HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1962.08.0644 Burllngame, Cal1forrlla August 6, t95z CAI.I TO ORDER A reg,rlar neetlng of the Burllngame CIty Councll was held on thc above glven d.ate. Heetlng cal-1ed to ord.er at B: 00 p.ro. , - liayor Lorenz ln the Chalr. PLEME OF ALLEGI}.NCE At word fron the Chalr, all 1n the Councll Clsmber arosc and gavc the Pledge of Alleglance to the Flag. POI.I CA.LL Pre sent A bsent - Councllmen:- Councllmen: C ro sby-Jotms on-Ha. rt ln-Fiorgan-Lorenz None }IINUTES PRSVIOUS TiEETTI{G The xolnute s of thc prevlous neetlng of JuLy 16, 1962, subnlttcttto Councll- nembers, wer! approved and adopted on notlon of Councll- Ean Morgan and. seconded by CouncllEan Crosby, wlth an arcndncent tc record that Councllman Johnson 'ras excused. because of vacatlOn. ORDER OF tsUSTIIESS REiER,SED ll:ryor Lorcnz acknowled.ged the presence of a large group of cltlzens.In an announcerdent tllat ilue to h1s reccnt lIIness he vrould be u:r- able to renaln through the entlre Councll proceed-lngs, the Chalr requestetl the lndulgencc of the rpmbers ln reverslng the regular orcLer of buslness ln ord.Cr that hc may vote on several lssues pend.lng. Councll expressed no obJectlon. 1. (HESOLL]TTONS) FIXING ].962-t963 rLx BATts Councllnan l,ia rt ln advlsed that hls orlglnal lntentlon was tolntroduce an a mendment repealing that portlon of the Sales TaxOrdlnarce provld.lrg for the !d1spos1tlon of proceeds:r ho'".rever, upon belng lnfornad by the Clty Attorney that sald. repea)- w111requlre the afflrmatlve vote of at lcast four menbers of ttreCouncll, he was aloubtful of the successful passage of the aEcnd.Dent. fn a prepared. statemcnt c1ar1f Cou-ncl1nun Itartln rcad ( 1n pa. r 1 ) v+ ng hls posltlon on the lssue,as follows: nPrevlous Cou4c11s ha vc commltteal themsclveB, by ordlnance, tothg use ot 50% of the Sal-es Tax r€venue for f,,roierty tax r6ductlon.I have, ln two campalgns stateal that f felt the revenue shoufd. be so app11eai. ft has never been Iny lntentlon, however, to acoonpllshthls actlon by ond.lnence. I alo not bclieve that any leglslatlve boaly shoulal t1e thelr hantls ou flnanclal tratters. Nelther fiR. CroBby or myself were on the Councll rchen the ordlnanoe waa cnacted.rr iln adciltlon to cornlttl-rag 5Ofi of the sa).cs tax revenue to pro-pcrty tax reductlon, prevlous Counclls ha ve proElscd that all t.cv- enuc from parktng metera would be spent for aequlsltlon of parklng lots and po11c1ng parklng areas.rt outurg three adflltlonal prlor oorornl_tments ( 1 ) acqulsltlon of acreage or1 bay front area t l2) $OF tota)- cost of parklrg dls-trlct antl (3) Broadway parklng d.lstr'lct, Councllman Martln statedthat n It ls my posltlon that the prlnary neeal of thc Clty ofBurllngane at thc present tlrne 1s the rehabllltatlon anil safvstlonof thc older shopplng areas . . .n Fron'thc nlnutcs of Nover0ber 1, 196I , wheneln $54orOOO.00 was 45 pledgetl to the Par:klng Dlstrlct' Councllnan Martln stated ifn ioncludlng hls analysls, Counclfnan llartln proposeai. ttpt the Clty contrlbuti approxlmatcli $40o,ooo.o0, of whlch sun $255,000.00, representl:rg the purcha sc of clty-ovmed fots aoqulred for._ off- street pa rkine fattlttles slra11 te lncludeal ancl -credlted.r nlBhls 1s stlll- ny posltlon on thc anount that thould be contrlbutetl to the parklng allstrlct.r lJlth reference to the recent stateacnt of the Parklng Connltteethat the Cltyrs money be mad.e avallable over a perlod of years, CounclLnan !,Iartln expresseil the oplnlon that itt 1s a short- slshted attltude. for the folIowlng reasons: (1) f belleve tfrEt the parklng'dlstrlct w111 bc tlelayetl for several nonths or even years by llttgatlon; (2) Drlng thls pcrlod certaln keylots, whtch are vlta1 to formtlon of thc dlstrlct should be purcha sed by the clty, because parklng tLlstrlct fr.rnds w111 not be avallabLei (3) ff the allstrlct shoulal fall to Daterla]1ze,lt woulat be even more lmportant to purcha se these key lots 1n accord.ance wtth solemr connltnents of prevlous Counclls to the nerchants and to the people of the Clty of Burl lnganeri1t 1s ny studletl oplnlon that a nlnlrun of $175,000.00 should be avallable for the purchasc of these lots tlurtng thls budget year. i Councl1Dan llartln offered. several, alternatc methotls of provldlng funcls for the parklng ttlstrlct proJect In the 1952-)963 budget,pol-ntlng out that the rclty mrst abandon the bulk of lts capltal lnprovements for the next two years.! Councllroan llartln concludeal hls statetrent, aalvlslng that t f hailorlglnally offered one method of ralslng sufflclent funds to honor the Councllrs conmltments, by resclnd.lng the llmltatlon on thc sal-es tax and lncreastng ttre property tax rate by ?ol lnsteadof the 20y' lncrease as presently proposed. ThlB would result lna tax rate sone )4/ undle r the 1950-1o61 rate. Thls suggestton and the alternate that I ha ve offered above are the only methods tiaat f hav-- been ablc to coEe up wlth tllrough my stud.y of thls matter as Chalrran of the pud.get.i CouncllEan l,'iorgan thereafter lntrocluced for passage RESOfUTfOII $0. 43-52 rFlxl ng Tax Rate for _the CLty of Burllngame For the , 1963n ($1 .34 per $roo) seconded bypted by the fol-lowlng Roll CaII vote Flseal Y-ar Endlng June 30Councllman Johnson and a tlo AycB: Councfl-man: Crosby-Johnson-Lorenz-tlorganNoes: CouncllBan: !{artlnAbsent Counclfnen: None Commrnlcatlons from the Burllngamc Park fmprovement C1ub, the Penlnsula Manufacturers Assoclatlon, the Suburban Protectlve,jlssoclatlon of Burl-lnganc and Petltlons, bearlng the slgn.aturesof 1.019 resldents of Burllngarc, opposlng thr enectment of 1eg-ls1atlon resclnailng the allocatlon of 50F of the safes tax rev- enue towaril property tax reductlon werc recelvcd for fl11ng. 2. (0RDTN.ANCES) ARD:IMIISE !fO.76-< nEe peallng Sectlon 11 7l .B ( Sales Tax )meetlng, Ju 3 (COMI,]U].IICATIONS) FEIIDDELING OLD PO] ICE ST.qTION of Clty O rtllnancC C odtf, lntroduced at thc regular]y 15, l)62, was vll thd.rawn for the fack of a notlon A recomnend.atlon from the Clty lilanager, dated August 3 , 1952,that the 'Detalled Plans and Spcelflcatlonsr for the renodcllngof the Old Pollce Bulldlng to house the PublLc Works De,oartracnt, be apcroveal, was hcld for further Councll study. 4.APPEAI, RE. EO}JS TTorr 1142 nAFUCHTNO Counctlmen }lorgan movett that or1 an epnea1 of Councll , the matterof a varlance granted by the Plannlng Commlsslon to Stephen Sacco to bulfd. a flve unlt apartnent on land. zoned R-2 ( 1f42 Capuchlno Avenue) be scheduled for Councll conslderatlon at lts nextregular meetlng, August 20, \962. Thc notlon ra'a s seconcled by Councllnan Johnson and uranlnoue)-y carrled. 46 I{AYOR I.OTENZ EXCUSED :'-RECESS TECIAFED Mayor Lorenz was excused from the rneetlr8 at B:10 p.n. and a short recess d.eclared. CALL TO ORDJR The meetlng was agaln calleci to order by llayor Pro Teorpore Johnson at 8:40 p.m. and the regular order of buslneas rcsunedt. coili,trriiIcATr01IS 2. !-GRB9rrE:rT !.rrTr rDrrAr. .cE}Et{T COMPAITI WI?E'1{E!D A comrurrLcatlon from the Clty l,lanager, d,atcd Augus t 3, t962, ativlsect that an agrcement wlth the Ideat Ccmcnt C oBpany for arx easenent grant to thc Clty for dlke anal roaalway purposea ls lnap.roprlate ord.er and. Lts cxecutloa recoumendctl. CouncllEan Martln expressed. hls uncertain ty relatlve to thc equltableness of the proposed. agreenent anal gucstloncd provlslonsstlpulated therein: (1) SubgratLlng of the roadway by the Clty:(2) the effcct thc proposeiL easement shalf have on tire future usage of the lanal ln thC area of the dump property; (3) the malnterrance of the roaciway by the Clty (unless ten ton trucksare to be used by the Iiteit Cemcnt Co. ) anct t4) the speclflcrequlrenents the Clty rrll-1 be obllgatefl to fuU111 . In reply to the leqlrost of Councllmn Bartln for a c1ar1f1catlon concernlng a tlme l1nlt ln whlch the easeroent shalL bc aledlcated by thc fdeal Cement Co. as a pub11c street, the Clty Attorney relateat the lnclCents occurlng prlor to the preparatlon of thc agrecxaent, advlslng that wben the property 1s lnproved anct thc easeooat 1s offered as a publlc street each party shall be re- qulreal to assune 1ts share of the street luprovemcnt costs, subJect to englnearlng stand.ards . Further d.lscusslon concluded wlth the subJect Datter referred to Councllnan Martln wlth author{zatlon to confer wlth rcpresenta- tlves of the fdcai Cement Co. and to submlt a report to Councll-at a later date. 3. AWAR.D BTD FOR PATROI, CARS WTTHHELD A cotrrorrnlcatlon froE the Clty llhnager, aiated. August 3, 196?, announced. the recelpt of the foflowlng bltls for flve ncw poIlce cars abd. the tradeln of four as folloiis: Bu1Ils ( Chevrolet ) Doane -t':lnto ( Ford ) Burllngame Motors (Pontlac ) $ 8,553 .90 9 ,l?6.t+o1o,535.23 The Clty l,lanager advlsed that the BuIIlafflxed a prlce ad Justnent clause ancl 1 and not to cxceed. the noxt hlghest bld.,that the bld be awartled. hevrol-et Coxopaqy hasts bld. can be @ale flrB wa s hls recoamencla tlonf1 1t Sone questlon arose on the nprlce adJusttrent clauser of the low bldaler wlth Counclf l0enbers expresslng reluetance to accept thebld on the terBs lnd.lcatecl. The subJect was r.eferredt to thc Clty Itianage r for ad.d1t1ona1 report and recoEmendatlon at the next reg-ular rneetlng t August 20, ]-962. 4. RSP0RT RE. FII/E HOUR P}.FI{T}IG Oi'I CHAPTN A\IENTIE A conmunlcatlon from the Clty }Ianager, Cateal Augus t 2, !962, ad- vlsed timt thc Hcalth, Safety and Trafflo Connlsslon, 1n replyto Councllri prevlous request for a report on the subJcct, has recommend.ed ithat flve hour parktng neters are not necessary on Chapln Avenue at thls tlne.n The suggestlon of the Clty Manager that ten hour meters, slro1Iar 47 to tlie use all-ov{ed on Howard Avenue, be p]'aced In front of the vacant lot at the northwest sectlon of Chapln A venuc to a11evlate a parklng probleE ln that vlclnlty, was rcferred to the Chlef of the Pollae Departnent anil to the Dlrector of Trafllc for lnveatl- gatlon and. recomncndat1on. 5 SAI,E OF POL ICE'DfSPATCHfi\iO CONSOLEn I'lITtiiiELD 6. ANi'ItsxArroii poRTroN ARrsBy ESTATE TO CITY CF BURI,T]'IGAIE A recommcn(la t lon from the Clty l{anager, atated August 2, 1962, coa- cernlng the sale of a allscardcd Pol1ce Dlspatchlng Console to thc Town of Hlllsborough ln the sum of $25.00 was held 1n abeyance. A coromu-n1catlon fIom the Plannlng Connlsslon, dsted July 30,1962, ativtsetl tlat at a regular neetlng, thc Conmlsslon conslderetttlie proposaf to anne x a portlon of the Armsby Estate to thc Cltyof Burllngame and to detach a small pareel for annexatlon to the Tovrn of lllllsborough and. by an uranlmous vote, recommendeti thefollowln6i: t(1) A parcel of farat, now a part of the Town of H111sborough, ls propo8eal for annexa tlon to the Clty of 3ur11n- gane and. a sma1I trlangul-ar parccl ls proposed. for annexatlonto the Town of lil1l-sborough. Bhc Co[mlsslon recomrnendB thc approval by the Cor:ncll. It 1s our understand.1ng tLEt the Toun Councll of H11l-sborough has approved 1n prlnctple. (21 A tentatlve map r.rhlch w111 oreate 7 lots, 6 on a turna roundat the enti of Roosevelt Avenue and. 1 on Carmellta Avenue, is recomnend.ccl for approval. i A conmu.rllcatlon concernlng the subJect, was read from the Roosevelt P.T.A. runcler date of July 11, l)62, whereln Councll was ad.vlsed. ttiat ln acldltlon to the Parent-Teachers Assoclatlon of noosevelt School, the }lothErsr Gu11d. of Our Iady of Angcl-s School, the Dad.s r CIub of Rooscvel-t School and a nunber of prl\rate Indl- vld.r.raIs resldlng wlthln the arca of tsurllnganoe between Forest Vlew, H111sldc Drlve, E1 Camlno Real and Alvarad.o Avenuc, were deslrous that approval to the subdlvld.er be delayed to pcrmlt a thouough stutiy to aieterlolne (1) thc partlcular needs of the area r.rlbh respect to provlallng a sns1I park or (2) through negotla-tlons uLth the contrractor, the acqulsltlon of a snall- strlp of 19nd fron Carmellta A venuc to Jackilng Drlve, to provlde for argregn beltr area. A slmllar eomru:rlcatlon was aclmowlcdgeci from J. P. Conkle, 1355 Drake Avenue, Burllngame, a,ilressed. to the hayor. The Clty Englneer presented a tentatlve rap of the portlon pro- posed for annexatlon, for Cou]ncll revlew. fn reply to inqulrlcs of Councllnan Martln, the Plamlng Con-sultant atlvlsetl that only two steps are requlred of Councll onthls oceaslon: (1) approval of the armexatlon and (2) approvalof the tentatlve nap. The Clty Attorney ad.vlseA of the legaL proccalure rcqulred 1n natters of affrexatlon of propertJi, statlng that the armexatlon nuEt be approved. flrst by the San llateo Cormty Bouadary Com-nlsslon. The Clty Attorney further advlsed that Courlcll may act on the tantatlve map, howcver. The Chalr recognlzed !irs. Janes Terry, 1241 ilernal Avenue, who,ln spcaklng ln bchalf of thc aforementloned group, advlsed. thatthe subJcct property has bcen long consldcrcd. as an approprlatepark area to acconodate resldeats ln that sectlon of the Clty and a study was earnestly sollclteal. Councllman Ivlartln, observlng that a alcfernent of actlon 1n ap-provlng the tentatlve nap would. af:'ect a harctshlp on the subdl-vlder, advlsetl that approval to a tentatlve mp ls not f14s1 actlon:lt nay be revlsed. at any tlme prlor to the aceeptance of a flna1map. ft was the reeomnenalatlon of Counclfman l{artln that Councll 48 lnd.lcate 1ts approval to the tentatlve rep and that ln the interlm prlor to thc schcituled. date for a pub]lc hearlng on thc annexatlon, the subJect of provldlng a pa.rk area be throughly explored . Carl- B. Klrker, Consultlng Clv11 Englneer, for the proposed sub- dlvlslon proJect, advlsed that the owners were hopeful that the' arurexatlon would be approvccl by the flrst of September and. an agrc trent entereal lnto thereafter to txtenal Carmellta Avonus. Councllnan Martlnts lnqulry to i1r. Klrker conecrnlng thc wlIl lng- ness of the owncr to reserve that po"tlon to be annexet[ to the Clty of B urllngane as acreagc property was referred to Mr. W1111am l.Iurray, reprc8entlng the suballvldcr, who spoke on the plans for the subd.lvlsLon development and lntlmtcdt that the proposal to reserve a park area may be aoccptable . l,lr. I{umay ancl l,lr. Klrker each conflrned that very lltt1c gra d.lng of the proposcd. subdlvlslon 1,1'a s necessary; that the arca w1]1 renaln 1n lts natural state ult11 alf the hones are constructed. Followlq further d.lscuaslon, Councllnen Martln proposed antlti:ereafter lntrocluced a motlon that C olurcll apnlevs the tenta-tlve trap upon the cond.ltlon that (1,) all lmprovetrents lndlcated.for Rooeevelt A venuc and. (2) all lnter-1ot 1lnes be deleted;furthar, that 1t be so lndlcatedl on one of the tentatlve Baps. The motlon was seconded by Courclloan Crosby anal unanlmousJ.y carrlcd. A comrsunlcatlon fron Laurence F. DaJ, Park Conmlssloner, sub-mlttlng hls reslgratlon as a lDenber of the Park CoBxolsslon, was a oknowl-edged and acceptod on notlon of Courrc11nan !{orggn, seconded. by CourclfEan Crosby and unanlBously carrlecl. fhcClty Clerk was lnstructed to forward a coromrnlcatlon of appre-clatlon to Ivlr. Day. Refcrence was nade to prevlous sugge stlons concernlng the ad.v1sab111ty and aavantagcE of cousolldatlng the Park and. thc R3creatlon Department.r Reference was further made to a sug-gestlon that the tltle of i Parki Conmlsslon be changcal to r i'rcer Comrolsslon. Actlon on Conrlsslon r.eappolntDcnta was held pendlng a report to be subultt.d. b1' the C1t5' 1pr**or on the ipros antl consr of the sugge st1on. a POLTCE STATIOI.J CO ,E,TTON i\TOTICE F]I-ED A n.oo to Counci.l concornln€ the f111ng of a conpletlon notlce onthe nelrly donstnrcted Po11ce Statlon and. eched.ul 1ng August 19,l)62, for the formal ddd.lcatlon of the bulld1ng, was acknowledgeat. Counclloan llartln and Coulcllnan Crosby to bc absent on vacatlonon the occaslon of the ccrenonles, requestea thet thc Clpy U,anagcr co:1vey thelr regrets to thc Chlef of thc Po11ce Dcpartxnent. 3UFJTNGAIT]E A\E].II.IE AREA OF!'STHEET PA RKT!{G DTSTRTCT The Englneer presented hls report pursuant to the lfunlc 1pa1 fmprovement Act ana Rcsolutlon of Intentlorl \to. 2?-62. Ehc Report conslsted. of estlnate of costs andl cxpenses, noaps anddcscrlptlons of acqulsltlons to me naale, Clagran and assessrcnt,plans and speclflcatlons. After d.ua conslderatlon by thc Councll ,the Report was ordercd fl1ed. . R.d SOLUI IOI{ 'rtO. 44-62 nA Resolutlon of Pre1lmlna ry Approval of Englneert s Report Burllngarrc A venue Area Off-Street ParklngDlstrlct'r vtae tntrod.uced for passage on notlon of Councllnan Morgan, second.etl by Councllunn Martln and unanlnousl-y camled. on Ro1l Ca1l of members present. 49 FSSOLUTiON lIO. 45-62 nA Resol-ut1on Ap,oolntlrg Tlme and Place of frcarfng Protests 1n Rclatlon to Proposcd Acqulsltlons and fnprove- ncnts arxd Dlrectlng Notlce B ur]lngame Avenue Area Parklng Dlstrlctn amendeal on 1ts face to scheclule W Lzt}f djay of September, 1952, as the tltrE when counc sider anal act upon the Englnecrrs report, was lntro actoptlon on rootlon of Councllnan Morganr seconded b Crosby anal urcanlnously carrLeal on RoII Ca11 of ne mb 0ff s tre et cdnesday, the 11 w111 con- duceil fory Opuncllmaners prcsent. P,ESOLUTION No - 4C'-62 'r Declarl ng Intentlon to Vacate and Abantlon Dra Urage Easement Over tot 20, fentrar Tcrraec, Burllngame, Ca1lfom1a and schedullng fuesday, September' 4, 1962, as the tLne !o condluot a hearlng on the proposed. \racatlon of salci easercnt, was lntroduced for passage on motlon of Councllmn !,iorgan, second.ott by Collnclfman Crosby antl rmanluously carrleal upon Rol1 Cal1 of nenbers present. RESOLrrTrOi.r NO. 47:5? 'A pprovlng Procedure For fssuance of FJSOLUTIOI{ ]iO 48-62 'i\uthorlzlng Executlon of An Agreement 1'iLJ 1 ylng the Agreement for Speclal and Ad.vlsory Servlces Dated. January 7, l952,i was lntroduced by Councllmn l.lart 1n, who xaoved 1ts passags, sccontletl by Councllnan Crosby and. unanlmously carrleal on Rol], Ca1I of nenbers present. ORDfNAI'JCES - Conslderatlon thereof : oRDINAIicE No. ?6? tAn Ordllnance AEendl ng Dlvlslons 3, 4, and /, A rt-1E1E50, TafX, of the Burllngatre ord.lnance Code and. Pro-vld.lng Procedures For the Recla I slflcatlon of Iand and Fof the Grant of Varlancea" lntroduceil _anai glven flrst readlng at theregular neetlng of July 16, 1962, was schetlul-ed for Raloptlon on thls a1atc. Butlilfne FernffilEcn Plans Submltted. to Bulltltng Inspcctor Before September 6, t96Z rn was lntrod.uced for passage on motlonof Councl l nan I'lorgan, secondeal bi' CouncllEan Crosby anfl r.ur- anlmousl.y aclopted upon Ro11 CaIJ' .of mernbcrs pr'esent. The Chalr recognlzed. A. G. Wcstcott, Preslalent, Suburban Pro- tectlve Assoclatlon of BurllngaEc, $ho entered a serles of obJectlons to provlslons ln the procetluraI Ord.lnance , No, ?62,r'Ilth speclf 1c r"efercnces to Scctlons 1907, L910, 1914. Hr. l,restcott obJecteal to the red.uctlon ln the now ordlnanee ofthe nunber of newspaper pub]-lcatlona requlrcal ln Eatters of hear- lng8 on classlflcatlons anil reclas s lf1catlcns, statlng that t ttre number of publlcatlons should. bc, lf anythlng, lncreased..r The Councll was urged to defer actlon untl1 all lnqu.lrles may bcresolv.d satlsfactorlly. The Plannlng C onsul- tant aalvlscd thet pub11c hearlngs were heldlby the Coru0lsslon subsequent to Cue notlce and e xpIalned the delaytiut woulal occur should the proposed ordhances be amentled and returnecl to the Plarmlng Comnlssl,on. CounclLnan llorgan suggestedt that the protests be submlttecl lnr.rrltlng on thls oecaslon and that upon h1s own Eotlon, he vrouldrefer the obJectlons to the P].annlng Commlsslon. Corrncllnan }iartln stated tt]Et a number of change s ln the newordlnanc:s werc proposcd. to mlntaln a strlcter regulatlon lnbulldlng constructlon 1n thc Clty of Burllngame; a furthcrdelay 1n the ad.optlon of the proposed ord.lnances woultl permlt undcslnable practlces, 1n sone lnstanccs, to contlnue. Frecl W. Lcfuiann, PrcsLdent, Bur1lngarc Park Inprovcnent Clubr!irs. Clarence Rus ctr, 1384 H1llslde Clrcle and R. T. perry, 501 Concoral 'Jay, entered obJectlons to the new code provlslons. Plannlng- Commls slon -Chalrman, Everott Klnd1g, stated that it wasnot tho lntentlon of ttle Comnlsslon to relai - regufatlons butrather to rtlghten up the loopholesir bulfillngs belng erectecl and 50 apDllcltlons be1nc.recelveal under the Drovlslons of the currentoro.lnanoe, are ConErary to fAvorab1e plan:11n9. COnnIssloner Klndlg enphaslzeil the ncedl for a revlslon ln plannlng procealure s. An lno,ulry fron Mr. Howard watklnsor eonccr--lln9 the reductlon 1n the number of publlcatlons requlred, was replleai to by the Clty Attorney ',^rho aCvlseal that the State plannlng lavr has atronalcd 1tg r:gul-atlons wlth respect to mlnlrnrtn preparatlons for pub1lc hear-lngs; tlre ctiange 1n the publlcatlon requlrcment w111 expedlte plannlng procetlures. !'o11oI.r1ng a aaloptlon of 6!neral dl scus s lon o D Ait TT.J 62 A Rolf Ca1l vo e was reco Ayes : Councllmen:Nocs: CouacLl-men:Absent CounclEaen:Abstalnlng : , CouncllEan F1a?tln movedl the secontled by CouncllEan Crosby.as follow8: C rosby-l{art1n llorgan LorcrLz Johnson )absent on the occaaloBof the pubIlc hearlng, July 16, 1962) Ihe Ordlnance was thcreaftcr deolared clefeated. The Clty Attornoy ad.vlseci of the current recodlflcatlon of thcCltyts ordlnances anal thc cffect tho delay 1n the attoptlon ofthe zonlag a nend.nent ordlnance s shall ha ve on thc contract wlth the publ l8hlng company . -{ et j.ng upon advlce fron the Clty Attorney, Councllman }brt1n novcd. that Cour1c11 reconslder lts actlon taken on OREINANCE NO. ?62-, =""ond,ed by Councll-rdan Crosby and unanlnously carrled. An adJourned. me.tlng was scheduled. thereafter for Frlaiay, AUBust70, 1962, ?:30 p.rn., Councll Clranbers, at trlrlch tlme all partl-esr''re lnvlNed to subBlt thelr protests 1n wrltlng, wlth a copyto each Eo rober of the Coulcll, for elraluatlon and subsequerltrefer::al, 1f obJectlons are sustalnod, to the P1annlng Commlsslon. o&lll{AggE ilQ. 76J rAmendl ng Divlslons 10, l-1 , 12 , Artlcle -<0,Part X, ofLlnes, Lot Spacesn lnof July 16 the Burlhgame Ordlnance Cod.e Regulatlng Set Back Coverage, Slde and R6ar Yards and. Autonoblle Parkln€troduced and glven flrst read.lng at the rcgular Ecetlng , L962, was sched.uled for atloptlon on thlg dato. A oonmunlcatlon from W1111am R. Idarcl, 120 Occldenta]. Avenue,protestlng the mlnlmurn tlfunenslons for a slngle garagc or car portset forth 1n Sectlon l97l.l, was acknowledged.. C cunc i 1na n i'lorgan moved. that actlon on 766 b e contlnued. unt1l Frlday, August 10, 19 2, secondetl by Counclltran Crosby and unanlnously carrleai. ORDINANCE I'10 - 754 nAn Ortllnance Repeallng Sectlon 825 of t:ne Ordlnance Cod.e of the Clty of Burllngame' was glven lts socond readlng and upon motion of Councllmn liorgan, seconded by Councll- man Croaby, salal Ordlnance passed lts second read.lng and was ad.opteaL by the fo]lowlr€ vote: Ayes: Courlclf oen: Crosby-Joh,ns on-I'la rt in-I{organ Nocs: CounclLEen: Iione Absent Councllmen: torenz ORDfMSCES - Introduction thereof : ORDII,IANCE il}, ?56 rAn Ordlnance Anendl ng Sectlon 1205.1 (b) of the Burllngane Ord lnance Cotle Rcgulatlng the Establlshtrent -of CrossnaLks on Publlc Streetsi waa lntroduced for flrst read.lng by Councllman }iorgan. CLAIII'S Upon recelpt of advlce fron the Clty Attorrley, actlon on the 51 c1aln of Louls P. and Edlth E. I'lannlnl, was w1thhe1d. The Clalm of Golden 0. Iiodges, Douglas A. Ilagens, 201 Lorton Avenuc, was reJected on ootlon of Counclfna:r I'Iorgan anat secondicl by CounclltrBn Crosby and. unanleou.sly c&rrled. l{oae Ngl.J sUSINESS 1. ?ABK DtsPARTMENT HONOR AWARE The Chalr a cknovrled.ged. the numbe r of flrst, second anci thlrtlprlzes award.ed the Burllngare Park Department ernployees at the San l{ateo Col,.nty Floral Flesta and the Clty Clerk was r.que stealto dlrect a l-etter of conmenalatlon to the Park Superlntendent. The Chalr aci(nowlcaiged the presence of and lntrociuced former Mayor and CouncllEan U. S. Slmontls, Jr., and Flrs. Sllaonds. Fred 'C. Lehman and. H. G, Westcott expressed appreclatlon tothe Cou]lcll for lts courtesy 1n connectlon wlth hearlng thelr protests to provlslons of proposed Ordinancas No. ?52 and No. ADJOURNIIENT The Ee--tlng was regularly aalJoumctt at 11:40 p.m. to meet Frlday August 7-O, ].962, at ?:30 p.n. Respcctfully subnlttcd, ?63. HERBERT K.TiE Clty Clerk APPROVED: OR dr< r/{6=,",*