HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.04.18g1 A regular meetlng of the Burlingame City Council was held abovo given date. Tvleeting ca1led to ordor at 8:OO p.m., Johrson ln the Chaln. CAI-.L TO ORDER ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Absent - Councllmen: Councllman Blrrd, repor accLdent, wag oxcusedby CouncS.lraan Thayer . Burllngane, Cal LfornLa Aprl1 18, 1960 on the - Mayorl Johns on-Mor gan-R ooth-Thayer Byrd ted to have been lnJured in an automoblle on motLon of Councllrnan Rooth and seconded id]NUlES PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the provious m€etLng, submlttod to Counci.I, wone unanlmously approved and adopted on notlon of Councllnen Thayer and seconded by Councllman llorgan. GfRL SCOUT TR00P N0. I ACKIIO1'uT,DGD Idayor Johnson aclmowledged the presence of and welcornod Glrl Scouts and thelr lead.ers from Burllngame It'oop llo. B. HEARINGS 1. USE PER},{TT - DTRECTIONAL SIGN TO ADUERTISE EYATT HOUSE A hea::1ng on an app6al- from the decisLon of the Planning CommLssion in denylng a use per:mlt for the construction and malntenance of a dlrectlonal slgn proposed to be constructod on the westerly side ofthe Bay shole Frseway to advertiso rrl{yatt Housetr was continued until the regular meoting of Councll, ivlay 2, 196O. TLre Clty Attorney advlsed that sald postponement has been consonted. to by the applicants through th€l-r attorney, Cyrus J. McMillan. 2. VARIANCE TO REZONE 9 CIAEE}iDON ROAD DENIED The Chelr arurounced that this was tho time and the place scheduled. byCouncll to contlnue the hearing on an appeal of ldrs. Irene Gough fora reversal of the denlal by the Plamlng Commlsslon to grant a varlanceto construet an apartment buil-ding on property (9 C larond. on Road) zon6d R-l, slngle-faml1y dwelltng. There appearing to be no one ln attendaace to present n6w evldence orto speak eltber ln favor thereof or in oppositlon thereto and. theno being no wrLtten communlcatlons received, the Chair i-nvi ted comnpnts from Counc il. Councilnan Morgan voLcod the oplnlon that the request was anothe:: lnstance of rrspotfl zonlng and d.oes not merlt favorable action by the C ouncl l . Corrncllman Rooth noted that the subject has been bofore the Commissionp:reviously, ln two fopms: fLrst, as a request for rezoning togethe:rnrlth other slmilarly situated firopertlesi socond.ly, as a variance fora particular proporty, and on both occasLons, the voto has been negetive. Councllman Morgan thereafter moved th at the Councll concur with therecofilendatlon of the Planning ComaS,ssion arli that the applicatlon fora varLance be denled., second.ed by Councllman Rooth and carri.ed, wlth Counc llmqn Thaye:: abstaining. The hearlng was declaned final and concl-udod. 92 CO}M.!UN]CATTONS I. RECOI,IMENDATIONS RE POLICE AIID FIRE BOllDS A communlcatlon fnom tho recommsndLng prellnrinary and flne bonds, was heldresults of the Munlclpal lntroduced by Councllman and, unanlmously carrLed. Clty !{anager, dated Aprll 15, 1960, procedure ln connectLon r.i th the pollce pondlng offlclal announcornnt of tho E1ectlon on Aprl1 19, l-960, on a mot lon l{organ, seconded by Counci lman Rooth Applicatlons rocoived from Enar Er!.c Ho1n, Ernest L. Norborg and JanEs H. l{Itchel1, anchitects, offerlng their respoctive servlcesfor the deslgn of elthor or both of the new poli,co statlon and tho new flne station were also held pend5.ng officlal. announcerpnt ofthe result of the lduniclpal El-ectlon. 2. CLAIM AGAINST CISY REJECTED (Thurston & Mary ldackenzle ) A communlcation from the CLty Manager, dated April L5, 1960, re comrendl ng that the clairm of Thurston IlI. Mackenzlo and Mar'Jr E. Mackenzle fcr alleged lnJurlos as a nesult of a col-ILsLon betwoenthe latter and a Park Departrrcnt truck be reJectod ald refenredto the Cltyts lnsurance carier, was concutclted ln by membors ofttre Counc 11 . 3. BAY AREA GOVERNI/IitrNT ASSOCIATION PROPOSAL TO BE STUDTD A m6mo to Councll from the Clty l{anager, dated Aprl1 15, 1960, advLsed of the formation of tho rrAssoclatlon of Bay Area Gover:nments r and of an lnvltatlon extonded to the Mayors (on Councll repr€sentatlve )of 85 cltles wi.thin the 9 Bay Area Countl.es to attend a mootlng, Thursday, lvlay 5, 196O, Hotel Clanemont, Berkeley. Followlng a brlef eplanatlon on the pultposes and functlons proposetl by the Assoclatlon of Bay Area Governments, the Clty ldanagen was authorized to attend the fonthcoming neetlng as a representatlve of the Councll. Councllman Rooth expressed reluctance to afflllate with tho Assocla-tlon perdlng a complete study, and strggested that the City Iylanagerrefraln from rendening a cona,nltroont at the May 5 moeting. BIDS - STORiil DRAINAGE II{PROVhII{ENT - UNIT 6 Blds recelved ln accondance to publlshed notlce, for STORI{ DRAINAGE IMPROVEIyIITMS, UN]T NO. 6, MILLS CREEK STORI{ DRAfN, were publlcly oponed at 4:0O p.no on thls date and announced as follows: tsIDDM TOTAL BID Ervln D. Varwlg, sarr Carlos MLlls Excavatlng Co., MIILb:raeE. T . Ilaas Co. , Bel mont Dean C. Buehlen, Palo Alto DaIe Wllllams, Da].y Clty Stockton Constructlon Co. , Stockton $5?,8s4. oo 44 r 51O. OO 45r85O. 46,79O. 47,263. 64,664. 00 o0 oo oo The Clty Englneor stated that the lowest :responsible blalder has advised of a.n €rror in hls calculatlons and lt vras therofore reconnordeal that the award for the Storm Dralnage Impr.ov ement bo temporarlly postponed. The Councll concurred.. BIDS - SAI,E OF BONDS E. M]LLSDAI,E PARK IINIT NO.2 A bld from the J. B. Hanauer & Co. and Assoc., 14O South Bev€r1yDrlve, Beverly ]lrllt- ceLiforrfa-f-oaS657Foo par value ].egally lssuod JmproverEnt Bonds, serles 1959 - 2 (EAST IdTLLSDALE II{DUSTRIAL PARK, UNIT 2) was opened and declarod as follows: 93 Bonds bearlng intorost: 1961-1975 t 976-1980 5-L/4 54/4% $6g2, zu.so 5.637y'o Ayes: Councilrnen:Noes: Councilrpn: Absent Councllmen:Abstalnl-ng : Estlmated fnterest Cost . . . Average Net Interest Cost . . Johnson-Morgan-R ooth None Byrd llhayer li!r. Allen Beaumont, 1645 McDonald Way, Burf Lngame, a bond buyer forthe bondlng flrm of SIm. n. Staats and Compeny, entered an obJectlonto the sale of bonds under: the f rtrpro, ement Act of 1915, whlch provldesthat In the absence of avall-abLe funds, the clty may levy a speci.altax (not to exceed 1oy') upon the taxeble pr"oporty ln the clty. Ivt:. Beaumont further ob jected to the Clty of Burllngann offerlng bonalsfor salo that have attracted only one bldde:r. Ennest A. WLlson, Attorney, advlsed that conslderabLe study was glvento the selectlon of the most approprlate typo of boncls to flnance theproJect and that fnom e:<penience, the nprocedure has proven lts worthln the Clty of Burl ingarne r as well as Ln other commtrnltles. !ilr. W11son further advlsod that the lssuance of the currently propos€d. bonds shaIl comploto tha payment of the expendltu.es now due snd payable. In r.esponse to polnts raLsod by the obJectlons of Mr. B€aunont,irlr. Iltllson advlsed that a ten-cent levy on taxab}e property has not been enected since the early 193Ots and. receipt of a slnglo btd tgnot n6cessanlly an lndlcatLon that ono bondlng house 1s pur:chaslng the b ond.s exclusLvely. Followlng a brlef dlscusslon and at the suggestlon of the Councll,the Clty }lanager, the City Attorney antl !tb. I911son retlred to thoClty AttoEreyrs offlce to revlew the bld and to submLt a recommerda-tlon prlor to adJ ournEent. OFDINANCES - Conslderatlon of: OnDI NANCE N0. 711 nAn ordlnance Amendin I Sectlon 1866 of the 0rdlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngane Authorl zlng Varlancesln the Size, Locatlon and Use of Slgns and Prov ldlng Procetlures for tltAppllcatlon For and Grsnting of Suctr Varlancesfr was gLven lts second r.eadlng and on mtLon of Councllman !!organ, seconded by Councllman Johnson, seld Ordlnance passed lts seconal readlng and was adopted by the fol- lowlng vote: UNFINISI{ED BUSINESS 1. OFF STRMT PARKING PROPOSAL Councllman Rooth, Chafumen of the Councll Off-Street Panklng Committoe, recomrended ttrat a Councll study sesslon be scheduled ln ttr e near future to dete!'mine off-street parklng boundarLes. Council concurred. 2. PROPOSD ACqrlrSrTroN Drrl'{P PBQPEET] It[r. 0scan Person, in atterdance, Lndicatsd hls wl11lngness to negotlate wlth the Clty on the purchase of a portlon of hls tldeland propertles for munlclpal dunplng purposes and reconnended that a study sosslon be scheiluled. Councllman Rooth suggssted that an invitatlon to attond the proposed sesslon bB extended to the Clty L{anager and to the Clty Englneon. Councll concurrod. 3. BURLTNGAiiTE rtlANoR #2 Tr!48 ErqENqfo.ry 4PEBqVm The roquostto c onplete of George E. Congdon fII for an extensi.on of tlmo ln whlch Burllngemo Manon #2 lmprovenDnts was approvod unt1l ,94 May 4, 1960r. on motlon of Councllman Thayen, seconded by Councllman Rooth and u nanlmgusly carnled. 4. FINAL }IAP BELYEDERE MIGHTS ACCEFTANCE POSTPONM Acceptanco of the flnal Map of rrBelvedere Eeightsrr was postponed unt1l the next regular meeting, Ivlay 2, 1960. NEV/ BUSINESS 1. INTRODUCTTON JOSEPH H.LOREI{Z, C OUNCILMAN.EI,.ECT May Johnson introduced Dr. Joseph H. Lorenz, electod to the Councllat the April 12 L{unlclpal- El-ection. 2. C]TIZENS COMMTTEEE PEOPOSM FOR CIVTC CENTER SIiJDY Mayor Johnson announced her lnterest ln a survey belng cond.uctedto provlde for a clvlc conter fo:r the City of Burllngane and the appointment of a selected citlzons r commLttse to assist tho Councll. Each member of the Council was requested to submit names to be considered for commlttee membership. ACKNOIi/LMGflIEMrS The Chaln aclarowledgod the presence of lrlrs. Irene Gough and notifl,ed Ir1rs. Gough that her request for a variance to rezone property at 9 Clarendon Road. has been cionled.. Mayor Johns on acknowledged recelpt of the roport from the Public !'Jorks Departrent and mlnutes from the Park erd Heal-th, Safety &Trafflc Conmisslon, lrlonth of ldarch, 1960. PROCLAMATION Mayor Johnson lssued a procLamation proclainlng the Week of May 1, 196O, as BURGLARY PnEVEI{TIoN WEEK. CO}iIi'{UNTCAT]ONS 1. J ARTI{IIR YOUI'IGER C OIIGRESSi'jlAN A communication dated April 11, 1960, was read firom J. Arthur Yolr.nger, Congressman, 9th Distnict, Caltfornia, acknowledging a communl cati on f::om the l.,layor concerning a nequest to sollclt additlonal funds for the extonsion of the ainport runway and advlslng that evsry effortls belng expondod to obtain addltlonal funds to complete the extonsion as ::apidly as p o s sible. 2. PRESTDENT OI'UNITED STATES A communLcation was read from Dwlght D. Eisenhower, President of the Unlted States, acknowledging the glft of a golf putter presented to him by Congressman Younge:: on behalf of tieutenant Loren Todd, Burllngamo Po1lce Depart(Ent, dosigner and manufacturer of the nowgolf club. CLAIIVIS Claims, Ivlonth of Aprl1, l-960, Nos. 3349 - 6506, in the total amountof $53r597.2?, duly audlted, were approved. for payment and warrarts ordered drawn on the Clty Treasury in their ::espective amounts, on motlon of Councilman Thayer, secondoal by Councllman Rooth end u;ranlmously carried.. PAYROLL Payroll warrants, Month of lilar ch, 1960, Nos. 5728-5934, in the total amount of $?8,567.97, woro apprwed on motLon of CouncLlnan Thayer, seconded by Counc ilman Byrd and unanLmously carr'Led. 95 nETIREIIENT oF CoU NCILIdAN THAYER Fnoir'l COUNCIL Councllman lhayen publlcly thank€d the cltlzens of the Clty of Burl lngarm for the prlvllege of servlng the City as Councl lman and expressed her appreclatlon to tl.o clty employoos and to member:sof the varlous comrtrlsslons for thelr cooperatlon and fllendshlp. BECOIy0ENDATIONS RE: SAIE OF EAST MfLLSDALB PARK UNIT NO 2 BO}IDS The Clty Manager necorrtnended t trat the Council contlnue lts po11cy by pro ceecllng wlth the East ]i{lllsdale IndustrlaJ. Park, trnlt No. 2, under provlslons of the 1915 Ir@rov ement Act and. that the b1d. ofthe J. B. Eanauer & Co. and Assoc., for the sale of the fmprovement Bonds be acceptecl. The Clty Attorney concurred. I{r. Boaumont r€peated hls prev5.ous ob je ctlon and ln reply' ttbr'. Wllson ailvlsed that Bu:rllngann, aa a Gsreral Law Clty, may lssue pub1lc lmpr@ement s bonds under pr.ovlslons of the 1911 and the 1915 lmpr ovoment Acts only; that ln thls lnstance, the 1915 fmprovomont Act ls the mone approprlate and c onvenlent metlrod by whlch to se11 the borris. Followlrtg a the passage Bond,s - Eas $Bg?,soon srsith Councl brlef dlscrlsslon, Councllman Rooth lntrof RES0LUTION N0. 50-60 nA Resolutlon At Mlllsdal-e Industrlal Park - Unlt No. 2 econded by Councilman iilorgan and callrl,ed l man Thayer abstalnlng. oduced end moved warding Sale of , Second Sa1e, on ro11 caIl, CLOSING Mayor Johnson corpllmented retirlng Councl.lman Josephlne M. Thayer on her achievemonts ln behalf of the Councll an d. the Clty of Burllngame and on her: necor:d of attendlng ::egular Councll meotlngs the past flve years wlthout absence. Councllman Rooth also paid tnlbute to Councllman Thayen. A standlng ovatlon was thereafte:: accorded C ounc l1rnqn Thay€r. CANVASS EL].]CTION RETIMNS The Chal:: announced that ln conformance urlth Callfcr.nla Electlon Codeprocedure, the Clty Councll would slt as arl Electlon Board to canvassthe Aprll 12, 1960 Munlclpal Electlon returns. ADJ0iIRNI,IENT Tho firgetlng was regularly adj ourned at 9:20 p.m. in approcLatlon ofthe many servlces :rendered to the Clty of Burllngame and the communLtyas a whole by C ounc iJ-man Josephlne 1y1. Thaye. Respoctfully s ubml,tted, HERBERT I(. !'{iIITE, City Cleri< APPB OVED: Char"l otte son, Mayor