HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.06.061-1A Burllngene, June 6, C aI lfornLa r960 A rcgulan neetlng of the Bu:rl lngame Clty Councll was held on the aboveglven datc. lGetlng called to onder at 8:0O p.m., - Mayor^ !!6pggp 1athe Chaln. CALL TO ORDET PLEME OF' ATLEGIANCE At ro:rd from the Chak, all ln the Corlncll Chambsr ar.ose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Ptresent - CouncLl-men: Byr.d-Johns on-Iorenz -Mongan-Roo thAbsent - Councllmen: None MTNUTES PREVTOUS MMTING The mlautes of the pnevl ous meetlng of May t6 membens, uore unantmowly approved and adopte Johnson snd secondod by Councllman Lonenz. ,1do 950, submltted ton motLon of Councllman Cynus J. McMll1an, Attor.ney, repnesentLng the appllcants appeallng the.declslon of tbe Plannlng Cormnlsslon denyl-ng the appll,catlon lor the constnuctlon of e dlrectlonel slgn to aiventlse "ilyatt llous e " recommerdedthat actlon be postponed pendlng the proposed adoptlon on thLs date,of hdlnance No. 711+ rrRegulating Dlnectlonal Slgns 1n Indus tniatDlstr.lcts. " The nequest ras gnanted. 2, APPEAL RE: VARIANCE, E. D. VAN SLYKE, 1512 BARROTLIIET AYENUE HEARINGS 1. APPEAL NE: DIRECTTONAI SIGN TO ADVERTISE }TYATT IIOUSE The verlance appllcatlon for a nesubdLvislon of Lot 1l-A, Glenwood Parkr before the Councl-} on an appeal from the dcclslon of thg Plannlng Cornnd.sslon, was scheduled for heanlng at th6 next negulan meetlng, June 20, 1950. COMMUNICAT]ONS 1. IRAFFIC I}fPROVEMENTS ON ROLLINS ROAD so 2. CI T DI]MP ]I,TPROVEMENTS A sormunicatlon uas received fnom the Clty Manager, dated June 3r 1960r advlslng that a survey conductod on the use of Roll,lns Road from Broadway to the no"th City Ifualts lndlcates that an lncnease ln speed from 25 MPH to 35 I,IPH ls ua?ranted. It was ttre recommendatlon of the Chtef of PolLco, concu:rred ln by tbe Off lce of the Clty Msnsgen, that undcn the autbor:lty granted ln Sectlon 22357, of the Callfornla Vehicle Code, an ordlnance be prepared to lncreese the specd llmit. Thene belng no obJectlons, the Clty Attonney rras so d1rected. Councllmen Byrd enumenated the numben of tnafflc problems pnevalent at the lnter.gectlon of the Bno adray Over.pess and r.econslended that the Clty Manager addrpess a letten to the State Dlvlslon of Hlghways dlrectlng ettentlon to the condltLon and unglng lts esslstance 1n the aLlevlatlon thereof. The CouncL] concurned and the Clty Manager. was quthor.lzed. A comrmrnlcatlon rras recclved fnom the Clty Manegen, dated Junesubnlttlng a dr.awlng lndlcatlng pnoposed lmprovements at the C 1)tlty 1950, Dorop; 174 sald lmprovenents necessary to comply rrlth U. S. Aprny Englneens r lnstnuctlons that the City contaln floatable matenlals ln the Bey. The Ctty Managen edvlsed that lt has been ascertalned from othencltles malntalnlng dumps along the raterfnont area that the mosteconomlcal means to r:etain matetllal_ 1s by the placement of fenclngbotreen pl1es and to enclose the anea lndlcated on the dnawlng,the cost rould approxlmate betrcen +1[1000 end *15r5O0. It rras reconmended thet as an lnltlal step, an appllcatlon be subnlttedto the Arny Englneens fon a per.mlt to enclose and f111 ln thenavlgable rat6r.s. Counc wl thl creek would Counc fon a lfunan Bynd related a cornelatlve problem concernlng the c::eekn the anea, advlslng that the cost to fence and to brldge the, excludlng the cost to convent the area lnto a pub1lc park appnoxlmate S30r000. Councllman B5a.d suggested that the 11 concur ln the necommendatlon of the Clty Managen to applypermit and that the Councl1, ln the near future, glve 6. REQUES T RE: LEGAL STATUS OF PARK AND RECREATION PROPF]RTY consldenatlon to the development of the area as a publlc park and r:ecneatlon fac 11lty. A motl,on was ther.eefter lntroduced by Councllman Rootb, s econded Councllnan Lonenz and unanlmous Iy car.ried, that the Ctty Manager be euthorlzed to apply fon a permlt fr.om the U. S. Corps of Arny Englneens to enclose and to f111 ln U. S. navigable waters. by 3.SIREMAN CALL BACK TIME )o APPROVAL OF CLAT},I TROUSDALE CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY A comrunlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dated June 3, 1950, advlsed thet the TnousdaLe Constnuctlon Company has pnesented e clalm as nequlned by law for the totel s r:ra of *6r012.Q1 fon street work completed r.rnder the dlrcctlve of the St::eet Superlntendent and the Director of Pub1lc Wor.ks. A cormunlcatlon dated June 3r 1950, fnom the Ctty Managen, advlsgdthat the RecneatLon Conmlsslon has reguested that the *lr!00 appnopr'latedln the budget of the Recrcatlon Department for playgfor:nd equlpment be tnansfer:red to the Park Depar.tment budget allocatlon as folloirs:(1) $1,500 fon the constnuctl-on of qD l8r-r:etalnlng wa1l and flllln Ray Park along Belboa {a} to romova the dangerous slope at the basebill dlamond and (2) $1r9h6 for the recondltLoning of the Laguna Avenue tennls courts. ft vas the r:ecommendatlon of the Clty Mgnggst' thet th6 tnansfer: be approved. 0n motlon of Councllman Bynd r seconded by Counclhnan Johnson and unan!,mous ly can:rled, the sum of +3r500 was authorlzed tr:ansfenred fnorn the Recneatlon to the Park Depa:rtment budget allocatlon for the purposes speclfled ln the communlcatlon from the City Manager. Tt was necommended that the clalm be approved end that the sum be offset agalnst the anount due the Clty for: dlrt hauled under the pnovlslons of the Eanth Eaulln8 ordlnance. Councll concu:rned on motLon of Councllman Bynd e secondcd by Counellman Rooth and unanlmous1y cannled. A coruannlcatlon fnom the cLty Manager: r dated June 3t L96o, r:efenned to a conrtrn!.catlon fnom the Recreatlon Comnirslon rhereln 1t rag nequested that the legaL stetus of munlclpal orrned roal property be de tenmlned. A cotlulunlcatlon dated June 3r 1950, fron the Clty Managen r ne-sub-mlttlng the nequest of the members of the Burl lngenre Flre Dcpartaent fon conpensatlon fon both callback and standby senvlce, was referredto Councllman Johnson, CounclL employee repr:es€ntative and sald subJect to be placed on the agenda et the next Councll study meetlng. 4. APPROPRIAITON FROM mCREATION T0 PARK DEPARTMENT Follorlng e brief dlseusston, Councllman Byrd rnoved that the CltyAttonney and the Clty C}er.k be dfi"ected to pr€parc a lls t of al,Inun1clpal orned property end that cxpendLtutres lncu.ned for .tlt1e search€s,, etc., be approved. The motLon wag seconded by Councllrnan Johns on and unenluous 1y carr.l.d. 7. EXTENSIoN MARCO POIO tfAY 115 Bur:1lngare 1n A memo to Councll fnom the Clty Managcr, dated Juae 3, 1!60, advlsedthat the estLmatod cost of tha proposed extensLon of Manco Polo Way wl11 appnoxlmate $[rO0 and lf appr"'ovea, sald funds w111 be allocatldfr:on the Genenal Fund. r.om the Clty Manager, dated Jrrne 3, 1950, recormaendedelnst the Clty pnesented by i{n. Venyl G. Coffln W26.5O as the ncsult of a fa1l upon the Cltyts Councllnqn BSrr:d movcd thet the CLty Managen be dlnected to pnoceedwlth the formglltles, seeonded by Counetlnan Lorenz. A brlef dls- cusgLon arose on the questlon, rrith the Chaln advlstng that trafflccontnol rlthln the area wlll be devlsed at the appropnlate tlne. Thenotloa nas thereafter: ruranlnous 1y car.r:led. 8. VERYL G. oOFI'IN ctAIM REPERRED To cARRIm A communlcatlon fthat the clalm ag 1n the emount of sldewalks be neJected and refenred to the Cityrs lnsu:rance cart:ier'. Councl-lman Rooth novcd that th€ Councll coneur ln the 16 co[rnendet Lon, seconded by Councllman Johns on and unanlmously car.nled. RESOLUlTONS lntr.oduced for: passage on motlon of Councllman Rooth and seeonded by Councilman Johnson end unanLmously canrled on ro11 caII. RESOLUTION lIO. 36-60 "AcceptLne Deed of Dedlcation of Sanltarv Sewens ffiasemenin iSlancy C. and Ethei ii. Joirnsoni ses RESOIUTTON NO. 37-60 xA EeldEi Bur.Iinga anof Ag:reement to C ons tnu passage on motlon of Co and adopted unanLmously ORDINA"I{CES - ConsLderatlon of : oRDII{ANCE }IO. lll3 "Clty of Bur.llnganethe Parklnc of Vehi Car.rnelita Ive nr:e tt w Councllman Bynd, selts gccond reedlng pprovlng Flnal Map Entltled ruap of Belvederer'lateo County Callfor:nlar and Dlnectlng Executlonct Pub1le Inprovements " wes lntroduced fon uncllnen Rooth, seconded by Cormcllman Byrd on ro11 caI1. An Ordlnanc6 Amendlng the hdinance Code of the By Addlng Theneto a rrew Section 7222.23 Llmltlng cles on Paloma Avenue Betwesn Broadway and as glven lts second readlng and on motlon of conded by Couxcllman Rooth, sald ordlnance pass6d end rras adopted by the following vote: Ayes : CouncLlmen: Byrd-Ilobns on-tor.enz -Mor'8an-RoothNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllnten; None qRDINA!.ICE N9. 71lr "Addln g S ectlon 1867 to Ar:tlcle 4qA of the O?dtnanae eoda futho4lzlng and Regulating Dlrectlonal S lgnsfndustrlal Dlstnlcts" was glven lts second readlng. Cor:n c l lraan Lonenz entened hls obJactlon to the pesr sr ags of the proposed ordlnance, statlng that ln hls oplnlon, as rrrlttenr dfurectional s lgns may be e!r6ct6d pr.omlscuously. R. T. Pelryr Presldent, Bunllngables-Oak Gnove Manor. Tmprovement C1ub, elso voiced the obJectlon of hls Assoclatlon, statlng that the nequestsfon the enectlon of slgns wlll b6 multlplled and sha1l cr:eate an uns lghtJ.y appearenc€ . L 116 The attentlon of the pnotestants was called to the provislons of the ondlnance wheneln an appllcatlon must be submltted to the Plannlng CommLssloLr and the appllcants requlred to lndlcate a Itnecessity fonthe s Ign. tr ORDINAXCE N0. 71[ ras thereaften ::e cororended fon passage on motLonynd. The res ult,of eouncllnan Tooth and seconded by Councllman Bfollowlng a noII call vote ras recorded as follous: Ayes: Councilmsn: B;rrd- Johns on-Morgan-Roo tb. Noes: Councllmen: Lor:enz Absent Councllmen: None UNFTNISIiED BUSINESS 1. Pank Anea Convenslon fnom Dump Anea In nespoase to the Chal,rrs lnqulny, the Clty Atto"n"y dlgcussed the var.lous aspects to be taken lnto consldenatLon pnior to the prepsratlonof documents conventlng the pnesent dump area lnto a park anea. Followlng consldenable discusslon, the Clty Englnger rres instructedto preparo and to Euhnlt a map for Councll s tudy, lndlcating tbe propos€d par"k area and the posltlon of the Sewage Tneatment Plant, the Plstol Range and the proposed ner Conporatlon Yerd. CouncLlman Bynd nas lnvlted to meet rlth the Clty Englneer:. 2. Dlneetlonel slgn ttEyatt Eousett At the request of Cynus J. McMl1lan, Attorney, nepnesentlng theappllcanti applytng- fon a dlrectlonal sign t6'advir.tlse "Hlatt Eous6t' the subJect lras refenred to the Planning Commlsslonr la compllancewith the provislons of Or.dlnance No. 71h, adopted on thl,s date. 3.Removal Corponatlon Yand to Dump Area The Clty Englneer was r.equested to prepane plans and a schedule of costs fon the proposed removal of the present Corponatlon Yard andlts constructlon on the dump property slte. h.Seleetlon CLvlc Centen Slte Councllman Johnson advlsed that slxteen names Lrave been submltted fon conslde:ratlon to senv€ on e pr:oposod citl-zensr cormlttee to galect a Clvlc Centen site and follor,rlng tbe selectlon of nlne membens, and the formatlon of the comnlttee, the Plaruring Coramlsslon shall be invlted to pa::tlclpate 1n an advlsory capacity. 5.Aco ulsitlon Cenyon proper.ty The Clty Managen advlsed that the deed fo pnopenty Ls in escrow for" slgnature and tposltlon to negotlate for the property. A brlef dlscusslon followed, ln whlch members of the Councll expnessed the oplnion thet the pnopenty be acqulned and dlsposLtion thereof neserved untl1 a later date. 5. Pub1lc Wor:ks BulI dlne nt hat he acqulsl,tLon of Cenyon the Clty 1s nor ln a No actlon ras taken on the proposal to r:elocate th6 presont pub11c works bulJ-dLng, pendlng a n6poi't on the Cltlzens t commitsoe (to study a clvlc centen site) and the rel-ocatlon of the new pollce statlon. '?. Tnefflc Improvements (Ro1l-Ins Rd., Bnoadway, Bunllngame ) Consldenablc dlscusslon anose on tha tnafflc condltlon exLstent ln the Br.oadway and Bu!.1tngeme A.'re nue arees, wLth_partlcular neferencc made to the Longestlon tn tne Bnoadway-Rol}lns Road erea between tho hours of h-p.tn. and 6 p.m. and to the parklng of large tnucks at lnconvenlent angles. 777 tbo Clty Managen ras reques ted to conduct a conplete s urvey forrcport to Councll. 8. l{en Reveaue Sou:r.cos The Clty l'lanagen r ln response to Councll tnquby, advised of tlrellmltatlon In seeklng nerr sou::ces of revenue, statlng that under: thepnovlslons of the State Statut€s, the Clty ts ln a posltlon to 16vy etex sufflclent to constnuct and malntaLn storm dnalns, thw relLev!.ng demands upon the Gener.al Fund; howeven, the amount of revenue r.ea1lzed we8 mlnon. 'Ibe Clty Managen stated that ln hls oplnlon, the Sales Tax would be the most equltable tex to provlde addltlonal funds fon theClty. Councllman Lo:renz and Cor:nc11man Byrd each lndlcated hls appnoval tothe adoptlon of a Sales Taxr pantlcu).arly lf applled to ::educe thetax r ate. Mayon l{ongan stated that he angwen" and re cornmended that n6ans of lncreasing revenue . Councllman Jobns on observed that 1n pnesentlng the obJectlves of theCouncll at the last regula" msetlng, the Clty Managen rras r€questedto lnvestLgate ner sourceg of revenue, excludLng sales tax. I res the not satlsfied that a 3a1es tax ls theClty Managen explore ddltlonal o off s treet Pa::klnc The Chafup announced that a communlcatl,on neceived fr:on the Chamben of Cormencc advlsed the appolntment of John J. Broder as the Chamben of Conmercets repr.esentatlve to En Conmtttee. 1 o ck, Pos tmasten,ff Stneet Papklng 10. Per:k and /or RecreatLon Anea ( Durnp Slte Pnoper ty ) concultrnlnS,Councllman Bynd suggested, wlth the Cormcll Bnoperty at the dunp sitc be designated a Bubllc par.k to be used fon"rrhatover purpos€ may be most appropriate.' 11. Removat Dunp Facllttles from Deslgneted Pank Ar.ea Th6 Clty Attorney rocommended that no actlon be taken on the saleFlne and Po11c6 Bonds (Appnovod at the Munlclpel Eloctlon, Aprl1 1950) unttl a slte has been Eelect€d. of 1) Councllman Rooth recomrended the pu::chese of tro ploees of ffue apparatus as provlded ln the Bond Issue as a pnellmlnary step. Th€ Clty Manager edvlsed that he rrould obteln cost estlmates. NE1' BUSTNESS 1. Study Sesslon Agenda Items that the At the request of the Perk Department, ttre Clty Mgnggsr rras neques t€dto lnvostlgate the nemoval of dump fecilltles from the deslgnated park arca and to sublalt a report to Counctl. 12. Bond Status (FlI:e and Pollce Statlons) The f ollowlng ltems nere(or an ad Jounned meetlng)of the mestlng: selected for. dlscusslon at a Study Sesslon to be announeed pr.lor to the termination ( ( ( ( ( a) Anchltects Selectlon fon Potlce and Flne Stetlons, b) Ffu.eman Cal-I Back on Stand by Compenslon, c) 1960 - 196I Budget,d) Ar.ea of Pa:rkr Dunp and Corpor.atlon Yand, ande) Repont on PoIlcE Depentment Per:sonnel rssue On the latter lssue, CounclLman Lor.enz steted that lt was standlng that the police personnel rr€re mls lnt enpr.etlng ethat onfy the chlei Is to {lscws t'lnternaI Battirs" rith and the iren had expnessed "fear of repnlsal." his r:nden- dll:ectlvethe pness Cons ldeneble dlscussLon arose, irher.eln the Clty Managen advlsed thet the dlnectlvs uas Lgsues only ln comp|lance rlth speclflc nules of the department whlch stlpulated that "membens s hould not seeknotorlety ln the pn€ls not lssue statementg on lntennel depar:tmantal affains . rt ayor Morgan, ln concludlng the dlscussLon, lnvlted pollce offbens bavlng a Snlevance, to do so ln an orderly pnocedure and wlth no fear of reprlsal. The pollce offlcers uertl advlsed also, to contlnue the depantment pollcy of dlsseml,natl.ng nor:mal ners lnfonnatlon to nerspaPermon. ..\2.Bunllncame ClvLl "Sdlvlc e Emolbie es As soc lat lon 3.Announcemen ts - A cknowled nts 4.R. C. The ue:: Named to tlealth & Sefety Conmlsslon A letter ras nead fnom the Bur"Ilngame Clvll Servlce fuployees t Assoclatlon, dated Juno 31 19601 advlslng the Councll that the naJonltyof tho membens obJect to the antlcle that appear.od ln the June 1, 1950 Edltlon of a loca1 nerrspaper, lnfeltl.lng thet the earployees uore lntenested Ln unloa partlclpatlon and that at no tlme !.n the past, nor ls lt contenplatod ln tbe future that the subJect of unlons w111 be befone the Enp1oy6g8 I Assoclatlon. The Chafi' made the foltowlng announcotsents end acknowledgments: a. Receipt of Becneatlon Mlnu6sr,B. Annual meetlng, June 8, 1960, I p.m., Clty Ilall Couactl Cb.r'rrbers, of Burllngame Festlval Assoclatlon,c. Clty of Mlllbnae conmunlcatlon re: Nor:th County Cttles'*age Cormlttee Study,d. Red Cnoss nequest for clothlng for Chtlean eanthquake and flood vlctlns,e. PROCLAMAtION declarlng June 17, 1950, as Arry Netlonal Guard Day 1n Ssn iYIqt-so County, as ne{uested bi P6n1;su1a Chipter Mtlita?y Or.de:r of the World War.s rf. San Fnanclsco Bay Anea Rapld Tr.analt Dtstrlct ne: overallplannlng fon reglonal end local transpor.tetlon senvlce throughout the Bay A::ea1 (neferr.ed to City Msnagen )g. Comraunlcatlon fnom the Govennon!s Offlce s ubnlt tlng anesolutLon fon consldenatlon of cltles re! Atomlc Energy Mattens;(referr.ed to CLty Manager.) andh. Boand of Tnustces meeting, College of San Mateor Coyote Polnt Campus r June 12r 1960. Mayon Mor"gan subnltted the name of R. C. theuer, as a memben of the Health and Safety Comrlsslon. unanlnously conf lrmed. 625 Burlllngane Avenue ,?he rypolntment ras Councllman Johnson reponted on her attendance at rneetlngs of ths Chamben of Cumrnence hrecutlve Boa:rd and a County 1aw enfoncement agency on the subJect of n0::lmes of Vlolance ln- San Mateo County.rl 6. Cormeats Re: Pollce Issue 5. 9ounqllJlqlr Johr!9ollReports l,b:s. MarJor.le F. Henrlck, member of the Recrcatlon Com!.silon, speakLng as a pnlvate cltlzon of the Clty, 6xpress6d her vlexs 118 119 ln connectLon rith tbc pollce personnel lssue and her. suppontof the posltlon taken by the Ctty Counc11. 7.Clerk to Notlfy Comnls s lonens to Attend Meetlnss Mayon Mor.gan r.equested the Ctty Clenk to c omruunlcate ulth the var'lous Comrlsglons, r.equestlng the attendance of at least one represontatlveat each meotlng of the Courrcll and that copLes of theln rospectlve meetlngs be submltted. ADJOURNI.{E1\rI The meetlng was re June 1[, 1960, at gularly adJou.rned at lOt55 p.!4., to 6s3t Euesdayt 6:00 p.m. Respe c tfuI1y s ubnltted , HMBER? K.Clty C1o?k AP VED L. B. MOREA , Mayon rHITE