HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.07.052A4 Burlingame, California JuIy 15, 1963 CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Burlingame City Councj.I was held on the given date. Meeting calLed to order by the Chaj-r at 8:OO p.m., Mayor ifohn son in the Chair. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE above At r/ord from the Chair, Pledge of Allegiance to in the Council Flag . Chamber arose and gave theall the }IITIUTES Ihe minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 23, 1963, submitted to Council, were unanimously approved and adopted on motion of Councilman Crosby and seconded by Councilman Lorenz. Ihe minutes of the regular meeting of were unanimously approved and adopted and seconded by Councilman Crosby. July 1, 1963, submitted to Council , on motion of Councilman George BIDS BAYSWATER AVENI,'E III,IPROVEUENT Ihe Chair announced that sealed proposals for the improvement to Baysvrater Avenue, advertised in conformance with legal requirements, were received, publicly opened and read in the City Hall Council Chambers at 2:00 p.m., on this date. Ttre summary was recorded as follows: I 2 3 4 5 IOXIRIE PAVING COI{PA}IY FISK, FIRENZE, UCLEAN L. C . SIr,tITIl KT,NZ PAVING COUPANY BRAGAIO PAVING COUPAI{IY $s7, 614. s0 58,855.75 59,926.OO 63,933.50 79,685.OO Engineering estimate $61 , 106.75 Councilman tlartin introduced and moved the passag e of RESOLUTION NO. 48-63 "Awarding Contract for Bayswater Avenue Improvements Job No. 61-14, MCS-97" (Lowrie Pavi.ng Company, $57,614.50.) seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CaIl of members. HEARINGS 1. BURLINGAIT,IE SHORE LAND CO!{PANY VARIANCES fhe Chair announced that the selection of a new date to consider variances requested by the Burlingame Shore Land Company is required due to an error occurring in the publication notice of said hearing. I{r. Cyrus J. tlc}lilIan, Attorney, representing the applicant, recom- mended that a special meeting be scheduled to conduct the hearing. Council concurring, Tuesday, July 3O, 1963, City llall Council Chambers. 8:OO p.m., was scheduled as the time and place to continue the hearing. ROL], CALL Present - Councilmen: Crosby, George, ilohnson, Lorenz, I{artin. Absent - Councilmen: None ) 2. 285 ?4XICAB REVOCATION, SUSPENSION AND/OR CANCELLATION Ihe Chair announced the opening of a public hearing before the City Council to determine whether certificates previously issued to the Ye1low Cab Company and to the Checker Cab Company for taxicab permits not currently in use should be cancelled, suspended or revoked. A letter dated July 3, 1963, addressed to Ur. Fred V. Azevedo and I{rs. willian Iorton, Yellow Cab Company ovrners (identical mailed to Checker cab Co., owners) from the City Clerk, giving notice of said meeting, was read into the record. I!1r. Cyrus J. l,tc illan, Attorney, representing the yelloi, Cab Company, speaking for the owners and in their presence, advised that the Company is currently operating five taxicabs with one reserved as a stand-by and a certificate is requested for six permits therefor, with the privilege of applying for additional permits at a later date. The City Attorney, in reply to Council inquiries, spoke on the legal procedure required on hearings of this nature, advising that the stipulation made however, can be accepted in lieu of evidence sutEnitted. The City Uanager identity of each recotulended that cab be submitted a 1ist, including the number and to the City Clerk. -t There being no further comments either in favor of or in oppositj-on thereto, the hearing was declared concluded. Councilman ltartin moved that the petition of Fred V. Azevedo and Mrs. william Lorton, DBA Yello\^, Cab Company to cancel four taxicab permits be granted without prejudice and with the understanding that additional permits may be applied for as occasion may demand. Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried. ur. Ucl{illan, representing the Checker Cab Company, speaking for the owners and in their presence, advised that the Checker cab Company requests a certificate for pemits to operate six taxicabs ( no stand- bys) and the cancellation of four permits. Itrere being no corEnents favoring or opposing the application, the hearing was declared concluded. A motion was thereafter introduced by Councilman Martin that a Certificate granting Checker Cab Company six permits to operate taxicabs in the City of Burlingame be approved r that four permits not currently in use be cancelled, without prejudice, with the company privileged to apply for additional permits if needed at a later date. lfhe motion was seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried. 3. STAMATIS PROPERTY VARIANCE (Hillside and El Camino ReaI) Iqayor Johnson announced that a public hearing on variances granted by the Planning Conunission to ur. and !lrs. George Stamatis, to construct a ten unit apartment building on their property at 1500 Hillside Drive, was before the council on an appeal initiated by Council motion. Councilman Martin, originator of the motion to appeal, questioned the City Planner on the decision of the Planning Conmission to grant variances j.n conflict hrith the current zoning ordinance of the City. The City Planner, in reply, referred to and read from the minutes of the Planning Conunission, dated June 24, 1963, recording the difficulty experienced by the applicants in developing a proper building plan and through a "series of circumstances" their inability to Present plans for approval prior to a deadline fixed by Council to adopt new zoning regulations - 288 In reply to Councilman Uartin's interrogation, the City Planner advised that two variances were requested: (1) a rear setback of 15 feet, (ordinance requires 20 feet) and (2) one space for each unit (ordinance requires 12 for tlTre proposed) and hrere granted thereafter, variances to create a fifteen-foot setback, two uncovered parking spaces in the front setback. properly screened, and ten covered parking spacesi that the original plan for the apartment was prepared, submitted and rejected on numerou s occasions thereafter as not a proper structure; it thereby became apparent that the final plan would not be available prior to the proposed zoning amendment deadline. Ihe City Planner confirmed a number of points raised by llartin pertaining to amendments adopted to establish a on zoning regulations. Councilman firmer control Councilman llartin stated that in his opinion, there was a sufficient period of time, during the interim months between the issuance of a building permit and the submj.ssion of the request for variances, to a1low the applicants to comply with current zoning requirements and noting the number of changes in the current ordinance affecting the subject property, questioned the approval of variances wherein the structure would create (1) an overcror+ding of the 1ot; (2) an increase in the density of the areai and (3) an addition burden on traffic. Ttte Ci.ty Planner. in explaining the period of delay referred to by Councilman }lartin, advised that as a measure to indicate "good faith" on the part of the applicants to complete their building plan, his Office authorized the demolition of a residence on the property. In reply to Councilman Crosby, concernirg the unanimous vote of the Planning Couunission j-n approving the variances, the City Planner advised that in his opinion, the menibers of the Planning Cormnission. by reason of the evidence presented, were reasonably assured that the variances vrere j ustified. Further discussion continued, with ltlr. cordon Baker, Ardritectural Engineer, representiag the applicants, cormnenting on his recent engagement to prepare a more appropriate building plan and displaying an artist's rendition of the structure. Mr. Baker spoke on the peculiarities of the property and concurred with Councilman Itlartin that the problem is also one of an " internal nature." !1r. Brauner, Chairman of the Planning Commission, speaking as an individual member, advised in effect that the matter was considered "as a whole; " that instructions issued to ttre applicants by the City's staff were complied with and conditions set forth in vari.ance regulations, having been satisfactorily met, resulted in a favorable vote by the Comrission. r}re majority of the Council indicating no objection to the gr.rnting of said variances, Councilman Lorenz moved that the Council sustain the action taken by the Planning Cotmission, seconded by Councilman George and recorded as follows: Ayes: Noes: The hearing was declared closed. 4. EUGENE SIGNAROWITZ VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT Ittayor Johnson announced the re-opening of a hearing continued from April 15, 1963, on the application of Eugene Signarowitz to construct a gasoline station on his property on tt.e northwest corner of Peninsula Councilmen: Councilmen: Crosby, George, Johnson, T-arenz. Uartin. GASOLINE STATION 247 Avenue and D$right Road, (R-3 District) and before Council on an appeal from the decision of the Planning Conrnission. Mr. CYrus J. Ucuillan, Attorney, representing the applicant, recalled that the hearing was continued pending an announcement on the development of the for:ner San ltateo College properEy, the proposed creati.on of Peninsula Avenue into a four-Iane highway and the result of a survey of the area (Lyon and Hoag Subdivision) to be sponsored by the Planning Conuni ssion. Ttre City Planner advised that the report is nearing completion for submission to the Planning Conmris sion, subsequent to which it is antieipated that recorEnendations sha1l be submitted to Council . Following further discussion, l1r. Brauner, Planning Commission Chairman, clarifying statements made, advised that the study of the area in question was requested at a regular meeting of the Planning Conunission some time prior and accordi.ng to his interpretation, the report is to be submitted to the Planning Conunission and then to the City Council for its consideration. fhere being no objections frqn the Council, the hearing was continued Augu st 19, 1963. applicant or from members of the to a regrular Council meeting, 1. BURLINGA},{E HILLS REQUEST FOR FIRE PROTECTION A conununicat ion was read from the City Manager, dated JuIy 12, L963, together with a conununication from the Office of the County Manager. wherein the latter advised that a request has been received from the Burlingame Ei1ls residents lrith respect to an improvement in the fire protection service in that area. lIhe County Uanager requested that his office be informed of terms and conditions under vrh ich the City of Burlingame, on a contractual basis. may provide necessary equipment and personnel to afford the Burlingame Hills area a level of fire protection comparable to that provided Burlingame residents. The City llanager, in his conununication stated that the Burlingame Hills area should be assessed for fire protection services on a basis compar- able with the city of Burl-ingame taxpayers and that the "logical and proper geographical organization indicates that the answer to Burlingame Hills' problem is annexation. " Tihe Cj.ty Engineer reported that the qrater mains and hydrants in the Hi1ls area are below standard to provide a proper flow for fire protection purposes and recorunended that if annexation to the City of Burlingame should occur, the present \,rater system should be upgraded. Following a brief discussion, Council eoncurred with the views of the City llanager with respect to annexation and authorized that a conununica- tion to that effect be forwarded to the Office of the County Uanager. 2. PAVING AREAS AT FIRE STATIONS ACCEPTED. A cotruDunication was read from the City Manager, dated iluly 12, 1963, advising that the Bragato Paving Company has completed the contract for paving areas at Fire Station Nos. I and 2, satisfactorily conforming with plans and specifications and recommending that the improvement be accepted as complete. RESOLUTION NO. 49-63 "Acc epting work of Paving Yards at Fire stations Nos. I and 2 - Job No. 6-25. Schedule 2" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman lltartin, seconded by Councilman ceorge and unanirnously adopted upon Roll Ca]l of met{tbers. COI.4MUN I CAT IONS 28,8 3. CITY-OWNED PROPERTY SALES A communication frorn the City Manager. dated ;Iu1y 12, 1963, was read submitting a letter from Mr. Andrew L. Leavitt, President, San lttateo- Burlingame Board of Realtors, urging that the City Council seek theprofessional services of members of the San }lateo-Burlingame Board of Realtors in connection with real estate transactions in which the City is involved. Ihe corununication was acknowledged and placed on fi1e. 4. WATER POLLUTION BOARD CORRESPOIiIDENCE A conununication from the City I{anager, dated ,Iuly that a formal notice be forwarded to the Regional Control Board, requesting that all correspondence sewage treatment plant be transmitted to I{r. ,,Tohn Engineer. 12. L963, reconunended water Pollution concerning the City' s ilenks, Consulting Councilman Lorenz moved that Council concur with the recmmendation, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried. The City Engineer, in reply to Councilman Crosby, gave a brief report on the improvements currently in progress at the sewer and dump site of the City and advised that a report on the cost estimate to construct a road encircling the dump sha11 be sulmitted shortly to Council. A cormnunication from the City Attorney, dated iluly L2, L963, reported on a judgrrent entered with respect to an action cmmenced by the City of Burlingame to determine the interests of all parties in that portion of the clare P. Kemp property adjacent to the Burl ingane Police Station subject to a non-exclusive ingress and egress easement in the City of Burlingame. The City Attorney advised that the " judgrment, as entered, confonns to the arrangement heretofore informally agreed upon by the City Council which delimits an area 4O feet by 8 feet in extent (sufficient for two cars) on which Kerup and his tenants may park vehicles and lrhich pro- hibits the parking of any vehicles on the balance of the easement. " fhe conununication was acknowledged for filing. A conununicatj.on from George and David Keyston, dated iIuly 5, 1963, advised of their acquisition, \z quitclaim deed, the interest of crace rr. Easton, deceased, in and to a portion of the Old Bayshore Highway, said property the subject of litigation for a considerable period of tirne; that they are willing to convey the center eighty-four feet of a 125-foot strip with a request that the City comtnence proceedings to vacate 20.5 feet on each side of the center eighty-four feet, reserving from the vacation. the drainage easement and pump site lying within the 20.5 feet. Ihe City Attorney drew the attention of Council to a maP indicating the section of the property to be vacated and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company's and the Telephone Company's utility easements on the westerly side of the Property to be retained by the City. fhe City Attorney explained that a resolution declaring the intention to vacate a portion of the Bayshore Highway stiPuLates the Permanent easements to be reserved and excepted from the proposed vacation and fixing August 5, 1963, City Ha1l Council Chambers as the time and place for hearing; that the Keystons have agreed to hold the City 5. cIgY vS. GOLDEN O_=__lggpGEE __ET_3J, 6. VACATION PORTIONS OI,D BAYSHORE HIGHWAY 289 harmless arising from claims urith respect to vacating the area and in addition, sha11 convey. by fee title to the city, eighty-four feet of a 125-foot strip of Highway, with the City in turn vacating 20.5 feet on either side. r}re City Attorney advised that the litigation cormnenced by the heirs of the Easton Estate sha1l be dismissed. 7. REQUEST TO LEASE CITY PROPERTY A conmunication from ltlr. Larry C. Muldner, 611 Taylor Boulevard, Millbrae, was acknowledged, rdoerein lr{r. Muldner expressed interest in leasing a section of City property adjacent to the City Dump for the deveJ.opment of a Golf Driving Range. Reference tas made to a similar request submitted to Council on a prior occasion and qiherein Council rejected the proposal . In a brief discussion, Council concurred that the area should be retained for exclusive development by the City. Ttle City lr{anager was requested to so notify ur. Mul-dner. 8. APPOINTIT1ENT TO SMOG CONTROL BOARD lIhe Chair announced receipt of a cormnunication from ltlr. Sidney D. Herkner, Vice-Mayor, City of Redhrood City, a mesiber of the Bay Area Smog Control Board. replacing L. B- Irlorgan, pledging his cooperation to the cities in controlling smog problems in San llateo County. 9. COL]JEGE RECI"ASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY llhe Chair announced receipt of a conununication from the San l{ateo City Planning Conunission, advising of a hearing on the proposed reclassification and planned development of the former San Mateo College property and the notice given to olrners within a three hundred foot radius of the subject property. It \^ra s recsnmended that as a matter of courtesy, property oqrners on the Burlingame side of Peninsula Avenue, in the inunediate vicinity, be given notice of the hearing. Ttle City Planner advised that a notice is in the process. Councilman Martin suggested that the courtesy be continued as similar occasions arise affecting the boundaries of the City of Burlingame. 10. BUS SERVICE CONTINUATiICE REQUESTED 1I, LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS' BROCIIURE Ihe Chair acknowledged receipt of a booklet, compiled through the endeavors of the League of Women Voters and containing pertinent information on San Itlateo eounty. Ttle City Clerk was requested to accept the brochure on behalf of the City Council and to express appreeiation to the League. RESOLUTION NO. 50-63 "Declari-ng Intention to vacate Portions of Bayshore Ilighway, a Public street within the City of Burl ingame; Reserving certain Easementsi Referring to a Map or Plan on File in the Office of the City Clerk for Particulars as to the Proposed vacation i and Fixing the Time and Place for Eearing All Persons Interested in or Objecting to the Proposed vacation" was introduced for passage on motion of CounciLman l,lartin, seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimously carried upon Roll Call of me bers. A conununication was acknowledged from Mrs. Earl C- llahoney, 2344 HaLe Drive, dated JuIy 3, 1963, urging the continuation of the local bus service. llhe City Clerk was requested to refer the communication to the bus study conunittee . 2so Ttte City Manager, in a memo to Council, dated iluly L2, L963, advisedthat legislation to purchase three parcels in connection with the Parking District, has been prepared for passage, al1 in conformancewith the appraisals. RESOLUTION NO. 5l-63 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parce1 2F Parking District No. 1" (Vincent J. Nicolai, et al, g31 ,000.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Uartin, seeonded by CounciLman Cro sby and unanjmously adopted upon RoIl CaII of medbers. RESOLUTION NO. 52-63 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parce1 lF, Parking District t'to. l" (Eliza A. Weitz, $37,500.) was j-ntroduced for passage upon motion of Councilman ltlartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RolI Call of menbers present. RESOLUTION NO. 53-63 "A Resolution Authorizin g Settlement of Parcel 2J, Parking District No. 1" (J. B. Kless Company, $77,000.) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman llartin, seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously adopted upon RoIl CalI of menbers present. ORD INANCES Introduction thereof: ORDINANCE NO. 785 "An Ordinance Arnendin sof the 1941 Ordinance Code of the City of Policy Ljmits of Motor Vehicle Liability of Owners of Taxicabs" was introduced by first reading. ORDINANCE NO. 786 "An Ordinance Amendin g ttre City of Burlingame By Adding Ihereto the Parking of Vehicles on the westerly Murdrison Drive and Trousdale Drive" was ceorge and given first reading. Subsection a. of Section 1443 Burlingame By Increasing Insurance Policies Required Councilman crosby and given the 194I ordinance code of a Nev, Section L222.30 Limiting Side of California Drive Between introduced by Councilman llhe City Manager was requested to give a copy to the Eealth, safety and Traffic Comnission tion to council . the proposed legislation review and recommenda- of for I.,NF INISHED BUSINESS SISTER CITY PROGRAI{ fhe Chair gave a brief report on the formation of a corunittee and the progress thus far on the City of Burlingame "Sister City" Progran. Mayor John son advised that the project is citizen sponsored and funds will be raised by the corrnittee. lhe comnittee was authorized to purchase stationery as needed and the city clerk v,ra s requested to notify the Chaiman to place councilman crosb!' and Councilman Martin on t}'e mailing list for notice of scheduled meetings. Ivlayor ifohnson advised that at a recent meeting of the North County Council of Cities, a request was made that the cities solicit Governor Brown's assistance in the passage of SB #52 - pertaining to State colIeges. CounciLman crosby moved, seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried, that a telegram be sent to the Governor urging the passage of the bill. RESOLUTIONS LEGISLATION SB 52 29L At the request of council and in support of a Resolution adopted by the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, the City Attorney was requested to prepare appropriate legislation urging the establishment of a mental health facility in the North San Irlateo County area. Councilman Cro sby reported briefly on the interest of the cities in providing a guidance center to prevent juvenile delinquenclz. PARK DE P ARTIT{ENT CONSTRUCTION In reply to Council inquiries, the City Engineer advised that plans for the construction of a building-garage facility for the Park DePartment will be submitted to council within a thirty day period. Ihe City Attorney advised that litigation with respect to the Bearint Industrial Park property appears to have been dismissed and the City is now in a position to proceed independently to enforce the oqmer's terms of agreement wit]1 the City. 1rhe City Attorney advised that a further report will be submitted to Council in the near future. TIME SCHEDULE RE: PARKING DISTRICT NO. 1 Councilman Martin referred to the Parking Corunj.ttee's " schedule of action" proposing specific dates for the advertisement and receipt of bids on the demolition of buildings on property purehased by the District, stating that in his opinion, the proposed schedule is too exacting to conform to. Following some discussion, a motion was introduced by Councilman lrlartin that the city Manager be authorized to accomplish the vacancy of buildings currently occupied and acquired by ttre District and to proceed with the advertisernent of dernolition bids at his discretion. Ihe motion was seconded by Councilman Crosby and unanimously carried- The Chair acknowledged an invitation to Council to attend the Installation Ceremonies of the Burlingame tunerican Legion, Ihursday, iluly 18, 1963, and the City C1erk u/as requested to reply to the invitation stating that Council , because of a prior comnitment to attend the Annual Dream Girl Contest, in preparation for the forthcoming San llateo County F1ora1 and Fiesta, the medbers shal1 be unable to attend. Ihe City Clerk was requested to obtain a guest ticl<et for Councilman and Mrs. ceorge, to attend the Annual Contest. Ihe meeting was called to order at 10:45 p.m. Warrants, Iltonth of JuIy, 1963, Nos. 9995 - 9999 and I - 166, in the total amount ot $254,619.4L, duly audited, were authorized paid on motion of Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman Lorenz and unanimou sly carried. }IENTAL HEATTH FACILITT FOR NORTH COI'NIY BEARINT INDUSTRIAI, PARK AUERICAN LEGION INSTALLATION RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 10:30 p.m. CALL TO ORDER CI,AIMS 29'e PAYROLL Payroll warrants, Nos. 2689 - 3169, in the total amount of $106,84A.6A. BI'DGET Councilman Martin, Chairman Council Budget Conunittee, gave a brief resume on items proposed in the 1953-1964 tentative budget. Following some discussion, Council was requested to consider: (1) Reducing the sum proposed in the Street lu.aintenance, Resurfacing Account (D-61 , M-28A) and (2) Reducing the Special storm Drainage Tax levy to $0.05 to balance the proposed budget and to maintain the current tax rate of $1.34 per $100.O0 assessed valuatj.on. Final action on the adoption of the 1963-L964 budget was scheduled, July 30, L963, 7:45 p.m., at an adjourned meeting of Council . AD.JOURNMENT fhere being no further business, the neeting was regularly adjourned at 11:00 p.m., to meet Tuesday, July 30. 1963, at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, /tLeat-HERBERT K !'iltITE, CIIY CLERK APPROVED: MAYOR