HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.11.19A regular meeting of the BurlLngarc Ci_ty Councll was held on the abovedate. illeeting called to order at U:05 p.m. - PIayor Lorenz Ln the Chalr. PI,EDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CALL ?O ORDER At word from the Chalr, P1e tlge of Alleglance to Tho mlnutes of the meetlng of Novembe wsre appr oved and adopted on motlon o by Councilman Martln. 747 BurlLngame, CaLlforrrla Novemba:r L9, 1962 all ln the Councll Chamber arose and gave thethe Flag. , L962, as submltted to Councll, ouncllman Johns on and secondeil ROLL CALI Presont - Councllrten: Crosby, Johnson, Lonenz, Martin, I,{organ Absent - Councllmen: None r5fC COMMUNTCATTONS 1. PRoPOSED RECIAMATIoN DISTRICT - Keyston Propertles. A comrmlnlcatlon dat6d. November 14, 1962, from Kenneth Jones fon Wi1son, Ha:rzfe1d, Jones and. Morton, attornoys and c ouns e11ors-at-1aw, r'efereilto a proposed reclamatlon dlstrlct to be formed wl,thln the City of Burllngame and to a request by the olrners that a pubIlc hear.ing ontheh petitlon to form the dlstr.lct be he1d at the regular rneetlngof the Clty Council on Decembep 17, a962. The. comrornLcatlon descnlbed the property involved as 1110 acnos of sub- mergod lands wlthln the City llmLts of Bur llngame, owned by Davld H. Keyston, George N. Keyston, Jn., and 1{i1bur L. Watklns. The commrnlcatlon stated tlqt the dlst:rl,ct ls.proposed for purposesof fLnanclng by sale of bonds, under the provlsions of the ReclarnatlonDlstlrlct Act, whlch provldes also that vtr en lands are wlthLn a oity boundary, formatlon proceedlngs shaII be cond.ucted by the Clty Councll. The c ommunic at lon aCvlsed of the l-nt6nt of the owners to underteke and manage the reclamatlon wlthout e Board of Trustoes on the establlshmentof by-laws. The Clty Attorney, ln neply to the Chalrts lnqulry, advlsed that he has exardrred the corrospondence andfoelated papers prepaned by ],1r. Jones,includlng a sumnary of the provlslons of the Reclamatlon DLstnLct Act. The Clty Attorney stated that he had no comments to make, pro or con,at the present td.:ne, but there wene a number of pertlnent questlons wlth whlch Councll should be concerned, one of these belng the poweror nlgtrt of emlnent domaln wlthln the tlist::lct. The Chafu r'ecognlzed lvlr. Jones who advised that the Reclamatlcn DlstrictAct ls one of the rroldest acts on the books. n State Isr., ar-rthcrLzeslts use as proposed here. Mr. Jones stated that the proeedure was employed in the Bay Far:m ls1and development ln Alaneda County. I,tr. Jones advlsed th. t the request presently before Councll ls to fixthe tlme and plece for a pub11c hearing to deterjdne whether on not the dLstrlct sha1l be f ormed. Mayor Lorenz requested corrnantg firom mernber:s of the Councll. Counc llman Johnson referned to the ownerst lntent to proceod on thel,r own responstblltty and questloned the extent of the Cityt" Lnvolvementln the rnalntenance and audl.tlng of finenclal records. Mr.. Jones advlsed that the actlvlties of the distr.lct wll-I be subJectto the requinments of any pub1lc ilistrlct. Flnanclal reports are audLted subJect to state 1aw. Ou,ners of the property are charged r+lth completS.on of the r:eclamatlon wor.k; the Clty mrst conduct hea::Ings on any assessments to be levled by the distrlct. },IINUTES PR!"VIOUS MEETI NG L42 CouncLlman Martln questloned t axing powet:s. M::. Jones advised thatthe dLstrict operates through assessments, such as are employed forpa:rklng dlstrlcts or stneet work. The dlstrlct has authonlty tolevy an assessment for capltal work and for malntenance andconstructLon. An asgessment is levled upon the property wlthln thedlstrlct. No oblLcatlon or LlablIlty of any klntt nitf"lt" on anyother propenty of the City. l,[embe:rs of the Councll lndlcatlng agreement,IIA RESCLUTION SETTING TI}IE AND PLACE OF HEARI F0RIIATIoN OF RECLAMATInN DISTRfCTn wag Lntroduced for passage by Councllman Cr.osby and the staff dlrected to explore the matter of dralnage; also to secur:e a r.epont from the Clty of ALameda concernlngfornation of tho dlstrlct; materlal to be avallable for CouncLl at the rneetlng of December 3, 1962. Motlon soconded by Councllnon Johnson end unanlmously camled on ro11 call vote. Mr. Jones advLsed that theonly to land reclamatlon. scope of the dlstrlct authority oxtends C ounc llman Martln suggested that the Clty Manager contact the Cltyof Alameda for pertlnent lnformatlon on the Bay Ferm Island. developmont. I'1r. Jones, ln reply to Couneil lngulry, advised. that the hearlng date may be flxed and upon proper notlce, contlnued to a leter date,should Councll so declde. Councllnan Crosby ralsed a questlon concennlng posslble effectson the Cltyr s d.rainage scheme. Mr. George Keyston, Jr., advised that tho Cltyrs plan wl11 be aguide ln the work of reclamation and. wlll be a part of any developmentln the eree. Ihe Ctty Englneen stated that there ane tentatlve plans and tentatLveloeatl-ons. The prlmary concern ln the presont sltuatlon ls thechsnnel whlch will sventually go north and south at the easterly end of the Keyston property, but slza ari d locatlon are unknownfactors at thls tlme. lilr. Davlil Keyston agreed. that Keyston C ompeny has cormltted ltse1fto doneto a neasonablE amount of land to pnovide for dralnage.l{r. Koyston stated that should. the Clty expect the pr.opertles tocarry mone than the usual amount of draLnago waters, 1t wlII be sx^Doctod that the City wl1l contrLbute a portion of the cost ofthe greeter channel. Mr. Keyston stated that he end hls assoclatos wlll meet at any tlme wlth Clty repr€sentatlves to fu11y explore the dral-nage program. The City Planner suggested that ther:€ ars many phases to be explored.,that a complete study should be made of the d.ralnage situation befo:'ethe Ctty ls commltted to a course of actl-on. The Clty Planner mentLoned also the extont of the Cityrs responslblllty ln processlng the bond.s pnoposed to be lssued. Followlng a per5.od of dl.scusslon concolrrdng the many ranlflcatloEof the pnoposal, Councllman Morg an suggestetl that the subJect matter be neferred to membe:rs of the Clty staff for s tudy and reportto Councll at the next meetl-ng. RESOLUTION NO.-62 2. REQUEST TO AMEND CN.STREET PARItrNG RESTRICTIONS CALIFONNIA DRrvE OAK GROVE AVB,IIIE TO BROADI'IAY. A comnunl.catlon from the City Planager dated November 16, 1 submltted e cLtl.zensr petltlon roquesting two revlslons to on-stroet parklng restrlctl-ons on Ceflfornl-a Drlve fr:om oa Broadway as follows: (a) Permtt parking on west side of st one houi basls from [:00 to 5:00 p.m.i (b) Porn{t all day on east slde of street. 962,exlkcr ree t stlng ove to onparklng L43 The Ctty Manag€r reported: (a) A unanimous rocortrmsndation by htsofflcel tha Pollce Department and the Health and Safety Comnisslonthat leglslatLon be authonlzed to p6trl!.t parklng as requasted on the west sldc of the street; (b) The socond noquest required further: study and lnvestLgatLon. It was r:ecormended that thls matten be held pendlng a report at a later date. On a motlon introtluced by CounelLman I,lorgan, seconded by CouncllmanMartln, Councll concurred. unanlmously ln the recommenaatlons of theClty l,lanag e r and authorlzed preparatlon of the approp:rlate ordlnance. 3. CALVIN COOLIDGE P.T.A. PRoTEST: SPEED LIMIT VIoLATfoNS CALIFoRMA DRIll"E BROADhIAY TO DUFFERIN AVEIITIE. A comnunlcatlon from the Clty Manager3 dateil Novemben 16, 1952, sub-mltted a protest, ftled by Mrs. W. G. Daggett, Safety ChaLrman Calvln Cool1d.ge P.T.A., to trexcesslve speed of trafflc on Callfornla Drlve between Broadway and Drffe:rln.rr The protestants claLmed a conslstent dlsr:egard of the posted 35 rnlle-per-houn speed 1lmLt, creatlng a hazardto chlldren traveling to and from school, and requested a closer patrol of the area. The Clty l"lanager reported that a speed zone check of the area, made by the Pollce Department, revealed that th6 highest percontags of trafflc trav€Is unden the 1ega1 Ilnlt. However, the Pollce Department w111 concentrate lts patrol, as nequested. The Clty I',lanager: suggested a neferral to the Health and Safety ComnlssLon for further revlew and necormnendatlon. On a motlon lntroduced by Councllman l,Iorgan, seconded by Councllman Johnson and unanlmously car.nied, the matter was referned to the Health and Safety Cornnl-ssl-on and. the Clty Clenk lnstrueted to notlfy Mrs. W. G. Daggett of the tlrrc and p1ac6 of the Cormlsslon neetlng. l+.SANITARY SEWER SYSTEI,I - Trlnlty Luthe ran Qhurch. A conrnunlcatlon f:rom the Clty Manager dated November 16, 1!62, advlsedthat the Departnent of Publlc Works ls lnvestlgatlng the metten of a sanltarly solron oas6m6nt on the property of the Trlnlty Luthe t'an Church and expects to have a report avallable for Councll at the meetlng of December 3, ]-962. 5. wrr,sou & GEo.UEYM CO.. REQUEST F'ON SIORAGE TANKS APPROVED. A comnmnLeatlon fnom the Clty Manager d.ated. November 16, 1p52, advised that follonlng an lnvestigatlon lt ls the recommendatlon of hLs offl-ce end the Chlef of the Flre Departmsnt that Wllson and Geo. IGyer & C ompany be permltted to store Class I, II and III llquitis in lts new locatlon ln the Mi1lsdale lndustrial Park area. ORDINANCE NO.I rrAN ORDINANCE AMmiDING SECTIoN 1l+15.210 0F THE INCREASING THE llAEi'lUM AIIOTc{ABLE CAPACITIES 0FORDIl! t/)L UNDERGROUI'ID FLAIAIABLE LIqrrID SToRAGE TANKSn was introduced by Councllman Uorgan for flrst readlnS. A further reeommendatl,on fromthe Clty Manager and the Chlef of the Flre Department that the appllcants be permltted to store flarrnablellqulds 1n excess of the sLxty thousand (60,000) gallons agg:regate to a 11mlt of one hr:ndr.e d elghty thousand (18Or0O0) gallons condltlonal upon: (a) tte autonatl^c sprlnkler system on the proporty w111 be so supervlsed that any operatlon of the system w111 be trans-mltted to the Bunllngam€ Flre Department; (t) ttre Underm:Lt6rs Inspectl-on Ser:vlce as provided. l.n the Los Angeles faclltty of tbe applLcant be provldetl for thls ln-stallatl,on also; was unanlmously concurred ln on motLon of Councllman l{organ, seconded by Counc l1nan Mantln. L44 5. POIICE RESER.\rE OFFICERS GROUP INSUEANCE AUTHOMZED. A commrnlcatlon from the Clty i,Ianager d.ated Novemb e! J_6, t962,advised of a roquest from the Pollce Reserve Offlcers for a. g:3oupaccident lnsurance poIlcy at a total yearly premlum cost of $4OO.OO,as quoted by a San Franclsco insuranco brokor. The Clty Managen suggested that the matter be conslder:ed for LnclusionLn the 1963-6L budget. The City Manage:r, in ::ep1 been an establlshed pollc the budget 1s prepared. o Councll lnquLry, advlsed that lt haso flx such expendlturss at the tlme ytyt In a perlod of discusslon, Councll members agreed that the cost was not prohlbltlve and that the Lnsurance could be provlded fromthe cur.r.ent budget but more than one prbposal should bc submlttedfor purposes of companlson. CouncLlman l,IartLn lntroduced a motlon authonl zlng the Ctty Managerto investlgate and purchase a sultable g:roup accldent lnsuranceplan for the Reserve Poli-ce Offlcers. Motion secontled by Councllman Johns on and unaLmously ca:rrled. A conmrnlcatlon dated. Noveriber a4, 1962, from Cunley-Bates Cornpany, San Franclsco, manufacturers of sportlng goods, advlslng of a con- templated move to new headquarters at 860 Stanton Road, Burllngam€, was reaal and referred to the City Clerk for aporoprlate rep1y. 7. ADVERTISING FOR BIDS AUITIORIZED: RB{ODELING OLD POIICE BUILDING. A comnunlcatlon from the City l,lanager dated Noveriber 16, 1962, advtsedthat the woiklng drawlngs and speclflcatLons for :remodellng the 01d Po11ce Bulldlng for Pub1lc 'i{orks purposes are now avallab}e and recorunended that Council app rove publlc advertlsemont for Contractorst bLds to be submltted at the next regular meetlng. The Clty Engineen ln reply to the Ch&lrt s lnqulry advlsed that he has studied the plans and has found them to be satlsfactory. fho Ctty Englneer stated further that the budget p::ovldes for a total construc-tion cost of $35r0OO.00. Councll nbmbers unanlmously concumed with the racomncnclati.on of theClty l,lanag6?, thereby authorlzlng publicatlon of an Invitatlon to BLatalers. 8. CURLEY.BATES cO. To LOCATE IN gIJRLINGAI.,IE. RESOLUTIONS. None. ORDINANCES. ORDINANCE NO.O NAN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE AN}JEXATION OF CERTAIN I'NI B ED TORY, DESIGNATED ITARIiISBY PROPERTYII TO TIIE CITT oF BURLINGAI"IET Tt was given lts seeond readlng and on motlon of Counellmen l,Iorgan, seconded by Counc 1lman Johnson, said ordlnance passed lts second reading a.nd was unanlmously adopted on ro11 call vote. UNFIN]SIIE) BUS]NESS. 1. SAI,ARY ADJUSTI4ENTS Councilman Johnson, Councll llaLson offlcer to employees, reported that Councll members and the CLty Manager met wlth Mr'. Bruce Austin, Survey Dlrecton, State Cooperatlve Pensonnel Servlces, to :revl,ew the recent selary survey fon possible salary adjustments. Counc l1man Johns on advlsad that I'lr. Austin selected at ran dom fLveposltlons: I,{al-ntonance Man, Stenographe::-C1enk, Account Clerk I e Po1lce Officens and Rlremen and reported that utrl1e compensatlons recommended 1n the recent survey were slLghtly on the hlgh sldet they would. fa11 below the curuent trend. CouncLlman Johns on stated that l'1r. Austln reported that in all l+3 comparisons wer6 made. In 27 cltles, ttle salarl.es were higher than Burlingame; 1l were paylng l6ss and three, the sane. After.hearlng l,1,'. Au;ttn; m5rabers bf"th; clty councll indlcated that addltlonal - 145 lnformatLon would be desirable anal suggested to Mr. Austl.n that a new comparatlve schedule be prepa::ed of all of the cltles ln San Mateo County. The Ctty Manag6r, 1n reply to C ounc i lman Johnsont s lnqulry, repontetlthat Mr. Austln w111 revlew all posltlons and prepare a comparison rrl th other cltLes. He expects to have lnforrnatlon avallab1e for Councll ln Docemlcer. 2. PROCEEDINGS INITIATED TO ANNEX NMILI,BRAE STRIPII (naitroaa R/W) The Clty Attorney advlsed that a resolutlon has been preparetl wLth reference to annexatlon of the trMl11k,rae Strlprtr located wlthln theClty of l,llllbrae at the northern boundary of tlr e Ctty of Burllngame. RESOLUTION NO. 7I+-62 ''RESOLUTIOI'I DECL{RING T}IAT PROCEEDINGS EAVE BEEN Mr. Congdon advlsed that the Clty has agreed to the street belng wldened but has taken the posltlon that the cost sha1l be borne bythe property oHners. Mr. Congdon stated that the cost has been astlmated at $[,00O.0O. !tr. Congdon advl-sed that he and hLs assoclates a:re w1111ng to assumothe r.esponslbl1lty fotr $2rl+O0.OO of the total cost and. roquest ofthe City to contnibute the belonce of $1,600.00 In neply to Councll- lnquhy, Mr. Congdon stated that an additLonal 20 spaces w111 be galned, !.ncludlng two or three whlch wi).l be r.eservod for trucks. Councll suggested to Mn. Congdon that he consldenthe posslbl1.tty of fonmlng an asssssment dlstrtct IIIMATMBYTEEC-OI]NCIL OF IIfi CITY OF BURLINGAI'TE TO ANNEX TO SAID CITT CERTAIN U]'TTNHABITED TERRITORY DESCRTBED IfiREIN AND DESIGNATEDIIWITRRAE STRIPN AND GIVING NOTICE OF TEE PROPOSED ANNEXATION'I WAg lntroduced for passag6 by Councllman ltIartln, seconded by Councilman Johnson antl adopted unanimous Iy on ro11 ca11. 3 BEARINT PROPERTY In neply to Councllman MartLnrs lnqulry concernlng the Cttyts posltlon wlth nespect to publlc lrnprovement s to be perfonmed by the or'merr sof BeanLnt Industrlal Park, the City Attorney advlsed that there ar.a no further developraents to be reported at the present tl,me. NEW BUSINESS 1. Congdon, Delsecco, Boss Investment C ompany Bequest to WidenEI Camlno Easterly Frontage Road. Councllman i{organ, Councll lLalson offlcer to the Chamber of Commerce, advlsed that he has been requested by a member of that organlzatLon tobring to the attentlon of the Clty Councll a problem 1n connectlon wlth commerclal proporty on the easterly frontage road of the EL Camlno Real-. Mr. Geonge I.,. Congdon, representlng Congdon, DeI Secco and Ross Inves tment Company, 181+0 EL C arnlno Rea1, add:ressed rbribers of the Councll descrlblng tr.afflc and parklng problems whLch cause consl,derable lnconvenlence to the ownens and tenantsof the large office buildlngs located on tlro E1 CanJ.no frontage Road betwean Trousdale and I'Iurchlson Drive s . Mr. Congd.on ailvlsed that consldenably more then the requlred off-streetparklng has be6n provlded for th€ bulldtng at I8l+0 EI C amino Rea1. The present dlfflculty Is the lack of adequate tlme-llm1ted on-streetpanklng at the front of the butldings to accommodate occupants ofthe bulldlngs and vlsltor.s who do not us6 the all-day parklng areas. lih:. Congdon stated that approxlmately two months ago a request uas made of the Ctty to conslden wldening the street by approxlmately2i to 3 feet by reduclng the exlsting sldewalk; or pavlng a portlonof the unpavod west sld6 of the stneet. If thts were done, a ::ow ofparallel parking would be galned, a portlon of whlch wou1d. be deslgnated for truck loadlng puryoses. 1,1ti Counclluan Martln stated hls positlon ln opposltlon to a Cltycontnlbutlon; Mayo:r Lorenz and Councllnan Crosby acknowledged the burden placed upon the property owners and lndlcat€d a desLne to probld.e assLstance Lf lega11y posslble; Councllman Morganquostloned r*rether lt was 1n the public lnterest to wlden.the street and whether the City may IegaIly con brl-bute a portlon of the cost; Counc l1man Johnson stated that she would appreclat6 an opportunltyof personally observlng the area before f ormlng an opinlon. Councll members ag:reed to hold the matter fon two weeks, to the meetlng of December 3, J-962, as requested by Counc l1man Johnson. CLAII.IS & PAYROLtr Clalms, i{onth of November, 1952, Nos. 85OZ - 8755, tn the total amount of $1[5,[]6.75, duly audlted, were approved fon payr.ent on motlon of Councilman Crosby, seconded by CouncLlman i,lartLn and. unanlmously canled. Payroll warrants, Nos. 9976 - 10rl+46, ln thetotal amount of $100r0O7.32, Month of october, 1962, were appn oved on motlon of Councllman Crosby, secondeal by Councllman Johnson, and unanlmously carnled. ADJOURMJTENT The meeting was regularly adJounned at 10:35 p.m. on motlon of Counc l1raan Cnosby, seconded by Councllman Johnson. Respectfully submltted, I{ERBERT tta Clty C1e::k APPROYED: PRO TETlPORE I a