HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1964.12.07724 Burl ingame , December Cal ifornia 7, L964 CAJ,L TO ORDER A regular meeting above given date. in the Chair. of the Burlingame City council was held on the Meeting called to order at 8:00 p.m., Mayor tqartin PLEDGE OF AL],EGIANCE At v/ord from the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to ROLL CAI.,L in the CounciL Chamber the F1ag. arose and gave Crosby-Diederichsen-George-.fohnson-lIartin. None Pre sent Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: I,lINUTES The l{inutes of the regular meeting of Novedber L6, L964, submitted prevj,ously to council, were unanirnously approved and adopted. BIDS FIRE A],ARI\,I CIRCU]T - HILLS SUBDIVISION Bids received for "Fire Alarm Circuit - Job No- Irlanor and Hills Subdivision" and opened at 2:00 conplying with published notice, were announced TOTAI, BID 64-36 - Burlingame p.m., on this date, as follows: Kennedy Electric company West Coast Electric Company Ecco-Phoenix company R. Flatland Company Rosedin Electric Company $ 4,70s.30 7, 550.00 a , 447 .60 10 , 374 .00 LL,7A6.60 Engineer' s Estimate $10,473.00 A recommendation from the city l{anager and the City Engineer that the Kennedy Electric company be declared the lowest responsible bidder, was concurred in by council and RESOLUTION NO. L6O-64 "Awardin 9 Contract for Fire Alarm Circuit Burlingame Manor and Hil1s Subdivision" (.lob No. 64-36 - Kennedy Electric Co., $4,705.40) was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by Councilman Johnson and unan irnou s Iy adopted upon RolI CalI . COMII,IUNI CATIONS 1. STORM DRAINAGE II{P ROVEMENT S ACCEPTED A communication from the City lIanager, dated December 4, L964, advised that the contracting firm of Fairley Constructors has completed the Storm Drainage Improvements in the Ray Drive, Balboa way and Calif- ornia Drive area, having complied with al,I requirements set foith in the plans and specifications. A recommendation from the City llanager and the city Engineer that the project be accepted as complete, was concurred in by CounciJ- and RESoLITTIoN No. 161-64 "Acce pting Storm Drainage Improvements Ray Drive. Balboa way and California Drive, Job No. 64-14" was introduced by Councilman Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted upon Ro1l CaII. BIDDER 125 2. EDWARD R. JOIINSTON REOUEST FOR PROPERTY TRANSFER NORTH END OF LA M.E SA DRIVE A communication from the City l4anager, dated Decedber 3, !964, advised Council of receipt of a petition from ward R. and Catherine Johnston requesting the transfer of a parcel of vacant property abutting the ,rohnston property and to the north of La l{esa Drive. The city Manager recommended that the city Engineer and the city Attorney investigate the request for report and recommendation to Council. Council concurred with Uayor llartin further recommending that the subject be referred also to the Planning Colrnission. 3. SECOND UNIT CORPORATION YARD AUTHORIZED A commun j-cation f rom the City .tr{anager, dated December 4 , 1964 , recornmended that authorization be directed to notify the architect to prepare plans. working drawings and specificatj-ons for the second unit of the Corporation Yard as originally contemplated - llhe City Engineer, replying to Council inquiries, advised that unit sha11 include facilities for s/ater meter repairs, storage materials and a paint shop. the second space for The City Manager was authorized thereafter to proceed with plans for the second unit of the Mayor lt{artin announced that the Council study meeting (.fanuary, instruct the architect to Corporation Yard. subject would be considered at the next 195s ). 4. COMPLAINT RE: STREET CHRI STivlAS DECORATIONS A communication from the city Manager, dated December 4, L964, directed the attention of Council to a letter received from Mr. Richard Hoag, protesting the manner in which Christmas J-ights and decorations were erected on one side of his buil-ding at the corner of Burlingame Avenue and California Drive, resulting in damage to an ornamental iron fixture and creating a hazardous condition. lfhe City Manager advised that several issues raised by 1.1r. Hoag have been discussed with !1r. Granville Browning, representing the Burlingame Chamber of Conmerce (sponsors of the yearly Christmas project) who in turn, advised that Ur. Hoag has indicated his willingness to withdraw his protest this Holiday Season with the understanding that the Merchants' Corunittee will confer and obtain a clearance from him prior to the next Christmas Season. The recomnendation of the City Manager that !tr. Hoag be informed by conununication of the Cityrs reqret and assurance that next year Christmas decorations on his property shall be placed to his satisfaction, was concurred in by Council . Replying to Council inquiry, the City Engineer advised that damage to the ornanental gri11 on the Hoag buiJ-ding in the downtown distriet has been repaired. 5. NAI.{E 'II]LL TOP PARK" REVIEW BY COUNCIL A communication from ilohn U. Fisch, Chairman, Burlingame Park Commission, dated Novedber 16, 1964, advised that as a result of a recent contest on the naming of the new park area in the l{il1s Estate, and subsequent to a review by the Commission, it was recommended that the name "Hill Top Park" be selected. 126 6. APPLICATION RE: "OPEN-SPACE" GRANT fhe City Planner advised that an application soliciting federal funds to acquire "Open-Space Recreational Land" together hrith an appropriate resolution has been completed for submission to the Eousing and Ilome Finance Agency t said resolution, upon adoption by Council authori-zes the City Manager to direct, to execute and to file such application with the HHFA - Mayor trtartin, for the information of those in attendance, advised that the application requests the Federal Agency to assist the City in financing the purdrase of bayfront properties adjacent to the Municipal FilI area and a comprehensive report, prepared by the City Planner, had been reviewed by Council at its last study meeting; a grant in the amount of $101,398.20 is solicited, as authorized in the provisions of the 1961 Housing Act. The City Planner further stated that his Office proposes to also fi].e a complete application with the County of San Mateo soliciting County funds as authorized by the Board of Supervisors. RE SOLUTION NO. t62-64 "Authorizin g Filing of Application for crant to acquire Open-Space Land" was introduced for passagte on motion of Councilman crosby, seconded by CounciJ-man George and unanimously adopted upon Ro11 CalI. 7. REOIIEST TO DENY VARIANCE GRAMTED PRINGIE CO. A communication was read from lt{r. Ra)rmond F. Mauss, 1837 Hunt Drive, Burlingame. dated Novembet 29, J.964. requesting Council to reconsider its prior action approving a variance to l,tr. Douglas Pringle, permit- ting the construction of a multi-story apartment building. !1r. llauss, in his communicati on, stated that at the time the home was purchased in August, 1964, he was unaware of the variance and at a "closed meeting" of Council- on November J-6, L964, he was not given an opportunity to enter objections to the construction of an apartment building in the near proximity of his home; that his obj ection was based primarily on the effect the apartments shall have on the residentially zoned, R-l neighborhood. The City Attorney, in replying to !,layor llart in, verified that a variance had been approved by Council and spoke on the legal difficulties that may arise r"rith respect to the time element shouLd a delay occur due to a reconsideration by Council as requested. Ivlayor t4artin spoke on the reference to Council's "cLosed meeting" in the communication of lylr. Mauss, explaining to I{r. and lt{rs . }lauss, in attendance, that a variance had been approved by Council at a prior meeting and at the November 16th meeting, only plans for the proposed project were reviewed by Council. Iltayor Martin suggested that the matter be considered at the next Council study meeting, pointing out that insofar as a variance j-s concerned, if the applicant meets the necessary code requirements, Council has Iittle recourse other than to grant approval. I{r. Mauss stated that he desired the record to indicate his objection; that one wing of the proposed multi-storied apartment shall extend to within fifteen feet of the northwest corner of his property; that in his opinion, a project of this proportion is an improper usage for land originally zoned R-I and a 117-unit structure is not compatible with a farnily-res idential area. 727 In reply to an inquiry from lr{rs. I{auss, Council referred to the City Attorney who read an excerpt from council minutes of iIuly 20, L964, indicating that on a motion adopted by Council , the action taken by the Planning Comnission in denying the variance was overruled and the application was approved subject to final approval of the subdi.vision Map. ftre subject was scheduled for counci.l attention at the first study meeting in ilanuary, 1965, and lr,l,r . !4auss was invited to comrnunicate with the city Clerk the beginning of the nev/ year. RESOLIIPIONS PURCIIASE PARKING LOT 6-E (Sam snead property ) uayor uartin announced receipt of an offer to sel1 Parcel 6-H El Camino Reat) for the appraised vaIue, for inclusion within Parking District. (west of the RESOLUTION NO. 163-64 'A Resolution Authorizing Settlement of Parcel 6-H, Parking District No. l" ($31,5O0.00) was introduced for passage on motion of council$an Crosby, seconded by Councilman ilohnson and unanimously adoPted uPon Roll call. RESOLUTION NO. 164-64 "Resolution Declaring 1[hat Proceedings Have Been Initiated by the Council- of the City of Burlingame to Annex to Said city Certain Uninhabited Territory Described Herein and Designated 'Skyline Boulevard, segtnent l,' and Giving Notice of the Proposed Annexation" was introduced by Councilman Johnson, who moved its passage, seconded by councilman Diederichsen and unanimously adopted on RoLI Ca1I. Uayor Martin advised that the property to be annexed consists of portion of Skyline Highway property whereon a sign may be placed the "City Limits of Burlingame. " a westerly to indicate PURCHASE ABBOTT PROPERTY (BROADWAY AREA) A conununication from the city Manager, dated Decedber 4, L964, advised Council- of the result of a conference with respect to the acquisition of Lot 27, Ln the do\^rntown area of Broadway, owned by Mr. Richard L. Abbott and available to the City as an off-street parking facility in the amount of $29,000.00, provided certain driveway rights are granted to Mr. Abbott. The communication advised of points raised by the appraiser: (1) the possibility of severance damage costs to the front properties of Lot 27; (2) that the City's adjoining lot to Lot 27 is of limited value for parking purposest (3) that on January 1, 1965, jmprovements on Lot 27 sha11 revert to the owner i the City, by acquiring ownership, sha1I eliminate improvement expenditures; and (4) Lot 27 has a public easement permitting the flow of traffic to Laguna Avenue. A motion was introduced by Councilman Crosby, seconded by Councilman ceorge that the offer be accepted. A brief discussion on the motion, concerning driveway privileges, included a statement by the City Planner that methods may be considered for ingress and egress, either by (a) easement or by (b) permit, specifying a term of years. The City Attorney suggested a method permitting l'1r. Abbott ingress and egress privileges to property olrrned by the City. fhe motion was carried thereafter, with the City Manager authorized to consummate the sale at the sllln stipulated and the City Attorney directed to prepare appropriate documents. 128 ACKNOWLEDG},TENTS Mayor llartin acknowledged receipt of the following: Minutes from the Health, Safety Board, the Planning Cornmission, Commis sion ; Conunission, the Libra!:f Commission and the Park and Traffic the Parking A copy of a letter directed by the Chairman of the Park Commission to a I{r. R. E. Sciaroni, under date of Novedber 16, L964, with respect to the Conunission's approval to the location of a 4-H project ou a sma1l portion of the Keyston fill property. The latter subject was referred to the City l{anager for clarification and report to Council . lltre City Manager was requested to remind the Commission that in compliance with a policy previously estaJclished by Council, aL1 communications must be processed through the Of_fice of the City Manager. PARKING COMMISSIONER TO IVITIIDRAW UE}IBERSHIP Mayor Martin referred to the intention of Mr. P. R. (Bucl) Taylor, to withdraw from the Parking Corunission upon expiration of his term. Itlr. Taylor, in attendance, confirmed his decision and members of Council corunended the untiring efforts and service rendered by !1r. Taylor in behalf of the Parking District. CIVIC DIND{ER ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Martin announced the scheduling of the following dinner meetings: Annua1 Conunission-Council dinner meeting, Thursday, January 2L, L965, Hyatt House r -..] Annual Auxiliary Fireman-Policeman-Council Dinnermeeting, Thursday, iFebruary 11, 1965, Kimrs Restaurant. VACATiICIES ON COMMI SSIONS The city Manager advised that forthcoming vacancies on CoNnissions include three members of the Civil Service corunission and one member on the Parking Commission. OAK GROVE AVE}IUE-CAI,IFORNIA DRIVE INTERSECTION councilman Crosby advised of an inquiry he has received on the place- ment of traffic lanes at the northerly intersection of California Drive and oak Grove Avenue to permit left-hand turns into Oak crove Avenue. The City Engineer advised that his Office has prepared a preliminary sketch proposing a "stacking lane" similar to that in use at the southerly intersection of California Drive and Oak Grove Avenue. Council requested the City Engineer to submit a further next regular meeting. report at the YOIITH COMMI SSION REPORT Councilman Crosby spoke briefly on his recent attendance at Mateo County Youth Commission meeting and the establishment mental health clinic in the northern area of the county. a San ofa TIDAI ZON]NG In reply to the chairr s j.nquiry, the city Planner advised that a public hearing on "Tidal Zoning" has been scheduled for the regu].ar Planning commission meeting on Decefliber 28, )-964. 129 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was regularly adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, RBERT K. WHITE, CITY CLERKA?PROVED: D. MARTIN, ir,tAYOR