HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.04.10258 Burlingame, california April 10, l-96J. CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the Burlingame City council, was held on tlie above given date, all members having been previously notified and consenting. Ttre meetj.ng was called to order at 7:30 p.m., - llayor llorgan in the Chair. Present - Absent Counci lmen: Counci lmen: Byrd-Johnson- Lor enz-l,lor gan None PURPOSE OF I'IEETING - SELECTION POLICE SITE Mayor lrlargan announced that the special meeting had been cal1ed for the purpose of examining further developments on the issue of thelocation of a police station. Ihe Chair related circumstances whereby the Couneil had submitted an offer to l.tr. Lin c. Iloward, for the purchase of his vacant property on Ilovrard Avenue (near Lorton Avenue) and the receipt of a telegram from 1.1r. Hovrard, dated April 10, 1961, signi fiz.ing his willingness to accept $65,000 for the property. TtIe Mayor announced that as theresult of a long distance telephone conversation, prior to the opening of the special meetj-ng, Mr. Howard. verbally accepted theCity's compromise offer of $62,500.00. Ittr. Elmer Keough, representJ.ng the Hovrard properties and in attendance, confirmed the statements of lr,layor Morgan. l{ayor }lorgan stated that the question currently before the Council,is whether the City desires the property and j,nvited Chief ofPolice CarI M. Lollin to comment. Chief Lo11in advised of his personaf visitation to the proposedlocation in company with the architect and his subsequent objections:(I) whether the City was "keeping faith" wj. th the electorate byselecting a site adjacent to the business district rather\ that onein an outlying distric:.t (2) the coet of the property ($5.00 per square foot for approximately ]-2,0O0 sguare feet) appearing to behigher in cost than other down town lots; and (3) the size. ChiefIollin stressed the importance of obtaining sufficient land toprovide for future growEh, to assure anple ingress and egress and stated that the ratio between the facility and the land area should be considered on a three to one basis. Uayor Morgan stated that the space the architect has estimatedindicates that the proposed location ui11 provide a more than adequate area. particularly in vj.ew of the plan to provide an underground area of 5,000 square footage for the parking of cars. fhe Chair invited members of the Council to comment. Councilman Lorenz stated that in his opinion, the proposed is ideal and will conform to the wishes of many who desire station be located on the west side of the rai.lroad tracks. location that the Councilman Byrd concurred that the location would be desirable in the down torrn area and pointed out that because of the limited commercial space available, "the City cannot afford the luxury of ranch-style facilities" and the only solution would be the construction of multiple-story facilities. Councilman Byrd repeatedhis statements made on previous occasions, \,rherein it would be more desirable to retain as much property on the tax rolls as possible. ROLL CALL 259 Councilman Johnson expressed her interest that the issue be resolvedstating that there were questions in her mind, however, whether the proposed location vras adequate for the City's anticipated growth i.n the future. Counci,lman Johnson stated that while she did not know of other property available in the down town area, she hadslight misgivings on accepting the present proposition. Iltayor Morgan spoke at some length on the efforts of council to locate an appropriate site and in summarizing the issue to date. stated that the proposed site "is the only one in the area available for the money. " Questioned by the Chaj.r, the city llanager advised that he was appreciative of the position of council on the issue; that in his opinion, there vrere ad'tantages as well as disadvantages to the proposed location and while he favored construction elsewhere, he lvould concede that the purchase price was within the financial means of ttre City and could be built and functioned properly on the location proposed. Following further discussion, a motion was introduced by counci.Lman Byrd that the offer be aceepted pending receipt of a favorable title report and that the city Attorney, the city Manager, with the assistance of Ernest A. wilson, Bond Attorney, determine the amouhtof bonds to be sold at this time to acquire the property and that an appropriate resolttion be presented for Council action at the next regular meeting, April 17, 1961. The motion lras seconded by councilman ilohnson and following a brief discussion on the guestion, the motion h,as unani.mously adopted on ro11 caLl. ADJOUi{N-I4ENT I'he meeting was thereafter regularly adjciurned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, HERBERT K.ITE City Clerk APPROVED: L. B. MORGAN, MAYOR I I