce Department, analyslng ln some detall, the blds r:ecei.ved and more partlcular.ly the 1ow bld of the Stevenson Paclflc, Inc. In concludlng hls analysls, and based upon Councllrs acceptance of the 1ow bid, the Chlef of Pollce recommended the deletlon of altonnatos No. 5 (i.I6tat Lockers) $1r55I.00 and No. ! (Ant6nna Tower) $338.00, transfemlng sald ltems to the Furnishlng-Equlp- ment and Conmunlcatlons Budget respectively and the adoptlon theneafte:: of a schedule, lncltrdJ.ng the eonstructlon of a base- ment (ostlmatod $10r0oo) totalllng the sum of fi262,276.0O. Questloned by the Chalr, the Clty Managon advised that baslcaIly he concurned wtth the rec orunend.atl on; however, dlfferences we::e noted ln several of the prlce quotatlons lrefel'red to by the Chlef of Pollce. A correct tabulatlon of bld quotations, posted on a blackboard and Fspared by the archltects, $as drawn to theattentlon of the Councll. Councllman Lorenz lnltiated some dlscusslon on the substltutl,onof a used flag po1e, raported to be aval1ab1e and not ln use at the hrbllc Llbrany and thcreaftelr mov6d that Iten No. !, I,letal ELag Po1e, $3h7.00, be deleted fnom the constructlon bld. Councllman Mantln and Councllman Morgan each expressed thel,r lndlvldual. oplnlon anal lndlcateil thelr obJectlon to the installa-tlon of a socond-hand flag pole on a newly constr:r:cted bulldlng. Councllman Johnson, to resolve the lssue, seconded the motlon anal a !.o11 call vote was nscord.ed as follows: Ayes: Councllnen: Lorenz Noes : Cor:nc ilmen: BJrrd-Johns on-Martln-l,lorgan Councllman Lorenz recommsnded that ltem No 7 (a) Sprlnklers be deleted fnom the constructlon bld. Questloned by the councll, Archltect Zahm spoke on the edvantegesof lnstalllng sprlnkler:s to protoct the entire bulldlng and ad- vlsed that th6 bid prlce quoted was consldered a favo:rable bld. l,Il.. ZalLn Lntroduced i'{r. Cecl1 We11s, Structural Engl,nee:r, and associated lrl th the Archltects for the Pollee Statlon proJect, who spoke on constructlon requlrements nocsssary to maintaLn a basement as a C1vll Dsfense Fallout protectlve aroa ln relationto lesser s tenalards requlred to malntaln a stonago basomont. Counc llman Morgar at thls polnt, neconunended and thereafter moveil that the Councll accept the low bLd for the constructlonof the Po1lce Department Bulldlng (Btd ltem #1) fn the amountof $11+5r0o0.00 subnltted by the Stevenson Paciflc, Inc. andthat the l,layon be authorized to execute appropriate docunents. The motlon wag second.ed by Counc llman Martln and unanlmously canrled upon r.o11 call of members. A further motlon was lntroduced by Councllman Morgan that the Stevens on- Pac lflc, Inc. be awarded the bld fon alter.nat6s No.2, Pavlng, No. 3, Storag€ Cabinets ald Work Bench, No. [, Tack- board and Chalkboard, No. 5, Metal FIag PoIe, No. 6, Metal Lockers, No. 7 (a) Spr'lnklens for the entlne bulldlng, and No. 8, Gas Tank. The motlon was second.ed by CouncLlmsn Martln. 0n the questlon, CounclLman Lorenz expnessed hls obJectlon to the lnstallatLon of sprlnklers for the 6ntl.!6 bu1ldlng. Fo11ow-lng a brief dlscussLon a ro11 call recorded tho follotrlng vote: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Johnson-Martln-MorganNoes: Councllmen: Lor.enz 338 In reply to Councll lnqulries c oncernlng alter:nate bld ltem No.9, 'rAntenna Towonrrt Archltect Zahm advlsed that Ln a revlew ofthe drawlngs Lt was determlned that 1t would be more advantageousto transfer the ltem f:rom the g6net?a1 constnlctr,on bld to therrPunnlshings-Equlpment Bufuetrr and on that basls e quotatlon was sollcited and obtalnetl from e qua11f16d fllm. Councl.lman Martln thereafter mov6d that Item No. 9, Antenna Tower, be ileleted from the construetlon bld, seconded. by Councll- nan Lorenz and unanlmously ca:rr'lecl on ro11 ca11. Reference r{a!r made to the incluslon of a $!OO.O0 allowance to be tnade by the contractor for the plentl ng of trees, shrubs an(lground cove!'. A brlef dlscusslon concluded wlth Councll concur-rlng that tho landscaplng be provided by clty forces. Councl-1man lllartln moved that Itern No. 10, Plantlng, be deleted fnom the gensral contractorrs bld, sgconded by Counc lInan Lorsnz and unanlmously carried. Byrd lntroducod the subJect of the lncluslon of a basemente constructlon of the new Police Statlon for CouncLl dls-on and dlspositlon. Councllman l,lsrtln advlsed that a bld for the construction of the basement is negotiatod wlth tlr6 contractor awanded the bld. Inreply to Councll lnqulry, Archltect l'Iandmayer advlsed that a dnawlng, lndlcatlng the structur.al destgn, prepared by hls offlce 1s evailable for submlsslon to the contractor end that upon r.ecelptof a flrm bld, Councll may accept on reJect the bld. fn r.ep1y to CouncLlman Lorenzrs inqultry, the archltect advlsedthat 1t ls the p?erogatlve of Councll to lssue and notify the contractor of a rr change-orderrr prlor to the commencement of c ons tnrct 1on. Mayorln th cussl Councllman Martln advised that the cost of the preparation of drawlngs to be subnLtted to the contractor. for a bld quotatlon on th6 basement constructLon should be Lncluded ln the archLtectsrfees. Councll concurned. Mayor Byrd stated thet he orlglnelly, dld not favor the constructl.onof a basement; however, ln glvlng conslderatlon to the lrnpact of current world affairs, the constructlon of a shelter und6r th€ new Pollce Statlon ls, ln his opinlon, a p:rudent step Ln case of emorS6nc y. CouncLlman Iorenz oxpressed hls appr"oval and noted that both theClty Manager and the Chlef of Poll-ce recornnrend.ed the lncluslonof a basement ln the poIlce statlon plans. Councllman Johnson stated that she was still of the oplnlon that the basenrent was an essential additl,on and that she favored the submlsslon of the archltectsr drawlngs to the Contractor. Councllman MertLnrs requost for a cLarLfication on whether the basement constnuctlon was -re 5.ng consldened on the basls of a storage anee op a fallout shelter was repllod to by Anchltect Wandmayen retr o advlsed that th6 necent d::awl ng uas deslgnedprlnclpally to accomodate a storage faclllty; eddlng, that lt could, however, serve as a rf modlf L od- typet' she1t6:t ln casa of an emerSency. Councilman Morgan stated that he had no obJectl-on to sollcltlng a prlce for the construction of a besement for storage purposed; however, he would not considen said constructlon on the basLs of pnovlding a fallout shelter. 339 Counclfman llartln requested that upon necelpt ef the bld for the basement constrlctlon, tha contractot stlpulate ln wr'lt1ng, (a) the square footage; (b) the purposo for which the faclllty wlll be used; (c) tfre a::ea allotted for the malntenance of pa?klng meters, and that (a) no equlpment has been provlded fon a fa1l-out shelten. Councilman Mongan moved that the archltects, thnough the Offlceof the Clty Planager Le lnstnucted to submlt the appropriato dnawings to Stevenson Paclfic, Inc. for the constructlon of a basement, wlth a dlrectlve that a prlc6 quotation be submlttedto Councll fon lts conslde:ration. The motlon was soconded by Counc ll:nan Johnson. Followlng a brlef dlscussion on the questLon, a roll call vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Councllmen: Byrd-Johns on-Lorenz - Mo::ganNoes: Councllmen: Ivlartln A r:ecommendatlon by Councllnan Martln that an adJourned meetlngof the Councll be held l,Ionday, October 9, 1961 , to :'ecelve thebld on the constr?uetl-on of the basemont, wes concurned 1n by Counc 11 . RESOLUTION {O. 49-61 ttA Resolution For Award of Contract for Construction of Buillng Pollce Dopartment Bullding tl was lntro- duced for. passage on motlon of CouncLlman lilorgan, seconded by CouncLlman l"trartln and adopted by the fo1Iow1ng vote: Ayes: CouncLlmen: Byr.d.-Johnson-Martln-lilonganNoes: CouncLlmen: Lorenz CourclLman f,or:enz stateal that he ras opposed to awardlng the contnact prLon to the recelpt of btd for the constructlon ofthe besement. COMMI'N]CATIONS 1. PETITION RE: TREES 0N CORONADO WAY A petitLon, d.ated September 21, 1961, bearlng the signatures oftwenty-elght resldents of Coronado l{ay, Ray Park SubdlvLslon,sollcltlng Council ectlon ln solvlng a pnoblem r.eIat!,ng to clty- ownetl trees on that str"eet. Attentlon was dlrected to the poor condltlon of the trees, planted ten or twelve years ago and themajor"lty of whl-ch have not matured lnto attractlve tnees. Thepetltloners nequested that the trees be removed and replaced wtthtrees adaptable to the area. A motlon lntr.oduced by C ounc l1man Lonenz, seconded by Councllman Johnson, that the subJect of t[ee neplacernnt on Cor:onado Way and Lassen Way, ln the Ray Park Subdivislon, be referr:ed to the Park Confirlssion and the Park Superlntendent, for lmrnedlato actlon, was wLthdrawn, foLlowing the obJection of Councllman l4organ, who pr.o-tested, on general prlnclples, to the lnc1us1on of Lassen Wey. Councllman Morgan, refernlng to a communlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated September 28, 1951, (Agenda ltem rtTree PlantingPollcyrt) lndicating that Ondlnance No. [10, adopted tn 19h5, isobsolete 1n relation to cur.:rent-day standards, u:rgod that con- slderatl.on be glven to correcting tree deflciencles thnor:ghoutthe Clty and t rat measures be taken to approprlately amend the ordinance to permlt a broeder policy. Following fur.ther dlscusslon, Councllman Johnson moved that the Park Supenintendent, through the Office of the City Manager', be Lnstructed. to take lmmedlate actlon on the request of the Coronado Wey rosldents, seconded by Councllman Lorenz and carrled. At thls p6lnt ln the meetlng (fO p.m.) Councllman Mor'gan nequestedto b6 excusod to enplane. 2. RESUMTCING PROGRAI',I (E dgehill Drive ) 340 A comrm.rnlcatlon from the City lfanager, dated September 29, 1951 ,advlsed that speclflcatlons fon the flrst portlon of the r6sup-faclng program authorlzed ln the 1-96L-1962 budget have been pr.e- pared for the area of Etlghlll Drlve, south to Oak Grove Avenus and west of Callfornla Drlve beyond E1 Camino Real. It was the recommendation of the Clty Englneer anil the Clt Manager that blds be advertlsed for opening October 16, 19 2:00 p.n. and awa"ded at the regulan Councll meetlng on th A comm:nicatlon from the Clty I'Ianagsr, dated Soptembsr 2Br 1961, necontnendlng that the offer of !ln. Theodore T. Blumberg to con- vert hls property at 205 Park Road lnto a b omb shelter, be held ln abeyance pendlng recelpt of a sunvey report from the Corps of Army Englneens nelatlve to comtmrnlty bomb shelten sltes ln No. I target ereas, lras concurred Ln by Councll and the City Manager to so notlfy Mr. Blumberg. .7 REPORT ON CITY TREE POLICY te. at da v 51 at CouncLlman Johns on moved that Councll concur 1n the rec onrnendatl on. seconded by Councllman Lonenz and una.nLmously carrled. 3.CITY.COUNTY C]YIL DEFENSE PROGRAM ACCEPTED A communLcatlon from the Clty Managen, dated September 28, 1!61, recommendlng the acceptance of a Clty-County Clv11 Defense and Dlsester Pr.ognam, planned and. submltted by James V. FltzEerald, San l,lat eo County Supervlsor and a speciflc provlso that e f\rll- tlme quallfled executlve coordlnator be employed, was concunredln on motlon of Counc l1man Johnson, seconded by Counc lJ.man ItlartLn and unanlmously carrled. l+.C'{ANGE IN SUBCONTRACTOR APPROVED (New Fire Statlon) A commirnlcatlon frorn the Clty ![anagen, dated Septenber 28, 1961, advlsed. thet the Contractot' for the Bnanch Flre Statlon Lnadvert- entLy named tho wrong subcontractor for palntlng the new flrestatlon and lt was the recommendatlon of hls offlce that a sub-stitutlon of the correctly named subcontracto:r be approvod. CouncLlman Lorenz moved that the Councll concur ln the recommenda-tion, seconded by Councllman Johnson. On the question and Ln r.eply to Councllman Martlnrs lnquirles, theClty l,lanager ailvlsed that the correction has been approved bypartles affected, lncludlng the archltect and the bondlng company and submltted ln wrlting. A vote on the motlon was unanlmous thereafter. 5 DALY CITY FlFTY.YEAR COi'fi,I8}IORATION A communLcatlon from the Clty i.Ianager, d.ated September 28, 1951 advlsed that the Clty of Daly Clty, conmemoratlng lts Flftleth Year Annlversary, October. 7, L96]., has extonded an invltatlon to members of the Council to be lts guests on the parade viowLng stand at 2 p.m. Followlng a brlef dlscusslon, the City i'lanager was authorized tonotlfy the offlclals of Daly Ctty that at least four members of the Councll wlth their nespectLve husband and wl,ves would be pnesent on that occaslon. The Ctty Manager rras requested to notlfy Councll of the flnal detalIs. 6. F'AI,LOUT SHELTER PNOPOSAL (2O 5 Park Road) A memo from the Clty Marlager, dated September 28, 1961, dLrected the attentlon of the Councll to tbe following: 34L (a) A provlslon ln ordlnanc e i'io. 410, adopted ln 191+5, stlpu-latlng that rrno mor€ than $21500.00 shall be 6xpend6d ln any one year io plant, trim, prune, spray and care for all trees;rl (b) Householde:rs must furnlsh thelr own tr:ees and specles and klnd approvod by the Park Superlntendent. Trees removed for a proper purposo Ireplaced by the Par"k Department; and (e) The status of trees on Lassen Way, questioned on a prlor occaslon, lndlcate growth dlfflculty due to sol1 conditlon and the Clty, in the past, permlttlng the wrong species to be planted. Tha Clty Manager advLsed thst the entlre street w111 be surveyed and householders polled ln order to provlde an overall correctionof the defectlve trees. Conslderable dlscusslon aros6 tholreafter on locatLons elsewheneln the City wheneln tree pr"oblems exlst. The Clty frrgineer ad- vlsed that Anita Road partlcularly ls ln need of pavlng, duelergely to a condltlon created by 1ar'ge e1m treesl however, the Park Commlsslon, through the Offlce of the Clty Manager, has In- dicated obJoctlon to the r.6moval of the trees. The Clty l,lanagen was requested to ovaluate tree requl,renrsnts thnoughout the Ctty and Ln collaboratlon wlth the Park Supen- lntendent and the Park Cormlssion, a study be made on the re-vlslon of the curnent ondlnance, and e roport submltted to Councll wtthin on6 month. The Clty Manager was furthen nequested to lnstruct th6 Park SuperLntendent to po1I nesldents of Lassen lrlay, through questlon- nalres, relatlve to thelr wlshes ln connectlon wlth a tr66 replace- ment prognam and to submLt to Councll an estlmate of cost to rep3.acethe tnees. 8. WATER DRAIN PRoJECT COMPLETION A memo from the Clty Manager, dated Septemben 29, 196L, advLsedthat the Paclflc Telephone Company has completed the lnstallatlonof the underground draln on Burllngarne Avenue to ellmlnate the dralnage of surface water along Burllngarn Avenue. The memo ras acihrowled.ged and the Ctty Manager dLrected. to for.nalIy thank the Telephone Company for lts coop€ratlon. 9. REPORT ON WATERFRONT PROPERTY A nemo from the Clty Manager, dated September 28, 1961, advised the M:r. Frank Rochex, Jr., has b6en engaged to appralse theBurllngaro Shone Land Companyr s waterfront property, es authorlzed by Councll, and upon completlon of hls prevlous commltments shal1 proceed wlth tho appralsal. The report wag acknorLedged and placed on flIe. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUryON Nor 50-61 rrA Resolutlon Callln g for Blds on Bonds, SIEOrOtrO To1lce BoE<is of Flre and Po1lce Bonds of 19 60, Second Salerr was lnt:roduced for passage on motlon of Councllman Martln, s€conded by Councllnan Johnson and unanLmously adopted on ro11call of menbens. RESOLUTION NO. 51-5I |tAuthorlzl ng and Dlrecting Execution of WLre Llne Crosslng Agreement hllth Southerrr Paclflc Company Ll,censlng Clty of Bunllngame to Construct, Malntaln and 0p6rate CorrnunlcatLon Wlres Across Propertles of the Southern Paclflc Companyrr (connect bnanch statlon wlth matn statlon alarm system) was Lntroduced for passage on motlon of Councllrnan Johason, seconded by Counc i funan LorEnz and unanimously carnied on ro11call . 342 ORDINAIICES Introduction theroof: ORDINANCE NO. 7l+5 nAn Ondlnance Amending the Ordlnanc e Code ofthe Clty of Burllngame By Addlng Sectlon 2400.46 Provldlng fonthe Incluslon of Fallout Sh6ft63g ln Group J 0ccupancles As Deflned by the Unlforrn Bultding Code, 1958 Edltlon and RegulatlngThein Constr:ucti.on, Slze, Ventllatlon and Llghtlngrr was intro- duced by Counc l,Iman Martln and glven lts flrst readlng. I]NFINTSHED BUSINESS 1. PROP0SED li'iIDENING CALIFORNIA DRIVE In reply to Counc l1man Lorenzts lnquLry, the Clty Manager ad-vlsed that a repLy from the San Francl sco Water Depantment con- cernLng the release to the Clty of fifty feet rather than twentyfeet of 1ts rlght-of-way property along Ca1lfornla Drlve is antl-clpated xlthln a penlod of ten days. 2. ASSOC]ATION BAY AREA GOYERNI,IBITS (ARAG) CouncLlmen i,lartln, se].ected by the Counctl to attend a meeting ofthe Bay Area Governmgnts AssociatLon as arl observeil on Septemb€ll22, 196L, Hotel Claremont, Berkeley, reponted hls opinlon onpolnts favonable and unfavorable to the Cltyr s particlpatlon andefflllatlon wlth the Assoclation. It was noted by Councll. thatthe Clty of BurllnSame 18 th6 only city 1n the north County of San Matoo not yet a member of nABAG. rr Actl-on to aff11late waeheld ln ebeyance untlL a future date. '))CENTRAL DISTRICT OFP STRE T PANKING COMMITTEE Councllman Martln advised that the Cont::a1 Dlstrlct 0ff Stneet Par.klng UorunLttee ls desirous of meetlng lnfonmally wLth membersof the Ctty Councl1. Tuesday, Octoben 17, !96!, B:O0 o.r'r.,Councll Chambers, was selected as the tlme and. place to meet as request6d. NEW BUSINESS None PROCLA:'{ATIONS Iilayon Bynd procleime PUBLIC WORKS WEET An PREVENTION WEEK. CLAIM ADJOURNI{EIIT APPROYED: HERBERT K. -V{E]TE Clty C1erk dtdt he leek of october t - 8, 1961 as NAtfoNAL he wook lncludlng October. 9, ).961, as FIRE Respectfully submltted, A clalm for personal damagos rpocolvod ln tLr e Offlce of the Clty Clerk, September 28, 1961 , fl1ed by Douglas Ntattingly, 1231 E1 C arnlno Rea1, namlng the City of Burlingame and Po1lcs Offlcer Wl1llan Brigham, defendants tn a $65,000.00 damege sult, uas r:e- Jected and r.efemed to the Cityrs lnsurance carrler, on motionof Councllman I'lantln end secondod by Councilman Johnson and un- anlmously carried. On motlon of Councllmen MartLn, aeconded by Councllman Lorenz, the meetlng was regularly adJourned at 1t:[0 p.m. to meet Monday, October 9, 196l at 7:30 p.m. Ar./.ro'/ANDREIhI C. BYRD Yayor