HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.02.06z?1_ Bu:rllngame, Cellfornla February 6, 1961 CALL TO ORDER A regular moetlng of the Burllngarre Clty Councll was hold on tbaabove glven- dat9. Meetlng called to onder at 8:OO p.a., - tlayorMorgan ln the Chair. PLEDGE OF AI,T.F:GI.ITNCE Honorlng the Ffty-Flrst Anniversary of ths f ourxdl ng of the BoJr Scoutoof Ame:rlca, Jack WaIt6rs, L6s11e Flelcts, Lostetr Morgan, nenberi ofBurllngarre Troop }[o. 57, undor the dlrectlon of Bob Foster, 1ed al]. lnthe Councll Chaober ln the sa1ut6 artl Pledgo of Alleglanco to the FIag. ROLL CAI.L Mey@ Morgan announced the passlng Ln death of Colone1 Chanle s W. Rooth,Elday, Pebttuary 3, 1961, and d,eclarad hls posltlon on the Bu::11ngam6Clty Coutrcll vacant. Councllnsn Byrd noved that th6 Clby Attorny be au&helzed to pr€pero the necessarr5r leglslatlon to 6nab1o the Clty Councll to cdrduct aspeclal Munlclpal Electlon to flll the vacancy on the Clty Counell. Tho mot lon ras seconded by Councllnan Johnson and unardnously ca::rlod on ro11 ca1l. Prosoat - CouncLlmen: Byld-Johnson-torenz- organ Absent - Councllmen! Nono MINUTES PHEVIOUS I@ETING The mlnutss of the Janualr y 16, 1961, submltted pr"ovlous ly to meders of the CoLErcll, rver€ unanlmoll.3ly apprc,ved and adopted on motlon of Councllman Jobns qr and seconded by Coutcllnan Lorenz. The mlnutes of tbs speclal reetlng, January 51, 1961, Eubmltted to nenb6rs, rere unanlmously appr:oved and adopted on rbtlon of Councllman Lonenz and s econdod by Councllmm Johnson. HEARTNGS 1. WEm ABATEIvIENT PROGRAI{ - 1961 Tbe Chalr announeed that thls ms the tlm ard the place schoduled, pursuant to public notlce, to c orrluct a publlc bearlrg on ttre pnoposal of tho Clty of Burllngame to renove toeds and rubbish and to hear obJec-tlons, 1f any, on the 1961 reed ebatement progran. There appeanlng to be no protests necelved, el tholr ln wrltlng o:rverbally, Councl luan Bfrd 1 RESOLUTfoN NO. 4-61 rordeni ntroducotl and noved the passage of ng Dest:ructlon of Noxlous and Dangonou8 Yrleeds a&{ Rubbfsh a Nulsance ln the Ctty of Burllngamn soconded by Councllnan Johnson end unanLrcus Iy canrled on roll call of mer&ers. 2. RECI,ASSIFTCATION OP ZONE EAST SIDE EIGIILAND AVENUE tleyor Morgan announced that thls was the tlne and the place scheduloalto conduct a publlc hear:ln9, pu:rsuant to th6 provLslons of thE State Plannlng Law end the Clty of Bu.rl lngene ordlnanco Cod€, on the rocommondatl on of the Plarming Comnlsslon to :reclasslfy a portlon of Lot 6 and Lots ?, I and I, Block 13, Torn of Burllngarm (Hlghlandt Avonue) from a Second Conrerclal DlstrLct to a I'ourth ResidentlalDlst::lct. (Servlce Bus ln6ss to Lihrltl-Farot1y. ) In r.eply to Councllnan BJEd, t s lnquhy, the Plannlng Consultant advlsedthat tho property was rezoned from Lts orlglnal resldentlal clagslfl,- catlon to a C-2 classlflcatlon to pnovlde fcr a potentlal futuro extenslon of the automobllo trades and other comrmrclal uses; howeven, th6 proper:ty dld. not develop as antlcipatod and subsoquent to nu.mrous occaslong wheneln tbe Plannlng Comnlsslon was petltloned fon a reeless-Lficetlon to penmS.t aparbmnt llouse usage, a publLc hearlng, conducteA by tho Plarurlng Conmisslon, resulted 1n a neconrrendatlon ttrat sald C)'D il { proportles be rezonod to a R-4 (Multl-Faml1y) classlflcatlon. the Consultant furthen advised thet said. change 1111 necessltate a change 1n the current f[ re zone s tatus. lltrere appearlng to be no protests rocelved, elttren 1n rrltlng or verbal1y, tbe he a:r lng was cleclaned concludEd. gHDfNANqE Nq._729 nAn ordlnance Amendlng Sectlon 19O4,lETdIS-FdEx of the o:cdlnance Code-of t'he Clty of BurIlnBaE Dlvtdlng the Ctty fnto Dlstrlcts by Reclasslfylng a Por.tLon of Lot 6 anil Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block L3, Supplemontary Map to Map l{o. 1 of th6 Torn of Burl lngamo hom e Second Conmsrclal (Sawlce Buslness) Distnict to a Fourth Resldentlal (Mu1t1-Fan11y) Dlstntctn,as lntroduced by Councllman Johnson and glven Its flrst readlng. t nt x sl { ORDINANCE N0. 729 rrAn Ordlnance Armnd.l ng Sectlon 1999.1,ArtlcJ.e 5I, Pant I of tbe ordlnance Code of th€ Ctty of BurllngaE Provlding For th6 Establlshnont of FfuE Zon€s Wlthln the Clty of Burllngane by Wlthdnawlng a Portlon of Lot 6 arrl Lots 7, 8 and9, Elock I5, Supplenontany Map to Map No. 1 of the Town of Burllngena f:. om Flne Zone f and By Includlng Sald Lots ln FkeZone(ff!! ras lntroduced by Corrncllnan Byrd and glven lts fLnst r6edlng. 1. PNOPOSED CAPITAL BI'DGET PNEPARATION APPROVED A conmunlcatlon fuon the Clty Manager, d.ated February 2, 1961, roconmended that for.mal approval be glven to tbe proposal toprepare a Capltal Budget on a slx-yean basls; sald Capltal Butlgetto b6 lnt€grated wlth the annual noperatlngo budget. l[ayon Morgan advlsed that at a r:ocent study raeetlng, the Counclldlscussed ondorsensrt d a plan to pepare a Capttal BudgetrhereLn capLtal lmprovemant proJects tould be eveluated and ratedLn accordan ce to future requlrements of the Clty. Trh6 ChalrLnvlted depentrnnt h6ads, commisslons and conmlttees to subnlttheir proposals to the Ctty Menegen. 2. REPORT ON IEST OF GROUIID AT CITY DUMP A corraunlcatlon from tho Clty Manager', dated Fobruary 2, 1961,advlsed that a test and evaluatLon of the ground at tbo nontb aneaof the dump lndlcates tht the soll ls not sultabl.e for" fl1l tocover the south anea of tho dunp and tbs operatlon, therofor, would. not be pr.actlcal. Mayon Morgan announeed that the land ls Iror avel1ab1o for sueh lrrpr:ovement that itmay be wlse and wlthln tha pocket-book of the City. r 3. ORDERING PI.,ANS FCN FIITE STATION T'ITIIEEIJD A conrrtrtlcatlon from tho Clty Manager, dat6d February 2, f961, advlsod tbat the next poceduro ln the accorryllshmont of the nerfLre stetlon ls that the archlteet be dLrocted to pr6 pare detalledplaas ard sp€clflcatLons. Actlon ras rlthheld untll the next neguJ. ar meetlng, February 20. 4. IRAFFIC CHAN@S PROPOSED BY HEAITH. SAFETT & TR.A3FIE COMITSSIOil Trafflc cbanges refer::.ed by the Councl.l to the Hea1th, Saf€ty andlbafflc Commlsslon were re-gubmltted, wlth recomrondatl ons, to thsClty Councl1, thnough tha OffLco of th€ Clty Manager, detsd FebruarT 2, 1961, and ectlon teken as follows: (a)DOTINELLY AVENUE To lnprove th€ trafflc fLow, lt was reconnended tbet Donnelly Ave.,be mde a two-ryay stneet. A pub1lc hea:r1ng on the lssue was s eheduled f olr th6 next regular meetLng, Feb:ruar'5r 20, 1961, Councl]. Chambens, at 8:OO p.m. ,- t\l \) \ CoLIilUNICATTONS 9De (b) IVEST LAI{E Becauae of the narrornos s of ljtlest Lane, Lt was recomrDnded tbat legls-latlon be d.lrocted to change th€ stroat lnto a ono-way stroet. couiclrconcurned and the Clty Attorney ras dl:rectod to prepar.e thE approprlateleglslatlon. (c )BUS STOP . OAK GROVE.CA LIFORN]A DRIVE The questl.on aroso f,hcth€r a rturn-offtr arsa fcr northbound, Gt:oyhoundBus passongerns rc uId lncrease treffl.c hezard rathEn than dlmlnlsh 1t.The subJect was held for further study and dLsposltlon at the ncxtregulan meetlng, February m, 1961. (d)OI,D BAYSHOXE HTGHWAY SPEED LI MTT It nas recomrlend.od. tbat the speed llnlt on tho 01d Bayshore Elghway be reduced fron 65 MPEto 35 MPH and the Clty Attornoy was dlnected topropatre approprlate leglslatlon. (e )PARKING LT}ITATION HOIVARD AVE.(EI Camlno to Crescent ) In order to lnprove the trafflc flow on Howard Avenue, lt ras r'6cor!- rne ndeil that leglslatlon b6 prepared to pnohlblt panklng on Eoward Avenue,fron El Camlno Real to Crescent Avenue on tbe no::th elde, b€tweon 8 a.m. and 6 p.n. Ihe Clty Attqltey ras allrected to p:repar.e the necessany legl slat 1on. (f)CITY HALL IANE A recomraerdatlon that no 16ft turn be permltted lnto Prlt@os o Road, was ageln referr:ed to the Commisslon for clarlflcatlon. (e)CI,ARE}IDON ROAD SIGNS A recommondatlon tbat nDlp Aheadr slgns be erocted at the lntersectlonof Clarendon Road and Baysretor Averure was concurred ln by the Councl1. 5. SHoFEIINE DEVEITPITIENT COITWTTE RIPORT In a lotter! to the Clty Cotmcl1, dat6d Februar.y 3, 1961, the Clty llanagor r.of€red to a revler of the r.epont of the Cltlzens r Shorollnc Developrent Commlttoe nade by tbe CouncLl at tbe last study reetl.ng and the suggeetlon that th6 rmtter be placed before Councll for deter- m5.natl on of an offlclal po1lcy. ft raa notod that one of the reoonmendatl ons hes bsen accompllsheil -that of the dedlcatlon of the area at th6 dunp for pa:rk and recrr€atlon development and tro adtlltlonel recommendatl ons bave been under conslde::a-tlon by th€ Councll - (1 ) the purchase of land abuttlng clty-orned landln oraler to have contlnuous otnsrshlp to the freoway antl (2) congtnuctlonof a penlphery road a:.ound tbe oast slde of the area. The Clty Managon advlsed tbt to accornpllsh the latten two pnoJects, fornal actlon by the Councll wlII be requlred. Mayor Morgan conrrenied tho memb€rs of the commlttee fon thel.r effortsln behelf of the Clty antl advlsed. that the report rr111 be recolved, accepted ln lts entlroty and. acted upon as rapldly as posslble. Cou[c11nan Byrd obse:rved tbat a new phase ln the developnent of th6 ar:sa has been necoamended; that of a golf course as a s eIf-sustalnLngrfeaturo and coropllmented ttre conmltteo for 1ts comprehenslve report and service to the comnrnlty. A motlon was thoneafter lntnoduced by CouncLlmen Byrd that the Corunittoe be discharged and the report fl1od wlth rolated documents on the subJoct; and t hBt proJects proposod ln the report be refemed to the Clty Managerfor evaluatlon ln the p:reparat lon of a Capltal Budget. The motlon was seconded by Councllman Johnson, rho e:pressed her gnatl.tude and appncala-tlon to the Commlttee. The notlon car:rled urranlrnously. ?,24 llayor ]Iorgan recognlzed ltr. A] Horwltz, chaLrman of the corud.tteet rhL exprelsed bls lnterest 1n the cievelopment of the shgreI!.ne area oi th6 C1ty, addlng, that h1s Connltt€e was bope fu1 that somg progress be nade 6ach year on the proJect. Councllnan Lor:enz urged the Councll to take approprlate lrcasures to acqulre seven acnes of the souther'Iy portlon of the area aDd that tt be consldered durlng the preparatlon of tlrc Capltal Budget. n6nrE to Agre€rcnt Ee1at1ng to Acqulsltlon of Impr:ovements - Eest It{11lsda}e Industrial Park Unlt Nos. I snd 11{ xas lntroducod by Counc 1lman By:"d wbo moved lts adoptlon, seconded by Councllmantorenz ald unanimously adopted on noll call. 6. cIvI L SENVICE HJLES AND REGULATTO}IS A conmrlnlcetlon f rom tho Cl ty Msnager, dateal Fobnrary 5, 1961, advlsed thet Councllman Jobnsonr Councll-Employeo repnosentatlve and hls offlce net wlth e gnoup of employee ,:epr€sentatLvea to hear suggestlons regardlng tho revlsed set of rules and. rogulatlons p0:6pared by the Clvll Senvlce Comd.sslon. It ras recommrded that Councllnan Johns crn and hls offico meet wlth the Clv1l Servlce Commisslon for a revletr of th6 suggestlons andthat subsequently, a flnal declslon oa the fo:rn of the :r.evlsed ruleg and regulatLons be presented to Councll for ad.optlon. Councl]- concurr:od wlth the recommendatLon. CONSIJMMATfON IITPROIIEI,IEIIT COSTS EAST MILLSDAIE TNDUSTRIAL PAEK UN]TS A conmrnl cat lon fron the Ctty Manager, datod Fobruary 5, 1961, advlsed that a resolutlon authonlzlng the executlon of an a mndmontto tho agroerent of ttre Trousdale Constructlon Company to oonstructthe lmprovom€nts 1n East Mlllsdele Industrlal Park Unlts No. I anA No. 11 ls necessary to consumln.te the proJect. RESOLUTION NO. 5-61 nA Resolutlon Authorlzl ng Execution of Amend- 8. EXCHANGE OF EASI{ENT (EI QuanLt o Acres ) A conmrnl cat lon from the Clty lsnager, dated February 5, 1961,advlsed that the Flr-Lean Corpany has requested an oxchango of easoments ln the vlclnlty of EL Suenlto Acres No. 2, at no costto tho Clty. RESOLUTION NO 6-61 rtAccept I Roa n an o Acres No. ng Gr:ant of Sewer Easementr (81 hado2) ras lntnoduced fon passage onmotlon of Councllman Johnson, soconded by Councllman Lor€nz and unanlmously carrled on roll calI. nEsoLuTIoN NO. 7-61 o cre g O. RESOLUTTON N0. 8-61 F r-ean ompany nAuthonL zlng Executlon1 Prado end EI Quanl, to IY of Qultclalm Deed toay) was lntroduced seconded by Counc llman nAcceptlng Grant of Eaeorentn (Lot 5, E)-) was lntnoduced for paasage on motlon of Councllman B5n:d, secondett by Councllman Jobnson and turanlmouslycarrled on ro11 ca11. for passage on motlon of Councllman torenz, Byrd and unanlmously carrled on ro11 calI. 9. AIIrIIOBIE PURCHASE 2 PUMPTNG ENGI}IES A neconmendat Lon from the Clty Managor, dated Pobruary 5, 1961,that th6 Clty purcbase tro nen pury1ng englnes for tho Flre Departnentby advertlslng for b1ds, was concumod ln by the Counoll and Fobmary m, 1961r S otclockr p.8., CltIr Eal1 Councll Cbambers,ras gelacted as the tlmo and the place to open the blds. 10. APT'ILIAT]ON WITH BAY AREA GOVERNIGNTS POSTPONED A c omrmrnlcatl on from tho Clty Manager, dated Februar advlsed of the functions of th6 Assoclatlon of Bay A Th6 subjoct ras hsld fon f urttr e:: study. J 3r rea 1961, GovernrDnta. 7. ,D< UNF]NISHED BUSINESS A}ID NE:W BUSI$ESS 1. COMMUNICATTONS FBOM L F. COLACIOVANNI CO Mayor }lorgan annou.nced rec€lpt of comnrnLcatlona fnom L. F. Colagl.ovarur!., Bu::'1lngame Chanber of Commerce Pr:esldent: (1) Conpll- mentlng Clty Councll on actlon taken rolative to lmprovernont of tho Cltytg shorellne, anat (2) addlng tho congrat ulat lons of the Burllngart Chamber of Commerce to that extended by offlclals of the Paclflc Gas and Electrlc Conrpany concennlng the Cltyrs roplacement program dlscard!.ng ovenhead porer Ilnos rdth underground porer 1lnes rlthln the buslnesE dlstrlct. 2. CTTY SIBEET DEFICIENCIES Mayor Morgan refernod to a rocont meetlng of the San Mateo County Councll of lrayors tlrat both he and Councllman Johnson attended atldat rhlcb tlrre the subJect of the rneed for an increaso Ln taxes toprovld6 addltlonal asslstance for county toads and clty stneetsi was dlscussed. Mayor Morgan expressed the oplnlon that funds derlved from gales tax should asslst ln the allev1at1on of street deflcl.encles lnstead of e mploylng tax nalslng nethods. At tho request of Councll, tho Plannlng Consultant advlsed tbat he end th6 Clty Englneen had b6en attendlng n€etlngs of the San Mateo County Greater lllghways Commlttee a nd. at one of the nore recont neetLngs, a resumo of the Ieglslatu::e to asslst cltles and countl,esln flnanclng road prograns xalt submltted. It ras euggested that such assLstince may be (1) by an Lncnease ln tho gas tax or (2) Uy an Lncnease ln the Stats Motor Vehlcle trln l1oun tax at the tineof auto reglstratlon fron $1.0o pen $1oo.oo to $2.oo per $1oo.0o. ft was the nocomrrendatlon of tlt6 Plannlng ConsuLtant that tbe Councll hold actlon ln abeyance untll such tlmo as a b111 ls presontod to the Leglslature. Councllnan Byrd expnessed bls opposltlon to an lncreasg in taxos and stetod that ln hls oplnlon a bstler dlstrlbutlon should be nade to the cltles of the revonue cu:rrentJ.y being collected, rather than obtalnlng a ner ltource of tax. 5. IORTON.DONMI,LY AVENUES PARKTNG LOT Mayor Morgan advlsed that the Clty Manage r antLclpates submlttlng a report on tbe posslble acquLsltlon of the vacant lot on Lonton Avenue (near Donnelty Avenue ) f or:. an off-stnoet parklng facl1lty at the next regular Council rDetlng. 4. BROADWAY PARKING PROJECT In response to the Chairfs 1nqul?y, the Clty Manager advlsed that no furthen word has been:recelved negardlng the property orrners partlcl- patlon ln the forrmtlon of a Broadtay Parklng Dlstrlct. 5. PNOPOM MEMOBIAL l[ayon Mongan advlsed that rlth tb€ passlng 1n death of forme:n Mayor - Councllilan A11an F. Ilunt and f orrcr Mayon-Councl Inan Charle s IV. Rooth,sorr conslderatlon has been glven to an appropnlate memonlal, and lnvlted anyono havlng suggestlons to nrako the 6vont an Lmpresslve and an lnportant one, to confer wlth tlp Clqr Uanager. 6. ACKNOI?I.,DGMENT FROM FAMILY OF' ALLAN F. HUNT A lettor flo& the f ardly of A11an F. Hunt, dated Fobnuany 2, 1961, aclrnorl edglng th€ t:rlbute pald to Ur. Hunt on the oecaslon of hls passLng, ras read by May or Morgen. The Ctty Clerk was instructed to have coples pr!.nted and dlstr.lbuted to mer&era of the Clty Counc11,the Clty Manegotr and posted on th6 Bufletln Board. 7. AB I27 (H(TENSION ORIGINAL BR OI1IN ACT ) 9. DDICATION IIIILLBRAE TIBRARY lllayon iiorgan ackrotledgsd :recelpt of an lnvltatl on to Counoll toattcnd tbe fethcomlng quarter-or-a-n1l11on dollan Llbrary dedicatlonln tbe Clty of trlillbrae. 10. BURLINGAME PLANNTNG COMMTSSTON REPORT l[ayor Morgan, on beha]f of the Eellbgrs of the Clty Councl1, thankedthe Plannlng Consultant ard reEbens of the Burllngarne Clty Planntng CommLssLon for th€ 1960 Annual Ropolrt on the Actlvitles of the Plannlng Conmlsslon. 1I. PETITION RE: GRADTNG ACTIVTTTES EL qUAMTO ACRES Mayor lilorg a acknowl edged receipt of a petltlon dated Febnr ary 3, 1961, bearlng appr o:d ntste1y 7O slgnat tre s of cltlzens and property ormers,resldlng ln tbe subdlvlslon of EI Quanlto Aer6s No. 2 and viclnlty. The potltloners pnot€sted the excesslve amount of gradlng b€ 1r€ done by tha excavetors ard tho dest:ructlon of Llve Oak tl:.ees. A delegatlon of petitloners, 1n attendance, f,ore advised by tb€ ChaLr, tbat an lnmediate lnvostlgation would be conducted by tbeClty Man agen, as well as an 'on-tlr-spot{ vlsLtatlon by oemb ers ofthe Counc 11. 12. RDWOCD TRM ON LIBRARY fROPEBTY Counclfman Lorenz lnltlated dlscusslon on the glant Redwood troolocated on ths no:rtheast conner: ctr the Maln Ll.branr (BelJ-evue Avenue )by statlng that lt hed boen rumored that tlt tree rvas to be rsmovedto provlde parklng spaces. It was the suggestlon of Counclloan LorEnz that the tree remaln and. be dedlcated as an appropnlate nemorlal- t o Allan F. Ilunt. Questl oned by tbe Chal r, Mrs. EdL tJx Cohondet, Cbal rman, Llbnary Board, edvlsed that at no tlrre has tbe Llbrary Board dlscussed e contemplatod. th6 rercva1 of th€ tnee ln questlon. A brlef dlscusslon aros6 on the questlon of under whosc Jurlsdlctiont:!o€B ln the Clty of BLrllngame nay be removed.. The Clty lranageredvlsed that lt has beon a pollcy to delegate such authorlty tothe Park Commlsslon and the Pad. Sup€rlaterd€nt wlth the exceptlonof those tr.ees on El Cemlno Rea1. ?,?,6 Referenee wag mde by the Chalr to a leglalatlve bu).l.etln rscolvsd flom thE League of Ca] lfonnla Cltles, concertrlng AB 127, rhlchb!11, accorrdlng to lntsrprotatl on 1111 roqlrire all rreetlrgs ofIocal legLslatlv€ bodles to b€ open igven lf beld solely for thepurposo of dlscusslon anal no actlon la to be tak6n or no decLsionls to be rnedc on ttre subJect unden congldsratLon. ilt rould alao n€q.r l.!p 6 op6n Botlngs to discuss pendlng, proposed or antlc!.patedlltlgatlon rlth tho Clty Attorney or speclal counsel and requlre open meetlngs notwith8 tantt lng the fact thst pubIlc d.lscusslon oftho subJect to be c onside:led rould result ln an advantago to an adversary of tbe pcople or ln a detnlmnt to the pub1lc.r...... It rras the rocotrmondat lon of the League of Callfornla Citles, thatall city offlcials expross their comrpnts to tholr Assemblyuen,statlng reasons theref or. Conslderable dlscusslon arose on tho subJect, subsoquent to rhlcbthe City Attomey ras authonlzedl to conmunlcate wlth tbo app:t oprlateleglslators expnesslng the obJoctlons of the Burllngane Clty Coune LIto tbe proposed 8111 . 8. RAPID TRANSIT DATA lFlre Chain acknorledged recelpt of Rapld franslt Date and !.op cr t fnontho Rapld Translt Conmltte6 of the PonLnsula Manufacturena ABsoclatlon. DC)". SI{OREITNE PROPERTIES Councllnan Byrd, ln nefernlng to the report submltted by theCltlzensr Shonellne Development Commltte€, moved that (1) thoClty Manager be requested by the Counclf to cormunlcate rvi th the owners of the fourteen acr:os of shorellne propertles to ascentaln whether the property may bo purckrased and the purchase prlcei that(z) upon.submlsslon of hls flndlngs, ah appralsor be appointed todeternlne a falr marke t prlce and (5) lf necessary, conderuratl on pnoceedlngs be lnltlated thereaften. Tbe motlon was secondod by Counc 11nan Lorenz. Mayor lrorgsn, spe ak lng on the que s tJ. on, statod t bt h6 ,as of th6 opinlon thet all thought was abandoned to purchas e tleat pont 1on altbough he was ln favon of acqulrlng the southenly portlon of tL]6 area. Sone dlscusslon arose ther:eafter, at the concluslon of whlcb the Chaln called fon a vote by no1l ca}l. Ayes: Councllnan: Byrd - Johnso n-Lcr en z Noes: Councllmen: Morgsn, rrho statod. hls voteras cast ron prlnclple. n ADJOURNI'IE}IT The meet lng was regulanly ad Jor.u.ned at 1O:O5 p.m., ln respect to the neno r'5r of Counc llman Charles IY. Rooth, aIrd ad.J ourned to me€t Frid ay, Fobnuar5r 10, L961, at 8:O0 p.n. Councl Lnan Lorenz,antlclpatlng hls absenco on that occasLon voted trnor to the conthuatl on of tbe rmetlng. Rsspectfully submltted, APPROVED ./ D R CALL TO ORDER K. Burllngano, Call forrda Pebn: ary 10, L 96I ITE, C tyc rk tyc er or An ad Journed meetlng of th6 Burlingarm Clty Councll firom 1ts meetlng of February 6, 1961, ras called to order at 8:25 p.m. There was not a qucrum present; the rnoetlng was therefon€ adjournedto reconvene on Saturday, February 11, 1961 at 1:O0 p.n. A p Respectfully subral tted, K. vor .,