HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.04.20CA],I, TO ORDER A regular meeting of given date. Ueeting the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALI.,EGIAI.ICE At vrord f rom the Chai.r, Pledge of Allegiance to 443 Burlingame, California April 2O, 1964 the Burlingame city Council was held on the above call-ed to order at 8:05 p.m., - I{ayor ilohnson in all in the Council Chamber arose and gave the the flag. crosby-Diederich sen-George-Johnson-!lartin. None Present Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: MINIITES llhe minutes of the previous meeting of April L6, L964, were unanimously approved and adopted upon motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman George. BIDS CONSTRUCTION GFAVEI, SIJMP l,tayor ilohnson announced that bids received at 10:0O a.m.. on this date, submitted in conformance with legal advertisement, for the construction of a "Gravel Sump" in " Burlingame Creek Culvert" (,Job No. 63-18) were opened and declared as follovrs: BIDDER TOTAT BID Lakehurst Construction Company Gradall Construction Company Mccuire and Hester Dean C. Buehler, Inc. Oscar C. Holmes Sorensen and l{arsh Lowrie Paving company $23,683-00 19,599-00 2L, L2L.OO 13,500.00 18,800. O0 2A ,7 59 .OO 14, 670 . OO Engineer's Estimate 15 , 465 .00 The lowest responsible bidder was announced as the Dean C. Buehler, Inc., and RESOLUTIoN NO. 56-64 "Awardin g Contract for Construction of GraveL Sump in Burlingame Creek Culvert .Iob No. 63-18" ($13,500.00) was intro- duced by Councilman Diederichsen for passage, seconded by Councilman Uartin and unanimously adopted upon RolL Call . HEARTNGS (a) oEF-STREET PARKTNG DISTRICT (Deletion of parcels) Mayor ,rohnson announced that Council had scheduled this date to make its decision on a recommendation of the Parking Commission to delete Parcels 3A, 4A, 5A, 18, 6E and a walkway from the Burlingame Area Off-Street Parking District, to partially reduce a deficienqg in "Off-Street Parking Funds. " Councilman Martin, Council liaison to the Parking Commission, invited by the Chair to speak first, reminded council that in addition to hearings conducted on the Parking Conunission's recommended deJ-etions, the matter of excluding Lot H, west of El Camino Real , from the Distriet, is also under consideration by Council. ROLL CALL 444 councilman Martin, for the benefit of council, and interested personsin attendance, referred to a revision j_n the construction figures submitted by the Engineers for the District and in expressing hisuncertainty as to the accuracy of the new figures, stated that the $300.000.00 deficiency in Parking District funds now may be increased and a further study by members of the City's staff and other sources should verify the accuracy of the revised. figures. ft was recommended by Councilman l4artin that Council consider and determine (1) whether it desires to delete any of the property andif so, (2) to indicate the actual parcels to be deleted and (3) to temporarily withhold its decision concerning methods suggested to finance the deficiency. Councilman George cortcurred with CounciLman Martin concerning a decision on the monetary phases of the issue and stated that he was prepared to vote favorably on the deletion of several of the parcels so recommended. Councilman Diederichsen expressed hj-s concern with the engagement of a firm that apparently has erred so considerably in its calcu- lations and in reply to his inquiry as to whom shaLl determine the accuracy of the revised figures, Councilman l,lartin advised that the Office of the City Engineer shaII conduct an independent survey. The City Ivlanager, in reply to an inguiry from Councj-lman Crosby, advised that the engineering firm (project engineers) of Wilsey, Ham and Blair, has presented a nev, tabulation, including demolition costs and engineering fees incurred on lots improved to date and on parcels to be improved, all of which indicates a figure higher than that originalJ-y anticipated. The City Manager pointed out that the engineers did not take into consideration, the additional costs to provide lighting, sprinkl-ers and accessories for the parking facilities. DEI,ETfON OF }IALK!^IAY Concurring with a sugfgestion made by Councilman l"lartin, action was taken first on the recommended deletion of the walkway area between Parcels 7A and 78. Councilman Burl ingame Councilman crosby moved that the orj-ginally proposed "waJ-kway " on Avenue be deleted from the District, seconded by Diederichsen and unanimously carried. DE],ETION PARCEL 68.]8 (EowArd lot) Council-man }4artin explained that Parcel 6E-1E was in the original plan for the Parkj-ng District and that the parcel housing the building was incl-uded within the District later by Council action; the Government has signified its interest in purchasing the vacant portion to expand the Post office facilities and from a "practical standpoint" it would be futile to enter into negotiation. Councilman Diederichsen moved that Parcel 6E-18 be deleted from the Parking District, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried . 3. PARCET, 4-A (LIBEARY) (REtAiNEd) Councilman Martin advised that Parcel 44 (adjoining Library) $/as purchased by t}le City several years ago from ttle General Fund of the City in the arnount of $41,500.00; the lot had been recommended andincluded in the original Parking Committee's report as a parking facility: during the negotiations to formulate a Parking District, 445 prior to public hearings, it was suggested that the lot be placed into the District, the City to receive credit in the amount of the purchase price and the Parking District to develop the lot with an understanding that at such time as the Library may be expanded the City woutd take possession of the lot. Councilman llartin explained that if Parcel 4-A is deleted, the cash credit received by the City wouJ-d be reduced, a loss in parking stalls would result and the City therefor obligated to increase the amount of its cash contribution. uayor Johnson expressed her objection to the deletion of the parcel and its resuLtant loss in the cash credit received, adding that in addition to the Library could be so constructed to provide a parking facility beneath the building and thereby Lessen the overall construction costs . councilman Martin, to clarify the issue, pointed out that if the City is going to require Library parking, the retention of the parcell will not sol-ve the problem of providing "so many spaces within the area" and that it would "seem more equitable to eliminate the 1ot so that the money involved can be used elsewhere in the District. " Councilman Crosby stated that cj.rcumstances will vary little if the parcel is deleted other than to assist the District in reducing the fund deficienry. Continuing, Councilman Crosby expressed a viewpoint sfunilar to !4ayor Johnson's in that a Library facility constructed sufficiently high would provide parking for Library employees as well as for Library patrons. A motion was introduced by Councilman ceorge, seconded by Councilman Crosby, that Parcel 4-A be retained within the District until required by the City for Library expansion purposes. On a point of information, Council-man Martin questioned whether it was the intention of Council to keep the lot within the District and, if necessary, to expend $41 .5O0.OO (purchase price of ParceL 4-A) from the General- Fund to purchase another Iot for the Parking District. Councilman George replied in the affirmative. The City Attorney, in reply to Councilman Crosby's inquiry, stated a sum equal to the amount pledged to the District may be reserved for allocation to the District and in referring to the question of whether the City may increase its fund contribution from the ceneral Fund to Irlr. Ernest A. Wilson, Attorney for the District, Council was advised that it was within the prerogative of Council to do so. A vote on the motion to retain Parcel 4-A was recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes: 4. STEINBECK PARCET DONNETLY AVENUE (Retained ) Councilman Itlartin explained that the Steinbeck parcel was included within the District to "tie-in" the Donnelly Avenue lots with the Library and was recommended for deletion with Parcel 4-A (Library). Mayor ilohnson stated that in her opinion the parcel would add considerably to the parking advantages in this area. Councilman l*lartin stated that CounciL, by its action thus far, has reduced the fund deficienry very little and referred to the offers to purchase received from the owners of the Zillmer property on Councilmen: Councilmen : Cro sby-Diede r ich sen-George-alohnson . Mart in - 44b. Chapin Avenue and the Crisafi property on EI Camino Real, theanticipated acquisition of the sandidge property on chapin Avenueand the Depot Hoter property on california Drive to illustrate themonies yet to be expended within the parking District. Councilman Martin read an excerpt from a February 3from Mr. rTack Van Zandt, Eng5.neer for the District,Parcel 5-A, indicating that ',no detrimental effectby the deletion" and pointing to the ',high density on Donnelly Avenue. , 1964, report concerning shall be created of parking sta1Is " Councilman Martin stated that this area is the most logical "of all the areas within the District to reduce the nudber of parking stalls.,, City get to Councilman George gave a brief resume on his personal survey of "needs" and stated that in his opinion, "the more people we canto shop in the City the more sales tax revenue may be obtained,,provide for the necessities of the City. A motion was introduced by Councilman George, seconded by Councilman Johnson that the Steinbeck parcel be retained within the District. A vote on the motion was recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes : Councilmen: Counc ilmen : Cro sby-Diederichsen-George-ilohnson. Martin. 5. GRIFFITH PROPERTY DONNELLY AVENUE (Retained) Councilman Martin stated that the Griffith property on Donnelly Avenue was considered to be a logical parcel to delete because of the high density of parking stalls in the area. Councilman crosby stated that regardless of the "density of parking spaces. " he was of the opinion that the purchase of the property would be a sound investment for the City and recommended that it be retained . Councilman llartin's inquiry concerning may be obtained, initiated considerable the source from which funds dis cus sion . Mr. l{ifson reminded Council that at prior meetings on the subject of the Parking District, it was determined that at least three fiscal budgets would be required to finance the project and suggested that the city acquire property each year by budgetary method. Councilman ceorge pointed to the changes in the value of the land in this area, recommending that parking be established, particularly within the "core" areas to benefit both the present and the future generations and while the acquisitional costs are within a reasonable price range. Councilman George expressed his confidence that the obligation of the city could be met without an increase in the tax rate of the City. Councilman Diederichsen recalled that the Planning Commission had deliberated at length on a "Capital Improvement" program for the City and expressed his conceln that the "City is spending more for parking and setting aside much-needed projects. " Councilman tlartin further recalled that a prior Council verbally had made corunitments to expend approximately $125,000.00 for capital improvements and that he "hoped that Council would rrot become so deep in commitments that there is no money for anything e1se" and that all "surplus funds must go into the Parking District. " 447 Councilman crosby expressed the opinion that an adequate Parking District in the City of Burlingame vrilI increase the sales tax receiPts to assist the city in assuming its obligations. In reply to an inquiry from Councilman llartin, ur. wilson advised that in the 1954 Parking District Program for the City of San Mateo, the City tlid not contribute to the District and in the recent Project its contr.ibution will exceed fifty percent of the cost by the pledge of all its parking meter revenue. Councilman Martin reminded Council that by an eighty percent to a twenty percent parking meter revenue ratio allocation betr,reen the Burlingame area and the Broadway area, established some t irne prior, Council, in adding to its contribution to the Burlingame Avenue area Off-Street Parking District, is obligated also to consider the Broadway Di strict . RECESS Ihe Chair decLared a recess at 9:30 p.m. CAIL TO ORDER fhe meeting was reconvened at 9:45 p.m- 'cRIFFITH PROPERTY (Continued) Councilman George moved that the Griffith property on Donnelly Avenue, be retained within the Parking District, seconded by Councilman Crosby. fhe vote on the moti.on was recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes: Councilrnen: Councilmen: Cro sby-Ge o rge -.Tohn s on . Diederich sen-Martin . an appeal of a Planning Corunission decision permitting ilenkins, 1511 Newlands Avenue, to construct a multi- an R-l District, was continued to I{ay 4, 1964. COT'NCIT DECISION JI'NE 1 1964 June 1, L964, a regular meeting of Council, was scheduled as the time in which to make a decision on the proposed deletion of Lot "H, " west of E1 Camino Real and to consider ways and means to finance the deficiency in the funds of the Parking District. HEARING 2. APPEAL VARIANCE CARL It,I. FISKE 2012 DEVERETIX DRIVE A pubJ.ic hearing scheduled to hear evidence with respect to an appeal from a Planning Conunission action in permitting a variance to Mr. Carl M. Fiske, 2012 Devereux Drive, was continued to May 4, 1964. 3 . APPEAL w. E. 'JENKINS I'1UL,TI-FAI{ILY DWELLING A public hearing a variance to w. family building on E. in COM}4IJNI CATIONS A communication from the city Manager, dated April 17, L964, advised that the Architect has completed plans and specifications for the construction of a Corporation Yard buil-ding and it was the recomrnendation of his Office that J-egal advertising for bids be authorized for receipt and declaration on May 18, 1964. 1. BIDS CORPORATION YARD TO BE ADVERTISED 448 councilman Martin moved that the plans and specificati.ons be approvedfor the construction of the shop building in the corporation yard and that the advertisement for bids be authorized. rhe motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. 2. TRAFFIC SIGNALS CAJ,IFO RNIA DRIVE-BAYSWATER AVENUE A communication from the City !{anager, dated April L7, L964, directedthe attention of Council to the traffic hazards existing at theintersection of California Drive and Bayswater Avenue, particularly since the completion of improvements to the latter street. It was recommended by the City Manager and the Health, Safety &Traffic Commission that the intersection be made immediate ly into afour-way stop pending the install-ation of four-way light controls. Council concurring with the recommendation, Councilman Diederichsen introduced for first reading, and on an emergency basis, ORDINANCE NO. 805 "An Ordinance Amending the Ordj.nance code of the City of Burlingame B1r Aclcling Thereto Section 1221.17 Providing for Inter- section Stops for Vehicles at the Intersection of California Drive and Bayswater Avenue. " The City lUanager was authorized to obtain engineering and cost estifiates for the future install-ation of traffic signals at said intersection. 3. PROPOSED GOLF COURSE @NSTRU TION AREA OF CITY DI'I{P A communication from the city lvlanager, dated April L6, 1964, referred to pertinent information submitted to Council with respect to constructing a golf course at the City Dump area and to a recommen- dation presented by the iloint Baylands Committee that a golf course architect be retai.ned to develop a preliminary plan for a golf course. !tr. A. w. Horl/itz, Chairman, iloint Baylands Development conmittee, in attendance, spoke on the proposed plan and suggested that several- applicants gualified in this field be interviewed by council, that a coordinati-ng committee be appointed to guide recreational develop- ment of City-owned baylands and that the 1964-1965 budget include monies to purchase property owned by the Division of Highvrays situated between the Bayshore Freevray and the disposal area. councilman Iqartin thereafter recommended that the City l{anager be authorized to confer with the iloint Baylands Development corunittee and at his discretion (L) to interview various architects for report to Council on the person most qualified, including architectural feesi and (2) to recomnend whether the appointment of a special comnittee is advisable and if so, that their powers, duties and responsibilities be clearly defined. Councilman Martin reported that negotiations for the purchase of property as recommended by the iloint Baylands Corunittee is currently in progress. Council concurred with the recommendation and the City l.lanager was so authorized - 4. PURCHASE PARKING METERS AI,'ITHORIZED A communication from the city Manager, dated April L6, L964, submitted the following quotations for the purchase of parking meters: Net Price Park-O-Meter) DuaL ) Duncan Uodel 60 $48 . Oo 49.O7 44v^ The City Managier advised that experienee has indicated that the Duncan parking meter is a satisfactory product and it was the recommendation of the Police Department and his Office that the Duncan Parking Meters be purchased. Council concurred with the recommendation. 5. HIGHWAY MATNTENANCE AGREEI{EN'T APP ROVED A comnunication from the Ci.ty lylanager, dated April L7, 1964, advised that the State Division of Highways has presented a maintenance agreement superseding the Decen[ber, 1961, agreement to include the City's expenditures on Route 82 (EI Camino Real) and Route 35 (Skyline Boulevard) and it was the reconunendation of his office that a resolution be adopted approving the agreement. In repl-y to an inquiry from Councilman }lartin concerning a larger rei:nbursement to the City from the State Division of Highways for h ighway maintenance service, the City Engineer advised that prior monthly billings to the State have not totalled the sum alloted; however, his Office shall- reviev, the costs and future billings for the highway maintenance servi.ce sha1l be increased. RESOLUTION NO. 57-64 "Resolution of the Cit y Council of the Ci-ty of Burlingame Approving Agreement for llaintenance of State Eighway in the City of Burlingame" was introduced for passage on motion of councilman Diederichsen, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried- 6. REPORT ON GREATER IIIGHWAY S A cormnunication from the City Manager, dated April l7, L964, referred to a corununication from James V. Fitzgerald, Chairman, creater Highways Committee, under date of April 2L, 1964, urging san Mateo County cities to apply new gas tax funds (per Collier-Unruh Bill) toward the construction of the basi.c system of eity-county roads as proposed in the "No1te" report, and settlng forth specific commitments to be made by the County of San llateo to assist the ci.ties in such a program. The City !,lanager advised that further exploration is warranted, particularly in relation to the Broadway-Rollins Road area and recom- mended that the issue be presented to the County for discussion and possible participation in the report's recommended "State I'r project for the improvement of Broadway from California Drive to the Bayshore Freeway. Councilman Diederichsen suggested that Council take action very soon and reported on his attendance at several meetj-ngs of the Greater Ilighway Comnittee wherein the County llanager has indicated that an appropriation to assist in the proposal to alleviate traffic congestion at the Broad\.ray Overpass area may be possible. The City Manager spoke on the complexities of the issue, stating that considerable data, including a formula on how costs will be determined, should be compiled by the City prior to the .fuly 15, 1964, deadline, set by the County of San Mateo for cities to submit an "application for participation" in the county-city road program. In reply to Council inquiry, the City lrlanager advised that the original estimate to provide an overpass at Broadway approximated $2,50O,oOO.Oo, with $1,OOO,OOO.00 to be contributed jointly by the State Public Utilities Commission and the Railroad, and the remaining funds to be borne by the city. Councilman Irlartin expressed his disapproval to this phase of the Nolte report and recalled that the subject of the Broadway railroad depot and vicinity was referred to the Planning comnission several months ago. 450 Trhe City Planner advised that prel iminary sketches of the Broadway Overpass area, prepared by his Office, were displayed at the last regular meeting of the Burlingame Planning Conunission. It was the reconunendation of the City Manager that Council forego announcement of its coNnitrent for a period of thirty days, during the interim of which his Office shall obtain pertinent information. Council-man ilartin, Council liaison to the Parking Commission announced receipt of offers to se1I the following parcels for inclusion within the Off-Street Parking District and recommended their purchase: 1. Parcels lK, owned by Nicholas A. and Anna Crisafi, in the total sum of $197,500.00, one of the key parcels within the District. RESOLUIION NO. 58-64 "A Resolution Authoriz ing Settlement of Parcel lK, Parking District No. 1" was introduced for passage thereafter on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded. by Councilman George and unanimously adopted upon RoLl CaII. 2. Parcel 18, et al. in the owned by Hattie A., Antoinette B total surn of $60,000.00. and Roland F. z i11mer, Crosblr-Diederichsen-George-Johnson-llartin. None None Crosby-Diederichsen-George-aIohnson-uartin. None None RESOIUTION NO. 59-64 "A Resolution Authorrzan g Settlement of Parcel lB, Parking District No. 1" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted on Roll- call . ORDINAAICES Consideration thereof : ORDINANCE NO. 803 "Unde rground Ordinance" r*as given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman lrlartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen : ORDINANCE NO. 804 "An Ordinance Addin g Sectj.on L927.L to Division 6 (Use Regulations) Part X, Article 50 of the 1941 Burlingarne ordinance Code Regulating the Use of Real Property in R-3A (Low-Density lrlulti- famiJ.y) Districts" was given its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Diederichsen, said Ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote : Ayes: Noes : Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Councilmen: IJNFINISHED BUSINESS Ir{.ayor ,rohnson questioned the pleasure of council concerning action proposed by the San lltateo County Council of Iltayors in a resolution to support a stand taken by t}le City of woodside that the Pacific cas and ELectric company's facilities to serve the stanford University Linear Accelerator be placed underground. (Continued in Book 13) RESOLUTlONS 1. PROPOSED LINEAR ACCETERATOR CITT OF WOODSIDE - Counci.Imen : Councilmen: informational purposes, a "modified" versi-on of advised that the city of San the resolution. 7 counci.lman l{artin moved that Council concur with a Resolution proposed by the San ltateo County Council of Mayors in support of the city of Woodside, seconded by Councilman cro sby. Mr. Perry Knox, llanager, Burlingame, Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Office, in addressing Council , advised that the J-anguage within said Resolution is not factuali the Pacific Gas and Electric Company is willing to cooperate to place the servj.ce underground if it is made aware of the method to finance the proposal . In reply to Councilman Diederichsen's question, the City I*tanager advised that Less than one-third of the cities in the County has taken action, the City of San Uateo among the few. Councilman George pointed out that funds received by Stanford University are used for endowment purposes and therefore it is unwilling to assume installation costs for the Linear Accelerator. Councilman George and Councilman Uartin each referred to a report received frorn the Atomic Energy Corunission, indicating the proposed installation costs, if placed underground, would be increased by $2,00o,0o0. oo. Mayor Johnson suggested that the issue with respect to the alleged misstatements in the resolution be clarified at the forthcoming san !,tateo county Council of llayors' meeting, Friday. Apr LL 24, 1964. A vote on the motion to support the City of woodside was reeorded as follows: Ur. Knox, for Mateo adopted Ayes: Noes: Martin Crosby-Diede rich sen-George-,John son llhe Chair referred to an announcement from the League of California cities, tabled at the last regrular meeting, concerning the 8th Biennial Institute for Mayors and Councilmen to be held in santa Monica, May 17 - L9, L964. Irtember s of Council desiring to attend, were authorized reimbursement of expenditures ineurred . 3. HEAI,TII SAI'EIY & TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER APPOINTED Irlayor alohnson, with unanimous confirmation by Council, appointed tlr. Ernest Su1ger, 500 BurJ.ingame Avenue, to fill the existing vacancy on the Eealth, Safety and Traffic Commission. 4 . I{IL],S ESTATE PARK AREA In reply to Councilman l{artin's inquiry concerning the status of a park area in the Iv1i1ls Estate, the City lrlanager advised that funds for preliminary park and diamond installations in the new llills Park have been budgeted and a report shall be submitted to Council at the next meeting. ACKNOW],EDGiqENTS I{ayor,,rohnson acknowledged Ordinance pertaining to an receipt of a copy of a san Mateo county "Electrical Code." Minutes from the 2. INSTITUTE OF MAYORS-COIJNCIIilEN - 2 Planning Commission, Ivlinutes from the Parking Commission, a com- munication from John K- wright, Deputy Director, Civil Defense,. expressj-ng appreciatJ.on to Council for a personal citation presented to him. and a communication from the Burlingame Little League, extending an invitation to Council to be present at its "Opening Day Program" Saturday, llay 2, 1964, Burlingame Little League Field, 1595 Adrian Road, at 9:OO a.m. CIAIIVIS -ATLOWANCES APRII.,1964 Council-man Martin. Chairman, Council Budget Committee. repeated his prior requests that "travel mj-Ieage" expenditures be itemized, and in reply to his inquiry concerning Claim No. I'143 fot the item, "Teen charm course" in the sum of $100.00, the City llanager advised that the service is a self-supporting project in the Recreation Department . PROCLAMATIONS l4ayor Johnson proclaimed April 2O to April 24, L9U, " PUBL.,IC SCHOOL WEEK" to be observed throughout the State of California by the holding of open houses and the presentation of special programs within the public schools. PENINSULA NATIONAI, BANK WEEK Irlayor Johnson proclajmed the week of Apr 7L 27 through !.lay 1 , 1964, as "PENINST LA NATIONAL BAIiIK WEEK," and extending an official welcome to the first independent bank to be organized in the City of Burlingame within the last forty years. Mr. and T. C. lloroney, responded with President, Board of Directors, was introduced a few appropriate words. EXPIRATION PLANNING COMMISSIONER TERM Uayor ilohnson announced the next regular meeting position on the Planning shal1 be taken by Council at the expiration date of one that action concerning commission. OEF-STREET PARKING MAfNTENAAICE Council concurred with a reconunendation from the city llanager, in a memo dated April l7 , 1964, that the services of the Penj-nsu1a Sweeper Service be retained to maintain six parking lots for a monthly sum of $3O.OO. CLAIMS claj.ms. Nos. 1651-1859, April, 1964, in the total amount of $318,821.57, duly audited, were approved and vrarrants ordered drawn on the city Treasury in their respective arnounts, on motion of Councilman Crosb]., seconded by Councilman ltlaxtin and unanimously carried . PAYROLL APPROVA], PayroII warrants, llarch, 1964, Nos. 6989 to 7446, in the total amount of $106.824.81, were approved on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by CounciJ.man Ivlartin and unan jrnou s J-y carried. PUBLIC SCIIOO],S IiEEK 3 COUNCIL COMMENDED I"1r. John J. Broderick, Postmaster, expressed the appreciation of the various Federal agencies to Council for its action in deleting from the Parking District, Parcels 6E and lE to permit the Post Office Department to expand its facilities. AD.]OURNIVIENT fhe meeting was regularly adjourned at 11 :15 p.m. Respectfully submitted. RT K.ITE, CITY CIERK APPROVED: MAYOR