HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.05.01268 Burlingame, Cali forni a Irtay 1, 1961 CALL ?O ORDER A regnllar meeting of the Burlingame City Council was held on the above given date. Meeting called to order at 8:10 p.m., - Mayor Byrd in the Chair . PLEDGE OF ALLEG IANCE At vrord from the Chair, allthe Pledge of Allegiance to in the Council Chardberthe FIag. arose and giave Present - Councilmen: Byrd-ifohnson-LorenzAbsent - Councilmen: I{organ Councilman Morgan, absent because of illness, was excused on :motionof Councilman Lorenz and seconded try Councilman Johnson. COMITIENTS }TIEFILY ELECTED I{AYOR BYRD Mayor Byrd, presiding at his first meeting upon assuming chairmanshipof the City Council, read from a prepared statement, reeorded inpart, as follows: "Honorable Members of the Council, distinguished nembers of tle Staff, Department Heads, city Employees and friends: "Ihe new spokesman for the Council is by custom accorded theopportunity at his first meeting to speak on the problems facing theCity and his ideas as to their solution. "Ttre importance of bring these problems to the Council'E attentionat the first meeting is that they can be explored in depth and thereiE more time left for debate and solution. "f shall 'speal< on ohly two issued, because the other tro iasues,Police and Fire Department location and structures have been. orwill be decided upon in thi immediate future. .... "ftem 1 - Parking space shortage in the Dovrntoqrn areas of Burlingame and Broadway: "Historically, in the last 15 years, many conunitteeE of the Council,of t}le chamber of Cornmerce and of citizens, have been formed, have worked hard, have presented their solutions and then have had their programs defeated by court action or other actions. trhisis unfortunate, but the real tragedy lies in the fact that the problem conlinues to grqr, as the business diEtrict grows and if we do not find and adopt a solution, vre will- strange ourselves th roughour ovrn growth. "I believe the solution Iies in this Council adopting and effectuat-ing a firm poliry of acquiring as rmrch vacant Land in tle dorrntor.rn perimeters of Burlingame and Broad\ray, that vre can budget for andthis is suitable for oarking. I am sure that at some future date, a parking distriet will be forned and while vre believe tlat to be tlre ultimate solution, we cannot trust our future in this fieldto such a long wait. we slould bulz these lots noh, and have their use, while waiting for the District to be formed. we can thenselL these lots to tlTe District for what they cost us. "ttre use of City fundg on a returnable or revolving fund basis isthe only way we can insure tle grovrth and stability of our dot ntown areas. "The Lact of funds ha+ in t}le past. prevented our taking an executiveaction. Ihis should be no deterrent today because of our additional funds available to the Cj.ty from Sales Tax. ROLL CALL 269 54% of our Sales Tax revenue comes from non-residents, 46% comes fromour own residents and if we desire to maintain property values at ahigh level, if we desire to retain a 1o\4, tax baie ior our cityand if we desire to maintaj.n a healthy and prosperous downto\rn area,then we have a rooral imperative to provide off street parking forresidents and oon-regidents our of their contributions to the Sales?ax . ..... "ftem 2 - City Dump. Long before the actual formation of the BayArea Air Pollution Control District, the City Council of thisCity recognized the face that a burning durItt> was probably thevrorst eyesore that any city could have. we took appropriate action and embarked on our very succeasful fill and cover llEthod. overthe years, through the efforts of Mayor Mogan, !{ayor ,fohnson, Vice Mayor Lorenz and myself, coupled wj-th the very able assj-stance ofour Manager, Mr. Schwalm and others, we have refined old methods anddeveloped ne!, conceptE aE to disposal of the traEh of a City of 25, O00 people. ..... "we are rapidly running out of land for our present needs and are making no provision for our future gr@rth. "f suggest that we resolve this problem now and if the facts prove out the problem, then we should employ an appraisor to set the value on that portion lying between the preEent dump and the Freeway andif our offer to buy, predicated on the appraisal j.s refused, t}enue should condemn the land for dump purposes. YThere are many ar-rxiliary benefits that r^,ill accrue to the city if $re adopt such a positive and forthright po1i,cy. ..... " Ttlese two basic issues - Parking and the City Dt'lmp - are not theonly ones that vre are coocerned with. We will have the usual number of problems and issues that face us each year in larger quantity. r spoke on these two beeaase of the urgency and the immediate need for acti-on "fhe problems have been tith us for a number of years. No}, tlrere are sufficient funds available not only to reduce property taxes but enough to alIory us to solve these two major problems in a wise and far-sighted manner. "Now, as your spokesman or llayor, f shall rely on you for your advice,your counsel and your cooperation in our joint venture €o make Burlingarne the outstandlng city on the PenLnsula." Councilman f,orenz complimented Mayor Byrd on hii outstanding address and Iouis colagiovanni, President, Burlingame Chamber of Conmerce, coNnended Mayor Byrd and the members of the Council, pledging the continued support of the rpnbers of the Chamber of commerce,particularly in the establishment of a parking district for the city of Burlingame. The minutea of the previous meeting of April J-7, L961, as submittedto eouncil, vrere unanimously approved and adopted on motion of councilman JohnEon and seconded by Councilman Lorenz. EOMMUN ICATTONS 1. F-EPLACEMENT WA1ER MATNS AUTIIORfZED A communication from the City Manager, dated April 27. L96L, advisedof the necessity to replace obsolete water mains on East Lane and Carolan Avenue and the reeonunendation of his office and that of theCity Engineer that authorization be given to advertise for bids andan award be made thereafter at the May 15, 1951, council meeting. Questioned by tJ:e Chair, the City Engineer advised of tbe serious "fire flow problem at the Burlingame High School' due to the Nl INUTE S 270 inadequacy of the obsolete two inch and four inch \rater mains of the school officials indicating their willingness to assutte the cost of installing eiqht inch water mains within the High School grounds, provided the city shall assune the cost of the installation of ten inch mains within the appropriate areas supplying the school lines. llhe City Engineer further advisedthat funds are available in the water system Sinking Fund for the expenditure. Ouestioned further, the City l4anager advised that the numbering their approval represented 67% of the property ownergaand may be expended from Gas Tax Punds; however, council, if-isdesired, may schedule a public hearing to give all interested an opportunity to be heard. ano indic at- funds so PerE ons CounciLman ,Johnson thereafter moved that the Council concur and that bids be authorized as recomended, Eeconded by Councilman I.rrerrz and unanimous Iy carried. 2 . BAYSWATER AVE\II'E IMPROVEI.{ENT (Hearing June 5, 1951) A communication from the City Manager, dated April 27, L95L, advised that. as a result of a recent survey conducted among property owners on Bayswater Avenue, between lludbotdt and Anita Roads, eoncerning the removal of the center island of the street, fifty-six indicated their approval, twenty-eight their obj ection andsixteen statad no preference. ft was the recommendation of boththe office of the City Engineer and the City l{anager, that Councilauthorize the project to proceed. Councilman Lorer.z suggestedto improve California Drive,the "crown" and by widening needed. that Fas Tax Furxl s be applied insteadffi1 ot oak crove avenue, by eliminatingthe street six to eight feet in areas Questioned ; t1t Councilman Lorenz, the City Engineer advised thatthe portion of California Drive right-of-way owned by the Citywould limit t}e widening of the street to approximat,ely two feet and the expenditure would be too costly in relation to the benefitderived. A brief discussion concluded with the City Engineer requested toinvestigate and to submit an estimate of cost to improve CaliforniaDrive as suggested by Councilman Lorenz. Councilman ,Johnson suggeEted, with Councj.l concurring, that the city llanager be requested to refer the subject of the removal of thecenter islands on Bayswater Avenue to the Park Commission. A public hearing r.,aE thereafter scheduled by Council, June 5, 1961,at 8:0O p.n. 3. WAGE STABILIZATTON-FRTNGE BENEFTT PROGRAI.T A conmrunication from the City Manager, dated April 28, 196L, advlsedthat a copy of a proposed resolution prepared by the North County Councilof Cities in accordance with the agreenent of all representatives ofsaid cities at a meeting in South san Francisco, April 6. 1961, isin proper form for Council action. Councilman Johnson, Chairman, North County Council of Cities. Wage Stabillzation-Fringe Benefit Committee; reported in some detail onthe endeavors of the North County Cities to establish a uniform wage scale for specific "benclmark " positi-ons and a fringe benefitprogram for emplqgees of the six northern cities. Councilman Johnson advised that the program proposes aperiod wherein the affeeted cities may comply wi,th the wages sha1l be reviewed annually at which time a "costindex will be applied. three year program, hoveverof living " Councilman Johnson further advised that citiesof the County have indicated their interest add may be in effect throughout the County. the southern Eectiontime, the program 1nin RESOTUTfON NO. 23-61 "Declarin 9 Policy of City of Burlingame lfith Respect to Certain Positi.ons of Employment l{ithin the City of Burlingame" Sas thereafter introduced by Councj,lman Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded tryr Councilman Lorenz. O. Fred Fricke, Captain, Burlingame Fire Department, speaking inbehalf of the Firemen, stated that it was their opinion that the "benchmark " poEitions i.lrere lov, and suggested that in adopting theresolution, a proviso be indluced that an outside agency be engaged to conduct a salary survey and itE recomnEndation be takeninto consideration. efforts have been Iilateo, both cities 277 should be bornefact that tle use of sump captain Fricke observed that on prior occasion, expended to bring salaries to an equal with Sanhaving "common" tax expenditures. Mayor Byrd, in reply, Etated that the City is "only trying to effecta poli.cy and there will be an annual review of salaries. " Richard llcKinnon, Street Department Equipment operator, questioned the status of those employed in positions not included in the proposed resolution. Councilman Johnson, replying, advised that positions not included, as well as salaries appeari ng to be inequitable. wil-l be referred to the City tltanager and each eity will evaluate their own individual cate-gories outside the range of "benchmark " positions. A Roll Ca11 vote vras thereafter recorded as follows: Ayes: councilmen3 Byrd-Johnson-I"orenzNoes: CounciLmen: None Absent Councilmen: l.{organ 4 . HO!.IARD AVEIIT]E SPEED COMPLAINTS A report from the city uanager, undate date of April 28, 1961, concerning an investigation of the complaints received on the matterof speeding on Hovrard Avenue, waE acknolrledged and placed on file. 5. BI'RLTNGAME AVENUE SURFACE I.IATER A report from the City Manager, dated April 27, 1961, advised that the City Engineer has conferred with the management of the Telephone Company regarding the surface water accumulating on Burlingare Avenue. created by the deep eccavation of its property and wherein the company has agreed to furnish sufficient pipe to provide cateh basins to carry off the surplas water, provided the City will assumethe installation cost. the City Manager advised that the proposal appears to be the proper solution and if Council so authorized, the project vrill proceed. I,layor Byrd stated that in his opinion, the entire costby the Telephone Company, partiehlarly, in vi,ew of the problem exists because of the excavation and resultant pumps. In reply to Council inguiry. the City Attorney adivsed thatprovisions of the ordinance code permits the deposit of surface water j-nto the City's storm drain; however, in thj-s instance. it would be difficult to determine vrhether the seepage is createdotler than by surface vrater. Following a brief iliscussion, the subject was referred to the City Atlorney for further review and report to Council. 6. POLTCE AT{D FIRE COMMENDATIONS A memo to Council from the City Manager, dated April 28. 1951. advisedof conutrunications received comnrending the excellent public service rendered by both the Police and the Fire Departments. 272 Communicatr-ons were thereafter ackdolrledged from Marc Ipgie, Colone1, AUs, Retired, expressing appreciation to nrembers of the pulrnotor team of the Burlingame Fire Department in rendering a resuscitation service to a member of his immediate family and from Don He1bush, Adult Probation officer corunending Gerald A. NordEtrom. Police officer, for his recent outstanding police work in connection with the apprehension and conviction of a wanted person. Councilman Johnson moved that an official letter of conunendation be transmitted to each department and particularly commending ttre person or persons referred to in the foregoing corntnunicationE. T'he motion was seconded by councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried. 7. TROUSDALE-MARCO POIO CROSSING A memo from the City Manager. dated Aptir. 27, 1961, adviEed that the pedestrian count does not justj.ff the establishnent of a crossvralkat ?rousdale Drive and uarco Polo way, however, a crosswalk will be placed in the vicinity to encourage its use ttlt nigh Schoolstudents. T'lxe report was acknowl-edged for filing. 8. REPORT: EUCALYPTUS TREES SOUTHERI'i PACIFTC PAILROAD A memo to Council from the City Manager, dated April 28, 196I, advi.sedthat the Park Superintendent has reported that tlrenty-one Eucalyptusfrees located along the Southern Pacj.fic Railroad are in a conditionto be removed and authorization has been requested for their removal. I{ayor Byrd advised that the property was deeded to the City manyyears ago with a provision that the title rcould revert to the ownerif the trees \^rere removed. ftre subject was referred tofor report to Council. the City Manager and to the City Attorney - 9. REG TONAL PLAI{NING AGENCY ENDOR,SED A comrm:nication was received from the Planning Commission. datedApril 25, 1961, requesting Council approval to the endorsenentby the CommiEsion of a bill introduced by Assemblyman Irlyers of San Francisco providing for a "Regional Planning Agency. " In reply to Council inquiry, Planning ConEultant Mann advised thatthe Agency as proposed, includes the participation of nine countieswithin the Bay Area in a coordinated approach to planning and itsrelated problems and in his opinion, is wor thy of endorEerent. CounciLman ,Johnson moved that the Council concur in the reconunendati,on, seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried. R.ESOLUT IONS A Resolution accepting a deed from the Crocker-Anglo National Bankin connection with the purchase of the Lyon and Hoag lot adj acent to the Burlingame Post Office Building was submitted for Council conEideration. In reply to Council inguiry, the City Manager advised that the orrners have increased the price, due to lega1 expense alleged to have beenincurred because of the city's delay in purchasingi the properqr and which, in his opinion, is an unwarranted increase. In reply to further Council *nquiry, the city Attorney reviewed eircumstaneea that trave arisen folloring the Citlr's officer to purchase the vacant parceL, the reasons for a delay in acquiringtj.tl-e, and the owners notice to the City, upon being advised bythe latter that funds for sa.id purchase are available that thepurchase price had been created by $800.00 (Later compromised to $5O0.00) because of tle delay incompleting the transaction. 27,3 some discussion arose on the tncrease in the purchase prlce and concluding wj.th the Council concurring that the subject be resolved at the discretion of the City Attorney. RESOLUTION NO. 24-51 "Accepting Deed from crocker-Anglo National Bank, a National Banking Corporation, Dated April 28, 196I" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Johnson, secondedby Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried by Roll Call vote. Councilman Lorenz noved that the City submi t a certified eopy of RESOLUrION eompany at such terms that he, in hisIhe motion vras seeonded by Councilman carried . Attorney be instructed to NO. 24-51 to the titlediscretion, may determine. Johnson and unanimously UNFINISI]ED BUSI}IESS 1 POLICE STATION PRELIMINARY PLANS A colored tlrawing of the exterior and a schematic plan of tle proposed Police Station lras displayed on the Council chanber black- boaril b1z I{. G. Wandmayer and R. zahm, Architects. counci.Iman Lorenz moved that the prelimj.nary sketch and plan for the proposed Police Station, to be located on Ho&rard Avenue, be accepted and that the architects be authorized to prepare the plan as indicated. Ttre motion was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanirmusly carried. Reference was made to a colununication from the City Manager, dated Apr il 27, 1951, advising that a member of the ArErican fnstitute of Real Estate Appraisers has appraised the Donnelly Avd.and Lorton Avenue parking 1ot at $58,500.00 and the Council's offer to purchase the property for $55,000.00 is acceptable to theomer. In reply to Couneil inquiry, the City Manager advised that proceeds from the sales tax revemie may be applied on the purchase and at such time as a Parking District may be formed. furds derived therefrom may be deposited into a "revolvj.ng fund" to reimburse the City. a motion was thereafter introduced by Councilman Iorenz that the Cj.ty Ivlanager be authorized to proceed wi,th the purchase of the Donnelly Avenue-Lorton Avenue parking lot in tle sum of $55,0OO.00 and that the City Attorney prepare the necessary legislation. fhe motion was seconded b'1, Councilman Johnson. On the question, I"1r. Albert Kaufmann, orrmer of a camera shop, 1452 Broadway and I'lr. william McCle1lan, ol,ner of a hardware sii-oie, 1247 Broadvray, urged that Council give consideration to the acquisitionof vacant property on Broadway to assist that districtin parking problems. Uayor Byrd advised that every consideration sha1l be given to agsist-ing Broadhray; holrever, it h,ould be more desirable, if a definite plan were submitted to assist the council. Follolving sone discussion. Councilman Johnson suggested to Mr. Mcclellanthat he and others interested. confer vrith John J. Broderick and J.Ed. Itlcclellan, co-Chairman. of the central Parking comnittee of the Burlingame Charnlcer of Connerce. A vote ori the rnotion to purchaEe the vacant property on Donnelly Avenue and Lorton Avenue was recorded as unanimous. The City Attorney reconunended that the Council adj ourn the meetingon this date to Tuesday. l{ay 9, 1951, follovring a canvass of the l,4ay 2, 1961, Municipal Election returns, in order that Council maytake action that my=, be required in eonneetion with tl.e purel'aseof the Donnellv Avenue-Lorton At,enue parking lot. 2. DObI}IELLY AVE. -LORTON AVE. PARKING LOT L 274 3. APPRAISALS OF VACAIflI PROPERW AUTI{ORIZED Mayor Byrd suggested that appraisals be obtained (1) on property referred to as thee "Callan' property on Laguna Avenue and Broadway, for consideration as a parking lot facility and (2)6n Burlingame Shore Land Company property, adjacent to the City Dump(Approximately 12 acres) for consideration aE a site to extendthe city's present dump filling operations. Councilman Lorenz moved that the Council concur and the City Manager lras so authorized, seconded tryr Councilman Johnson and unanimous ly carried . NEi,f BUSINESS APPOINTMENTS A. COITNC IL COMT,IITTEES Ihe Chair announced the folloring Council Cornmittee appointments: Councilman Johnson: Emplqfee-Council, North County Council ofCities Delegate and Council Parking Committee. Councilman Lorenz: Finance; Council-Planning Conunission representa-tive and Council Parking Connittee. Council-man lqorgan: Chamber of CouE[erce and Recreation ard Parks Corunission representative. B. RECREATION COMMISSTON A communbtion from Ken weEt. announcing his resignation aE a member of the Recreation Comdssion hras ackn@rledqed and on a moti.on introduced by Councilman Lorenz, a letter of commendatj.on was directed to be transmitted to lrtr. weat, secondead by councilman Johnson and unanimously carried. Mr. Al Horwitz, 157 occidental Avenue, was named by the Chair to complete the unecpired term of I{r. west and the appointment qras unanimous ly confirmed by council. ACKNOIILEDGME}{tS Ehe Chair announced receipt of a communication from U. S. senator fhornas H. Kuchel-, acknowledqing a cotrununication received from theCity protesting the removal of the Navy Arsenal from the City of Benecia. SMOG CONTROL MEETING Irlayor Byrd spoke briefly on the intention of the Bay Area Air Pollution Control District, to request each city to adopt a proposed uniform ordinance stipulating a policy of compliance with air pollution control regnrlations and announced that a meeting of the District was scheduled, fhursday, ylay 4, 1961, I p.m., Supervisors Chambers, court House, Redwood city. 196I MIE]IC IPAL ELECTIONMAY 2 It{ayor Byrd introduced Ralsey Jac} Edwards, Clarence E. King and R. David Martin, candidates for council position at the forthcoming municipal Election. May 2, 1961 and lrged the electorate to support tbeir candidate by voting- PER,SON AI(D WE< PROPERT' I"1r. Oscar Person, in attendance, requested Council to consider releasing a portion of itE property adjacent to Person & wik I. 275 property on Broadway in order that the latter property may beproperly improved. Ihe subject r,ras referred to the City Attorney and to the City Ilanager for study and report to Council at the adjdurned May 9, 1961 meeting. Ehere being no further business. tle meeting was regularly adjourned at 10:15 p.m. to meet Tuesday Itlay 9, 1961 . Respectfully submitted IIERBERT K. I{I]ITts City Clerk APPROVED: /*Zt -a, Andrew C. Byrd, Mayor