HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.07.052s7 Burlingame, cal i fornia July 5, 196I CALL TO ORDER A re$rlar meeting of tbe Burlingame city couneil was }eld on the abve given date. lteeting called to ord,er at 8:05 p.m. - Mayor Byrd in the Chair . PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE At r,Arord from the Chalr, Pledge of Alleqfiance to ROI,L CALL Present -Absent in tle Council Flag. Chamber arose arrd gave tt,eall tl-e Councilmen : Byrd-,fohnson-Mart j n-Morgan Councilmen: Lorenz councilman T,ote!\z, absent because of illness, was excused o;r a motiorr introdueed by Councilman lrlorgan and seconded by Councilman .Tohnson. fhe minuteE of the previous meetinq of June 19, 1961, submitted to council, were unanirpusly approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Morgfan and seconded blr Councilman Johnson. COI4I!{UNICATTONS 1. INSURANCE-}TEALTTI PI,AN A cortrnunication from the City Manager, dated June 29, L95L, advised that one of the items proposed in tire North county council of Cities Uni form Salar1, and Fringe Benefit Plan, vras an inguranee-l-.ealtl plan for employees to be paid by the City with the understanding that allcities vrere to comply within a period of three l.ears. Ihe city Manager further advised tlat tle City of Burlingame now assumesone-half of the cost of the enlrlo\.ee's portion of the Cali.fornia Physicians Service-Blue Sl'ield Group Plan and witl the proposed increasein tl:e rate and to conform to the Nor th County Council of Citiesobjective, it l'ras }is reconunendation tt,at "the City pay $5-5O (or 2./3) tor"rardthis present plan or anv otber plan slould t]-'e errployees desire an improved schedule now being voted upon." Corrncilman ilo}lnson. observing the three year period in w}. i cl, to compl],with the North County Council of Cities proposal and expressing her desire tlat it be aceomplished as expedi.tely as possrble, questioned t},e City Manager on the adviEability of increasing the city's portioito seventy-five percent or $6.OO of the total ernplolzee cost. Tt,eCity Manager adviseil tlat tle sugrgestion r*ou 1d meet with his approval. fn reply to Council inquiries, the City Manager advised ttat (1) sufficient flrnds have been budgeted to permit a portion of the cost as recoutrnended by hi-s Office or by CounciLman Johnson and that (2) the northern cities of Hillsborough, Dali, City and San Bruno assunrefull cost ofthe emplo-vees insurance program, with the Citi, of South San Francisco assuming ninety percent of the employees portion. Councilman Morgan questioned the reason for the delalr in complyingwith the "three year period" to which inquiry the City Manager ad.wisedthat the expenditure woul-d be costly to tle City and in his opinion,it would be advisable to proceed. on a 'rpercentage basi-s.,' the City Manager's observation "with the City assuming fu11 cost', employees not currently covered by tle insurance plan would be more1ikely to partieipate, initiated Eome dj-scussion on the unfiarnessto those hrho have been continual participants in the CPS ingurance-heal-th plan. Counej,lman Martin requested a cLarification of ti^at portion of a 298 paragraph in the communication from tte City Manager recommendi.ngthat the Citl, pay towaral the present plan ',or any other plan shouldthe employees desire an improved set,edule now being ..zoted upon." Fhe City I'ranager advised that t1:e employees currently have und,erconsideration a plan proposed by their health insurance carrierthat will provide additional benefits to tleir present coverage. Councilman Martin suggested that the Council be consulted prior 16 the introduction oi a new i-nsurance program and that a ionparison be made to determine the expenditures of other cities. Ihe discussion concluded with a motion introduced by Councilman JohnEon that the City pay $6.00 tohrard the enqplol,ees present insurance pIan, effective Ju11z 15, 1961, seconded by CouncilmanMartin and unanimously carried. Mayorleast Byrd suggested tlat the City Manager study proposals from atthree other i-nsurance carriers for comparative purposes. 2. PETITIO}] FOR SOC IAL SECI]RITY COIERAGE A communication from the City Manager. dated June 30. 1961 . advisedthat a petition has been filed by forty-eiglt emplolzees. on aparttine basis, requesting social security coverage and recommendedtlat the matter be investigated rrith a field representative ofthe State Social Security Office. Ihe subject was referred to the Cit1, 143r1"n"r for consultation witl'the city Attorney and a comprehensj.iTe rep6rt to be submitted toCoincil tirereafter - In reply to Councilman Jol] nson ' s inquiry,tlat a consultation with a representativetle next several weeks. city uanager advj.sed ant-i-cipated with i. n tireis 3. REMOVAL OF EUCALYPTUS TREE APPROVED A conununication from the City !,lanaqer. dated ,Ju ne 30- 1961. advisedtlat a Mr. Manuel Cravalho has requested permission to remove a Eucalyptus Tree next to the stone bridge on af.ckling Drive thatis obstructing the construction of a driv*ay to a ne\^r }omesite. Council concurred in the reconunendati.on that the tree be removedprovided the permit for such removal shall stipulate that a new tree will be planted. 4. AUIEORIZATION TO ERECT STOP STGN (Paloma at Lincoln) A comrmrnication from tle City uanager, dated ilune 30, 19691, advisedthat the Hea1th, Safety & Traffic Conrnission, together with his Office reconmrends that a stop sign be erected at the intersection of Paloma Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. fhe City Attorney was instructed to prepare appropriate legislation. 5. TEMPORARY RE}TTAL OF HOWARD AVENUE LOT (site of Po1ice Station ) A memo from the City l{anager, dated Jt, ne 3O, 1961, advised that an automobile dealer iras requested the temporary use 6f th6 ci ty-orrned lot on Eoh,ard Avenue on a day-byday rental basis and it was l'is reconunendation that tle request be approved. Council coneurred and the City Manager instructed to permit the temporary use of the lot provided it will not interfere with the building program. A memo from the City uanager. dated June 30, 1961. advised tl'at the asseseed valuation and adjusted budget fig:ure is available for Council consideration. fhe subject was referred. under tl-e teading of "Unfinished Bi:siness. " 'o. L96L-L952 BIIDGET ai? Jo i:e1a:cag iuels-rssq pue :o?,rprnd ^fTC se saoTA:eS sTE rol: 4:eTCtraTC a.i+ Jo uoT?esuadulo3 aq1 EuT:r.r,{ anue6uaTrng l:o tr+TC aq? ;o apoC acu€u:p.rg e:3 f o t'ZT, uoTlcag 6irr puaurq a3ueurplg uV,,5€L 'Oii ECr\VNr GEO :Jo uo-i?erapTsuoc - sgcinvNICIEO '6urpea: ?srTJ s?T ue^T6pue irosii rlof ueuTrcunoc .dq pacnpo:1uT serrr (196T faqualdaS l ..:o3:e:e61sar.refes pue uo-rlesuaduro3 a',11 pue luarudoldrug pue suoT?Tsod J:o suoTa -eDr]rsselS eq1 6urr{srTqElsg pue 6uTxT.i ,apoc esupuTpro pTes aq? J9 EzguoTlcas eraN a'{tr puE 8€a e 6ul1dopg pue aure6uJT.rng Jo 61g9 au; Jo epoo aSijeU't D.Ir) fo 9Z3 uoll3as 6ur1eeda11 ocueuTp.rg ug " z?L oi{ scNviu ctio ser{ 6€i 'ot{ ecueuTpJo 1e6a1 :ado:d 6u'ru:acuoc '196I ' Ll .dTnf .roJ peTnpe.{cs ;o uolldope pue 6u1pea: pu@as 'a.rnpe3o.rd Xau:o11y daTC a{+ uoJJ soT^pe uodn 6ut1cg 'fTtc TTo.r uo trlsnourlueun paldope uosuriof uEuTrcunoC .^q papuoces 'ue6:otr1 uEluITOunoA J:o uoT?ou uo oi{ asueurpro uTLilT.'r palexod:ocuT a:rei|r sfueupusue 6u1o6e:o; aq,1, I ".T95T ,T .raqo?cosT aoupurpfo sTq+ Jo alEp aAr1ceo]Ja ordl 'TT uoTl?es (Z) pue : peleeda.r .l'qareq s-t ztL 'or\ ecueuTpjro ^q paqsTTqelsa sE ,euE6urT.r:tg Jo z{f-!C aq1 fo apoC acueurpf,O aq+ fo SZB uoTlcas .T uo]-lcas (f) : s$oTrol se papuaE? sE&t ,, f,oJera-,"Ltr sar-reTes pue uorlesuaduo3 aq1 pue luaur^oldurg pue suorlTsodj:o uo-rlecTJlsseTC all Eu-iup11qr1sg pue Surxrg ,apoC aDueuTpJO pTES Jo gZE uor?cos aa6 e 5u11dop\t puE oue6uTTrng Jo ^1TC aq1 ;o apoC aDueurpJg eqf l;o gztj uoTfces 6u11eadeg e3ueurP.ro uv,, 8gL 'oi{ gcNvNrclEo :J:o uoTlcnpo.llLrf - sscNvtu Guo 'u'd gg : 5 ?e pauaauooa: 6utlaeru eqg, ESC50 0,I aAVC 'Z9oT-T96T 'po1:ed TecsT3; aq1 ro;: collesuaduoc saadoldure 6uT+caJl:€ secueurpro ssncsTp tr13:a1:q o1 TiruftoC 3ru::ad o+ 'u'd O9:B ?e :TeqC aq? Xq pa.relcep sea ssaJa:r V 'Itl 'oil arueurp.rg g:o 6u1pee.r puocas aq1 Jo uorseoooaql -do poJapTsuoc eq TTTrh urJa?uT aq1 uT paAreca: sfal+eT se TIe,r\ Se SuosJad tr)alsalaluT uio:rJ slua{nuoo ?e-!i:? pasr^pe .Ireqc a r-tJ, '6u1pea.r ?s.:TJ: .roJ: ,.c'rliJ:e.r[ efncTqaA .ro.{ 1ea:fs .6e.g4-aug e se anueAv prrnloli of .i+]oi{ anuaAv .ra?EAs[Eg puE TeaE ouTuec Ts ri1Tl.l uoT?cas.ralul s1I ruorl: peou aso:ruT:6 6urleu6tsao (p) z' 5zz1 uoT+3as ryraN e olerer{i 6uTppv trg eureEutr:ng 3o .{113 aq1 lo apoC acueurprg aq1 6 urpuaurv acueuTpf,o uv,, T?l 'oN sc$vNI Guopecnpof,lur .relJearair3 ue6:oyq ueulTounoC puE parrnJuoo Trcunoc 'pasodo:d aou€urp.ro aq+ ]o 6u1pea.r lsJTl: 'LIITr.r paaco.rd fTcunoC leqf papuaunuocar pue uor1e1s16a1 a:ede.rd o1 .dau:o11y ,(+TC aq+ 6u14ca:1p uT uoTloe Irouno3o1 :o1.rd JJe?6 Teuorsse;o:d s,,{?Tc aLFi dq lDafqns ai{? o? ue^TE Ipn?s fnl:a.zec aq+ pun secuelsuncrTo aril pa+eTs.r ue6;o1'1 ueurlTcunoo 'onua^v p-resroH o? Teeu ouTue3 Tg uro.z;: f,ealls .rleA-euo e se peoE aso.IurTrd 6u11eu61sap uor?ce 01 .zot.:d ,{e1ap ^€p-tlrTq? e f,aprsuoo TTcunoc ?eri? p€?senbe: '19;T '82 eunf pafep '".lc.In{C ls]po',I?eH 1s.Ird aq? uojI] uo-t-+tcTullllltuoc V Esrcoiiru{ 't 'eue6uTT-rng g:o .,{11C ai{? .ro] uref,Eord lueuaao:dtu1 1e1tde3e 6uru:ac,;o3 uoa+Epua{uoca.r s1T lTuqas JalJPa.rali? pue dpnls , do issTuruoC EuTuueTd oqf 1e Lr.f TtcunoC Jo lsanbe: eiil pe6paTrrrou{ce I9b{ 'LZ aa.at pa?ep 'uoras}unxo3 6uruu€Td oqf uo.IJ uoTleoTurruiror V 668,, ,'IV'tlgOEaI,INEWSAOUdIT{I TV,IIdVC' L 300 Planning eommission" was given itsof Councilman Johnson, seconded by ord.inance passed its second readingfollowing vote: second, reading and upon motion Councilman Morgan, said and was adopted by t}re Ayes : Counci lmen : Bl,'rd-Johnson-Martin-Morqan N-oes: Councilmen: llone Absent eouncilman: l,orenz ORD fNANCE lio. 740 "An Ordinance Adding Section 1_22L.lS to tleord=ir1r-;E...G-" the city of aurlingime providigg for stop Signson Carolan Avenue at t?, e fntersection of Broadway" lras giv-n its second. reading and on motion of Councilman Morgan, seconded by Council-man Martin, said ordinanee pasEed its second reading a;dwas adopted by tle follomi.ng vote: Ayes: Counci.lmen: Byrd-Jolnson-Martin-MorganNoes: Couneilnren: None Absent Counci-Imen: Lorenz REAPPOINTI\,IENTS TO COMMISSTON Mayor Byrd submitted the following, names for reappointment to thevarious Commissions and confirmed by the Council: PLAr\NI\rG W. E. Diederichsen, E. RECREATION Moore, E. L. Norberg Ed Arnold, Margery lierrick PARK Mrs. Henry Boos, W. E. Chambliss T'NFINISHED BUS INESS 1. L36I-L962 FISCAL YEAR BIJDGET RESOLUTION NO 38-61 "Adopting Budget of the City of Burlinqame Forthe Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1952" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Jolnson. seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimouslyacarried on ro11 eall. 2. TA)( RATE 1961=1962 RESOLUTION NO. 39-61 "Fixi.n g Tax Eate for the City of Burlingame Forofthe Fisca1 Year 1961-1962" was introduced for passage on motion Couneilman Morgan, secondedby Councilman JohnEon and unanimouslycarried on roll call - 3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AI{NUAL CONTRACT RESOLUTION NO. 40-61 "Authorizin g the Execution of Contract With Chadbgof Comrnerce, l96L-1962" was introdueed for passage on motj-on of Councilman Morgan, seconded by Councilman JohnEon and unanimouslycarried on ro11 call - 4 SUBDWIS TON III,PROVEMENT (Bearint eroperty) fhe City Attorney advi.sed that no reply has been received from the attorney representing Dr. and Urs. B. I. Bearint to tris inquiry con- eerning the completion of a busdivision intprovement and the litiga- tion pending ilevelopment of the property. lt the request of the City Attorney, Council concurred rri th l-"is recommendation t]:at he be authorized to proceed. with the matter at his iliEcretion. MAYoR BYRD RE: CONFERENCE OF GOVERNMENTS I{ayor Byrd con ference spoke briefly on his attendance of Governments in l,Iasl ington D. at the recent International C. and ?,is conference witt 301- I\-,layor Ayoub ltusaIlam of Bethle]em. 'Jordan, wl^o proposed that tt e city of Burlingame become a sister eity to the Clty of Bethlehem. Mayor Byrd advised that Mr. !tusallam will be in tle vicinity of San Eranciseo in tle near future and requested approval to extend an invitation to the Mayor of Bethlelem to address a special eouncil meeting. Councilman t{organ moved that the Council concur with tl':e riequest of tle Chair, -seconded by Couneilman Martin and unanimously carried. COLINC ILIIAIJ tlORGAl{ RE: SALARY INCREASES councilman ltlorgan, cormnenting on the action taken by council inestablisling wage inereases {or the 1951-1962 period. adrrised of his interest in continuing to subscribe to the action of the Llorth County Council of Citiesr stating tlat he has, however. "1on9radvocated tlat Bu.rlingane and San Hateo, so far as duties of depart- ment are concerned, are entitled to the same wage. " Observingi the difference in salaries between the two cities andthat "it costs more to live in Burlingame than in San llateo" councilman lltorgan further expresged the hope that through conferenceswith the North County Council of Cities, the uniform salary scledule may be equalized to the wage level of the City of San Mateo. COI'NC IIN,NN JOI]NSON C OI{UE }:11I S Councilman Johnson reported on her recent attendance, asrepresentative, at the ground-breaking eeremonies of the Turek-lteck Frozen Eood plant and tle Burlingame Auxiliary Benefit Bicycle game. a Council new Fi reman councilman Johnson advised that she had been notified by the BurlingameArt Association of its intenti.on to conduet an art exhibit at the Post Office in Septeniber. D ISCUSS rON R.E : USE OE ART D ISPL,AY EQUIPMEI.jT Councilman B urlingarEplans of a conduct an Morgan advised tlat at a reeent luncheon meeting of the Chardber of Corurterce. he was appraised of the tentative committee of the Dovrn Town Merclrants Association to art exhibit in the FaI1. A discussion arose on the use of art display equipment propertl, oftle City in storage at Bekins, by private enterprises on a feerental basis. Ihe City Manager was requested Bekins to take material out of equitable fee to be levied for equ ipment . to ascertain the fees clarged b..,r storage to thereafter determine antlre use of the city-owned art ADJOI'RNI,IENT There being no further business, the neeting was regularly adjournedat 10:O0 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Clerk APPROVED: ANDREW C. BYRD, MAYOR M /).;,11,2-6o'J,r".l-