HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.04.23100 Burllnga ne, Callf cni.a Aprll 25, 1960 CALL TO ORDER p r.ovlslons of RESOLUTION NO. 51-60 , ordenLng a'recount of ballots An ad j ourned roetlng from Aprl1 19, 1960, was heId on the above glven date. Mayor Johnson cal1ed the meetlng to order at 2!OO p.m- ind announced that the meotlng vras scheduled ln c onfo rmance w1 th voted at tbe OenerEl Uurlelpal Electlon, Aprll lzt 19 ROL,i, CALL MUNICIPAL ETECTION PRECINCT Charl ot te JOHNSON Les te:r B. MORGAN 60. Josoph H. TORENZ Pros6nt - Councllmen: Johnson-Morgan-Rooth Absent - Councllrnen: Bynd-Thayen Councilman Byrd, absent because of ill-ness anal Counc llmart Thayer, absont because of a prevlous commltrmnt, were excused on motlonof Councilman Morgan and soconded by Councllman Rooth. ELECTION OFFISERS SWORI'I TN Electlon offlcers, sumnonecl to asslst ln the recormt of votes ta1l1ed ln PRECfNCTS F, K, L, R ard S, were unanlmously certifietlto renden clenlcal assistanee to tho Counc11, on motLon of Cor:nc1lman Rooth and seconded by CouIlcllman I'{orgerl. El-ectlon offlcer"s wer.e duly sworn ln by the Clty Clork and asslgnedto their r.espective positlons. RE.CAI{VASS OF VOTES A].i]'TOIINCED FOR COUNCfLMAN I Fred W. I.EHMAN Write- InsTotal Vote Cast A B c D E F G HI Jr L M N 0 P e R s Ab sent ee Vot es 330 zLL 376 256 224 34A 116 260 1?1 19? 216 539 244 244 277 235 569 292 219 2A2 159 303 169 161 254 87 188 155 L47 140 259 180 188 204 166 26A 2L7 161 2L6 154 264 157 134 2L7 88 184 r19 L44 150 242 166 l-oo 206 L76 ?el 244 167 l_57 107 2L2 L24 L20 160 51la2 92 90 L20 LA7 142 L27 143 121 207 L32 106 2lo t45 23L l7a 169 274 88 145 116 142 154 198 168 ).a2 )"92 156 26A 198 t49 E. Sheehan Alec Esson 34B57055 bU Totals 4991 3742 3534 2614 101 FOR C rTY CIERK PRECINCT Ab s ente e Vote s T otal s PROP. NO. A B c D E F Hr J KI Ivl N 0 P e R s 267 190 321 193 195 501 10O (Robt. McCutcheon ) 22l- t41 162 195 295 204 205 249 191 323 263 1€16 A a C D E F HI Jr L M N 0 P e R s 273 188 3?8 200 190 303 101 217 r48 165 195 295 200 205 244 197' 326 262 189 r,o 42A5 1 (PUBLTC }'/ORKS) Absentee vote s Totals PROP. NO. 4510 2 (FIRE STATTON ]TES NO 80 ) PRECIIICT lES NO PRI]C INCT 105 77 L33 77 78 150 4e 98 67 55 65 106 76 69 110 80 120 105 84 L92 110 2l-6 156 109 189 57 140 a7 111 L25 197 154 151 153 141 215 L74 L24 255 1s2 314 188 15s 272 a4 209 131 148 177 2AO 203 194 ,AO 152 292 L77 168 260 98 184 155 149 149 252 l.77 185 237 160 260 2L9 169 79 55 76 52 43 77 15 68 54 42 58 79 64 57 36 70 103 62 47 t2 118 57 110 85 60 to1 ?.5 85 49 54 85 10r 93 7',| A B D E F HI J K L L( N o P a R J Absentee Votes T ot aIs PROP. NO. A B c D E F EI J K L M N 0 P e R S Ab sont 6 6 Votes42 1723 2Aa1 3 (ART CENTER) 40 ,lL 3734 lL27 PROP. NO. 4 (POLICE STAT]ON) A B D E F HI J K L IiI N A B D E F cI J K L M N Q9 19 oo 20 24 29 152l 13 10l4 26 22 26 200 151 257 150 149 233 a9 ]-70l2l 130 123 232 150 156 FOR CTTY TREASURER PRECINCT toz PROP. NO. 5 PRECINCT 0 P q R S Abstrltee Vote s (ART CENTER) YES NO PROP. NO. 4 PRECINCT 0 P e R s Ab sentee Votes (POLICE STATION) YES NO 2L 22 16 15 22 23I 190 510 250 181 205 154 244 211 159 63 116 74 59 Ac)63 Totals 397 3995 TotBl s 3347 1510 Chanlotte Johnson, Lester B. Morgan and Joseph II. Lorenz wene elected. councLll 3n of the Clty of Burl lngame for the fu1I ternof four (4) yoars. Herbort K. lVhl te ras elected Ctty CIe::k for the fu11 term of f ou:: (4) years. Ida E. Coo, was elected City Treasurer for the fu]-1 term of f our (4) yoars. The pnoposltlon to provLde for tLre constructlon of a publlc rorkr department bu11dLng, falled to pass by thc fequ!-red two thlids -naJor'1ty vote and was declared d.ef eated. The proposltlon to provLde for th6 constructl,on of a munLclpal comrn]nlty art center falled to pass Dy tho neqriired tuo thlids maJority vot6and was declared d efe at ed. 2l11 The proposltlon to provlde fon the acqulsltlon of real property and the constructlon and compl-etlon of a branch lllre statLon, otc.,passed by the nequlned two-- thids maJor!,ty vote. fhe pnoposltlon to provlde fon the acqulsltlon of real- property and the constructl.on and corcl-etion of a no1lce departroent, etc.,passod by thg-r*equired .two thlCds na jonlty vote. RESOLUT]ON NO 32-60 rDeclarlng nesult of lilunlclpal Electionr wasntrucey Counc lman i,Iorgan, who moved, lts passagg, secondedby Councllman Rooth and unanlmously carrled. on noll ca1l. ADI{INTSTNAT]ON OATH OF OFFTCE The Clty Clerk adrnlnLstered tho Oath of Offlce to n€w1y elected Councllman Johason, Councifnan Lorenz and. Councllman ldorgan. ADJOIIRN}IEM The nretlng was theroafter r"egul arly adj ourned at 6:15 p.m. Respectfully s ubmlt ted, }IERBERT K.ITE, Clty Clenk APPROVM: Char l-ot te son, l,{ayon