HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.08.07, 30? Burlingame, California August ?, l96L CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was above given date. Ueeting caLled to order at 8:0O p Byrd in the Chair. held on the .m. , - Mayor PLEDGE OF AILEG IANCE At word from the Chair, aI1the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen:Absent - Councilmen: in the Council Cha ber arosethe F1ag. and gave Byrd-Johns on-Mart j-n-Mo rgan Lorenz Councilman Lorenz, absent because of illness, I,ras excused on motionof councilman Itlorgan and seconded by Councilman Johnson. MITIUTES PREVIOUS MEETING fhe minutes of the previous rneeting, JuIy 17, 1961, submitted to Council, wcre unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Johnson and seconded by councilman l.{artin. TNTRoDUCTTON OF DrANA COSTA, UISE BIEIINGaUE llayor Byrd acknowledged the presence of Robert l{acDonald, Chairman, Burlingame Chamber of Conunerce Fiesta Com.ittee, who, in turn,j,ntroduced Diana Costa, Miss Burli.ngame and a recent candidate for the Itliss San lrlateo County Fiesta Queen tit1e. Irfi. ss Costa exPressed her pleasure on being selected to represent the City of Burlingame and Uayor Byrd responded with a few appropriate htords of felicitation. RESoLUT fON NO. 42-6I "corNnendin g and complimenting Diana Costa. Miss Burlingane 1961"was j.ntroduced for passage on motion of councilnan Morgan, seconded tryr Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried onroll call of medbers present. COMITUNICATTONS INSTAILATTON PRII{ROSE ROAD TRAFF IC LIGHT AUTHORIZED A communication from the City lr{anager, dated August 2, L96L, advised in some detail, the result of a conference held uith the state DiviEion of Highways traffic Engineer and other interested parties concerning the proposal to create Primrose Road into a one-way street. Itre City Manager further advised that an alternate plan, proposing the installation of a school crossing traffic light north of the intersection and approximately at the edge of St. Catherine's school playground outlet, had met with the approval of those in attendance and it vras therefore recotnmended that authorization be given for said installation, the cost of which to be expended from the City's "contingrent fund. " Councilman !{organ recalled that an ordinance creating the one-way designation for Primrose Road, tas before the Council at this time for final reading and adoption and on a motion introduced bt, Councilmanllartin, seconded by Councilman Morg an, ORD INANCE No. 741 "An ordinance Amending the Ordinance Code of the City of BurlingameIlrereto a Ner Section 1229.2 (d) Designating PrimroseIntersection With El Camino Real and Baysh,ater Avenue Avenue as a One-Way Street Eor Vehicular Traffic" was unanimousllz ty a roII eal.I vote of members present. By Adding Road f'rom fts Nor th to Howard re j ected 1. 308 Councilman Irlorgan moved that the Council concur with the recomnenda- tion of the City ltlanager authorizing the installation of a school crossing traffic light as proposed. The nption was seconded by councilman ilohnson and unanimously carried. 2. CAROL AVENI'E STD EWALK INSTALI,ATION APPROVED A comrnunication from the city }tanager, dated August 3, 1961, informed Council that protests have been filed bl/ Mr. Richard Nickell, 1511 Carol Avenue and Pred w. Lehman, President, Burlingame Park Improvement Cftub, against the ProPosed installa- tion of a sidewalk on Carol Avenue fronting an aPartment building currently under construction and requesting that said sidewalk be replaced to its original position. including allordance for a buffer strip between the sidewalk and the curb. Ttre City llanager advised that the Cj,ty Engineer-Superintendent of Streets has approved the sidewalk design to be placed next to the curb and has indicated that it is more desirable to maintain the grade of the sidevral-k with the curb to pernit reasonable ingress and egress to and from the property. It was the reconuoendation of the City lltanager that the installationof the sidewalk proceed as approved. Councilman l{organ thereafter moved that the Council concur with the reconunendation of the City l{anager and the City Engj.neer- Superin- tendent of Streets. seconded }ry Councilman ltlartin and unanimouglycarried . Itlr. NickeII, oq,ner of adjoining property, in attendance, protestedthe granting of r^,hat he termed the "iIlega1 use" of seven feet of "dedicated sidewalk area" for private purposes and stated that the "jog" in the sidewal,k wil-I not conform to s ide\^ralk alignnrent inthe neighborhood. Ihe City Engineer, for purposes of clarification. sutxnitted a draw-ing J.llustrating the driveway and sidewalk areas fronting the new apartment house construction. He advised that a deep excavation was made to provide automobile storage space under the building and because "it is more convenient to start the 'slope' into the driveway of the apartment house at the edge of the sidewalk" theIatter was relocated to provide easier accessibility. The City Engineer gave his assurance that the sidewalk area belongingto the City of Burlingame has not been appropriated for private usage. In reply to Council inquiry, the Cj.ty Attorney advised that upon reviewing the diagram, it was his opinion that the City has the right to relocate the sidewalk as indicated. Itle city Attorneystated that the relocation as in this instance, is not an uncomtnonpractice and ca1led attention to similar installations in the Ray Park area of the City. nrtther discussion was concluded bV Mayor Byrd, who advised li[r.Nickell that the subject of the placement of "continuing siderralks "shall be referred to the Planning corunission. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF WATER MAIN INSTALI"ATION A conmunication from the City Manager, dated August 3, 1961, advised that the E. T. Haas company has satisfactorily completed the contract for the installation of the ten inch and the eight inch water mains in East Lane and carolan Avenue and it was the recomnenda- tion of his office and that of the city Engineer that the installation be accepted. 309 RESOLUTION NO. 43-61 "Acce pting !{ork-Construction of Water Mains l-nEBst Lane and Carolan Avenue - iIob. No. 6I-9" was introduced forpassage on motion of Councilman lr4organ, seconded t4r CouncilmanJohnson and unanimously adopted on ro11 call of members present. 4. RATE OP TA)( I FARES ADJUSTED A communication from the Cj.ty Irlanager, dated August 4, 1961, advisedthat a further investigation into the rate schedules of taxicabsin other corEnunities, indicate the requested rates of companiesoperating in the City of Burlingame are $rarranted and it was the recomrcnd.ation of his Office that Council authorize legislation toeffectuate the change. Council concurred and the City Attorney \das requested to prepare the appropriate legislation for Council action at the next regular meeting. 5. COt'}ITY CTVTL DEFENSE PIAN A communication from the City llanager, dated August. 2, ]-961, referred members of the Council to a communication received from JanEs v. Fitzgerald. Chairman, City-County Civil Defense and Disaster Planning Board, proposi.ng an integrated civil defeBse set-up to include all cities vrithin the County. Tlhe commrnication from the City t'{anager advised in part "whi1e there is a great need for a nEre integrated county civil Defenae program, it is difficult to see how individual cities can entirely shift local responsibilities to the county councilman Itlorgan commented on the excellent Civil Defense organiza- tion in the city of Burlingarne and suggested that the County be so notified; indicating the desire of Council, hoh,ever, to cooperate erith the endeavors of the County Civil Defense and Disaster Planning Board. Ittayor Byrd, concurring with the foregoing statements, expressed his rel,uctance to disconti.nue local Civil Defense until such time as the County Civil- Defense Committee may preEent a solidified program. councilman Johnson also expresEed her approva, adding that the cityof Burlingame should be represented at aI1 nreetings scheduled by the County Civil Defense Committee. councilman uartin stated that in his opinion, the City should continue to maintain its loca1 office of Civil Defense. Itre discussion concluded with l{ayor Byrd advising that a conrnunication, incorporating statements of council members, and bearing his signature, would be directed to the attention of the Chairman of the City-CountyCivil Defense and Disaster Planning Board. 6. REPORT ON POLTCE STATION CONSTRUCTION A rEmo to Council, from the city Uanager, dated August 4, 196L, advised that detailed plans and specifications of the neq, Police Station have been submitted to the State Fire llarshall for approval, subsequent to which a date can be established for the opening of bids. Mayor Byrd acknowledged the presence of Richard zahm, Architect, forthe neqr Police station, who suggested the following schedule: (a) Auqxrst 21, fj-nal ratification of drqwings; (b) August 2l-2A, advertisement of bids; and (c) Augmst 28 - September 18, receipt of bids. Itre fol lorrring revised cost estimates from the original cost estimatesof April, 1961, vrere submitted in vrri-tten form for Council information: 310 General Construction E 1e c tr i ca l,/C ommuni c at j.ons Plumbing Mechanical Heat, Air Conditioning ovdread Profit $124, se4.0O 30, oo0. o0 2r,900.o0 27,357.OO 9204,8sl.00 $ 19.4O0.OO 2, 000. o0 4, 100.00 $178. 10O . OO 203 . 851. 00 25,7sr.O0 (11.4%) Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Alternate 3 (Basement) (+) (Ai.r Conditioninglst floor 5 tons (-)(Air conditioning 2nd floorl, (-) Original Estimate August EstimatePrice fncrease Equipment Added Not Esta. of $178.100 BAI,ANCE SHEET (Apri1) Originalin .00 (a) Air Conditioning(b) cas Tank(c) conmuni.cations (tower)(d) sprinklers(e) Landscaping allorlance(f) Lockers (Equipment) Overall Price Increase Original Estimate Discrepancy Some question arose on cost este (landscaping allowance) and fto reduce the cost. $ 6,10O.O0 8s0.00 350. OO 5 ,225 .OO 1, 440. O0 1,829.00 3, 562.00 5,39s.00 ( 3.?% of $178, 1OO. 00 ) imate items a (air condit,ioning)(lockers) and their possible deletion Councilman lt{artin was delegated thereafter to evaluate the revised est j.mates, submitting his reconunendation as soon as convenient to expedite the course of action next required of Council. 7. REPORT ON ART DISPLAY EQUIPI4ENT A report on the art equipment in storage and a recommendation concern-ing its disposal, submitted to council in a memo from the City Itlanager, dated August 4, 196I, was referred to Councilman lt{organ. I FIRE DE PARI!.,IEMT COMI4EIIDAT IONS A comrunication from the City Manager, dated August 4, I95l-, advisedthat a letter had been received from Mrs. R. A. Parker, 1625 LasEen hleiy, conunending the efficiency of the Burlingame Fire DepartrEnt,particularly in the instance of a recent fire at 1629 Lassen Way. Councilman Morgan read a further letter of cornmendation reaceived from Dr. H. S. Richanbach, who sustained considerable fire loss tohis home at 1629 Lassen Way, on Tuesday. August 1. Councj.lman Morgan reported on his observation of the aclivities of the Fire Department on the evening of the fire and expressed his personal commendation to the firemen and particularly to Assistant Fire chief Harvey Johnson. The city Manager was requested to submit cofieE of the conununicationsto the members of the Burlingame Fire Department. ORD INANCES ORD INAAICE NO. 743 "An Ordinance Adding Section L22l.l4 to the Ordinance code of the City of Burlingame and Providing for stop Signs on Paloma Avenue at the Intersection of Lincoln Avenue' was given its second reading. 31"1 Councilman Johnson moved by Councilman l{organ. the adoption of Ordinance No. 743, seconded On the question, Mr. R. Wallace, 1213 Lincoln Avenue, suggested that Council- consider instead, the installation of a stop sign on Lineoln Avenue, stating that Lincoln Avenue, the first through street after Broad$ray, is being used as a "speedway" and ca11in9 attention tothe nurdber of accidents that have occured in recent months. Mayor Byrd reconEoended that the proposed Ordinance creating stop signson Paloma Avenue be adopted and the subject of a stop sign forLincoln Avenue be referred to the City ltlanager, the Health, Safety & Traffic Commission and the Police Department for j.nvestigation. A roII call vote on oRD INANCE No. 743 was recorded as follows: Ayes : Councilmen: Byrd-ifohnson-Martin-llorganNoes: Counci.Imen: None Absent councilmen: Lorenz TOT ICE OF HEARING (Te1e phone Company ) Mayor Byrd announced that the Public Utilities comnission has scheduled a hearing on the application of the Pacific Telephone company for authority to separate the present San Mateo County telephone directoryinto three telephone direcftories, on Tuesday, Augus t 22, L96L, at IO a.m. in Room 15, of the San Mateo High School. UNF INIS}IED BUSTNESS 1. CIVIC CENTER councilman Johnson'g recomrnendation that a progress report be submitted by the Council's Citizens' Civic Center Committee at ttle next regular meeting was concurred in by Council and the City C1erk directed to so notify the Chairman of the Civic Center Committee. 2 . AIRRAID SIIELTERS It{ayor Byrd requeated the city l{anager to obtain detailed information on government reguirements concerning the construction of air-raid shelters and appropr*.e procedure to be applied when soliciting Federal funds to assist air-raid shelter construction expenditures. Trhe city Attorney was also requested by the Chair to submit a ruling coneerning the prerogative of council to vraive taxes on air shelter j.mprovements when constructed on private property. 3. TRIBUTE TO IUISS .TI'STINA ITIURPIIY The city Attorney was requested byresolution acknowledging the years recently retired from her posj-tion The City Attorney $ras requested by Council to submitthe legality of Counci.l to expend city funds for the f1o\.rers or plants to be sent to ci,ty employees, citypublic dignitaries, absent for a period of time from assignments because of i11ness. the Chair to prepare an appropriate servj.ce of l{iss Justina Murphy, as Water Department Office Manager. 4 STUDY ON B ETARY ITEMS A recommendation from Councilman l{organ coneerning the scheduling ofa study session to consider eertain budgetary items was concurredin \r Council. Uayor Byrd announced. that study sessions would beheld each Uonday night preceding the regular Councit meeting at7:30 p.m. 5. RI,LING RE: MISCELI,ANEOUS EXPENDITURES a ruling concerning purchase ofofficials ortheir regular COMMISSTON REAPPOINTIIENTS - APPOINTPMENTS ltayor Byrd submitted the following names for reappointnrent ment to the several Commj.ssions. Ihe list q,as unanj.mouslyby meribers of the Council. and appoint- con firmed 312 RECREATION COMMISSfON Al Eorwi tz HEALTH SAEETY & TRAF'FTC COMII,TSSION E. c. Fichtner LTBRARY BOARDllrs. Dorothea Harrison PLANNI}iIG COII{IIISSION Irrr. John iI. Brauner, 1434 Columbus Avenue. !lr. Brauner,ance, acknowledged his introduction trlz the Chair with a appropriate words . in attend- few I. CQT'NC IL OFF STREET PARKING COMMTTTEE Councilman l4artin, speaking briefly on current activities of a do\dntown committee in connection with the formation of an Off-Street Parking District, volunteered his services as a liaison betweenCouncil and the Committee. Councilman Martin's suggestion was unanimously endorsed by the Council. 2. PARK DEPARTI{ENT EIUPLOYEES COMMENDED Councilman ,Johnson and Mayor Byrd commended the Park Superintendent and the nren in his department for their garden display at the San Itlateo County Fair and Flora1 Fiesta. l{ayor Byrd expressed the pleasure of the Council on the announce- ment that the Park Department employees had been declared "s$reepstakes " winner, receiving nine first prizes out of elevenfirst prizes. AD.}OIJR}IMENT Ihe meeting was regularly adjourned at 9:35 p.m., in honor oflliss Justina llurphy, Water Department Office Itlanager, who recentlyretired upon completion of thirty-three years service with theCity of Burlingame. HERBERT K. WIIITE City clerk APPROVED: NEW BUSINESS Respectfully subnitted,@ 0*n"- (q-f/ AIDREW c. BYRD, Uayor