HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.10.02103 Bunllngame, Callfornla .October 2, L962 A Special Meetlng of the Burll,ngame Clty Criruncll, fnom lts Speclal i'leeting of September 25, 1962, was held on the above glven date.Meetlng cal1ed to order at B:10 p.m. - Itlayor Lorenz 1n the Chalr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At wor.d fom the Chalr, all ln the Councll Chamber arose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. PUBIJC IIEARING ltlayor Lorenz announced that the publlc hea::ing on ttre Burllngame Av€nue area Off Street Parklng Dlstr.lct may be concludoal onthls occaslon and an open study meetlng w111 be scheduled ln the near futune at whlch tlme CouncLl w111 give lts conslderatlonto resolve the lssue. Councllman Pta:rtln, CouncLl llaison to the P rktng Dtsrtict CorunJ.ttee, was Lnvitsd t o conduct the contifrued publlc hearLng. Councilman Martin nepeated the ground nules establlshed for theprocedure and announced that on this occasion Councll would hear (1) the method proposed for the flnanclng of the Dlstrlct(2) wrttten pr.otests recelved ana (3) c1alms for exemptlons onpar"klns rrpacos avaLlable. ItIr. Ernest A. Wllsonr Attonney, called attentLon to two blockswlthin the Assessmont Dlstrlct not prevlously referned to. CALIFORNIA DRIVE . BELLEVI'E AVE$UE LORTON AVENIIE . CAL]FORNIA DRIVE Thene were no comnents for.m eltlren pnoponents or opponents withrespect to the above nefer:red to lots wlthin the Assessment Dlstrlct. 1. FINANCING PARKING DTSTRICT ltn. Ken JonesrAttorney, representlng the Attoirnoys for the Dlstrl.ctm stated that assessments agalnst the pnopertles wlthlnthe Dlstrlct are belng levled accordJ.ng to assossed land valuatlons on the basls of t he last equalized asssssment roll and pursuant tothe 1913 Inprovement Act; bonds unpald. w111 be collected r:nd.e n terms of the Improvemsnt Act of 1915. Mr. Jones erplalned the procedure of grnating wnltten requestsfon cretllts on propenty rrlthln the boundaries of t he Dlstrlct used for pnofesslonal or corznerclal pur.poses as set fonth Ln thepetltlon; the petltlon further provldes that parklng space sha1l be 9 x 20 wlth the amount of a reasonable access to be determlned by the c ouncll. tdLth respect to the flnanclng, Itfr. Jones stated t hat lf t he assegsment ls flnally conflmed by the Councll lt 1s recorded.ln the Offloe of the Superlntend.ent of Streets and becomes a lelnegalnst the propenty; ln thls panticula:r proJect, the cagh payrnent perlod can be oxtendod; bonds w111 be solil only as ss required;after the cash paJrmont perlod expines, any sold assessments becomepayable over a perlod of years (21 years ) at a slx per cent lntorestrete. CALL TO ORDER BURLINGAI{E AVENTIE AREA OFF STREXT PARKING 104 Irb. Wilson advlsed tha t thecontrlbute forty percent ofto exceed $51+O,OO0.0O; a cracquisLtion cost to the Cltplus appralsad value of a p W11son on Exhlblt No. 2). petltlon provides that the Clty shaIIthe total cost of t he proJect, but notodlt of $1fl5r612.00 r:epresenting they of Lots D and L, portlons of A and Eortl,on of lot J ( ldentlfted by }ftr. Mn. tfilson advised that the Clty Manage? has ascertl-aned as tothe aya11ab1ltty of funds and quoted L962 - 1t6J buge tar'5r f lgures, confirmed by the Clty iilil1gg63. ContlnuLng, Mr. Wilson advLsed. that the petltion recites thatthe balance of costs and. acqul,sltions, etc., shalL be assessed. upon an arsa benefitted thereby and pub]-icly onned property andproperty proposed to be acqulre{ sha1l be exempt form sd. d as sossmento Cdrlrman Martl-n referred to a trianguJa r parcel of property owned by the Clty of BurlLqgeme.qt the lntersectlon of lloward Avneu andCallforrrla Dr.ive ( Greyhoun,i Bus Station) ana tlr. Van Zandt, Englneer for the PnoJect, advlsed that an ass6ssment was lecledagalnst the property because of lts oceupancy by the Gr6yhoundlines; lt was dterml.ned. that Councll could lnclude the propertyat 1ts dlscretlon. sponse to the Chaj.rr s invitaion for audlenca comments, concerni.ng lnancing of the proJect, Mr.. Jame s Torrnsy, Jr. Attorney, sontlng the Amborse prop rty stated. that lf assessments are made on an equal basLs of valrratlon and the property ln t his case is valued on the Land assessments, the questLon ls ralsed whether thls t est meets the tr burden vs. bur.den. n l,Ir. Tormey refe:rred to Assessment pareel-s 32t )+3, _W, l+5 t [6ranttU, sln1lar ln size and charactar to Parcsl No. [B stating that the latter has been deterrnLned. on a d.effernet basls; assessment fiqures on the varlous parcels Ln the ar€a were consid6r&b]6 ln excess of the basLs, City w111 be buying some loslng Itg1t'atlon ancl ralsed a questlon of other errors of bneach. lnlr. Wildon in reply to the Chair, a dvl,sed that t he fLnancS.ng ofthe Cltyts portlon ls subJect to adJustment by the Council; rrLn thls sltuatlon lf the proJect cost ane so increased that the Cltyr scontrlbutl n of $6L,LO,O00.00 dtd not amount to fo::ty percen,, thoClty 1s not obllgated t o contlbute any mone; of the cost 1s so reducsd so that the $51+01000.O0 ls more, tho Clty ls not oblLgatedto contrLbute more than forty percent but sinca the propety owners have been led lnto this lt should be aher.ed to if the proJect goes forward. In r.e the f repreto be Mr. Wllson, LIr re.ply, ailvised. that the partlcula]: pa.rceI neferredto by Mr. Torney is owned by tbe Telephone Coaapny; l-t ls hot on the Assessment RolI but lt Ls assessed by the State Board 'of Equallzatlon qnd placed on the |tutillty Rol1rr the property Ls assessed at 5096 of lts true value with the balanco of property assessed at 2L.L16 pf lt true va1uc, wlth the petltlon recLtes that the property of the Teleph-one Company shaLl be assumed to havs am assessed value of l+2.2X of Lts pnesent assessed value srrd that nas the foruula appae'.dr Mr. Tor:mey stated that hls posltlon was rrthat assessments should be based Ln benefltted, for rather than land valrration.rr Mr. Victo:: Subbotln, 25L9 Hal;e Drivo' questloned the expediture of Clty funds and taklng property off the Assessnent RoII; polntlng out to the parking spaces in ratlo to populatlon tn other citles, Mr. Subbotln stated. that in hls oplnlon, the proposed Dtstrtat ttls toolargo for the d.emartd. rr MLlI A,ntolnette ZLlmer submltted lnto evidenc€ and markod as Exhibtt No. 2L a drawlng she prepared indicatlng, in additlon to the lots pnoposed foi acqusJ"tlon, the numbe r of exl-s tLng lots (coJ.ored. plnk) currently available for convenlense of shoppers. Mr. Gsorge Butcher, member of the Cordes F\rnLturo Comapny firm spoke on further research he had made with respect of muLtl-1eve1 105 structurgs and surveys that he had made lndlcatlng that costs fora stnuctur:e of this type would. approxLmately be $1.5O to $l+.50oer squane foot. Some discussLon aross on the c.osts p6r3 sqaur€, footage. l,lr Van Zandt spokc on flrnther research he had made wlth respect to costs end by mesns of blackboard lLlustretlon, lndicate'd that lt wouldcost $7.00 per squero foot tc pr:ovido a gnound floor and upper deck par.klng faclllty. Mr. J. Chapelone urged Councll to serlously conslder rnultl-sto::y panklng nfigured on the basl.s of buslness neturn.rl Mr. J. Schmltz, 12J7 Bellevue Avenue, al.so spoke on the multl-story parkS.ng and tho beneflts of locallzed parklng Mr. GeorSe Mc.l"u6en spoke on the dlsadvantages of thls type ofparklng cltlng the Pamott bulldlng in the Clty of San Mateo as an example. lfrs. Inene PalamountLan obserIed that the lot referred to by Mn, McQueen ls a parklng factltty requlring tlcket valldatlon and spqke at some length on lndeslrable features of providlng parkLng facl11tles rral1 over the Clty.rt lft.s. Palamourxtaln suggested a central parklng faclIlty ln the area of the present Clty Ha11 end from Park Road to PrLmrose Road. r,lrs. Laura Chapelone, 1l.L2l Chapln Avonuo, wlthln the AssessmentDLstrlct, also spoke ln fevor of a centrallztng parklng, referringpantlcularly to a panklng Iot on Donnelly and Prlmr.ose and the Eoward Bulck Bulldlng Iot. ErcIIBITS ln support of Mr.. Butchenrs statements Lrere presented and subrnltted lnto evldence as follows: Exhlbtt Sxhlblt Exhtblt&thlnltExhtbitExhlblt No. No. No. No. No. Noo 22 23 2b)< 26 27 a telrulatlon of rrlong span structunes cost datatl Management Arrangement Operatlon of nev Dosntorn Par:klng Magazlne exc€rpt rrRevolution ln Concreterf Magazlne exaorpt rrRevolutlon ln Concrete Part IItrFibreglass reinfonced concrete f omsrt Arohltects rendltLon of parklng stnrctune Donnelly Ave. RECESS A necess ias declanett by the Chalr at 9:35 p.ra. CALL TO ORDER The rneetlng neconvened at 9:50 p.m. PROTESTS AND OT}IER COMMENTS WITH RESPECT NG DISTRICT Conrnunlcatlons flled wlth the City Clerk wore read as folfows: 1. 1A.lb. Unlted Propenty SaLes, ?au1 {. Davls, 1l+73 BurHnga:ne Avenue Ho Kent Atwatetre REaLtor, J.!81 Burlingane Avenue Vlrgl1 Smlth, AppraLsor, 1[71 Bur'Ilngame Avenue Jerome Dr?aor* Co. Realtors 257 Prmlrose Road Bunltngame Realty Co. Harry M. LeWfeld, 1l+l+5 Bunllneamo Avo. Davis end C1lfton, F. W. Smlth [9 Pank Roatl Cockcroft and Co. Dorothea Cockcroft 1l[! Howand Ave :',trs. iilartha Ph:rome P O6 Bcllevue Avenue Herbert C. VellbaunJ. W. Hlggins [09 Prlmrose And.n6r. M. McKe orrn L21.r.0 Houard Ave.F. T. Jue1s, 11t16 chapln Avsnue Mrs. BessLE Torello, 11115 Dnake Avenue Margaret H. OrKeefe, Fbed M. Ilunt, A1lan F. Hunt, Jr. 2. 3. l+. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.t2. 10r, t-3. RaLmund B. & ?au1e P. Wurlltzer P.0. 3681l+. Roxie A. Lanle:r, Dorothoa 1. Ames15. Robert Barnett16. PaclfLc Coast Llnes Inc. Robert M. Rigneyr lllltll Chaptn Avenua17. J. V. Affnetl D; & Bl-ance Fbegosi, lp1 Chaptn Avenue18. kene E. Antl Walter C. Palamountaln, 1!21 Chapln Avsnuo19. Edward R. McDoanld l'lrs. Dorls Helbrush 20. Burllngame Garden Centen, Laura J. ChLapelone th27 Chapln Ave.2l Erura T. & George H. Sanatidge, 1l+39 Chapln Ave.22. Hattle A. Z11Lmer, 1l+33 Chapln AvenuE 23. Rose V. Schmltz, 1!2\ Chapln Avenuo2l+. Melvln E. Cohn James E. Russ11l th6l Burltngame Avenue Actlng Chalnnan lilartln advlsed that the r.eadJ.ng of corwrunl.catlons ::ecelved would be contlnued at the next Speclal Meetlngl Tuosday october 9, :.962 at 8;00p.m. ADJOTJRMIENT The meeting was reqularly adJourned to meet Tueday, October 9, L962 on motlon of Counc llman Johnson and seconded by Councllman Crosby. Res ec tfulIy, r Whlte CttY C16rp