HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.09.18329 Bturllngame, Callfo:rnla Septenber 18, 1951 CALL TO ONDER A regule? neetlng of the Bunllngana Clt5r Councll ras held on the above glvcn date. Meetlng called to orde:: at 8:00 p.n., - Mayor! Byr.,it ln the Chal!. ?LEDGE OP ALLEGIAXSE At wor.d firom the Chain all ln the Councll Ghamber arose end gave the Pledge of Allegtanee to tbc F1ag. ROLL CALL hecent - Counctlnea: B5rrd - Johns on-Lorenz -lt[ar.tLn-Mor.ganAbsent - Cotrrrollnoa3 }{oDs ].,ITNUTES PREVIOUS MSETINE The mlnutes of tbe prevlous Eoetlng of Septenber 5, 196I, arnerded to neco:rd that Councllman Morgan uar absent due to vacatlon and th6 ,rLnutes of tbs ad Journed meetlng of Scptembcr 11, amended to necordthat Couno l Lnan JohnaoD ra! oxcused beoauso of llIness, were unanlmous ly apparoved and adopted. COMMU}IICATIONI 1. MOBII,EHOMES . MOBTLEIIOUE PARTS ACT A comrunlcatlon fron the Clty Menage?, dated Septenber: 15r 1961, advlsed that tbe Eealth Dlvlglon of the County of San Mateo, undendate of Septenber I1 has rrltten concernlng tbe passage of Assembly Bt11 2125, (l{obllehone! and Mobllehouo Parkg Act) rbleh supersedcs ondlnances enacted by any Clty, Coungr on Clty ard County govcr:nlng traller. parka and moblle honss . lhe nerr lar provLdes that upon rr:ltten notlce to the Dlvls 1on ofEouslng, aqr Clty, County and Clty and County nay easrmr r.esponslbllltyfor ths cnfor:ccmsnt of thls Act and it ras tho recommendatlon of tbclocal Dcpa:rtmont of Publlc Eealth ard l{e lf ar6 that the Clty Councllnotlfy tbe approprlete egency of lts lntentloa to retai.n the conetruc-tlon, use and occupancy of Mobllshomes and Mobllehomes Pa:rks, etc.r urden lte Ju:rlsdl.ctlon. Thc Clty Manager advlsed that lnagmrch es no land ls zoned fon trallorE, nobllehonec, etc.p the ner leglslatlon wl1l not affect tbe Clty ofBullingene. Tbe Clty Manager ras dlnected to so notlfy the San eteo County Publlc Eealth Englneen. 2. BALAriCE SAI,E OI' POLI CE BONDS AUTHORTZED A neno fron the Clty Uanagen, dated September 14, 196I, tto c ornnendcdtbat Counoll author.lzc the galo of the balanee of the Pollce and Fllto BondE la the sun of tl4OrOoO.OO. 'fa rsply to Counolluau Morganrs inqulr.5r, the Ctty l,tanagcn advlsed that tbe novonuc fron the gale of the bonds rould be applled cxcluslvcly on tbe completlon of the Dor Po1lc€ Statlon. Councllman Morgan theneupon movod that the Ctty AttorneJr bc authorlzedto pepare tbe appr.opnlate legal documents, reconded by Counctlnaa Jobns on and unantmous ly caulled. 3,REPORT ON POLICE RIFI,E RANGE A meno from the Clty Managen, dated Septenber ilrr 1961, advtslng that oor:r.ectlons to cllnlnate dcflectlons fnorn pnactice shootlng et the Pollce Rlf1e Range havo boon comp16t6d, wag acknouledged as a progness report. 330 l+.REPORT ON CALTFORNIA DRIVE UIDENIIG A memo fnon the Clty Maaagon, dated Septenben L5, L96Lt advlsedthat the San Fnanclsco Waten Departrrent, through lts Supenintendentof Lands, has lndlcated that thc Conpany 1111 !61laqulgh all of ltg pr:operty ln the Clty of Burllngamo pnovldcd the Clty wlll assurc tbc texsg theneon. A flnel reply to CounclL nequest for" said rellnqulsh- nent of pnoperty ls antlclpated ln th6 n6a! futuro. Councllman Mo:rgan speaklng on the subJect of the acqulsltlon of the San Fr"anclsco l{aten Depantment property to rlden Californla hlveto ltr fu1l Iengthl expreased hla approval to the abovementloncdpnoposal. Comaentlng further on the flnanclng of the pnoJsct and the appllcatlon of MaJon Ctty Street Gas Iax Funds I Councllman Mor:gan added that ln hls opinlon, thor€ rrould be no cnltlolsm ofCourcll lf, next yeen, sales tax nonles were allocated to lrupploucnt Gas Ter Funds to complete thc pnoJect. 5.FIRE DEPARTI'IENI COI.IMENDA?ION A communl.catlon f non Mr. and l,[ns . J. W. Ahern, 222) Eastot Drlve , ras negd commendlng the nembelts of the Burllngame Ffi:e Depar.tment onthelr 6fflclency, eoutrtosy and speed 1n coDn€ctlon rrlth a recentfl:le at theln hono. t'lrs Ctty l,lanager ras ncques tod to r:efer the orlglnal comunlcatloato tho Fl,te DepartnoDt togothcr rlth the comendatlons of tho Councll. 6. PARKII{G ABUSE ON CRESCENT AVENUE Conrrunicatloas from C. E. Br.uechen, 215 Cr:escent Avonue and FredI(c11y, 1$18 Ralston Avenue, dated Septcnber 1[, 1951r concernlng. the adyerse pa:rklng conditlons ln the 20O block on Cr.€soent Avonue, betreen Ralston and Eowand Avenues I raS aOknowlcdged. Followlng a bnlef dlscusslon and actlng on thc suggcstlon of Coruro l lman Uartln, eotton nas deferrped pendlng r:ecelpt of s reepontfrom the Clty ltlaaager ln ncply to Councll lnquky fon a genenallcvlslon of panklng rrcter ordlnancoa. OTEER COUMUI{ICATIONS Hayor BSnd announced nccelpt of th6 follorlng: DOUr{IOWI{ BOUB SEELTER PROPOSAL A letten fnon the Unlted Statss Carboa Corpor.atl on, 2O! Par:k Road, dat6d Soptonber 1; 195I, ln r:efenence to neuspeper publlctty concorning ttre nodtflcatlon of tJre plaru of th€ ner Police Statlonto accomodate a bomb sholter and requesttng that Councll couslderlnstead, the converslon of the lover level of lts offlce bulldlng, 205 Park Road, lnto a publlc borab sbolten. Hayor. Bynd advlsed of tho error of the publlclty concerning a bonbshclter: ln the ner Pollce Statlon, statlng that he had proposcdprevlously, the constructlon of a publlc bomb shelter on tbe gite of the Cltytg new parklng lot on Pank Roed opposlte the Clty 8a11. Tbene belng no obJectlon, th6 comnnrnl c at lon fr.om the Unlted Stateg Car.bon Corporatlon ras refer:ned to tho Offlce of the Clt5r Managen. TBUCKING OPERAT ION HAZ,ARD A notlce of meetlng of the San Mateo County Councll of Mayor:s,V1IIa Chartler., Fr.lday, Scptenber 22, at rhich tlne Rlchand Ca:rp€nter, Legal Counsellor., L€age of Callfornla CLtles, rod.d speak on the tlnely subJect of tb6 prerogatlve of cltles to conhrol tr.uck haullng openatlons xlthln Lta bor:ndarlea. Hayo:r Bynd ras authonlzed to plodge the suppo::t of the City of Burllngame la effectuating a county-gld6 clty plrogtpem to ellmlnatc hazards ln connectlon with tnuck haullng. 331 CLASSIFICATI ON.C OMPEI{SA TI ON STI'DY A.letter frora the Clty t{aneger, datod Septenbe:: Llt L961, advislngthat the State Pelsonnel Boer:d wllL pr.ovlde wrltten Job desc:rlptlons along ulth the clgbt ltems of servlce prevlously llsted. The Clty Manager advlsed that selrvlces or.dened nou vill bs avellable aftctt the flrst of the yeef end lt ras hLs necounendation that a complete Job posltlon, classlflcatLon end conpensatlon analysls be authonlzed by engaglng the servlcee of th6 State CooperatLve Penronne] servr-eos.It vag notad that the cost for said eervl,ce uas quoted at $21750.00,of rhlch $11500.00 rag allocated ln the cu:rnent 796L-1962 budget. Councllnan Johng on lnltlated the dlscuaslon that foIlowed, expresslng hor approval to tbe pnoposal and statlng that courplettoD of the sunvey 1111 colnclde wl,th the annuel r:eview of the North County Councll of Clttes Llege S tabi.llz atlon-Pnlnge Beneflt unif o:rm progran. Councllnran Lonenz and Councllaan Mantla each erprelsed approval rith Counc llm l!ffiadd lng that dlaagneements on olasslflcatlons 1arelatlon to the Nonth County Councll of Cltles untform plan may be resolved by a su:rvey as pnoposed. Councllnan l,[o!gan, neferned to a declsLon of Cormcll some yea:rc prlor:, whereln 1t res consldened sound poIlcy to use th6 Ctty of San Mateo as a baels for companlson md hLs Lesue wltlx the Nonth County Councllof Cltles on tho same subJect, and noted the curr.€nt dlff6trsnc6 lnsalarlea, panticularly ln the Flre and Poli.ce. classlflcattons betueenthe tro cltles. Councllnan Mongan stated that lt was his urders tandlnS thet the llorth County Councll of Cltlea had condueted a slnllan s tudy and questloned tbe posltlon of tho Clty of Bur.llngame ea a nomb€r of that Counolllf a 1ocal speclallzed repont ls authorlzed. Councllnaa Johnson, Ln nefer rlng to a Eurpvey of elghteen cltles wlth a populatlon oomparablo to the Clty of Brrrllngeme, compllcd by tb6Clty Managen, advlsed that nost of tbe nbench-mankE posltlons ofth6 Clty of Burllngeme er€ conpensated at a hlgher r:ate than the sunyey lndlcates and ln her oplnlon, an outslde s ur"rey rould be afalr bagls f o:r determlnatlon. In reply to Councllman llor:gan I s lnqulnier, artlclpatlng that tbo epeclallzed s uxrey rould lndlcate that e hLghor conpensatloa 1r Justlfled, Councllnan Jobnson advised that nesults rould be sub-nltted to the llorth County Councll Comlttce srd a declslon left thereafter: to thc dkcnetlon of tbe lndlvtdual clty. ilayor Byrd expressed hls appnoval to the proposed Eurvey, statlngthat professlonal facts rrould agslst 1n an evaluatlon of the 1ndlvldua1 posltlonr ln the Ctty of Bur:Ilngame. Followlng funther dlacusalon, CotmclLman Morgan moved that the Clty anagen bc authonl,zcd to pnocune the senvices of the State Pe:rsonnel Cooporatlvo Sc?vlcg as outl.ined ln 1ts co:rnespondence and that enaddltlonal lun of $11250.00 be allocated to the budgeted suu. Tho motlon rag secondod by Councllman Martl.n. Oa the questlon, Cormcllnan Mongan quastloned thc possiblllty of ascentainlng at the tlme of the survey whsthen a fuIl-tlne PlenniDg Consultant lg advlsablc end an approp:rLate ecmpensatloa fon the pos lt1on. lbe Clty Managcr advised that the subJect could be lncluded ln theforthcodng s[rYc[o fn r€p1y to furthe! lnquby, Councll sas edvlsed that tho nurvey vould lncludc alJ. personnel wlthln the Classlfled Senvlce rtd would not lnclude the Clty llanager, the Clty Clerk non tho clty Ineasuner. A vote on the notlon raa neconded thereafter as uDenLnous. 3.32 BAY AREA GOVERNI,IENTS ASSOCIATIO}I Mayor Bynd lntr.oduced Earold F€yge, Councllman, Clty of Paclflca, and San ltlsteo County Cttles t nepnesentatlve to the Asaoclatlonof Bay Anca Govcrrments (ABAG) rho spoke on the reglonal or:Banlzatlon aad edvlsod that contnary to oplnlon, ABAG Ls not en aff11late Dor does lt dupllcate tbe functlons of th6 League of Callfornle Cltle.. Ifu. Feyge ststed that ttrs Assoclatlon currantl.y hae a nsmbershlp comprlslng slx countles drd flfty-scyen cltles and senvcs to lmpar:t, through conraltteo worik, speclal Lnforna tton affectlng elllevels of gover:rmento h. Feyge rs r€comreDdetlon that tbe Clty CounclL appolnt one of lts menbeng to attend the next meetlng of the Assoclatlon rras coDourrodln and on motlon of Councllman Uorgan, seconded by Counc11nan Jobrson. Councllnan Ma:rtln was delegated to ettend the next meetlng, Frlday, Soptember 22, 196L, Clanemont Eotcl, B€rkeley, 10 a.n., to J p.n., as an obgenven. RESoIUTIO}{S RESOLmfO{ NO. [$-51 'rDete -er DlemTages Tn--the clty Cellfornla roqukenEnt ) was nmlnlng General hevalllng Wage Rate ofof Bu:rllugane n (Labon Code State of lntrodueed by Councllman Mongan, uho moved 1t8 adoptlon, aocondod by Coutcllnon Jolutson and unanlnour Iy carinlod on roll ceII. ORDINANCES f,one. I'MITISHED BUSINESS CAPITAL IMPROVEI.{ENT BUDGET (a)ACSUISTTION PROPERTY ADJACENT TO LIBRARY Councllnen Mor:gan r.eferred to provlous Councll actlon h the a1loca-tlon of *301000.00 to cover bond noney dcflclency tn the constnuctlonof the nerr Pollce Stetlon and thc allocatlon of $20,000.00 to asslstln the flnenclng of the Centnal Dlgtnlet Off-Street Parklng proJoot and rtated that ln bla oplnlon, the aequleltlon of propsr:.ty adJaccntto the Llbrary on Bollovue Aycnuc, fon clther off-stnoet parklrg or Llbrary facllttles should be congldencd next ln tenms of €no"goncy. Counollnan Johns on, acknowledgLng the valuc of the propcnty, statcdthat ln hsr oplnton, en appraLlel should be obtained prlo:t to Councll oonnltment and to r.€p1y to hen lnqufi'lee, the subJeet xas loferrodto R. J. Eduards, Cbakman of th6 Llbrany Boand. ilr. Edwards npoke oD the dLscusslon held et thc lest neetlng of Councll,xhcreln lt was suggestcd that thc sum of *111500.00 be allocated ag dorn paynent and the $3OrOoo.Oo mortgago .reduced ln par: t by tbe pr:oper:ty I a rental necelpts. lt. Edrarda funther gtated thet tho acqulsltlon trould rervc a dual purpose! pnovlde an off-Btr6etparkiEg fac11lty and a futur.e X,lbfany elpanslon. QuegtLoned by Councllmaa }lantln concepnlng the lega1lty of tbc pnocedu:l.e suggested, the Clty Attolrn.y advtsed that Counc.Ll ncamot tonnlt funds -other ihan fo:r the ournent yean.i Sonc dlscussloa anose theneafter on obtalnlng ar appralgal, rltb Councll lndlcatlng, genenally, theln approval to the puJrchesc of the propenty provldod the appnalsal 1g ulthln thc prlce ltango guoted. A motlon uas lntnoduccd by Councl,Inan Mantln that the Clty Managcr be autborLzod to sclect an appralso" to appalae the propcrty at 1l+29 Bellevue Avenue. The motlon ras seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanLmous Ly carrlod. 333 (b)ACQUISITIOI{ PROPERTY ADJOI}ITNG UI'NICIPAL DI'I,'P Councllnan Lor:enz lnltleted tbe dlsousslon on the aequlsltlon ofproperty adJolnlng the ltlunlclpal Dump, u:rglng that appropr:late pnocedune be applted lmnedtately to acquhe the property fonflI1lng putrpoE€s . The Plannlng Consultant, la r.cply to Councll lnquhy, advlged that the allocatlon necomrended by tbo Plannlng Comalsslon lncluded pre- llnlnary steps to Lmpnove the waterfnont anea, wtth the further recomrendatlon that any troverager of fundg 1n tho Capltal Improvement Budget be applled on the oost of acqulsitlon of pnoperty ln that ar6e. Sone dLscusslon a:pcise on the lncr:eased prLce lndLcatcd by the oxnors and thc prevlous appralaal nsde'of tbc propcrty, lndlcatlng that a ner appnaLaal 1g advLsable. Councllnan Mongan questloned the pnactlblllty of fllllng thc nlncty acres of property orned by the Clty abuttlng the aree ln questlon,to rbtch lnqulry the Clty Englncen lndlcated afflrmatlvcly. Fned t{. Lchnan, a menben of the Cltlzencr Coualttec on shorellnc lmpnovements end A1 Eonrltz, Recreatlon Comrlsslonen, each spoke onthe advantages of acquklng the propenty; beautlflcatlon, futunc :recneatl.on and pank usagclr. Mr:. Lebnan added tbat a boat henbon and a golf cour:se vould bs assets to tbe City, wlttr thc latten melntalned as a se1f-suppo:rtlng proJect. Mayor $nrd advlsed that the lssuc to bc resolved on thls occeslon conccnncd the enga/enent of an appralsor to properly appralse the propen!y. Councllnaa Johnson concur::ed, ctatlng that en appna!.saI rould dc ternlne deflnltely, thc course of actlon to be taken by Councll on the aoqulaltlon. Councllnran l,lant 1n obsenvEd thet of the etght ltens neconmendcd ag Capltal Iaprovenent ProJects, the punoharc of the property undcr dlccusslon weg not on the llst suhlttted and ln hls opinlon, thc cngagement of an appnalron at thls t lno Yer preneturc untl1dlcposltlon of :recomended pnoJccte ls resolved. Councllnan Morgan concurned, addlng that rl ttt comltnentg made to date froa tbs fund s rescnved fon Capltal Impr.ovcmrts, lt would ba morc advlsable to r€taln the remalning funds ($301000.00) for lnmedlatc nced: PoJ.lcc StatLon nemodellng, demolltlon of bulldlng hous lng thc Dcpantment of Publlc Wo:rks I city stneet repaltrs, etc.e and the acqulsltlon of thc subJect p::operty reserved for: conslderatlon noxt y€an. Follorlng frltth€r dkeusslon, Councllnan Lonenz noved that tbeClty ltlanagel be author"lzed to orgego the servlces of a o ornpe tcnt appnalson to appnalsc thc shoneland pr"openty pr:oposed fo:racqulsltton, geconded by Cotrncllman Johns on and adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Counclluren: Bynd-Johnson-Ior:enz NoesS Councllnen: Mar.tin- organ Absent Councllnen: }{onc (c)EXIENSION FINE.ALARM SYSTEU Pnank Clgtul1l, Plannr.ng Comnlsalonen, i.n addressLng the Councl1, u:lged that funds be allocated to cxtend the Flne'Ala:rn System to lncludc th6 xesto"n ar.ea of ths Clty 1D th€ central fhe-alar:m lystom and to pemlt thc Eoover School to eonnsct lts lntennal f fue-a1enm syst6m to the Cltyrs system, ea ,:econmended by the Fltre Chlef. 334 Followlng a bnlef dlscusalon, Councllman Johnson noved that thc sunof il0r000.00 be allocatcd to oxtond the Fke-Alarm Systen ar :rccomcnded, lrocondod by Counclluan Martln and unanlnously cannled. Fur ther actlon on Capitel Inprovement Budget reoonmendatl.onr rag doforrred to a future date. NE}J BUSINESS Nono CLAIIfi' Clelns for the ltlontb of ..Septembcr, 1961, ilog. 612h-6270, duly audlted, ln the sum of $LOO 17?2.57, w6ro appnoved and rarrants ordered dnarn on the Clty T:re as u:ry ln thelt: ,respoctlvc anounta, on notlon of Councllman Lorenz and siconded b;r Councllnan Johnson. PAYROLI 6Paynoll Har.lants for,ttre ilonth of AuguEt, 1961, l|os. 33ilf-3?59, lnthc total anou.txt of $92r5ldl.g8, wene approved on motlon of CouacLlnan I'otenz and geconded by Counctlnsn Johns oa. ADJOURNUE}I! fhere bclng no fu:rthen buslaess,at 10:55 p.m. the meettng was regulanly adJounned Respe ctf uIIy submltted, HERBEST K TE 7 Clty Clerk APPROVED: ,,-1/,/.nl,t,-'- A}IDREH C. llayor {/A^ BY:RD '/ A_ 4,e