HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.10.29126 Bu::1lngame, Cal if ornla 0ctoben 29, 1962 CALL TO ORDER A Speclal Meeting of the Bur'llnEame above given date. Meeting call-ed to Lorenz in the Chafu". PI,EME OF ALLEGIANCE At word from the Chain, allthe Pledge of Allegiance to Clty Council was held on the order at 8:00 p.m., - Mayon in th the Council Chamben arose e F1ag. and gave BROADWAY PARKING AND LIGI{TTNG DTSTRTCT Mayor Lonenz announced that thls was the tlme and place of hearlng on the Englneerrs Report made pursuant to the Speclal Assessment Tnvestlgatlon, Limltatlon and MajonLty Pnotest Act of 1931 and Resolution of Prellmlnary Determinatlon No. ll-52 - Broadway Panklng and Lighting Dls tnlct. Councllman Martln, Council Parking Com:nlttee flalson member, waslnvlted bv the Chalr to conduct the hearlng on the Br.oadway Parking and Llghtlng Distrlct proceedlnrs. Actlng Chal.nman Martln announced ground rules to be 1n effect andMr. James Mor"ton, Attonney, representlng the Attorneys for theDistr.lct, Wllson, Hanzfeld, Jones and llor.ton, was lnvlted to sumrnanize the lega1 requirements with respect to the proceedings. Mr. Morton explalned that the ProceedJ.ngs f or. the acquisltlon and lmpnovements are to be conducted unden the Special Assessment lnves-tlgatlon, Llnltation and Majority Protest Act of 1p11, Division IVof the Streets and Hlghways Code; the heanlng on this occaslon 1sprellnlnary and its purposo is to determine whether or not ther.e ls a rnaJority protest from the pnoperty owners to bo assessedi afurther hear.lng ls requlred on the acqulsltlons and lmpnovements proposed for the Dls tr.l ct . Mr. Morton advlsed that Councll, dur'lng the course of hearlngs, mayomlt, decrease, alter or re-locate any of the proposed faclllties,pnovlded the modlflcations do not lncrease the obllgation more thanten percent of the proposed costs; the baslc purpose uador the Tnvestlgatlon Act is that Council determlne and consLder therefor,(f) tne deslres of the property ownerrs subJect to assessment;(Z) tne Englneerrs Report and (3) whether" the proJect ls feasible and the property owners can carry the assessmentg. l&r. Morton summar"ized the Attorneyrs report, trDlvlslon IV, and Hlghways Code, Broadway Street and Llghtlng Dlstnlctr"with the City Clenk and advlsed that (1) a sumnarization of Englneerts Report, (2) the r:eading of the wrltten protests the hearlng of onal pnotests, are nequlred. Mr'. Frark Hannahan, repnesenting W11sey, Ham and Blalr r.. englneers for the project, ref err"ed to and read a s ummary on the ttconcluslons and necommendati6ns for needed improvements and the means of lmplementlng said improvementsrr submltted by the Englneers under' date of August, 1962, and on file with the Ctty C1enk. Stre e ts on file the and (3) 1"1r. Hanrahan added that the selectlon of parking facillties on the slde streets was considered more advlsable in that the streetof s""rar.y i"-ttioo vafuable for land use othen than conrnenclaL.I Shopper:s would be ln a posltlon to park more convenlentJV at a more coniSnient location and because of the wldth and llmlted circul-atlon of Broadway, panking facillties paralleling Broadway would be a dls tlnd advantage . In neply to Council lnquirles, l'fn. Monton advlsed that Councll, at Its discretlon, may determine whether oral pnotests shaI1 be con- sider"ed on the sam6 basis r+1th wrltten protests and the area of the land is taken into conslderation llhen determinlng whether a ftfty- one pereent protest exls ts l?,7 Councll concurred thereafterwrltten protests necelved. to consider oral pnotests equally wlth WRTTTEN PROTESTS Wr"ltten pnotests were aclnrowledged and read from the folloulngproperty owners wlthin the Broadway area: Antonio Zano; Mrs. J. Roussey; A1lce Ducasse (2) lntfrun A. Quillclif. and Dorothy Orack; Eomer E. Thornton; J. S. l'1111e:r Realty Co.; Oscan Zlnman; Mrs. Anna V. Ross; V. Erllch; Ruth C. and Davld H. Slmpson; T. H. Llmpert; Elfnlede Pladwe11 (2) Wl1liam J. McClel1an; Robert E. Barnes; Glen W. A1len and Alexander Doonan. fiI.t li)D A necess was called by the Chaln a Englneer for the Distrlct and thethe per"centage of written protests pr.oposed for incluslon wlthin the .m., at which tlme the nner. retfu.ed to i e tenmlnetion to the land area t 9:30 p City P1a ln nela Dls trict CALL TO ORDER The meetlng was ca11ed to order at 9:55 p.m. Mr. Hanr.ahan announced that an appr.oximate forty per.cent protest was indlcated by an evaluetion of w:ritten pr.otests recel-ved. ORAL PFOTESTS Mr.. A. P. Facchlnl , L2OO-12O2-120[ Capuchlno Avenue, expr"essed hls v6"ba1 obJection to the lncluslon of hls propertles within theDlstrlct and was r.equested by the Chaln to iubmlt a wnitten protest. Actlng upon advlse of Mn. Morton, communLcetions of protest fr"om owners whose properties have been proposed for. acqulsi.tLon outsldethe assessment dlstr:lct, wer.e acknowledged and read fnom: Jess S. Jackson, agent fon Mlss Ellzabeth Daughenty; Klm Leong; G6"trudeI. Nlelsen. Upon fu::then advice of the Attor"ney for the Dlstrlct, I'[r. Han:rahan was lnstnucted to submlt a formal computation of pnotests recelvedfon submlssion to Councll at a continued meetlng to be announced. I'IEETING CONTINUED Mr:. Morton, in reply to the Chalrrs inquiry, advised that hearlngs may be continued fona perlod not to exceed 120 days, durlng which ttme addltlonal pnotests on the wlthrirawal of protests may be t ecelved by Councll. Thene belng no funther corment elther 1n favon or pnotest thereof, the meetlng was adJourned at 10:30 p.m., to meet Th'ursday, Novenber 1!, 1962r. I p.m., Council Chambers, and on motlon of Councilrnan l"{organ the meetlng was adJourned ln respect to the memory of Ernest Lels, bnother" of former Bunlingame Flr.e Chief Edward J. Leis, who recently passed ln death. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Johlson and unanlmously carnled. Respectfully submltted, APPROVED: PRO TET'IPORE BERT K.WI{fTE, City Clenk