HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.11.18363 Burlingame, Novedber Cal ifornia 18, 1963 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF AI,LEGIANCE At word from the Chair, Pledge of Allegiance to ROLI CALL all in the Council the Flag. Chambe r arose arnd gave the Cro sby-Diederich sen-ceorge-Johnson-Uart in. None submitted to Councilman Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: lFhe minutes of the regular meeting, November 4, L963, submitted to Council, were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman George. Ihe minutes of the adjourned meeting of November 6, 1963, Council were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Crosby, seconded by Councilman George. A. R. CARPENTER VARIAI{CE IIEARING CONTINUED lrhe Chair announced that this was the time and place scheduled to eontinue a public hearing on the appeal of I{rs. Edwin J. Irlar j.no, 750 Walnut Avenue, to rescind tlre action of the Planning Comnission approving a variance granting Ur. A. R. Carpenter permission to erect an additj.on to his apartrnent building on proposed zoned R-1, on Willow Avenue and the El Camino Real. fhe City Planner, at the request of the Chair, advised that subsequent to the continued hearing on Novetriber 4, 1963, conferences have been held bet\reen Mr. Carpenter, the applicant, the Building Department and the Fire Department, the number of units have been reduced and as a result of a suggestion made at the last meeting, an investigation has been conducted on widening a portion of WiIIow Avenue intersecting the E1 Camino Real . The City Planner advised that in his opinion, it is the area by removing an existing tree or by trimming limbs and by relocating a power pole and a mailbox. feasible several to widen of its The City Engineer advised that a telephone conference with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company indicates that the utility pole may be relocated at a cost app rox imat i-ng $600.OO, with the Telephone Company possibly relocating its telephone cables at a similar expenditure. A conununication was acknowledged from !tr. Carpenter, dated Novedber 18, 1963, notifying Council of his submission of a final drawing, shor^ring the use proposed for Lot No- 2I (Zoned R-1) and drawing the attention of Council to the following: That the use proposed for Lot 21 will provide parking for new units in addi.tion to whidr the existing substandard parking shall be brought to code requirernents byproviding thirty-four additional parking spaces i 2 A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. lteeting called to order at 8:00 p.m., - Mayor Johnson in the Chair. MIT{IUTES PREVIOUS MEETINGS 1. Ttrat the proposed addition is contained entirely within the confines of the existing apartment zoned property t 364 3. That the propo sed nel, addition shall be three; two stories j-nstead of the originally 4. That the pool has been eliminated; attractively landscaped and duplex and Lots 2l and 22 sha1l be and sheds on Lot 21 demolished; 5 Mr. the Ihat the existing building shall be brought up to present code standards. Carpenter verbally advised that his main property and the nelghborhood outlook as objective is to improve a whole. Questioned by Councilman Crosby, l,!r. Carpenter advised that the expenditure necessary to widen the Willow Avenue intersection is economically not feasible, that his plans sha1l eliminate existing substandard parking conditions and shall produce fifty-two parking spaces for a total of thirty-seven apartments. Ihere being no further cotmnents from proponents either verbally or received in writing, the Chair invi-ted opponents to speak. Mr. A. c. Westcott, President, Burlingame Suburban Protective Association, referred to his communication to Council, dated October 7, L963, written to object to the variances approved by the Planning Commission. Mr. Westcott urged Council to consider and to discuss the legal aspects with respect to "lot coverage" requirements and " eonditicrs necessary to the granting of variances, " advising that his objections were not personal in nature, but based upon hi.s opinion that a precedent would be established, the problem of off-street parking and traffic in the area would increase, creating further neighbor- hood inconveniences and that the ovrne rs of private residences adjoining the property or within the area are entitled to protection against encroachment into R-l areas. In conclusion, lt1r. Westcott urged Council to give consideration to the communications and petitions on file in opposition to the grantinq of the variances. In reply to inquiries of ljlr. Westcott concerning the legality of Council to deviate from the zoning laws of the City, the City Attorney explained that the Council, at its discretion, may vary the application of the zoning, provided, upon investigation, it is determined that a "hardship" exists. In reply to inquiries from Councilman llartin requesting a clarification on the number of units nohr proposed from those originalJ-y proposed, the City Planner advised that he has not reviewed the revised building plans submitted by the applicant on this occasion to the members of the Council . !1r. Carpenter advised that he vas notified by the Fire Inspector that a three storied structure arould not be acceptable unless a sprinkler system was installed and in order to reduce the cost of the proposed addition and the removal of the duplex, the height was lessened to two stories, six units on each floor and combined with the existing twenty-five units, the project would result in a thirty-seven unit apartment. Mr. Carpenter advised that the proposed addi.tion meets code require- ments with reapect to 1ot coverage, the use proposed for Lot 21 sha1l accomtrodate parking spaces as required by the ordinance and the revised plan is similar to that originally submitted to the PJ.anning Conunission. 36s Further discussion raised the point that the plans have been revised sufficiently to justify their resubmission to the Planning Commissj.on. A motion was introduced thereafter by Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried, that the current plans be submitted to the Planning Conmission for review and reconunendation to the City Council and that the hearing before the Council on the subject be continued to January 6, L964. Bids for the proposed sewage Treatment Plant Additions (Job 63-34) advertised per legal notification, hrere received, opened at 10:00 on this date and deelared as follows: as 4.m., Harry Lee Pluttibing 132 7 No. Caro]-an Burlingarne, california $16, 880 . oo C. N. Peterson Company 2830 Ninth Street Berkeley 2, California s77,464.OO S&QConstructionCo. 48 So. Linden Avenue south san Francisco, California $25,22O.OO Engineer' s Estimate $20, 00o.00 A recotnmendation from the city Engineer that the bid of the lowest responsible bidder, Harry Lee Plumbing be accepted was concurred in by Council and RESOLUTION NO. 92-63 "Awardin g to Harry Lee, Elizabeth Lee and l,torris P. Earlick Contract for Sewage Treatment Plant Additions Reference: 63-34" ($16,880.O0) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unan- imously adopted upon RoIl call of members. ltle City Manager advised that a revocable permit will require the Contractees to maintain that portion of the roadaay beyond the Sewage Treatment P1ant. Speaking on the latter point, the City Attorney commented upon circum- stances whereby the new dump contract and the use and maintenance of the roadway were consi.dered simultaneously, advising that the two issues should be resolved independently. Follo$ring considerable discussi.on wherein members of the Council took cognizance of the recent improvement to the appearance of the dump area and the long delay in negotiating an appropriate contract, Councilman George moved that the figure of $77,5OO.00 be accepted as the point whereby the City shall start to receive twenty percent of the gross dump revenue and tl.at the City Attorney prepare the necessary legislation for council action at the next regular meeting. Tlte motion was seconded by Councilroan crosby and unanimously carried. BIDS - SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT ADDITIONS COMMIiNICATIONS 1. NEW DUII'IP OPERATION CONTRACT A communication from the city Manager, dated Novedber 15, 1963, reported on a proposed revised duirp operational contract and advised that the Contractees have substantially agreed on all phases, with one exception: that the City shal1 receive twenty percent of the dump receipts over and alrove a gross revenue of $77,500.00 rather than a gross revenue figure of $65,O00.0O as previously requested by the City. 2. " STACKING LA}IE'' CAIIFORNIA DRIVE 366 A corununication from the City l{anager, dated Novedber 15, 1963, advised that the Health, Safety and Traffic Comoission has requested that a "stacking lane" be installed on California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue. The cornrnunication further advised that the City Engineer has estimated that the lane will cost approxj.mately $2,500.00 and in view of the intention of the City to widen california Drive from Oak crove Avenue to Burlingame Avenue next year, it was reconrnended that the project be delayed . The City llanager suggested that preli:ninary negotiations proceed with the San Francisco Water Department to obtain a permit to construct the widening of the entire street. Councilman Martin moved that the City Uanage r be authorized to proceed with negotiations as recotnmended, seconded by Councilnan Cros\r and unanimously carried. Trhe City !{anager was requested to so notify the Health, Safety and Traffic Corunission of the action taken brlz Council. A communication from the City llanager, dated November 15. 1963, advised that the F. D. Sperry Company has satisfactorily completed all require- ments of plans and specifications for the Disposal Plant Road Improve- ments and recommended that the project be accepted as complete. RESOLUTION NO. 93-63 "Acc epting Ylork of Construction of Disposal Plant Road Improvements alob No. 60-20" was introduced I Councilman Martin who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoII CaII of members. A conununication from the Burlingame Ctrar:iber of Com[erce, dated Nove ber 6, L963, suggesting that the city of Burlingame adopt "Courtesy Citations" Programs in connection urith parking meters and as in effect in other California cities, was acknowledged, its contents noted and the City lqanager thereafter requested to refer the subject to the Parking Conunission. RESOLUTIoN NO. 94-63 "Orderin g Destruction of Noxious and Dangerous Weeds and Rubbi sh a Nuisance in the City of Burlingame" was j.ntroduced by Councilman cro sby who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman George and unanirnously carried upon RolI Call of members. CAIIFORNIA DRIVE STREET LIGTITING PROJECT 3. DISPOSAT PLANT ROAD ACCEPTD 4. " COURTESY CITATIONS " RESOLI.':TIONS Ihe Engineer presented his report made pursuant to Division 4 of the Streets and Highways Code. flle report contained a map or diagram showing the general nature, location and extent of the proposed improvements and the lands to be assessed, the total esti-urated cost of the proposed improvements, the assessed value of each parcel of land to be assessed, the total assessed value of the improvements on all parcels, the total true value of the lands to be assessed, the estimated amount of the assessment for the proposed improvements to be levied upon each parcel of land to be assessed and a copy of the Resolution of Preliminary Determination. After consideration by the Council the report was ordered placed on file. REsOLUfIoN No. 95-63 "A Resolution Preliminarily Approving Engineer's Report aad Fixing Time and Place of Ilearing Ihereon, Under Division 4 of the streets and Ilighway s code, California Drive Street Lj-ghting 367 Project" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman llartin, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried upon RoIl CaIl of meribers . RESOLUTION NO. 96-63 "A Resolution of Preliminary Approval of Engineer's Report California Drive Street Lighting Project" was introduced for passage upon motion of Councilman lr{artrn, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanjmously adopted upon Roll Ca11 of members. RESOLUTION NO. 97-63 "A Resolution Establishing Prevailing Wage Scale California Drive Street Lighting Project" was introduced upon motion of Councilman Martin who moved its passage, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Roll Call of medbers. RESOLUTION NO. 98-63 "A Resolution Appointing Time and Place of Hearing Protests in Relation to Proposed Improvements and Directing Notice California Drive Street Lighting Project" vras introduced for passage upon motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call of members. RESOLU:IION NO. 99-63 "A Resolution Cal-lin g for Sealed Proposals California Drive Street Lighting Projeet" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman lrlartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call of members. RESOLUTTON NO. 100-63 "Approving Final Irlap Entitled 'Mills Estate No. 23 Burlingame, San llateo County, California' and Directing Execution of Agreement to Construct Public Improvements" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman tlartin and seconded by Councilman crosby. A discussion arose on a point raised by the City Ivlanager concerning an understanding with Eichler Homes, Inc., that the grading of the park site sha1l be in conformance with Sketch presented by the Nolte Construction Company, project engineers. I{r. ,James Roemer, representing the subdivider, advised t}rat ences with the Park Superintendent, the grading of the park changed and thereafter confirmed that an agreement was made grading as reconunended. in confer- site was to provide fhe suggestion of the City indicated thereon and prior concurred in by Council and unanimously adopted. Engineer that the grading as proposed be to the filing of the Improvement P1ans was RESOLUTION NO- 100-63 \^ras thereafter RESOLUTION No. 101-63 "Acce pting crant Deeds to Lots 15, 16 and 17, Block 41 and Lot 1, Block 43, Mills Estate No. 23" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman lrlartin, seconded by Councilman crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoIl Call of members. Councilman llartin house site deeded commented upon to the City by Councilman Martin suggested that Commi ssion, in conflict with the the acquisition of a park and a fire Eichler llomes, Inc. an ordinance proposed by the Parking current ordinance setting forth parking PARKING COMMISSION ORGANIZATIONAJ, REPORT Councilman uartin, Counci]. off-street Parking District liaison, reported on the organizational meeting of the new Parking Conunission, wherein it was suggested that the improved lots adjacent to ard across from the city ltall be maintained unmetered, that a t\ro hour parking limitation be established and that said lots be closed and chained between the hours of 2 a.m. , and 9: 3O a.m. 368 regulations be again referred to the Parking Conunission for further study, with a request that the members consider and thereafter recornnrend whether the current "one hour" parking limitation imposed on lots between Thanksgiving and Christmas should be enforced. Following a brief discussion, the City Attorney was requested to confer with the Parking Commission on appropriate anendments to the Parking Ordinance . Ihree offers to se1l lots to the Parking District, as submitted to Council in a memo from the City tlanager, dated Noverdber 15, 1963, were referred to the Parking Comrnj.ttee for recotunendation and report to Council at the next regular meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1. BEARINT ITiIDUSTRIAL PARK Tlhe City Attorney advised that his office has no report on the current status of the Bearint Industrial Park. 2. RECREATION DEPARTI{ENT ACCOI'NTING 3. BAYSWATBR AVENUE IUPROVEIT{EMT Ihe City Engineer reported that delays have been encountered in the Bayswater Avenue improvement project due to the necessity to install catch basins and inlets at street intersections and was thereafter requested by Council to publieize the reasons for the delay in the completion of the proj ect. WEED ABATE}4ENT PROGRAM Verbal protests on "weed Abatement" charges appearing on the current tax bil1s of the City were received by council from the following property owners: I{r. Duncan Beardsley, 1229 Cabrillo Avenue, L. E. Bov!'er, 1337 cabrillo Avenue, Ur. E. F. Iso1a, 2461 Poppy Drive and E. C. Fichtner, 1334 Bonito Avenue. Ihe City Engineer, tabulating the complaints, advised that his office shall investigate and report to Council at the next meeting. Irlayor Johnson announced receipt of a telephone call frorn I{r. A. Grundy, suggesting that Noveriber 19, 1963, be recogrnized as the Anniversary of the Lincoln Gettysburg Mdress. w. s- 100th Ihe Chair announced receipt of an inquiry the Health, Safety & Traffic commission in created Parking Commission. concerning relat ion the status of to ttre newly During the brief discussion, it was pointed out that neither conmission is delegated with " adrninistrative power" and any and all corq)laints with respect to traffic or parking problems should be referred to the City ltanager and/ ot the Police Department. Ttle City Ivlanager was requested to submit a report to Council on the current status of the Recreation Department with respect to its accounting proeedure, rentals and fees. NEW BUSINESS 1. ANNIVERSARY " GETTYSBURG ADDRESS " 2. STATUS OF TRAFFIC-PARKING COMI\,IISSIONS 369 3. SOCIAL SECURITY- RETIREIIIEhIT SYSTEM The City Irlanager was requested to submit a report to Council on the " integration" of Social Security with the California State Retirement System. 4. COMMISSION EXPIRATION DATES 1rhe Chair announced that the terms of two medbe rs of the Civil Service Comnission shall soon expire and names should be sutunitted to the City [anager. 5. COI'NCIL-MAYOR DINNER I{EETING Irhe Chair announced that the Council-Ivlayors dinner meeting has been scheduled Nove ber 22, 1963, Villa Chartier at 7:3O p.m. 6. BAY AREA WELFARE PLANNING FEDERATION A brochure entitled "Recommended Policy on Recreation Areas" submitted through the Bay Area welfare Planning Federation was acknowledged and placed on file. In compliance with a request from the County llanager that Council nominate a member of its Board to serve on a "Greater Highways Comnittee" Councilman Diederichsen was appointed to represent the City of Burlingame. ACKNOWLEDGMEMTS t'he Chair acknowledged the presence of students members of several City Connissions and minutes Park Comnissions. from llills High School, from the Recreation and CIAIR REPORTS llayor Johnson gave a brief report on her attendance at the Burlingame- San Mateo Optonists Club's presentation of awards to outstanding students, the reopening of the Garden Cafe, the opening of the new Alexander Beauty Salon, the organizational meeting of the Exchange Club of Burlingane, a service club, and an all-day San llateo County Symposium, Hyatt House. WARRANTS Ii{ONTH OF NOVEMBER Claims, Nos. 705-9O0, in the total amount of $134,44A.70, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, councilman Ittartin and unani.mously earried. duly audited, seconded \z PAYROLL APPROVAL MONTH OF OCTOBER October payroll \^,arrants, Nos. 4586-5053, in the total amount of $108,320.07 were approved on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George and unanjmously carried. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularJ.y adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted. (' APPROVED: L-ul*'b4.2,""/ CHARTOTTE JOHNSON, MAYOR HERBERT K. fiHITE, CITY CI,ERK 7. COT'NC IIN,IAN DIEDERICIISEN TO HI GIIWAY COMI,IITTEE