HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.04.048? I A n€guLar meetlng of tho Bunllngame Clty Councll wes held on the I above glven date. Meetlng callod to or.d€r at 8:05 p.m.r- Mayonl- Johnson ln the Chalr. PLEDGE OF ATLEGIANCE Bunll.ngame, Ca1lf otrnla Aprtl 11, 1950 CALL TO ORDER At wor:d f!:om the Chaln all ln the Councll Chamber arote and Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ga ve t tre ROLI CALL ?nes eat - C ouncllmen : Byrd- Johns on-Mongan-Thayen Absent - Councllmen; Rooth Councllman Roothr absent because of lllness, was excused on motlon ofCouncllman Byltd end seconded by C ouncllman Mongan. MTNUIES PREV-IOUS I4EETING IAOPOSED AMENDI'{ENT TO SECTION 1926 OF ZONING ORDINANCE The Chafu. annor-rnced that thls nas the tlme and the p3"ace pulps uant to publlshed notlee to conduct a publlc hear.Lng on the followlng: To amend Divlslon 3 ( hocedr::r.e ) Part X, Antlcle 50 (Zonlng) of the OrdLnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame; The minutes of the pr.evlous neet 1ng of Msr:ch 21, 196Q, wene appr:oved add adopted wlth ttre fo11ow14g conr"ectlon noted: That the panagnaphpentainlng to the appeal of Mr.s. lnene Gough nelatlng that trquestloned by the Chaln, Mns. Gough_expnessed no obJectlon to--contlnulng theIiearlng to a f utr::re daten be amended to nead that |ta neconrmendatlon f:rom the Councll that the heanlng be continued to a fututre date, wesconsated to by th6 eppllcant." HEITRINGS To amend Sectlon 1925, Sub-sectlon D 2 of Dlvislon 6 (use Regulatlons)Part X Antlc].e !O (Zonlng) of the Ondlnance Code of ttre Clty ofBurllngane; and To add to Sectlon L926 of Dlvlslon 5 (Use Regulatlons) Pant X Ar.tlcle 50 (Zonlne) of th6 ondlnance Qodo of the Clty of Bur:llngame a new sub-section to be numbercdl D 7 p:rovlding for llmltatlon of slse of lotsof neal propenty her.elnaften annexed. Cor:ncl1man Byr.d theneafter I NO. 712 'rAn Ondinance Am€ndi ntnoduced for flnst neadlng, ORDfNANCE ng Sectlon 1926, Subsectlon D of th6 Edlnance Code of the Clty of Bur:1lngame Regulatlng Penm end Providlng fon Bulldlng Regulatlons, Lot Llnltatlons Requ!.remenls and Helght Linltattons ln R-l (FLrst ResldoDiitr.icts . tt Ther.e belng no one present to speak in favon ther:eof or ln opposltlon theneto and thene belng no wrltten communlcatlons elthen approvlng onpnotestlng the proposed amendments I the hearlng was deela::ed concluded. lsslve Uses and Lot nt la1 ) COMMUNICATIONS 1. APPEAL RE! PEM"ITT TO CONSIBUCTION STGN 4. IIYATT HOUSE A nequestInc. that denylng a enected o fron C yrus J. Mcl1lltan on behalf of R. P. Etlenne Prope!'tLest the appeal fr.om the declsLon of the Plannlng Conmlsslon ln use pgr.nlt fon the c onstnuctlon of a dllrectlonal slgn to be n the Bayshone Fr:eeway (to advertlse Hyatt House) be consldened 88 at the next Counc1l. regular neeting of the Councllr was consonted to by tbe 2. STORM DRAINAGE IMPROIEMENTS - UNIT NO. 6 - MILLS CREEK A communLcatLon fnom the Clty Manager, 6t1s6 Aprl1 1, 1950, advlsedthat the plans gnd speciflcatlons for the dnainage channel lmprovement,Ml1ls Cneek at Callfonnla Drlve and the last remainlng pno$ect unden the bond. Lssue, ane avalIable for. the advertis lng of blds. ResoLutlons re commended for: passage by the Clty Eaglneen, were lntroduced ln the following orden! RESoIUTIoN NO. 2u-50 nDetermLnlng that Pub1lc fnterest end Necesslty Requlre the Asqutsltrlen and Taklng of an Easement to Certaln Land and Dlnectlng the Fi1lng ofEmlnent Donaln Pr"oceedings - StonmDrairnge fmprovements - Unlt 5 -Mt1ls Creekrt (Erastus & Marle Combs) wa.r-lntnoduced for. pggsage onmotlon of Councllman Byr"d, Seconded by Councllman Mor:gan and unanlmously Adopted on roll ca1l. F-a-S 6 alml-Tr" o p os eTt Creekn uss intnoCuced passage, seconded by RESOLUTTON NO. 25-60 FESOLUTTO]'J NO 26-50 rrAppr.ovlng Plans and Speclflcatlons and Calting - S torm halnage fmprovemerrts - Unlt 6 - Ml11s on motLon of Counellman Mo:.gan who rnoved lts Councllman Byrd and unanimously car:nled. - ttEstabllshing Pr:evalllng l.Iage S cale - Storm UnLt 6 - Ml11s Cneek't was lntroduced for:?e na€re mprovnents -passago on notlon of Councllmen Bynd, seconded by Councllman Mongan and unanlmously eamled. 2 . PROPERTY DA]VIAGE CI,AIM REJECTED (M. Law:nence Shor. t ) A communlcatlon dated Apnll- 11 1950, fnora the Ctty Managen, edvlsedthat 14. Lawre nce Short has f 1l-ed a cla1m agalnst the City of Bunl!.ngame for $98.00 for damages alleged Io have been dused rhena troo fe11 onto hls property. A recommerdatlon frorn the Clty Manager that the claim be reJected and r efenred to the Cityts lnsur.ance carnlen was concur!:ed 1n by the Councll . l+. COMMENDATIONS RECEI\ED FOP SAVJNG oF LIVES A communlcation fnorn the Clty Managenr dated Apnll 1, 1950 advisedof two lnstances whereln membens of the Br:::1lng ame Ffue Depar:trnent henolcalJ-y saved the llves of two Burpllngame nesldents. The Clty Attorney was Lnstructed to prepare an appropnlete resolutlonof commendatlon and fut ther lnstr.ucted that the neconds lndlcate that said nesolutlon was lntr.oduced unanlmously and thereeften adopted unanlmous Iy by members of the Councll. REqUEST TO ALI,EVIATE AIRPORI NOISE NUTSA}ICE A commlnlcatlon dated Manch J1e 1960, was r.6ad fron the Clfy Managen, advlslng that an lnvestl6atlon has been made concer:nlng the statemertsof l1r. Robert Stlff made at the lart negular meetlng of the Councll and hls request that a communl:atlon be forwarded to the Fedonal authorLtles asklng their approvel of funds to extend the Alrportrs east-west runray to allevlate the noLse and vlbratlon nulsance cr.eated by jet alnplanes. The Clty Manager necommended that an approprlate communlcatlorl be fonwanded to the Honorable E, R. Quesada, Admlnlstnator, Federel Avlatlon Agency, Washlngton 25, D. C., sollcltlng hls coopenatlon and that coples of sald coomunlcatlon be dlnected to thls dlstrlctrs Congnessmen and Senators urder the slgnature of the Mayor. Councllman Mongan moved that the raconunendatlon be eoncunr:ed ln, seconded by Counc llnan Byrd and adopted unanlmous Iy 5 89 6'. PEARCE MCALLISTER TIIORSELL BUTLDEBS AWARDED RECREATION A memo fthe btd be awardthe loue romforedtst a CO RA the Clty Managen, dated Aprl1 1, 1950, necornmended thatthe constructlon of eddLtlons to the Recreatlon Centero Pearce, MeAlllsten & Thorsell Bullders of San Bruno, nd most responslble bldder.. mS0L.llfI0N l{O!LJ:b9 nA Resoluti the Burlingame Recr.eatlon Centen on of Awand of Contr:act Addltions ton was lntr:oduced by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, secondod by C ouncllman Morgan end unm lmously car"::16d onnol1 c all. Ihe Ctty Menagen was r:equested to confen wlth the successful bidder: on the employment of a sub-contr:actor to r:evlse the Recreatlon Centents afu condltlonlng s ys tem. 7. RICHFIELD OlL CORPOI?ATION SIGN VARIANCE DENIED A communlcatlon dat6d March 10, 1960, was read frorn the Plannlng C,.,mmLssLon, advlslng that at the coneluslon of a publlc hearlng on the appllcatlon of the Rlchfleld 0i1 Corpor"atlon for a vaniance fr.om the Slgn Ondlnance, the Cornmlsslon unenlmous Iy voted to rrecommend that the varlance be denled. Councllman Mongan moved that the Councll concur ln the recommendatLonof the Plannlng C6mmlsslone second€d by Councllman Thayer and unanimously cannled. RESOLUTIONS nAcceptlng Gr:ant Deed fr"om Charles lluppe andtfett (Change Iot llnes Corporatlon Yard pnoper:ty) RESOLUTIO],{ NO 2B-60 sta . Huppe,ls was lntroduced fon pass,a6e on motLon of Councllman Morgan, s econded by Couneilman Byrd and unanlmously carr.led on r.o1L ca11. RESOLUTION NO. 2 -60 ee to har es uppe on motlon of Councllman B;a'd who moved lts passage, seconded by Counc llman Mongan and unanlmous Iy carnled on ro11 ca1I. CRDINANCES - Considenatlon of: ORDfNANCE NO. 7I0 nAn Or.dlnance AmendlnAddlng Ther"eto a fi the Ordlnance Code of the ew Sectlon L222,2? Pr.ohlbitlngClty of -unllngame by Parklng on the Nor:thenly Slde of Bunllngame Avenue between EI Cqmlno Real aid Occldental Avei:ue on Cer.taln Di'ys and at Centaln Hou-stt was given lts second neading and on motlon of Councilman Byr.d, secorded by Councl}nan Mor.gan, sald 0ndlnance passed lts second neading and was adopted by the followlng vote: lyes: Councllmen: Bynd - Johns on-Mo::gan-ThayenNoes: Councllmen: NoneAbsent CounclLmen: Rooth Actlon on 0RDINANCE N0.11 ttAnend in s trAuthonizlng and Dlr.ectlng Elecutlon of Grant and Asta EI Huppe, Hls Wff"" was lntroduced Code of the ty of !'lng ame Authonl Sectlon 1856 of the Or'dlnance zlng Varlances ln the Slze,g Pnoeedur.es for the Applleatlon eduled fon second readlng, wasg of the Councll. Locatlon and Use or Siqns and Providin Fon and Gnantlng of Su6h Vanlanee'r sch wlthheld untl1 the next regular neetin I]NFTNISIJED BUSIMSS 1. GEORGE E. CONGDON. TIl .RESUEST FOF TIME E)ffENSTON The r.equest of Oeorge E. Congdon, fIT, for an exterulon or tlme ln whlch to complete Burltngarne Manon #2 fmprovements, wes contlnued untl1Aprtl 18, 1960. 90 2. FTNAL MAP IIBELVEDEBE }IEIGI{TSI' ACTTON DELAYED Approval of theAprl1 18, 1950. Final Map of trBelvedere HelghtsI was continued untl] NEUI BUSTNESS 1. RESIGNAEON L. HENDERSON PLANNTNG COMMTSSTONER A communlcation fr.om L. R. Henderson, P1annlng Conmlssion,th.at hls movlng to Southenn Californlg has necessLted hlsas a member of the Planning Commisslon. advlsed res lgna tlon The reslgnatLon ras accepted with regrettlon of comrnendation fon his service to forwanded to Mr. Hender.s on. and an approprlate communic a-the Clty was dlnected to be 2. ACKNOWI,EDGEI'{ENTS The Chair acknowledged the pnesence of ChaLrman of the Planning Commlsslon, Everett Klndlg and Mrs. Mlldred Gnensr memb6!: of and a former Chairman of the Recr"eation Conmlsslon, and the r"ecelpt of mlnutes from the Llbrary Boar:d; the Recreatlon Conmlsslon, the Plannlng Commlss:.on and a joint meeting of the Recneatlon and Park CormlsslonE; l.PARKTNG LOT PR]MEOSE AND MN}IEILY AVENUE Counci lman Mongan suggested that the sign on Buy'lingame Avenuelndlcatlng "frJe par[fngtt on the 1ot et"Pnlmnose Roid and Donnelly Avenue be r:ercoved and obsenved that the cu::nent operatlon of thelot by a system of tlcket valldatlon does not appear to be a populan method. l+.PARI{]NG DTSTFICT P9OJECT The Chaln questloned the Clty Manager concernlng the for.matlon of a parklng dlstr'lct and was advlsed that has been made since the illness of Councllman Rooth, the Council off-Street Parklng Conmittee. status of the 1it t1e progr.es s Chairman of Followlng a bnlef discrxslon, I'iay or. Johnson edvised that she wt1l consult wlth Councllman Rooth and pnoceed at his dlscnetlon. ,. ANSON BURLTNGAME, DIPLOIqAT Councllman M6ngan related an interestlng clreurastance whereln the gnave of Anson Bur"llngame, for whom the City of Burl ingame rr?s named, was located at l4ount Auburnr Cambnldge, 'aassachusetts. ADJOURNMENT The rneetlng was regular.ly adjourned at fl:!! p.rn. Resp ectfully submltted, HERBERT K.TE Clty Clerk APPROVED: Charlotte o hns on, ltayor: