HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.03.0780 BurlLngane, Caf lfornla March 7, 196O CALL TO ORDER A regular rrcstlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll- was held on the above glv€n date. l6sst lng cal1ed to order at 8:OO p.tr. - lilayon Johnson 1n tbe Chalr, PI,D@ OF ALLEGIANCE At wond from the Chalr all ln the Councll Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. The mlnutes of the prevlous meotLng of Februany 15, 1960, subtrIt tedto Councll, were unanLmously approrred and adopted on motton of Councllmen Morgan and seconded by Councllnan Byrd. The mLnutos of the adJ ournod rreetlng of February 15, beld on February 25, 1960, wene unanlmously approved and adopted on motlon of Councllnen Rooth and seconded by Councllnan BlEd. IIEARINGS MODIFICATIONS EAST MILLSDAIE INDUSTRIAL PARK UNI1 NO. TI Ihe Clraln annouaced tlBt thls was ttre tlm6 an d. the place scheduledto c srduct a publlc hearlng on tlre proposed changes and. modlfica-tlons slthln East ldlllsdale Industrlal Park Unlt No. II. Ernest A. Wl1son, Attorney, explalned the ::easons for the proced.une appllcable ln the modlflcatlon of the lndtvldual assessrx,nts and there belng no protests recelved, either 1n wrlting or venbaIly, Counclkqn Rooth lntroducod RESOLUTION l{0. 14-60 n 0rl derLng Changesnlt No. IInand ldodlflcatl ons East M111 sdale Industri.al Park - U seeonded by Councllman Byn al and unanLnously carrled on roll- cal1. COMHI'NICATIONS 1. APPEAL T'NOM IBENE GOUGE 9 CLARENDON RD. NE: VARIANCE APPLICATION Corum:nicatlons fTom Mrs. Irene Gough, 9 Clarendon Road, d.ated. February 29, 1960, appeallng the d,eclslon of the Plannlng Comrl.s-slon in denylng a request fon a vanLanco and fron the PLaming Commisslon, dated i[arch 4, 1960, s€ttlng forth lts reasons for seld denlel, w€re acknowledged and a pubIlc hearlng scheduled before the Councl1, March 21, f96O, at 8:OO p.m. 2. MONIES TO CITY FROM STATE DTVISION OF IIIGIIWAYS A comm.rnl,catlon, dat6d. Mar ch 4, 1960, from the Clty Manag6n, advised that urder a new procedure ad.opted by tbe State Dlvlslonof Hlghways (Sectlon 210?.6 of tbe Streets ard Hlghways Code)the CLty of eurung ame ls entltled to an allocatlon of $28rOOO.oO(to June 30, 1961) to be deposlted lnto the treasury of the Clty. The City Managor recommonded that the Statets procedur.e be approved and a resolutlon be adopted for the transfer of th€ bud.getod monles to the Clty of Bunllngane. RESOLUTION N0. 15-60 nBesolutlon of the Clt y Councll of the City o Bur lngarre Adopt Allocated Under Sectlon was Lntroduced for passego on rDt lon of Cor:ncllman Byrd, seconded by Counc l1man Morgan antl ed.opted unanl. mously on no1l call. Budg€t Pnoposal for Expendlture of !'unds 2107.5 of ths Streets and Eighways Code' ROLL CAI,L Present - Councllmen: Bynd-Johnson-Mongan-Rooth-Thayer Absent - Councllnon: None MINUIES PREVTOUS MEETTIIG 8tr 3. RrCUI'rELD 01L CORPORATTON REqUEST FOR SrGI'i 1/ABrI\ILCE A communlcatlon llrom tbe Clty Manager r dated Mercbthat the Rlchfield 011 CorporatL on has !.equested aa slgn at lts gasollne statlon on Callfornla Drive Avenue, extendlng three feet furthelr than the four:tn the Stgn Ordlnance. 4, 1960, advlsed vanlance to erect and Peninsulafeet stlpulated A r:ecommondatLon from tho Cltto the Clty At torney and to t re conmendat 1on qas c oncurr.ed y Manag o!: that the request be referrod he PlannS.ng CommlssLon for oplnlon and. 1n by the Councl1. 4. PROPOSED ORDTI{ANCE Fts: ESTABLTSHING I,ITNI]/IUM LOT SIES A comrnrnicatlon fnom the Clty Managen, dated March 4, 1960, advLsedthat the Plannlng CommLssl.on has n ecomrrendad. an amendment to Sectlon I926-D of the Zoning OrdLnance, establlshlng a minl mrn 1ot slze fcr resldentLal lands to be anne xed and also establlshlng mlnimrm lot slzes fo:: resldentlal lands heretofon annexed and not curently provlded ln the Ordlnance Codo. Upon recommendatlon of the Clty Attonney that a publlc hearlng be conducted prlor to f lI:st readlng and tntroductlon of the proposod ordlnance, llanch 21, 196O, was schedufed by the Councll for sald hea:rlng. 5. CLAIM OF MARY T. BEGIN REJETT@ A recolraendatlon from the Clty Managor, dated Mar ch 4, 1960, that a clain fl]ed by Mary T. Begln for alleged lnJu:r.les sustalned as a r.esult of e falI upon tbe cityrs sidewalks, be rejected and referred to the Cltytg lnsurance car:rl er was e oncurred 1n on motlon of Councllrnan Byrd, seconded by Counc llman Rooth and unanlmously ca:rrled. 6. PROPOSED SIGN ORDTNANCE AMEND}ENT A corummlcatlon from th€ Clty anagor., dat6d. February 25, 1960, advlsed that th6 Pl ann lng Commlsslon hes rocodrended, subsequont to study requestod by CouncLl, the adoptlon of an amendrrent to Sectlon 1966 of the Slgn Ondlnance, gran ting the Plannlng Commlsslon autho:r-lzatlo, to grant vanlances, upon concluslon of a hearlngl rlth th6rlght to appeal to the Clty Councll. The subject wag referred to the Ctty Attorney fon approprlate actlon. 7. TRAFFIC PROBLEM! BIIRLINGA!,IE AVE. BETTJEB{ EL CAMfN0 AI'ID OCCIDENTAL AVENI'E A c onnunlcatl on from the Clty Uanager, dated February 25, 1960, advlsed of, tho receipt of nuner ous compla5.nts due to bafflc congestlon on Burl lngame Avenue b€trreen E1 Camlno Rea]. and Occldental Avonuo. The Clty Manager advlsed tha t a s urv6y c onducted. by tho Pollce Depart- ment Lndlcates that nostrictod parklng rmuld allevLato the condltion and lt was therefor recomtrDnded tJrat leglslatlon be dlrected toprohlblt parklng on the north slde of Burllngarrc Avenu€ betlroonEl Canlno Eeal and Occidental Avonue between tho hour.s of 8:OO a.n. and 6:OO p. m. ?he subJect was referned to the Health and Safety Commlsslon fon re commenda tl on and to tho Clty Atto:rney fcn tIr preparatlon ofapproprlate le gL slatlon. 8. LIBRARY CONSTRUCTTON CONTBACT COMPLETM A conmunlcatlon dated March 4, 196O, recelved from the Llbrary Board. ad.vLsed that the contr:acton for the aaldltLons to the Llbrary has completod the cont:cact and lt was recon nonded that a Notlce of be executed. 82 CouncLlman Morga! intnoduced and mov ed. the pas sage of EES_QLUUONNo! l!-qq rrAut[onlzlng the Executlon of Notice oi compGEf6FIT6ffiaa1tt onr seconded by Councl lman Byrd arld ur:an5.mously adopted on roL1. cal1 of rrcmbera. BESOLUTIONS BESOLUTToN N0. 18-60 nA Sew€r Easement - PauIJ cceptlng Deed of Dedlcatlon of Sanltary. Constantlno and F. Clalre Constantlno RESOLUTIO{ N0. 17-6q rrAcceptlng Deed of DedlcatLon of Ssnltary SeworffiR. Bnolda aur uary o. Brolda dated s6pt6n6or 17, 1959rr was lntroduced for passage on motlon of Counc l1nsn l{or.gan, seconded by Councll-nan Byrd and unanlmously carrled on ro11 caJ-l. Dated. March ?, 1960rr was lntroduced by Councllman Rooth who moved1ts passage, seconded by Counei.lman iilor gan a nil adopted unanlmously on roll- call of members. RESOI.,UTION NO 19-60 rAuthorLzil g Executlon of Agreemont Rolatlngto Acqu tlon of Impr ovenent s - East Mlllsdale Industrlal Park -UnLt Nos. I ancl fItr was lntroduced f o:: passage on motlon of CouncLlnan Rooth, seconded by Councllnan Byral arri unanlmouslycarrled on ro11 calI. RESOLUTTON NO. 20-60 EasEl,lIIl s dale ItiEs tras introd,uced for passago on notlon of Councllman Mongan, secondodby Councilman Byrd and unanlmously c ar"rled on ro11 cal1. RESOI{UTMI liq. gl-6q nApprovlng Final Map Entitled tMap of Canyon@San- ilateo dounty, CaiiforrLar and, olrectln[Executlon of Agreemont to Construct Pub11c Improvementsrr waslntroduced by Councllman Byrd who moved lts passage, seconded by Councilnan Rooth and adopt6d, unanlmously on ro11 call of members. (Unf tnished buslness. ) ORDII.IANCES Nono IT}IF INISEED BUSII'IESS 1. Flnal Map Acceptanco I950. Belvedere Helghts held. for actlon Mar ch 2I, NETJ BUSTNESS 1. APPOINT}IENT CYBUS J. I{CMTLLAN - CTVIL SERVICE COIIO{ISSTON Mayon Johnson subtritted the nane of Cyrus J. McMlllan as a no mbon ofthe Clvl1 Sorvlco Cornlldsslon and the appolntment was rmanimous 1y confinmed by nembers of tho Councll. ACKNOfTLDGIiIENTS The Chalr acknowl edged necelpt of the Annual Roport of the Planning Commlsslon and mlnute s fron th€ Plannlng Conmlsslon, the tlbnary Board and the Park Corunlsslon. ADJOURM{E}IT Tbe moetlng was regularly ad.Journod at 8:4O p.n. Respectfully subnlttod, rrCal11ng for Blds on Sale of fnpr ov emont Bondsrlal Perk Unlt No. II - Second Sale - $85?r5OOn APPROVD: CHARLOT lday or @M HNSON Clty Clerk rTE /)