HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.06.05285 Burlingame, Cal-ifornia June 5, 196l- CALL TO OPDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Ueeting called to order at 8:00 p.m., - I{ayor Pro tempore Lorenz in the Chair. PLEDGE OF AI,LEG IANCE At vrord from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to in the council Chanberthe Chair. arose and gave ROLL CALI, Present - CouncilnEn : Johneon-Iprenz-Ir4artin-Morgan Absent - councilrEn: Blzrd uayor Byrd, aJcsent from the City, was excused.. II'IINUTES PREVIOUS I{EEEING Ttre minutes of the previous meeting of !4ay 15. 1951. submitted to couneil, were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Johnson, and seconded by councilman Martin. I{EARING (Bayswater Avenue improvement) Ihe Chair announced that this was the time and the place Ebheduled by Council, to conduct a public hearing on the proposed removal of the center island and palm trees and the complete resurfacing of Bayswater Avenue, between Anita Road and Hudboldt Road. A communicatj.on was read from Lawrenee L. Plagmann, 512 Bayswater Avenue, urgently reguesting the council to authorize the modernizationof one of the City's important streets and setttng forth reasons tojustifir the Bay$dater Avenue imgrovement. In response to the Chair's iequest for cornments from interested persons favoring the irprovement, Mrs. Nora Towle, 808 Bayswater Averrue, Itli ss Harriett Schuck, 804 Bayswater Avenue, l,lrs. Faye E. Handford, 5O5 Baysrrater Avenue, I{r. Harold J. Selleck, 516 Bayswater Avenue and ur. C. F. Neumann, 41I Bayswater Avenue, each, in turn, spoke on the hazaril and unsightliness that has existed for manyyears because of the dividing strip on Bayswater Avenue and solicited Council approval to projectj.ng the improvement. fhere being no one in the audience to object to the proposed j-mprovement, the Chair invited comnents from the City Engineer and from medbersof the Council. Tfte City Engineer advised of his interest in the project over a eonsiderable period of time and as the result. of questionnaj-rs maiLedto owners on Bayswater Avenue, fifty-six have indicated their approvalto the removal of the center island, twBnty-nine opposed and fifteendid not reply. councilmD Johnson stated that evidence presented on this occasionindicates that the ilrprovement is desired. lilrs. Henry Boos. Chairman, Burlingame Pak Cot nisEion, in attendance, and j.n reply to Councilman ,Johnson's inquiry, advised that the menibers of the Park CoNnission have expressed no objection to the removal of the palm trees. fn reply to Councilman lrlorgan's inquiries, the City Engineer advisedtlat tbe state Division of Ilighways has indicated it will give consideration to the designation of Baysvrater Avenue as a major citystreet and if approved, funds for the proposed iurprovement may be expended from cas Tax monies. 286 Ihe City Eng.i.neer stated if, however, Council eLects to widen California Drive this year, additional I*Ia j or City Street Funds will have to be budgeted to program the Bayswater project the followingyear. Councilman Eorgan stated that in his opj-nion, the benefit of t}e Ci.tyof Burlingame woul-d derive from the Bayserater Avenue inprovenrent would not justify the expenditure of sales tax monies; 1^:owever, he would approve action to apply sales ta). money for the widenirigof California Drive, cas Tax monies for improvements to Baygoater Avenue, provided it dial not appreciably decrease that source of revenue, in order to compl-ete both projects. Considerable di.scussion arose on the establishmentlist to program projects proposed, with the general expressed that first consideration should be givenCalifornia Drive. of a priority conser-!susto im5rroving lhe discussion concluded with a motion introduced by Councilman llorgan that the improvements to Bayswater Avenue be undertaken at such time as tle City S{anager indicates to Council that fundsare available to proceed with the project. Ihe rnotion was seconded by Councilman ,Johnson and unanimously carried on a roll call vote. I4R,S MILDRED B. GRENS COM.{ENDED Councilman Johnson, on belalf of the city council, invited Mrs.Mildred B. Grens, Past President and a long time member of the Burlingame Recreatj-on Commission to the Council rogtrum for aspecial award. A communication was read from James H. Young, of the National Recreation Association of New York. conEnending lt1rs. Grens for heroutstanding servj-ce in the field of recreation and expresaingrppreciation for her invaluable work with the handicapped andmentally retarded and with boy and girl scouting groups. A framed l']onorary membership certificate from the National Recreation Association was presented to I/lIs. Grens by CouneilmanJohnson. A round of applause was accord.ed Mrs. Grens, uho acknowledged the tribute. I. PROPOSED LIFE INSI'RANCE FOR POLICE OFFICERS A communication from the City Manager, dated June 1, 1961. concerninga proposed li.fe insurance coverage plan for police offj-cers,including the cost to both the emplqlee and the City. was heldfor further study. WIDEN]IJG CAL.IFORNIA DRIVE A communication from the City Manager, dated June 2, L961, on thesubjeet of widening California Drive, advised of three propositions presented for consideration: (1) To widen the street two feet wouldcost $24,0O0 with no permission from the San Francisco water Department required; (2) fo widen the street ten feet would cost $38,000 wi. th permission required; and (3) fo wj.den the streetsixteen feet would cost $52,000 with permission alEo required.ltre latter vriilth $ras reconunended to meet major city street standards. During the discussion on the proposed widening and in reply to Council inquiry, the City Manager stated tlat in his opinion, theCity shouJ-d submit an urgent plea to the San Francisco Water Department for the release of its vacant property, either by saleor by lease to the Cj,ty of Burl ingame. Speaking generally on a "Iong-term improvement" for californiaDrive, Councilman Morgan recommended that the Ci.ty Engineer establish a plan whereby the entire length of California Drive would be widened within a five year period. COM]'II'N TCAT lONS 287 Councilman lrlorgan the RESOLIITION NO. 31-6, reafter introduced and moved the passage of "Requesting Permission of the San Francisco Water Department for the Use of 'e0' Feet of Their Land Abuttingthe City Street of California Drive in the City of Burlingame From Oak Grove Avenue to Broadhray " seconded \r Councilman l{artin and unanimously carried on roII calI. 3. RENEWAL STATE PERSONNEL BOARD CONTRACT A memo from the City luanager. dated June 2, 1961, advised thatti:e Civil- Service Commission has unanimously approved the renewalof the State Personnel Board Contraet for examination services. RESOLUTION NO. 32-61 "State Personnel Board contract 1961-1962" $ras introduced for pasgage on motion of Councilman .fohnson, seconded by Couneilman tlartin and unanimously adopted on roII caII. 1.PARKING CIIANGES CALfFORNIA DRTVE LOT AIITHORIZED A comrmrnication from the City !4anager, dated June 1, 1961 , reconunended. specific parking lioitationE to be applied to tl:eCalifornia Drive parking faeility from North Lane north to Oak Grove Avenue and on motion of Councilman !4organ, seconded by Councilman Johnson, the subject was referred to the City Attorneyfor preparation of an ordinance to effeettate tle reeonrnended l imitations 5. CAROI,AN AVENUE STOP STGN AUEIORTZED A communication from the City i4anager, dated June 1, 1961, advisedthat the Health, Safety & Trtffic Corunission has reconunended that a "Stop" sign be erected on Carolan Avenue at its entrance into Broadway. lthe City Attorney was authorized to prepare appropriatelegislation on nrotion of Councilman Morgan, seconded trlr Couneilman Iqarti.n and unanimously carried . 6. POLfCE RE: PARK ROAD AllD DOIINELLY-LORTON AvE LOT A comrnunication from the city Manager, dated June 2. L96L, recommendedthat since the City has acquired title to the Park Road and the Donnelly Avenue-Lorton Avenue 1ot for parking facitrlties, it is incumbent upon the City Council to establisb a po1iry concerningits operation. lIhe communj.cation set forth specific recommend.ations concerningrparking restrictj.ons, with and r^rithout fiEters and urged immediatecouncil deciEion in order that tle lots may be properly marked and burnper guards installed. A proposed layout of the lot was displayed and explaj.ned by the city lvlanager for counciL information. Couneilman Morgan stated that he was opposed to the purchase of parking meters until a policy is established by the Bcrlingame Avenue Off Street Parking Committee. Councilman l{crgan fu-rther stated that the regrulation of the use of the lots is an administratj-ve matter and reconanended that the Citlr lt{anager, in collaboration rviththe proper departrrents, appropriately mark the spaces witl-in theparting facilities. Illayor Pro Tempore Lorenz stated that in his opinion, rrreters should be purchased and inEtalled and the revenue derived depositedwithin the Parking Ilreter Eund. Councilman lqartin, concurring with the statements of Councilman Morgan, recormnended tlat action be withheld on the subject of parki.ng meter purchase, pending a report and reconunendation fromtle Parking Comnittee. if. Ed. I,lcclellan, Co-chairman of the Burlingame Avenue Off street Parking Comnittee, in attendanee, advised that a report from the engineering firm engag6dl to eonduct a survey on off street parking,is anticipateal soon and information on its contents will be submitted to Council - 288 7 . REPOR,T O}.] CALLAI{ PROPERTY (eroadway) A memo to Council, dated ,June 1, 1951, from the City Manager, advised that the price for both lots owned by Mr. T. Callan(one fronting on Broadway and one fronting on Laguna Avenue)totals $41,5O0.O0 and a iirawing of the nurnber of cars that may be parked is available for Counci.l examination. the city Manager aCvised that tlere should be "some reasonable evidence that a parking district" is contemplated prior to Council action and to conform to the basis for action taken by the council in recent parking 1ot acquisitions. Considerable discussion arose on the percentage of Broadway's share in the revenue derived from parking meters in relation to the obligation of the City to assist Broadway in establishlngparking facilities. Councilman l.{artin questioned whether it has been determined that addition&l facilities were essential, stating that his personal experience indicated otherwise. councilman Morgan concurred and upon his suggestion, the City I{anager vras authorj-zed to request the merchants on Broachray to establish, by evidence, t*r e need for additional parking facilitiesprior to action by tle Council to purchase parking lots. 8. SIJRFACE WATER ON BURLINGAIiIE AVENUE (Te1 ephone Co. ) A comrunication from the City l"lanagier, dated ,June 2, 196L, advised that the Pacific Telephone Company has indicated its desire for official notj-fication to correct the surplus water condition on Burlingame Avenue. It was reacommended by the City Manager tbat the Council direct the City clerk to notify the companl, that the condition on Burlingame Al,enue, resulting from the discharge of water, be corrected and abated. fn reply to council inquiry, the city Attorney advised that l',e is " inclined to believe that it is imgroper to have a company puntp water upon the City's streets." Councilman Morgan moved that the council concur witb the recornmendation and that the city Clerk be so authorized to communicate with tle Pacifie Teleplone company as outlined by the City Manager. f-",e motion was seconded 14r Counci-lman Johnson and unanimously carried, 9. REOIIE ST TO EXTEI!-D IMPRO\IEI\ENT COI\IPIETfON ( Bearint ) A corununication from the City Manager, dated June 2, 196L, advised that the attorney for Dr. and Mrs. B. I. Bearint has requested an eaxtension of time in vrhicl to complete improvements in a subdivision under developrnent b1r his client. Acting upon advice received from the City Attorney, the Councll concurred in his recommendation that the request be referred to his Office and the consent of the surety conq)any obtained prior to counci.l action on the matter. 10. PROPOSE] CII.ANGE II] FIRE ZOIIE A memo from the City Manager, dated June 2, 1961, advised that in compliance with a prevj-ous Council request, concerning a change in Fire zone from I to fI and affeacting the property owned by the Gray sisters, lncluded in the defunct "Parking District No. l' an investigation indicated that the application for a fire zone change was requested by a Mr. Gus zakos, aiho desires to Purehasethe propertlr to construct a nel', apartment building. Building costs would be prohibitive unless the change occurred to permit a Fire Zone II construction. 29e The report further advised that a conununication from I.tr. J. Ed.Iucclellan, Co-Chairnan of tle BurlingarE Avenue Parkj,ng Committee,indicates that the abovementioned lot is being seriously consideredfor inclusion in the proposed new parking assessment districl I{E, ucclellan ,tion; however,this occaEion,tle survey. in attendance, confirmed statements in his couununica-stated a definite conmitment r.ras not available on peniling a report from the engineering firm conducting Following sore further discussion, ttre subject on the change froma Fire Zone f to a Fire Zone ff tras continued to the regiular regn:lar Council meeting in July, 1961. 11. PROPoSED l-961-1962 SEIARY ORDII'J-ANCE A memo from t}.e City Uanager, dated June 2. 1961, advised La,at an ordinance incorporating a 2.9/" increase in salaries for ernployeeswithin the Classified Service }as been prepared for Councilintroduction and subEequent passaqie. Fhe memo further advised that the ordj-nance incorporates "benchmark "figiures enuncrated in a resolution previously adopted by councilin connection $rith the North County Council of CitieE wageStabilization program. ORD INANCE NO. 738 "An Ordinance Repealing Section 825 of the ordinance Code of the city of Burlingame and Adopting a Ne$,, Section 825 of Saj.d ordinance Code, Fixing and Establishj.ng tle Classi.fications of Positions and Emplolrment aItal the coEpensation and Salaries fherefor "was introduced by Councilman Johnson and given itE first reading, A brief di.scussion on certain inequities vas concluded with U-re City Manager advtsing that additional funds have been provided ln the proposed 1951-1962 budget to obtain a professional reclassi fication and personnel report. Eire Captain O. Fred fricke guestioned \^,hether the council qrould eontinue to consider annual salary increases should other agencres included in the North San Mateo Council of Cities fail to con formto provisions in the uni form resolution. Councilman Johnson, in repIy, stated that in her opinion, tle citiesaffected shall continue to adhere to the program and to furtherthe interests of its employees. RESOLUTIONS RESoLUTfoll No. 33-51 "Re pealing Resolution No. 42-60 and Adoptinga Ner,, Resolution Requiring the city Treasurer to Perform the Duties of Payroll Clerk, Prescribing His Duties as Such Payroll Clerk andFixing the compensation for Such Dtr-ties " rvas introduced for passlge on motion of Counci lman Johnson. seconded by Councilman uarti.n and unanimously adopted on ro11 call. ORD II$ANCES - Consideration thereof: oRDINAITCE r'10. 739 "An Ordinance Anenili.ng Section 412.4 ot ti::e Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Pi\ing the CorEpensationof the City Clerk for His Services as City Auditor and Assistant Secretary of the Planning Comrission" was introduced by CouncilmanI[artin and given its first reading. OTI.IER RESOI,UTIONS RESOLUTfON NO. 34-61 "Accepting Deed from Atlantic Life Insurance Conpany, a Virginia Corporation, Dated ltlarch 25, 1950" (l,Ialls Estate wildlife area) wag introduced by Councilman Morgan, wlo moved its passage, seeonded by Councilman ,fohnson and unanimousLy adopted on roll c all. 290 RESOLUT ION No. 35-61 "Acee pting crant of Easement, Atlantic Life Insurance Company, a virgini.a Corporation r, Dated Februarlz 10. 1961" was i.ntroduced for passage on motion of Counci.lman Morgan, seconded by councilman .Toir nson and unanimously carried on roll call-. RESOLUTION lio. 36-61 "Acce pting Grant of Easement From Warren K.Vlilner, Jr. and Eloise G. I^7ilner, liis vlife, Dated April 261, 1961" was introduced for passagie on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman llartin and adopted unanimously on ro11 caI1. I'NFTNISIIED BUSTl.ESS Councilman Johnson advised of her attendance at the Annual Corur unityDinner and at a recreation-sponsored function, tle Spring Festival. Councilman .Tohnson noved that a letter of commendation and appreciationbe forwarded to Mrs. Grace Bielar for lier activities in conn6ltionwith the Festivals. lhe motion was seconded by Councilman l{artin, and unanimously carried. EUCAIYPTUS TR,EES OI{ S.P. RTGHT OF WAY In response to Councilman lrlorgan's inguir1,, the Park Superintendentin attendance, advised that the project concerning the removal ofcertain Eucalyptus Trees along the Southern Pacific Ri.ght of Way on California Drive has been coriptreted as far as is necessary atthis time. Followinprovisio conting:einvestig Ihere being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ii.ITE, Ci 1er-k APPROVED: Mayor g a brief discussion, councilman Morgan suggested that an in the deed granting the property to the City of Burlingament upon the retention of the Eucalyptus Trees be ated. '/",rL fl"a)Au{4