HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.12.05152 Bur:llngsIne, California Deceriber 5' 1962 An ad.J ourne d meetlng of the Burl lng ame Clty Councll fron 1ts regular meetlng of Decemben 3, J-962, was held on the above glven date.{eetlng callad to order at B:O5 p.m., - Mayon Lorenz ln the Chalr. PLEDGE OF AT,LEGIANCE CALL TO ORDER At word. from the Chalr, all ln the CouncL] Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. NOLL CAI,I., Present - Councllmen:Absent - Councllmen: C ro sby-,1t661s on-f,orenz -MartLn-Morgan None CCNTRACT A]dARD . OLD POLICE STAT]ON ALTERATTONS' Mayor Lorenz announced that the reetlng had been p::e-scheduled to enact Leg!.slatlon awandlng a contnact for the constructlon ofalteratlons to the oId Burllngame Police Statlon. RESOLUTION NO.6-62 era ons o rrAwardLng of Contraet for the Constructlon of d Bunllngame Poll.ce Stationlr to the lowest responslbl6 bld.de::, the Wllner Constructlon Company of Palo Alto,in the total amount of $18,391.00, was lntroduced for passage on' motlon of Councllman l,lorgan, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanlmously carrled. upon ro11 call of nembers. ADJOURNMENT The Councll regular'Iy adJourned. at 8:09 p.m., to contlnue p:roceed5.ngs on the proposed for:matl-on of Burllngane Avenue Area ParkLng Dlstrlct No. 1. Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K.]TEClty Clerk APPROVED: .1 153 Burllngame, Callfornla December 5, l.)62 CALL TO ORDER BURLINGAUE AREA OFF.STREET PARK]NG DISTRICT CouncLlmen Martin, Councll lLalson member to the Parklng Comnlttee, was Lnvlted by tho Chalr to continue hls Chalrmanship of the Burllngame Area Off-Street PankLng DLstrict Proceedings. Chairnan i,lartin announcsd. tla t the Proceedings on this occaslon would Lnclud.e a pub11c hearlng on changes and modlfLcatlons to the proposed boundarles of the Assessment Dlstrlct as set forth 1n Resolutlon No. 71-62 itResolutlon of Intentlon to Make Changes and. ModlfLcatlons Burllnqane Avenue A:rea Off-Street Par.klng Dlstrlct[ by Councll legls-tatlon November. t$, 1962; ground rules would apply as ln prevLous hearings, the modlflcatlons of the ar.eas would be consl-de:red ln the order of thel:r appearance wLthln the resolutlon and petltlons pnesented by various gnoups wou].d be recelved and referred to the Attorneys fo:rthe Dlstrlct. Ernest A. Wllson, Attorn6y for-the DLstrLct, ln r.eply to the Chalnrsinquirles, advlsed that all of the evldence prevlously presentetl 1sbefore the Council for conslderation and only nen evLdence ls to be subni tted. on thls occaslon. Mr'. Jack Vsn Zandt, Blglneer for the Dlstrlct, was noquested by the Cha.ir. to descr.Lbo 6ach a.r.oa as sst forth in the ResoLutlon of fntentlon. r. (A) PRIMROSE ROAD BETWEEN BELLEWE A\IENIIE TO NORTIIWEST LINE OF I,OT 1, BLOCK 11, BURLI}IGAME LAND COI,TPANY A Speclal Meetlag. of the Burlingame Cl-ty Councl1, cal1ed to order by Mayor Lorenz at U:10 p.m., at the conclusion of an adJourrred meetlng, was held on the abov6 glven tlate, all memb ers ln attendance. Mr. Van Zandt advlsed that Councll declslon to change or modlfy the southwesterly sld.e of rrconmerclalrr P:rimrose Road between Bellevue Avenue (rlght) to Burlingame Avenuo (west) should be determlned Lnd.ependent 1y f::om the Chapln Avenue propertles. Mr. Van Z'andt d.escrlbed the Chapln Avenue area and lncluded proposodLot B and pr.oposed Lot B-1 (Resolutlon Sec. 2a) advlslng that he haalrrno now lnfornatlon with respect to replacementsrr thereof. Vernon Va1e, Attorney, remlnded Councll that ln addltlon to representlngpr.operty owrers on Chapln Avenuo, he was also repr.esentlng thr.ee ownershlps on the corne! of Chapin Avenue, frontlng Prlmnos e Roadand that the parcels referred to have been a part of the overallprotest; and ln hi.s oplnlon, the bound.ary l-lne should be moved backand r.e-allgned para1lel to the orlglnal boundar.y llne. Illr. Rogen Dunc an, [0lp Prlrnroso Road, property o]rner on the south sideof the Publlc Llbrary, obJected to the e1imlnatlon of propertles lnthLs area lf the change were to increase hls assessrnent and r.equestedthat he be notlfled of any change. J. W. Hlgglns, [09 Prln:rose Road., obJectod to the retontlon of threelots on P:rlm:.ose Road across friom and beyond Chapln Avenue lf CouncilLs conslder"lng the deletlon of Chapln Avenue lots from the Dlstrlct,suggesting that the Prlm::ose Road lots also be deleted. 1. (b) LOTS F'RONTING ON.CIIAPIN AVENUE (Exce pt Pnlmrose Road fnont lng lots ) Attorney Wllson stated that In the fLnal ana1ys1s, the two ltemsshould b6 consldered sepanately by Councll. IvIr. Va1e, Attorney, neLteratod some of the prevlous objectlons of theproperty owners to the lncluslon of Chapin Avsnue lots into the Dlstrlct,statlng tlu. t the property c ou1d. be acquLred et a flgure four tlmes1ts assessed valuation and ellmJ.natlng Chapin Avenue lots from thoDlstrlct would not lncres.se the overall assessments of the proposed DL s trlc t. a54 In reply to the Chairr s lnquiries, concernlng the effect on theDistrict shoul-d Chapln Avenue be doleted, I,f::. Van Zandt, applylngan engineerlng formula, d.escrlbed ln detail by a blackboard. i11us-tration, polnted out that the assessed valuatlon 1ost, agalnst thereduction cost, would save the property o!,mers with the Dlstnict aporoximatety Z 3/4/ per $1.00 assessed valuation. A questlon ral-sed by l,lr. B. P. Oliver l-ndLcated that by deletlng Chapin Avenue lots from the District, slxty-one parking spaces would be ellmlnated. I'{r. Emtl Tore11o, representing hls mother, Mrs. Bessle Tore11o, owner of property at the corner of Frlmrose Roaii and Chapin Avenue, upon wiri ch a gas statl-on has been focated and in operation for manyyears, questloned the rrbenefit to be derlvedrr if the proporty wereto romaln withln the DistrLct. 1. (c)LOT 1 . BLOCK h . BURLINGAI,E LAND CO. Mr. Van Zandt advised that the property Ls located. at the wester'1ylntersection of Bel.levue Avenue and Callfornla Drive, subdivl-ded. l-nto fou:r parcels of 1and, wlth a gas station 1ocated on onsparcel and nesl-dences oo the remaining three parcels. i,lr. Van Zandt stated. that Councif is to d.etermlne whether to relocate the boundary l-1ne from one of the residences (as currently proposed)to that of the gas station and at a later date to rezone theresidentlal p:"cperty to an B-[ usage. 1. (d) LOTS 6 THROUGH 11 TOI,flI OF BURLINGAi\M Mr. Van Zandt advised that the proposed Dl-strict Companyts property on Callfornla Drive and Howarloss to the District would result Ln qn upward 2 assessed valuation net increase to other propert Dlstric t. inclrrdes the Borden Avenue and itsy' per $r.oo owners wlthin the d 14 v i,Ir. L. Wllbur S&ith, Borden Company offi.cLal, spoke at s ome length on the expansion plans of Bord.ens, surveys made with respect to employee parking, the operation of the plant and the retail store, and advlsLng that the latter provldes a rtservlcerl to the c ommunl tyrather than a l?money-makingrl ccncern. Mr. Srnlth stateil that Bo:rdens is outside the [comnrercia1 core,tris Ln a servlce and light industrlal area and suggested that priorto action, Councll conduct an lmparti.al re+heck of the area endits usage and determLne whether tho assessment 1s justified andtho reconrnendations submitted are coruect. ],Ir. Theod.ore Blumberg, representlng propertles on Howard. Avenue and Park Road and a mombe:: of the Parking Commlttee, pointed outthat Borden ernployees occupy parking spaces at locations that could be used by enployees and shoppers of other business concerns; Lnaddition to which, patrons of Bordenls restaurant use the parklng meters on California Drive. I,L:. Blumberg urged, as a taxpayer andas a member of the Commlttee, that Bordens be included. in the Distrlct to assrrne its fair trshare of the cost.rl RECESS Chairman ],lartin declared a recess &t 9:30 p.n. CALL TO ORDEE The meetlng was called to order at 9:50 p.m. Z. (a) See lots Fronting Chapin Avenue (1 b) 2. (b)TEN-FOOT PEDESTRIAN LANE i,f?. Van Zandt advised that Council is to determlne whethor to ellmLnate a proposed. ten-foot pedestrLan lane ( DuBu Properti-es on Bllrllngame Avenue) or to enlarge the pedestrian lane to the ful'1 eleven-foot wLdth between bulldlngs; to enlarge the walk-way would nocessLtate the purchase of the buildlng at an approximate cost of $19,000.00; an elimLnatLcn of the parcel would res'.t1t in a decrease of !i/ on $t.00 assessed valuation to the property olrners trlthln tho DLstnict. 1,Ir. John Cost, Attorney, represontlng the DuBu interests, urged tTr"t . "rr--tt i"iegrat par.t" of gurtingarle Avenue buslnassesrr be perml-t- ted to continie its operatlon and that the parcel be ellmLnate6 entirely from the Dlstrlct. 155 the a 2. (c)NATE PARCELS l-H and 2-I1 SOUTtrrlrEST OF EL CA}IINO REALELl14I In reply to the lnquirles of the Chalr, concernlng the- effect the elimlnatlon of Chapln Avenue would have on Burlingame Avenue, lite. Van Zandt explalned that constrr.rction ls currently ln progress on the cornor loi on Burlingame Avenue and Ralston Avenue proposed origlnally for the Dlstrlcti the effect cf dnopplng the two lots fnot the icquisttlon and construction of the parking lots would result in a saving ot zf,y' per S1.OO assessed valuation; however, in the opinion of the englneers, the remalnlng three lots will not serve Burlingame Avenue 1n the advent that Chapin Avenue ls el lmlnat e d. Ur. Van ZaJrdt advlsed that wlth the ellmination of these two lots, acqrllsltlon of two replacement lots, forty spaces w111 be created, loss of nlne spaces as orlginally proposed. CouncLlman Martlnr s inqulrT as to whetherlots sha11 provide some beneflt to the we was anslrered by l,fr. Van Zand.t, who statedresrrlt lf at the same tlrne, Chapln Avenue 2. (e) EOWARD BUICK IROPERTY he retontlon of three end of Bur.1lnga'ne Avenue,hat 11tt1e beneflt woulclots w6re ellmlnated. inclusion of the Howard Bulck Buildlng000.00, plus a gain of thlrty-cneI.00 assessed valuatLon lncrease to tst + 1 ],f:r. Charles CoIe, pr:operty ln Bur li.ngame outsiile the Dlstrlct, spoke on the prevLous obJection entered by the Bur1lnga.'ne Park Improvement Club with respect to the inclusion of lots on the west side ofEI Camlno Real. Mr. Cole made referenco to a petltlon bearlng the slgnatures of 375residents and proporty ouners within the area, concurrlng wlth the opposltion of the Burllngame Pa:rk Imp::ovement C).ub, said petltion acknowlodged for f i1ing. Mr. Wllson, Attorney for the District, advj-sed that the group slgning the petltion has no pecunlary intenest 1n thenstter and therefore,the obJection does not constltute a Iega1 protest. I4r. Fned W. Lehman, PresS.dent, Burl lrg ame Park Imp ovement C1ub, al.so spoke in opposltl-cn to the inclusion of the subject lots and in replyto Councilman Lorenzts inquhy on whether the Impnovement Club obJected. to the Perklng Dlstrlct as a whole, advlsed that hls organlzatLon lras in fevor of a Parklng Dlstrlct, but did objectto the lnclusion of lots on the west sLde of E1 Camino Real. 2. (d)PARICNG LOT 2-J - PRI]JMOSE ROAD I4:.. Van Zand.t advLsed that the particular parcel lncludes p:roperty south of the present Public Works Bullding on Prlmrose Road, housinga rug cleaning shop, a beauty shop, a restaurant and soveral o1d apartments. If the front forty-one feet ls ellminated and the remainder. of theproperty 1s retained., a savlng of $35r00O.00 woul-d result, with aloss of ten spaces and a saving ot ziy' per $1.0O assessed. valuationto the Di s tric t. 1,1r. Van Zandt advlsed that rrthis uoul,d be a dangerous thl-ng to doto this 1ot[; tho frontage ts providing egress and lngress; lf theIot were ellmlnated 'rin total" $1C0r000. O0 would be saved, thfu:typarklng spaces would be lost and a savJ-ng ot 6iy' per $1.0O assessed valuati.on to the District wouLd bo realized. Mr. Van Zandt advLsed that th would cost an ad.ditLonal $125parklng spaces and an 8y' per the Dl s tric t. e If the 1ot was ellmlnated and the building wassaving of $50rOO0.0O, a Loss of thlrty parklngaporoxlmate savlng to the Distrlct ot )l/ per $valuatlon would result. Mr. Van Zandt advlsed that the 1otparklng at a future tlmetr and thatof its locatlon. not purchased, a spaces and an1.00 as ses sed nlends ltself to two 1evel the r.e are advantages because PIr. - Caspe-r Welnber.gar., representlng the Howard propertles Lnterests,advLsed that hls cllents are lnsLstent that the entlre parcel beLncluded lnto the DL strlc t. !{:'. Fred R1.ce, merchant on Burllnganr Avenu€, spoaklng ln behalfof the merchants on Burllngame Avenue and rnerchants wlthin thepnoposed Parklng Dlstn1ct, made reference to a petitlon datedOctober lB, 196?, bearlng the slgnatures of flfty-two merchants and urged that conslderatlon be glven to providlng mor.e rrclose-l,nrr parklng and 16ss rrperlmotert' parklng. I,Le. Ricee speaklng at some length, polnted to the need of effectlveparklng lmrnedlately, urglng that the Howard Bulck bullding belneluded and stating that lots on Lorton Avenue, Prlmrose Roed. and Donnelly Av6nue, [wouId. provlde adequate parklng facilitles.tt l,lr. S. K. Whlpple, property owne:r wlthLn the Dlstrlct, spoke lnfavor of the Ctty acqulnlng the Itshop repal.rrr portlon of the Howard Bulck Bullding, added. to the bulldlng sonetLme prlor, and. suggsstedthat the store po:.tLon of the bulldlng be permltted to remaln for commerclal purposes. ,!v1r. J. F. Schrnidt, Bruce Klrkbrlde, )4rs . Roberta WeIz and John Osborne, merchants sl:d/ o? property o!{ners, unged the acqulsltlonof the Iloward Buick brrildlng. 2. (f) INT il+, BLCCK 10, TOWN OF BURLINGA],1.8 I'lr. Van Zand,t ldentif Led the parc pr.operty and stated that in the o request of I4r. Sweet to ellmlnateIn place thereof, Lot 1[, Block 1 reasonable and a savlng of $61000 e1pi T n .0 as that of the Grant B. Sweet nLon of the Englneers, theot 16, Block 10, and substituteTom of Burllngame, seemed0 would be rea11zed. M:r. James Tormey, Attorney, representlng the Ambrose propertles, abuttLng the Sweet property, on Howard Avenuo arrd withln the Assessment Dlstrict, exp:.essed the oplnion that the proposal would establlsh an tremployeerr facllity and calIed attentlon to thE rscsnt placement by the City of rrone to flve hourrr parklng rneters ln f:rontof the resldence of hls c11ents. z. (e)WIIIPFLE IOT - DONNELLY AVENI'E AND PRII,IROSE ROAD lvrr:. Van Zandt advlsed that the subJect property conslsts of a parcel 150 ft. by 1!0 ft. at the corner of Prlmrose RoaC and Donnelly Avenue, eight feet Ls proposed for l-ncluslon i+ithln theDlstrtct; lf Councll elects to acqu!.re the Whtpple corner 1ot, the cost for the acqulsj-tlon w111 app::oxlmate $118r000.o0, flfty-seven par{<Lng spaces wt11 be provLded at an average lncreased net costio the-clitrict of Bly' per $1.o0 assessed viluatlon. Reference was made to a c ontnunLcatl on on flIe, dated Dscembe" 3, t962, bearLng the slgnatures of S. K. and Ilorton Whlpple, protestlng the desS.gnatlon of an edditlonal pancel of theLr property as a pnoposed panklng lot. l4r. S. K. Whlpple, Ln attendence, spoke at some longth on his opposltlon to the thcluslon of the subJect 1ot; the 1ot has a h18hpotentlal velue as part of a long-range lnvestment; ln addltlon to whlch a tnafflc hazar.d would exlst if the Iot were creatod Lnto a parklng facl11ty. isu 1s7 I'fr. Wblpple advised that he has retained the Plannlng Consultantflrm of Hahn, WLse and Associatos r who have lndlcated that rrgood plannlng does not Lnclude the taklng of a cor.nen 1ot for off-street parkLng. Mr. irllse, also ln attendance, cotEoborated statements made by I4r. Whtpple. 2. (h) PARKING LOT A . F'RONTING ON BELLE"./IIE A'TEN-UE RECESS A recess was declaretl by the Chalr at 11:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Ihe meetl-ng was ca11ed to o:rder at It:50 p.m. PARK NOAD2. (1) Lor 6-F Mr.s. Audrey Hooper, speaklng ln behalf of her mothen, Mrs. Manie Strum Ackley, the owner, stated that the property provldes the sole incomeof her aged mother and ls part of a long-range plan to flnance herself and her gnandchlldren. CREDITS ON PARICTNG SPACES A. BORfB|I COI{PANY Irlr. Van Zandt advlsed that the parcel on Park Road (Lot 6-f) lf deleted, would reduce the cost to the Dlstnlct appnoxlmatoly S27,O0O.00,twenty-two park!.ng spaces would be lost an4 a sav3.ng ot I 3l+/ per $1.O0 assessed valuatlon realized; orlglnally a rrl-Lfe estaterr arrangement, was proposed, but the owner: was not ln accond wlth the proposal. l,bp. Van Zandt ad.vlsed that f Lnated, w111 reduce the cost spdces would be lost and a s valuatlon would be realLzed. B. WURLTTZER PROPERTIES our lots on BelLenre Avenue, i.f el1n-approxlmately $1681000.0O, th3 oarklng avlng of lO 3/l+/ per $1.00 agsessed. Ifr. Van Zandt advlsed that the Englneers recontrnend the retentlon ofthe onlglnal- 6.7/" credlt allowance to Bor.den Company; lf all of the paved area were lncl.uded, the cnedit allowance would be ral,sed to 64%tr an lncrease of l*/ pa'r $1 .OO assessed valuatlon to the Dlstrlct. PIr. Van Zandt advlsed that an addltional $ feet of walk-way was allowed 1n re-computing the cnedlt for the Wunlltzen propertles andthe Ergineers rocortrnend that the or'1, glnal cr.edlt allowance be lncreafed bv 2*/". PROCEDURE At the request of the Chalnman, Mr. ulllson explalned Councll pt ocedureas set forth ln the Resolutlon of Intentlon to make changes andnodlflcatlons, advlslng that Councll has flnal determlnatlon wlth respect to ralsing or lowerlng lndlvldual assossments and may thendlrect the Englneer.s for the Dlstnlct to make the appnoprlate changesln the assessmentsand ostl-mates of cost. TEIEPHONE CO].IPANT ASSESS},IENT CLARIFICATI ON In roply to Chalrma-n Mantlnl s request fon e clarlflcatlon w1th respectto the assessment of the Telephone Company, nefe::ence was mad€ by Mr. Van Zandt to hls cornrm:nlc atlon to Councll, dated December $, 1Q62, advl.sLng that an adJustment was made on the premlse that property was evaluatod by the State Boend of Equallzatlon on the basts ot SOi[ ot market value rather. than tina 2l.l% used 1n 1oca1 assessments; evldencepresented lndicated othernise and the assessment of the Telephone Company novlsed. It was recormrend.ed that the fand assessed valuatlon be increased from {lf6,250.00 to $l+2r909.00. 15tit Mr. W11son ad.vlsed that a confer:ence wlth Mr. P. R. Taylo::, Telephone C ompany offlclal, lndlcated. there were no obJectlonsto the new fl gure subnltted. HEARTNG CCNCLUDD The Pubflc IlearLng on thLs occaslon was offlclally declared c onc lude d,. Chalrman l,lartln announced that no further public hearings Lrould be conducteil and Council would reserve declslon untila subsequent meotlng l-s announced after the flrst of January, 1961. ADJOURNMENT The meetLng was regularly actJourned at 12:l+5 a.m. Respectfully submltted, IIERBERT 1,,J1{ITECity Clenk APP ROVED: PRO TEI-IPORE