HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1961.01.1627s BurllngarE, Callfornla January 16, 1961 CALL TO ORDER A regula n meetlng of the Burllnga me Clty Counctl ras beld on tbe above glven date. M€etlng ca11ed to order at S3OO p.n., - Mayon Morgan ln ths Chalr. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At rord f :rom the Chah e all ln tbe Councll ChanDer a:rose and gave the Pledge of Alleglance to the F1ag. ROLL CALL Pnosent - Councllmon: Byrd-Johns on-L@ en z-llorganAbsent - Councllnen: Rooth C ounc Llnaa Rooth, absent bocausc of 1l1n6ss, ras excused on motlonof Counc llman Johns on anl soconded by Councllnan Byrd. INSUNA}ICE PI,AN FOR IAW E}IFORCSIIEITT AGENCIES The negular order of buslness f,as tsmpcr arl 1y postponed, ln orderto pernlt Pollce Chlef Saft en J. Elsnon of Elllsborough and Chalrutsnof tbe Sen llateo County Law Enforcement Agsoclatlonrg Insuranco CoItrnlttoe to relate lnlldents prlor to an lntroductlon of a $25rOOo.Ooaccltlent lnsuraEe pollcy plan dealgned to protect mmbers of a po11c6 departroent ard a 1ar enfoncerent egorEy. llhe plan off e:rs protectlon to a nregulari offlcer on a ttonty-four hou.n basls and a iresonvon offlcer whlle on duty only; the cost tould apprord Eto less than $5O.0O per year per tregulani offlcor and, Yoy' po:r $1r0o0.oo for each nregerven offlcer. Chlef Wlsnom stat€d tbat tt bas been proposeal ttrat each cltJr pay aipr.o-ratar share lnto the County and th at tho County t bo:reafter rould relniburse the lnsr.u'ance co eany selected. In concluslon, Cblef Wlsnoi statstt that mee offlcers ar:e neoded to combat the Lncneased crlro on tbe Penlnsula, tbenefore, rcne pnotectlor should be pnovlded the fanlIles of ths men ln tba f lelcl of lar €nforce - nort . ilayor ltlor.gan advlsed that Councllman Johnsonl Councll-Employee r€pt'e-sentatlvo Ls s cheduled to rep::e s6nt the Councll at the forthconlng San lrateo Coutlty llayor s t Assoclatlon metlng on January 21 , !96L, al whLch tlm it wes antlclpst€al thd tho subJect would. be d.lscussed.In the lnterlm, Chlef Wlsnon ras lnvlted to prosent hle Comnlttoofsplan to the North C ounty Councll of Cltles D lrure:r ueotltB at Bcb rs on Broa dway r Januar3r 19, 196I. I'he subf ct was thereafter h61d fon s tualy. MTNUTES PREVTOUS MEETING The nlnutes of the adJ ourned meetlng of D€cedbor 27, L%O, held on January 5, 1961 ard the negular reetlng of Januar y 3, 1961, subnlttedto Councll, xrro unanLmously appnoved and adopted on rctlon of Councll- nan Byrd and geconded by Councl lman Jobnson. COIIMUNICATIONS 1. APPEAL RE:GRANTING OF VANIANCE, 75O EL CAMINO REAI l[aya Morgan announced thd th6 rypea1 of WlIIlan q. Becbtt,All El Carnlno Reall from the declslon of tb Plannlrg Connlsslon ln grant lng a varlance for a nurs LDg hon€ at 75O EI Camlno Roal , bad been rlthdrarn at the nequest of ttre appellant. 216 2.ENGINEERING A].,LOCATION OF' FT,I'IDS TO CITIES A conmrnl cat lon f:pon the Clty Manager, dated Januar5r 12, 1961, advLged tbt the Stato Dlvlslon of lllghways has reconmaded tbo adoptlon of a Councll nesolutlon for ttr e puryose of perd'ttlng the Stats to atlocate the sum of $5rOOO.0O for a plroposod oxpend- lture budget. EESOLUTION NO 5-6r trRosolutlon of the Clty Councll of the Clty pt et Proposal f e E:<pe d tture s of Fundsorlrngare A lng BudgAllocated Under 56ctl on 210 ?.5 of tbe Streets ancl Ill.glray g Codei,as introdu ced by Co uncl lmatr Byrd, uho noved its adoptlon, secondeal by Counel lrmn Jobnson and adopted unanlnously ther.eaf ter by ro11 caII of Enbers present. 3. CITY MANAGER REPORT O}I PIIRCIIASING PROSEDUBE A conmunl cat lon lbo n the Clty Meneger, dated JanuarTr 12, 1961,outllnlng, ln some dotall, the procedtro to be applled 1n cormeo-tlon rlth clty purchaaes. A proposed ondlnance accor@niedl tbreport and ras helil fon study and dlsposltlon at a laten d.ate. 4. BURLINGAME AVENIIE PARK]NG DTSTRICT SURVEY A commrnLcatlon fnom the Clty Menager, dated. January 18, 196L, a(lvlsod ttat m6rs of Burl lngarm Avorluo property oontorfiplateeontrlbuting $5r50O.0O of perionel frnds to obtaln a conpleteoff-strset parklng s urvey for Burllngalre Avenue. Ttre Councll nas aalvlsed tta t proper: pnoceduro ro ultt r.equlre that monles collected be deposLted wlth tbe Clty, rlth tho undorstandlngtbat funcl s r11l be refunded when tbe dlstrlct ts forned and assessmentg bave boon lovled. Councllman Johnson Eaw eal that the Councll concur ard that tbe request be gnant ed, second€d by Counc lLnan Lorenz ard unanlnousJ.y r{ d,opt ed. 5. BNOADWAY DEVELOPUESI ASSOCIATIOT RE! A conmrnlcatlon from the Clty lilanager, d,ated Jeruary 12, 1961,advlsed tbat ln rosponse to a Council request, lnltLatetl by tbe Broadray Devolopment Assoclatlm ts roquost for an appropnl at 1orof 0lr5OO.OO fon consultrng onglneerlng assletaace, the flrm of 1911sey, Eam and B1a1r, Consultlng Englnesns and Pl-anne r.s, has submltted a F ogram for the formrlatlon of a parking progran 1nthe Bnoadway Buslneas Dlstnlct and proposlng a naxl mra foo of $g,Boo.oo. Itre Clty Manager advlsed funttpr that nthe baslc lsgue here ig hotto obtaln sufflclent 1rf emtlon eo that all partles concsrned oan detenalne !*rethor to slgn a petltlon for a pa::klng d1 strlct srtl. tbo Councll can deternlne rhe ther to proceed on tbe petltlcrr.i The Chalr lnvlted Councll corurrr ts. Councllnan Jolrnson stated that ln hen oplnlon, concurronce rdth tbe nequest fe an appropr.l atlon ras essontlsJ. 1n order that tbe Dlstrlct, so vltally needed 1n the Br"oa dray ar6a ruay be establlshed. Mayor Morgan statod that he lud no obJectlon to the allocatLon offurde but questLoned to whom the funds rculd be dlsbursed. TbeClty HaDag€r, ln a replyr stated tht lt rculd be necessary to prepare a contract wl th the Consultlng Englneerlng flrn. Itray or l{organ also stated thet he had been ptttloned by several property owne rs on Bro aal ay to vri thtrold any payrerS of flrnds. Councilnan Byrat stated thet lt ls up t o tb CouncLl to icraer tboprobleB on Broadray and wirlle he had no obJectlon to enterlng lntoa ccntract he would prefen to recelve proposals from other f,trm8rho may be lntenested ln performlrg the ongl rE erlng servlce. Mayon Morgm cal.l.ed attont lon to tbe actlon tak€n h,y tb Councll onthls dat6, endor:slng a pltocoduro lnltlated by tho oxnors of Burl lnga Ic Avenuo property and stated th at ttre Councll has recelved rnottr !. ng f rom the BPoadlway pr:oporty orne:r to Lndl cate that the y mnt to contrl hrte to tbe Dlstr:lct.n ,zfi Counel Lmn Leenz steted that be was opposed to :'eleaslng clty fund g for the sntlre $3rgOO.oOi suggestlng, however, tbat the Clty assure ono -baLf of ttp cost of tbe pr"opoeed f66, or the sun of $1r9Oo.0O and lntnoduced a mctlon to that effect. Counellman Lonenz wlthd::er hls notlon for tho l ack of a secortal. Followlng further dlsorsslon, the subJoct was held for s tudy ard tJreClty ilanager was r€qrEsted to ext end an lnvltatlon to lnterestedpartlos to ass€rtaln the wlshes of those concorned rlth tbe forn-atlm of a Bredray Off -Stneet Parklng Dlstrlct. Xayor Morgan conchded the dlscusslon, urglng that trsom exproaalon of falthibe submittod to Counell. 6. REVISED POLICE RULES AIID REGUIATIOI{S At the reqrest of Councl lme Johnson, Councll-Employee r:epresert atL ve,actlon on the ad,optlon of th6 pnoposed r.evlsed Pollce Rules ad Regulatl ona ,as held pendl ng f urthetr study. 7. CIAIM SLIIA LYON REJECIED I g 6rnnrrunlsst lon fr. om the ClUy Managa, r ec omarril lng that the clalraflletl by Se1na and Br trro Lyon for $IOrOOO.OO fon alleged lnJu:rles as a result of a fall upon th6 dtyt" sldera].kg be reJected ard referpod to tbe cltyt g ln*rnance car:rler, ran concrFrod ln by th6 CounclI. 8. REZONING PROPOSAL . HTGHLAND A1IENIIE A conuunlcatlon from the Plannlng Conmisslon, dated JsnuarT 11, 1961, concer"nlrg the recommend.at lon to change the exlstLng zonlng ofpropertles on th€ eastenly llne of Highlard Avenuo, betroon Penlnsula and Baysratotr Avonueg, rag a cknorL edged rrd a publlc hoanlng raa scheduled f@ the rrxt negulan metlng d Councll, Fobnrary 6, 1961. Tho Ctty Manager was nequested to nefsr tho matter to tho Chlef ofthe Flre Dopartment fot a roconmndatLon relatlve to the status ofthe f lne zonlng ln th€ aroa. 9. NEW FIRE STATION A @@ to Councll, froE th6 Clty lianager, dated January 15, 1961, edvlsed. that JaE s Mltchell, Archltect, has prepared a t ent a tLve sohermtl c plan of the pnoposed neu Flro Statlon. Itrayor Mongan announeed tbat lnqulnlea co rE ernlng the plan shall bereferred to the Clty ilanager end, sstlmatee of cost and pertlncnt lnformatlon shall be ava1lab1e la tho near fuUrro ln tb Offlco ofth6 clty llanage. RESOLUTIONS RESOIiEI ON NO. 2-61 lDeclarlng NcxL qrg and Dangerous Weeds andR-EEETaE-a-ffficie' and schEdullng a publlc heailng on the proposed ebatement progran, Febru atry 6, 196I, ras lntroducoat by Councllman Blmd, rtro moved tts passage, aeconded by Councllrnan Johnson andadopted t'nanlmously on r.o11 call of nedsrs prosent. OFDINANCES None I'NFII{ISHED BUSIIIESS 1. STTIDY METINC TO BE SCflEDULED ltre Clty l[anage:r res requested to sched.ule e study metlng fe Courcll 218 study on tho f ollorlng! (tl er Flre Statloai (b) Pneparation of Capltal Budgot;(c) Psrtlolpatlon ln Bay AnEa Governrent Assoilatton ana .(d) Buoill rtqan€ Cltl zensi Coortrltteo Foposed developruent of shorc Line area. 2. PROPOSED RTNTAL IOT AT DOI{NELL iT AND IORIDN AVENUES 1 CIIY STREET DEFICTENCIES A recoBmndatlon from tho Clty l[anru€r: concoEri.ng the ]pental oftbo vacant lot et Donnelly and Lonton Avonu6a, tas held. for funtber study. NSIT BUSI}{ESS Reference was made by the Councll to a report ftrom th6 Loague ctrCallfornLa Clties concernlrg tClty Street Deflclenclesi tho subJect of rdrlch was lar"gely conmnted upon Ln an article by Senaton Randolph Col1ler, Chalrnsn Senate Fact-Flndlng Cond.tteo on I?ansportatlon and Publlc Utl1ltles and pr.oparod for tho Armual Moetlng of tbe Callfcrala State Chamber of Corurerce, D€ceniber 1, L96O, ln Ssn FrBncisco. llhe thougbt was proJectod by merobers of tbo Cound 1 thatappropriate to expend a portlon of the sales tax r€vonuo so@ of tho Cltyrs stroot deflctenslee. 1r to may bo c orr.ect 2. DENTAL EEALTE WEEK A recommndatlon from Councl fuoarx L@€nz that FEBRUAnY 5 - 11, 1961, be proclalneat n1961 CEILDREN t S DENTAT mAllt H WEEK' ras concu:predln by Councll and ao declared by lrayor tfcrgan. 3. COI}NCILMAN JOHNSON REPORT CouncLlman Jobnson gave a brlef nepont qt her at tendance, togetberrlth llayor Morgan and CouncllEan Lor6nz, at th6 recent Chafirb elr of Comr€rco Insts].lat lon tuncheon. 4. COMMTSSION FEST@'IATION S . APPOINTMEIITS HEALTE, SAFtsTY & TRAEFIC Ths Chain announced the reslgratlon of Calvln Meitz, as a ndib erof the Eealth, Safety & Tnafflc Conrnlsslon and tho transfer ofE. C. Flchtnor, from the Park Connlsslon to the Eealth, Safety ard I?afflc ComrLsslon. I'he reslgna tlat of !&. lleitz was ecceptsd wl th r.egret anat th6 appolntment of It/b. Ftchtner tbereafter unanlmously conflrmed. PARK COMMISSION Tho Chal r announced the appolntE€nt Alvarado Av6nu6, as a merD er of theEnt rss Lurenlmously corf lrn6d. of lirs. Rdert Eanmtt, I4Og Park Commlsslon. Tbe appoint- 5. COI{FLICT I N LTFTnTING NfGUIS CI,A IMS Mayor Morgan observed th at the meetlngs of both the Park Commlsslon and tbe Haalth, Safety & nafflc Coomlsslon confllct tn the usc of tlre Coulcll Chamb er: s and the Ctty Manager tras requostod to corrforytth tho Padr Conml sal on c oncennLrg a change to anotlrr ev€nlrg. January claims, Nos. 4855-5015, duly andlted, ln the a rcunt of $6?1485.8?, rore approved for payront on motlon of Cor:nc l1man Johnson arrd seconded by Councl lnan Lorenr. 219 PAIBOLL WARRANTS PaSrroJ.). rarran t s, Nos. 9580-9584 and new serles e l{os. 1O1-3O4, ln tho total a mount of *41377.11, for the Month of DeceEber, ISO, $er€ approved on rrctlon of Councl lman Johnson c'rr secorded hr Councl lnm Lorenz. FTNANCE CHAIRMAN PRO TEMPORE Mayor Mongan srtn6rrns6d that Councllnsr Jobnso n would sclwo aa Chairman of th6 Councll Flnan ce Connlttee dur'lng tjee absonce cf Councllman Rooth. ADJOURNMEIfI The re belrg no furttrer buslneas, the metlng ras negularl y ad,Jourredat 9:1O p.n. Resp ectfully submltted, HERBERT K.ITE, Clty Clerk APP L. B. IIORGAN,yor