HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1963.07.01276. CAIJL TO ORDER A regular meeting of given date. Itleeting the Chair. the Burlingame City Council was held on the above called to order at 8:00 p.m., - Mayor ilohnson in At \.rord f ron the Chair, all the Pledge of Allegiance to in the Council Chadber arose the F1ag. and gave Present - Absent Councilmen: Councilmen: Geo rge-Jottn son-Lorenz -I'lartin Crosby CounciLnan crosby, absent from the City and on vacation, was excused upon motion of Councilman Martin and second.ed by Councilman ceorge. ftre minutes of the previous meeting of ilune 17, 1963. were unanirnously approved and adopted with a correction that the name "Adele" be inserted for the name "Gail" (councilman ceorge's daughter.), The paragraph pertaining to the position of the city council on the city-County Civil Defense and Disaster Council Agreement, was rephrased to record that the city Attorney vras requested to review the Agreement to ascertaj.n whether there would be a duplicati.on of expenditures bethreen the County Civil Defense operation and that of the City of Burlingame and the minutes of the Special lleeting of June 22, L963, tere approved thereafter. The City Irlanager iras requested to submit a copy of the minutes of the adjourned meeting of June 23, L963, for approval at the next regular meeting. EEARTNGS 1 (Bel-Mateo Enterprises-Burl ingame Cab Company) Mayor ilohnson announced that this was the time and place scheduled to continue a public hearing on an application filed by the Bel-ltateo Enterprises, Inc., for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to operate taxicabs in the city of Burlingame and fruther, to conduct a public hearing on a similar application filed by the Burlingame Cab company. fhe Attorneys for the reEpective companies, having indicated no objection to the hearings conducted on a simultaneous basis, the following documents and conununications were read into the record: 1. Application Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for Taxicab Permit, sutrnitted and filed ilune 17, 1963, by co-partners proposing to do business under the firm style and name of " BurI ingTame Cab company, " 2. Communication from the City l.lanager, dated June 2A, L963, reporting on the Bel-I'lateo Enterprises application for twenty vehicle permits and the Burlingame Cab Company application for ten vehicle permits; TAXICAB APPLICATIONS Burlingame, California JuJ.y 1, 1963 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CAJ.I, MINUTES 5. Application Certificate Taxicab Permits, filecl by alune 6, 1963. 277 Public Convenience and Necessity for Bel-ljlateo Enterprises, Inc., under date of 3. An Agreement betlreen the Yellow Cab Company and John Ward, Avadis Portoian, Robert Portoian and Fred Alpen (the latter nor^r proposing to do business under the name of " Burl ingame Cab Companyt " 4. A conmunication from Fred V. Azevedo and Evelyn J. Lorton, DBA Yellow cab Company, dated June 24, 1963; and of the Mr. Eugh Connolly, Attorney, representing the Bel-Uateo Enterprises, Inc., stated that if the certificate as requested is approved, his clients shall continue, as vre1l as irnprove, the current service; the applicants sha1l maintain, the existing telephone nurnbers, the free telephone service from taxi stands, a waiting room on a t$renty-four hour basis, shall install tlro-way radios in all cabs and shall make a capital investnent by purchasing eguipment in the City of Burlingame. Mr. Connolly observed that his clients are experienced in taxicab management, while the opposing company's experience is ljmited sole1y to eab operation; the opponents would experience considerable delay in obtaining a listed telephone number and in the installation of two-way radios. On the subject of the latter, !1r. Connolly advised that the Chi.ef of Police has indicated that it sha1l take four men to station a twenty-four hour two-way radio service. A point was emphasized by Mr. Connolly that in the event of a police emergency, one person assigned to supervi.se the taxicabs can be con- tacted easily by the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police's comments with respect to the subj ect hrere briefly reviewed by t!r. Conno11y. Ir{r. Connolly, concluding his presentation, sununarized the position of his clients, the Ye1low Ca.b Company, the Checker Cab Company and the Bel-ltateo Enterprises, Inc., and commented on the reputation emjoyed by each and the effect a reverse decision may have on the citizens of the City of Burlingame. ![r. llerschel Canpbell, Attorney for the Bel-Mateo Enterprises, Inc., gave a brief resume on the character and experience of his clients and the successful operation of their taxicab business in the City of San llateo; that if the conpany is pemitted to locate in Burl ingane, the taxicabs will be operated and maintained in this City; that the proposed method of radio dispatching shall provide a rapid service to the public as well. as to the local authorities, if needed. Referring to an alleged inference that the applicants vrere attempting to create a monopoly with respect to the taxicab operation, It{r. Campbell advised to the contrary, stating that his clients brere interested primarily in providing a modern, efficient and satisfactory service to the City of Burlingame. Proponents on the application for the Bel-Irlateo Enterprises, Inc., were invited to speak first. Ihe attention of the Council was drawn to the agreement betvreen the o\^rners of the Yellow Cab Company and the now opposing applicants, wherein each voluntarily and mutually agreed to specific conditions; that each hrere approached and did consent thereafter to sell their respective cab and to conE[ence emplo]rment with the Be1-Uateo Enterprisest that upon notification to terminate the service (in accordance with terms of agreement) the cabs were permitted to remain on the street, with the prospective new corporation (Bel-uateo) secure in the knowledge that the parties to the proposed transition were in complete agreement. 278 There being no further comnents either from proponents or opponents, corununications in protest thereof were acknowledged and read from the following: Keith's Chicken and Steak Eouse, 1OOI California Drive, Bridges Tire and Wheel Co., 1099 California Drive, Avenue Pharmacy, 1201 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame Smoke Shop, 299 California Drive, K & K Speedometer Serviee, 1045 Carmelita Avenue, Ihomas lrlilson, She11 Service, 1490 Burlingame Avenue, Noel L. Mi11er Automotive Service. 128 Calj-fornia Drive, Schlegel's Restaurant and llrs. Linda Stephenson. Ihe Chair under the invited proponents for the petitions name of the "Burlingame Cab Company " proposing to do business to conunent. Mr. Hugh Mullin, Attorney, representi.ng the Burlingame Cab Company, announced the withdrawal of applicant Robert Portoian, 2217 fhurm, Belmont, and stated that the three rernaining applicants would con- stitute the proposed cab company. Itlr. ltulLin referred to the written agreement between his clients and the Yellow Cab Company, that the latter in effect, did not operate more than the one cabi that it has been proven that his clients have operated successfully; that in exercising their right to "free enterprise" it is not the concern of the opposition to question their executive ability; that his clients have no objection to competition with a rival company i that the cabs purchased are considered their personal property and on that basis, an application for permission to continue their transporta- tion service, has been filed. With respect to !lr. Robert E. Jenning's offer of employment and the purchase of their taxicabs and their subsequent approval, lur. titull in advised that at the time of said offer, his clients vrere not aware of the privilege of applying independantly for a Certificate to continue their taxicab service. Mr. Mullin referred to a cofltrnunication received from the General Electric Company, in response to a request from one of his clients, quoting a lease-conditional sales price for a radio conununication system, designed to cover a proposed service area, in addition to an area that may expand in the future. Ihe conrnunication was placed on file with the City c1erk. In concluding his presentation, Itlr. llullin advised that the average monthly maintenance to operate a taxicab approximates 9175.OO to $200.00;the cabs will be Burlingame owned, Burlingame maintained and that the application submitted therefor requests a certificate to permit the operation of a total of five taxicabs. A Financial Statenent on each of the three applicants was filed with the City Clerk. lltrere being no further proponents or opponents and no comrnunications with respect to the application of the " Burlingame cab company " a period of rebuttal by the tlro attorneys ensued. From a series of questions posed by l,layor Johnson to the attorneys for the two applicants, council was advised by l,tr. Connolly that with the large investment proposed, it would not be feasible, economically, to operate within the City of Burlingame if his clients were faced with competition; that radios would be installed in all the vehicles -(currently in Checker cabs, none in Yellow Cabs;) and that taxicab stands, with telephone service, would be maintained in lilorth Burlingame at the Broadway Depot and at the Burlingame Plaza (proposed). !lr. llullin advised that the ceneraL Electric company (conununication dated JuIy 1, 1963) has advised that an authorized service station in this area is in a position to install a radio corununication system dtren contacted. 27tJ^ In reply to the Ctrair, the City Attorney advised of Ordinance procedure with respect to the issuance of certificates, the limitation of the nuniber of permits, the sale or replacement of taxicabs and the rate of fares deteranined by Council . Mrs. Evelyn Lorton, co-o$rner of Yel1ow Cab company, replied to the inquiries of Councilman George, advising that a v/ritten notice to terminate the business was given to the opposing applicants; however, in view of the bus strike, the cabs were pe!.rnitted to continuei if the new company is not granted a certificate and the previous parties terminate the present agreement, the Yellow Cab Company wilL continue to operate. In reply to !lrs. Lorton's inquiry concerning the position of the Yellow Cab Company, the City Attorney advised that if the "Burlingame Cab Company" were granted per:nits, the Yellow cab company, in order to continue its operation, will be required to replace its cabs within a period of forty-five days, as set forth in tfie Ordinance requirements. Also in reply to Councilman George, Mr. lttullin advised that the three remaining applicants (Burlingane Cab Company) anticipate the formation of a partnership and to naintain the four cabs currently in their possession. A reference to the minutes of June 17, made by Councilman George, wherein it was recorded that "Mr. Connolly indicated no objection to permits being granted to the four gentlemen, provided his clients are granted a certificate to operate twenty vehicles, " ilr. Connolly advised to the contrary, alleging that a misunderstanding occurred with respect to hi. s statements. At the request of Councilman l{artin, the City Attorney read fron sections of the Ordinance Code and advised that the application of the Bel-Mateo Enterprises, Inc., includes a liability insurance policy far in excess of code requirements. Councilman Marti.n, in corunenting on tlre non-transferability of permits, raised a point with respect to the legality of the Yel1ow Cab Company to enter into an agreement as previously described. lfhe City Attorney advised as to his uncertainty on this point and confirmed that "no one has the right to seIl his petmits." Councilman Uartin's question with respect to "t hat the Bel-Mateo Company is buying" uras ansqrered by Ur. Connolly, who stated that his clients are purdrasing "good will and a business that has been established, provided a certificate is issued to operate the business." Ihe subject was continued, each indicating the desire to operate within the city with !1r. Ilerschel Campbel l of their clients to obtain of Burlingame. and Mr. Connolly exclusive permits RECESS A recess was declared by the Chair at 1O:45 p.m. CAI-,L TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 1I:OO p.m., and the public hearing continued. Councilman Martin, stating his position on the subject, advised that he would favor the issuance of fourteen permits to the Bel-Mateo Enterprises, Inc., and the issuance of four to the Burlingame Cab Company and thereafter requested the views of both Council and the two applicants. !1r. !1u11in, speaking in behalf of his clients, stated he had no objectionto competition and would accept a certificate for four permits to operate the cabs, complete with two-way radios; that a partnership composed of the three applicants would be formed to be officially known and doing business as the "Burlingane Cab Company.,, Mr. Connolly, subsequent announced the withdrawal Enterprises, Inc. a brief conference with his clients, the application filed by ttre Bel-It{ateo for the next regular meeting of to of A motion was introduced by Councilman l.lartin that a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity providing for the issuance of four permits be granted to Avedis Portoian, F. w. Alpen and John ward (Burlingame Cab Company ) effective upon the date a satisfactory policy of liability insurance is filed with the City C1erk and with a condition that radio equipment be installed within a period of one hundred and tvrenty days- 1rtre motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. Councilman Martin recommended, with Council eoncurring, that a public hearing be scheduled to determine whether certificates for permits issued to the Yellow Cab Company and the Checker Cab Company some years prior, should be cancelled, suspended or revoked. A hearing was Council , aIuly scheduled thereafter 15, 1963. Ur. Connolly confintred the withdrawal of the application for a Certificate by his clients and the Chair, ia behalf of Council, ordered the request of the withdrawal of the application of Bel-I'lateo Enterprises, Inc., granted. 2. BURLINGAI,TE SHORE I,AND COUPAIiIY VARIANCES A public hearing on the variance request of the Burlingame Shore Land Company was continued to JuIy 15, 1963. COT.INC ILMAN LORENZ EXCUSED Councilrnan Lorenz was excused by the Chair at 11:10 p.m. COMI{I'N ICAT IONS 1. BURLINGAITIE HILLS SEWER RATE CHANGE A corrnunication from the City Manager dated ilune 2A, 1963, advising of an amended agreement for sewer service rates for Burlingarne IIilIs was acknowledged. RESOLUTION NO. 44-63 "Authorizin g E:<ecution of Supplemental Agreetnent for Increase of Sewer Service Charges within the Burlingame Hi1ls Sewer Maintenance District" was introduced for passage on motion of Councilman Martin. seconded b,}r council:nan George and unanimously adopted upon RoII Ca1l of members present. 2. PARKING LIMITATIONS BETWEEN II{URCHISON-TROUSDALE A conununication from the city Manager, dated June 2A, L963, advised that the owners and tenants abutting the west side of California Drive, between lr{urchi son and Trousdale Drives have petitioned for a parking restriction and the Police Departrent upon an investigation, has recotnmended a one-hour parking regulation on that block. Council concurring with the recomnendation of Councilman Martin that a t\"/o-hour parking regulation be created for the area in question, the city Attorney was thereafter requested to PrePare Legislation for Council action at the next regular meeting. JuIy 15, 1963. 3. INSPECTION 925 BAYSWATER AVENUE Council acknowledged on the inspection of a report f rom the city lrtanager, dated iFune 925 Baysarater Avenue (Burlingame Materials 2A, L963, co. ) 280 281 advising that the owner has indicated that specific conditions to irnprove the property shall be conunenced and completed within a period of two moths. The city llanager was requested subject property and to submit proposed for the property - to continue his observation of the to Council a copy of the improvements 4. RESrrBDrvrsroN r,oTs 5-6, E! Qll4l{rrq 4CBEE 2 A communication from the city Planner, dated June 26, L963, advised that subsequent to a public hearing and discussion, the Planning Corunission voted to recorunend that the request of ur. ilohn Peyton to subdivide his property, Lots 5 and 6, El Quanito Acres into four lots be denied. A description of the property, the nudber of considerations as required by code, includi:tg "general character of the neighborhood, fitness of plan to surrounding properties, accessibility by safety services, traffic needs" vrere set forth in the conununication. Corununications vrere also acknowledged from Louis A. Arata, Engineer for the proposed resubdivision, dated June 28, 1963, appealing the decision of the Planning Conunission and from Fir-Lean Company, dated June 26, 1963, requesting an easenrent exchange for roadway ingress and egress across a portion of Lot 5, El Quanito Acres No. 2. fhe subject of the easement hras referred to the Planning Corunission for recomnendation to Council and a public hearing on the proposed resubdivision set for Council hearing, August 5, 1963. 5. REPORT ON BERII,I CONSTRUCTION ETC. A meno from the City tlanager, dated June 28, 1963, attaching a copy of the Regional Water Pollution Control Board's action with respect to the dumping operations of the City and the filing of a comp].aint against the City with the Office of the Distri.ct Attorney, was adcnowledged and authorization requested by the City Uanager to continue the construction of a road encircling the dunp in an effort to devrater the area, was approved by Council . Ihe report was placed on file. 6 . PI'BI",IC TRANSPORTATION REQUEST A conununication was read from Ur. Silvest N. Scherer, 2704 llillside Drive, suggesting that the City investigate means whereby a loca1 bus serviee may be placed into service. fhe City Planner offered interested in providing some publicity be given suggestion that a private industrial may be internal system and it $ras recommended that the subject. acquisition of property the City lrlanager, in a a an to 7. CATIFORNIA DEVEIOPI{ENT PLAN fhe Chair acknowledged receipt of a brochure entitled "California state Development PLan. " 8. POLICE DEPARTII'IENT COMI4ENDED A communication was acknowledged from lrlr. and Itlrs. R. C. Theuer, 625 Burlingame Avenue, expressing appreciation and thanks to medbers of the Burlingame Police Department for their assistance following a motor car accident. A report on the progress being made torrard the in the Parking District progrErm, was read from memo dated June 28, 1963. 9. REPORT ON PARKING DISTRICT PROGRESS RESOIUTION NO- 45-63 "A Re solution Authorizing settlement of parcels IN and 2N, District No. I,, (Uabet Guthrie, 159 Highland Avenue) wasintroduced for passage on motion of counciLman t{artin, seconded bycouncilman George and unanimously carried upon rorl carl of mernberspresent. RESOLUTION NO. 46-63 "Authoriz ing and Directing Sale of SurplusPersonal Property" (1926 !{ack pumper truck) was introduced forpassage on motion of councilman l{artin, seconded by councilman Georgeand unanimously adopted upon roll call of merubers present. RESOLLEION NO. 47-63 "Authorizin g Acceptance of crant Easement From\,an and Co., a lj-nited Partnership, liitten Inveatrent, a generalpartnership, David R. peery, a single man, dated .Iune 29, 1963, "was introduced by Councilman ceorge and unanimously adopted by roIIcall of mernbers present. ORDINAIICES - Consideration thereof: ORDINA}ICE NO. 78O 'Ad opting By Reference 1961 Edition of UniformBuilding Code with Amendments and Farmer's Bulletin No. 1638 of the United States Department of Agriculture, and Amending Article 55of the City of Burlingame Ordinance Code establishing Rules, Regulations and Standards for Building Construction and the lrtoving of Buildings and Providing Penalties for the Violation fhereof,, wasgiven its second reading and upon motion of Councilman Uartin, seconded by Councilman George, said ordinance passed its second reading and was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: councilmen: Noess Councilmen: Absent Councilmen: George, ltartin , alohnson. None Crosby, Lorenz. Reference r,*as made by the Chair to Legislative Bills S.M. 344 (Gas Tax Program) and A. B. 1873 (Tideland Prograrn) and correspondence urging endorsement by Council . Councilman ceorge moved that Council endorse "S. B. 344" and to notify the Governor, seconded by Councilman Johnson and carried, Councilman Martin voting "no. " so with Councilman George moved that a communication be fon arded to Governor Brown. urging the approval of A. B. 1873, adding sections authorizing cities and counties to drain and to irnprove private lands, seconded by Councilman ilohnson and carried, with Councilman Martin voting "no." T,AIFINISHED BUSINESS 1. T'NIFIED DISASTER-CIVIL DEFENSE AREA PROGRAM Councilman George reported in some detail on his attendance at two recent meetj.ngs with respect to the proposed City-County Civil Defense and Disaster organization and his conclusion that it may be to the advantage of the city to participate, with no financial obligation to be assumed by the City during the first year. 1J,8.2 RESOLUTIONS NEW BUSINESS BILLS BEFORE ],EG ISLATURE 283 Councilman George spoke on the creation of a budget committee within the organization, the designation of the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors as Chair:rnan of said conmittee and the County's pledge to contribute funds up to $50,000.OO, with details on fund contributions by cities to be determined at a later date. Following further discussion, the City C1erk was requested by the Chair to place the subject of the City's participation in the San !{ateo County Civil Defense and Disaster organization on Council agenda, August 5, 1963. ACKNOWLEDGMINTS The Chair acknowledged receipt of Minutes from the Planning Conunission, the Library Board and the Health, safety & Traffic Conunission and comrnented on the success of the recent Hard Court Tennis Tournament. ANNOT'NCE}IENTS Councilman George consented to serve as the Council's liaison to the Planning Corunission, until such time as Councilman Lorenz is in a position to attend. 1rtre Chair announced that she would represent the Council at appropriate functions of the Burlingame Chamber of Comnerce. Councilman Martin advised that Council , as well as appropriate departments would be consulted soon with respect to improvements to be placed on lots within the Parking District and to resolve sudr questi.ons as: (1) Proper parking angle and (2) metering or non-metering of 1ots. Councilman llartin's inquiry concerning a variance granted to Ur. George Stamatis, for permission to construct an apartment on Eillside Drive and El Camino Real with parking and rear yard setbacks in conflict with the current ordinance requirements, was replied to by the City Planner who explained the hardships experienced bV the applicant. Councilman Iqartin moved that Council , by its own motion, appeal the decision of the Planning Cormnission and that the subject be heard before the Council at the next regular meeting, iluly 15, 1963. The motion was seconded by Councilman George and unanimously carried. The meeting was regularly adjourned at 12:15 a.m Respectfully submitted, APPROVED:HERBERT K. WHITE, CIIY CLERK MAYOR OFF-STREET PARKING DISTRICT II.{PROVEI-IENPS VARIANCE - HILLSIDE AND EL CAI{INO REAL (Starnatis property) ADJOURNI4ENT '/l