HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1960.02.0163 Burllngane, Callfornla February 1, 1960 CALL TO ORDER A regular meetlng of the Bunllngame Clty Councll was he lcl above glven date. l{eotlng called to order at 8!O5 p.n., Pro Tenopore Thayer 1n the Chalr. on tho - Mayor PLIDGE OF' ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chalr a1l ln the Councll Chanberthe Pledge of A).leglance to the F1ag. arose and gave ROLL CALL Present - Councllnen: Byrri-Mongan-Rooth-fhayer Absent - Counetlmen: Johnson Mayor Johnson, absent b€cause of lllness, was excused on motlon of Councl.lman Rooth and aoconded by Counellman Byrd. MTNIITES PRETIOUS MEETT$G The minutos of th€ prevlous meetlng of January 18, 1960, asmlttetl to Councll were unanlmousLy approved and adopted onof Councl,lman Byrd and seconded by Councllman }i[organ. sub - motl on COMI.IUNICAT I OIIS 1. RECREATION CEN1ER ADDITTON PI,A.NS A}ID SPECIFICATIOI{S A comrnrnlcat I on dated January 29, 1960, was read fron th6 City Managen, advlslng that [t:. Enlc Ho1m, Archltect, has completed, theplans and speclflcatlons for the addltlon to the Recreatlon Cent€r and that the Recreatlon Commlsslon has reconmended. approval. Tho Clty Menagen neconmonded that the Councll, upon lts revLe$,authorLzo that blds bo atlvertlsed for oponing Manch 4, 196O, andpresented to Counc11, Manch 7, 1960, for acc€ptance. In the ensuing discusslon, membens of th6 Councll suggested thatthe plans and spoclflcatlons be revlewed by the Clty Engineer andthe Bulldlng fnspector, and to f urther: extend tho courtesy of nevlewlng th6 plans to the Senlon Cltlzens onganlzatlon. Councilnan Morgan moved that actlon on the epproval of the plans and speclflcatlons be postponed untLl the next negular meetlng, Febnuary 15, 1960, seconded by Councllman Rooth and carrled. The Ctty ldanager vras theneaften requested to ilhect the attentlonof the abovenentloned end othen lntenested pantlos tci ths proposodplans for th6 eddltton to the Recreatlon Centor. 2. PROTESTS OI{ PARKT}IG LTMTTATIO}I ON CALIFORNIA DRTVE A corumnlcatlon deted January 29, 1960, florn the Clty Maneg6r,advlsed that protests have beon recelved from merchants on CallfornleDrlv€ protestlng tho ellnlnatloa of pa::klng on Callfornla Drlve between PaIn Drlve ald Bar oadray between 4 p.n. and 6 p.m. The Clty ]danag€r recommended that the subJect bo ro turned to thoIlealth, Safety & Trafflc Commlsslon, dlrectlng that a hearlng b6 conducted and requestlng that spoclal conslderatlon be gLven to theeffect such llmLtation may lryoso upon buslnesses ln that partlcular vi c lnity. There bolng no obJectl-ons, the Clty Manager sas lnstructed to sonotlfy the Health, Sefoty & Trafflc CommLsslon and that a nepontb6 submitted to Councll at the conclusLon of lts flndlngs. 64 0x 3. SOUTIiERN PACIFIC COUPANY SPI'R TRACK APFROVM A communlcatlon dated January 29, 1960, was Manager", advlslng that the Southern Paclflcpe::mLsslon to 1nsta1l a spur track to ser:ve warehouse on Adrlan Road . read fron the Clty Corpany has requestedthe A. B. Chance The Clty Managor aclvlsod f ur.ther that the request has been ::evlewed by the Clty Engineer and ttre necessary penmlt docu- ments requlrlng th6 lnstallatlon and mslntonance of warnlngslgns lncorporated ther.eln. ft was the recomnendatlon of thoClty Manager that tho permlt be appnoved. Councll concurred and. RESOLUTfOI{ NO. 6-60 rrAuthorlzi ng the Executlon and Issuance of a Pernlt to the Southern Paclflc Company, a Corporation, to Construct and operate a Dr1Il Track and Spur Track Across Davld Boadn was lntnoduced. for passago onmotlon of Councllrnan ]vlorgan, seconded by Councllman Byrd and. unanlrnously canrlod on roll cel1 vote of members. 4. REPoRT 0N HIRING B$GINEERTNG FIRM RE: 0FF-STRffiT PARKING A meno to Councll froa the Clty Managen, d.ated Januar:y 29, 1960, advlsecl that several flrns have been consulted relative to pro-vldlng pnofesslonal ser:vlces to asslst ln establlshlng a curnentoff-street patrklng surv€y, analysls and report 1n conJr:netlonwith the settlng up of off-Street Parking Dlstnlcts and uponrecelpt of theln respectlve proposltlons, a report shaI1 be Eubmltted to Councl l. RESOLUTTONS RESOLUTIOI.I U0. 4-6Q rOrdenlng and Ca1llng a lfuniclpal ElectlonEo-E6-EeIA-ffi'Tffi1ty of Buillngame on .[pn11 ]-2, i96o; provldlng Votlng Places and Deslgnatlng Electlon Offlcersr was lntr:oducedfor passago on motlon of Councllnen Morgan, seconded by Councllman BJrrd and unanlmously canrled on ro11 call. vote of n€mbers pnesent. RESOLUTfON N0. 5-60 nA Resolutlon o f the Clty Councll of the Clty Smlth of Tr:oop Number 27 otof Burllngarne C omrE 1ng Donnls 0. Burllngame fon 0btalnlng the Boy Scoutsr Eagle Award.rr was intno- duced fon passage on motlon of Councilman Morgan, seconded by Councllman Byrd and unanlnously carrl€d on ro11 call of membe!:s present . It was recornn€nded that a copy of Resolutlon l{o. 5-6Or bearlngthe slgnatures of tLre nembens of the Council be forwarded to Dennis 0. Smlth. oED INANCES - fntroductlon of: ORDINANCE N0. 7O9 rAn ordlnance Ca11 lng a Speclal Eleetlon ln theClty of Burl lngame For: t he Purpose of Subolttlng to the Electorsof Sald Clty Certaln Proposltlons for Incurrlng a Bondod fndebted- n€ss of Satd Clty for tho Acqulsltlon, Constnuctlon and Completlonof Certaln Munlclpal fmp:rovements ln Separato Groups, Each Group Includlng only one 0bJect; Consolldatlng Sald Munl clpal Electlonwlth the ceneral Munlclpal Electlon to b6 EeIcI ln Sald Clty on Apr"l1 12, 1960; Flxlne the Date of Sald Special Electlon; hovidlngfor the L{ann6r of Eoliilng the Sano; and Provldlng for Notlco Theneoftr and set forth 1n fu1I as follows: nWhoroa s, the Clty Counell of the Clty of Burllnganre by rosolutlon passed and adopted. at a rogu)-ar meetLng of s ald Clty Councll on January 18, 1960, by the afflrmatlve voto of moro than two-thlrilsof at1 lts members, dld dete::mlno that the publlc lntorest and necesslty demanct the acqulsltlon, constructlon and completlon of nunLclpal l mprovo nrents herelnafter" set forth ln sev€ra1 Snoups,each group includlng only one obJect and purpose, and dld further determlne that the cost of sald proposed rnrnlclpal improvoments 65 and aach of thon, and oach group thereof, rlll b6 too gr6at to bs pald out of the ordlnary annua). lnconre and revenue ofgald mmlclpallty and that said acqulsltlons and lmprovonrnts and each of them w111 r.equ fu"e an e:p entllture greater than the amotu:t allored for each theneof by the annual tax levy, and w111 necessltate the lncurnlng of a bonded lntlebtedness, nkrlch resolu-tlon ras duly entered on the m!.nutes of saltl nretlng of sald CouncLl and ls now on flIe and of rocord 1n the offlce of theClty Clerk of sald Cltyi rtd IIIIEREAS, A general Munl clpal Electlon w1II be held 1n sald Cltyof Burllngame on Aprl1 12, 1960; NOW, IIIEREF0RE, the Clty Councll of tho Ctty of Burllngamo doos ordeln as follows: SECTION 1. that a Speclal Munlclpal Eloctlon be, and lt 1s heneby6ffii-l-na dlrected to be held ln sald Clty of Burllngame, on Tuesday, the lZbh day of AprLl, 196O, at whlch electlon shal1 be submlttod to tho quaI1f1ed electors of sald Clty the quostlon of lncurnlng bonded lndebtedness by sald Clty fot, the obJects anal purposes set fonth ln tho followlng proposltlons, Nos. L, 2, 3, and 4, :respectLvely, as follors: PROPOSITION NO. 1 Sha11 the Clty of Br:rllngam lncur a bonded lndebtedness ln thepnlnclpal e mount of $65rO0O.OO ln accor.dance wlth the pnovlslonsof the Ordlnenco calllng the electlon at whlch thls proposltlonls submltted fon the obJect and purpos€ of the constructlon and completlon of a Publlc Works Department bulldlng on property ormedby the Clty of Btrrl lngame; the punchase of furnltura, flxturos snd equlprent necossary or convenlont to furnl sh and equlp tho Publlc Works Depantrnent buLldlng? PROPOSITTON NO. 2 Shall the Ctty of Bulllngame lncur e bonded lndebtedness 1n theprlnclpal amount of $175rOO0.OO Ln accordance rrl th tho provlslonsof the Ordinance ca11lng the electlon at which thLs proposltlonls submltted fo:r the obJect and purpose of the acqulsitlon of realpnoperty erd th6 constnuctlon and conrpletlon thereon, or on roalproporty owned by the Clty of Bunl lngame, of bnanch flre statlonsithe completlon of grading, pavlng and slte preparatlon of any such :real property; the purchase of funnlture and egulpment to f ur.nl sh and equlp the branch flre statlons; the purchase of fh:e apparatus and lts equlpnent; the extenslon of the flro alarn system to tho branch fire statLons; the constructlon and complotlon of a dreftlngplt? PROPOSITION NO. g Shal1 the Clty of Burllngane lncu:r a bonded lndebtedness ln thoprlnc lpa1 amo.rnt of SIgOrOOO.OO ln accordance wlth the pr:ovlslonsof the Ordlnance ca11lng the electlon at whlch ttrls p::oposltlon 18 subrtrlttod fon the obJect and purpose of the acqulsltlon of realproporty and the congtructLon ard completlon thereone or on realproperty onned by the Clty of Burllngamo of a bulldlng to be used as a nunlclpal c ommunlty arb c6nter, together rith furnlture,flxtunos and equlpnrnt and other wonks; property, structu:eg orfacllltles necorrsary on convenlent to the mel-ntenance and operatlonof a m.mlclpal communlty art c6ntor? PROPOSTTION NOO 4 Sha11 the Ctty of Burllngame incun a bonded lndobtedness ln thoprlnclpal a mount of $24O'OOO.OO ln accordanca rvlth the provlslonsof the Ordlnance caIllng the eleetlon at whlch this pnoposltlon 1s submltted fon the obJect and purpose of the acqulsltlon of realproperty and the constnuctlon and completl.on theroonl or on raalproperty owned by the Clty of Bur].lngarc, of a PolLce Depaptment 66 bulldlng; the purchaso of funnitune, f!.xtur6s and equlprent andother wor"ks, property or stl:ucture s necessary on convonlent tofurnLsh and equlp the Pollce Departroont bullding and to sheltenlts autonotlve equLpment? The estlmated cost of the munlclpal acqulsLtlons and lnprovoments,lncludl.ng legal or other fees lncldental to ol' connected wlth theauthorlzatlon, lssuance and sale of bonds, and also lncludlng thecosts of prlntlng bonds ancl other costs and e:qrenses lncldentaLto or connacted wlth the lssuance and sale of bonds, set forth 1n each of sald propositlons, ls nespectLvely as follows: Acqulsltlons and I mprovercent s Estlmated Costs Proposltlon No. I Proposltlon No. 2 Proposltlon l{o. 3 Pr.oposltlon l{o. 4 $ 6srooo.oo 1?5, O0O. OO 19O, OOO.OO 240rOOO.OO TotaL Estlmated Cost of A11 the Forogolng(Pr.oposlttons Nos. l, 2, 5, and 4) $670,000.00 That tho a nDunt of lndebtedness proposed to be lncurned for" the lmprovernent s mentloned ln each of the above-descnlbed proposltlonsls the amount thereln stated, severally and respecttvely, rhlch lmprovements are to be made for the obJocts and purposes thenolnstatsd, severally and rospectlvely; ancl the t,otal anowrt of lnd6btedness to b6 Lncunr"e d. at sald speclal electlon ls and w111be the aggregate of the amornts statod ln all of such proposals rih 1ch are accepted by the voters at said electlon. SECTfo[ 2. That sald Clt y Councll does hereby subrnlt to quaLlflod eTecfois of sald Ctty of Bunllngame at sald Specla1 MunlclpalEloctlon thls Ordlnance and the sal.d proposltlons a ncl each of thems€t forth ln Sectlon t hereof, and. deslgnates and nefers to thls Ordlnance and sald p:roposltlons reapectlvely ln the for.m of ballotherelnafter pr6scrlbed for use at sald Electlon. SaLtt Ctty Councllproposos to issue snd seII sald bonds of Bald Clty of Burllngaro 1n the anounts and fon the obJ€cts and pur?oses spoclfled ln suchof sald Pnoposltlong Nos. L, 2, 3, and 4, upon xhlch two-thlrdaof the quallfled votErs votlng on saLd proposltlons, sevenally and respectlvolye shall vote at sald Speclal Electlon ln favon theroofi and lt Ls funthen ordered that tho pnoceeds from the seJ"e of sald bondg so authorlzed by the voters shal1 be set asLde ln a speclal fund or f und.s, severally and nespectlvely, and the fund s so s6taslde shalI be used solely for the paynent of the cost of the lmpnovernnts speclfled ln each of the proposltlons so accepted and approved by the voters, severally and respectlvely. The bonds soto be lssued sha1l be negotlable ln form, and of the cheracte:r loeouras serlal, and shal1 b6ar lnterest at a rat6 not oxceed.lng slx poncentum (6S) pen annum payable seml-annuelly. SECTION 3. Sald, Iifirnlcl pal Electlon sha11 be held and conducted andEE votes thereof canvasged and the returns thereof nad.e, and tbenesult thereof ascentalned and dete:rmined as he:reln provlded; and 1n all partlculars not descnlbod by the Ordlnance, sald electlonshall be held as provlded by 1aw for the holdlng of MunLcipal Electlons ln sald Clty. SECTIOI{ 4. AT1 persons quallfled to vote at Munlclpal Electlons ln s ald flty of Burllngame upon the date of the electlon hereln pno- vlded for shall bo quallf1ed to vote upon tho aforosald pnoposltlons, and each of them, submltted at sald Speclal Munlclpal Electlon. SECTfoN 5. That sald S peclal l,,lunlclpa1 Electlon hereby ordered and Aal,IEI sEa11 be, and ls heneby, consolldated wlth the generaL Munlclpal Electlon to be h€1d ln sald Ctty of Burllngame onAprll 12, 196O, as requl.red by law and purauant to the resolutlonof the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burl Lngame calllng sald 6l6ctlon and consolldatlng the electlon pneclncts, and the notlces glvEn or to be glven pursuant tha:reto. The pnoclncts, polllng places and offlceis of ihe electlon shal1 be tho same as thoso set forth ln that centaln rosolutlon entLtled Resolution No. 4-6O Orderlng and Ca1llng a Mr:nlclpal Electlon to be held 1n the Clty of -Burlingam€ on Aprtl 12, 1960, for th€ Purpose of Electlng TbJteo Menberi of the Clty Councll; a Clty Clerk and a Clty beesur€ri Provldlng for: the ConsoLldatlon of the Regular Electlon Procincts for Conductlng sald Goneral Mrxrlclpal Electlon; and Flxlng Po}llng -Placea and De;lgnat lng offlcers of sald Goneral Munl clpa1 Electlon.i The aforesald . res olutlon Ls hereby lncorporated herel,n and nads a pant hereof by reference. SECTf Oil 6. The total llmtt of lndebtedness to bo lncLrred by the a( YES NO of Bu:c1lngamo;aff ot! cOn- bulldlng? lssuanco o f the bonds afor€sald shal1 notl ln the aggregate, exceed flfteen p€lr contum (L5/6) ot ttre assessod valuo of all r'eaI and personal property 1n sald Clty of Burll.ngame. SECTIoI{ 7. The ballots to be used at sald Speclal htunlclpal E16ctlon s hal1, ln addltlon to all other natter nequlred by lar, Shall the Ctty of Burllnganre lncur a bonded lndobtedness ln the prlnclpal amount of $65eOOO.0O ln accordance wlth the pnovlslona of the OrdLnanco calllng the electlon at whleh thls proposltion ls subrdtted for the obJect and purposo of the oonstnuctlon and conpletLon of a Publlc Work s Depa:rtment bulldlng on pr:openty orneed by the CIW the purchase of furnlture, flxturos and equlpment necess venlent to furnlsh and equlp the Publlc ltorks DepartlEnt plrFpone.of the acq-rls!.tlon of real property and the constructlon and completlon thereon, or on real property owned by the CLty of Bur l1ngame, of branch fhe statlons; the cornpletlon of gradlng, pavlng and slte preparatton of any such neal propertyi the purchaseof furnlture and equlprent to furnlsh and egulp the branch fLrestatlonsi the purchaso of fltre apparatus and lts equlpment; theextonslon of the flre alarm systen.to the branch fi.ro statlons;the constructlon and conpletlon of a dnaftlng plt? PROPOSITION NO. 5 rES NO Shal1 the Clty.of Burllngame incur a bonded Lndebtsdnessln the prlnclpal amount of $1?5rOOO.Oo tn accordance w1ttho pnovlslons of the Ordlnance calllng the eLectlon at whLch thls p:roposltlon ls subnlttod for the obJect ard Sha1l the Clty of Burl lngame lncur a bonded lndebtednessln the pr1nc1pal arnount of $I9Or0OO.OO ln accordance wlth the pnorrlslons of the Ordlnance caI1lng the eleetlon atvhlch thls pnoposltlon -1s submltted fo:: the obJect and ShalL the Clty of Burl lngame lncun a bondod lndebtodnessln the pninclpal amount of $24orOO0.OO 1n accordance wlththe provlslons of the Ordlnance ca1 llng tho electlon at v*rlch thls proposltlon ls submitted for tho obJect and purposo of th6 acqtrlsltlon of noal property and the constructlon andconpletlon thereon, or on real property onnod by the C!.ty of Bunllngarm, of e bul)-dlr€ to be usod, ag a mrnlclpaL comnunlty artcenter, toBe ther wlth furnih.rr"e, flxtures and equlpr:rent and. other wonks, proporty, structures or facllltlos n€cossary o:: convenientto the maintenance and operatlon of a mrnlclpal comrmnlty ar.t cent6n? PROPOSITTON NO. 4 .T TJJ NO I I I purpose of tha acqulsltlon of noal property arri th6 constructlon andcompletlon thereon, or on roal property ownod by ttre Ctty of Bur'llngsme, of a Po11c6 Department bulldlng; the purchase of fu::n -1ture, flxturos and oqulprrnt and other vorks, property olr structures NO have prlnted thereon the fol lorlng: PROPOSITTO}{ NO. 1 PROPOSTTIOI{ NO. 2 I 68 necsssary or convenient to fllrnlsh and equlp the Po1lce Dopartmentbulldtng and to shelter lts artomotlve equlpnent? SECTTON A.Each voter may vote on any ons, or any, or all of said Fioposltlons her"owlth submltt€d. Each voter. to vote on Propos-Itlon No. t horeby submlttod and for lncurrlng sald bonded lndebt- edness sha11 stamp a eross (X) fn the blank spac€ opposlte the word rrlEsrr on the ballot to the rlght of sald proposltlon end to vote agalnst salil proposltlon and against lncu:rrlng sald lndebted- ness shell sterry a c:ross (X) ln the blank spac€ opposlte the wordrNOtr on the ballot to the nlght of sald pnoposltlon. Each voterto vote on Proposltion No. 2 her"eby subnltted and for lncunr'lng said bondod lndebtedness sha11 starq a cross (X) ln tho blank spece opposlte the wond rfESr on the ba11ot to the rlght of saldproposltlon, and to vote agalnst said proposltlon and agalnst lncurr.lng sald lnatebted.ness, shall stamp a enoss (X) ln the blank space opposlte tbe wond rNOi on the ballot to the ntght of saldpnoposltlon. Each voter to vote on Proposltlon I[o. 5 hereby submltted and for" lncurrlng sald bonded indebtedness shall stamp a cross (X) fn th6 blank spaco opposlte the word. YEST' on theballot to the rlght of salC proposltlon and to vote agalnst saldproposltlon end against lncurring said lndebtsdne s s sha1l stampa cross (X) ln the blank space opposite the word. rrNorr on th€ba]-Iot to the r.lght of sa5.d proposltlon. Each votor to vote on Proposlt ion No. 4 her.eby submi ttod and f or lnclrt:rlng sald bonded lndebtodness shall stamp a cnoss (X) In the blank space opposlte tho rord nYESr on the ballot to the rlght of sald proposltlon, and to vote agalnst sald proposltlon and agaLnst lncunrlng sald lndebtedness, shall stemp a cross (X) ln the b lank space opposlte the word nNOn on the ballot to the rlght of sald proposltlon. SECTION 9. ?his Ordlnance sha1l be publlshed onc6 a w€ek for two Coeks ln the Burllngarre Advance -Sta:r whLch 1s a newspaper publlshed less than six d.ays a week.ln the Clty of Burlingame and. suchpubllcatlon shall constltute notlce of said electlon. No othornotlce of the electlon heneby cal-led nood be g5.ven. EECIION 10. This Ortllnance sha1l be entered upon the rdnutes of Efo--d;Im;TI and on the Ordlnance Books of th6 Ctty. Thle Oratln- ance, belng an Ordlnance ca1}1ng and onderlng an electlone shaIl take effect lmmedlately upon 1ts adoptlon.f, Councllraan Morgan questloned that portlon of Proposltlon l{o. 5 ($19Or 0OO liiturlclpal Communlty Art Cente::) r:ecltlng that theproposltlon ls submltted for the obJect and purpose nof theacqulsltlon of real pnopenty .r.rri and steted that lt was notthe lntentlon of th6 cltLzenst conmlttee prosentlng the propos-ltlon that tho proposod $l9orooo.oo lnclude the lracqulsltlon of land . ?l The Clty Attorney advlsod that tho languago was so phrased ln order to pennrit a groater flexlbiltty ln the uso of the funds. ConsLderable dLscusslon arosg on the issue. Cour:cl1man lr{organ stated that ln the diseusslon pr.lor to the preparatl.on of the ordlnance, it was hls und.erst andlng tirat tho Councl-l unanlmously concur.rod Ln a necommendatlon that the pro- posed Comnunlty Art Center be erected ln Washington Park and toplaco the proposltlon bsfore the elsctonat€ as proposod ln the or:dlnance would create ran l11uslon that the $19Or0OO would Lnclude the punclras e of land.t CouncLlman Byrd steteal thet there ls lnsufflcient pr:operty currently available ln ltashlngton Park to meet the recreatlonal demands of the Clty and that furthen consldenation should beglven prLor to the placenent of a large structure Ln that area. CouncLlman Byrd recomrended that tho wordlng as proposed ln Proposltlon l{o. 5 ::emaln as prepered by the Clty Attorney and 69 observed that the phraseology Ls ldontlcal wlth that pnoposed ln Proposltlons Nos. 2 end 4. ft was the oplni. on of Councllman Byrd thet the Councll tshould have the llberty to pepforn wlthln a broatl sphere. n Councllman Mongan, 1n reply, stated that the lntent of thecltlzensr commltt66 was belng over:Iooked and that the proposltLon should mor:e cleanly stlpulate ttrat the SI9OTOOO shall be expendod excluslvely for a Munlclpal Conrtrnlty Art Center bulldlng. The Clty Attorney dlnected the attentlon of the Councll to ttreprovlslons of the Governncnt Code concernlng the submisslon of Genenef Obllgatlon Bonds before the electorate and advlsed thatthe ordlnance, at lts second readlng, nust bo aclopted by e fout!-flfths vote; that fallure to pass by that vote rpuld remove the _pnopos lt lons f rom the ballot. !'urther dlscusslon contlnued. Mayon Pno Te mpor€ Thayer advlsed,that whl1e she nas ln favor: of Proposltlon No. 5, lt was not henrecollectlon that she appnoved the Washlngton Pank slte. Councllman Rooth supportod Councllman ltorganr s statements snd expressed hls concurnence wlth the recommendat lon that the pnoposed Ant Center be constructed on Clty iroperty wlthln the Washlngton Par:k area. The Clty Attor"ney obsgrved that the language xlthln the proposed Ordlnance 1s ldentlcal wtth that necLted ln Councll Besolutl.on No. 5-60 trDetenminLng that Publlc Intenest and Necesslty Demandthe Acqulsltlon, Construetlon end Coirpletlon of Certaln Munlclpal InEpnovement s . r Councllman Byrd thereafter lntroduced for. flrst read.lng, oRD INA NCE N0. 709. UNFINTS!]ED BUSINESS 1. ACQUTSITION DUMP SIIE PROPERTY In nesponse to Councllman Mor:ganl s lnqulny, the CLty Manageradvlsed that he has recelved lnfornatlon that the tltle of thE Burl lngar € Shone Land tldeland propor.ty has been t!:ansferred tooscar Person, et al, who has lndlcated w1111ngness to negotlatewlth the Clty of Burllnganr for: the purchas e of the prrcperty fonmunlclpal dump purposes. The Clty l,{anager advlsed that a reportwlfl be subnrltted to Councll. 2. OPERATION OF CTTY DUMP Councllman Morgan questlonod the Clty Menegor concornlng dumping operatlons at ths Munlclpal F111. The Clty t{anager advlsed of conplalnts recelved from the Bay AreaAln Pollutlon Contnol Dlstr"lct, the Reglonal VJater Po1-lutlonControl Board and the Conps of Army Englneer:s, through the lnsls-tonce of the San Mateo County Park and Recreatlon Commlsslon,urglng the Clty of Burllngame to tak€ lmmedlate measunes to el lmlnatefloatlng debrls at the dump slte. In the dlscusslon that foIlowed, tho Clty Manager advlsed of threealternatlvos that may r:esolve the sltuatlon: (a) Negotlatlon wlth Oscan Penson, et aI fon the purchase of seven acres, mone or less;(b) Establlshtrrnt of another levo1 wlthln tho area for dumplngpurposes; ard (c) A conference wlth th6 wat erft:ont englneorlngflrna of Eealy-Tlbbetts on the advlsabtllty of placlng plllng around the durrylng area. The Clty li[anage]r reas requosted to contlnue his lnvestlgetlon f o:lreport to Councll. r, 70 NETtl RUSTNESS ORATORTCAT CONltsSI IWITATTON A conmr:nlcatlon dated Fobruary 1, 1960, was nead from the Burllnganne Post No. 163, Amerlcan tegLon, Lnvltlng membens ofthe Cotrncll to attond the flnals of an Or.atorLcal Contest sponsored by th€ AnErlcan Leglon for. school chlldlren of thlsdlstrlct, Frlday, Febluary 5, 1960, 8:30 p.Dr. The conmunL catlon was acknowledged antl placed. on f1Ie. CLOSING Mayon Pno Tempore Thayer commendod the actlon taksn by the Po1lce Department ln adoptlng a new poIlcy of provldlng plastlc name-plates for pollce personnel arr:l complLrrented the deslgnen, Sergeant Russell Ygatson. AD JOURNI',IENT There being no furth€r buslness, the reetlng was ::egu1a::Iy adj ounned at 9:55 p.n. Respectfully submltted, HERBERT I(. WHTIE Ctty Clerk APPROVED: Charl ot te Mayor ohns on