HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.09.16335 Burlingame, September CaI i fornia 16, 1963 CALI TO ORDER A regular meeting of given date. tleeting in the Chair. PLEDGE OF A]-,LEGIANCE At word from the Chair, Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CATL in the Council Chamber arose F1ag. the Burlingame City Council r.ras held on the above called to order at B:00 p.m., - llayo r Johnson aIl the and gave the Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby, George. Johnson, Ilartin - Lorenz. Councilman Lorenz, absent because of illness. was exeused on motion of Councilman Martin and seconded by councilman Crosby. Elre minutes of the meeting of septedbe t 3, 7963, previously submitted to Council and corrested to record: (1) that the F. D. sperry Company was awarded "Contract for Disposal Plant Road Improvements; " (2) that conununications with respect to the Burlingame Shore Land Company's proposed apartment complex vrere acknowledged (two in favor and one in opposition thereto)' and (3) that Mr. Romeo Joly has submitted to the City of Burlingame a "conditional" check in the amount of $3,500.00, were approved and adopted thereafter upon motion of Councilrnan Crosby, seconded by Councilrnan George and unanimously carried. HEARINGS 1. EUGENE SIGNAROWITZ VARIAI{CE REQUEST CONTINI'ED Itlayor Johnson announced that the application of Mr. Eugene c. signarowitz for a variance to construct a gasoline station on Peninsula Avenue and Dwight Road, was before CounciL for the purpose of scheduling a re-hearing. Following a brief discussion on a "Land Use" study of the Lyon and Hoag Subdivision, under review by the Planning Commission, its subsequent recommendation to the City Council and the effect the study may have on the variance, !lr. Signarowitz indicated no objection to suggestion of Council that the subject be continued for re-hearing on November 4, 1963. 2. BURLINGAUE SIIORE LAND VARIANCEq/RECIASSITIqAIION Mayor Johnson announced the conclusion of public hearings held on prior occasions with respect to the Burlingame Shore Land Company's proposal to erect an apartment complex and referred to each variance requested, the action thereafter taken by Council, with the privilege of reversing its decision and to the conditions irnposed in relation to the variances and agreed upon by the developer. The medbers of the City's staff who have wo rked diligently on the proposal !,rere colunended by Mayor Johnson. A telegram from Councilman Lorenz, the development of the project was received Septedber 4, ]-963. approving acknowledged. A brief discussion, inditiated by Councilman Irlartin's suggestion that the audience be permitted to recommend approval or disapproval to the proposed project, was resolved by a ruling from the Chair that only new evidence and those not heard previously would be granted the privilege of expressing approval or disapproval from the floor. MINUTES 3U6 In reply to the Chair's invitation for conments by the Council, CounciLman Martin conunended the City Attorney on the preparation of a comprehensive resolution incorporating recomrnendations and sugges- tions offered throughout the course of the hearings, stating that it was his intention, however, to cast a "no" vote on the issue, based on his previous statements and objections with respect to "density, " "traffic, zoning" and the failure of the applicant to meet two of the four reguirements necessary to the granting of variances. In reply to the latter point, councilman George stated that the project represents a $16.000r000.00 investment and based on the City's current tax rate will yield a tax return of approximately $54,800.00; the city is currently receiving $7I0,000.0O annually from sales tax revenue and with the 800 families estirnated to be housed in the new development, additional sales tax revenue may be anticipated; and that the Carolan Avenue Jmprovement, Plus other imProvement s to be provided alone will cost the developer approx.Lmately $25,O00,O00.00- Continuing, Councilman llartin pointed to the numerous occasions wherein Burlingame was referred to as having "no master plan" and stated that there is a "general plan" established by the Planning Commission and the City Council, in which "commercial" zoning is prohibited in the area west of EI Camino Real, "rnultiple use" is prohibited west of E1 Camino ReaI (except property adjoining E] Camino Real ,) certain lands have been reserved as industrial lands and three industrial zones in the City of Burlingame have been established. Councilman Martin stated that the proposed project violates the "general plan" of the City and in his opinion. is considered "spot zoning." Councilman George, repeating his statement made at a prior meeting, that the "project appealed to him, " set forth his several reasons for voting in favor thereof: (1) with the Industrial Park growth, employing approximately 8,000 persons in 4OO office buildings and warehouses and the expansion anticipated within the next ten years, Burlingame will reguire additional housing facilities; (2) the project is within the "fringe" area and with its development, the City has obtained an agreement from the developer, that the Sanchez Creek hazard will be eliminated and that the Carolan Avenue improvement sha1l become a reality; (3) Industrial way shall be improved as a dedicated City street ancl (4) to "pIan ahead," Burlingame must consider "height" construction and in his opinion, the height proposed for this Iocation will not affect the City of Burlingame. Councilman Crosby concurred with the statements made by Councilman George in favoring the proposed construction, stating that while it is within an industrial zone, in his opinion the area is not conducive to a r^rarehouse or similar structure that may create additional hazards; that the long awaited improvement of Carolan Avenue will be of particular benefit to the City and in addition will provide a safe route for students residing in the complex and traveling to and from Burlingame High School; and finally, the proposed development will be an asset to the present unsightly entrance to the city of Burlingame. fhe city Planner, in reply to the Chair. advised that the adjoining property owners have voiced no opinion either in protest or in favor of the proposed proj ect. I[r. c. R. Broback, 12O5 Bernal Avenue, suggested that prior to a Council vote on the issue, the minutes record statements from the City's staff with respect to (1) the status of the variances in relation to the stipulations imposed and (2) the "economics" of the project, indicating the gain and/or loss to the city (or develoPer) based on the tax structure of the city. 3'El7 CounciLman Georgie, in continuing his statements, added that City services shall be increased; however, such projects as the expansion of the Sewage Disposal Plant will proceed, due to necessity, regardless of the proposed development; the project will not be completed "overnight, " the terms are severe but just, and in his opinion, mutual benefits will be exper- ienced by both the City and the developer. Requested by the Chair for corunentations from members of the City staff, the city Planner advised that his statements with respect to the project have been submitted in written form and filed within the records of the proceedings . Tlhe City Engineer pointed to several minor discrepancies indicated on Exhibit C and inconsistent with the "Tentative llap of Improvements" indicated on Extr ibit A. Mr. Cyrus iI. Mclrlillan, Attorney, representing the applicant. advised that Extribit A encompasses all the engineerinq detail with respect to the improvernent plan; Exhibit G indicates " setbacks and Landscaping" and in his opinion, the engineering detail exhibited on Exltibit A is accurate and complete. At this point, Mr. McMillan advised Council that the property owners on carolan Avenue have submitted written notices signifying their intention to cooperate with the developer in improving Carolan Avenue. Mr. It. c. westcott, President, Burlingame suburban Protective Association. cautioned Council to give serious consideration to the conditions that must be satisfactorily net to approve a variance, referring specifically to section 7944 of the zoning Code. Councilman l"lartin mentary" document Counc ilman " Grant ing Ord inance Councilman recorunended that Exhibit C be only and was entered into the identified as a " supple- record as such. and the read in A proposed Agreement betvreen the Burlingame Shore Land Company City of Burlingane, together with an Addendum to Agreement was its entirety - The City Attorney advised that a resolution prepared by his office, embody ing the several variances and attaching thereto a copy of the Agreement and description of real property affected, was in proper form for Council action. George introduced and moved the passage of RESOLUTION NO. 77-63 certain Variances From Provisions of the 1941 Burlingame Code to the Burlingame shore Land company, Inc." seconded by Crosby. A RoI1 Cal1 vote was recorded as follows: Ayes: Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Crosby, George, Johnson. I{artin. Lorenz. RESOLUTION NO. 78-63 "Authorizin g Execution of Agreement and Addendum with Burlingame shore Land Co., Inc., For Development of Certain of the Properties as Provi.ded in Resolution No. 77-63" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Martin and unanimously carried upon RoIl Ca1l of medbers present. llayor Johnson. in some detail. stated her position on the issue, first commending both the proponents and the opponents for their courteous presentation of evidence and comnented upon her careful weighing of the evidence to determine her approval of the project. 3tsfJ Iilayor Johnson gave assurance that problems that have been referred to with respect to increased traffic and safety to children can be resolved satisfactorily and stated that in her opinion the project shall "open a new era for Burlingame, " "prosperity to Broadway, " and thus "to the City of Burlingarne as a whole." Concluding her statements. Mayor Johnson voiced the opinion that the project wiII be a distinct asset to the community and shall provide a beautiful entrance to the City of Burlingame. ORDIIiIANCE NO. 783 "An Ordinance Amendin g Section 1904, Article 50, Part X, of the Ordinance Code of the City of Burlingame Dividing the City Into Districts by Reclassifying Certain Lands of the Burlingame Shore Land Company From a Light Industrial (M-I) District to a Fourth Residential (Mu1ti-Family) (R-4) District" vras given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman ceorge, seconded by Council-man Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby, George, .fohnson. I{artin Lorenz Councilman lrlartin, addressing his corunents to menibers of the City staff, pointed to the problems facing the developer in the future improvement of his property and recommended that each department cooperate to expedite the project to its ultimate completion. Mr. Oscar Person, owner and developer, expressed his appreciation to the Administrative Offices of the City and prophesied that the development sha11 be a "tremendous asset to the City of Burlingame and a credit to the community in general." RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 9:25 p.m CAJ,L TO ORDER Ihe meeting was called to order by the Chair at 9:40 p.m. COMMUNlCATIONS 1. PASSAGE OF RESOLU:TION NEW STATE GAS TAX A communication advised that an ments of Senate from the City lrlanager, dated September 13, investigation has been made concerning the BilI No. 344 and the proposed new one-cent 1963, requi re- gas tax. It was the recorunendation of the City Uanager, the City Engineer and the City Attorney that a Resolution approving the i:npo s it i-on of additional "highway users" taxes and the apportionment of funds to the City for exclusive expenditure of acquisition and construction of routes on the select system of City streets be adopted and forwarded to the State Department of Public Works. f,I1e City Manager pointed out that this action is separate from ttre proposition of the San Mateo County Council of llayors and the county of San ltlateo to establish a " Road Fund" into which all new monies would be reserved for jrnplementing the first phases of the Nolte Highway Report. llayor Johnson requested Council to indicate its approval or objection to the proposed study of the adequacy of the present highways and roads within the County as recommended by the San lrlateo County Council of l{ayors. 339 councilman George thereafter moved that the Council concur \,rith the proposed plan to study road and h ighway improvements within the county of San l{ateo and a letter to that effect be so forwarded to the attention of the San Uateo County Council of Mayors. The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and carried, with Councilman Martin voting "no." RESOLUTION NO. 79-63 ,.Acc epting the Imposition of Additional Ilighway Users Taxes introduced Councilman pre sent . and Fees Pursuant to Chapter 1852, Statutes of 1963" was for passage on motj.on of Councilman Martin, seconded by Crosly and unanirnously adopted upon RoI1 Call of rnembe rs 2. DRAINAGE ON CABRILIO AVENUE TO BE CORRECTED A conrnunication from the City lt{anager, dated septedber 13, 1963, advised that the request of !1r. and ltirs. william Bowman of 1523 Cabrillo Avenue relatj.ve to a drainage condition on Cabrillo Avenue has been investigated. The City lrl.anager advised that ina prior year, a twelve-foot public right- of-way was accepted from the termination of Cabrillo Avenue northward over Mil1s creek onto City property within Ray Park and the three small pipes placed thereon have been proved to be inadequate - It was the reconunendation of the Director of Public works that the construction of a foot bridge with necessary concrete abuttments and fencing, at an approximate cost of $1 ,50O.OO would alleviate the condition and it was the further recorunendation of both offices that authorization be given to correct the existing situation. Council concurred and competitive bids. the City Engineer was authorized to advertise for The City Manager was requested by councilman Martin to at the next meeting, the amount of funds that have been and the anount remaining in the City's Contingent Fund. submit to Council coNnitted for, 3. REPORT ON DT'I.,lP CON?RACT A memo to Council from ttre City ltanager, dated Septedber 13, 1963, advised that the overdue payments to the City from the present Dump Operator have been received to September 15, 1963, and shalL not become delinquent, if not paid, until after October 15, 1963. The city I{r . ,foly City and llanager advised that the Skilak Oil Company, currently assisting in the dunp operation, sha1l soon present propositions to the should be considered pronptly by the Council. Ihe City llanager further advised that the San llateo Disposal Company and Ur. Gus Pedemonte have withdrawn from bidding on the operation of the City Dump. Acknowledging that the present Dump Operator is current in his payments to the City, Council concurred with the suggestion of the City Attorney that tlr. Joly and the Skilak Oil Company submit a joint proposal by October 15, 1963 (end of monthly use period) for Council consideration. 4. PARK DEPARTMENT GARAGE AND LOCKER ROOI4 A communication from the City Manager, dated September 13, 1963, advised that Plans and Specifications have been prepared for the construction of a garage and locker room for the Park Department, said expenditure included in the department's budget. It was recommended by his office and the Office of the Park superintendent that authorization be given to advertise for bids to be considered by Council at its regular meeting, October 7, L963 In reply to Councilman I'lartin, the City Engineer advised that appropriate 340 insurance requirenents are set forth in which bidders shalL receive a copy. the contract agreenents of Councilman Itlartir, noting that one side of the proposed structure d.oes not provide for a "dampness" condition that may occur, suggested that the City Engineer revievr the building plans prior to catling for bids. 5. RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN APPI,ICATION A conununication was read from Peter J. BraLlier and iloseph R. critsch, dated September 9, 1963, advising of their interest in obtaining the necessary licenses to own and operate a new restaurant and beer garden at California Drive and Broadway (o1d Broadway Theatre) and requesting an opportunity to present the specifics of the business. Both applicants in attendance, briefly outlined plans for the operation of the business and several. ramifications to the proposed "use" of the property were pointed out by the city Planner. The applicants were invited to meet with the City Planner on the day following the regular meeting of Council to receive advice on the requirements necessary to permit the use of the property as proposed- A communication was acknowJ-edged from Alpha Land Company, dated septedber 13, 1963, advising Council that the company is current owner of a portion of property in MiIJ.s Estate No. 19, formerly owned by Eichler Homes, Inc., and plans are underway to construct homes on lots that were the subject of some discussion prior to the recording of the final map. The City Planner spoke on one of the conditions imposed upon the former owners of the property wherein "peri:neter lots" were to be improved by constructing " conventional " type homes and on the basis of the condition, the current owners were required to appear before the City Council with plans for construction. Mr. E. L. Pierce, President, I{ills Estate Improvement Association, explained his presence as representing the interest of the Mills Estate property owners in the proposed plans of the Alpha Land Company. I{r. Peter S. Ingber, Vice-President, Alpha Land in detaiL the plan to construct sixty-one homes and described the area of property owned by his Company, in Mills company. expl ained Estate No. 19, two- storied typicalP1ans indicating exterior elevations for ranch t!T)e and colonial designed home s and the architect's renderj-ng of homes to be constructed were suhnitted to Council. Councilman llartin is the concern of noted that Council on only that portion fronting Sebastian way this occasion. Mr. Ingber advised that plans have been prepared for the construction of seventeen homes on Sebastian way, five of which will be constructed first as "model" homes to reflect the design of the hqnes and requested Council as a matter of convenience to both the council and the developer to approve the "master" plan of exterior elevations- A brief review of plans and a conference between tlte Council and Itlr. Ingber concluded with couneilman Martin recommending that at this time approval be given only for the construction of the five model homes. 6. AIPIIA LAND COMPANY - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS a47, The City Attorney read excerpts from the Agreement relative to conditions imposed upon certain lots in Mills Estate No. 19 wherein Council must first approve construction of dwellings prior to the issuance of building permits. A motion was introduced by Councilman Martin that building permits be issued to the Alpha Land Company for the construction of five (5) model homes on Lots 15 through Lot 19, Block 45, t{j.I1s Estate No. 19; that each of the model home s be constructed to conform with at least five of the printed plans submitted and that a map of the remaining twelve lots on Sebastian Way be submitted to Council illustrating plot plans and type of construction proposed. fhe motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanimousJ-y carried. A communication from the City Attorney, dated September 13, 1963, advised that 1on9 pending litigation between the City of San Francisco and the eity of Burlingame concerning a right-of-way for water transmission lj.nes on Cortez Drive, Devereux Drive, Ray Drive, Itlarco Polo Way and Ray Park, may be resol-ved and authorization was requested to enter into a stipula- tion for judgment to bring the present action to a close and to obtain palment of the sum of $3,L9O.O0. Council concurred and so authorized the City Attorney to act j-n behaLf of the City of Burlingame. 8. MILLS ESTATE TRAFFIC IIAZARDS CITED A communication from the Burlingame Irlills Estates Improvenent Association, dated Septenber 10, 1963, reguesting appropriate traffic regulations to insure safety within the MiLls Estate was acknowledged and referred to the Health, safety and Traffic Commission. 9. USE OF VACANT PROPERTY APPROVED (PARKING DIST. ) A memo from the City l.{anager, dated Septeniber 13, 1963, advised that the City has acquired three of five lots on Park Road, the remaining two subject to condemnation proceedings; with several houses vacant pending the settlernent of the litigation, a request has been received from a family for permission to rent one of the homes on a monthly basis. Council indicated no objection to the rental of the property as outlined by the City lrlanager. 10, REPLACEI"IENT OF DOORS NEw FIRE STATION A comrunication from tbe City Manager, dated Septeniber 13, 1963, advised that the doors on the new Fire Station on Rollins Road are inoperative due to their weather-exposed location and an investigation indi.cates that the City wilJ. be obligated to bear the replacement expenditure. Following a brief discussion, the City Manager was requested to submit a brochure on the tlpe door installed and one on the t)pe proposed as a replacement. 1I. REPORT ON PURCTIASE OF BAYSHORE LANDS A communication from the city Manager. dated Septeniber 13, f963, advised that the state Division of Ilighways, in reply to a previous Council request, has indicated its willingness to sell surplus lands adjoining the Bayshore Freevray south of the Broadway overpass (9.545 acres) at an appraised price of $56, 994.00 fhe City l.{anager referred Council to several related subjects: (1) the purchase of the Burlingame Shore Land company's waterfront parcel and (2) the possibility of obtaining a Federal grant toward the purchase of "Open space Land" and reporting on the failure to amicably negotiate with the Burlingame Shore Land Company for the acquisition of the parceL, recommended that the Attorneys for the City Proceed with the filinq of a condemnation action. 7. LITIGATION RE: RIGIIT-OF-WAY TRANSIVIISSION LINES 34:2 Members of the city's staff reported their efforts on several and unsuccessful occasions to obtain a commitment in behalf of theCity from the Burlingame Shore Land Company. fhe City Planner urged Council to expend every effort to acquireproperty along the City's water front for park and recreational purposes before the City's shoreline area disappears because of " fil1in9-in" practices. Councilman it{artin suggested that the City Manager report to Council on (1) the availability of an additional $22,000.00 from the current budget (particularly from the Public l{orks' budget) to add to the $35,000.O0 currently budgeted, to purehase the excess property offered by the State Division of Highway s and (2) the length of time in whidr the State's property shal1 be made available to the City. The City Ivlanager was requested to ascertain the value of the Burlingame Shore Land Company's parcel; if possible, to obtain an offer from the owne r thereof and the procedure necessary to obtain a Federal grant for the purchase of "Open Space Land." 12. INQUIRIES RE: IOCAL TRANSPORATION A communication from the North Burlingame Civic Association, dated Septerdber 4, L963, requesting information on action available to the City to give assurance of a local bus service was acknowledged and referred to the City Attorney for reply to the organization. RESOLUTION NO. 80-63 "Authorizin g Acquisition by Hninent Domain Proceedings of Certai.n Easements Required for the Construction of a Water Storage Reservoir. Water Lines, wate! Mains and Appurtenances" (Skyline Blvd.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon Roll CaIl of medbers present. RESOLUTION NO. 81-63 "Authorizin g and Directing Execution of ORD INANCES Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 788 "An Ordinance Creating a P Providing for Its Organization and the Terms Defining Its PovTers and Duties" was given its upon motion of Councilman Uartin, seconded by said Ordinance passed its second reading and folJ.owing vote: arking commission, of Its llenibers, and second reading and CounciLnan Crosby, was adopted by the Ayes: Councilmen: Noess Councilrnen: Absent Council-men: Crosby, George, ilohnson, uartin. None Lorenz . REPORTS - DO\INEI,IY HOUSE A report from a Citizens' committee, dated sePte ber l-I, 1963, advised council that three months of deli-beration has indicated that nothing further can be done toward preserving the Donnelly House as a historicaL landmark. The City Clerk was requested to express the appreciation of Council to each of the members of the Comnittee for their service to the citizens of Burlingame - RESOLUTIONS Acceptance of Revocable Permit Authorized by the public Utilities Commission of the City and County of San Francisco for the Construction and Maintenance of a water Storage Tank and Appurtenant Pipeline and Accessories on Lands Under the Jurisdiction of the San Francisco water Department" (Skyline Blvd.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted upon Roll calJ. of members present. COI]NCIL STI'DY SESSIONS Mayor ilohnson advised that medbers of the Council have indicated that additional- time is required to consider subjects before the Council and requested the pleasure of the Council in setting aside special " study sessions. " Following some discussion and as an experiment, 7:30 p.m., prior to each reguJ-ar meeting of Council was set forth as a Council study meeting. Ihe Chair announced that the opening of the Cities Conference will irr lude a session on program (Sister City participation. ) . 343 Annual League of California a "People to People" BROCI{URE "AIR CURREIiI]I'S " Ihe Chair acknowledged receipt of a Bay Area Air Pollution Control District pubLication, "Air Currents, " noting that Vice-Mayor Sidney D. Herkner was eLected as a Director of the District, representing the cities of San Mateo County. The City Manager was authorized to be absent from his office while on vacation, October I - October 22, L963. ACKNO}ILEDGUENTS llayor ifohnson acknowledged Department of Public works Planning Colrnissions - receipt of the Uonthly Police Report. the Report and minutes from the Recreation and Adcnowledgrment \ras given to a commendation received by Officer Robert Ilintermann for his recent heroism in saving a vroman from falling frorn a moving trai.n. fhe Chair proelaimed October 4 spon sored by the International - 5, 1963 as "White Cane Days" Lions' Club. a servlce Tlhe l"lonth of Septedber was proclaimed by I'tonth and the period of Septenber 17 - 3O Enrollment l{eek. " the Chair , 1963 as as American Youth "American Youth APPO IN?IUENT TO PARK COMMISSION fhe appointment of Ur. Maurice M. Marshall , 2721 TrousdaLe Drive. as a medber of the Park Comnission to fill an existing vacancy was unanimously confirmed by the Council. 1[tre City Clerk was requested to so notify Mr. Marshal1. Referring to Senate Bill 851 and Assembly Bill 1662, creating in each County a Local Agency Formation Conunission to consider ineorporation of cities, special districts and annexation of territory, llayor Johnson suggested that Council submit their recornrnendations for membership on said Conmission on or before September 26, L963. Councilman Martin suggested that consideration be given to the selection of a Planning Commissioner as a medber of the "Formation Conunission. " I,EAGUE ATINOI'NCEI,IENT CITY MANAGER VACATION PROCLAMATIONS SAII IUATEO COIJMTY FORMATION COMI,IISSION :d44 ONE-DAY GOVERNOR CONFERENCE A conununication from Edmund G. Brown. Governor, state of cal-ifornia, dated September IO, 1963, advising of a one-day covernor's Conference on Disaster Preparedness in Sacramento, Novedber I, 1953, was acknowledged and referred to Mr. ,fack Wright, City's Civil Defense Director . UNFINISIIED BUSINESS 1. BEARIMI INDUSTRIAL P ROPERTY In reply to Councilman Itlartin, the City Attorney stated that a report on the status of the Bearint Industrial Property would be presented in the near future. NEVI BUSINESS I ABAG I{EET ING Councilman llartin, Council representative to ABAG, announced that a meeting of the Association had been scheduled for Friday, October 4, L963, between the hours of 12 noon and 3:30 p.m., at the Hotel Claremont, Berkeley. Council membe rs interested in attending were requested to contact Councilman llartin. Warrants, l'lonth of September, 1963, Nos. 342-495, in the total amount of $128,377.27, duly audited, were approved for payment on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. Payroll warrants, Month of August, 1963, Nos. 3643-4115, in the total arnount of $115.86L.73, were approved on rnotion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanimously carried. Councilman Crosby gave a brief report on his attendance at a recent meeting of the North County Youth Advisory Cormnission, at whidr time Police Chief John Fabbri, South San Francisco, spoke on problems of youth and an announcement was made that a "Rehab- ilitation Center" would be established in the area, similar in function to a "C.C.c. Camp." ADiTOURN}4ETTI Ihe meeting was regularly adjourned at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: 72 *MU*-,.*affirrE Jorrlr6N;MAYOR HERBERT K. VIIIITE, CI CLERK IVARRAMPS PAYROLL YOUTH ADVISORY COMMISS ION