HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.12.06.t /:, Burlingane, December Cal ifornia 16, 1963 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the a.bove given date. Ueeting caI1ed to order at 8:OO p.m., - Uayor ilohnson in the Chair- At srord frotn the Chair, alJ. the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CALI, in the Council Chaniber the Flag. arose and gave Pre sent Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: D iede rich sen-George-,John son-Irlartin. Crosby Councilman Crosby, absent due to a prior corunitrnent was excused. I,TINUTES A comnunication from the city Manager, dated DeceuLber 13, 1963, advised that for purposes of clarifying the olrnership of two parcels of 1and (1) at the intersection of Vancouver and Jad<ling Drives and (2) at a "dead end" of Lexington Way, (extended streets within City limits) the County Tax Collector has suggested that the City purcha6e the respective parcels. A reconmendation from the City llanager that legislation and an agreement be prepared for Council enactnent hras concurred in upon mot ion of Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously carried. SOCIAL SECURITY REPORT A communication was read from the City l{anager, dated Decedber 13, ).963 reporting with respect to Social Security and referring to E:<hibits A, B, c and D, submitted previously to council for information on a " sERs-oAsDI" coordinated plan. Speaking verbally on the subject, at the request of Council, the City Hanager reported on the basic differences betlrreen the tvro systemsi "Social Security" classified as a "social insurance" coverage and "State Retirement" as a "pension pIan" with attendant benefits and advised that the individual employee must determine whether or not an " integrated plan" would serve to his particular advantage and benefit. The City Manager stated that one of the principal questions raised was whether the benefits to future employees, mandatorily participating in the coordinated system, would be conunensurate with the cost and referred to the current Social Security rate of 3-5/g%, a 4-L,/A% rate in 1964, up to a proposed 4-5/8% rate j.n 1968, with no assurance that the rate will not continue to increase i-n the forthcoming years. 2 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF AILEGIA$ICE Ttre minutes of the regular meeting of Deceniber 2, L963, submitted previously to Council, were unani.rnously approved and adopted upon motion of Councilman Diederichsen and seconded by Councilman ceorge. COMI.{ITNICATIONS 1. PURCHASE TAX DEEDED LAI{D AUTHORIZED 376 Replying to Council inquiry, the City Ir{anager advised that an estimated L-W" to 2% increase would result in the city of Burlingame's salary costs for miscelLaneous employee groups (safety members not included in Social Security) and from a preliminary evaluation of the coordin- ated p1an, it would indicate that older employees on the whole would receive the greater benefit. Ttre city l{anager recorunended that with the many factors to be taken into consideration, information submitted to Council should be thoroughly studied and evaluated. 3. E. L. NORBERG ARCHITECT CORPORATION YARD A conmunication from the City Uanager, dated December 13, 1963, advised that it was the recommendation of his Office and that of the City Engineer to retain E. L. Norberg, A.I.A., for architectural services on the construction of Corporation Yard facilities on Carolan Avenue and that an appropriate contract be submitted to Council at the next regular meeting. The city Engineer, in reply to Councilman Martinrs inquiry, advised that in addition to Mr. Norberg, two local architects vrere approached by his offj-ce with respect to the subject property and have indicated their specialty is directed primarily to office building type construction. The City Attorney r.ras requested thereafter to prepare a contract and the necessary resolution authorizing execution for Council consider- ation at the regular meeting, ilanuary 6, L964. 4. PENSION BENEFITS T'OR RETIREMENT EI{PIOYEES A communication from the City uanager, dated Decerdber 13, 1963, referred Council to a proposed resolution amending the City's State Retirement System contract to benefit thro persons retired pri.or to February L, 1954, excluded in a subseguent change in the City's contract, and recolunending that the resolution of intention be adopted. Council concurring, Councilman Martin introduced for passage RESOLUTION NO. 108-63 "Resolution of Intention to Approve an Amendnent 5. CITY IIALL LANE ''ONE-WAY" TRAFTIC A recomnendation from the City Manager, in a communication to Council dated Dece ber 13, 1963, that City Hall Lane from Primrose Road to P ark Road, currently designated " one-way westerly" be changed to provide a " one-way" Iane in an easterly direction, was concurred in by Council and the City Attorney directed to prepare legislation for Council enactment at the next regular meeting, .ranuary 5, L964. A memo from the city uanager, dated Decernber 13, 1963, referred Council to a request received from the Bit of England for a license to permit dancing. Council was advised that a Police, Fire and Hea1th Department inspection has indicated that code provisions have been met satisfactorily. Further discussion concluded with the subject again referred to the city llanager, with a suggestion that a poll be taken among the Ci.ty's miscellaneous ernployees to ascertain the number in favor or disfavor thereof, with the understanding that council may consider an integrated plan at such time as the City is in a position to finance the program. to Contract Between the Board of Administration of the State Enployeesl Retirement System and the City Council of the City of Burlingame" seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon RoI] CalI of members present- 6. DANCING LICENSE BIT OF ENGLAND APPROVED t5/ ( lIlre City Attorney, in reply to Council inquiries, advised that the current code does not stipulate specific conditions with respect to dancing permits and suggested that Council may establish an appropriate " code of ethics. " Following considerable discussion, Councilman Diederichsen moved that a dancing permit be granted to the Bit of Eng1and, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried. 7, MASS TRANSIT: STATE COLLEGE A communication from the County I'lanager, dated Novedber 29, L963, transmitting copies of resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors, urging the covernor to place the question of (1) !1ass Transit and (2) Providing for a State College in San Mateo County on the legislative agenda for the budget session commencing January, 1964, and requesting Council to enact sirnilar legislation, was acknowledged. A poII of Council indicated unanimous concurrence with the issue pertaining to a "state Co1lege" and a three to one vote with respect to the "Itlass Transit" issue. councilman Martin. casting the dissenting vote, explained that in his opinion, the latter issue required. no urgent action. Ttre subject matter l^ra s referred to the City Attorney for preparation of appropriate resolutions. 8. FIRE DEPART!,IENT COMI{ENDED A communication received from Mr. Frank Chevalier, 1221 Laguna Avenue conunending the Burlingame Fire Department in connection with a recent fire on his property, was acknowledged and the City llanager was directed to furnish copies to the Fire Department. RESOLUAIONS R.ESOLIITION NO. 109-63 "Resolution Authoriz ing Settlement of Parcel 2G (John and cerald Doyle) Parking District No. 1 ($31,85O.00)" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman llartin seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanjmously adopted upon RoIl Call of menibe rs present. Mayor ilohnson acl<nowledged receipt of minutes from the Recreation, the Health, Safety & Traffic and the Planning Commissions and a monthly report from tJ.e Police Department. Councj,lman Martin questioned the "moving citation" fluctuatj"on in recent reports from the latter. The City Irlanager advised that he would confer with the Police Department. I'NFINISHED BUSINESS 1. CABRII.,IO AVENUE FOOT BRIDGE In reply to Councilman George, the city Engineer advised that the cabrillo Avenue project is neari.ng completion at an expendj.ture of $550.00 for material. A report on the cost to rent a crane to Placethe ramp will be submitted to Council . Councilman Diederichsen, Council liaison to the San Itlateo County creater Highway s CoNnittee, advised that an organizational meeting has been scheduled in the Supervisorrs Chadbers, ilanuary 9, L964, at 4 p.m. ACKNO'dIEDG}.,lENTS 2. GREATER EIGIIWAYS COMMITTEE 37ri 3. DONNELLY AVENI'E LOT (P ARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 Ihe Chair announced that the next County Council of llayors had been the VilLa chartier. regular meeting of the san l{ateo scheduled, December 30, 1963, at ) A communication to Council from the City l{anager with reference to a Donnelly Avenue residence for inclusion within the Parking District was acknowledged and following a brief discussion, the City Uanager was requested to refer the subject to the Parking District Couuuission, scheduled to meet next on Deceniber 26, 1963. APPOINTIVIEI{TS rhe Chair announced that names submitted for suggested appointments to the Civil Service Conunission would be referred to the City uanager for processing in accordance with Council resolution. Ittayor Johnson welcomed newcomers to the corEnunity, I{r. and l.trs. Philip Caplan, acknowledged the presence of E. L. Norberg, Planning Comrni ssioner; Mrs. Ed$rard D. George and l{rs. J. Lamanet. llhe Chair acknowledged receipt of a "statistical Supplement, Sixteenth Annual Report to the covernor of California" \l the Director of Public Works, State of California. COI'NCII AN GEORGE Council-man ceorge reported on a recent regular meeting he attended with Uayor Johnson in connection with the City-County Civil Defense and Disaster organization, at which time the subject "networks" (communications equipment) was the main topic. ANNUAJ, COMMISSION-COIJNCIL DINNER At the request of Council, the subject of the Annual Council-Cormission Dinner lteeting was referred to the City lt{anager with a request t}rat if arrangements can be made, the event be scheduled ,January 30, 1964. T'he City Manager was also requested to prepare pJ.ans for the Annual Council and Auxiliary Fire and Police Dinner Meeting. WARRANT APP ROVAL Claims, Nos. 901-1111, in the total amount of $224,265.22, Deceniber, duly audited were approved for payment on motion Councilman George, seconded by Couneilman Diederichsen and carried . llonth of of uuanimously Payroll Warrants, Nos. 5O54-5583, in the total amount of $1I5,965.94, Itlonth of Novedber, 1963, were approved on motion of Councilman ceorge seconded by Councilman l{artin and unanimously carried. The the cj.ty Engineer, in reply to Councilman lrlartin's inquiries concerning twenty-three "weed refunds" on the city's roster of Claims, advised 1- CIVIL SERVICE COMI4ISSION NOI.IINEES ANNOI'NCEMENTS MAYOR JOTINSON PAYROLL WEED REFUNDS 379 that the weed rebates to property owners were higher this year than in prior years. TRAVEL EXPENDITURE Referring to Recreation Department claims for " routine travel" reimbursement, councilman uartin suggested that all mileage claims against the city be accompanied by an itemized listing, in conformance with auditing policy. ADJOURN].,IENT lfhe meeting was thereafter regularly adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully subnitted EERBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERX APPROVED: CHARLOTTE , MAYOR / .gr,rL-b