HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.03.06235 Bunllngare, l{arch 6, CaL Lf orPn la 196L CALI, TO OHDER A regular moetlng of the Bun]lnganr Clty Cornrcll was held on the above glven d.ate. Meetlng caIled to order at 8:OO p.m.r--Mayon Megan ln the Chafu". PI,MGE OF ALLEGIANCE At rcrd from the Chalr all ln the Counell Charber aros6 end geve the Pledge of Alleglance to the Plag. ROLL CALL Pre sent Ab se nt - CouaclLnen : Byrd-Johnson-Loren z-Mcr.gan - Councllmen: l{ono I/I]NU]ES PREVIOUS MEETING The ndnutes of February 20, 1961, submltted prevlously to metro:rsof the Councll, trene unanLmously approved and adopted. RESoLUTION NO. 15-61 nMemorlalLzl ng the Death of Charl e s Ytl. Roothr ad.optlon, s e condedwas Lntnoduced by Counc ilman BJEd, who moved 1ts by Cotrncl]rnan Johnson and adopted unan5. mor s Iy on roII ca1I. OHDINANCES - Introductlon theneof: OHDINANCE NO. 754 rAn Ordlnance ArE ndlng the ordl nanco Code of theClty of Burlingame By A<ldlng Thereto Sectlon L22L.LS Prov!.dlng for Int€rsectlon Stops For Vehlcles at the Intersectlon of Sanchez and Contoz Avenuesn was Lntnoduced by Councllrmn Byrd end givon ltsflnst read lng. OFDINANCE NO. ?35 rAn Ondlnance AE ndlng the Ordlnance Cod6 of thoefit of Burflngame by AtltHng Thereto Sectlon 1208.1 Prohlbltlng Left -Eard Turns lnto Prlrose Road From Clty HaII Lane and Pub1lc Lanst wag lntroduced by Councilman Johnson and gfi,en l.ts flrst road lng. OSDINANCES - Conslderatlon thereof: ORDTNANCE N0. 750 tAn Ordlnanc€ Angdl ng the ondinance Code of the elty of Burllngame By Adding Thersto a New SectLon L222.26 Llmiting the Panklng of Vehlcles on tho Northerly Slde d Ilffiard Avenue Betwsen EI Carnlno Resf and Occldental Avenuen was glven its second readlng end on motlon of Counclloarr Byrd, seconded by Councllman Johnson, sald OrdlnaJlce passed lts secord r€ adlng ani was adopted by the followlng vote: Ayes: Councllmen! Byr d-Jobns on-Lo ren z-t{organNoes: CouncllmenS NonE Abs€nt CouncLlrnsr : Non€ OnDINANCE NO. ?51 trAn Ordlnanco A@ndl ng Sectlon L222.22 of the Ordlnanc e Code of t he Clty of Br:r l lnganne Prohlbltlng PsrkLng onthe Northerly Side of BtrllngaBE Avonue Betweon EI Camlno R6a1 and Occldental Avonue on Certaln Days and at Certal-n Hourei xes gLvenlts seeorrl neadlng and. on motl.on of Counc llrnen Johnson, secondedby Councilman BJrnd, sald Ordlnance passed lts a€cond readlng and was aalopted by the followlng vote: Ayes! Councllm6n! Byrd-Johnson-Lcnenz-Morgan l{oo s : Councllmsl ! None Abssnt Councll@n: None OND TNAI,ICE I{O .732 nAn Ordlnance Amendlng the Ordlnance Code of the COMMUNICATIONS llone RESOLUTIONS 236 Clty of Burllngaoe By Addtng there to a Sectlon Numbored L22L-C Lowenlng the Prlma Facl€ Spoed Limlt for Velrlcular T]raffic on Baysbore Highway F:ro m 65 trtile s Per Hour to 35 lrtlles Por Hourrl was glven lts second reading and on nnotl on of Councllman Byrd, seconded by Counc ilruan Lorenz, sald Ordlnance passed lts second readlng and was adopted by the fo llorlng vote: Ayes: Councllmsr: B5z.d-Jotrnson-Leenz-Mo:rganNoos: Councllrren: None Abssnt Councl l-aen: None ORDfNANCE NO. 735 xAn Ordlnance Addln g Soctlon Len.z (c) Deslg-na-Ing WesE Lane as a tone-Wayt Str:oet For Vehlcular Traffi c was g1v€n Lts second read.lrg ancl on motion of Councllman Johnson, seconded by Councllman Lorenz, sald Ondi nance passed. 1ts second readlng and was aalopted by the followlng vote: Ayes : Councllmen: B a:d-Johnson'Loronz-MorganNoes: Councllnen: None Absent Cormc 11rn6n: None U}TFTNI$IED BUSINESS 1. KATSER TI,IDUSTRIES PROPERTY Mayo p I'{or gBn annorlncgd that tho Councll has authorL zetl Actlng C1t3r Manager Marr to submlt a coul:lter pr.oposal to the Kalsor Industrles,fnc., ln srr amount less than tlrat of fereal by tho corpolratlon andrclth the Councll, on thls occaslon, roservlng the rlght to wlth-bold announcorEnt of the amount proposod. 2. BUS STOP - CALIFORNIA DBTVE & OAK GROVE AiTENI,'E Beference was made to a recommend.atl on submltted prevlously bythe Hoalth, Safoty & Tr:afflc Connlsslon, concer*:rlng the 1nstal-letlon of a bus stop rturrr-offn area for nortbbound Gr.e yhound Bus pessengens on Cal-lf enla Drlve and Oak G::o ve Avenus . n Councl lnan Byrd stated. tbat a pr ecendent may be establlshed lfsald ntum-offr ar.ea wene per mJ-tt ed and e:qrressed tho opl.nlonthat lt ls not lncumbent upon a clty to provLde a servlco of thlgnatur€ for prlvate enterpr!. ses. A rflot lon was ther.eaften lnt roduced by Councilmen Byr aI that no actlon bo taken on the rocomrE.ndetlon subml.tted by th€ Health, Safety &I?afflc Commlsslon, seconded by Councllman Loronz and unanlrrcuslycarrl ed . 5. SMOG LEGTSI,ATTON Mayor Mo rgan announced that approprlate actlon shall be taken bythe Councll- at such tlme as a proposed rrmod.elrr ordlnance affoctlng the control of nsmogr is rocelved anil neviewetl by the Clty Attorney. 4. FIRH]IEN CALL-BACK COMPU$SATION The Chalr advlsed that the sLx months trial. porl od fe ttre compen-satlon to firemen on trcall-backrr duty has t er rlnateal and suggested,tbat a nepo::t be subnltted to Councllr lnc1ud-l ng such detalls as th6 numbor of nca1l-backstr the cn hav e responded to and tho totalcost to rbl-rabu.r'se tho rpn. Councllman Byrd suggested tlat 1t may be well to dls contlnue payrrnt fon such dutyl perdlng the e1ectlon of a new Councll memb@. Councllman Johnson, ln recalllng that the Chlof of the Fine Dopartmont had requosted the optlon of extondlng the pnobatlonary six monttrs r trlal parlod lf needed, suggested that no action be t a}<on on this occasl on. The subJect was thgreafter referr€d to Actlng Clty Msnager Malrfon rrpont at the noxt negular nbetlng of Council. 237 BROADII/AY-ROLLINS ROAD INTERSECTTON Mayon Morgan, ln refernlng to mlnutes recelved f rorn the lloalth, Safety & T:eafflc Commlsslon, unaler date of Febnuar:y 9r l-961, concennlng the placoment of offlcers to patrol the lntorsectlonat Broadway and RollLns Roed, r:equested. vlews fnom tho nenborsof the Counc 11. Councllnan Johnson and, Councllman Lorenz each advlsed that they were ln concurrenco with the r.ecommendatlon subnltted som6 tlmg ago by both the Chlef of Poll-ce and the Clty Managetr, that therlservlce was not e onmensurate wlth the beneflts to be acirloved.n Councllman Byral expressod hls c onf L d.ence ln the ablllty of bothofflci.als, statlng that ln hls oplnlon, horrever, the lntensoctlonls ln a highly conggst€d area and ls therefo!: ex.tnenely hazardous,partlculanly tl ur lng the peak hours between 4:45 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. Following further dlscusslon, May or }lor gan and Councllmen BJrrd each concurrod that the Councll may bo compelled to Lssue a dkectlveplaclng a pat:rol at the lntersectlon at sorae future date. 6. ASSISTANCE 1O TITTLE BASEBALL LEAGUE Actlon on tho request of offlclals of Burllngarm t s LLttle Basoball League ras held pondlng a report anticlpated, subsequent to tbo n6xtregular msotlng of the Recreatlon ComnLsslon. 7. BIIRLTNGALIE FtsSTrVAL ASSOCIATION l[ayor Morgan announced that becauso of lnab111ty to contlnue tbe uso of lts sto::age space, the Bunllngame Festlval AssocLatLon has offer:etl to donate all lts materlal usod at the last festlval, tothe C1ty. Councllman Byrd noved that the Clty Clerk aclmowledgo the offen by acceptlng the materlal on belralf of the Clty and that the Clty th6r.e -aften locate an appropnlate stonage place. The notlon was seconded.by Councllnan Loronz and unanlmously carnled. 8. REFMENCES TO PARK COMMISSION MTNUTES Acknowled.glng recelpt of the Park Comnlsslon mlnutes, dated Febnuary 9, 1961, the Chalr neferred to a panagraph rocording that a menrber ofthe Park Com.nlsslon had contacted the Trousdale Constructlon Conpanyconcernlng the grantlng of a d.ood fot 27.9 acres ln M11Is Canyon. Song d.i.scusslon arose, rrhereLn membors of the Councll e:rpressed theoplnlon tttat 1t ls wlthln the prerogatlve of Councll, rather than Coranrlssion, to pulsue the 1ssue, lnasmrch as negotlatLons have beenln progress for a conslderable perlod of tlme. At tho requost of Counc11, the Clty Attorney advlsed that the deedhas been prosented to a tltlo company for approprlate processlng and wl1l be subrultted to Councll when 1ega1 tocbnLcelltl.es lrave been cleaned. A paragriaph ln thepostlng of rf Notlco mlnutes of the Park Commlssion concorrrlng theto Destroy Weedsrr was al-so cllscussed. Dlrecton of Publlc l9orks Marr advlsed that a State law requlres tbepostlng of notlces ln conspLcuous places to advise the publlc thatin acconclance to a cltyts reed abatement pnogram, weeds mrst be elLminatod. In neply to the ChaLr t s lnvltatlon to coruoent, the Chekmarx of tho Park Conmlsslon, ln atterdance, advLsed that ln her oplnion, saldpostlng was a nwaste of energyn arri that she had offered the auggestlon me:reIy as a rgesturer to ellmlnate unsightllness In the City of BurIlngane. R6forgnc6 was funtLrer mado to Par:k Coanlsslon mlnutes conc€rnlngrthoh deshe to havo sorE sort of expresslon from the Councll onthell: attltude on the golf c ou.rs6 D1an, as to *rethe:r th6y ane olrare not ln fevor of 1t.n 238 Uayon hlorgan lnvltsd membetrs of the Council to cofi€nt at thelr own dlsc:retlon. Councllman Byrd, Councllman Johnson and. Counc tlrran Lonenz each spoke brlefly, lndlcatlng thelr approval to a golf course fonthe Clty; concurr.Lng, however, that detalls mrst be conslderedprlor to fornal actlon. fn concludlng th6 dlscusslon, Mayor l,{organ advLsed of hls lnabl1ltyto conment on the subJect on thls occaslon. NET/ BUSTNESS 1. ANONN,{OUS LETTER RE: CITY STRffiTS The Chain neferred to a connunLcation receivod and slgned,A. If'avelorn offerlng suggestlons on ways and. moans to taxnovennlghtn pankers and to use tho rev€nue to assul:e cleanclty streets. 2. PROTEST RE: iILLS ES?AIE DEVELOPMEM Mayor Morgan aclcaort edged recelpt of a commrnlcat lon from Dr. Rlchard B. Ke1ley, 1821 castenade Drlve, Burllngame, recomnsndlngthat th6 Councll lnvestlgate the r.ocent actlon taken by theMlllbrae Plannlng Corrrdsslon regar.ding the d.evelopmont of the M11lbrae soctLon of tho Ml1Is Estato and lts effect on tho futuro cteveloprcnt of th6 Burllngame sectlon of the M1lls Estate. The subJect was referrsd. to th€ Plannlng Commlsslon for Lts lnformatlon. 3. GERAI,D NORDSIBOM. POLTCE OFF'TCER , COilI',(ENDD Councllnan Byrd moved that a coruarnlcatlon boaring the slgnature ofthe Mayor be forwarded to Gerald Nordstrom, Pollce Offlcer, commend.lng h1n on hls exceptlonal pollce work ln apprehendlng a wanted crimlnal. Th€ notLon was second.od by Councllnan Johnson and unanlnously canrled. 4. POLICE TNAF.EIC STAFF COIN,IENDED Mayor Morgan commended the Trafflc Staff o Dopa:rt:rnnt on the efflclent rranne r ln rhlc Br osdway have been ninlmlzed. ftbt he Burllngame Pollcerafflc pr oblems on 5. PROTESTS RE: PAVING TREE AREA ON LTBRARY GNOUNDS t€ttors fron l{rs. Albert W. furnen, Conservatlon Chalrran, Burllngarre Garden Clubs, dated March 4, 1961 and from lrbs. Ilenry Boos, Park Commlsslon Chafunan, datod March 5, 1961, protestlng the proposal to pavo th€ anoa ar ound the large nedwood tree on Llbrary Srounds,sore acknowledgod. Mayor lilorgan stated that wh1Ie he had no crltlcLsm of statem€ntsIn the latter commrnlcation, he dld, however, rdeplo:rer tho unfavon- able newspaper publlclty recelved by both tbe Llbrarry Board and the Par.k ConrnLsslon on the subJect. Mayor Mor gan fl-rr:thor statedthat a matter of prLnclple ls lnvolv ed and that 1t ls evldont thata greater cooperatlon should exlst between Commisslona and a cLoser lial s on betweon Councll and Comnlsslon 1s needed. Followlng considerable dl,scusslon and Ln reply to an lnqulny frorn Councllnan Lorenz, thnough the Chaln, Itlrs. Edt th Cohendet, Chal r@nof th6 tlbrary Boand, advlsed that tbe need to provide pe rktngfacllltl.es Ls urgont; how6v6tl, nno actlon wlll be taken by the Llbnary Board to endanger the tr:ee.n May or Morgan suggested tbat menbers of the Park Comralsslon Lnvest-lgite t::ee pnoblems throughout the Clty and referred speclflcallyto those on Lessen Way that were to be replaced a number of years ago. 239 I,NFTNISHED BUSTNESS (Contlnue.T ) 9. FTRE STATION PIANS . FIRE BO}ID ISSUE CouncLlman Byrtl lnltlated conslderable dlscussLon on the subJectof tho proposed plans fo:r a new Flre Statlon! statlng that theplans nane not ln keeplng wlth what tho people voted fon Ln the Flr.e Bond Electlonr ancl that 1n hls oplnton, plans pnov ldlng for admlnlstnatLve offlces and headquarte::s for the ChLef end Offlcersof tho tr'ire Depantraent lndlcate thet the bulldLng w111 be used asa maln statlon rather than as a branch stetlon. Councllman Johns on stated that tbere was no questlon ln her rnlnd but that the proposed statlon would beoplnlon, lt nwould be a slmple mtter the Chlef na ther tlren rorrcdel the o1dChlef.n Councllman Johnson suggested could request the Clty Attorney to su Questloned by the Counc1l, the Clty Attorney ad.vised. that plans 1nc1ud1ng offlce qaca ln the proposed bulldlng d@s not Lndlcatethat lt rarst be the msln statlon; many f acto::s aro to be taken lnto consldsratlon - the numbelr of personnel to be housed, pleces of equlpment and response to calls. The City Attorney further advlsed U:at with the locatlon of more t ha.n bro stations, lt ls the pn€Irogative of CounciL to deslgnate rft1ch 1s to ba the maln statlon and whLch are to be the branch stat l ons . a branch statlon and ln herto 1nc lude offlce space forstatlon to ac commodate ttrthat lf necessary, Cou.nc1lbmlt a wnltten opl.nlon. Councllnan Lorenz advi sed that h6 concunned wlth the statomonts of Councl lraan Byrd, statlng thet 1n hls oplnlon, tthe maln statton ls rhere the Offlce of the Chlef should betr and that nto catl the nerbulltllng a branch statlon ls stnasslng the polnt.r Councllman Lonenz also statod that he was not satlsfled wlth the plans submltted and suggested that the noons be rgquared-offn for better utlllzatlonof space. Mayo! Morgan, spoalrLng at some length on hls vlews antl approval of the plan submltted, stat€d thst ln hls opinlon, where tho Chlefelects to locate hls headqua:rters ls of minor lmportance. In concludlng the dlscusslon, Mayor lv{organ urged ner$ens of the Councll to glve senlous conslderatlon to tho subJect during the lnterlm prlor to the next Councll meetlng. 2. I\IELIoRIAL TO CEARLES Vr.ROOTH AND ALLAN F. EUNT Mayor Morgan advlsed that the Council ls memonlal servlces to honor f orrm r May orgAllan F. Eunt. conslderlng approprlate Charlos II. Rooth and 5. BAY AEEA GOVERNMENTS CouIrcllman Lonen2 moved that no actlon be tak6n by the Councll onthls occaslon, to afflllate the Clty of Burllngemewlth the AssoclatLonof Bay Area Government s (ABAG ) geconded by Counct lman Johnson and unanlmously carrled. PUBLIC AIIJOI'NCE}dENTS Maye Morgan reportod an lncldent occtrlng at our Lady of Angels t Church wtrers i.n acts of vandallsn bad been c ommltted and urged ttrrepub11c to be observant 1n order that tho culpnlt nay be apprehendod.. The ChaLn acknowl eclged the presonco of ard lntr.oduced Mr. Jack Edwards, member of the Llbrar'5r Board, ttro 1s seeklng the posltlon of Clty Counc llman at the f carthcomlng Speclal EIectlon. Iylr. Edwards respondedwlth a few approprlate words. The pne sence of !,ih. John B. Mccloskey, Jr., a posslble cand.Ldate lnthe forthcomlng electlon, was al-so acknowledged. 1 244 ADJOURNI,IENT fhere being no further buslness, the meetlng ras regulanly ad Journed. at 10:OO p.m. Respectfully submltted, BERT K.E tvc erkC H--d L. B. MoRcAN;-Tdor *w'il ^t