HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.10.09LOz CALL TO ORDER Pnesent - CouncLlmen:Absent - Couneilmen: Burllngarue, Californla 0ctober 9, 1962 Crosby-.Te51s on-Lorenz -Martl n-Morgan non6 A Speclal Meeting of the Burllngame Clty Corincll, from its Specleli{eetlng of. October 2, J-962, .was held on the above glven date.![eetlng ca1led to orden at E300 p.rnc - Mayor .Lorenz Ln tho ChaIr. ROLL CALL PUBLIC HEARING -TEEiIffir srBrcr c oNTTNUANcE Fo11ow1ng openlng comments by Mayor Lorenz wLth respect to theCouncllts Lnterest In establlshlng an Off Street Perklng program and hls per:sone1 deslre to acqulre lots prlor. to t he fonthcomlng Holttlay season rush, Counc l1man Martln, CouncLl l1alson menlberto the Parklng Dist!.lct Commlttee, was lnvLted to preslde. Councllman i{artln repeated the ground rules and announced that readlng of rt cornnunicatloas of protests and other corments :retatingto the fornatlon of the Off St reet Par.klng Distr'lctrn would c ontLnue. Lett6rs recoived uere read as follows: 26.z(. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.. 34. 35. 36.. 3Z: 39.. l+0. lpI. h2;, l+3. lr4. l+5.. l+6 t+7. In reply re c elved Manch 196Mr. Wl1so bE read a ?. C. Chabra, County House aote1, 2]4 - 216 Lorton Avsnue ],lrs. LlLlian A. KeIIy, 12L2 Baysuater Avenue I'lls s I,Iabel cuthrlo , 153 Elghland Avenue C. A, and Marle Hubband Il112 Chepln Avenue Mrs. E1lza tle!-tz, 135 Lorton Avenue Fned W. Leh.Dran, Presldent, Burllngame Park Impnovement Club Mrs. Bessle To:rel1o, 111+5 Drake Avenue E. Eo and Eleano:r Pftrsso 209 Stanly Road Elchard P. l,I5.nor, 231 l{est Bel1rme He11er, Ehrnan rr/hl te and McAullffe, slgned by Casper W. Welnburger Marle S. Ackleyl 120 Pank Road Itf:r. and Mrs. Edward Ruedy, 12lJ Bellevue AvenueV{rgLI Smlth, Realtonr --11-g71 Burlingame Avenue S anford Convelescent romer 1ll4J Burlingame Avenue. Mir"garet Cunnlngham, Not:re Dane Avenus, BlemontJ. C. and l4r.s. J. C. El1ers, /fu Tulane Count, San Mateo John Pe:rn1n, !O0 Howard Avenue Rose A. FornanL r JllPrlmrose Road Borden Company, 1J2! Potenero Ave. San Fbanclsco tar.ber and Tonrrey, s!.gned by James R. Tormey Jn., 251. Park Road. Ed A,.no1d 25! Prlmrose Road, Geor'fue W. Butcher Councilman Johnson, s lnqulry concerlng a communlcatlon Councll from Mrs. Kay Brlgham 228 D.rtght Boad inpr:otestlng the creatlon of a parklng dlstrlct as proposed Attorney for the DLstrLctr rul6d that the communlcatlonplaced on flle. to by 2 n, nd Mn. Wl1son, Ln nesponse to the Chalr, urged Counctl to conslder only new evidence that may be pr.esented; addlng that a corenspondence may. speak, however, on hLs or her corrnunicatl.on read. lnto. the 16cond. John A. Cost, Attorney, represantlng the HattLe ZLLlmer propertLes. on Chapln Avenue, refenred to the map obtained from the Chamber of Commerce offlce lndicatlrt8 the lnclusion of Lots C, D, and E on Challn Avenue entered es Exhlblt lio. 26 and a second ttlap ilelettng Lots C, D and E end G and II lnto the Parking Dlstrlcty' (Exhtblt No. 19 questlonlng the reasons therefor'. Some dlscusslon aroge on the lssue, wtth dr:. W11son ailvlslng that Mr. Van Zandt, Englneer for the DLstrlct, on a pr:lo:r occaslon, 108 subrnLtted a ns.p, ldentlfied as Exhlblt No. 19 and explal,nod that subsequent to considerable study by the Parklng Dlstrlct Cornmittee and the Prl-mrose for the project, the origlnal map nas rovisedto delte Lots CrD, and E to Cfrapin Avenue. Mr. Wilson confirmend the explanatlcn given by I,1r. Van Zandt wlthrospect to the modification of the orlgl-na1 map, advising that the revlsed. map (fxfrtntt No. 19) was the map attached. to the cl,rculatedpetltlons; and the nap refe::l.ed to by I,!e. Cost (nxfritit No. 28)ras nerely prelimlnaly Vernon Va1e, Attorney, Isepr3esenting property owners wlthln the chapln Avenue ar?ea, requested that he be perml'tteil to add r ohls Exhiblt No. 18 submitted into ovidonce at a prI-on meeting. Mr. Vale ad.ded the letter nPrr representing the wor.d rtparkingrt to lots CrFrGrIrIIrJrKrL, lndlcatlng facillties on the south sideof Chapin Avenue and stated that the only property to be beneflttedby the parklng lots proposed woul and Pelamountaln (latter residentfurther stated that the creatlon destroy any futu::e corrnercl-al dev completly Lsloate the north sl-de Apllcatlons for cred.it ll cu s tomers , tt tl owner tt were r6ad. as fo110ws: 1. DuBu Conporation, No protest flIod 2. Klngsway Corl>.e 1[!0 chapin Avenue No p:rotest fl1od 3. Frances A. Smtth No protest flled . Ha:rolcl o. Pari sh o protest f1led 5. Hugh A. & Kar.l H Mauss€r: No protest f11ed 6. Safeway Stones No protest fL1ed 7. J. W. Mil1er Bealty Co. No protest filed B. lmogene A Stenens No protest filed 9. Brrrce C. Klnkb:rlde (Lonton) No protest flled 1O. Bruce C. Klrkbr.lde (Burlingame) No protest flIed 11. Cla1e F. Kemp No protest filed e the propertles of Chiapeloneat thls ti-me ) . l,In Vale addLtional parking Lots would d pment and use and would Chapln Avenue. against assessments levled fo:: Lnrprovedtrtennantrr or lrer4>loyeetl par.klng spacegAssessment PorcentageNumber Cnedit1[2J Bu::llngame lJ.z 16.6% 16 \2.T% dblal of e1o of Pecess A recess was decla:red. by the Chalr at ):)l p.a. CALL T O ORDER The rneetlng was ca11ed to order at $:10 p.m. APPLICATION FON CREDIT FCR EXISTING OFF STREET PARI(ING FACILITIES 4 N w 28&41 186 l-21+,125,128 Lzlrl22rl23 200 3o94a5 tl+l l+2.33% 67.6L% 50.7yl 85.26% 57.gt'fi 42.73/" t+2i3fi 32.33% t57 32.33/' A comnnnl-catlon was read firom l,b:. Kemp, dated June 23, J-962, ad.vlsLng. that e terrporary inJunctlon egLanst the use of an ease- rnent aJdacent to the Post Offlce has been lssued and a credtt allowance ras r.equeeted. 106 235,236 6l+ 109 Pencentage C:redlt 55 53 l+7.60'* 6.711 A c omnruni.catl on, slgned by Kenneth I. JonesrAttornoy, law f 1r'raof Wllson, Earzfe1d., Jones & Morton, dated January )L, L9621wlth respect to formula applled ln the computatlon of c::edlt forexlstlng off-street parklng facllltles was reaal. P[r. Van Zandt advl.sed that revlslone were mads and credlt alIowed. No pr.otest f llecl. Assessment Number 12. Standard O11 Stand.ard 011 No protest filed E1 Cardno Re al Califonnla Dr. .77% .38f Co., Co., 13. Jeanette L. No protest f11ed Des sin 1[. The Borden Company 2l+0 Itlr. Wllber Smlth, Vlce-Pnesldent of Borden Company, ln :referrlngto the low cretlli allowance ot 6.?fi questloned wtriiher the ex- panslon plans for hls c ompany had been taken lnot consldoratlon atthe tlme of tee credlt computatlon res deternl,ned. Mn. Van Zaltlt referred to three lnspectLons made oproperty whereln no evldence was lndlcated that th complled with the rrconsunor, ownor, tenant or enpl spacett requl:rements for parklng credlt allowanee; f the subJ ect e Bonden C omapny oyees parklng'It was furtherpolnted out that an employee of tha Company had stated. that only cornnerclal trucks wer.e perrnlttedto utllize the parklng areas. fn reply to a serles of l-nquhes concernl-ng the new expanslonplans whereln a s5.xty-seven spacos irere t o be includecl 1n the parklng area, l,bn. Smlth tndtcated that plans to provlde employeeparklng are lndiflnlte. Ftr. Ven Zandt stated that lt was t he opinlon of the engl,neers thatIt rould not be proper to grant credlt for parklng on the basls ofrrnon-operat!-ona1 parkJ.ng spacesrt andc ltsd similar lnstances wlth respect to the Montgomeny Ward Co. and portions of service statlon proper:tLos. 15. Btrt1 antt Rlte Welz 2O9 l+8.6fr Irtrs. Welzt s lnqulry concernlng her understandlng that tho altsess- ment hadt beEn lncreasad on her propertyr Has replled to by M:r. Van Zandt rho stated that the origlnal assessmont was estlmated at $11978.00 and wlth a credlt allowance of 1a8.6fi, the asssssment was in- fact, reducsd to approxlmately $1r05o.00. No pnotest flIed. 15. RaLrnend B. & Paullne P. Wu:r1ltzer 4'43,W,46,1t7,92,3t.e% Mr. lfurlltzer stated that hls assessments totalled $61+1531.00 agalnst sLx parcels of lend for. a total ot 57 1957 square feet and suUmlttea lnto evLdence tfPlan for portlon of Block 11, Burllngame Land Company, owne d by Rel rund B. and Paullne P. Wurlltzentt outllned ln trredtr and. marke d ExhLblt No. 29. Hr. Wurlltzer advlsod that no credLt has been allowed for thatportlon of the property (wlthln the red llnes Exhibtt no. 29) upon which he hes pnovLded a1ls and lendscapl,ng. Figures were submltted hy M::. Wurlltze:r to substatitate hls clalm fo:r an add-Ltlonal credLt of three percent. 110 Followlng conslderablE dlscussion on the points r.alsed by lilr,lIurlltzer, Exhlbtt noo l0; photographs of t he WurlLtzer propertylndlcatlng nAr forzn lot nFrr to the rear exlt of S. Chrlstlan;trB[ fnom 1ot ltFrr Nonth, ylsu wal].s and pI&nting area; [Cn from south slde of Lot f vlew of power statlon and acquisitlon gatesto Gaffney Bulldlnge and nDrr sl-dewalk area runn 1ng along near p portLon of Lots 3 and lf was submltted into evidence. l-5. Geonge S. Redd, th32 Chapln 72 8O.Oof No protest flled, 16. Russl11 and Evelyn Johnson 1,2)+L-45 Howard Ave 215 117.7fi No p:rotest flledl Ivfn.. Van Zaadt advlsed that a cred.lt was applled for 1n thislnstance on Septmeber l, afber the August 13. deadllne. 17. A"chie offleld The appllcatlon for credlt wag. rece!-ved asafter the August 3L, L962 deadllne. APPROVED: ,; OR PRO TE}{PORE 83-Bl+28.21( f1]edExhlblt no. 11, Additlonal exhlbJ-ts, Exhthlt No. f2 rr Photographs ArBrCrDrE and Frllndlcatlng the parklng lot and loading zone area used by Borden Companyr s comnerclal t:rucks, and Exhlbit No 33, a plot plan of Bordenrg proposed improvements, Lncluding parkLng spaces for a mlnlm.rm of slxty-seven vehlcles trere submltted l-nto evldence. ADJOURNMENT Res ectfully su ted The meetlng was reqularly adJourned at 11:25 p.m. to meet tuesday October 16, 0:00 p.m. Councll Chanbers, on motlon of Councilman Johnson and seconded by Councllman C:rosbyl er Whtte+ Clty Cle rk ar/,