HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.11.07133 Br.u.1ingame, Novemben Callfornla7, 1962 CALL TO CRDER A Speclal Meeting of the Burllngane above glven date. Meetlng cal1ed to Lor.enz ln the Chalr. PLEME OF ALTEGIANCE Clty Council was order at B: O0 p. held on the m. , - Mayor: At wond from the Chair, aI1the Pledge of Aliegiance to anose and gave ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Crosby- John s on- Lore nz -Mar t l-n-Mor"ganAbsent - Councilmen: None BIIRLINGAi.IE AREA OFF.STREEII PARKING DTSTRICT Mayor Lorenz announced that the meetlng had been scheduled to glve conslderatlon and study to the evldence presented at previous heanlngs on the fonmatlon of Burlln.came Avenue Area Parklng Distrlct No. 1 and to take necessar.y action to make changes and modiflcations ln the pnoJect as may be nesolved by Councll. ln the Council Chamben the F1ag. CouncLlman llar"t ln I Councll}lalson member to the Parking Commlttee, was invlted by tire Chalr to conduct the meetlng. Actlng Chairman l4artln questloned whe the r ttre Cltyrs commltment toald ln the flnanclng of th.e pr.oposed Dlstrlct may be amended du:.ing the course of consLder.atlon and s tudy. Mr. Kenneth Jones, nepresenting the 1aw form of wllson, Har:zfeld, Jones and Morton, Attorneys f or.the Dlstnict, advlsed that Mr'. Wllson, on a pr.lor occasion, lndtcatedthat the Cltyrs comml tment can be changed; however, the Clty has arrstrong mo-a1rr responslblllty to fu1f111 lts obllgatlon. DEI,ETION OF PROPERTIES In neply to Councllman l,lantlnrs lnqulny, Mr. Jones stated that if pr"opentles ar.e deleted fnom the Dlstrict, a hear.ing ls nequlred on ihe-basLs of evaluating the effect sald deletlon bears on-the rrbalance[ of the Dlst::lct; 1f no effect is created, a hearlng ls not requfued. (A)CHAPIN AVENIIE (LOT B) Questlons were ralsed by Council concer"ning theof the Dlstrlct and the reduction in the total should Chapin Avenue propertles be deleted. effe ctcost of on the remaindenthe Dis tr^lct Mn. Van Zandtr.Englneen for the Project, estimated that the reductlon on the renalnlng parcels would approx imaLe 74 pgr assessed valuation and approximatefy' l!il+OTOOO.OO or'irre total coit- $t,Bl+8rOoo.oO; lf two lots ar.e retained on Chapin Avenue, the Lncrease would approximate lBy', per sssessed valuatlon. Mn. Jones advised th,t the lnclusion of the Chapln Avenue lots w111 benefit Burllngame Avenue; 1f the 1.ots are to be excluded, a heaning should be conducted on behalf of the Burlincame Avenue property owners. 1,1n. Van Zandt observed that a fifty-one percent protest had been recelved from Chapln Avenue property owners and the remaining fourty- n!.ne percent should bo glven an oppontunity to be heard. A po11 of the Council lndl-cated that a hearing on the lssue atlng Chapin Avenue propertles was deslrable. Mayo:r I-.orenz fnom votlng on the motlon. of ellmln- abstalned REF'ERENCE TO CTTY CC}IIJITTI,1E}IT TO D]SPTCT ail+ Mr. Jones advised that a Resolution shal-1 be prepared by hts office,setting forth the -necessary 1ega1 action provldlng fo:: a hear:lngon the change and/or rnodification of Chapin Avenud propertles. PREPARATION OF RESOLUTION The lssue was referred to lhl. Jo resolutLon of hearing and Mr. Vasubstitute parcel and if success pr.opos ed Resolution of hearlng. for inclusion wi thin andt was requested to , that it be neferred l'{r. Jones advlsed that the proposed pedestnian walkway on Burllngame Avenue ls not vital to the Dlstnlct and 1t was unnecessary to lncludeIt withln the Resolutlon providlng for a hear"Lng. At the request of l{ayon Lorenz, the subject of determining whe thento lnclude or exclude the walkway r{ras referred to Mr. Jones to belncluded ln the Resolution of hearing. 1 LOfS WEST SIDE EL CAMTNO REAL (LOT H) Reference was made to the curnent construction of an apartment ontwo of the fou:: lots proposed fon the P:rking Dlstrlct on the westside of EI Camino Real and the necessity of acqulrlng an alternate 1o ca t 1on. nes NZ ful the proposed locate ato ln the 4.(Lor K) There belng no objectlcns, Lot K, comprlsing two lots on El Camlno Real , f onmerly ref erred to as the ltGrey fuopert ies rr was perml ttedto remaln within the proposed Distnlct. 5.PRII\MOSE RCAD PR OPERTIES (LOT J) Counci.lman l,lorgan expressed the opinlon that lt would be unwlse todestroy the comraerclal property in the Primose Road area, suggestlngthat the pub1lc wonks bulldlng, the vacated pollce squad room endpollce shed be removed and the vacant property be utill-zed ln conJunctlon with the cument parking 1ot for an adequate faclllty fon panklng Councilman Lorenz, Councilman Johnson and Councilman Cnosby spokeln favor of providlng panklng in thls particular area. I{r. Jones was instnucted, however, to lnclude the propertles ln the Resolution provldlng for a heaning. 6. HOWARD tsUTCK BUTLDTNG The lssue on whether to include the Howard vrith the 1ot on Lorton Avenue, was ref emedlnclusion 1n the Resolution of hearlng. Buick building, toge therto Mr. Jones fon 7.DEPOT HOTEL ON CAL]FORNIA DRI\TE There being no objectlon, the Depot Hotel property on CalifornLa Drive was permitted to nenaln withln the proposed Dlstrict. B.LOTS SCUTH HOWARD AVENI'E BETWEEN PRI}MOSE.PARK (LOT G ) Ther:e being no objection, lots between south of Howard Avenue, were permltted proposed Dlstnlct. o LCNS ON PARK RO,{D AND LORTON AVENI'E (LOT T) Primrose and Pank Roads, to remain withln the Mr. Jones advised thqt the protest received Ackley on Park Road, may be considered on a and a hearing held at a later date cn the t establishlng this rela tionship. fnom Jrs . Manle S trumrr1lf e es tate baslstt erms of an agreement 13s 10. GRANT SWEET PROPEETY ON LORTON AYENIIE Mr. Van Zandt was nequested to br.lngto deleting Lot 16 and includlng Lotlots owned by Grant Sweet et aI. 1n th a reconrnendatlon wlth respectwith Lot 15, tbe latter two Mr. Jones was of he ar.lng. nequested to lnclude the properties ln the Resolution 11. LOTS ON DONNELLY BACKING TMIO BI,,ELTNGAI,IE ATENIIE Dlscusslon on the incluslon of the Whtpple 1ot on Donnel-1y Avenueinto the Distrlct was contlnued to a future date. 12. LOTS NORTH SIDE DON};ELLY AVENUE No action was requLred with respect to the inchulon of lots on theno::th slde of Donnelly Avenue lnto the Parking Dlstrict. t?. BELLEVUE A1IENIIE LOTS CALIFORNIA DRTVE AND BELLEVIIE A'TENUE At the r:equest of Councll, all lots on Bellevue Avenue were referredfor. lncluslon ln the proposed Resolutlon of heanlng. It was pointed out that the pnotest of the Stelnbeck properties may be.considered on a nllfe estate basis.n 1l+. Recommendatlon was made to re-draw the boundary llnes to exclude Pnohme property on Bellevue Avenue fron the Dlstrlct (proposed f rezonlng at a later date) and the natter to be lncluded ln the Resolutlon of hearlng. 'rC . BORDEN COMPANY PROPERTY Sever"al points ar:ose with. respect to the Borden Companyls property proposod for the Dlstr"ict: (a) whethen to delete or incl ude the pnoperty and (b) lf the property remalns within the Dlstnictr to determlne the amount of panklng credlts to be a11owed. The subJect wasof hearing. nefemed to }lr. Jones for' lncluslon in the Resolutlon 16. WURLTTZER REQUEST FOR CREDITS ADJOIIRNI.,IENT Fo11owlng a brlef resume glven by M:r. Jones on the Iega1 pnoceedings with respect to the hearlng on deletlons and amendments, the maillng and publlcation nequlrements, the meetlng was regular'1y adjourned to Thunsday, Novemben 15, 1962, at which time a Resolution of Hear"ing, to be prepared by the Attorr:eys for the Dlstrlct, sha11 be available for Councll actlon. The nequest of Mn. Ralmund B. was r.eferred to Mr. Jones for" Wurll"tzer" for addltlonal p*king credltslncluslon ln the Resolution of hearing. At for entatlve hearlng on provlslons withln the Resolution was scheduled Decemben 5, a962. Respectful).y sutxni tted , APPROVED: Pro tempore RBERT K. WHITE, Ctty Clerk )