HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.02.112?,8 Bu:'llnppnr , Callfornl a Pebnrary 11, 1$1 CALL TO ORDER A contlnued rcetlng of t he BunlLngarno Clty Councl1, adJou::ned.from February lO, 1961 , at whlch tirm U:ere nes not a quorumpresent, ras called. to ordor by Mayor I'I@ gan at 1:OO p.n. ROLL CALL Present - Councllmen!Absont - C ounc 11 man: Byrd -Johnson-Morgan L@onz C ouncl lnan Loronz, havlng provlorsly advlsod absont, ras excused on :ot Lon of Councllru.n Councl Lman Byrd.. that ho Jo hn so n, roufd be seconded by Councllmn BJrr d of fered an exi)Lanatl on and apology f or hLs absonce f ron the roetlng d Febnrar y 10, 1961. SPEC]AL IIUNTCIPAL EIECTION ORDERED Mayor Mor €n announced that conslderatlon wo uLtl be glven on thls occaslon to the tratter of csIllng a speclal electlon to ft1l the vacency presently e:dstlng on tb Clty Councl1. In a panlod of dlscusslon, relatlve to fl111ng tb6 vacancy by Councl 1 appolntnent, CouncL lnsn Jobnson lndl cated tha t any ctls- cussLon or cleclslon stn ulct be rlthhold untl- 1 such tlme that all medens were present. travlng falled. prevlously to unanlrnously agnee on an appolnteo, merbors at thls tlrp d,oclared the advlsablllty of placlng the lssue before tho e lector ate. BESOLUTTON NO. 9-61 C ounc ornE r. rDecl arl ng Ihe Offlce Of Momber of fho Ctty By Cheo:los W. Roottr To Be Vacant By Reason0f IIls D6eth; Declarlng Tbe fnab1l1ty Of Tho Clty Col,Irrcll To tr'lll Tho Vacancy By Appolntrrenti Orderlng And CaIIlng A Specla]- Munlclpal Electlon To Be Held In The Clty 0f Burl lngane 0n May 2, 1961, For Tho Purpos e Of EIe cting A Monber 0f TtE Clty Councll Fon The Unoxplr:ed Torm Of Tho Formr Incumb{rt; Provl dl ng F@ ThE Consolldat 1cn Of The Regula n ELectlon Preclncts For Condu ctlng Said Speclal Munlcl pal Electlon; Ant PlxlnA Po11lng Placos ArIl Deslgnating Offlcers Fe Sald Speclel Munlclpal E1ect1 onn was lntroduced for passage on nctlon of Councl lman Byrd, secoded by Counc l1rnan Johnson ard unanl mously c arr.led on ro11 ca1l. 2. BURLINGAIIE AVENITE PARKfNG COI,iMITIEE PROGRAM ENDORSD. A c orqmunl cat 1on fnom tte Clty Manager d.ated FebruarSr IO, 1961, advlsed that th6 Btrnl lngame Avenue Par king Coonlttee has eollected. suff ldent funds to lnltlete a pa.klng survey. A copy of a pro- posal fron the flrn of Wllsey, Ham and Blalr, Civll Englneer"s, addressed to tho Pa:r'k lng Cormltteo, outl lnlng 1n detal1 the en- glnoerlng work to be perfonmed, accompanled th6 coru-,arnlca tL on. The Ctty Managen ln hl.s lettor advlsed a1 so of a recomrrendatlon firom Ilb. Ernost Wl1son, at torin€Er, that tLE CoE.'nLttee contnactwlth tbe flnn of lV11sey, Eam arr:I BlaLr for the englneerlng s.rrvey;fu:ther, that the cost of the survoy becore a c trarge ag alnst ess€ssmerts d. lstrlcts f onrEd ae a result of sudr slrvey. on a motl on by Councllnan Byrd, secondod by Co urcl lman Johnson,tho Cl.ty Councll concul:rod tnanlmous Iy wl th the Clty Manager t s nocomrpndatlon to endorso t'tro proposod pnogran. ADJOURN},{ENT The neetlng was t h6re after regularly adJourned at Is55 p.n. ApFROVED: nespectfully submltted, Ct. B. IIORGAN,Mayor TK.w e