HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.05.15278 Burlingame, California May 15, 1961 CALL TO ORDER A regrular meeting of the Burlingare City Council was held on the above given date. Meeting calLed to order at 8:00 p.m., - Mayor Byrd in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEG TANCE At vrord from the Chair, all Pledge of Allegiance to the in the Council Chamber Flag . arose and gave the ROLL CALL Present - Counci lmen : Byrd-Johnson-Lorenz-Martin-I\torganAbsent - Counciknen: None MINIIIES PREVIOUS MEETING Ihe minutes of the regular rEeting of May 1, 1961, were approved on motion of Councilman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Lorenz,with a correcti'n that the roord "north" be substituted for the word,south'r on the subject of applying cas Tax Funds to irnprovecalifornia Drive. lhe minutes of the meeting of !4ay 9, 1961, scheduled for thepurposeof canvassing elect.ion returns, allEnded to excuse Councilman Morgan, were approved on motion of Councilman f,orenz and seconded by Counci lman Johnson. I 275 OOO.OO POLICE-FIRE BONDS Itlayor Byrd announced that in accordance with official notice of sale,this was the time and the place scheduled for opening bids on Cityof Burlingame Fire and Police Bonds of 1960, in the principal amountof $275,0O0.O0. ftre bids received were publicly opened and declared as follors: InterestPar Value Year BANK OF AMERTCA $60,000.00 San Francisco 20 35, OOO.0OCaLifornia 60, 000 .00 40 , oo0 .00 80, oo0 .00Net fnterest cost $67,636.50ot 2.9O9@A TAYLOR & COMPANY 439 N. Bedford Rd. Beverly Hills, Calif. Net fnterest Cost $70, 093.50or 3.014% },ELLS FARGO.AME R ICAN TRUST CO. 464 California St. $75 , 000. OO San Francisco, Calif. 40, 000.00 40, 000.00 120,000.o0 Net fnterest cost $58 , 51O .0Oor 2.950967% 6 lL/62-6 /t /65 6/L166-61L /67 6/L/68-6 /r/70 6/t/7L-7 /L172 6 /t /73-6/L /76 s% 2-t/4% 2-L/?A 2-3 /4% 4L 1962 L965 1970 to 1964to 1969to 1976 2=3/4% 3% 6 /r,/62-6/L/66 6/L/67-6 /L/6e 6/L /69-6/L/7o 6 /t /7L-6 /L/7 6 3-L/7/" 2-L/T/" 2-3/4% 3% B]DS 279 FTRST WESTERN BANK 405 lvlontgotrE ry St. San Francisco Net Intereat Cost $69, 593 . O0or 2.993% I'NTTED CALTEORNIA BANK 6OO So. Spring St. Los AngeleE, Calif. ]-952 1966 I969 L972 to to to to 1965 1968 1951 1965 s% 2-L/?/" 2-3/4% 4-L /4% 2-314% 3% 3.LO/" Net or $45, OOO.0O rr0, 000 - 00 80,000.oo 40, 000.00 511/1962-64 5 /l /L965-70 61L /l-97 t-7 4 6 /L/L975-76 6/t/62-L964 6/L/65-L967 6/L/6e-L969 6/L/L97O-Ls7s 6/L176 6/t/62-6/L163 6/t/64-6/r./76 fnterest Cost $69, 427.5O 2.9e6L2% BLYTIi & CO. rNC. $45,0OO.O0 Russ Building 5O.0OO.OO San FranciEco, Calif. 40, O00 .00 120, O00.00 20, o00 . o0 Net Interest Cost $7O, 065. OOor 3.0I3548% WILLTAM R. STAATS & CO. 1I-1 Sutter Street san Franeigco, calif. NetInterest cost $70, 485 .0Oor 3.0305% 2-L1?/" 2-3 /4% 3% 3.20P4 s% 3% Certified Checks foregoing bids. accompanied all of the At the request of the Council, the bids were referred to the city Attorney and to Richard Randolph, rppresenting ErneEt wilson, BondAttorney, for examination and reconrnendation prior to the adj ournment of the meeting. 2. CONSTRUCTION WATIOR MAINS Bids for the proposed Construction of Water Mains, East Lane and Carolan Avenue ( Job 6I-9) publicly opened at 2 p.m. in aceordance withpublished notice "Invitation to Bidders" were announced as follorr.rs: Items Nos. 1 to I Inclusive E. T. IIAAS COUPA}TY Be1mont, California $22,6t4.s5 W. L. CHALMERS & SONS campbell, California $22,632.7O WENRICK & ASSTS. San Mateo, California $23, O38. so I'I\IDERG ROT'ND CONST. CO. Oakl-and, California $23,949.82 LOVIRIE PAVING CO. So. San Francisco, California $2s, 3o0. 13 14. F. WEBER Hayward, California $25,995.sO KARSTEDT & }IACKETTIps Altos, eal i fornia $2e,462.5O above described project was announcedI?re Engineer's Estimate for the as S27 . 960.00. ft uras the recorrunendation of the City Engineer and the City Managerthat tbe bid be arrarded to the lorrest responsible bidder tle E. T. Eaas eompant, in the total amount of $22.6L4.55 280 Councilman Morgan moved that the Council concur and j-ntroduced for pas sag e RESOLUTIOIi itiO. 26-61 "Awarding Contract for Constructionof Water Mains in East Lane and Carolan Avenue - ilob No. 61-9" seconded try Councilman Johnson. On the question, !lr. Chalmers, representing the firm of W. L. Chalmers & Sons, noting that the bid of E. T. Haas Company was only $18.00lotrer than the bid submitted tL his firm, questioned whtther the extensions had been computed to veri fy the submitted bid ttems.In reply, both the City Manager and the City Engineer advisedthat cotryutations had been made inrnediately folloming the openingof the bids. The Resolution carried on a ro11 eall vote. cop:llllN ICAT f ol{s I. REQT'EST TOR POLICE DISPArc}IER-CLERK CI,ASSIFICATION A communicatj-on was read from the city Manager, under date of May 1l-, 1961, stating that "in order to better utilize the rnanpower 1n the Police Department, it is reconrnended b1z the Chief of Police and thisoffice that the job title of Police Dispatcher-C1erk be establishedwith a salary range of $375-$420 per month." T'he communiaati-on fur ther Buggegted that a " non-sworn uniformed malepolice dispatcher" be emplqTed to release a regular patrolman forpolice duty and to fill an existing vacaney in the patrolman cLass- i fication , The City Manager reconunended that legislation providing for the establishment of the position be authorized inrnediatellr. Mayor Byrd, speaking generally on the requests submitted trlz the Po]-iceChief, suggested that ttre City Manager obtain information from othercities concerning (1) the emplolrment of "Meter Maids" - whether theplan has been a success or otherwise and (2) the ratio applied "population-uise" in empJ-oying police offieers, to determine whetherthe City of Burlingame compares favorably. Councilman Morgan repeated his objection made on a previous occasion concerning the establishment of additional c lassi fication-titles and suggested that the subject be included during consideration of the comprehensi-ve budget presented to Council by the Police Department. fhe City IUanager, in reply to Councilman Johnson's inquiries. advisedthat there is a current vacany created by the resignation of one ofthe patrolman and pointed to the fact that a number of cities in thenorth county area have a classification such as the one requested.Ihe City Manager further advised that a police dispatcher-clerk has been suggested for each shift; however, €ouncil, as a policy, may appoint onlir as vacancies occur. Councilman Lorenz moved that the Council eoncur with the recornmendation and that the subject be referred to the Civil Service ComrdEsion and to the City Attorney for appropriate disposition. Councilman Johneon's inquiries whether the appointncnt would release an offi,cer for regular police duty and the City would realize a saving in salary expenditure was answered affirmatively by the City Manager. Councilman Johnson thereupon seconded Councilman Loranz's motion and a ro11 call vote was recorded as follans: AyeE: Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Lorenz-lrlartinNoes: Councilmen: Morgans Councilman !4organ, advised tn7 t}e Ci,t1' !46nsg,6r t?'at the apfroj-ntmentof a police dispatcher-clerk would release the officer now assigned to the desk to regular polisy duty, reguested tlat }is vote be changetl add recorded as an "aye" vote. 281 2. LEGISI,ATION FOR CHANGE IN FTRE ZONE T TO TI T'E STED A cotununicatj.on from the City Manager. dated May 12, 1961, advised that a requeEt for a fire rezoning of portion of Lot 9, Block 1, Parcels 1 and 2, Tot n of Burlingame, has been submitted tn^order that the applieant, Mr. Gua zakoE may construct an aPartment building. Some discussj.on arose, wherein the Council qras advised by the city Manager that the Fire Deparfunent has reeorunended the rezoni.ng, together with Lot 10A. Block 1, for purposes of neighborhood uni formity and legislation was reconntended to effectuate the change. An observation was made that the property in question, referred to as t]:e "Grey Property" was included din the now defunct "Parking District No. l" and raised a question r^rhether it was considered for inclusion in the plans for the eEtablishment of a new parking aEsessment district, now under study by a coru[ittee of the Burlingame Chanber of conmerce. The subject waE referred to the city Manager for investigation and report to council at the next reg,ular meet j.ng. 3, APPRAISAL REPORT 'CAI,LAN PROPETY" BROADVIAY-LAGUNA A communication from the City Manager, dated May 12, L96L, advisedthat in compliance with Council requegt for an appraisal of thecalIan property in the Broadgray-Burlingame area, the estimated value of the lot (Lot 1, SOxlOO) is $2O,OO0.00. T}re City Manager advisedthat of the two lots ohmed by Mr. T. Callan, Lot 31, fronting on Broadlray and Lot 1, fronting on Laguna Avend.ue, only the latter would be appropriate becauEe of its location adjacent to a cj.ty-leased lot on Paloma Avenue. fhe City Manager further advised that Mr. Cal1an has expressed disinterest in the past to sell the property to the city. Some discussion arose on the possibility of condemning the property ifnegotiation to purchase failed, the cost to improve the Iot, Broadvray's Ehare of the Parking Meter revenue to finance the purclase, thefeasibility of purchasing Lot 31 and tle nudber of parking spaces,the lot will accomodate. fhe subject was referred to the City Manager and to the City Engineerfor investigation and report to council. 4. PROPER rY APPP,AISAL ADJACENT TO DI,'MP ARXA A communieation \ras read from the City Manager, dated Ma], 11, 1961-,reporting on an appraisal obtained on acreage abutting city-ownedproperty at t}e City Dunp ( approximately 12-14 acres) in tle estimatedtotal market value of $78.862.00. Ttle City Manager advised that as an alternative neasure, tle Citlz ean seel< to acquire sufficient land to straighten its boundaries. providefor refuse fill and drainage control, in an estimated value of $15,252.00,.which includes narsh Iand, water land and pefuse land forfill purposes. Irlayor Byrd, speaking in some detail, on the necessity of acquiring moreland for fi.Uing purlroees, urged the Council to take immediate neasuresto effeetuate a program to purchase as much of the propetty in thearea as Possible. Councilman llorgan questioned the City Engineer, who advised that theland within the fenced araa vrill be filled in withina two to threeyear period and in his opinion, the City should acquire seven or eightacres of water land to adeguately maintain its drainage channel. Folloering considerable discussion. !4ayor Byrd concluded the discussionby stating that the "key to the problem depends upon the City's purchaseof the southerly end of the property to ,square" its present boundaries. A motion was thereafter introdueed \r Councilman Lorens that t}e CityManager be authorized to negotiate the purchase of 7+ acreE immediatellr adj acent to the City's property and failing to reach an agreement.the City exercise its right to direct the filing of Eminent DomainProceedings . ,AD Preceding hi,s second to the motion, councilman l{organ reminded thecouncil that on the occasion of the establishment of a sales tax 1e.,ythe City llanager was authorized to prepare a "Capital ExpenditureBudget" and questioned whettrer the proposed action would interferewith proposals planned for the future. Ihe City l.{anager atlvj-sed that the purchase of water land property isextremely important and will be placed high on the prioriLy fist. 1[tre vote was t]ereafter record.ed as unanimous and the City Man agerwas requested to subntit a report, if possible, at the next regn:larmeeting. 5. HEATTH SAFETY TRAFFIC COM}ITS SION RECOMMENDAT f olls A communication from the City Manager, dated ivlay 11. 1961, advisedthat the Eealth, safety & Traffie Comrnission has submitted recommendationssafoll*rs: (1) Ihat a public hearing be scheduled to consj.der makingPrimrose Road into a one vray street from El Camino Real to Ilovrard Avenue r (2) fhat the City use nes, Stop Signs when replacements arerequired; (3) fhat an ordinance be enacted to establish diagonalparking on the vrest side of the EI Camino Real Service Road between?rousdale and Murchison Drives and parking be prohibited at alltimes on the easterly side; (4) ltrat all street work in the futureattempt to elininate a "dip" condition in the street. The City l[anager advised that items tr.ro and four have been properlyreferred and j-tems one and three require Council action. A public hearing on the recornrnerd ation that Primrose Road be made a one way street from EI Camino Real to Howard Avenue, was scheduledfor the regular meeting of Council, June 19, 1961, I p.m. and actionto establish diagonal parking on t}e west side of the El Camino Real Service Road held in abeyance pending revi&r by the Council. REPORT ON POLTCE-FTRE BOM SAI,E ltre continuation of the regular order of business was temporarily postponed to permit Mr. Randolph, representing Mr. Ernest Wilson, Bond Attorney, to submit a reconunerdation on the sale of bonds inthe amount of $275,000,00 Burlingame Fire and Police Bonds of 196O. Mr. Randolph advised that upon revie$, of the bids, it vras recomnended. that the bonds be ordered sold to the Bank of America, as the hiqihest responsible bidder and aII other bids be returned to their respective associations. Ihe bid of the Bank of Arnerican indicated a net interest cost of $57,636.50 or an average interest rate of 2.9OY". Resol-utions pertinent to the subject were submitted and acted upon as follcrys: RESOLUrfON NO. 27-6I "A Resolution Amendi,n g Resolution No. 55-60 Providing for the Issuance of Bonds - Fire and Police Bonds of 1960" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman l.rorgan, seconded tryt Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried on roll- caL1. RESOLUTTOU IiO 2A-6L "A Resolution Rescinding Resolution No. 20-61 A Resolttion Amending Resolution No. 55-60 Providing for the Issuance of Bonds - Fire and Police Bonds of 1960" was introduced for passagTe on motion of Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Morgan and unanimously carried on ro11 ca11. RESOLUTIoN NO. 29-61 "A Resolution Awardi.ng Sale of Bonds - $415 . 0O0 -.1Burlingane Eire and Police Bonds of 1950 - First Sale - $275,OOO.OO" was introduced for pasgagie on motion of councilman }lorgan, seconded trlz Councilman ,fohnson and unanimously carried o:a roll call. FI,ND SOLIC ITATIOI] TO PURCIIASE TNIIFOR!,IS A letter fr om I',lrs. Arthur J. strausE , dated May on this occasion, soliciting funds to assist in uniformg for the Burlingame Eigh Sehool Band. 15 the 1951 was read purchase of Mrs. Strauss, Mr. and Mrs. clareance Rusch and others in attendance 283 spoke on the immediate need to replace fifteen year old uni forms and urged favorable action by the Council. Ttre City Attorney advised of the illegality of o<pending public funds, other than for advertising purposes. Ihe discussion ltas eoncluded following a reconurendation from the city Attorney that a written statenEnt be subndtted to council, setting forth in detail, the proposed program and its relation to the service to the city to be per formed t4r member s of the Burlingame Eigh school Band. CO},T'IIJI'IICAT IOI]S ( Continued ) 6. PROPOSED ORD I}-IANCE AIR POLLUT ION CONTROL A memo from the city Manager. dated l"lay 11, 1961, advised that sub- sequent to a recent meeting held for tllepurpose of hearing an expl-anation of Model Ordinances rrA'r and "8" on local enforcement of air pollution, it was the recomtnendation of bis office that the city of Burlingand adopt !4odel oralinance "A". the subject was referred to the city Attorney and to the City }{anagerfor preparation and submission to councj-L. 7 . FIRE STATIOI.I DRAIIINGS AND SPECIFTCATIO}IS A Eerlo from the city I'lanager, dated Ma1, 12, 1961, advised that James H. Mj.tehel1, Aichitect for the proposed ner* Fire Station, has indi,eated that he has cornpleted the final fire station drawings and specifications. It was the reconunendation that, subject to a check b1z the Engineering and Legal Departments, the drawings and specifieations be approved and bids be advertised for opening on either June 5 or June 19, 1961 . A recess was de clared tr!. the Chair zt 10:30 p.m. to permit Council an opportunity to review the Froposed drawings. MEETING REC ONVE},]ED fhe meeting was again called to order at 1O:45 p.m. by Uayor B]rrd. FIRE STATION - BID ADVERTISEIT{ENT AIITTIORIZED councilman Johnson npved that the councll concur tirith the recommendationof the City llanager in that the Fire station plans be approved, subjectto checkj-ng by the City Engineer and the City Manager and that bids be advertised for opening at 3 p.m. and declared at 3:00 D.m., on June 19, 1961, seconiled by Councilman Marti.n and unanimously carried on ro11 call. RESOLUTIO}.]S RESOLUTION NO. 30-61 "Accapti.ng crant Deed from Edward M. fhomas andAlice I. Ttlomas, His I'Iife, Dated llay 2, 1961" (Donnelly-Lorton 1ot) was introdueed for passagie on motion of Councilman Johnsor, seco:rdedby Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried on ro11 eaI1. ORD INANCES None T'NF INIS}IED- BUS I$IESS 'I RE}IOVAL EUCALYPTUS ?REES Council-man Morgan suggested that Council, during the j-nterim prior tothe next recular meeting,, eonsider engaging a:: or-:tside contractorfor tle removal of Eucal:rptus Trees aLong tle Soutlern Pacific Rigihtof way on California Drive recommended by the Park Departmen+- to be so removed. 244 NEI.I BUSINESS 1. CIVIL DEFEI.]SE OFFICE REMOVAL ltre Chair suggested that the present Civil Defense Office, when vacatead and removed to its new location in the new Fire Station, be reservedfor Council use - 2. ITIAYOR BYRD ABSENCE FROM CIPY AIIEIORIZED I0ayor Byrd announced his intention to be absent from the city during the month of June, 1961, at which tine, a portj-on of his expengeE v.rould be borne by the Bay Area Air Pollution ControlDistrict to permit his attendance at tle International Conference on Air Pollution Control in New York City. Mayor Byrd announcedhis further intention to attend an International Union of Local Goverrunents Conferenee in Washington, D. C. for which purpose Council was solicited to approve his request for an expencliture allowance from Conference funds of the City. Councilman llorgan moved that the Council approve the request of tle Clair, seconded by councilman ,fohnson and unanimous 1y carried. Council- concurred with the recommendation of Councilman Morgan tbatthe HiLlsborough school District conunittee be perni tted to erect a banner across Burlingame Avenue and California Drive and to borrow easel boards for use in connection with the Fi ftli Annual- Hillsborough Concours d " Elegance and ll,lay Festi*al- . ACKNOI.IT,EDG}IEIITS Ihe Chair acknor.rledged receipt of minutes from the Library Board,the Health, Safety & lYaffic Connission, the Planning Commission and the monthly report from the DepartnEnt of Public works. Claims for the Month of I-Ey, 1961, Nos. 547e=5640, in the total amount of $10I,071.38. duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Lorenz and seconded b1z Councilman Johnson. P LL Payroll warrants, Month of April, 1951, Nos. 1598-2017, in the total sum of $82,939.39, were approved on motion of Councilman Lorenz and seconded by Councilman Johnson. lIhe meeting re$rlarly ailj ourned at 11:00 p.m. Respectfully subrnitted, ERT K.IIE, City Clerk APPROVED: Andrew c. Byrd, Mayor 2. I]]LLSBOROUGII FESTWAL i/xrtrz,^.d'fr+''t