HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.05.09?^76 Burlingame, May 9, CaIi fornia l_961 Herman clarence H.R.David Jobn B. HANSON K]NG II{A.qTIN MCCLOSKEY CALL TO ORDER A meeting of the Burlingame City Council rdas held on the above given date.Meeting cal1ed to order at 8:I0 p.m., by Mayor Byrd, who announced thatthe meeting had been seheduled in conformance with provisions of thestate Election Code, for the purpose of canvassing el-ection returns ofthe special litunicipal Election, May 2, 1961. ROLL CALL Present - Councilmen: Byrd-JohnEon-LorenzAbsent - Councilmen: Morgan CANVASS OF VOTES A\ID RESI'LT OF ELECTTON Certified STATEI,IEMIS OF RESI LT OF VOTES CAST in Precinets A through andincluding Precinct .T were verified and Absentee Ballots thereafter opened. T?re result was announced as follorps: E OR COT]NC II.[{AN MIJNICIPAL PREC INCT Ifr!. c . DAC,GETT ,fas. G.B. DEMARTINI Ralsey af . EDWARDS 39 36 25 117 22 19 4L 47 39 L2 Z&.0,,,9 B c D E F G H I J L2 I4 40 40 32 90 67 46 4A 21 29 2t 22 18 2A 2L 25 32 68 L44 73 57 72 57 37 32 61 116 31 22 54 31 65 51 63 38 63 7A 44 23 101 45 .29 34 31 22 10 42 1l 6 L4 10 L2,o 13 7 9 11 9 2 AbsenteeBal1ota10I855102 Total-s 42O 4O9 405 515 336 558 L18 Ratph. David }tartin hras elected Councilman to fill the office vacated t&/ the death of charles IY. Rooth, for his unexpired term. RESoLUTfoN No. 25-61 Declari.n g Resul-t of Special Munieipal Election, 1961" wgs introduced for passage on motion of councilman Lorenz, Councilman Johnson and unanimously carried on ro11 call.seconded by OATII OF OFFICE City Clerk Herbert K. white administered the oath of office to newly elected Counc ilman Martin. Councilman Elzrd congrratulated Councilman l{artin who assumed his positj.on on the Board. ADJOI'R}OMNT Ttle meeting was regitrlarly ad j 6urned at 8 : 35 p. m Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: A,,Zru. e Andrew C. Byrd,Mavor HERBERT K.IIE, City Clerk 4,fr ?72 Burl ingame , May 9, Cali.fornia r951 An adjourned neeting of the city council, from its meet,ing of May 1, 1961, was caIled to order by Mayor Byrd inrnediately following the canvass of election returns. Mayor Byrd announced that the adj ourned meeting bad been scheduled to consider items of "unfinished business" however, no action being reguired on ttris occasion, the subjects \,rere held for Councilattention at the next regrularJ.y scheduled meeting, May 15, 196I. Councilman Johnson extended felicitations to ne&,ly elected CouncilmanMartin, acknowledging his capabilities, particularly in connectj.on i'rithhis association as a member of the Burlingame City Planninq Commission. Ihere being no business to transact. the meeting was regularly adjournedat 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted. ERT K.rrE, city erk APPROVED: A,/.r- 6A,*11. Andre$rC. Byrd, llayor