HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.09.183o CALL TO OBDER Burl-lngame, Callfornia Septemben LB, ]-962 the Burllngarne Clty CouncLl on September' 12, 1!62, ras Lorenz ln the Chair. contlnued form a ca1led to orden A Special Meetlng Speclal Meeting heat 8:00 p.m. - I{ay of 1d or ROLL CAI,L Present - Councllmen:Absent - Councllmen: Crosby- Johns on-Lo:renz-Martln-Morgan None PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At word form the Cahlr, all ln the Council Chamber arose and gsve the Pledge of a lleglance to the Flag. PUBLIC EEARING . BURIINGAME AVENUE AREA OFFSTFEET PARKING DISTRICf CONTI1WANEE Mayon Lo::enz announced. that the meeting was scheduled to, contlnuethe Publlc Hearlng on the matter of the Burllngame Avenue Area OffStreet Parkl4g DLstnlct. Councl,lmen l,lart!.n, Councll= llalson member tothe Parklng lJistrict Commettee, was lnvlted by the uhair to conductthe contlnued meeting. Actlng Chalrnan MartLn re-stated the gnound rules to be applled ln tha Pnoceed.ings and aEnounced that parcels on the south sld.e of Burl- lngame Avenue adjecent to EI Caralno Reaf and on Ralston Avenue would be under dlscussl^n on thls occasLon. PAR}CING LOT H Mr. Jack Van Zandt, Englneer for the Parking Distr.lct, at the requestof the actlng Cahirman, coimented wlth respect to the 1ots, refenredto on the offlclal Englneersr Repont as LoT H. Mr. Van Zandt stated that proposed LOT Ecompromlses two parcels on the south side of Burllngame Avenue adJacent to E1 C amlno }tealr currently vancant, and t o lots abuttlng Rslston Avnue whlch have been dlvldedinto thnee lots abuttlng on E1 Camino Rea1, r.rlth an old resid.ent oneach. Lot E on the west slde of EI Camlno proposes a capiclty of eighty-seven parklng spac e s. Mr. Van Zandt intoduced. for flIlng,E)GIIBIT NO. 20 repre s entlng a plan Iay-out of the lot, advlslng that photographs nere taken of the rLews surrouldi.ng thls pa:'tlclan 1ot and appoprlate scneenLng w111 be provlded. as recortrnended by the Engineers for the Dlst:rLct artd the Dopartment of Pub1lc Wonks. Mr. Van Zandt polnted out that there Ls a conslderable amount of troes anil foliage curcently on the lot. A drawing, representlng the lot complete rilth lmprovements nas flled as EXEIBIT NO. 21. M:r. Van Zandt stated that the property ls zoned for multlple fanlly usege and the proposed use of t he lot was a approprlate transltlon betwe=n cormercial and resl-dentLal zonlng arrd cLted ex mples siml.lar'1yln practlce Ln other clties. Ca11lng attentLon to the parking limitatlons ln extenee on Burlingame Avenue and t he parklng pnoblems on Occidental Avenue and Ralston Avenue, Mr. Van Zandt stated that as a dequate parklng lot on the locatlon proposed would ellrrlnate the practlce of all day parklng ln residentlal arees. Proponents were lnvited to c omment. H. Kent Atwater, Realton, operatlng a Real Estate A86ncy on Bunllngame Av6nue, stated that the property was the only properly r.-the ar€a that was avirllabLe for the use proposed; a ::ea1 estate offlce ls pecullar ln that cllents, as we}l as personel are trLn and 0ut2 of the offlce contl-nua1ly aurilng business hours and parklng ls lmperitlve.. ffi, 91 Actlng Chehnan Martln nequested a clanlflcation concerning lnforrnatLon recelved that a butldlng permlt has b6en lssued; however.rfor i.m- provsmsnts on two parcels wlthln the proposed Lot H. Ihe Ctty Englnee:e advLsed thet a bullillng perult has be6n Lssuedi howevsn no constructlon has been commenced to date. The Ctty Planner clnflrmed the statement, addlng that the old str.uc tunes heve. been r6mov6 d. Harry Lehfeld, Realtor, rrlth offLces located at 1l+1+5 Burllnganr Av6nu6, spoko on t he parHng pnoblems f orm Pr!.m:rose Road to E1 Camlno Real and reportLng on a person lnveetlgatlon, advlsed that sevenofflceg wlthln the arsa ongage slxty-elght employees, rendenlng panklngfor pensonnel and cllents extremely difflcuJ-t. Rlchard MLnor, 231 West Bellevue Avenu6, San Mateo, owne:r of a bull,dlng at the westerly end of Bu:rl1ngame, Avenue adJacent to the Standard O11 Corpany stated that the problem 1s ag,_ravated by the. number of neal estate offlces 1n the area and lf Lot II ls lncluded 1n theDlstrlct, lt will solve the parklng problem by pervnlttlng consunerato park on th€ avenue and real ostate personnel on the publlc parklng 1ot. In :reply to the ChaI:ts inqulry, the Clty Planner advised that tho ordlnance stlpulates that a parklng lot adJolning a resldentlaldlstrlct must be scneerred by hedges or wa1Is. James L. Ponten, co-owner Mlllen Drug Co. 120O Bunllngame Avenue spoke on the long-tlme need fon panklng, stated that nBurllngame has been good to buslness endto lts rasldentsn and Ln hls oplnlon, rCouncll and the E:glneors wl1l arrlve at a mature consldoratlon to glve parklng lois that w111 least hur.t the peopLe;r and rtaclequate parklng riIl reduce the tax blLl all the way eround.. tr There betng no further prpopon€nmonts, the Cahl:: tnvlted corments formthe opponents. Fned. W. Lehrnan, Pnesldent, Bu:rllngame Park Irprovement CIub, spoke on the strong opposltd.on hls group has to the Lncluslon of Lot E, because the pr.oposed use wlll mark the beglnnlng of a change ln thelong-rsn*a pl annlng of Burllngame Mr. .Lehnan apoke on the tnafflc congestlon at the lntersectlon and the lncreased. t:rafflc that may be expected; the entlre streot La narrow and cars uslng the parking lot w111 be rrln and outtr all day. The maln obJectlon, howeveltr Hr. Lehnan stated, 1s the precednet that rl11 bccstebLishedi flrst a gas statlon, then other comnercla1 enter?rlsEs wLJ- nclltter up EI Caml.no ReaI as 1n San Iilateoi rr trees 1111.be nemoved, ln sp!.te of past efforts to savo them; lf deflnite essurance could be glven that only a pa::klng 1ot rculd result, there wou1d. not ba as m&ny obJectlons, but lt Hould trlead to the establlshment of furthen counerclal ventu::es. n In reply to tha Cah :r s Lnqulry, Mr. Lohman stated that het as not a pnopenty ororer wttbln the Dlstrlct but he dltt r6prper6nt approx!.mate1y three hundre d and flfty proper?ty owners wlthln the boundatlres of Barnollhet Av6nue, Efur entl Peppen Avenues on the West and Bell"evue and Eest EI Canlno Raal on the l{onth. Charles D. Col.er L17 Occldental Avenue, stated he was not a property owner wlthLn tha Dlstrlct but a property owner end member of the Bunllngame Park Imp:'ovement CIub observed thet th6t'6 are two typesof clties (1) whereln oae nesides and is employed antl (2) a cornmrnlty Llke BurLl-ngame, wherc one op€retss a buslness and resldce elsewhbre,the latten, 1n hls oplnLon, ls malnly lnterested ln lrhat ls good for buslncss - not what ls good for the residEnt. litr. Ward obsenved that aparklng 1ot sin!-J-ar to that at the rear of Ml1ler Dmg Co. ( Dorrnelly lvenue ) Ls too nemote from the business area and the proposed 1ot w111 not beneflt tho cltizens of Burll,nga me. g2 lftr. Walter Brown, 309 Occidental Avenue, not a property ounerwlth1n the Dlstrict but a property ln Burllngarne, amd a membenof tha Burllngame Park lq>novement Club, stated that the proposed 1ot would greatly lncrease trafflc congestion and the residents would prefer that the 1ot remaln as it ls. !re. Allce Halesr 317 Chapin Avenue, pnopor.ty owner but not wlthln theDlstrlct, dLrected an lnqulry concernlng the proposed lngress and6gr6as. H:r.. Van Zanft stateal that there would be both on BurJlngarne Avenue and Ralston Avenue. M:r. Howard Watklnson, Bernal Avenue prop6"ty olrner, but not wlthlnthe Dlstrlct, spoke on the unslghtly app6enn6s of the Bur"llngame Plaza arearstatlng that the proposed lot would be the fonerunner ofa trhodge-podge" of busLness on the west sl.de of EI Camino. Mr. Watklnson stated that the proposed 1ot would be usetl prlnarlly bypersorurel of ::eal estate and telephone company offLces. Mr. W. Pedenson 12[, Lonton Aveluo r property owner but not wlthLn theDistrlct, stated that th6 proposed usage of the 1ot would lncneaseparklag congestl-on. Mr. A. G. Westcott BI+3 Walnut Avenu6, property owner but not 1nthe Dlstrlct, and Pr.esldent of the Bunllngame Suburb an Pr:otoctlve Assoclatlon also spoke on the trafflc hazards at the lntersectlon !.n questlon, statlng the IcongestLon leads to accLdents.rr M:r Uestcott advlsed that he was speaklng as an lndLvldual. In repJ.y to lnqulr:ies concornlng rrrulesrr to maintain the J.otl actlng Cahltlman Martln advlged that no rrrulss" have been establlshed asyet, the lot would be maintalned by the Ctty on a rrtr'la). and emor'r propos t tLon. Thc Clty P1ann6r, ln reply to lnqul:los from the Chalr, conccnningparklng lot requirements on commercLal pnoperty, advlsed that a use ofperrnlt !.s requlned, nnu1estr for the bul1d1ng and landscaplng m.rst comply wlth zonlng ondinances; th6 ordlnance does not stlpulate apartlcular zono, but a use permit ls always requl:red. The City Planner also stated tJrat pnopenty upon rhlch a parklng Lot is nalntalned do6s not autonatically create a comnercLal zone. M:r. Van Zendt, conmentlng on the statement concernlng tr:ees, drerattontlon to Exhlbit no. 20 statlng that the Erhlblt raa an accurate drawlng tak6n from a photograph of the tnees located in the arga. Mr. Theodore B1-umberg, ownen of property located at 2O5 Penk Roe(I wlthln the Dlstnlct a member of the Off Street ParkS.ng Commltteer spok6 on the pr.operty assessment, borne by the propenty owners on Burlingame Avenue, ln addtlon to the sales tax revenue belng recel,ved by the Clty, lndlcatlng that the buslness man 1s [pu11lng lts oanrt and wlI1lne to assurne 1ts share of the cost of the Dlstrict. Regardlng the poLnt naised on the typo of people uslng the proposed 1otMr. Blumbeng stated that t he langer portlon w1ll be occupJ,ed by aJ.1 day parke:rs; howev6r, many' of the slxty plus enployees are cu:erently parklng on Bur11ngarc and "feedLng th6 parklng meterslrr a nunrber of employees are parking in the outlylng area, lnconvenlenclng resldents; lf adequate parklng is provS.ded, all day parklng on the proposed lot will be profltable to all concerned. Itbr. Blunberg stated thet ttre property can be sultable landscapsd and ln hls oplnlon, the 1ot proposes a far more deslrable usage than a thlrty-f1ve foot apartnont house bullding, that would defln1.tely lncteaao traffl.c oongestLon. Concernlng the polnt raised on a 'r;ump ln zonlng usagett Mn. Bluraberg stetod that the mers prosence of a parklng lot oa the wost sld.e of E1 Cen{noReal would not necessarlly stlpuletod that this Ls roornmercial property;[ .lf at any t!.me anyone wanted conmerclal zonlng on the west sldel they wouId. be requLred to appear and request a chan86 ln the zonlng.rr Inconclus5-ng hLs stetements, Mr. Blunberg Save assu:Fanco that there woulf be no [encnoechmenton resldentLal rLghts.n RECESS A recess was declared by the Chalr at 9.35 p.n. 93 CALL TO ORDER The neetlng reconvenod et 9z5O p.n. ulth further: nequests for dls- cusslon on Lot H. A Mr. Hoseph Schmltz refenrEd to a statement made by a member of the Panklng Cornrnlttee that lrth€ oarklng 1ot was an lmmdelate step firom neslatentlal to commencLal' or apartnent house usagetr therby, hls orn adnissLon, statlng exactly what wo'rId occur. lfr.. Wllllam Wand mado the observatlon that lt was his understandlngthat Safeway 1s planning to enlarge lts store and wlth the addltLonalparklng to be provLded, plus that pr:ovtded Lucky Stores and the Lncluslon of the Gney propertLes lnto the parklng p:roJect, adequatoparklng would be provlded Employees; wlth nespect to the Burllngaye area, there Ls a rrhuge parklng area and free parkl-ng has not been astlmulat to attract buslness.rr Mr. John Cockroft, .owne:r of a buslness and a property orrner wlthinthe Dlstnlct, made a om6 p6r3sonnel observatlons concerning Lot II and the rteffect Lt mlght have ln lley of lts apartmont zonlng.r statlngthat lf there Ls arr appltcatlon fon a bulldlng permlt to two out ofthe flve lots corprimlslng Lot H, fon an estlmated elghty apartmentunLts, plus parklnS spacs for one hundred-twenty cars that would be requlr:ed, plus addltional perkLng fon quests of tenants, the problem of tnafflc wcnrld not be reduced; a greaten problem of traffic rpuld lncrease wlth the constr:uctLon of an apartmenb hous€ than wlth aparklng 1ot proposlng spacoE fon elghty-four car:s. J. Eil McC1el1an, Cahlrman of the Off-Stregt Parklng Dlstrlct property owner wLthln the Dlsttlct, residlng and employed ln theClty of Bunlln'ame spoke on the polnt ralsed "encroachment rar-ded Lna resldentlal arean statlng that rif thls was a prLvate appllcatlonfor a prlvate ptraon for a buslness to charge parkers to rrse thepropenty, 1t would be a conmerclal use;rr howeven, thls 1s .ttmerelyrr toestabllsh a munlclpal faclltty and does not change the zoning andif the property ornors wer:e sold lt would remaln as lt Is presontly z oned. Mn. McClella! stated that ln hls oplnlon, there was ttno valid.atlon.to the fears axpreg sed. n PIr. George McQueenl 752 Lexlngton Way, property ownsrs but noyrrtthln the Dl-strLct, stated ths.t h6 waa confldnet thet the merchants in Burllngame would not perudt the establlshment of busLness westof the hlghuay. l{r. Joseph Shay, 1612 Ralston Avenue, property own6r, but not wlthlnthe Dlst:rLct, end a me:rchant on Bunllngome Avenue, stated that although he ownad property ln the Bu:r1lngane Park Impnovement CIub; however he together wlth a group of hls nelghbors were Ln favor of the proposed lot. There being no fi.rr.ther comments from slthor proponents of oppononts onthe proposed Par.klng Lot Il, the dlscusslon was concluded. LOTS BETWEB{ EL CAMINO - PRIMROSE AND EOWARD (LO? K) Mr. Van Zandt advLsed. that tot K conslsts of Parcels KL and K2abbtttlng on EI Caml.no Rcal- on the West b6tr6en lots on Bunllngame Avenuo on the 'North and the Safe way parkl-ng ar€a on the South, wlth an alley-uay from Prlmrose Road extendlng to the rear of Parcel f,. The!:e b6lng no pnopononts appearS.ng to comment, the actlng Chal::maninvltsd opponents to comrront: lts.. Nlcholas CrlsafJ., apertment house owner withln the Dlstr1ct ln the area under conslderatLon end a business wlth offLcos in Bunlingame statod that ln hls opinlon [the merchants of Burllnga]u.e wer6 1ax .ln sttmulating buslnsssrr and referring to other communltLes whoreln perklng has been p:rovided, stated a parklng fac11lty has not helped busl-ness. g4 Speaklng ln behalf of the apartrnent house owners in the dolrntornbuslnass area, Ivl:r. Crlsafi steted that the tenants of the apartment houses [have perm5.tted the nerchants to surruverr and referrlng tohls plans to constr:ct a seventy-two unit apartment house on proporrty known as the trGrey Pnoper.tlos'r on EI Cae5.no Real andproposetl for lncluslon withln the parklng Dlstrlct. Mr. Crisafl stated tbat in hls oplnlon, thepremature at this tlme; one 1ot r.apr€sents and he questloned. rhat would hapoen to theproJect fa11ed to materiallze. rking dlstrlct Isof the DlstrLettrlct 1s t he $1r6000.00 1s pa tzfi Dls lvlr. John Cost, Attorney, 22L San Mateo Drlv€, represantlng the DuBu Corponatlon, l-[2[ Bunllngame Avenue, stated that the tLma toestabllsh a Parklng "lstrlct has long passed.; Bur; lngeme 1s avlllage and this proJect ls rranother lnstance where a srnall buslnessls being clawed out by a large busLnasstn and the proposal to ln-clude a ten foot Btnlp of proper.ty w111 not S.mprove the buslnessnor the property of hls cllent. Mr. C. R. Ilornberger, h16 Concord Way, spoke brlefJ.y on thetaklng of the ten foot strip, ln beha1f of his son whose busLnesslocated ln the DuBu bullding and stated that rr ther.e ls lntanglblathings in connectLon with his sont s p:ractlce that uould be lost lfthe property were lost.rr c ht Mr. Raimund Wur.1l-tzer, owner of property within the Distn5.ct, obJected to the lnclusLon of Lot k, stating that the area be ext6n4to the Hlghway o!: (2) that the conslderatlon of a walk-w&y lrould provid.epropsrty owners eccsss to the parkl.ng facltlty or (3) that the extensLonof Ralston Avenue across the Hlghway, would provlds an ee.st-west syneet runnlng from the Skytlne dlrectly lnto the rrcore area of Bu::1ingame. rt The Cahin lnvited replI-es to questlons ralded durlng thls portLonof the hearing. 1. l,1r Van Zandt expl-aln€d that one ffot of the 61oven foot strlp.of the DuBu Co:rporatLon property was w xcluded .because of the attechment of gas m€ters, plpes and other sppurtenances. ?. I{r. Van Zandt stated that he d ld not approve the suggestlon that Ralston Avenue be extended. 3. M:r. McCfel.lan, Cahlman of the Parklng Dlstrlct CorunLttee,stated that if suffLcnent funds are not r.alsed to somplete tho pr.oposed parklng Distrlct, the plan w111 be altered to trflt the monles recel-vedrr rrif aI1 the pr.operty proposed cannot be pu::chased with the money ralsed, funds recelved w111 have to be re-calculatedi the Commlttee feels that the money to ne raised by assessments, plus the Cityts contrlbution, the lots may be acqul:.ed as 1ald. out Lnthe ptansy' Lf, houeven, there will not be a shortage of funds, someof the lots ,w111 have to be dropped formihe DlstrLct. Mr. W1lsoa advLsed thatrtlt ls nolIaal ln a project of this t ype to warn t keep t he flgunes high enough fo theat the lshed sucessfully.rr M:'. Wilson further staQadld the ad.vantage of having prevlous app:ralsls nlon the prLces used. were prop6!r. he estlmators tot can be aceompl 1s Offlce has hes and Ln his opi proJe that llr6poP In repJ-y to M::. Cristaflrs questlon concornlng the apprlased valuatlons used bt the Atlorneyts offuce Mr. Wllson stated that ld there ls a rrmaterLal variatlonrr between the valuatlons prepared byhls Offlce and those the property oxners feel are Justlfied, the l-ssuE wL11 have to be resolved by the Courts. Mrs. Irene PalamountaLn, th21 Chapln Avenue and other wlthin theDlstriet, observod hgs been referred to as a $1r6001000.OO onoJect 95 REFERRAL TO PRI"IIROSE-CHAPTN AVENIIE PROPERTIES An attornoy, representlng the Rosc Romarl p::operties, lll Frlnrose Road, not heard on the occaslon of the Chapln Avenue protests was p€rmLtted to ontor a protest on the assessments proposed fon the dlstrlcts, statlng that the owner of tlne 355 Prnroso apertm€nt house nould face a hardshlp ln obtalnlng an adequate rental for unlts close to the proposed parklng facllltles arld would derlve no ben6-fLts f orm the lots. REFERRAL TO PARK LOTS and questloned the cpruuunlcatlon settlng fonth the assessment ln tho amount of $1r8h8r000.00. Urp. Ven Zardt advlsed that the correct figur€ 1s Slr8l+8.288.00whlch w111 be r:educed by the $61+0.000.00 land and dotlans to be eontLbuted. by the Ctty. l[r. Melvln Cohen protested the lncluslon of the Ford and CunnlnShartlots lnto Lot F oa Pa rk Road, on the basLs that the bound,arlesof the pr.oposed Dlstrlet are tllscrlnlnatory, the propertles will have all of the nbundens of ttre Dlgtrlct and none of the bencfLtsrr. M::. Cohen challonged the fact that the Clty of Burllngame is ln aposltlon to provlde the $61+01000.00 and 1f not, the aisessments may be f\rr.ther incneBsed. In neply to }{n. Cohenrs nefenence to the 6xcesslve essessmsnts proposed. for the subJect property, Mr. Wllson polnted out that no assssamenta have baon levled on the particular pancels. tttr. W11som r:ecomnended that l{r. Cohen advlsed hls clttats to subnl t a requestfor exclusion of theLr propor.tles and that Councll gnant the request. CLOSlNG Actlng Char.rman Martln announce d that the next publ5.c hearlng would be lncludlng the Burllngame Avsaue ar?ea along the s:uther.n boundary of the propos,:d Dlstrlct. ltre meetlng wes adJounnod at U!35 p.mo to rneet Tuesday, September25, L962 at 8:o0p.m. and unanlmous }y carr:led. Ros ectfully s t 6TClty C1e:rk APPROVED: 4 )9