HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.07.17BO2 Bunllngane, Callfonnle July 17, 1951 CALL TO ONDER PI,EDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE At wor:d fnom the Chalr, all in the Councll Chanben anosethe Pledge of Allegiance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL A r"egular meetlng of thE Br:rl!.ngane CLty Counc lI was held on theabove gLven date. Meotlng cal1ed to onder. at 8:0! p.m., - MayorByrd ln the Chair. and gave Pnesent - CouncLlmen: Byrd - Johns on-Mart ln-MonganAbsent - Cor:::cLlmen: Lorenz Councllman Lonenz , absent becausoof Counclfman Morgan and seconded lllness, was s.xcusod on motlon Counc llman Johns on. 1!61 , as submltted to on motlon of Councll- agen, dated July lJ, 1961, Ilstedto the City of Bu:rllngame by thea portlon of whlch ls stoned ata cost of $1h.00 pen month andat the Guns t Cottage ln Washlngton of by The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of July !,Councll , nene unanLmous Iy approved and adopted man Johns on and seconded by Councllman Mor:gan. COMI'{TINICATTONS i.ITNUTES 1. CTTY-OWNED ART ESUTP},IENT A communlcatlon from the Clthe ant equlpment matenlal Bu:r.llngame Festival Assocla Beklns Van & Storage Companthe remalnder of whlch ls s Park . tv g1tt Yrto Man ven oDr at 16d ft was the r:ecommendatlon of the Clty Manager that autho::'lzatlon begiven to dispose of the meterlal lnadequate fon constant usage. The Clty Managen advlsed that 1f Councll so desfi.es to contlnue tostore the matenlal at Beklns, lt ras hls recommendatlon that a changeof $5.00 pen day be levled fon the use of eny or all of the materlelto help defnay sto::age costs and In addltlon to whlch, the pensonor persons rentlng the matorlal to assume Bekins cost for the nemoval and re tuJ.n of stored matenlals. Counc llman Morgan, ln neply to the Chairrs lnqu .y concennlng Counclldlspositlon of the mater1a1, stated that the ant equlpment was acceptedby the Ctty wlth the thought that mone festlvals may be held ln the futune and to be stoned at the Conponatlon Ya:rd at such tlme as thefaclllty may be enlanged. Councllman Mongan stated that ln any eventthe Burllngame Festlval Assoclatlon should be extended the pnlvllegeof reclaimlng on nejectlng the pr.operty pr.lor. to lts dlsposal bythe City. The Clty Manager was r.equested to so advlse the Btr:r1lngame Festlval Associatlon. Following fu:rther dLscussion, Councllman Mongan moved that ln the intenim, e rental fee of $!.OO pen day be lmposed for the use of any on all of the rnaterl,al, p).us stor"age costs for. nemoval-ne tu:r.nof 4ater:1a1, rrith the rmderstandlng that the materlal shal1 be returned ln the same condltlon as loaned. The motlon wes seconded by Councllman Mantln and unanlmously carr'led. 303 2. ANIMAL SERVICE CONTRACT A cornnr:n1catlon from the Clty Manage:r, dated July 1lthat the ?enl.nsula Ilumane Soclety, fnc. has requestecontnol genvlce contnact fon 1961-1962 be renewed. 96 ha ,1dt 1, advlsedt the anlmal The Clty Msnage! further advlsed that the County of San Mateo hes anaster contract wlth the Humane Soclety wh6t 61n all cltles maypantlcipate and lt was hLs necommendetlon that the Clty of _ Br::rllngameaval1 ltse1f of the servlce, thereby savlng approxlmately $4r000.00ln the cr:::rent budget. Councllman Morgan moved that the CLty Manager. be authonlzed to confenwlth the County Managen and that appnopnlate documents be pnesentedfor Councll aetlon at the next neguJ.ar meeting. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Martln and unanlmously camled. 3. REPORT RE: BURI,TNGAIIE SHORE LAND CO. PROPERTY A communLcatLon fnom the Clty Manager, dated July 1l+, 1951, advlsedof the slow prog:ress beLng ntade on the Clty I s proposal to pr:.r.chas epr:op€rty adJolnlng the City Dump for dralnage conhrol and othenpurposes fnom the Bunllngane Shore Land Co. It sas suggested by theClty Menagen that the matten be conti.nued for an addltlonal thlptydays, pendlng neceLpt of a r.ep1y fnom the Bur:Ilngame Shone Land Co. Councll concurr:ed wlth the Chah announclng that Councll sha}l t 6ser:vethe rlght to wlthhold the pr.oposed pu:rchase prlce urt11 negotlat!.ons have been conpleted. L . REQ'IJEST FOR ?AXI FARE INCREASE A comm:nlcatlon fnom the Ctty l,{enager., dated July L2, 196L, advlsedthat tro taxlcab companies openatlng ln the Clty have requested permLsslon to lncnease exlstlng farss. It nas necommended by theCity Managen that furthen evldence to Justlfy the lncnease be obtalned prlor. to CouncLl actlon. Councll concr:.nred and the CIty l,lanager was roquested to submlt ar6po:t at such tlme as factual lnfor.matlon may be complled. 5. PROPOSED PROGRAM FOR NEW FIRE}IEN A comnunlcatlon from the Clty Managen, dated July 13, 1951-, advlsedthat nine finemen authorlzed ln the budget are proposed for appolnt- ment effectlve Augus t 7, L96L and wt11 partlclpate ln a flne tralnlng class on a forty-hou:r week basLs In order to be p::openly tralned when the ner bnanch stetlon ls ln oper"atlon. In reply to th6 Ctralnrs lnqulny concernlng the appolntments ln nelatlonto senlorlty status, the Clty Managen stated that senlorlty w111 be consldened on the basLs of the standlng of the men on the Clvll Servic€ e11glb1e llst. Following furthen dLscussion and for purposes of clarlflcatlon, Councllman Mongan explalned the thlnklng of the member.s of the Councll pr.esent at the budget study sesslons, advlslng that centaln ltems uene placed ln the budget for pu::poses of expedlency and subJectto funther conslderatlon by all members of the Counc11. 6. REFURBTSIIING CTTY HALL INltsRIOR A rnemo from the Clty Managen, dated Ju1y tl, 1961r advlsed of plansto refunbish centaln aneas of the Clty HaIl and lf there were no CouncLl obJections, prLcos wLll be obtalned on the lnstal-latton ofa npder:n glass doon to lmp:rove the entrance way lnto the Offlcesof the Clty ClenE and the Clty Treasuner. The City Managen advLsedthat the sum of $3,200.00 has b6en allocated in the L96l-L962 budget fon the pnoposed pnoJect. Thene b€lng no obJectlons, the Clty Managen was so authonlzed as r:equested. 304 7 REQJEST FOR USE OF'ART E 8U1P},IENT A comrnrnicatlon from the Br::rllngame A:rt Soclety, dated July 11, 1961 ,nequested permlsslon to use the wooden display easels orned by theCity fon en a:rt exhlblt at the Burllngame Post Offlce, September !,I0, 11 and 12, 1961. Councllman Morgan moved that penmlsslon be gr"anted Ln accondancoui.th procedur.e adopted by the Councll earllen ln the meetlng, seconded by Councllman Jobns on. On tbe questlon, Councllman Morgan suggested to the Pnesldent ofthe Bunllngame Art Society, Ln attendance, that the assoclatlon confer wlth the members of the Bu!.llngame Chamben of Corrnence Merchants Conml ttee who ar.e also plannlng an a:rt exhiblt lnSeptemben. The motlon tras unenlmously carcled thereafter. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION No. l+1-61 "Acce ptlng De€d from Lawton Investment Company,a Co-ponEElolt Tonmerly Eoward Bulck Company, a Corporatlon, Dated JuJ-y 7, 1961" wes lntnoduced for passage on motLon of Councilman Mongan, secondod by Corrncilman Johnson and unanLmous ly cerried. Mayon Morgan, speakLng brlefly on the subJect of the acqulsitlon ofthe property as a slte fon the new Po1.lce Statlon, reca116d that th€transaction ras negotlated solely through the efforts of the Councll. ORDfNANCES - Consideratlon there of: QBDINANQE N0. 7L1 ItAn GrdLnance AmendlCtty of Burllngame By Addlng Theneto a ng the Ordinance Code of the New Sectlon L229.2 (d) Deslgnating ?rlnrose Road fron fts fntensectlon I'Il th EI Camino ReaL and Bayswaten Avenue North to l{owand Avenue as a One-Wey Str.eet for Vehlculan Tnafflcrr was scheduled for second needlng on thls date. Communicatlons pnotesting the p?oposal- to create PrLmros€ Road lntoa one-rey street, were read fr.om Mns. A. Blumer, 1935 Pankslde Avenue, osner of property on Pnlnrose Road, Safeway Stores, Incor:- po::ated and The F4ultable Life Assurance Soclety of the Unlted States. The Chair lnvlted Courtcll comrnents. Councllman Johns on stated that the Council ls fully cognlzant that pr:Lme concern ls that of safety; horever, from the pnotests recelved, lndlcatlons uere that it may be desfuable to study an altennate plen. Councllman Ma:rtln suggosted tirat the letters r"eceLved ln pnotest to the pnoposal be referred to the Health, Safety & T:raffic CommLssLon fon evaluatlon. Councllman Mongan necalled, as on a prevLous occasLon, lncldents motlvati.ng the lntr.oduction of the pnoposed ordlnance and statedthet the few pnotests recelved fnom buslness concerns ln nelatlonto those located on PnLro:ose Road and vlclnlty does not wanrantln hls oplnlon, a delay ln adoptlng the ondlnance. Ezra E. Stevens, 125 Pnlm:rose Road, pnopnl-eton of an accountlng finm, Mrs. A. Blurnen and Rev. Myr.on Eennell, Paston, First Methodist Chunch, entered venbal protes ts. In reply to Rev. Herrellrs lnqufu'y, and through the Chalr, Rolland W. Dtppel, ChaLnman, I{ea1th, s&fety & Tl:affic Cormrlsslon, advlsedthat lnformatlon pertlnent to the subJect ln on flle with the Pollce Depa:rtment and the CommLsslon, subsequent to conslderable study, concur.red with the Pollse Chlef and the Dinecton of Trafficto rocommend the one-qey deslgnatLon for Pnlrnrose Road. ts05 Followlng furthen discwslon, Councllman Mongan moved that actlon be delayed untll the next negular meeting and that dr::rlng theintenlm, tho Clty Manager. have fu1l facts per.talnlng to the subJectavallable ln hLs offlce fon nevlew by lnterested pantles. The motion was seconded by C ounc l1man MantLn. On the questlon and Ln reply to Councllman Johnsonts lngulny, the Clty Manager advlsed that the StateDlvlslon of Hlghways has lndlcated strong opposltlon to add anothe:rnphasen to the signal syst€n on E1 Camlno Real at the subJect lnter-section. The motlon was unanlmously canrled theneafter. OXDI$4'IICE N0. ?38 nAn Ondlnance Re peallng Section 825 ot the OrdlnanceCot-of tEE TIflof BurLlngame and Adopting a New Sectlon 825 or sata 0rdLnance, Flxlng end Establlshlng the Classlflcatlons of Posltlons and Employment and the Compensatlon and Salarles Therefonn was glvenIts second roadlng and upon motlon of Councllman Mongan, seconded by Councllman Johls on, sald ordlnance passed 1ts second readlng and uas adopted by the followlng votei Ayes: Councllmen: Byr.d - Johns on-Ma:rt ln-MonganNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllm€n: Lorenz oEDINANCE NO. 7l+2 trAn Ordlnance Re peallng Sectlon 825 ot the EAfnence-Toile-? the Clty of Burllngame and Adoptlng e n6w Sectlon of the Sald Ondlnance Code, Flxlng and Establlshlng the Classlfl-lons of Posltlons and Elrrpl oyme nt end the Compensatlon and Salar:les ?efontt was glven lts second reading and upon rnotlon of Counc ilmangan, seconded by Councllman Jobnson, sald Ordlnance passed lts second readlng and was adoptod by the foLlonlng vote: Ayes ! Councllmen: Byr.d - Johns on-Mart ln-MorganNoes: Councllmen: None Absent Councllmen: Lonenz ORDINANCBS - Consldenatlon theneof : ORDINAI]CE NO. 7l+3 ttAn Or.dlnance Add Lng Seetlon 1221 .IL to the 825 cat The Mon Ondlnance Code of the Ctty of Btrrllngame and Slgns on Paloma Ave nus at the fntersection of Mayor Bynd Avenue, as vacancy. Provldlng for Stop Llncoln Avenuert was lntroduced by Councllman Johnson and glven lts f1r.st readlng. PROPOSED APPOINTMENT PLANNTNG COMUISS]ON proposed the name of John J. Bneunen, 1l+31+ Columbusa memben of the Plannlng Commlsslon to ftLl an exlstlng Some dlscusslon a:rose theneaften wlth Councllman Mantln advlslng of hls 1nablltty to confinrn the nonLnatlon unt11 he was glven an opportr:.nlty to cons lde:: the pnoposed appolntment. Mayor: Bynd concluded the dLscusslon wlth an announcemen would be wlthheld unt11 the next :regulan moetlng, Augus ttt7 hat actlon , 1961. MOTION RE: DELIVERY OF FIRE APPARATUS Counellman Johnson moved that the Flne Chlef and the Flne Depa::tment Mechanic be author"lzed tnanspontatlon, noom and boand expendlturesto and fr.om E1m1::a, New Yonk, fon the dellver.y of ffue appa::attx necently purchased from Amer.lcan La tr'rance. The motlon was seconded by Counc l1man Mongan and unanlmous 1y can::led. Refer:ence was made to the fact that a net savlng of oven $500.00 wouLd be reallzed by theClty taklng dellveny of the equlpment ln thls menn€r. CLAT},ts claims, Nos. 582].-5970, duly audlted, ln the total sum of $158,3h5.15, Month of JuJ-y, 1961, wer6 appnoved for" peymont and wal:rants ondened dnawn on the Ctty Tneasu:ry ln thefu nespectlve amounts, on motion of Cou.nellman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Mantin. 306 PAYROLL Paynoll war:rants, Month of June, 1961, Nos. 2l+25-2861 ln the amount of $85.639.70, r,ene appr.oved on motlon of Councllman end seconded by Counc llman Ma::tln. J,rt/",J/a*4%- HERBERT K. YHIIE Clty Clerk total Johns on PROPOSED ADOPTIOI{ OF I'STSIER CITYN Councl,lman Morgan lnltLated dlscusslon on the pnoposal of Mayo:r Ayoub Musallam of Bethlehem, Jordan, that the Clty of Bu:rllngame adopt his clty as a rrsLster cityr neported by Mayor: Bynd at thelast negul an meeting of the Clty Councl1. Referring briefly tothe controversy that has a:r.isen slnce on the subJect, Councllman Mongan advlsed that the p::oposal rlll be held fon furthen Councll s tudy. Councllman Mongan stated that ln his oplnlon, the nidea of adoptlnga rsLster cltyr was a good one;n howeven, ttlt ls not the lntentlonof Councll to offend seg(Ents of the Cltyrs populatlonrr when there ar.e "hund::eds of citlesn to select from. Councllman Morgan advisedthat he had no obJection to llayor Byrd, as one member of the Counell, exploring the e11gtbL1tty of the City of Bethlehem. Councllman Johns on advlsed that the subJect of ?rslster cltlesn has been dlscussed et meetlngs p::lon to the openlng of the Le ague ofCellfornla Cltles Annual Conferences and suggested that Councllattend such meetlngs when they agaln occur3. Rabbl Ratskln of Bu:rllncame Termle Sholom. exonessed hls aoprovaLto the rrexchange of culfr:ren thi'ough adopiion'of nsisten citlesttstatlng that he uas concerned, horever, rrlth the nellglous restrlc-tlons lmposed by the Clty of B€ thlehom. Rabbl Ralskln suggestedthat as an al-ter"netlve, study be glven to the edoptlon of the Cltyof Naza::eth ln Israel, whereln men of all falths may enten. Arthur Levln, Connrander: of Bunllngame Post No. 588, Jewlsh War Veterans, ref€r::ed to a telegnem f?om Senator Thomas H. Kuchel,ln reply to hls inqufu.y, lndlcatlng that Jondan as well as Saudi Al.abla ls bound by a policy bamlng persons of llebrel, felth. Ul!. Levln r::rged Council to lssue a deflnlte statement that the Clty of Bethlehem w111 not be selected as a nslgten cltyr to the Clty of Burllngamo. Mayor BJEd, In r.eply, stated thet a fu11 explor"atlon sha11 be made pr.lor. to Councll actlon and edvlsed of his lntention to coronunlcatewlth the State Depa:rtment of the Unlted States and wlth the Klng of Jordan requostlng a clanLfleatlon of the nellglous lssue. Mn. Canol Jacobs suggested Councll conside:: the adoptlon of a Latln- Amer.lcan Clty to encou:rage the exchange of students and l{:rs. Do}ores Fisch suggested the adoptlon of the Vlllage of LambarlnE Ln Fnench Equatonlal Afrlca. The dlscusslon was concluded theneaften wLth councllman Johnson r:ecommendlng that a cltlzens conmittee, nepresentatlve of all gnoups wlthln tbe Clty of Br:::11ngam6, be appolnted prlor to Councll decislon and action. ADJOURN}MNT There belng no furtth6" business, the neetLng was regularly adJourned at 9255 p.m. Respectf ul1y sutnltted, APPROVED: a' ANDREW C. BYRD,YOR