HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.05.02103 Blrnllngame, CaL llortrla May 2, 1960 CALL TO ORDER A negulan nnetlng of the Burlingame Clty Council was held on the above gJ-ven d.ate. Meetlng was called to orden at 8:O0 p.ln.; - Mayon Johnson 1n tho Chalr. PTMGE OF ALLEGIANCE At sord from the Chaln, all Pledge of Al]-egiance to the ln the Council F lag.Chamber a:'ose and gav6 the ROIL CALL Pre sent - Counc 11 men : Byrd - Johns on-tor€n z -I'{or gan-Rooth Absent - Councilmen: llone iIIMITES PREVIOUS MEETIIIGS The mlnutes of the prevLous raeetlng, Aprl1 18, 1960, subnltted to CouncLl, were unanimously appr o\r ed on not lon of Councilrian Rooth and seconded by Councll-raan Lorenz. The mlnutes of the prevlous nretlng to canvass electlon retur:ns,Aprll 19, 1960, submltted to Counc j,1, wer6 unanlmously approved on motlon of Councllman Rooth and secondod by Councllman L{organ. The mlnutos of the adJ ourned meetS.ng of Apri.I l-9, 1960, he Id. on Aprl1 25, 1960, subnltted to Council, were approved on ootlon of Counc ilrnan Rooth, seconded. by Councilman MorSan, wlth the followlng cor.roctions noted: that the words rrby a two-thtrds maJority votert be lnserted in each of the panagraphs pertalnlng to the b ond. issr:es. tl.lrfr l1 l- .t\ L, ) APPEAL RE: DIRI]CTIONAL SIGII A hoaring on an appeal from the declslon of the Planntng CornmLssionin denylng a uso pernlt for tbo constructlon and nalnt onaIlce of a dlnectlonal sign proposed to be constructod on the westerly side of tho Bayshor:e Freeway to adventlse 'Hyatt Housert was contlnued ultll the ::egulan neetlng of Council, lrlay 16, 196O. The Clty Attorrroy advised that the postponemont has been consented to by the attorney fon the applicants. COlll,llINICATIOliS 1. APPF,AL BE: VARIAIiCE LOT }5-A BLOCK 1 GLE].]'..JOOD PARK A communLeation dated Aprl1 28, 1-96O, was r6ad from Lrr. and }t's. E. D. Van Slyke, appealing tho declsion of the Planning Commlssionln deny!.ng a variance for the resubdivlslon of Lot I5-A, Block 1, GL enyi'o od. Park and nequostlng that Council actlon be wlthheld r:ntil the flrst rreotlng ln June. The coamunlcati. on was aclcrowlodged and a hearing on the appeal schedulod. for Juno 6, 1960. 2. DUMP OPERATTO}i PROPOSED R]IGI]IA.TfONS A comr.lrnlcat ion dated Aprll 8, 196O, fron the Ctt'y Manager, advLsedthat the Dlstrlct Englneer for the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, has served notlce that a penrd.t to continue f llllng operatlons at ths ldr.rnlcipal Dump w111 be requlred subsoquont to th6 City taktng appro-prlate measures to retaln all waste and. floateble oaterlal.s wlthJ.nth€ aroa of its operatlon. 104 The City Manap,er advised that details wiII be considered at a meetlng wlth the Chl,ef of Operations of the Lrmy Engineor's on Monday, lday 9, 1960, et 1O:0O a. r:r. , end a report submittod to Council at its study sesslon that ovonlng. 5. TWO-HOUR PARKTNG ORDTNANCE - PALOMA A\trENUE A communlcatLon from the Clty idanagor, dated Aprl1 28, 1960, advisedthat the two-hour panklng llmltatlon ordlnanc€ on Paloma Avenue shal1 explne on Ma)r 3, 1960, followlng a ninety day trial and it was recom.rnend.ed that a perranent ordlnance be prepared to contlnue the two hour llmltati.on. Councilman Byrd novod that tho CiW Attorney be so instructed., seconded by Councllman Loren" and. unanimously carrled. 4. C0IITRACT A1,',ARD FoR idILLS gREEti S?0R:.1 DRAIN A commnlcation, dated. Aprll 29, 1960, fr.om the Clty Manager advlsed. that a sworn aff id.avit has been prosented by Ervln D. Varwlg,requosting the wi thdran'aL of his bld for the construction of theMlIIs Creek Storm Draln, duo to a mathematical- error and that anlnvestlgatlon lndlcated that the er:ror had occurned. ft was re c onrtrend. ed. tbat I{i1ls Excavatlng Conpany, l'lllIbnae, thelowest responsible blddor, be awa:rded tho contract in the total sum of $44,510.0O. (Englneer Estlnate, $54r13O.OO) RESOLUTTON NO. 33-60 rA Resolution of Awar:d of Contract Stonm Dralnage Irnpiovemonf - Unil76 - Ml11s Creoktr (to t'tiUs Excavatlng Co. ) wasthereafter lntroduced on notLon of Councllman Horgan, rho moved ttspassage, eeconded by Councllman Rooth and carried. unanlmously onro11 ca11. 5. PMSCNAL T}IJURY CIATI{HE,EJ'I B. COLL]}IS REJECTM A connunlcatlon from the Clty i{anagen, dated Aprilthat Holen B. Colllns, 624 Cypress Avenuo, Ml11brae c1-alm agalnst the Clty of Burlinnane ln the sun of 29, I 196O, advlsed. s fl1ed aha ,0o0.0o,Iallege truckto t i're Depdrdly as and lt CltY t the res'.rlt of a collislon wlth a Clty Street r.,as r e c oruronded that the cfalm be rejected ans lnsurance carnl er. Tho Council concumed. art roe nt ef6 r16d 6. SAN FRIJiCISCO ]I,'ATER DEIAIITI'tIJIT ],ROPOSED I;ATER COi'ITfuiCT A commr.rnication from the Clty }lanai;er:, dated AprlJ- 29, 1960, advisedthat the San Francisco Waten Departrrrcnt has roguested that the Ctt,yapply for water ser.vice on a contractual basis and a detal}ed reportshall be submlttod to Council followlng a meetlng on the subJoctwith the North County City Manaters t at the San Bruno City Ha1l, Tuesday, Iilay 5, 1960, 1O:OO a.rn. 7. FMERAL AVIATION AGEIiCY RE: AIRI,ORT RU]WAY A communication dated Aprll 21, 1960, was nead from the PedsralAvlatlon Agency, WashLngton, D. C., announcl,ng the authorizatlon of funds to be included ln the 1961 alrport pnogram budget for the extension of San Fnancisco Internat 1ona1 Alrport runway No. 28L. Tho Counci.l vras Lnvlted by the Agency to confer r,rith the San Franclsco Reglonal Offlce if additional lnfornatlon on the deslgn and construc-tlon of the proposed runway is desined. ltre c omnarnlcatlon was acknowled.ged. and. placed on flle. 8. POTITICAL SIGNS POSTED TN VICLATION OF ORDTNANCE A momo from the City Manager, dat6d 'llay 2, 1960, advlsed of the unlawf u1 postlng of po11tlca1 signs ln conf l-lct with the cLty ordLnance and of the lntentlon of hls office to glve notice to thevlolators. It vras sugriestod by the Clty l'lana ger that a revLew of the current ord.inance may determlne that an anend.nont to rcgulate. the erectlon of pollticaI signs is advisabl-e. The City rrdanager 105 further ad.vi sed that the City Attornoof a provlslon nequi::lng a pernLt toqdthin a spe cifled perlod ol tllirc.tr has sug6qe stod the lnclusion erect and rremove such a slgn v ll Followin,3 a brlef d lscussion, the Clty I'fanag or l'.as notlf,y those responslble for the unJ-awfttl posting to remove said slgns. lnstructeal toof pol1tlcaI slgns 9. CO}'{},IIU}IICATIOI{S RE: 1{ETiSPAPER ACCOUI{TS POLTGE DEPART}{EIfI The Chalr acknowledged recelpt of commrnl cat lons from Nancy Il. BIII, 755 Wlnche ster Drlve, IiIr. and I'{rs. Karl J. Storhoim, lO45 Laguna Avenuo and Rfurl o 1 G1e rur, 855 Falrfield Boad, ln response to recent newspaper publlcity concerning Bur1ingame Po1lce Depart ment personnel. The Clty l.{anager eras requested to place the communications on f ll-efor f utur.e referenco. ORD IIIANCES - Consideratlon of: ORDII{ANCE I,10. 712 iAn O::dinance Arrcndin g Soction 1926, Subsection D oE the Oidlnahce Cod6 of the City of Burlingamo Regu Iat ing Pernisslvo Useg arrl Provldlng for Building Regulations, Lot Llmltatlons ani l,ot Requirem€nts and Helght Lirritations i-n R-I (First Rosldentlal)Dlstrlctsn was g5.von Lts second reading and on motion of Councilnan Rooth, secondod by Cormcllman Byrd, sald ordlnance passed lts second readlng and was thoreafter adopted by the follorv"lng vote: Ayos : Counc 11rnen : Byrd- Johnson-Loren z-l,Iorgan-Rooth Noos: Councllmen: None Absont Councilnoen: None I. PROPOSED CTVTC CENTER CITIZENS COIO.{]TTEE Mayor Johnson repeated her interest ln the formatlon of a cltLzens corurdttee to conduct a survey to provide for a clvlc center 1n theCity of Burlingamo and roquested Councll ondor senront of the proposal. ?he Clty Managen, followlng a brief dlscusslon, was requested. to p1-ace tho subJect on tho egend.a for conslderatlon at the forthcomlng Councll stud.y session, Monday, L{ay 9. 2. GANDE].{ ITCKUP CONTRACT RE}'IESJAL A mo mo l}om the Clty i,,lanagen, dated April 28, 1960, advised that the San hlateo County Scavengor Company has agaln questloned th6 desireof Councll concerning the renewal- of lts contract for garden cuttlng and rubblsh pickup senvice at the lncroased rate from $1rOO0 to $1,7oo pen month. In the ensuLng dlscusslon, Gmbors of the Council- expressed neluctanceto inltlate actLon unt1l lnfor mation is receivod co ncermilg the scopeof servlce. The Clty Managor was requested to explore the matter lndetail and to report his findlngs at the Councll study session, May 9. 3. COMMTSSION VACANCIES Members of the Councl1, aclvised of vacancLes exlstlng on the Plannlng, Recreatlon and Health and Safety Commlssions, !,ere requested to submlt 16cormonCatlons for appolnt ne nt to the respectlve Commlsslons. 4. NBELVEDERE IIEIGIMS 'T SUBDTVISTON At the suggestlon of th6 Clty Attorney, the subject concerning theacceptance of the Final Map of iBelved.ere Heightsn Subdivlslon was wlthdr.awn from the Agenda pendlng recelpt of flnal documents. ACKNOIIL,EDG],IEMS The Chalr lntroduced Joseph H. Lorenz, newly elect€d Councilman of UNFIII SiiiJD BTJS I].I!]SS 106 the City of Btrrllngam.o, to tho audience pnosont a nd. oxtend.ed. anofflcial v,rel-c ome to Councllman Lorenz in behalf of tho Councl1. The Chair acknowl od.ged roceipt of mlnutes from the Planning and. Recreati,on Comrnls s lons and from the Llbrary Board. PROIOStrD IISPECIAL ROIiD ]{AINTUNA}ICE DISTRICT't Ths City Managor', at the requost of the Chair, rond.ened a roporton a meeting of the San Mateo County Cotrncll of idayors he and. Iitayon Johnson recently attonded. The Ctty Manager advlsed that thesubJect undor discussl-on rvas the Countyts plloposal to set up a Speclal Road }daintenance Dl-strlct rd th a tax rate ot zoy' per $I0Oassessed valuatLon and to ostablish a f or mr]-a for the dlstrlbutlonof gas tax monLes. ]'IEIIJ BIIST$ESS ELITCTION OF C]IA]R],IAN-}IAYOR Nomlnations were ca11od by the ChaLr for the posltion of Chairrnanof the Council and itlayor of th€ City of Burl inga xoe for tho comlngyear. Councilman Lorenz nominated Councllman li{organ. Councll-oan ldorgan no&inatod Counclloan Johnson fcr a socond torm, who ln turn, decllned. tho nomlnat ion. There bolng no f ur:t Irer nomlnat i.ons fe Chairnan-Itayor, nominat Lons were declarod. closed. and Councilman Idor gan was uranimously electedby Councll ro11 call voto, Councilnan Bynd. was unanlmous Iy elected Mayor Pro Terpono, Councllnan B3md abstalning. I{AYoR },IoRGAI{ ASSUI{IiS C iIA IR i{A i'iSiIlP Iilayor Morgan as follovufls counc \_-\,{-Council Flnance Council emplbye Charlotte Johns Councilman Joso sumqd hls posltl.on as Chalnman and announced the 11 iommlttee appointrrents: Lr&iEnlittee , . C ouncllman Charles W. Rooth, Chalrman;e and Chambor of Commorce represontatlve, Councllmanon; and Council Plannlng Commlsslon reprosontatlve,ph H. tonenz. POLICE DEPART],{E}IT NEEJSPAPER PUBL]C]TY Llr. Francls RaJrmond, 5O2 Alner Road, Burlingame, €xpressed his concern wlth tho current wido spread. newspaper publicity concerningthe controversy betvleen the Chlef of the Police Departrrent and. the pensonnel of the Pollce Department and questionod whothen there was foundation to the rumor that offlclals have requested. a Grand. Jury he anlng. !h.. Raymond. unged the Council to cond.uct a ful-1 lnvestigatlon, statlng that he was concerned prlmarily vrrl ttr the statencnt of the Chlef of Police appearing in the local nevrspapers that crime has increased 1n BurlLngaiao. Mayor idorgan, in reply, stated that it is tho responsiblllty of every department head to function efflclentfy and with good nt111;that overy oryloyeo, havlng a gnlevance, should eppeal flrst to the departnent h€ad; secondly, to the Clty Manager; thirdly, to the Clv1l Servico Conrmlssion; and flnaLly, to the City Councl1. Ilayon Morgan stated that at thls polnt, the Lssu€ is not a mattorifor Cormcll action. Councllman Lorenz expressed. tho opinion that the controvorsy would not have occurred if a Po11co Chlof had boen selocted from wlthln the ranks of the locaI departmont, and vrhllo lt rryas not his lnton- tlon to dlspanage the prosont Chief of Police, lt was hls opinlon that there ls 1lttle incentlvo to personnel shen promotLonal exam- lnations a::o glven to nen outslde the 1oca1 departnent. t ttz_ Cor:ncl1man Johnson ad.vised of he:r telephone call to the Presialontof the Pollce C1ub, following a newspaper artlcle to the effoctthat a pollce protost to dlrectives issuod by the Chief of Pollce was to bo submitted to Council-, nequesting the pollce to channolthelr protest th:'ough fiproper sourcesn and tirat she irad adaonished.tho police cl-ub for directlng an open letter to the pub1lc. Councifman Johnson obsorved that the current Ci:lef of Pollcs was appolnted. bocause of hls top ratlng on the ellglb1e llst folJ-owlng an open eornpe titi.vo. examlnatlon. Councifman Rooth steted that tho nanner by v'rhich the Chlef of Pollce was selocted is not the lssue; that he was appolnted. the head of the d,opart lent under jurisdictLon of the Clty ldana lJer and that unt1Iall facts have been presentod, ho would contlnue to support the Chlef of Pollce. Councilman Byrd concured llith previous statomonts concerning the propep channellng of grlevances; however, lf the controversy ls to contlnue through the newspapers and the po1lcy of Councll ls in Jeopardy, ln hls oplnlo:r, the ratter requi.res Council actlon. The discussion was concluded r,'ith instructions to the Clty }-Ianagerto conduct a fu1l lnvestiAation and report to Councl1. ADJO1MM'E]JT Followlng a statoment by Mayor I,{or gan that Cou.ncll objectlves for tho fonthcoming year trould be announcod ln the near future, the meoting was regular}y adJourned at 9:2O p.m. Rospectf ul]y subnitte{-, K.IIE, Clty Glerk APIROV@: Charl ot t ohnson, I'Iayor