HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.03.2024L Burlingame, California llarch 2O, 1961 A regiular meeting of the Burlingarne City Council was held on thegiven date. Meeting Galled to order at 8:O0 p.m., - Mayor Morganthe Chair. above in PLEDGE OF ALI,EG IANCE At word from the chair all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the PledEe of Allegiance to the FLag. Present: Absent : Counci lmen : Counci lmen: Byrd-\Tohnson- Lorenz-!1or gan None IT,IINUTES PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of February 20, L961, amended to include that the Mayor commended "Traffic Director Hinterman" and the traffic Staff of the Burlingame Police Department on the efficient manner in which traffic problems on Broadway have been minimized, were thereafter unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Byrd and seconded by councilman Johnson. COMI'TUNICATIONS I. PI,ANN ING COMITTISSION APPROVING RESI]BDTVISION KENI\,IAR TERRACE LO? A communication from the Planning cornmission, dated ltarch 15, 1961, advised that subsequent to a public hearing, the Planning commission voted to approve the resubdivj.sion of Lot 24, Kenmar Terrace, into tv,D parcels as requested by Dr. Warren K. Wilmer, iIr. The conununication further advised that access to the property wi1J. require the granting of an easement to ttre City and it was therefore recommended that the City council accept the easement at such time as documents are submitted for Council action. 2. APPEAL RE: KENIIAR TERRACE LOI RESUB ID fVIS ION A communication from Cyrus J. l|tcllil1an. representing Harry Ilahn and J. G. Shea. owners of Ipt 9 and Iot 8, Kerunar Terrace, respectively, appealing the decision of the Planning Comtrission in approving the resubdivision of Ipt 24, Kenmar Terrace, rdas acknowledged and a public hearing thereafter scheduled for l4onday, April 3, 1961, Council Chambers, City Hall, 8:00 p.m. 3. REPORT ON " CALL BACK" OF FIREMEN A corununicatj.on from the City lt{ana€Jer, dated March 15, 1951, advisedthat the sj.x tnonths trial system of compensating firemen for "call back " duty has proven Eubstantially successful and it wss recommendedthat the plan be continued. llhere being no objection, the council concurred. 4. PROPOSED LEGISLATION FOR "AIR POLLUTION CONTROL'I A communication from the City Manager. dated l,larch 15, 196I, eoncerningthe ad ption of a "Declaration of Public Policy" to comply with theregulations of the Bay Area Pollution Control District, was acknowledged.d At the request of the Chair, Councilman Byrd, Chairman, Board ofDirectors, Bay Area Air Pollution Control rDistrict. spoke briefly on the desire of the District, cornprised of six bay area counties, tosolicit the cooperation of local agencies by requesting the enactmentof a uniform ordinance adopting a policy of compliance with air pollution control regulations of the District. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL 242 A motion was introduced by councilman Byrd that the City Attorney and the City Manager review two "model" ordinances proposed by the District or that another appropriate ordinance be drafted to be submitted to Council for action. TtIe motion was seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried. 5. DEED TO CANyON AREA (!'1i1ls Estate) A communication from the city Manager. dated March' 15, 1961, advised that the deed to the canyon area (Mills Estate) has been depos5.ted with the california Pacific Title company, with a request. that the transaction be completed by the title company and the City of Burlingame as expeditiously as possible. Ttre city Attorney advised that information has been received that there are city and county tax liens against a portion of the property and therefore, no action should be taken by the council until thetitle is cleared. Ttre city Attorney further advised that a "pre-liminary" report has been requested from the title conpany. 6. CLAIT4 OF WM. J. O'ROURKE REFERRED TO CARRIER A recommendation from the City Manager, dated l4arch 17, 1961, thatthe claim presented by William J. OrRourke for alleged damages to atree in the amount of $24.38 be rejected and referred to the City's insurance carrier, was concurred in by the Council. 7. PROPOSED ASSISTANCE TO "IITTLE LEAGUE " A memo to council, dated tlarch L7, I96L, adavised that the Recreation Conmission has considered the matter of Little League assj.stance and reconmended that a limit of $175.00 be appropriated for lyateringthe field used by the Little League, based on the following obeerva-tions: (1) the field is used entirely \z Burlingarne youngsters t(2) the field is provided by a Burlingame business firm for Little League usage; and "3) the City has inadequate facilities availablefor such baseball activities. fhe subject was referred to the city Uangger andto ascertaj.n vrhether the city may 1egally assist proposed . toin the city Attorney the manner None ORD INANCES - Consideration thereof: ORDINAIICE NO. 734 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the ordinance Code of thecity of Burlingarne By Adding fhereto Section 122L.13 Prov5.ding forIntersection stops for Vehicles at the Intersection of Sanchez and Cortez Avenues " was given its second reading and on a motion intro- duced by Councilman Johnson, seconded by Councilman Byrd, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Councilnen: Byrd-Johnson-Lorenz-&lorgan Noes: Councilmen: None Absent Councilmen: None ORDINANCE NO. 735 "An Ordinance Amendi ng the Ordinanc e Code of theProhibitingcLty of Burlingame By Adding Itrereto Seaction 1208.1 Left-Hand furns Into Primrose Road from City Ha1l Lane and Pub1ic Lane" was given its second reading. Councilman Lorenz expressed some doubt that the proposed ord.inance would alleviate traffic congestion. In reply, Councilman Byrd reconrnended that the Ordinance be placed into effect and the resuLts Qbserv.ed. Councilman Loter,z concurri.ng with the statements of Councilman Byrd. Councilman Byrd thereafter moved the passage of ordinance No. 735. seconded by councilman ilohnson and adopted by the foJ.lowing vote: Ayes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen:Noes: Counci lmen: Byrd-if ohnson-Lorenz -!1or gan None None RESOLUTIONS ?43 ORDINANCES Introduction thereof: oRDINANCE NO. 736 "An Ordinance Amending Division 3 of Part vI of the o;dfance code of the City of Burlingame and Providing for the Regulation and the Issuance of Permits for the Digging. Drilling, Boring or Driving of WelI Constructj,on ivith the City of Burlingame and Providing a Penalty for Violation Ihereof" was submitted for first reading . Councilman Lorenz be increased from curring. suggested that the proposed fee for each well permit $6.00 to $12,00, wi.th members of the Council cona Upon receipt of advice from the city Attorney that the Council may amend an ordinance "on its face" the proposed fee for each well permit was increased to $12.00 add the words "one-fourth" of all permit fees collected shal-1 be remitted to the county of San Mateo, was inserted in place of the words "one-ha1f. " ORDINANCE No- 736 was thereafter introduced for first reading by Councilman Johnson. PRESENTA?ION BY AI'XILIASY qIREMSN Mayor llorgan introduced R. J. Patterson, Secretary, Burlingame Auxiliary Firemen. who, in acknowledging the introduction, announced that he had been selected by the officers and members of the Auxiliary Firemen of the City of Burlingame to present on their behalf, a new Emerson Resuscitator, as a gift to the Fj,re Department of the city of Burlingame. Irlayor Morgan responded with a few appropriate words and invited Chief of the Fire Deparfutrent to comend. further. Chief l{oorby, on behalf of the Fire Department and the City of Burl-ingame expressed appreciation to the Auxil-iary Firemen and stated that onprbr occasions, gifts have been presented by the Auxi.liaries in thetotal sum of $1,500.00. Chief Moorby spoke highly of the group and of their unselfish efforts in support of the Fire Department and the community. l,layor llorgan invited william Stremme, Fire Department Dri11 Master, to introduced the menrbers of the Auxiliary present on this occasion and in responding, Dril1 Master stremne aidvised that there \,/ere fifteenactive merdbers and ten honorary members; further stating that they werea splendid group of men and that he was proud of his association with each . Chief Moo rby and Drill I"laster Stremme thereafter demonstrated the functions of the resuscitator and called attention to the fact thatthe equ5-pment was designed to give assistance to two distressed persons simuttaaeously. A hearty applause was accorded the members and auxiliary members ofthe Burlingame Fire Department. councilman Byrd, acknovrledging the hours of tj,me donated by theAuxiliary Firemen in responding to call and their desire to assistthe community, moved that the members be formally coNnended and a copy of the minutes recordi,ng this occasion be transmitted to theFire Department. T'he motion was seconded by Councj.lman Lorenz and unani.mously carried upon roJ.1 call of menlbers. 1. TRAFFIC PROBLEIT1 VICINIIY ST.CATHERINE I S CHURCH !4ayor l{organ advised that the subject of a traffic problem in the areaof st. Catherine's Church again had been placed before the City Counci.l and introduced !,lrs. Frank B. Ingersoll, who was present onthis occasj.on to request action to eliminate the continuing hazard. U}IFINTSHED BUSINESS 244 Mrs. Ingersoll called attention to the six-street crossing approaches to St. Catherine"s Church and School and in reply to her inquiries, concerning the erection of appropriate signa1E, the city ltlanager advised that the State Division of Highways had, on a prior occasion, indicated its willingness to erect an appropriate signal. provided the City created Primrose Road (going north) into a one-vny street. Follo11ling further discussj.on, the city l,lanager advised that hisOffice would arrange for a meeting wj-th representatai ves of theDivision of High\^rays and the Chief of Police, at which time, l4rs. Ingersoll would be also notified to attend. PTBLIC IIEARING: PURCHASES BY SALES TeX OR BONDED INDEBTEDNESS Mayor Morgan advised that the Council, during a study session, had debated the issue whether to construct the proposed fj-re station andthe proposed police station and to purchase apparatus and equipment from revenues collected from the sales tax levy or by incurring a bonded indebtedness . To assist the Couneil in determining a matter of policy, the Chair announced that a hearing had been scheduled for April 3, 1961, 8:00p.m., City HalI Council Chambers at. which time the public was invitedto debate the i.ssue. 3. PROPOSED PURCIIASE KAISER PROPERTIES (Carolan Avenue ) fhe Chair advised that the Council is in receipt of a reply from the Kaiser Corporation regarding the counter offer of the City to purchase its property on Carolan Avenue and that the Council has authorized the City Manager to request the Kaiser Corporation to grant the Citya thirty-day period prior to Council rep1y. irlayor i{organ stated that the time extension would enable the Council to consi.der (I) whether the Carol-an Avenue property is appropriate to construct a police station; (2) whether the purchase of theproperty would be too costly; (3) whether the cost to place a road into the property was justified in view of the fact that the Rollins Road site currently has improved roads, and (4) the delay would give the City llanager an opportunity to view three additional sites on the west side of the City not heretofore considered. Some discussion arose on the proposed change in the building plans to eliminate the "cross" constructj.on design, with the Council. ingeneral, expressing no objection. In reply to Councilman Johnsonrs inquiry, the Cj.ty Attorney re-statedhis previous opinion that it is within the prerogative of councilto designate which is to be the main station and which is to be a branch station. Iqayor lilorgan advised that a decision on the issue concerning the location of sleeping quarters for fire personnel in the nel', building must be resolved prbr to the acceptance of the pIans. Ouestioned by the Chair, Janes H. l,titachell, Architect, for the Fire station, in attendance, advised that he had made a revision in the plans to conform to a suggestion offered by the Fire Chief. T'l:le Chair declared a recess at with the Architect.9:OO p.m. to permit Council to confer CALD TO ORDER fhe meeting was again called to order by announced that the plans as submitted tr!. reviewed. Chair at 9:30 p.m., who Architect had been the the 2. RECESS 245 Speaking first on the issue, councilman Lorenz stated that he vrould vote for the approval of the plans, provided the fire station is constructed on property on carolan Avenue i that, in his opinion, constructj.on on the latter property would provide a new j.ngress and fire protection to residential property in that vicinity in addition to the City's industrial property. Mayor llorgan reminded Councilman larer,z that by previous Council action. Rollins Road had been designated as the site for the proposed Fire strtion and thereafter called for a vote on whether to aPProve, or reject, the proposed plans submi tted by the Architect. councilman Johnson moved that the plans reviewed by the Council during the Council recess period be approved. Councilman Byrd. in seconding the motj.on, stated that hrhile he was in agreement with the progressive thinking of councilman Iorenz, the fact that the Rollins Road has been selected, he vrould vote for approval of the plans. Councilman Byrd further stated that he "wil1not abandon his thought that the Police Station should be built on Carolan Avenue. " A ro11 call vote was recorded as follows: Ayes! Councilmen: Noes: Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: Byrd-Johnson-Morgan LorerLz None lhe Chair recognized !tr. George llcoueen, Director of Campaign for the Police and Fire Bonds, v*ro advised that from his recent conversa- tion wj. th two prominent local contractors, concerning curren€-day construction costs and bids on public ]:uildings. a substantial saving would be realized. Former Fire Chief Edrrard dI. Ieis, Co-Chairman for the. campaign for Po1ice and Fire Bonds. complimented the Council for the action taken on this occasion. 4. REFERENCE TO HEALTH, SAFETY, IRAFFIC COMIIIISSION I'IINUTES Acknowledging receipt of the Health, safety & Traffic comnission llinuteB, dated March 9. 1961, the chair referred to the problem of overnight parking discussed by the commj.ssion and its review ofportions of a model uni form traffic ordinanee. stating that one of the objectives of Council was to impcove traffic flow in the Cityof Burlingame. Ihe subj eet was referred to the City Manager. RADAR USE BY POLICE Reference was also made to a notion adopted at the abovementioned Cotnmission nEeting, "that the City CounciL consider equipping thePolice Department with radar facilities and that the equipment be manned \l the Police through the Traffic Director" and referred tothe City !{anager for consideration during the preparation of t}renext fiscal year budget. Councilman Lorenz moved that the Council concur in the recommendationof the Health, Safety & Traffic CoNnission and that Donnelly Avenue beconverted into a tr^ro-way street with parking on the nortl-r side only, seconded by Councilman Byrd. on the guestion. councilman ifohnson stated that in her opj-nion, little advantage would be gained by the change and it may impose a hardship on busj-ness establishments located on Donnelly Avenue. A rolL call vote was recorded as follows: Ayee: Noes : Absent. Councilmen : Byrd-Iprenz-llor gan Councilmen: .fohnson councilmen: None a. OVERNIGHT PARKING 5. DONNELLY AVENI]E 2+6 Ihe City Attorney hras for Council action at requested to prepare the necessary legislationthe next regular neeti,ng. authorized to ascertain thought. given that a proposed parking 6. BURLIIJGAIUE SHORE LA}.ID COI{PANY PROPERTY Ivlayor llorgan referred to a commr.nication received from the Burlingame Shore Land Company in repl-y to the City's inquirT concerning the purchase price of its property adjoining city-owned propertyat the City Dump and part.icularly to the allegations expressedin the communicatj.on that the City's dumping and filling operations have caused debri-s to collect and water to drain into its property. Ttle llayor advised that the conrmunication requested that some action be taken to abate the nuisance prior to pursuing the subject ofthe city purchasing the property. Pollowing a brief discussi.on, Councilman Byrd moved that. the subject be referred to the City Attorney for his intepretation concerning theCity's position on the issue and that the Board of Directors of the Burilingame Shore Land Company be notified of ttre action taken tDz theCouncil. Ihe nption was seconded by Councilman Johnson and unanimouslycarried. 7. REPORT ON PARX ING LOT ON PARK ROAD (Lyon, et al) A nettp to Council, dated March 17, 1961, adavised that the acquisitionof the parking lot across from the city Hall has been deJ.ayed becauseof legal technicalities; however, the City Attorney has the subject under study. Ihe report was acknowledged and placed on file. 8. LORTON AVENUE PARKING LO?(near Donnelly) The Chair announced that information has been received concerning thepossible construction of a building on the vacant 1ot on lorton Avenue (near Donnelly Avenue ) and if correct, the City would losea potential parking lot facilj,ty. Councilman Byrd volunteered and was thereafter whether the property nay be purchased and with J.t may be financed by sales tax revenue or by assessment district, for report to council. REOI'EST FOR RECREATTON-PARK AREA (!4t11s Estate) ljlayor lllorgan advised that a communication has been received from Mrs. ,fohn Texiera, Recreation chaj,rman, Frank1i.n School, P.T.A., requesting that consideration be given to providing the llil1s Estate residents with a recreation and park area. The presence of Mrs. Texiera and other residents of the acknowledged and in invitation extended to the group tothe City Manager. area was con fer with PROPOSED CIVIL SERVICE R,UI,AS-REGULATIONS Councilman .Tohnson, Council-Employee representative. advised that a final review of the revised Civil Service Rules and Regulations has been concluded and copies are available for Council study. Claims, Nos. 5175-5321, Uonth of March, 1961, duly ,audited. inthe total amount of $56,357.7O were approved and warrants ordered drawn on the City Treasury in their respective anounts, onmotion of Councilman Johnson and seconded by Councilman Lorenz. Payroll warrants, Nos. 740-1172, Month of Febluary, 196f, in the total amount of $84,41L.O4, were approved on motion of Councilman Johnson and. seconded by Councilman Iprenz. r'rEi., BUsIr'iEss 1. eLAII'1S PAYROLL 24? INTRODUCTTON COUNCII, CANDfDATES llayor !trorgan introduced Herman Hanson, vlilliam G. Daggett and R. David llartin, candidates for the positj.on of Councilman at the forth- coming special Hunicipal Election. lilay 2, 1961. The Chair introduced Captain George C. Currier, Captain A. C. Keene, and Mr. John K. wright, officials in charge of Civil Defense in theCity of Burlingame. In reply to councilman Byrd's inquiry, ur. wright advised that it may be possible to obtain state civil Defense Funds to assist in thefurnishing of the civil Defense office to be located in the new Fire Station and to provlde wiring for the proposed Assembly Room to be used as a communications center in tire of emergency. ACKNOI LEDGMENTS lhe presence of representatives of the Recreation, Planning, Health, safety & Traffic comnission and the Park conmission and the Library Board. was ackdor'rledged by the Chair- ADJOUif.NMENT Ilrere being no further business, the meeting was regn:Iarly adj dourned at. 10:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, T K. WHITE,city Clerk APP t L. B. lbrgan Mayor IN?R,ODUCTIO}{ C IVIL DEFENSE OFFICE:IS