HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.02.20990 Burllngame, Callf ornla Februany 20, 1961 CALI TO OFDEE A regulan neetlng of tho Burllngarm Clty Councll was hold above glven date. Meet lng callod to order at 8:OO p.m., Irtorgan 1n the Chafu. PLED@ OF ALLEGIANCE on the- Mayor At word from the Chalr, all the Pledge of Alleglance to ln tbe Councll Chambor arose and gave tb F1ag. The mlnutes of the nmetlng of Fobruary 6, 1961, the ad Journed meet- lngs of Febmary 10 ard FebruarT 11, submltted prevlorsly to Cor:nc 11 members, were unanl mously approved and adopted. ROLL CALL Present - Councllren: Bypd - Johnson-torenz -irlorganAbsent - Councl lroen: NorE MTIIUTES PREVIOUS MEETTNG tsIDS FIRE DEPARTI!{ENT PM{PTN|} ENGINES A connunlcatlon fron the Clty l(anagen, dated Fobruary 17, 1961, advlsed that blds on tnro 1250 GPM FLre Pumpors, have been rocelvod, oponed accondlng to publlshed notLce and tabulated as follows: Cnorn Coach Corporatlon Los Angeles, Callfornla.$60,354.OO ArEnLcan-Ia Franc€ 868 Bunlway Rd., Bur1lnga.me. . . . . 571234.42 Mack fruck, Inc. San Frarrc 1sco, Ca1lf omla. . No Bld It was tbe r.ecomrnnd.atl on of tlre Clty litanager that t ho bld be awarded. to tbe A@rlcan ta France Ccpcratlonr sald company bavlng net speciflcatlons and bolng tbe lowost rosponsible bldder. Councllman Lorenz moved that the Councll concurr seconded by Councllman Byrd anal unanlnous 1y canrled. HEARINGS PNOPOSD IBAFFIC CHANGE ON DONNELLY AVENI'E I{ayor Morgan announced tbat thls was the tlme and the place schoduled. by Councll at tho last regulan meetlng, to conduct a hea::Lng on the proposed trafflc c hange to create Donnelly Avonuo lnto a two-way stneot. Reforenco was msde to a comnarnlcatlon fnonr the Health, Sefoty & TnaffLe Commlsslon, da.ted Fobruar! 2t 1961, rocomllEndlng thet Donnelly Avenue b€ converted lnto a two-way street 1n onder to improve trafflc flow ln the business dLstnict. The Chalr, ascer:talnlng that ther6 wero no wrpltton protosts, lnvlted comment s from lnterested parties in the andience. Charles E. Gfnoo"er, locaI re r"clrant on Burllngafts Avonuo, advlsedthat tb proposed change had boen advocatod by the rorehants coffrl.ttee of th6 Chanber cf, Corubrce and street reasure@nts, taken Just prlor to the meotlh8 on this occaslon, Lndl catod tbat ttrere LssufflcLent pace to per mj.t an easy f].or of two-ray tnaffLc. lib. Gfroener stated that ttr ch ange wo u1d be beneflclal to Pr:1@os6 Road buslness and would perml t vohLcles conlng fron Callfornla 230 Drlve and Lorton Avonue dlnect access to parklng lots on Donnelly Avonue, thus elfuainatlng tbe necessity of drlvlng around tho block onto Burl ln8ame Avenuo ard P:rLmrose Road to entor Donnelly Avenue.lib. Gfroorer suggosted that tho change b6 conducted at loast on e tenporar:y tr1a1 bas1s. lllss hleda Freund, orner: of a caterlng bus lness on Dorurelly AveEue advlsed that she has provided customer panklng spac€s and ln her oplnlon, wlth the steady and continuous flor of trafflc, customars may flnd it dlfflcult to stop and enten he:r place of buslness. lss Cathsrlne Cosgnave, co-olrner of e business on Donnelly Avonue, steted. that the proposod change may stlmulate buslness, butquestloned (1) the status of ths current parklng oeter:s and, wlth refer.ence to a reservatLon of ten feot of her pr.operty by the Cityln L948, (2) rhethen any consld,enatlon has boen given to rtdenlngthe s tneet. he Councll concur artal lntrod.ucod forlnAcceptlng Pub1lc Improvoment s ln There being no obJectlon fYom Counc1l, the sub Joct was referl3ed aSalnto the Health, Safety ard Trafflc Comml,ssl-on. C0I,IIiIIffICATIONS }. EL QUANITO ACRES NO. 2 SUM]VTSION ACCEI{TED A conmunLcatlon fnom the Clty Manager, dated Febr?uary 16, 1961, advlsed that lt was the recomrond.atlon of the Ctty Englneer andhls offlce that tho Publlc fmprovement s tn EI Quanlto Acres No. 2 be acceptod as com.oleto. Councllman Bynd noved that t pas s aEg e RESOLUTION NO. 10-61 The Mayor replled that the lnqulnles would be ansrered prlor to ttre soncluslon of the hearlng. The mayon advlsed that lb. Rob€!:t Dean, who antlclpates openlng a buslness on DonnelJ-y Avenua, haslndlcated that he has no obJection to slthen a one-way or a two- way str:eet, lf a ityellow zonerr fon loadlng purposos 1s provided. In a pol} of the Council, Councllman Byrd refer"red to clrcuostancesa for years ago, whereby the stroet was created lnto a on6 -way;the Chlef of Pollce at that tlne fe].t tbat left turns lnto Ptilmoso Road from Donnelly Avenue were hszardous; conplalnts rere necelvedthat tnafflc on the stneet created en l-ngness and egress to drtvc- way probleml and, lf lt rene convented lnto a one-Tay strpo€t to lmprove trafflc flow, parkLng ooters wouLd be lnsta}led on oneslde of the stneet. CouncllmEn BJrrd stated that he had no prefcr- ence for elther a one- ay or a tro-ray stre6t. Councllman Johnson etated tlDt there Fas a quostlon Ln he:r rdrdrbether the Clty would beneflt by creatlng the str:eet lnto atro-ray, suggestlng that notorlsts could use Bellevue Avenue to neach Prlmrose Boad and vlclnlty. Counclh1an Lonenz statod that traffle Ls not heavy on Donnelly Aveau. and that he concurred wtth the recoumendatlon of the ConamlssLonthat tkre flor of trafflc would be rnrch S.mproved. by conventlng thestrest back to lts oniglnal two-way status, llmlttng parkLng to one slde of tb6 stneet only. Mayor Morgan r.eferred to the Councllrs twelve polnt program rhereln on6 of tha proJects was ntrafflc flown and stated that he tro, had no preforonco. The heanlng wes declar.ed concluded. th€reafter. The Chalr observed that several technlcal questlons have been presonted and thereforo recontnendod that the subject be referred back to the Codalsslon for evaluatlon and report. In reply to Counc llnan Byrdts lnqulry, Mlss Cosgrave advlsed tbata ten foot nset-backr parcel ,ag reserved by the Clty ln 1948 rlththe thought at ttrat t1re that tlp southorn petlon of Donnelly Avonucrould be rldened. 23L ln El Qusrlto Acres l{o. 2, Burllngamo, San trlateo County, Callfornlan seconded by councllman Jolrnson and adopted unenlrnously on ro11 cal1. 2. BETYEDERE }IEIGHTS SUBDIVISION ACCEPTED A conrnrnlcatlon from the Clty Manager dateal Februa4r 17, 1961, advlsed that ln0provenEnts have been satlsfactorl Iy completed ln Belvedene Helghts Subdlvlslon, b@dorlr€ Sumralt Dnlve, and lt i,as nocomended that tb Subdlvlslon be accopted. RES0LUTION NO. 11-61 'Acce pt tng Publtc Inp oveinent s 1n Belvedero Helglrts, Burllngame, Sanfor passage on motlon of iieteo County, Callfcrnla' was lntnoduced Councllman Johnson, soconded by Councllnan A commrnlcat lon fron the Clty }lanage:r, datsd Febriuary 16, 1951, advl.sed thst th6 al legatlons ln the petltlon concernlng the gradlng and removal of tr6es 1a the EI Quanlt o Acres vlclnlty have been lnves tlgated. The Clty Manegsr furthe:r advlsed that th6 Btglneerlng Dopartnent hag reponted that the gr:adlng operatlons are proceedlng ln accordancerlth approved plans and that the subdivlders have ag::eed to expedltethc wod< on sald operatlqrs to ellnlnate the source of annoyance to the nelghborhood. It was the necommendatlon of the Clty }lanager that ln order to preserve the aesthetlcs of the hl11sltle areas rrcomrrensurate wlthprlvate property rlgLrtsn the subJect be referred to the Pl-annlng Comalsslon, the Plannlng Consultant and the Clty Attorney for research. Then e belng no Councll obJection, tha subJect wag r eferred, as nec orme nded.. 4. REPORT ON SEORELI]IIE PROPF]RTY PURCHAS A cownunlcatlon fnom tbo Ctty Merager, dated February 16, 1961, advlsed that a corur.rnlcatLon has been f crrarded to the ornens of Bur lingam shorellne propertles concer:nlng the puncbase p:rlco ofsald p roper:ty and tho repnesentatlvo of the orne r:s has ad.vlsedthat the nequest rl11 be submlt ted to tbo Board of Dlnectors, subsequent to rhlch the Clty ruay antl.clpat€ a r6p1y wlthln thlntyto slxty days. The report was a cknowl edged ard placed on f11o. MARILYN T. PATTMSON CLAII,{ REJECTED Bynd and unanlmous Iy adopt eal on ro}l call' 5. REPORT ON PETITIOIC EL SUANITO ACRES 6. COI]NCTL TWELVE.POINT PROGRAM REPOBT A nono to Councll, dated Februsry 17, 196I, necelved from the Clty Manager, reportlng on the Fnogross of Councilrs twelve-polnt prognamto dat6, was acknowlodged ard placod on fl1e. 7. PROPOSED PURCI{ASE KAISER PROPERTY Councll c oncurned 1n a recommendat Lon fuom the Clty Manager, dated Februany 17, 196L, that the clalm of Marllyn T. Patterson fon allegedlnJurles ln the a nount of $25.OO be reJected and referred to theCltyts insurance carrler. - A n€mo fron the Clty Manager, datod Fobnuany 17, 196I, edvlsod thatto date no reply has b6€n r.ecelved from tho ropresentatlves of theKalsen Industrles, Inc., on the cltytg pno posal to purchase saldpr.openty. The City Manager advlsed that hortth the company. sha11 contLnue to try to communlcate E 232 8. TRAF.EIC NE GULATIONS PROPOSM BY SAFETY COMI{TSSION A communlcatlon from the Clty Manager, d.ated F€bruary 17, 196I,advlsod thet the followlng recommendat lons have b6en submlttedby the Heal.th, Safety and Trafflc CommLsslon end that lt was the recommendatl on of bls offlce that leglslatlon be adoptecl to affect the proposod changes 3 (1) Cfty IIalI Lane: Publlc Lane: Left tu:rns be pnohlblted betwoon the hours of lO a.m. and and Holldays except ed; lnto Pnlmrose Road6 p.m., Sundays (2) Co*ez Avenue - Sanchoz Avenue Intersectlon: The present three-way stop lnters€ctlon be cbanged to a four-way stop lnters o ctl on. The CtW Attorney was requosted to pre pane approprLate leglslatlonfor Councll action. ORDINANCE N0. 73O rAn Ordl nalco Arcndl ng the Ordlnance Code of the Clty of Btrllngame By Add lng Thereto a New Sectlor 12?,2.26Llnltlng the Parklng of Vehicle s on the Northerly Slde of llcruard. Av€nue Betwoen E1 Camlno ReaI and Occtdental Avenuer rras lntroduced by Councllnan Byntt and glvon lts f!:st readlrg. OBDINANCE N0. 751 nAn Ordinance Arcndlng Sectlon L222.22 of thedfiIfiffiZT-Gffi tho ctty of Bur11n8a&€ Prohlbltlng Parklng on the Nonther:ly Slde of Burllngams Avenue between El Camino Real and Occldental Avenue on CortaLn Days and at Certaln Hoursr was intro- duced for ffust readlng by Councllman Byrd.. oRDINANCE N0. 732 rAn ordlnance Arerrll ng t tD Ordl nanc€ Code of t ID Clty of Burllnga,rc By A ddlng Thereto a Sectlon Nunbored 122-C Lorn:rlng the Prlma Facle Speed Llmlt f or. Vetrlcular Trafflc on Bayshore Hlghway tuon 65 Mlles Per Ilour to 55 Mlles Per Ilount ras lntroduced for flrst noadlng by Councllman Johason. OFDINANOE N0. 735 nAn ating Wesa Lane as a lntroducod by Councll Ordinance Aaldlng Sectlon L229..2 (c) Deslgn-rone-Wayn Street for Vehlcular Trafflc' waE man Johns on and glven lts flrst neadln6. OFD INANCES - Conslderatlon theneof: OEDINANCE NO. 728 rrAn Ordlnance Arendl ng Sectlon 19O4, Antlcle 50, Patt X of the Ord lnance Code of the Clty of Bunllngame, Dlvldl ng the Clty fnto Dlstrlcts by Reclasslfylng a Portlon of tot 6 an d Lots 7, I and It Block 15, Supplemsrtary Hep to Map No.1 of the Torn of Bu::llnga rE trYom a Second Commrclal (Servlce Bual.aos s Dlstrlct to a Fourt h Resldentlal (Mu1tl-Famlly) Dlstrlctn was glven lts sesond r€adlng and on motl on of Councl lman Byrd, ieconded by Councllman Johnson, sald ordinance passed 1ts second readlng and was adopted by the followirg vote: 9. GAS TAI MASTEB AGREEMENT FIruDS A comrmlnlcatlon from the Clty Manager, dat€d Febnuany 17, 1961 ,advl-sed that the State Dlvlslon of Hlghways has ad,opted a nef, p:roeedure for allocatlr8 and budgetlng tb6 Experdlturo of Gas Tax tr'und s to Cltles and that lt was hls recommendatlon antt thatof tho Clty Englneer, that a nesolutlon be adoptod approvlng the Mastor Ag:reemont for Expendlture of Gas Tax Fund s to permlt theCltyts pantlclpatlon ln the new pr:ocedure. Councl lrmn Lonenz moved that the Councll concur ani lnt:roduced fo:: passage SESotUTIoN NO. 12-61 trBesolutlon of th6 Clty Councll of the Clty of BurlS.ngame Approv Lng Master Agreem€nt fon Experdltureof Funds Allocatecl trbom the State Illghway Fund to Cltlesn seconaled by Councl lnan Johns on and unanlmously canrled on ro11 ca11. OnD INANCES - Introdrctlon tboreof: 233 ORDINANCE I{O. Pert I, of 729 nA'n Ordlnanee Amondlng SectLon 1999.1, Artlcle 51, 6-6d1nance Cod6 of the Clfu of Burl lngaroe Provldl ng Byrd - Johns on-Loren z-Me gan Non6 None for the Bstabli.shment of Flne Zones Wlthln the Clty of Burllngane By Wlthdrawlng a Pcrtlon of Lot 6 srd Lots 7, I and. 9, Block 13, Supplenantarry Map to Uap l{o. 1 of t tre Towr of Btr::Ilngamo trlon F1r€ Zor:e ! and by Includlng Sald Lots ln Flrr Zone fIIn ras glven Lts sesond readlng and on mot lon of Councl lnan Johnson, seconded by Councl lrmn Lorenz, saLd ondlnance passed its second rsadlng and was adopted by the followLng vote: Ayes : Noes: Absent Councl lmen: CouIlcllmen: Councllnen: NXSOTUTIONS RESOLUTIoN NO. 14-61 nA Resolutlon of the Ci t5r Councll of th€ Clty #11 of Bu:rtlngame fo:: nA Resolution of tb Clty Councll of the ClQrlng John W. G€er of Troop f156 of Burl lngar:re of BuFllngame e ommndl ng Ray Turner of Shlp Obtalnlng tho Boy Scouts QuarterrDasten Awardr was introd.uced fe passage on notlon of Councllmsn Blrrd, s econdod. by Councilman Loronz and adoptod unanlmously on ro11 call of membens. RESOLUTIoN NO. 15-61of Bur l lngane Cfor Obtatnlng the Boy Scouts Eagle Awandt was lntroduced by Councllman Johnson rho noved Lts passage, seconded by Councllman Lorenz and unanlmously adopted on noI1 call of menrber:s. IINFINISHED BUSINESS (a) (b) Bus Stop - Callfornla & oak Grove - held for. further study. Pur.chas e ng lot on Lcrton Ave.(Near Donns:Lly) held fcrstudy at a ftr hr r:e Coun cl1 atudy segslon. (c )Flre Statlon Plans hel-d fon fu::ther was lnstructed to escerlta 1n wheth er the study. The Clty Attomsy Councll may Iegally defenactlon on the acceptance of the proposed plans for Councll reportat tbo n6xt rogrrlar metlng. (a) potlce Rules and Regulatlong - Counclloan Johnson , Councll - E mp1 oyee reprosentatlve, advlsed. that subsequent to conferences held wlth membors of ttp Police DepartnEnt, the pnoposed revLsed Rules and Regulatl ons ano 1n pr.oper fonm fcr Councll accoptance. A raotlon ras theneupon lntroduced by Councllman Johnson that thoPollce Rules and ReguJ.atl ons, lncludlng Rule No. 5, as amendod., bo adopted, seconded by Councllman Byrd arr.I unanlnously carrLod. (e ) May or Ittong an noferr.ed to th€ Pq!!g e Insura4q)g .Lr.ogram as subrdtted by the San Mat6o Law Erf orcement Assocl.atlontsfnsrranco Comnltteo Chalrmsn, Hl1lsborough Pollcc Chlef Walter J. Wlsnom, and advlsedthat th6 Clty ls not Ln a posltlon to renden a deflnLte conmitrentat thls tlme. Ibe Clty Mene g6n as nequosted to eo notlfy Chl€f Wlsnom prior to a meetlng scheduled by tbo abovementLoned commltt€o on Febnuany 24, 1961. }.IEVJ BUSIIIESS 1. A letter of comrmn:lat lon recelved from Urs. B€tty Kaufman, 1nbehalf of the SenLo:: Cltlzens, ras rsferred to the Burl lngarE Recreatlon CommLsslon. 2. Mayor Mongan announced, recelpt d a comrmrnLcat lon from ttreofflcers of the 1ocal Littlo League Baseba]-l- onganlzatlon, roquostlngconsld.eratl,on ln the reductlon of water rates. Tho CIW Managor res requested to confer wl th the Recreatlon Comnolsslon to ascentaLn whether the actlvlty may necelve asslstanc6 f lrom the Recnoatlon DepartnE nt. Ayea: Councl lrEn: Byrd- Jobnson -Lor6n z-Mongan Noes: Courxcllnen: Nonc Absent Councl lrea: None 234 Payroll rarranta, Month of Jenuariy, 1961, os. 3OS - 759, ln thctotal amount of $851105.29, tvene appnoved fon payrrnt on motlonof Councllaan Johnson, seconded by Councllnan Loronz and unen-lmously car"rled. lVARRANTS Yfarrants, Nos. 5O16 tbro ugb 5174, 1n tho total amount of $*r744.O5, for tLre raonth of February, 1961 , du].y audlted, were approved for p ayment on motlon of Councllman Johnson, Councll Flnanco Chatrman, seconded by Councllman Los'enz ard unanlnously carrl ed . PAYTOLL COMMISSION I{EMBERS PBESENT trhe Chalr acknorledged the presence of Ed Arnold, Chaln@n, Recreatlon Commlssion, John M. Flsch and W. R. Chs,mbllss, Pank Comrd.sslon me nilers, and C1f,y LLbrarlan, G. Paul Lechlch. The Clty Msnager was lnstnucted to r€quest tbe Eealth, Safety &Trafflc Comnisslon to d.elegate a menb er of lts respectlve commlttee to attorril r egular neotlngs of Councll. AD JOURNI/IENT Thero belng no furth€r buslness, tho meetlng was regu).anIy ad Journed at 9:OO p.n. Respectfully s ubmltted, Ilerbert K.1te, Clty C enk A p e D rgan,v I