HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.09.1777 CALI TO OF.DTN, PLEDGE OF ALT,EGIA}ICE BurllngaEe, Ca1lf orarla Septenber l?, 1962 all. ln the Councll Cha rnbe r arose andt gave the the F1ag. A regular meetlng of the Burllngame Clty Councll- was held on the aboveglven alate. Meetlng called to order al B:o5 p.n. r - Mayor Lorenz 1n the Cha1r. At word from the ehatr, Pleclge of Alleglance to ROLI, CALL Pr--sent - Cormcllmen: C rosby-Johns on-Lorenz-lrla rt 1n-Plor6an Absent - Councllmen: 'Ione Councll"Ean I'lorgan requested the lndulgence of the eou-ncl] by conslderlngflrst, Item No. 5 on the Attgendla; ielty Ilianage r report on wlthdrawalof request fcr park area.n 6. crry i{AtiAcER REPoRT ARMSBY ANNEXATiO]I A coDEunlcatlon, alateat September l.3, 1962, from the Clty Manager, advlsedthat a petltlon recelveal by Councll lndleated that the persons andorganlzatlons prevlously requestlng a study of the posslbllltles of the Clty purchaslng a portlon of the Armsby property for a park have wl thd.rawn thelr orlglnal request. -A petlt1on, bearlng tire slgnatures of elghteen resld.ents of Carrnellta Avenue, opposlng the locatlon of a publlc pa. rk 1n the v1clnlty of the Roosevelt School , was acknowledged.. There belng no one present to speak 1n favor of or 1n opposltl,on to the creatlon of a pa rk ln the above deserlbed area, the Chalr recognlzed. I"1r. Ii. Kent Atwater, Realtor and Agent for the deveLoper of the proposetl Armsby property subdlvlslon. l'lr. Atwater requestea Cormcll to resclnd lts pr€v1ous actlon ln deletlng the lnter-lot llnes on the tentatlve map of the proposed subClvlslon and. b approve sald tentatlve rri p as or1g1na11y presentetl. The Clty Attorney ailvlseC. that Councll has before 1t for conslcleratlon: ( 1) the aru.rexatlon of the proper.ty; (21 the proposed. subd.1..'1s1on and.(l) thb proposed. park area; the aanexatlon proceetllngs heve beenlnltlated, the suballvlalon Eap 1s under conslaleratlon by the Plannlng Comnlsslon and the park area subJect Is ln the proceas of belng dlsposetl. It was the reconmendatlon of the Clty A ttorrey that the Plannlng Com- mlsslon be advlsed that Councll has no obJectlon to re-establlshlng the1ot Ilnes. fn reply to trlr. Ati{aterr s stateme'lrt that the Tovm of Hlllsborough ls wlthholallng actlon pendtng the Clty of Rurllngane I s approval of thetentatlve nap, the Plannlng Advlsor stated that Counellrs advlce to the P1annlng Conmlslon that the orlglnal tentatlve nap Is properl shoulal be sufflclent Ind.lcat1on to the Town of Elllsborough of the Cltyrs concurrence wlth the proposed lmprovenent. Councl1nan I'lartln observed. that a tentatlve map and a flnal map nay be approved 01 the same occasl,on and no alelay sha11 result. A Eotlon was lntroaluceal by Councllnan I'iertln, seconiled by Councllnan Johnson that the Pl-annlng ConmLsslon be notlflecl that Councll has no obJectlon to the re-placement of the lot l1nes as orlglneily proposed enc. ulianlmousfy adopted on Ro1L Ca11 of menbers. The Clty Attorney clarlfled a statenent r.pde on sevel'aI occaslons whereln lt was al- leged that the Town of H11) s'rrougt nwlll d.o nothlngn untlI the Clty of Surllngeme tekes actlon, aclvlslng that wlth respect to the annexatlon, both cltles are requlred to take actlon concurrently. The 72, city Attorney. upon his own request, was authorized to conger with the City Attorney.of the Tovrn of Hillsborough. lFhe regular meeting in order of business was resumed thereafter. VACATION i,{EiMAR TERRACE EASEMENT upon sugestion of the'city Attorney, the subject a drainage easement over Lot 20, Kenmar Terrace, regular meeting, october I, 1962. COMMUN ICATIOTIS 1. DR. E. W. CLEARY LOT SI]BDTVIS]ON A communication from the city t4anager, dated that Dr. E. w. C l--eary has rrritten to Council problem that has delayed the completion of a located at 146 Chapin Lane. of the vacation of eas continued to the r september 14, L962, conserning a sewer subdivision of his advised latera I property The clty Engineer, in reply to the Chair I s inquiry, advised that approximately one year ago a subdivision of the subjebt propefty h,as approved by the Planning Conunission, at which time certain conditions were imposed; all of the conditions have been met with the exceptionof two sewer clean-out installations in the sidewalk area; a large Sycamore tree has uprooted the sidewalk and affected the sewer system. The city Engineer further advised that the installation of a new se\derclean-out is impossible until the tree is removed and it was recomnendedthat the hatter of removing the tree by referred to the City Managerfor conference with the Park Superi-ntendent. Dr. Cleary. in attendance, assured Council that with the removal of thetree, the remaining stipulations shall be satisfactorily met-, Ihere being no objection, the subject was referred to the park Super-intendent through the Office of Ehe City Manager. 2. PIJRCTIASE OF TANDEM ROLLER AUTHORTZED Aconnunication from the City Manager, ddted September 14, 1962, reportedthat further investigation had been made on the bids received onthe purchase of a Street Department Tand.em Rol]er and it \^?as recdrnEendedby his Office arid that of the City Engineer that the low bid of the BayCities Equipment, Inc.. for the purchase of a New calion TandemRo1ler in the total amount of $3, A22.AO be approved. 3. WATER POLLUTION CONIB,OL OFFTCfALS MEETING A cornrnunication from the City Manager. dated Septmeber 14, 1962, advisedof a recent conference with officials of the water pollution Control Board rel-ative to a report submitted to the Control Board. concerningthe City's proposal to meet antj,-pollution requirements. The officials indicated that the City !ri1l required to ingtall a berm in encircle the City dump and to render the area impervious. was noted. that it will be necessary to dredge mud from the bay forplacement over and al-ong the berm. rt The report. was received for fi1ing. 4. SA}ITTARY SEWAGE TREATMENT A}ID DISPOSAT A memo fron. the city Manager, dated septerdber 14, L962, refered to a corwnunication received forn the County lt{anager, under date of Septerdber12, L962, requesting that the City of Burlingame be represented at a meeting concerning the collection, treatment and disposal of sanitary se\.rage throughout the County, scheduled for Friday, Septmeber 24, 1962at 10:00 a.m., Chambers of theBoard of Supervisiors, Redvrood City- fhe City lvtanager advised that his Office and that of the City Engineer would attend as the representatives of the City. In. reply to Council inquiries, the City Engj.neer indicated by map. thelocation of a berm being placed. inside city property in the area wherin 7B the Water PoLlution Control Board has recorunended its placement; statingthat U^re lve sampling statins have been provided in the area of the dumpsix of which continually indicate a non-presence of sulphides. In reply to further inquiry, the City Engineer advised:f,hiit bests on occasion, f6i1 to meet chlori-nation requirements, a condition other cities are experiencing; ho\^,ever. his Office is currently consideringa system to place dirt fill deposited along the bank at the location samplings are deficient. eonsiderable:discussion arose on an allegations by the Chair that Cityofficials were negligent with respect to the acquisition of three and one-haIf acres adjacent to the city dump properties and his statement that further efforts should be expanded rrith officials of the ldeal Cement Co. Councilman Morgan and Councilman Itlartin each spoke in defense of the Council's position and action, pointingbut that the agreement proposed bv the oh,ners of the Ideal Cement Co. was not in tire best interestsof th"city and thdtore the plan h,as abandoned.. I{ayor Iorenz referred to a request from the Jojnt Baysland Development company that a study meetlng to be scheduled $rith medbers of the CounciL and his Committee to discuss the recommendation of the Committee relative to the Paul- Adamson Drainage Survey and suggested this as an appropriate time to schedule a meeting. Ihe city Planner recommend.ed the appointment of a committee composed of t\^ro members of the Council, t\^ro members of the Pf anningf Commission and interested bayfront property owners. Further discussion concl-uded with councilman crosby and councilman Martin appointed as members of a council Committee and the City Manager requested to schedule a s tudy meeting as requested. 5. SAI,IITARY SEWER CONTRACT . AII'IENDMENT A communication from the City l.rtanager, dated Septmeber 14, 1962, advised that an increase j-n the overall eost to provide a joint city-county Sanitary Se\,rer install-ation requires an admendment to the Sanitary Sevrer Contract to extend the or5-gina1 limitation. RESOLIITTON NO- 59-62 '.A ppro'zing D<penditure in D<cess of $IB,0OO-OO Pursuant to Provisions of sDpplementary Agreement Entered Into on July 15, 1952, Bet\,reen city of Burlingame and the Burlingame Hi11s Sewer ivlaintenance District" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman llorgan, seconded by corlncilman Johnson and unanimously carried on RolL Ca1l vote. 7. PURCHASE OF POLICE CARS WITIII]ELD A communj.cation was aeknowledged from the City Manager, dated Septmeber14, 1962, submitting a tabulation of the bids, less trade-in allowancefor police cars, in the conformance with speci.fication requested- Council was advised that the tabulation now i.ncludes a bid from each of the Pl]mouth and the Dodge Agency on '-he City of San Mateo, with Plymouthquoting the lowest price per net total. In reply to Council, the eity Manager advised that the PoLice Departmenthas requested the retention of one of the four trade-ins for the useof departmental personnel. Councilman Morgan stated that his policy in the past has been to consideronly local bids; his personel investigation however, indicated thatthe use of six cylinder, heavy transmission, " taxi-package " model cars were p::oviding satisfactory service in the City of San llateo and by comparison;. the operational costs per mile are less- B. EL CA.tvIrliO FRO\ITAGE ROAD WfDENING REQIIEST Following considerable discussion, the City Manager was requested to obtainadditional information on the cars in use in the City of San U-teo al.dto submit a report to Councj.l- on the cost per year to operate Ehe police cars currentl-y in use in the City of Burlingaftre. A communication vras fnvestment Company, from the firff of Concrdon, Del Secco El- Camino Real, Da;eG September 14, read 1840 and Ross ]-962, ?4 requesting Council to qive consideration to the widening of the east frontage roid of the EI Camino ReaI by approximately two and one-half or three feet by either reducing the width of the existing sidewalk or preferably Uy cutting two and one-hal-f or three feet off the unpaved west side of the frontage road. Mayor Lorenz, taking the cognizance for buildings located within the I80O block request mer j.ts favorable consideration. fhe city Engineer stated that the buildings were constructed in acccrdanc-"'l with minimum requirements and an error on the part of the architect ito prepare a plan providing sufficient parking spaces has created a parki,.J problem. fhe City Attorney noted that with the exception of the city of Palm Springs, a business license is imposed upon Persons engaged upon the business of renting apartment units and the fee is imposed upon the' unit basis- - 9. APART},,IENT INOUSE BUSfNESS LICENSE A communication, dated septenber L4, 1962, from the City Attorney. in reply to instruction from Council, advised of inquires made of the some theof s ions Ttre City Attorney noted that with the exception of the City of Palmsprings, a business l-icense is imposed upon persons engaged in the business of renting apartment units and the fee is imposed upon thgunit basis. the major coroporation office of EI camino sugessted that the League of california Cities with respect to reported practice of municipalities imposing a fee upon apartment bedrooms. A copy of reply under date of SeDteltd]er !2. 1962, from the legal department the League, togethdr with:a,'digdst of :the municap ordinance provi was made available to council for its information. Ililayor Lorenz referred to in effect in the City of defined- Fo11owin9a copy of an apartrnent house business license ordinance San Francisco in his opinion, npre appropriately- I a brief discussion, the city Attorney was requested to obtainthe City of san Francisco ordinance. RESOLUATOIiIS None ORD INANCES - Consideration thereof A communicatj.on from tlle Ci.ty Planner, date SEpteriber 12. 1962, advisedthat sections of the amendments to the zoning code referred to the Planning Comnission by the City Council !'rere reconsidered by the Commissionat meetings held on August 27 and, Septedber 11 and rrith three exceptionsit was unanimously recommend.ed. that no changes be made. The Ci.ty Planner advised that changres \^rere made and approved rrith respectto the sizeof cars and spaces and garages for single-family dwellings(origin Dr. Ward and Burlingame Park Improvement CIub); side setbacks used fo:parkinq (origin, Fire Cheif I'loorby ) and coverage on corner lots (origin ReaI Estate Board and Contractors.) lhe amended sections accompained the communications. Fire Cheif }loorby, in attendance, initiated considerable discussion onthe issue of el-iminating all parking on side setbacks, stating that the proposed change does not provide an area sufficient to accotnodate aladder in a fj-re emergency. The City Planner explained the intention of the newly arnended Section L971.2 abd by a blackboard illustration, indicated that a change was made to permit parking in a sideyard contiguous to an interior lot line in an area "with access and unencumbered passage parallel to and adjoining the building. " ORD fNANCE S Immmmmlo.762- t{o. 763 75 Councilman lt{artin stated that the recommendation of the Fire Cheifelimanatirij parking in the sideyard area will- further reduce the density affecting the number of units that may be constructed. It was Councilman I{artinrs recommendation that in the interest of expediting the processing of t}re ordinances, the amendations as recommended by the Planning com= mission be adopted and further study be made on the proposal of the Fire chief. council concurred and in conforrnance- with a ruling of the city Attorney on the proper legaI procedure with respect to the adoption of the amend- ments, councilman Martin moved that section l97l-2 Sub-section oRDINAIICE No.763 be amended to read as fol-l-ows: L971.2 a. Dwellings, aparttnents. apartment hotels lIhere shal1 be at least one permanently maintained parking space in a garage or covered. carport on the same 1ot eith the buitding for eaih dwelling in the building. In any building containing more than six (6) dwelling units, there shaLl be provided at least one additional park.inq spaces need not be covered .or within a garage or car-port. Park- ing spaces shall not be situated in the front setback area nor shall trey be situated in the Eideyard area. The motion was seconded by,:Councilman Crosby and adoPted by the following Ro11 Cal I:Ayes: Councj.lman: Crosby-Ivlartsin-IvlorganNoes: Councilmen: None Abstaining Councilmen: ilohnson-Lorenz (absent at public hearing) councilman Martin moved that Section 1960 of Ordinance No. 763 be amended to read: Section 1960. Lot coverage Al-1 buil-dings, structures and j-mprovements or portions therof, which are hereafter erected, constructed. established or enlargred for living purposes in amy portion of the city s}rall be limited in lot coverage i.n accordance with the following table- Section 1960 Lot Coverage A11 buitding,s, structures and improvements orare herafter erected constructed establishedpurposes in any portion of the cj.ty shall bein accordance vrith the following table: portions therof, whichor enlatged for livinglj-mited in lot coverage Lot Coveraqe in Per eent of Total Area of LotInterior Lot Corner Lot District 40 40 50qo 40 45 'o0 60 The motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby andRo1l Cal-]- vote:adopted by the following Ayes: Councilmen: Crosby-Martin-I4organNoes: Councilman: NoneAbstaining: Johnson-Lorenz (absent Councilmen Martin moved that Section f971.1- ofto be amended to read as' folows: at public hearing) ORD INANCE NO. 763 797L.L Dimensions of Spaces. Acess The minimum dimensions for open parking spaces or for garages or car-ports except in single-family dwellings, slell be ninels) ieet inreidth and tweDty (2o) feet in length vrith a vertlcar cl-earance of seven(7) feet, excrusi-ve of access drives. fhe minimum inslde dimensi-onfor_ garages _or carport in single-family dwellings shall be ten (10)feet i-n width and threnty (20) feet in length. EingJ-e-famiry d*-e11ing 76 hereafter constructeal whl clt contaln three or more bealroons sha11 provlde garage or carports she11 open ttlrectly upon an a1sle or ctrlveway or such wldtn and Gslgrr as to provlde safe ancl convenlent access or egress for the vehlcle. The motlon was seconCed by Councllman Crosby and dopted by the fo1lowlng Ro1l CaI1 vote: Ayes: Councllman: C rosby-Ha rtln-llorganlloes: Councllman: Noneatstirr,ing: iormson-r,orenz (abeent at publlc hearlng) i.:{o.?6j wlth 1ts a mend.ments , was schedufeil for adoptlon at the reqular meetlng, October 1, l-9 52. for the Recla s s 1f1cAt1on of Land and For the Grant of Varlancesn wlth no a mendment s unCer conslder2tlon, w?s flven lts Eecond Eadlng and upon rnotlon of Counc: lrnan Flartln, secondea by Councllrcn CroBby, 6a1d ord.lnance passed lts seconal readlng antl was adopted. by the fo1-lowlng vote: OR)f;l.q:tCE NO.16? iAn ordlnance inendlng Dlvlslons l, 4, and 7, Artlcle tOle;m; of-fne Burllng'-ne ordlnence--Code and Proilding Procedures Ayex: councllmen:lloes: Counellrnen: Absta ln1ng: crosby. I,lartln- Itlorgan ilone Jchson-Lorenz (absent at pub11c hearlng) Reference was Erde to coroments se! forth 1n the August l4onthly Reporiof th-. Department of Pub:l lc Works wlth respect to the contlnulngdelay on the proposed Bearlnt Ind.llstrlal Park Subdlvlslon Improvements. The Clty Attorney was requested to 1nitl:te action through conferencewlth the prlnclpa 1|s bon<iing ooBPaLly. 2. fn reply to Councll lnquiry eoncernlng the condltlon of rnany of theCltyrs trees aa a result of the he2t process app1led. by the Therrao-3ond Corporatlon 1n the !'ecent resurfaclng of stre?ts, the Clty Englneer aalvlsed. that h1s offlce has requested a one yearr s extenslon on the Therno-Bond Corporationrs lnsurance po11cy to deter.llne whether permanent damage to the trees has occurred. 3. l:fStrSE OF P/rFJ(ING LOT 0U 3trRL In reply to Councllman Cro8byts lnqulry concel:llng the use of parklnglct on elty property ad.Jacent to the Amerlcan Legio'r Eafl by all-itaypark^.'s and. l1mltlng 1ts use by lratrons of the Recreatlon Center, theclty Itlanager advlseti that h1s offlce would ascertaln whether tt is anlmproper use of property and rrr oultl reque8t an lnvestlgatlon by theTrafflc Department. A Petltlon, bezrlng the slgnatures of twentJ resldents r"esldlng on the 100 and 400 bloek of Prlnrose Roed., requesttng Councll aotlon 1n eI1mat- 1ng tlre hazardous condltlon of large trees 1n thz *ea, wes aclixlowleciged. Ivlr. Moody Henry, clrculator of the petltlon, advlsed of h1s personal experlence wlth d.ecziylng t'ees. The subJect was referred to the Clty I'lanager f or ref erral to t he Park Conmls slon. IrlIFII'ISIHED FUSfIIiSS ( Contlnued) SATARY ADJUSTilENT APPSAL Cou]lcl].oan Johnson, Courlcll{np].oyee Ilalson, submltted. for Councll eonElaLeratlon, a 11st of eleven posltlons wlthln the ClasslfleC Servlce,whortn eBployees occupylng the posltlons have appealed for d:-rltlcnelfuicreases. Councllroan Johnson stateil that t iLe requesteC aalJustoents have recelved her approval a,s well- a s thrt of the Clty l"la,, na ge r'. UNFINISIiBD BiISTNESS 1. BEARTi'IT I}IIUSTRIAL PAFI( T}iP]IOVEI.IEJ{TS TIIERI'iO -ilcirD coRPoR .:Iori 77 Dlscusslon arose on the se1ar.les lndlcated ln t1e State Personnel Boardrs survey, wlth partlcular refelsnoe matle to the low conpenszteal recommendeti for nalntenence men, gerdners and. ground.snen classlflcatlons. lienbers of the Councll expressed the oplnlon that these s larles shoul,al be maae trore elultabl-e to those recommend.ed. 1n tre hlgher classlflcatlons.A sutdestlon that the s alarles of the flrenen and lhe patrolnen belncreased ',,ra s r:plled. to by Councllman Johnson who remlndeai Courcll thatcerteln nbench-raarkr posltlons were establlshed last year for thesecl.asslflc2tlon and. an und.erstand lng wlth other cltles shorrld flrst'ce re s ol-vetl. Fo11orv1ng conslderabl e d.lscusslon ln whlch employees representatlvespres-^nt lntllcrted to Councll that there v{as no obJec;lon to the cl asslflcatlon of posltlons establlshed 1n 'rhe survey report butrether to the sal:rry ranges, the.subJect vJa s referred to the Clty PianaEer wlth a re'luest that h1s Off1ce re-evaluate ranges on anoverall basls for Eport to Counc11. ifEirr BUSII,IESS FISOLII'ITCN PX: IOTfCE OF AfR POr,LlITfolI VTOLATIOII e Ray l, rea Alr Po11utlon 6otAuthor'lzlng and Dlrectlng the Issusnce of 'Jarlnlng Notlces by Clty Employees of the Clty of Burllngrvlg for Suspencled. Vlolatlon of Regularof the tsay Area Alr Pollutlon Control DlsrtlctE second.ed by CouncllDan Johncon and. unanlmously caffled on Roll CaIf vote. Counclfman l:organ requeste:1 that a copy of the resolutlon be transmltted to the A1r Polutlon Control Boaral, together wltha letter advlslng the Soard that the Clty lf Burl-lngr me llas lnltlp.ted the fl.rst d.l-rectlve 1n the control of a1r pril[ut 1on antl urglng ti.Iat e t t he forthcomi:rg Board meetlng on Septmeber 2!, 1962 each Clty ln tre County be asliealto ad.opt slmller me' sures. Counc!-oman llorgan, the Cltyrs representatlve on th Control tsoaral, lntrod.uced =ad movett the passage of CLA I}IS Clalms for the Month of September l-952, Nos. 8234-8391, 1n the anount of $184,512.55 duly audIted., were approved. for paynent motlon of Councllnan Crosby antl seeonded by Councllman I'lorgan. PAYROLL total on Payrol)- warrants, Uoabh of August 1952, I'os. 9 018 to 9311 1n the total amount of S100r72r+.10 were appr"oved on notlon of Councllnan Crosby and secondecl by C ouncllman Johnson. A. Councllroan Morgan raoved that the me:tlng be adjoumedl ln a trlbute to those aled.lcated. roen of the Paclflc Coart Inter-Mounta In Flre ehelfsAssoclatlon, meetlng ln A nnu-a 1 Confer.ence In San Franelsco and thatthe Chlef of the Bur1lng,': me. Flre Depa rtnent be aulhorlzed to present r copy of thls motlon, together wlth a message of r^r91come to the member;of the Assoclatlon. ?he motlon wa- seeond.ed by Coirncllman erosbyand unanlmously carrled. TfI'iA OF ADJoURNilEl,iT: 12:00 orclock mldnlght. ctful I y sunmltt , be V 4 Clty C1erk. e Df cr r.Y, -/f ps