HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.04.19g6 Btrllngame, CalJfcrn ia Apnl1 19, 196O CALL TO ORDER A neetlng of the Bu.nllrgane City Councll was held on the above glvendate. Mayor Johnson ceLled the naetlng to order at 8:0O p.m., ard announcod that the rnot 1ng was scheduled in conforman ce wlth th€State Electlon Iew, for the purpose of canvasslng electlon roturnsof the lfirnlclpal Electlon held and conducted 1n the Ctty of Bunllngame, Aprl1 12, 196O. ROLL CALL Present - Councllmenr Johns on-ldorgan-Rooth Absent - Councllmen: Byrd-Thayer Councllren Byrd, absent bocause of lllness and Councl]man Thayor, absent because of a provious commltrpnt, wer.e excuseal on motlons of Counc llman Mongan ard seconded by Councllman Rooth. CANVASS OF VOTES: FOR CITY COUNCItIi,AN: }ilI'NICIPAL EI,!,;CTION PRECINCT Total- Vote C ast Charlot te JOM}ISON Loster B. 1,{ORGAN Joseph H. Wrlte-LORENZ Ins F'red W. ITEHIIIAN A B c D E F G HI Jr Lf N o P e R s Ab s€ntes Votes 350 21r 376 236 224 54A 116 260 17I 197 2L6 3.39 248 244 277 369 292 219 242 159 505 l_69 161 253al 188 155 L41 140 394 180 188 204 166 26A 2L7 L62 2L6 154 264 15? 134 216 88 184 119 t44 150 363 166 roo 206 1?6 28L 246 168 15? 107 2L2 L24 ]-20 157 51 LA2ot on 119 216 L42 l-21 143L2l 207 l_55 lo7 210 145 25t I78 r69 274 88 145 116 L42 155 3i25 168la2t92 156 26A 198 148 (Eddle Sheehan) (AIec Es son ) 85 60 266L 5554 FOR CITY IBT]ASURER PRECI},ICT(wrt te -rn 1 267 190 321 195 195 294 lOO Robt. Mccutcheon 221 141 l-62 70 3A17 55 3653 34 TotaIs 499L FOR CITY CIERK PRECINCT A R 0 D E F HI J A B D E F HI J 273 188 32e 2m 190 301 ro1 2L7 148 165 s7 FOR CrTY CLERK Cont. PRECTNCT FOR CTTY TREASURER CoNt. PRECTNCT 194 309 204 205 2*.9 19I 325 26L 185 79 K L M N o P R s K L N 0 P a R s L95 293 200 205 244 L97 326 %2 I88 80Absentoes T otal PROP. NO. 42AA 1 (PUBLIC woRKS) PRECINCT IIES 4305 g (FIRE STATION) NOYES Ab s entee s T ot al- PROP NO. 4 242 t52ooo L7'.7 168 259 98 184 135 149 L52 241 177 183 237 160 260 223 1707l Ab s 6ntee s T otal PROP. NO. A B D E P G EI J K L M N 0 P c R s A B C D E P Hr J K L M N 0 P e R s Absent€e s 105 77 135 77 7A 137 48 98 67 55 67 165 76 bv 110 80 ]-20 105 a4 42 192 110 216 136 109 186 57 140 87IIL 131 196 154 151 153 141 2L3 L76 L24 40 200 Is1 257 150 149 254 B9 170 L2t 150 127 250 150 156 205 154 244 2LA 170 63 79 76 52 43 a2 15 68 34 42 62 B3 64 57 56 70 105 62 49 L2 118 57 110 85 60 155 % 85 49 54 r05 LO4 93 77 65 73 116 76 59 ?a T otal PROP. NO. PRECINCT YES 22 29 20 19 24 7L 15 2L 1Z IO 15 35 22 Ab s6 ntee s T otals 2l 22 16 9 22I1 1789 %23 (ART CENTER) A B c D E F Er J K L M N 0 P c R S 26 A B c D E F (t EI J K L M N o P e R s o,t50 l].42 (POLICE STATION) ES NOPRECINCT Absentees Tota]. s NO 255 L52 314 188 15s 240 a4 209 151 148 L77 280 203 194 23L 190 510 247 18t_ 69 443 5958 5568 l_565 NO PRECI}ICT e8 The retLrns fron the feegolng pneclncts lndlcated a total of vot6s cast for all candl d.ato s for the office of Councllnan and. a totalof votes cast for or agalnst bond measures to be in excess of th6 number of votes cast ln the preclnct. DLscrepancles lrero notedln the ::eturns tallled ln PFECINCTS F K L R and S and. a recount was thereafter ondered by e ouncl The Clty Attornoy reclted sections EOOO thro ugh 8009 of the 196O Ca.].lfornla Eleetlon Laws and the procedure to be taken to rectlfy tho erro::s. El-ectlon offlcers fnom IRECINCTS F, K, L, R and S were s nmnoned antL duly swonn ln as wl,tnesses to testlfy before tho CouncllElectlon Board, 1n the followlng order: PRUCIIICT S !ilr.s. EIna P. Mlngst, Inspector, arri lrfr.s. Bornadetto M. Paulson, C1enk, PRECINCT R Mrs. Edna L. Nuttlng, Insp€ctor, PNECINCT L litr s . Ir1rs. Ll11lan M. Eaynes, Inspoctor, lilrs. Harrlet Lang, Judge and Fanny Wll1larns , C1erk, PRECTNCT K !,/lrs. Catherlne Gray, Inspoctor, and PRECINCT F lrrs. LottLo Foary, fnspector. The foregolng electlon offlclals each, ln turn, testlflod of theI:rlnab11lty to correct the returns of thelr respectlve precincts. The followlqq nosolutlon was thsreaftor lntroducod on motion of Colrnc llman Rooth, seconded by Couacilman Ii{or gan a nd. unanimouslycarrled on ro11 call of rprubers present. RESOLUTION NO. 31.60 PIIRSUANT TO SECTTONS SOOO TIiROUGII 8OO9 OF TIIE CALIFORNIA EI!]CTIONS CODE OMERTNG A RECOUNT OF BATLOTS VOTED AT THE GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELI;CTlON }IEID IN TIIE CITY OF BURLINGAIIIE, A?RIL 12, 1960 The Clty Councll of th€ Clty of Bu.n1lngame, Ca1 !f ca'nia, slttlng as an Electlon Boaral and actlng pursuant to the provi.slons of Sectlon SOOO through 8OO9, both lncluslve, of the Callfornla Electlons Codo, flnds and d,etermLnes that: 1. The returns from the preclncts henelnafter deslgnated, of votes cast at the gpneral rnrnl clpal electlon held ln the Clty of Burflngame, Callfornla, on Ap::11 12, 1960, show a total of votescast for all candLdates for the offlce of Councilman Ln excess of tho nuaben of votes cast ln the precinct and also show a total of votes cast for or agalnst bond measu.ne (s ) ln excess of the nunberof votes cast in the preclnct. 2. The Clty Councll as such Election Board tras canvassed. the returns of the eloctlon officers of sald preclncts and has oxamlnedthe pneclnct offlcers undor oath, and. the sald pneclnct offlcers are unable to cornect tho returns of thefu respectlve preclncts in th6se respects. 3. No electlon contost ls p endi-ng wLrereln a r?ocount of thoballots 1n those precincts has been o:r w111 be ondered. 99 4. The preclncts henelnabove referred to wlth respect to whlch these flndlngs ancl deterrd.natlons are made are: FrKrLrRandS rT IS TIIEREFORE RESOLVED: 1; A recorrnt of tho baLlcrts cast ln sald preclncts at saiti el-octlon 1s heneby ondened; 2. SaLd ballots shall be pub1lc1y recounted by the City Councllof the tbo ?3r Chamberal 67 Clty ddasof Park of Burllngarn sittlng as an ELection Board on Saturday,y of Aprl1, 1960 at the hour of 2:0O P.lrI., in the Councllthe CLty HaIl of the City of Burllngame vihLch 1s sltuated Road, Bur.llngann, CaJ. lfornla; 3. The followlng persons are hereby appolntod clerlcal asslstantsto asslst the Ctty Councll to make the recount: E111nor Armstrong Bernadlne l,{at t Eve}yn IIi1l Flora Knlght EarrLett Schuck 4. Sald recount shall be contlnued dalIy, Sundays and holldays excepted, for not less than slx hou:rs eacLr and every day unt11 completed; and 5. The Clty Clenk ls heneby dlrected to post a copy of thls Resolutlon on tho date of lts adoptlon ln a consplcuous place at the regular meotlng place of thls Clty Councll. Charlotte Johnson llayor I, Ilerbert K. Whlte, Clty C1erk, do heneby certlfy that the foregolng Resoltulon was lntr odu ceal at a rnotlng of the Clty Councilheld on the 19th day of Apnl1, 1960, pursuant to the provlslons of Sectlon 9918 of the Califonnla Electlons Code and adopted thereafter by the following vote: Ayes: Cou.ncllnren: Johnson - Ilorgen - RoothNo6s: CouncllnenS None Absont Councllmen: BJrrd - Thayer Herbort K. WhlteClty Clerk The Clty C1erk was authori zod to appolnt addltlonal clerlcaL asslstants to asslst tho Clty Councll ln the necount of the afore- monti oned preclncts, Saturday, AprlJ- i5, 1960, at 2:OO p.m. ADJOURNI,{E}III Tho mootlng ras neguJ.anly adJ ourned at 1112O p.m. to meet Satunday,Apr.ll 21, 1960 at 2:00 p.rn. Respectfully submltted, HERBERT K. W1IITECity Clenk APPRO\m: Charlot te hnsoa, Ilayor: