HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.01.15391 CALL TO ORDtrN A r.eguler: me6 tlng above BlveE date.ln the Chal:r. PLEDGE OF ALIECIANCE At rord fnon th6 Chafu, Pledge of Alleglance to Burtllngame, Ca11f ornla Januany L5, 1962 of the Burllngame Clty Councll was held on the Meetlng eal1ed to onden at 8:0! p.n. - Mayo:r Bynd Councll Chamber! arose and gav6 tbo ROLL CALL P:reseat - Councllmen! Byrd-Johns on-l{an tln-MorganAbsent - CounclfuneDa Lorenz Councllnan Lor€nz, on vacatlon and absent fnon the City, was excused on motLon of CounclLman MorgaD and seconded by Counclloen Martln. MINUIES Ihe ulnutes of the pnevloua meotlng of Janury 3, L962, as submlttedto Counc11, uone unanlmoun Iy approved and adopted on motlon of Councllnan Johns on and seconded by Counc l1nan Martln. STIIDENTS WELC0I,mD A large group of Bunllngame Intonmedlate School students, attendlngthe Councll meetlng, rer:e vclcomed by Mayo! Bynd and lnvlted topersonally lntnoduce thoraselv6s to Counel1. HEARING ANNEXATTON TENGSIROM AND OTT PROPERTIESN Mayoi Bynd announccd that thls ras the tlme and the place scheduled,ln confonmence slth legal requlnerents, to conduct a publlc hear:lng on th6 proposed annexatLon to the City of Burllngame, Lot l,Bunllngame 8111s, (fronting Ell1stde hlve) owned by Canl A. Engs tr.om and John E. Ott: all tn the the Flag. Ther:e appeanlag to be no pnotests, eltber ver:ba1ly on lna poII of clty offlclals lndicatlng no obJectlons to thc annexatlon, Councllnqn llertln lntnoduced RESOLUIION-NO. lr-62 nA Resolutlon Declanl rnitlng, and proposod assage ofLtv Pro tes tont seconded and moved the p ng that a MaJon Has Sot Been }Iado -Engstnom and Ott Propertles Annexatl by Councllman ongan and unanlmously canrled on no1I ca1l. OFDINANCE NO. 750 rAn Ordln Unlnheblteal Teir.Ttory, Des IIhe Clty of Bunllngamen raslts flrst readlng. sDeo Approving tho Anneretlon of Centelngnated r&rgstrom and 0tt hopentles t To lntrodueed by Councllnan Mor.gan and glven The publtc hear:lng vag decletted concluded ther.eaf ter.. coulfimrcAIroNs I GAS TAX FUNDS'FOR ENGIITEEBTNG COSTS A conmunlcatlon from the Clty Managen, dated Janueny 11 , 1962e advlsedthet ln compllance xlth a ner pnocedutte under! tbe terms of tba State DlvlsLon of Elghnays r Uaoter Agncement relatlng to the budgetlng of fundg for englneer.lng costs and adnlnlstnatlve elpenses, lt ras the recouendatlon of tbe Clty Englneer and hlg offlcc that a resolutlonauthorlzlrg the applLcatlon for an englneerlng allocatLon Ln the sumof $5,000.00 be adopted. Couacll coneunred and RESOLUTION NO. 5-62 rResolutlon of the Clty C6 -Ex an unc1l of tho Clty of Burllngene Adoptlng oenditu.nes of Funds Allocated Under Sectl & Utgn rays CodeE was lntroduced fo? passa Budget Pnoposal for on 2LO7.5 of the Streets go on motlon of Councllman Mongan, s€condbd by Councllman Johnson and unanlrnous 1y adopted on noJ.1call of nembors . 392 2. ACqUISTTION OF DRAINAGE EASEO,IENT (Bl1I conbs pnoper.ty) A conmunlcatlon from the Clty Managet, dated Januany 11, 1!62,advlsad of the lnabl1lty of the Cltyrs Departnent of Publlc Worksto aequlre a d:ra5.nage easenent oven the pnoperty of lfu. Bl11 Conbs,LlZ$ CalLtonnLa Dnive, (adJacent to MllLi Cr:eek) the pnoposed - condemnetlon procesdlngs and the subsequent n e c ormerdatlon oftrcondemnatlon attonneyn Mn. John Lyach, thet the lssue be nesolvedby paylng the sum of $625.00 to !"tn. Conbs. The Clty Managen, st tbe nequest of Councll, $625.00 1s ln excess of the onlginal $225.OOborever, addltlonal oxpondltures for funther Ju:ry and court feeg rould more thqn lncrease settlcm€nt recommended. advlsed tbat thc appralsed valuc; appral sall , attorneys,the eost of the Councllman Mar.tln moved that Councll concur wlth the reconmendatlonof the Ctty Manager, the Clty Attorn€y and the Clty Englneer andthat the sun of *625.00 be axpended fnom the Storm Dnalnage BondFund. Ihe raotlon was seconded by Counc l1nran Mongan and unanlmously canrled. 2 STI'DY-REDES]GN CITT HALL-POLICE BUTLDI}IG A eomuunlcatlon fr.om the Ctty tilanager, dated Janue?y 1.2, nef er::edBulldlng 1962 Capi The Clty Manager :recoumended that a and that one be selected to conductprellmlnary report subiequently. to fontal a study of ths City HaII and the nedcslgn ofthe Depantment of Publlc Works, proposed ,.n Iupnovement Budget. t962,the Pollcethe 1961- 1lst of anchitects be conplleda s trdy end to s ubml t a A brlef dlscuaslon occunod on tbe pollcy of Councllanchltects on a nnotatlon llstn besis. to g elect The Clty Marager advlsed that e cormunlcatlon fr.om Ul11lan A.Whlfler, A.I.A., 12fl1 Eoward Avenue, Burllngame, bas been neecived requestlng the Clty to conslder hls appllcatlon to undertake the nemodellng rork p::oposed. Iaqulries concornlng hls :reputatlon lnthls fleld, lndlcated Mn. Whlfler to be qu6l1fleil. CouncLlnan Martlnrg stetement that an archltect 8hould be selected on the basls of bls ablllty to penform ln the best lnterests ofthc Clty, raa replLed to by Councllnan Johns on, uho advlsed tbetall anchltects lncluded on a 1lst ere consldened to be reII quellfled. Replylng to Councllmaa ltartLnts t.nqulrles, the Clty Manager advtsedthat ho would confer wlth Mr. Whlfler to esccrtaln the typc ofprellnlaary report he nould present. CouneLlman Morgan suggested t hat the study lnclude: (1) the renodclingof a large vaul t Ln the Clty EaII dornstalrs atea ln order: to expandtho cu::rent offlce spece end that (2) the po11c6 bulldlag be properly deslgned to pnovide a Clty Eall nannex.n A motlon was theneafter: lntroduced by Councllman Mongan that l{ll1laa A. Uhlf1er, A.I.A. bc selectsd as the archltect on the eonteuplated Clty EaIl and polLce butldlag rcnodelLng as outllned ln the fone- golng dlscusslon. Ihe rtotlon rag secondcd by Councllnen Johnson and unan!.nous 1y car"rled . 4.BERM TNSTALLATION AT CTTY DI'MP A communlcatlon fnon the advlsed that the Clty Eng the locatlon of a plopose Drmp. The Clty Manager s the Ideal Cement CompanY along the pn openty lLne opermlt the Idcel Comcnt C for aecoss to tbe l:r prope mann6r: rould therefor€ pr Clty lIanagen, deted January Lzt 1962, lneer haa prepaBBd a blueprlnt lndlcatlng d berm to be Lastalled anound the Clty tated that by obtalnlng en easoment f:rom tbe berm can bc placed outslde tho foncef the Clty; ln return, the Clty would ompany the uso of the roedray on the benmrty; the locatlon of the berm 1n thlg ove mltuaIly advantageoue . 393 5.CEANDI,ER M. SPRAGiIE EEARING DENIED A conmnnlcatlon from Chendler M. Sprague, II, 9* Palona Avonue, r:equestlng a hcarlng bcfor.e the Ctty Councl)- on hls appeal fr:on thedeclslon of thc Plannlng Couaisslon, dcnylng a permit to enect a eecond house on a R-2 lot, ras roferred to the Clty Attonney. 6. REPORT RE! BURLTNGAUE SEORE LAND COMPANY PROPERTY A meno to Councll fron the Clty Managen, dated Januany L2, 1-962, advlsed thst as dlrected by.Councl1 and at the suggestlon of l{r. John Lyach, Attonncy, !lr. Davld Ingram has been selected to conduct e cu:rnent appnallr el of the Burllngame Shore Land Companyrs prop€rty propolrod to be acqulred by the Clty. The Clty Managen furp ther advlsed thet upon recclpt of the appralsalreport a final offor u111 be madc to acqulne the property throughMr. tynch and fellune to respond rlthln a reagonable potrld of tlnel v111 result Ln pnoceedlng ytth a condenaatlon sult. Councll sha1l be notlfled, horevc:r, lf the 1et6st appnalsal varles appreclably fnon that of the or:lglnal appnaisal, ptlor to lnstltutlng condenna-tlon proceedlDgs . fhe pnognesn report res acknorledged by the Counctl. 7 . REPORT RE: CREATIOI{ BOARD OF APPEAIS A commnnlcatlon fnon the Clty Manager, dated Januar:y !2, L)62 eadvlsed that the subJect of an rappeals boardtr e! requestod by the f1nn of Yarbrough and Slmnons, has been thonoughly dlseussed byhls Offlce, the Clty Attonney and the Plannlng Consultait wlth the followlng concluslon: (f) No appeals boerd ls pr:ovlded for: 1n the Bulldlng Code; (2) l{onc ls Deedodi and (3) If one was establlshed by eddltlonal leglslatlon, such an appeals board rould heve no power to act on the metter: Yarbnough and S lttunons seek to appeal.It r*as therefore r.econmendod that the request fot! th6 establlshmentof an nappeals boardn be denled. Councllman Mongan moved that the subJect be tabled, seconded by Councllman Johng on. A bluepr'lnt lndlcating tbe proposed dyke enclosure was dlsplayed and explalnod by the Clty Managep. Councll was adir.ged that the use of the land yould allevlate osome of the erowdlng of Clty propenty. r Councllmaa l,fart la ,recommoDded thst lf a favonable responsc lsrecel.ved, a m:lttsn agrecment should stlpulato that the noad sha1I b become a dcdlcated clty stneet lf used'as a pub1lc thonoug!.f a:r.e. Councll concumed and the City Manager Has requosted thereaftcr to e oDfor. xltb the fdeal Cenent Company for the prEpose above outlined. fh6 Ctty Attorncy advlsed thot under the pr:ovlalons of tha zonlng ordlnance, a person may fl1e a mltten appeal durlng the perlod between the datc of the aetlon of the Plannlng Commlsslon and one day followlng the next suceecdlng negular me€tlng of the Clty Counell;ln thls lnstenoe, no later than January l+, 1962i the legaI penlod for sald fl11ng therefo:re bas erpfu:ed. The Clty Attorney funthen advlsed that the eppllcatn iralr no notlfled on the occaslon of the denlal of th6 pormlt and to confopm to ordlnance provlslons, r1l.I b6 requhed to walt for a perlod of onc yea:r pnlor to ne-applyiag fon a vanlence as requeated. Councllnan Uartln moved thst the request for a beanlng before thcCtty Counell bc denled, aecoadod by Councllmen Johns on and unan- lnous 1y canrled. The Ctty Clenk wac dlneeted to notlfy Mn. Sprague, the appllcant. 394 ORDIT{ANCE N0. 7lr9 rAn Ondlnance Aruendl ng Sectlon 1926 of the Ondlnance Code of the Clty of Bu:r.llngame Regulat!.ng Permlsslve Uses and Pnovldlng fon Bulldlng Regulatlons, Lot Llnltatlons andLot Requhements and Eelght LlnJ.tatlons tn R-I (Ffu:st Resldenttil)Dlstrldtstr and pnovldlng for" a neu sectlon cl - trFallout and Froteettve SheLtensr was befone the Councll for seoond neadlng. Councllman Morgan expressed the oplnlon that thc construetlon offallout shelters should be consldened on the basls of provldlng protectlon to all the nesidents of the Ctty of Bunl lngame and suggested that the subJect be placed as a bond lssue on the forth- conlng Apnl1 Mtmlclpal E1e c tl on. the Chah advl-sed that Sectlon G has beeto genve as a nefonence to thoso lat€nde sheltcrs. ORDINANCE I{0. ounc man o Ordlnance passed following vote: ncluded ln the ordlnancc o cons tnuct falloutnldt rrras glven lts second neadlng and upon motLon son, seconded by Counellnan Mar:tlnl saldlts second neadlng and was adopted by the Ayes : Councllmen: Bynd-Johnson-Martln-llorgan Noes ! CouncLln€n! Fono Absent Councllmen: Lorenz On tho questlon, Counellaan !{ar.tln expressed hls dlrapgreementslth thE fonegolng s tatemcnt (I{o. 2) that rNone Ls needed,nstatlng that the Bulldlng Code, aa written, plovidss no rednesgto one having a legltlnate complalnt Councllman Mor.gan gtated that any cltlzen automatlcaLly has therlght to appeal to Gouncll-. A vote on the motlon rlag rEcondcd aa unanlnous. RESOLUTIO}IS NoDg ORDI IANCES - ConsLderatlon ther6of ! oRDII{ANCE NO. 748 rAn Ordlnance Addlng Antlcle 9A to Part IIIof tbe Bu!:11ngam6 Ordlnance Code and Pr.ovidlng fon the Tnangferof the Assessment and Tax Collectlon Dutlos of th6 Clty Assesson and Clty Tax Collecton to tbe Assesgor. and to the Tax Collectonof the County of San Mateo and Repeallng All Pnovlslons of the Ondlnance Codc la Confllct Ee:rewlthtr sas befor.e th6 Councll for second readlng. Councllman Mongan lnltlated some discusslon on the pr"oposcd tnaneferof tbe essessnrent and tax coLlectlon dutles to County offlces,statlng that ho rould pnefer. to hear. the vlerrs of Councllnan tonenz, uho nepontedly has opposed the transfen; 1n addltlon towhlch, he would suggest that Councll, Ln all fafu:ness, coDduct a survoy of City Ilall to deter.mlne uays and rneans to lmpnovc offlcopersonnel efflcleney and that a pub1le heaning be scheduled toglve the citlzens of tsurllngame an opportunlty to be hear:d. Couacllmen Jobnson edvlsed that she favored ths trangfcr as, pnoposed, malnly to relleve the rove!.1oad of wonkfl ln the City Eall Ofilees'and t6 enable personnel to perform other asslgnnenti Dror.e offlclently. - Thene belng no obJectlon to the suggestlon of Councllman Monganthat a pub1lc heanlng bo scbeduled, actlon on the ordlnance p::oposlng the tnansfe:r was postponed end contlnu€d to Saturday, Februe!.y 3, a962, at 10 orclock, a.nr. ORDINANCE }IO. 7h9 395 PROCLAMATION fhe Chalr refer.ned to e comrmrnlcat I on neceived fron the Sart Pranclsco Synphony Formdatlon announclng lts nlnth ennuel menber.sblp eampelgn and ln complLance wtth a nequest of lts Pr.esldent, James E. Schwabacher",Jn., pnoclelmed the week of Pebnuary L2-!9, 1952 as trSan Fnanclsco Symphony Foundatlon l{eek. " PI'BLICTIY - GOOD SEIP IIEOPE'' Dn. Alex Uclsskopf appeared i.n behalf of the hospltal shlp, nllopen a prlvate enter.prl.sg pnovldlng nenvice to undenpnlvlleged persona ttu.oughout the free countrles of the lalorld r nequestlng Councll endongement to a fonthconing fund-nalslng campalgn. The hunanltarlan sorvlee provlded by th6 doctor.s end nur.geg ras acknorledged by Mayor Bpil 1n behalf of tho Councl1, and the publlclty progne , as pnoposed by Dr. WeLsskopf, endonsed. NEW BUSINESS NoDc cLAr!fit c1 ofdr of alms, Month of Januany, 1962, Nos.6800-5960, ln the total smount $LZl t359.55, duly audlted, w6re appnoved and rrarnants ordcledarn on the Clty Treasury ln their respectlve emounts on motlon Counellman Johnson and seconded by Councllman M6rgsn. ?he neeting ras regularly ad Journe d. at 9235 p.m. to Satunday, Feb::uany 3, 1962, at 10 otclock, e.m. PAYROLL APPROVAL Payroll wannants, Iilos. SLOO-,?LO, 1n the total amount ol $9Lr151.55,for. the Month of Deoember, 1961, rere appr.oved on rnotlon of Councllman Johnson and seconded by Councllnan Mo::gan. Respectfully submltted, APPROVED: y'-nk"' 49---) ANDREW C B:TRD MAYOR ADJOIIRNMEI{T :fu/r.4/?rah- EERBERT K. WHTTEClty C1crk